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Smoke and Heat Ventilation

Pneumatic - Electronic
Control Systems

Installation and Operation

Version 3/15

SHEVS Control Centre

RWZ 4 d

G 513007


EN 12101-10:2005
Class A
0786-CPR-50643 (14)

K + G Tectronic GmbH • In der Krause 48

52249 Eschweiler • Deutschland / Germany
. +49 (0) 24 03 / 99 50 - 0 • ; +49 (0) 24 03 / 655 30
_ • #

GRASL Pneumatic-Mechanik GmbH • Europastraße 1

3454 Reidling • Österreich / Austria

. +43 (0) 22 76 / 21 200 - 0 • ; +43 (0) 22 76 / 21 200 - 99

_ • #
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

1 Concept of Control Centre................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Options / Accessories ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Putting into service / putting out of service ................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Installation / putting into service ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Putting out of service .................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Features and Controls ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Indicators / control elements of the Control Centre ...................................................................................... 4
3.2 Selectable functions ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Indicators / functions of the manual call points ............................................................................................ 5
3.4 Alarm functions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.4.1 Manual call points, automatic fire detectors and Fire Alarm Control Panel ....................................... 6
3.4.2 Repetition of OPEN cycle in case of alarm........................................................................................ 6
3.5 Ventilation functions ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.5.1 Manual ventilation .............................................................................................................................. 6
3.5.2 Setting the ventilation position h ..................................................................................................... 6
3.5.3 Setting the ventilation time D ........................................................................................................... 6
3.5.4 Ventilation buttons with indication of position OPEN A ................................................................... 7
3.5.5 External Wind and Rain Control (WRC) ............................................................................................ 7
3.5.6 Internal Wind and Rain Control (option WRM) .................................................................................. 7
3.6 Repetition of CLOSE cycle ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 Mains failure ................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.8 Alarm and malfunction forwarding (option PK) ............................................................................................. 8
3.9 Controlling external warning devices (option WTM) ..................................................................................... 8
4 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Detection of fault / troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 10
5.1 General information .................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Indications of the service display................................................................................................................ 10
6 Technical data .................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Version ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Performance data and characteristics ........................................................................................................ 11
7 Terminal and layout diagrams from A - 1

Please read all information given in these instructions very carefully.

Only skilled personnel are permitted to work on the Control Centre!

Key to pictograms:
button / travel command
o = trouble-free operation a =
OPEN S = warning tone / buzzer
button / travel command
r = alarm z =
CLOSE l = beacon

s = malfunction A = position OPEN h = ventilation position

9 = maintenance W = wind D = ventilation time

R = rain
Fire Alarm Control Panel
T = automatic fire detector t = manual call point Y =

RWZ4dA31.docx Errors and omissions excepted Ver. 3/15 Mo 12 Mar. 2015

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

1 Concept of Control Centre

● Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation System (SHEVS) Control Centre for the connection of 24 V- actuators
● VdS approved (to VdS 2581 and VdS 2593)
● Internal power supply designed and certified to DIN EN 12101-10
● Control unit designed and tested to prEN 12101-9
● One SHE group, three signal lines:
− Line T 1: Automatic fire detectors
− Line t: Manual call points RT 2 as
a) Main alarm point with indicators operation o, alarm r, malfunction s and button Reset r. Con-
nection of main alarm point with mini buzzer S (alarm / malfunction) and indication of position A also
b) Secondary alarm point with indicator alarm r
− Line T 2: connection of a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) or additional automatic fire detectors
● Reset the alarm / detector using the button in the main alarm point or in the Control Centre
● Selectable functions:
− “Auto close” (automatic closure after resetting an alarm)
− “Malfunction = Alarm” (alarm upon malfunction of a signal line)
− “Automatic OFF” (automatic travel commands - apart from the alarm - are disabled)
− “Thermal alarm” (alarm on exceeding an enclosure inside temperature of 70 °C)
− “2-detector-dependency” (2-detector-dependency for automatic fire detectors in line T 1)
● Possibility of connecting ventilation buttons, also with indication of position A
● Adjustable ventilation position h and ventilation time D
● Possibility of connecting a Wind and Rain Control (WRC), e.g. type WRS (for each SHEVS Control Centre to
be controlled, a separate contact is required). Optionally internal Wind and Rain Control
● Possibility of connecting a malfunction contact (e.g. from an incoming air control)
● Indicators operation o, alarm r and malfunction s in the enclosure door
● Internal service display for detailed status information during installation and maintenance
● Plug-in connection terminals (apart from actuator output)
● The use of K + G / Grasl actuators is recommended. When driving third-party actuators, compatibility is to be
checked! Also note Section 6 “Technical data”
● Actuator specification: 24 V actuators, travelling time for full stroke at rated load (total travelling time) < 4 min.
● Actuators must be suitable for the repetition of OPEN and / or CLOSE cycle (see 3.4.2 / 3.6)
● Upon direct change of the sense of travel, the actuators are briefly stopped before changing the sense
● Sheet steel enclosure, light grey (RAL 7035)

1.1 Options / Accessories

● PK: One potential-free contact (PFC) each for alarm / malfunction forwarding
● WTM: Outputs for controlling external warning devices in case of alarm or malfunction (e.g. multiple-tone
sounder MS and beacon BL)
● WRM: Internal Wind- and Rain Control
− Actuators are automatically closed on response of WRM. Connection of wind sensor WM and / or rain
sensor RS is required (accessory)
− Direct connection of the sensors on the module in the Control Centre. No external WRC required
− Sensitivity of the sensors is adjustable
− The closing command remains active as long as a sensor responds, but for at least 6 minutes
− Indicators for wind W and rain R on the module
i As there are no corresponding regulations, the optional boards WRM and WTM are not VdS approved. How-
ever their usage does not affect the VdS approval of the Control Centre, since interactions have been
checked and excluded during the approval process.

2 Putting into service / putting out of service

Work at the Control Centre may be performed only by qualified personnel!
Before starting any work it is mandatory to deflect static charge!
We do not assume any guarantee or liability for defects caused by faulty connection.
i Planning and installation of SHEVS require observation of the following rules, as far as applicable: national
building codes / model building code and regulations of the local building and fire safety authorities, VDE reg-
ulations (particularly VDE 0100, 0108 and 0833), VdS Guidelines 2098 and 2221, DIN 18232 and EN 12101,
DIN 4102, model line systems policy.

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

2.1 Installation / putting into service

! Perform work at the Control Centre only in deenergised condition!
Actuators may not be driven with external power supply (e.g. external accumulators), if they are already con-
nected to the Control Centre. This can lead to defects in the power output of the Control Centre.
● Fasten the enclosure securely using suitable mounting material. Pass the connection cables through the
holes provided.
● Perform the functional setting (see 3.2). Wire the Control Centre according to the terminal diagrams enclosed.
● Turn on line voltage. The indicators and the service display light up briefly. Afterwards the indicator s flickers
for about 15 s (calibration process). If the indicator s is permanently lit, there is a malfunction in a signal line
(see 5). The service display remains on for 120 s.
● Insert the accumulators in the enclosure and connect them as illustrated on the “Line voltage, mounting, ac-
cumulators” plan.
● The indicator o lights up, the indicator s extinguishes, the system is ready for operation. If malfunction is
still displayed, follow the instructions in Section 5 “Detection of fault / troubleshooting”. If necessary, put the
Control Centre out of service once again (see 2.2).
● While putting into service, check all functions and indicators of the Control Centre and its components. The
individual functions are described in Section 3 (also simulate malfunctions and check detection, see 5).
● Following putting into service completely close all actuators (if necessary, press button z).
i After about 24 hours continuous operation without mains failure, the accumulators are sufficiently charged to
achieve the full standby time during mains failure.

2.2 Putting out of service

● Disconnect accumulators from Control Centre (e.g. remove accumulator connection line or fuse F2).
i Charged accumulators have a shelf-life of about 6 months. For longer storage, they must be recharged.
● Turn off the line voltage.

3 Features and Controls

Before touching the control elements in the Control Centre it is mandatory to deflect static charge!

3.1 Indicators / control elements of the Control Centre

● Indicators on the main board:
− o (green): Trouble-free operation. Extinguishes when a malfunction is detected.
− r (red): Alarm.
− s (yellow): Malfunction.
− w (blue): Wind- and Rain Control is active.
− 9 (blue): Maintenance is due (flashes) or Maintenance mode enabled (is lit).
− 8 (red): Service-Display, see 5.2.
− a / z (blue): Travel command active in OPEN / CLOSE direction
● Indicators in the enclosure door: The indicators o, r and s described above are also available in the
enclosure door.
● Control elements on the main board:
− Button Reset r (red): Reset the alarm function.
− Button Reset S (yellow): Switch off the warning tone.
− Button h (ventilation position) and potentiometer D (ventilation time): see 3.5.2 and 3.5.3.
− Button Test r: Activate the alarm test function for maintenance purposes. PFC r (PFC alarm) and
buzzer S are not enabled.
− Button µC-Reset: Only for servicing purposes.

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

3.2 Selectable functions

● “Auto close” DIP switch S1-1:
In position ON, the actuators are automatically closed after resetting a pending alarm. It cannot be ventilated
up to 4 minutes during response of the function.
Factory setting: ON (automatic closure is enabled).
● “Malfunction = Alarm” DIP switch S1-2:
In the ON position, the alarm function (see 3.4) is activated upon malfunction of a signal line. After eliminating
the malfunction, the alarm is reset by pressing the button Reset r in a main alarm point or the Control Cen-
Factory setting: OFF (no alarm in case of malfunction).
● „Automatic OFF“ DIP-Schalter S1-3:
In position ON, the following automatic functions are disabled: Auto Close, ventilation position and ventilation
time, repetition of CLOSE cycle and closing on mains failure or active wind and rain control. Actuators oper-
ate during ventilator operation only as long as a button a / z is pressed.
Factory setting: OFF (Automatic enabled).
● “Thermal alarm” DIP switch S1-4:
In position ON, the alarm function (see 3.4) will be activated when exceeding an enclosure inside temperature
of 70 °C.
Factory setting: OFF (no alarm when exceeding 70 °C).
● “2-detector-dependency” DIP switch S1-5:
In the ON position, two automatic fire detectors must have responded in line T 1 before the alarm function
(see 3.4) is activated. An alarm in line t / line T 2 is not affected.
The pre-alarm is activated as soon as the first automatic detector responds. The status lights r on the board
and the manual call points flash; main alarm points with buzzer S (RT 2-*-AA) emit an interrupted warning
tone. Recalibration takes place automatically as soon as the switch position is altered (see 2.1).
Factory setting: OFF (no 2-detector-dependency in line T 1).
! Observe altered terminating resistance when function is enabled (see terminal diagram).

3.3 Indicators / functions of the manual call points

● For activation and reset, see 3.4.
● Indicators:
− o (green, RT 2-*-BS): Trouble-free operation. Extinguishes when a malfunction is detected.
− r (red, RT 2-*): Alarm.
− s (yellow, RT 2-*-BS): Malfunction (see also 5).
● Button Reset r (red, RT 2-*-BS): Resetting the alarm function (accessible after opening the door with a
● Manual call point with buzzer S for audible alarm and malfunction signalisation (RT 2-*-BS-AA):
The buzzer emits a continuous warning tone in case of alarm, and an intermittent warning tone in case of pre-
alarm or malfunction.
By pressing the button Reset S (yellow) the warning tone is turned off.
● Manual call point with indication of position (RT 2-*-BS-A):
The status light A (yellow) lights up when a travel command is executed toward OPEN.
The status light goes out after the closing time for a travel command toward CLOSE (up to 4 minutes).

3.4 Alarm functions

During the execution of an alarm function the ventilation functions are disabled.
Alarm function: Upon detection of an alarm, the actuators are completely opened and indicators r show the
alarm condition. Main alarm points with buzzer S (RT 2 -*- AA) emit a continuous tone.
Resetting the alarm function: Resetting is done by briefly pressing the button Reset r in a main alarm point
or the Control Centre. Then the indicators r and the buzzer S will be switched off.
i Further alarm functions (“Malfunction = Alarm”, “Thermal alarm”, “2-detector-dependancy”, “Auto close”), see
3.2, forwarding alarm / malfunction message, see 3.8, controlling external warning devices, see 3.9.
If it is closed after reset of an alarm by pressing the button z, it can be manually ventilated again only after up
to 4 minutes.

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

3.4.1 Manual call points, automatic fire detectors and Fire Alarm Control Panel
● Manual call points: For manual alarming, break open the glass of the manual call point and press the control
button until the indicator r confirms the detection of the alarm.
For maintenance work, the door of the manual call point can be opened with a key.
● Automatic fire detectors: The alarming takes place automatically based on smoke and / or heat detection
depending on the detector type.
After resetting, if an automatic fire detector responds again, repeat the reset step (smoke particles may still
be present in the detector).
● Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP): When the FACP generates an alarm, the alarm function is activated.
Resetting of the alarm is done at the FACP.

3.4.2 Repetition of OPEN cycle in case of alarm

● The OPEN command is executed over a period of 30 minutes as follows to ensure opening of the actuator in
case of alarm, even at adverse circumstances (e.g. frozen seals):
The actuators travel in the OPEN direction for 2 minutes, briefly in the CLOSE direction and following for 2
minutes in the OPEN direction once again, and so on.

3.5 Ventilation functions

i The ventilation position, the ventilation time and the wind and rain control are disabled if the function “Auto-
matic OFF” is enabled (see 3.2). Actuators only operate as long as a button a / z is pressed.
! When performing ventilation functions, do not exceed the duty cycle of the actuator output and the actuators.

3.5.1 Manual ventilation

● After briefly pressing a ventilation button (a / z), the actuators travel up to the end position or the set ventila-
tion position h (see 3.5.2). Pressing it again stops the actuators. By pressing the button for the reverse
sense of travel, the travel direction is reversed after a short stop.
● When pressed longer (> 1 s), the actuators travel as long as the button is pressed. It can also be travelled up
to the end position or the set ventilation position (see 3.5.2).

3.5.2 Setting the ventilation position h

● Set the travel time toward OPEN and CLOSE to define the desired ventilation position.
Factory setting: 15 s travel time OPEN, 30 s travel time CLOSE.
i Return to factory settings: Press button h for longer than 3 s. The display briefly shows L.
Disable the ventilation position: Press button h for longer than 6 s. The display briefly shows ?.
● Setting the travel times: Briefly press button h to enter programming mode (display: L).
− Open the actuators by briefly pressing the button h or a ventilation button a. Press the button once more
when desired ventilation position is reached.
− Close the actuators by briefly pressing the button h or a ventilation button z. Press the button once more
when all actuators are completely closed. The display L extinguishes.
− The actuators automatically travel to the ventilation position for verification and then close again.
i This setting can only be made when the system has no malfunctions and WRC is not active.
Initially, all actuators must be entirely closed.
Programming mode is cancelled automatically after 6 minutes without button activity or manually by dou-
ble-clicking on the button Reset S.
Use the button h to set if a changeover contact is used for ventilation.

3.5.3 Setting the ventilation time D

● Use a screwdriver on potentiometer D to set ventilation time to between 5 and 30 minutes. The actuators
close automatically at the end of the set time. Turn left to disable ventilation time (= factory setting).

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

3.5.4 Ventilation buttons with indication of position OPEN A

● The indicator A (LT-*- A) lights up when a travel command is executed toward OPEN.
The indicator goes out after the closing time for a travel command toward CLOSED (up to 4 minutes).

3.5.5 External Wind and Rain Control (WRC)

● If the Wind and Rain Control responds, the actuators are automatically closed. The ventilation functions are
disabled. The indicator w on the main board lights up, until the WRC releases the ventilation functions once
again. An alarm has priority.

3.5.6 Internal Wind and Rain Control (option WRM)

● If the internal Wind and Rain Control responds, the actuators are automatically closed. The ventilation func-
tions are disabled. The indicators W and / or R on the module and the indicator w on the main board light
up, until the ventilation functions are released once again. An alarm has priority.
● The sensitivity of the sensors can be adjusted with a screwdriver at the potentiometers W and R on the mod-
− Rotating clockwise increases the sensitivity.
− Rotating counterclockwise reduces the sensitivity.
Factory setting: highest sensitivity for both sensors.
! Too low sensitivity setting can cause damage by wind and rain.
● The rain sensor is heated when it rains. This helps the sensor surface to dry faster after rain and to allow ven-
tilation again.
● “Reduced sensitivity to wind” DIP Switch W:S1-1:
In position ON, sensitivity to gusts of wind is reduced. This setting has no effect on sensitivity to constant
Factory setting: OFF (normal sensitivity).
! Perform the setting only for sufficiently stable or insensitive designs!
● “Continuous heating of rain sensor” DIP switch W:S1-2:
In position ON, the rain sensor is heated continuously at reduced power. For example, this reduces morning
dew and incidental activation of the sensor. If the sensor is activated by rain, the heater operates at full power
once again up to drying.
Factory setting: OFF (heating is active only in rain).

3.6 Repetition of CLOSE cycle

● If not all actuators are properly closed (e.g. actuator overload cutoff activated by a gust of wind), the repetition
of CLOSE cycle can be activated by briefly pressing the ventilation button z. The actuators are briefly opened
and following the closing command activated once again.
i Observe setting of the function “Automatic OFF” (see 3.2).

3.7 Mains failure

● In case of mains failure, the accumulators cannot be charged, but provide the operating power for the stand-
by time. The alarm functions are not affected by the mains failure.
Actuators in ventilation position are closed and pressing the ventilation button a is ignored. The mains failure
must be corrected immediately to avoid deep-discharge disconnection, to recharge the accumulators and to
ensure the safe operation of the system.
i Observe setting of the function “Automatic OFF” (see 3.2).
● Deep-discharge disconnection: in case of critical condition of the accumulators, the entire Control Centre
including the indicators is switched off. However, a low quiescent current still flows (in addition to the natural
self-discharge). Therefore, there is the risk of permanent damage to the accumulators without recharging af-
ter a few days already.

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

3.8 Alarm and malfunction forwarding (option PK)

● PFC r (PFC alarm): The contact will be activated upon detection of an alarm. After resetting the alarm, the
contact resets to its neutral position. If the “2-detector-dependency” function is activated (see 3.2), the contact
is activated as soon as the first automatic detector has responded.
● PFC s (PFC malfunction): The contact is activated when a malfunction is detected (see 5). After eliminating
the cause of malfunction, the contact resets to its neutral position.
i The contacts are not enabled during alarm testing and maintenance mode.

3.9 Controlling external warning devices (option WTM)

● The outputs for controlling external warning devices (such as multiple tone sounder MS and beacon BL) are
activated upon detection of an alarm. The MS output can be switched off during an active alarm by pressing
the button Reset S in the Control Centre or in main alarm points with buzzer, or by pressing an external reset
When resetting the alarm, both outputs are automatically switched off.
i The outputs are not enabled during alarm testing and maintenance mode.
● “Output MS upon malfunction” DIP switch WT:S1-1:
In position ON, the output for the multiple tone sounder is activated upon detecting malfunction. When elimi-
nating malfunction the output is switched off automatically.
Factory setting: OFF (activate in case of alarm).
● “Output BL upon malfunction” DIP switch WT:S1-2:
In position ON, the output for the beacon is activated if a malfunction is detected. When eliminating malfunc-
tion the output is switched off automatically.
Factory setting: OFF (activate in case of alarm).
● “Auto-Reset” DIP switch WT:S1-3 and WT:S1-4: Auto reset DIP 3 DIP 4
The output for the multiple tone sounder is automatically switched off after disabled n n
after 60 s n j
lapse of the preset time, even if the alarm / malfunction persists. For setting
after 120 s j n
options, see the accompanying table.
after 180 s j j
Factory setting: Both OFF (no automatic switch off).
j = ON / n = OFF
● “Reset BL” DIP switch WT:S1-5:
In position ON, the output for the beacon will also be switched off by pressing the button Reset S or automati-
cally switched off according to the “Auto Reset” setting.
Factory setting: OFF (switch off only after the alarm reset / troubleshooting).

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

4 Maintenance
● In the course of maintenance - unless other local regulations apply - check all functions and indicators of the
Control Centre and its components at least once a year. This also includes the review of terminal points, con-
nection cables, indicators and fuses, as well as the cleaning of various components, if necessary. Check
mounting brackets, etc. for proper fitting. Lubricate actuators and SHE vents (domelights, flap ventilators, lou-
vred ventilators etc.), if necessary.
The individual functions of the Control Centre are described in section 3. Likewise, simulate malfunctions of
the signal lines and power supply and check detection; see 5.
● Display of due maintenance
If this function has been enabled by the maintenance company, the Control Centre indicates the due mainte-
nance through flashing of indicator 9 after about 11 months of operating time. For the display of an overdue
maintenance, a malfunction signal is generated after about 14 months additionally.
● Accumulators:
− Check the accumulators at least once a year for proper functioning. They should be replaced following a
typical service life of 3, but no more than 4 years in an ambient temperature of 20 °C. The service life falls
by 1 year for every 10 °C rise in ambient temperature!
− Checking the accumulators: Press the button Test r in the Control Centre and then briefly press the but-
ton Reset S. This switches from mains to accumulator operation during the alarm test (actuators travel a
bit slower). Open the actuators completely. If the accumulator voltage falls below 22.5 V, a malfunction is
indicated. This indication continues until the button Reset S is briefly pressed.
After testing the accumulators, reset the alarm testing (press button Reset r briefly) and close all actua-
tors again.
i A quick check of the accumulators with less load takes place automatically every 15 minutes.
− The end user, i.e. the final owner, must return used batteries / accumulators to a distributor or public
waste management authority. This obligation to return applies regardless of whether it is a private or com-
mercial end user.
− If the system is put out of service / temporarily shut down, the accumulators must be unplugged and
the line voltage switched off!
− Charged accumulators that are not connected yet have a shelf-life of about 6 months. For longer storage,
they must be recharged.
! When directly driving actuators, e.g. with external accumulators during installation or maintenance work,
the actuators must be disconnected from the Control Centre! Otherwise, this can lead to defects in the
power output.
● Systems with internal wind and rain module (option WRM):
Following inspections / work should be performed at least once a year:
− Cleaning the rain sensor with a damp cloth, possibly with a mild detergent.
Do not scour the sensor surface!
− Check the wind sensor for smooth-running
− Functional testing of the sensors
− Check whether the SHE units and / or ventilation devices are properly closed

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

5 Detection of fault / troubleshooting

5.1 General information

Occurrence of a malfunction is indicated by flashing of the indicator s in the Control Centre’s door and in the
main alarm points. With the help of the service display, the cause can be isolated (see 5.2).
● The following are detected as malfunctions:
− Accumulator or mains failure, accumulator polarity reversed
− Failure of the fuses F1 to F3
− Wire-break or short-circuit of signal lines
− Wire-break or short-circuit of the actuator supply line (unbranched common line)
− External malfunction
− Maintenance is overdue
● Notify maintenance company in case of malfunction.
● Spare material: In the Control Centre, there is a bag of spare fuses and resistors.
● Calibration of the signal lines: After clearing a persistent malfunction, the signal lines are calibrated auto-
matically. During this the status light s flickers for approximately 15 s. If status light s is permanently lit,
there is a malfunction in a signal line.
Short malfunctions (< 10 minutes) do not lead to activating of calibration (e.g. brief removal of a detector for
testing the malfunction detection during maintenance work).
● Memory of the service display: If there is no pending alarm or malfunction, the memory content can be dis-
played for 1 s by briefly pressing the button Reset r (alarm memory) or Reset S (malfunction memory).
● After troubleshooting, the cause of malfunction will not be shown at the service display any longer. An excep-
tion is the malfunction code [U] “accumulator test failed” (see also 4 (Accumulators) and 5.2). This code has to
be reset after troubleshooting by pressing the button Reset S.

5.2 Indications of the service display

● With the help of the internal service display, operating conditions can be accurately displayed. In normal con-
dition, the service display is blank and the indicator o of the Control Centre is lit.
● For alarm / malfunction, the display is switched on automatically, but switched off after 10 s during mains fail-
ure. In this case, it may be switched on again for 10 s by pressing the button Reset S for 4 s.
i If there is no alarm / malfunction, the indication of the accumulator charging method can be switched on for
120 s by pressing the button Reset S for 4 s: [u.] = U-Charging, [i.] = I-Charging, [ .] = no charging.

Operating conditions of the Control Centre:

Code Description Code Description
0 Mains failure or fuse F1 blown h “Malfunction = Alarm” active
1 Wire-break of accumulators or fuse F2 blown j External malfunction
2 Actuator output: fuse F3 blown L Adjustment ventilation position
3 Actuator output: wire-break / short circuit ? Ventilation position deactivated
4 Line T 1: alarm n Line T 1: pre-alarm
5 Line T 1: wire-break p Changeover contact for ventilation detected
6 Line T 1: short circuit q Alarm through internal thermal sensor
7 Line T 1: undefined 1 t Accumulator test active
8 Line t: alarm U Accumulator test failed
9 Line t: wire-break y Accumulator polarity reversed
A Line t: short circuit - Memory alarm / malfunction empty
B Line t: undefined ä Button Reset r: short circuit
C Line T 2: alarm Ä Button Reset S: short circuit
D Line T 2: wire-break $ Alarm test active
E Line T 2: short circuit # Maintenance is due
F Line T 2: undefined ! Microcontroller fault

Check in status light 7 whether the correct terminating resistor was fitted (see terminal diagram)

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

6 Technical data

6.1 Version

Type RWZ 4-8d

Product code 8100 4408 0000
Output current 8 A (24 V- / 192 W)
Current input 1.1 A / 230 V~
Lead-gel accumulators, VdS approved 2 x 7 Ah / 12 V
I / U charging 0.7 A (28.8 V) / 27.4 V
Dimensions in mm (W x H x D) 400 x 400 x 125
The Control Centre complies with the requirements of the 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC Directives (emission:
EN 61000-6-3 and EN 55022, immunity: EN 61000-6-2 and EN 50130-4).

6.2 Performance data and characteristics

Line voltage supply 230 V~ / 50 - 60 Hz
Internal voltage supply / standby time 24 V- / 72 h (mains failure)
Cable entry through membrane grommets (from above) 11 x M16, 3 x M25
Environmental class 1 / III (EN 12101-10 / VdS 2581) -5 °C … +40 °C
Relative humidity 20 % … 80 %, non-condensing
Enclosure protection rating IP40
Mounting dimensions, see plan “Line voltage, mounting and accumulators”.
Not suitable for use outdoors. Protect from direct sunlight, humidity and excessive formation of dust!
Preferably, the installation should be carried out in dry, heated rooms.

Signal lines
Line monitoring wire-break, short-circuit
Line T 1, automatic fire detectors:
Smoke detector / heat detector (RM 2 / TM 2 or RM 3 / TM 3) 20 pieces, of which
max. 10 heat detectors 1
Line T 2:
Fire Alarm Control Panel normally open contact
− Terminating resistor 10 k ( 10 %, ¼ W)
− Alarm resistor 1 k … 1.5 k ( 10 %, ½ W)
additional automatic fire detectors see line T 1
Line t, manual call points:
− Secondary alarm point (RT 2-*)
− Main alarm point (RT 2-*-BS) in total 10 pieces, of which
− Main alarm point (RT 2-*-BS-A, with indication A) max. 3 pieces with buzzer
− Main alarm point (RT 2-*-BS-AA, with buzzer S)

In- / Outputs
Ventilation button (LT) unlimited
Ventilation button with indication of position A (LT-A) 10 pieces
Wind and Rain Control (type WRS) normally closed contact 2
External malfunction normally closed contact

Heat detectors: TM 2-D (65-55000-122), TM 2-M (65-55000-137), TM 3-D (FD-851RE), TM 3-M (FD-851HTE), RM 3-OT (SD-851-TE),
Optical detectors: RM 2-O (65-55000-317), RM 3-O (SD-851-E)
In the WRC, use a separate contact for each connected Control Centre

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4 d

Actuator output
Rated voltage 24 V- (+6 V / -4 V)
Mode of operation / duty cycle S3 30 %
Maximum cable cross-section of the supply line 4 x 10 mm² (rigid)
Allowed voltage drop between Control Centre and actuator 1 V at full load
Line monitoring (unbranched common line) wire-break, short-circuit
Allowed cable length with simple and moderately branched arrangement of the actuators
1.0 A 2.0 A 3.0 A 4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 7.0 A 8.0 A
2 x 1.5 mm² 44 m 22 m 15 m 11 m 9m 7m 6m 5m
2 x 2.5 mm² 73 m 36 m 24 m 18 m 15 m 12 m 10 m 9m
2 x 4.0 mm² 116 m 58 m 39 m 29 m 23 m 19 m 17 m 15 m
2 x 6.0 mm² 174 m 87 m 58 m 44 m 35 m 29 m 25 m 22 m
2 x 10.0 mm² 290 m 145 m 97 m 73 m 58 m 48 m 41 m 36 m
4 x 1.5 mm² 87 m 44 m 29 m 22 m 17 m 15 m 12 m 11 m
4 x 2.5 mm² 145 m 73 m 48 m 36 m 29 m 24 m 21 m 18 m When 4 cores are used,
4 x 4.0 mm² 232 m 116 m 77 m 58 m 46 m 39 m 33 m 29 m connect 2 cores each in
4 x 6.0 mm² 348 m 174 m 116 m 87 m 70 m 58 m 50 m 44 m parallel.
4 x 10.0 mm² 580 m 290 m 193 m 145 m 116 m 97 m 83 m 73 m

Primary mains (miniature fuse 5 x 20 mm) F1: T 2 A
Accumulators (flat fuse 19 mm) F2: 10 A
Actuators (flat fuse 19 mm) F3: 10 A

Alarm and malfunction forwarding (option PK)

Contact load rating PFC-r, PFC-s (changeover contacts) 5 A / 30 V- / 230 V~
Fuses PFC-r, PFC-s (miniature fuses 5 x 20 mm) P:F1, P:F2: F 5 A

Controlling external warning devices (option WTM)

Multiple tone sounder MS 24 V- / 100 mA
Beacon BL 24 V- / 250 mA

Internal Wind and Rain Control (option WRM)

Wind sensor WM, heated rain sensor RS 1 piece each
Adjustment range of sensitivity to wind approx. 5 - 15 m/s (20 - 60 km/h,
approx. wind force 3 - 7)
Adjustment range of sensitivity to rain light - stronger rain

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
System diagram (please consider local conditions / components)
Example of connection on page A-2, detailed examples on following pages.

j 1) Run the actuator lead unbranched

Page A-4 F to under the roof.
For max. allowed lengths of cable,
FACP please refer to section "Technical Data".
When using 4 cores (2 cores each in
2x0.8 parallel) greater lenghts can be
Page A-4 2 Max. 10 mm² (rigid) can be clamped.
RM 2 / TM 2 Page A-3
RM 3 / TM 3
2x0.8 2x0.8 2
j 1)

Page A-10
3x1.5 (230 V~) / 3x0.8 (30 V-) Wind- and Rain Control (WRC)
PFC 3x1.5 3x1.5
Option PK r L/N/PE L/N/PE WRC 4x0.8
Page A-9 Mains
SHEVS Control
2x0.8 for WRC
Page A-8 WM / RS
4x0.8 (max. 100 m) or
Option WTM BL (6x0.8 with external reset button) RWZ 4
Page A-9 MS 4x0.8 for option WRM

Option WRM

3x0.8 10x0.8
External 2x0.8 j 3) j 2)
malfunction s
Page A-4

Smoke Exhaust Smoke Exhaust Smoke Exhaust j 2) Number of wires depends

on type and order of
3x0.8 6x0.8 3x0.8
j 3) j 2) j 2) connection of the manual
Page A-7 o o
r A r r call points.
s s
LT LT See also
Pages A-5 and A-6
j 3) 4x0.8 for LT-A RT 2-*-BS-AA-A RT 2-*-BS RT 2-*

RWZ4dA21.sch RWZ4dA22.sch

General: length of cable max. 400 m, if not specified otherwise. Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 1 / 10
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d When connecting an FACP, remove terminating resistor
Rab from Control Centre and connect it as shown.
Additionally, connect release resistor Ral (1k5 / 0.5 W,
Example of connection affixed to Control Centre door when supplied), as shown.
When connecting fire detectors, remove terminating resistor
Rab from Control Centre and connect it to the last detector.
j 1) Remove link when con-
Rend (2x10k) necting an external WRC.
Rab (10k) Rab (10k) Rab (10k)
X0 X1 X2 X3 X5
Mains Actuators Line T 1 Line t Ventilation buttons WRC Line
PE N L 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 21 22 3 4

r Reset







230 V~
50 - 60 Hz j 2)

Rab (10k)

Ral (1k5)
RM 2 / TM 2 L2 L1 out L1 in 1 3 5 7 9 11 Smoke Exhaust P 6 5 NO C
RM 3 / TM 3 5 3 2
2 4 6 8 10 12 s



j 3) ! Observe instructions on
page A-4 for 2-detector- Link terminals 2, 10 and 12 in the
dependency. last main alarm point. 4
j 1)
Rend (2x10k)
Main alarm point RT 2-*-BS



j 3)

j 1) When connecting actuators, remove end resistors Rend

from Control Centre and connect them to the last actuator.
j 2) Run the actuator lead unbranched to under the roof.
j 3) In case of wrong travelling sense, reverse polarity of actuator cable.
RWZ4dA22.sch RWZ4dA23.sch

Colour code for resistors: 10k = brown/black/black/red 1k5 = brown/green/black/brown Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 2 / 10
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
24V- actuators

1st actuator

j 1)

Run the actuator lead unbranched

to under the roof
(monitored common line).

a z
+ -
j 1) 2nd actuator
- +
Rend 2


When connecting actuators, remove end resistors Rend Rend

from Control Centre and connect them to the last actuator. (2x10k) j 1)
bl 3rd actuator

! When directly driving actuators, e.g. with external accumulators during installation or
maintenance work, the actuators must be disconnected from the Control Centre!

j 1) In case of wrong travelling sense, reverse polarity of actuator cable.

RWZ4dA23.sch RWZ4dA24.sch

Colour code for resistors: 10k = brown/black/black/red Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 3 / 10
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Automatic fire detectors, Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP), external malfunction

Automatic fire detectors RM 2 / TM 2 (terminals L1 in, L1 out and L2) or RM 3 / TM 3 (terminals 2, 3 and 5) When connecting fire detectors, remove
terminating resistor Rab from Control
and connect it to the last detector.
Line T 1 T+ L2
......... L2
......... L2
T- 5 5 5
Rab (10k) L1in
......... L1out
......... L1in
......... L1out
......... L1in
......... L1out
2 3 2 3 2 3 Rab (10k)

! Connect a second termi-

nating resistor in parallel
for 2-detector-dependency
(from spare material bag)

Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) 2x Rab (10k)

When connecting an FACP, remove terminating resistor

Rab from Control Centre and connect it as shown.
Line T 2 T+
T- FACP i Instead of an FACP additional automatic
NO- fire detectors can be connected.
Rab (10k) contact Connection is done as shown for terminal
Rab (10k) block X2 above (but 2-detector-dependency
is not possible).
Additionally, connect release resistor Ral
Ral (affixed to Control Centre door (1k5 / 0.5 W)
when supplied), as shown.

External malfunction
5 External
C malfunction
s NC-

Remove link if a malfunction

contact is connected
RWZ4dA24.sch RWZ4dA25.sch

Colour code for resistors: 10k = brown/black/black/red 1k5 = brown/green/black/brown Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 4 / 10
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Manual call points
1st example: Main alarm point last (secondary alarm point last: see page A-6)

When connecting fire detectors, remove terminating resistor

Rab from Control and connect it to the last detector.

5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Rab (10k)
Rab (10k) r
7 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6

r Reset
8 7 8 A A 7 8
o !
Line t 9 9 10 B B 9 10
s Link terminals 2,
10 11 12 C C 11 12 10 and 12 in
the last main
13 14 ! D D alarm point.
A Link terminals
12 15 16 14 and 16 in E E
the last main
alarm point
S with indication
13 19 20 of position G G
S Reset OPEN.
14 21 22 H H

Smoke Exhaust Smoke Exhaust Smoke Exhaust Alarm
Smoke Exhaust
Reset Reset

o o
r A r r r
s s

Main alarm point Secondary alarm point Secondary alarm point Main alarm point
RT 2-*-BS-AA-A RT 2-* RT 2-* RT 2-*-BS
(with buzzer and indi-
cation of position open)

Terminals A - H of the secondary alarm points are provided only

for looping-through the signals to following main alarm points.

RWZ4dA25.sch RWZ4dA26.sch

Colour code for resistors: 10k = brown/black/black/red Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 5 / 10
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Manual call points
2nd example: Secondary alarm point last (main alarm point last: see page A-5)

When connecting fire detectors, remove terminating resistor

Rab from Control and connect it to the last detector.

5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Rab (10k)
Rab (10k) r
7 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6

r Reset
8 A 7 8 7 8 A
o !
Line t 9 B 9 10 9 10 B
s Link terminals 2,
10 C 11 12 11 12 10 and 12 in C
the last main
D 13 14 ! alarm point. D
A Link terminals
12 E 15 16 14 and 16 in E
the last main
alarm point
S with indication
13 G 19 20 of position G
S Reset OPEN.
14 H 21 22 H

Smoke Exhaust Alarm

Smoke Exhaust Alarm
Smoke Exhaust Smoke Exhaust
Reset Reset

o o
r r A r r
s s

Secondary alarm point Main alarm point Main alarm point Secondary alarm point
RT 2-* RT 2-*-BS-AA-A RT 2-*-BS RT 2-*
(with buzzer and indi-
cation of position open)

Terminals A - H of the secondary alarm points are provided only

for looping-through the signals to following main alarm points.

RWZ4dA26.sch RWZ4dA27.sch

Colour code for resistors: 10k = brown/black/black/red Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 6 / 10
SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Ventilation buttons

16 P P P P P
- + - + !



! Link terminals + and P in the last ventilation

button with indication of position OPEN.

RWZ4dA27.sch RWZ4dA38.sch

Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 7 / 10

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Wind and Rain Control (external / internal)

External Wind and Rain Control

Wind- and Rain Control
j 1)
w+ WRS 2 x y
21 x
w w- j 1)
22 y Output contact 1 5 6
Output contact 2 8 9
Output contact 3 11 12
Output contact 4 14 15

Remove link when Q x y Use a separate contact for each

connecting an external connected Control Centre / Control!
Wind and Rain Control.
w x y

Internal Wind and Rain Control (option WRM)

W: Rain Sensor RS 2
WM br
1 1
RSH rd
2 2
RS bl
3 3 Wind sensor WM 1
GND bk
4 4
Surface of sensor
Option WRM bl

RWZ4dA38.sch RWZ4dA29.sch

Ver. 3/15 Mo 12 Mar. 2015 A - 8 / 10

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Potential-free contacts (option PK), Multiple tone sounder and strobe (option WTM)

Potential-free contacts (option PK)

NC 1
1 r 3
P:F1 C
2 PFC r (PFC alarm)
NO 1
3 r 3

F Caution! External voltage!

NO 4
4 s 6
5 PFC s (PFC malfunction)
NC 4
6 s 6

Internal PFC relays

Option PK

Multiple tone sounder and strobe (option WTM)

MS+ +
Multiple tone sounder MS

BL+ +
BL- - b Strobe BL

NO External button for resetting option WTM
(reset also possible by button in Control Centre
Option WTM or main alarm points RT 2-*-BS-AA)

RWZ4dA29.sch RWZ4dA2A.sch

Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 9 / 10

SHEVS Control Centre RWZ 4d
Line voltage, mounting, accumulators

Line voltage: X0 Mounting:

360 mm

F N N 230 V~ / 50 - 60 Hz

360 mm


Insert the accumulators in the

enclosure and connect them
as illustrated.

Main board RWZ 4

(-) (+)

bl rd



12 V Accu 12 V Accu

! When putting into / out of service, observe the operating instructions! RWZ4dA2A.sch
Be sure to disconnect the accumulators if mains voltage supply is cut out for a longer time.
Ver. 2/14 Mo 17 Mar. 2014 A - 10 / 10

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