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Official ABA Data

California Western School of Law

225 Cedar Street San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: 800.255.4252 ext. 1401 or 619.525.1401 E-mail:; Website: The Basics Basics
Type of school Term Application deadline Application fee Financial aid deadline Can first year start other than fall? Private Semester 4/1 $55 4/1 Yes 10/15 11/1 Typical first-year section size
ABA Approved Since 1962

Full-Time Part-Time


Student to faculty ratio 18.3 to 1 # of housing spaces available restricted to law students graduate housing for which law students are eligible

Faculty and Administrators

Total Spr Full-time 39 Other full-time 1 Deans, librarians, & others who teach 12 Part-time 35 Total 87 Fall 40 1 Men Spr 26 1 Fall 25 1 Women Spr 13 0 Fall 15 0 Minorities Spr 6 1 Fall 5 1

12 39 92

4 19 50

4 23 53

8 15 36

8 16 39

3 3 13

3 4 13

Is there typically a small section of the first-year class, other than Legal Writing, taught by full-time faculty No If yes, typical size offered last year # of classroom course titles beyond first-year curriculum 114 # of upper division Under 25 125 courses, excluding 2549 24 5074 9 seminars, with an enrollment: 7599 13 100+ 9 # of seminars 31 # of seminar positions available 749 # of seminar positions filled 576 # of positions available in simulation courses 1,593 # of simulation positions filled 1,172 # of positions available in faculty supervised clinical courses 72 # of faculty supervised clinical positions filled 58 # involved in field placements 164 # involved in law journals 63 # involved in moot court or trial competitions 35 # of credit hours required to graduate 89


57 92

6 16 9 0

JD Enrollment and Ethnicity

Men # % African Amer. Amer. Indian Asian Amer. Mex. Amer. Puerto Rican Hispanic Total Minority For. Nation. Caucasian Unknown Total 9 4 51 29 0 6 99 5 255 42 401 2.2 1.0 12.7 7.2 0.0 1.5 Women # % 20 3 77 38 2 10 4.1 0.6 Full-Time Part-Time # % # % 24 7 3.0 0.9 14.8 7.5 0.3 1.5 27.9 1.0 61.3 9.7 5 0 11 8 0 4 28 0 62 11 5.0 0.0 10.9 7.9 0.0 4.0 27.7 0.0 61.4 10.9 11.3 1st-Year # % 9 4 43 27 0 5 88 1 197 27 313 2.9 1.3 13.7 8.6 0.0 1.6 28.1 0.3 62.9 8.6 35.1 Total # % 29 7 128 67 2 16 249 8 547 88 892 3.3 0.8 14.3 7.5 0.2 1.8 27.9 0.9 61.3 9.9 JD Degs. Awd. 3 2 32 16 1 8 62 2 141 40 245

Transfers in Transfers out 3 17

Tuition and Fees

Resident Full-time $38,500 Nonresident $38,500

15.7 117 7.7 0.4 2.0 59 2 12

Part-time $27,100 $27,100 Tuition Guarantee Program Y

24.7 150 1.2 3

30.5 221 0.6 8

Living Expenses
Estimated living expenses for singles Living on Living off Living campus campus at home N/A $21,998 $14,398

63.6 292 10.5 46

59.5 485 9.4 77

45.0 491

55.0 791

88.7 101


California Western School of Law

Official ABA Data

California Western School of Law

ABA Approved Since 1962

GPA and LSAT Scores

Total # of apps # of offers # of matrics 75% GPA Median GPA 25% GPA 75% LSAT Median LSAT 25% LSAT 2,922 1,348 340 3.50 3.28 3.04 155 153 150 Full-Time 2,683 1,276 322 3.50 3.28 3.05 155 153 150 Part-Time 239 72 18 3.56 3.33 2.93 154 151 148

JD Attrition (from prior year)

Academic # 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 35 0 2 0 Other # 31 5 0 0 Total # 66 5 2 0 % 18.8 1.7 0.9 0.0

Employment (9 months after graduation)

Total Employment status known Employment status unknown Employed Pursuing graduate degrees Unemployed (seeking, not seeking, or studying for the bar) Type of Employment # employed in law firms # employed in business and industry # employed in government # employed in public interest # employed as judicial clerks # employed in academia Geographic Location # employed in state # employed in foreign countries 144 1 15 76.2 0.5 114 24 27 13 9 2 60.3 12.7 14.3 6.9 4.8 1.1 230 25 189 8 20 Percentage 90.2 9.8 82.2 3.5 8.7

Grants and Scholarships (from prior year)

Total # % Total # of students 887 39.2 18.4 12.5 4.8 3.5 Full-Time # % 793 323 152 105 38 28 40.7 19.2 13.2 4.8 3.5 Part-Time # % 94 25 26.6 11 11.7 6 5 3 6.4 5.3 3.2

Total # receiving grants 348 Less than 1/2 tuition Half to full tuition Full tuition More than full tuition Median grant amount 163 111 43 31



Informational and Library Resources

Total amount spent on library materials Study seating capacity inside the library # of full-time equivalent professional librarians Hours per week library is open # of open, wired connections available to students # of networked computers available for use by students Has wireless network? Require computer? $1,233,458 438 9 110 540 80 Y N

# of states where employed

Bar Passage Rates

First-time takers Average school % Jurisdiction California 247 84.15 Reporting % Average state % 74.09 78.07

Average pass difference 6.08 Takers Passers Pass % State % Diff % 183 154 84.15 78.07 6.08

California Western School of Law


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