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Int. 1. Psycho-A nal. (1994) 75, 469



This paper examines the integrative role of inner genitality in the formation of penis
intemalisations. which form part of the feminine self. Penis envy, operating simulta-
neously with the anxiety arising from a realisation of the introitus under the influence
of inner genitality, organises functioning inner and outer female penis structures. This
three-dimensionality of inner genitality, penis envy and anxiety for penetration is the
condition of a functioning femininity. In the light of an analytic case history, the
author follows the thawing out of a phallic defence position and the awakening of the
obstructed genitality. Phallicity is seen as a traumatic defence structure, which prevents
the development of functioning penis identifications. In the phallic mental world, the
penis takes on an idealised and concrete meaning. Its desirability is denied, and the
woman excludes her inner genitality from her relationship to it as an object. When
most obstructed in her womanhood, a woman becomes a phallus herself. She lives in
an imitative identity, in which the internalising psychic functions have come to a
standstill. In such a mind, the ultimate purpose of defence is to avoid annihilation

In the analysis of female patients, Freud (1925, has not given her a penis; the girl now turns
1931, 1933) found that the greatest resistance to the father, in order to obtain one from him.
to femininity comes from penis envy, which As a substitute for the unobtainable penis, she
he saw as constituting the most crucial factor later contents herself with wanting a baby from
in the development of femininity. It is this that the father. The girl does not relinquish this
the woman must relinquish in order to become relationship with the father; the oedipal conflict
feminine. One is not born a woman but be- is never totally resolved, and the girl therefore,
comes one, and only as the result of a difficult unlike the boy, never succeeds in establishing
struggle. The girl does not possess a libido of an independent superego. Without a penis, she
her own; her development during the early, remains dependent on male values and con-
significant years takes place under the influence ceptions of right and wrong. The significance
of a masculine libido. Freud saw the clitoral of penis envy is the central, and in fact the
drive impulses as masculine; the little girl thus only, factor in Freud's theory of femininity.
resembles a boy. Again, according to Freud, women are maso-
In Freud's view, the girl's development pro- chistic and narcissistic; the penis is overwhelm-
gresses through the following stages: when she ingly powerful, and the woman accepts this
first observes the differences between the sexes, and submits to it. She thus remains in a vul-
she becomes disappointed in her own genitals; nerable position; it is this vulnerability which
the clitoris is too small compared to the male causes her narcissism. Freud assumed that, in
penis. She wants one for herself. This is the order to become a woman, she has to relin-
origin of penis envy. At the age of 4, in her quish her penis envy and clitoral sexuality; in
disappointment, the girl gives up masturbating. other words, her fantasy of a penis of her
She becomes angry with the mother, up to own. In his analytic practice, he encountered
then the object of her love, because the mother powerful resistance to this abandoning of the
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penis. He thus came to the conclusion that by Nevertheless, in Freud's view, the woman's
the age of 30 women are rigid and incapable development was based totally on renuncia-
of change (Freud, 1933, p. 134). tion. Many analysts since Freud have en-
That is, the girl is not born a woman; she countered the same resistance in their female
becomes one by successfully giving up her analysands; the woman is not willing to give
hopes for a penis and her clitoral sexuality. up either her active goals or her penis fantasies.
This process involves a struggle. Freud's female Particularly when understood by the analyst
followers, his analysands Marie Bonaparte (1953), as purely masculine, it becomes difficult for
Helene Deutsch (1945) and Jeanne Lampl de the woman to incorporate these penis strivings
Groot (1933), in their theories of femininity into her femininity. Freud's female patients
stressed the masculinity complex and the mas- expressed what we too find in our analysands'
culine significance of activity. They saw activity unconscious: the woman retains her penis fan-
as a sign of the girl's fixation on clitoral tasy. But how-and why? Is it part of her
masturbation, of unresolved penis envy. femininity? How does the woman succeed in
All of these female followers of Freud ac- internalising her penis fantasy?
cepted their teacher's notion that the girl's To my knowledge, it was Edith Jacobson
feminine libido plays no part in her develop- (1937) who first described the girl's inner penis
ment into womanhood. The vagina, claimed fantasy as feminine. In earlier writing, this
Freud, becomes sensitive only at puberty; later, illusion had been considered an indication of
however, he had to modify this view, saying a masculinity complex, from which the woman
that even if the vagina has some sensitivity had to be set free. Jacobson based the girl's
before then, it plays no part in the girl's superego development on the inner image of
development. 'Nevertheless the juxtaposition the father's penis, an image which the girl
"feminine libido" is without any justification' lovingly guards and nurtures. The girl's love
(Freud, 1932, p. 132). 'The hidden vagina plays is genital. Jacobson saw the importance of the
no part' (Deutsch, 1925, p. 168). early vaginal experience to the woman's de-
In the theories of Deutsch, masochism be- velopment. The impetus in the girl's structu-
comes the cornerstone and origin of femininity: ralisation comes from her own libido, not from
'The girl wants to be castrated by her father' its absence. Jacobson thus stresses the joint
(Freud, 1931, p. 199). After castration, the effect of two factors as a moving force in
girl's aggression is turned against herself; this development: penis envy and genitality.
is the source of her masochism and passivity. Likewise, Deutsch (1925) attempted to con-
The woman's life reminds her of this: the blood ceptualise the feminine ego ideal in maternity.
and pain of menstruation, the suffering caused She based her thinking on the idea of maso-
by labour pains. Castrated, the girl succeeds chistic satisfaction: childbirth was a masochis-
in renouncing her clitoral activity, as Freud tic orgy and the mother--child relationship an
demanded, and discovers her own, masochistic, embodiment of feminine self-sacrifice. Deutsch
libido. Deutsch's woman becomes a woman in saw the mother's feelings of tenderness towards
giving herself to a man; it is the man and the the child as being derived from the image of the
child who make her a woman (Deutsch, 1945). father, which is incorporated during preg-
According to Freud, the human being never nancy. The foetus thus becomes identified with
totally renounces any of his or her childhood the father. Deutsch's model of incorporation
strivings, but retains them in one form or did not make use of the woman's own libido;
another throughout life: she ended by seeing femininity as always
defined in terms of masochism.
Classic psychoanalytic theory denies the role
As always where the libido is concerned, man has
here again shown himself incapable of giving up a of the girl's vaginal sexuality in her feminine
satisfaction he had once enjoyed. He is not willing development. It is, however, precisely this early
to forgo the narcissistic perfection of his childhood sense of the genital body which guides the
... he seeks to recover it in a new form of an ego structuralisation of the feminine self. It is es-
ideal (Freud, 1914, p. 94). pecially important in the formation of the
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female body-image in the phase when the con- the early dyadic relationship with the mother.
ceptualisation of the clitoris and the introitus At this stage, the girl's vaginal impulses cannot
is central. These processes are affected by penis yet be discharged, as later, when the girl,
envy and by the fear of penetration; both of through masturbation, takes control of them
these anxieties, however, are shaped and allevi- at the time when she is separating from the
ated by a third factor, the girl's inner genitality, mother. At this early stage they are symbolised
which by this time has been to a considerable through doll play. This is the origin of the
degree internalised in the mother-daughter girl's first illusion: the doll is her baby. She
relationship (Kestenberg, 1982). This genitality creates a triadic relationship, shared with the
includes the maternal identification and the mother: mother-doll-girl. In her doll play, the
girl's own feminine sexuality. It is this three- girl is identified with the mother's maternal
dimensionality-the simultaneous interaction of functions, and for this identification there is
three divergent strivings-which gives rise to an experienced bodily impetus.
the psychic space within which the mental, Kestenberg observed and analysed girls; she
conceptual, world arises out of taking pos- found that in their development between the
session of one's physical impulses. ages of 2\12 and 4 there was a phase of inte-
Concurrent with the time of most intense gration of these inner-genital contents. Accord-
penis envy, the girl is living through the oedipal ing to Kestenberg, only after this process of
phase, in which oedipal impulses are directed integration can the stage of actual penis envy
towards both parents simultaneously; the in- begin. This is motivated by the girl's realisation
tensity with which they are directed towards the that she has an opening into the sensitive inner
father is directly proportionate to the degree space, which she attempts to fill and 'seal' by
to which the girl has succeeded in achieving means of the penis fantasy:
and maintaining inner-genital dominance in
her development so far (Torsti, 1993). Yet, despite her efforts to represent her productive
If the inner-genital integration phase (Kes- inside, she does not achieve a sense of organ-
tenberg, 1982) has been successful, the girl's belonging as the boy does. In a way, her image of
genital desire for a penis will be stronger than herself remains an open system subject to shifts
her envy. It will influence the girl's future and changes in keeping with requirements of future
development in her attempts to integrate her changes in cycles and stages, such as pregnancy,
fantasised clitoris-penis, her skills and abilities, post-part urn- and lactation-periods ... In the phal-
into a female competence. This female activity lic-negative oedipal phase [the father] becomes an
is based on a clitoral body-image, on an organ organising object in his own right. The girl admires
him, identifies with him trying to outdo him in
which belongs to the girl, and on her identi-
his ability to provide in the phallic phase the
fication with the father in her negative oedipal erect, large phallus becomes an object of true penis-
position. The integration itself is supported by envy. As successor to the baby that filled the inside,
her sexuality and her early maternal-feminine the girl's illusory penis-fashioned after the father's
identity. Under these conditions, the concep- penis-closes off access to the inside ... With the
tion of the masculinity complex in describing realisation that the clitoris will not grow into a penis
female activity is a mistaken one, based on a or baby, the girl's illusory penis is shifted in fantasy
misunderstanding of femininity. into the place in her inside where the baby was
Kestenberg (1982) has described the process (Kestenberg, 1982, p. 120).
of inner-genital integration in the girl's de-
velopment. She studied the significance of doll Kestenberg continues:
play in the maternal relationship. In doll play,
the girl's inner-genital experiences are external- From these lines stem the three basic feminine atti-
ised. The baby girl experiences these sensations tudes, the tender-maternal, the efficient-competitive
from the moment of birth; the mother's care and the enticing-sensuous. These attitudes alternate,
'tames' them, so that they recede into the differentiate, combine and become integrated within
background of both the oral and the anal stage the total personality of the adult woman. On a higher
of development, but they survive throughout level, they are repeated in adolescence and incorpo-
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rated in adulthood into: (1) woman's fulfilment in sequence of events is somewhat different: the girl will
motherhood or equivalent creativity; (2) her compe- simultaneously be envious of the penis and turn to
tence to provide and cope with the world in or out- her father, powerfully aided by a basic feminine
side of her immediate home environment; and (3) wish to free herself from the mother (1964, p. 117).
her fulfillment in a constant heterosexual relation-
ship (1982, p. 121).
Chasseguet-Smirgel defines two different
kinds of penis envy: that motivated by the
So far, we have encountered Jacobson's
girl's narcissistic wound, and that arising from
inner penis, the source and origin of the femi-
her simultaneous desire both to incorporate it
nine superego, a guardian of love; Kestenberg's
and to separate herself from the mother. In
'sealing' penis, stemming from identification
addition, she also describes a third penis-related
with the father and the need to protect herself;
need: as a block against penetration, since
and, finally, Kestenberg's 'inside penis', the
penetration threatens the integrity of some
girl's love for the father.
women. In such cases, according to Chasseguet-
Chasseguet-Smirgel (1964) is concerned with
Smirgel, the girl's defence is motivated by fear
the difficulty of penis internalisation in femi-
of the maternal phallus; this fear is anal.
nine conflicts. She speaks of the incorporation
Chasseguet-Smirgel does not see the develop-
of the penis. The girl incorporates the penis
ment of femininity as built upon the genital
in the change from mother-love to father-love;
this process of incorporation, however, may
be hampered by the idealisation of the penis,
which, according to Chasseguet-Smirgel, al- I believe that the fact that there may be primary
ways accompanies a change of object. Such receptive instincts in women, be they oral, anal or
vaginal, does not prevent penis envy from being pri-
idealisation is a necessary condition for the
mary, too (1964, p. 112).
girl's object change, since the ties to the mother
are so powerful that only a split in which the
father is idealised makes it possible for the girl In relation to the instinctual origin of the
to abandon the mother. The girl encounters dif- motivation for penis incorporation, she denies
ficulties in attempting to internalise the ideal- the importance of vaginal sexuality:
ised penis. The process of incorporation also
involves, in addition to desire, certain castrat- Also, the instinctual drive at the level of the primary
ing and anal impulses towards the penis. process is absolute and unlimited and cannot be set
Women therefore describe symptoms which in a spatio-temporal framework (1964, p. 216).
express their feelings of guilt. In their guilt
fantasies, they identify with the drowning, suf- Chasseguet-Smirgel is certainly right in her
focating or smashed image of the penis within point that all of the above are primary recep-
their own castrating inside. Under these con- tive instinctual impulses; but not in her claim
ditions, they are prevented from utilising their that the vagina does not play the most impor-
own competence and ability. tant role and is not the first actual significant
Chasseguet-Smirgel describes penis envy instinctual element in the integration of femi-
thus: ninity. There are two reasons for this signifi-
cance; firstly, because it persists throughout
I see penis envy not as a 'virility claim' to something the whole developmental cycle, thus providing
one wants for its own sake, but as a revolt against the the significance of continuity (Kestenberg,
person who caused the narcissistic wound: the omni- 1982, p. 92); secondly, because its symbolisation
potent mother (1964, p. 115). begins very early: it is externalised in the doll
relationship already in the second year of life.
Furthermore: It thus creates the basis for an early psychic
feminine function; seemingly, for part of the
If, however, penis envy is caused by the desire to capacity for integration which is preserved
liberate oneselffrom the mother, as I propose, the throughout life, and by means of which sub-
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sequently penis envy, the feminine body- image envy. She creates protective functions to guard
and all the functions of femininity are inter- her integrity, and these functions have in part
nalised. It probably plays a role in the process the character of penis identification. She creates
of integration itself, naturally in promoting the 'sealing penis' (Kestenberg, 1982); those
feminine identifications, and in bringing about mental functions which I call penis-femininity.
penis internalisations. The girl can have the same skills and abili-
When inner genitality is excluded, the pro- ties as the boy. She even competes with boys
cess of integration and feminine identification in their own world, without becoming bitter
is hampered. Such inhibition of inner genitality at not being able to win over them. In her
occurs when the girl very early experiences sublimations, the woman can identify with the
severe disappointments in the relationship with sexual functions of the father's penis as the
her mother (Torsti, 1993). By inner genitality possessor of the mother; she becomes a pen-
I mean both vaginal sensations and the mental etrator, perhaps as a scientist or scholar; a
functions which already at that time are con- fertiliser, for instance, with her ideas; she takes
structed upon them. Sexual feelings must not possession of her audience, perhaps as a singer.
become dominant; the mother's good care keeps These sublimations become possible for her
them at an available level and promotes their only when her femininity is adequately function-
continuity and their externalisation in the girl's ing in her possession; they bind the woman's
play. negative oedipal cathexes. But this binding
As Kestenberg puts it: cannot take place when the girl's differentiation
from the mother is incomplete and her inner
In this process, libido is shifted from the genitals genitality has not been internalised. In such
and the inner-genital tensions become degenital- cases, the areas of penis envy in the woman
ized, paving the way for undisturbed differentiation are characterised by despair, unlike the sealing-
of phase specific ego functions (1982, p. 92). penis image already described, which is char-
acterised by autonomous sexual desire, the
It is astounding that the significance of the woman's clitoral sexuality. Contrary to Freud's
vagina has been ignored by theorists in out- assumption, the woman does not give this up,
lining the development of femininity in classic but builds part of her self and her body image
psychoanalytic theory. How is it possible for upon it.
human beings to possess an organ which be- Part of the woman is always hostile to the
comes sensitised only at puberty? And why man; after all, she has envied him, and this
should that organ be the vagina in particular? envy is not entirely lost. It is this envy which
The question I am concerned with is the permits her to compete in a men's world. It
way in which the penis, as an object of envy, should be noted that the clitoris is a female
becomes integrated into femininity. Like Lach- sex organ; its stimulation is normally linked
man (1982), I consider that a well-functioning with vaginal sensations, so that when the girl
penis envy is an important aspect of femininity, masturbates her sexual sensation spreads into the
organising and integrating it. These functions vagina. The psychic domains of self and body-
it can fulfil only when the penis is most deeply image built upon both sexual feelings originate
internalised. To the extent that this binding in feminine experience.
does not occur, the girl's penis envy will
hamper or paralyse the development of femi-
nine autonomy. CASE REPORT
One of the essential functions of femininity
is to ensure a capacity for critical selectiveness I have chosen this case from among those
towards those men who strive to enter her. that were available because I do not think the
The woman's receptivity must not be overly patient can be identified in Finland. The pro-
passive; an awareness of the introitus requires cess I will describe could have been illustrated
psychic work on the part of the girl at a stage by many other analyses.
coinciding precisely with the first wave of penis My case report is a woman, A, who started
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analysis, four times a week, at the age of 26. get off and walk; her work was piling up. She
Three years earlier she had begun therapy with had lost her energy and her initiative long
a male therapist, as a result of her inability ago, in school at the age of II or 12. At that
to have sexual intercourse with her permanent age there had been a sudden change. She had
partner; their previous sexual relations had previously been a good and interested student,
been satisfactory, and my patient considered but abruptly everything had come to an end.
the relationship a good one. In her therapy The teachers had been puzzled, and evidently
she had been completely silent for more than there had been talk of treatment. A little later
a year, and the therapist therefore suggested there was an anorectic stage. She was still thin
that she try an analysis with me. In the initial at the time of the analysis; she was also suf-
interview she seemed co-operative. fering from attacks of stomach pain, and gas-
The first stage in her relationship with me tritis had been diagnosed. She was forced to
rapidly became one of defiant and provocative stay away from work for a few days at a time
acting out. She began seeing a new man, spend- owing to recurrent attacks of diarrhoea. She
ing nights with him; her main intention was had been taking tranquillisers for many years,
to seduce him, in order to shock both her but with the help of analysis weaned herself
permanent partner and the analyst. In the from them.
analytic sessions, she provided just enough During the sessions, in her silence she used
information to keep me up to date with this to play the piano in her mind. She had origi-
situation; she did not say much about anything nally gone quite far in her piano studies, but
else. I began to explore this attitude, and was unable to perform in public. Now she
realised that she brought up her father trans- 'played' during the therapy sessions, in order
ference. I learned that, during adolescence, A's to resist her wish to share her associations
relationship with her father had become so with me. This could be interpreted; behind it
inflamed that she had had to leave home and was the connection with the mother, who had
move in with relatives. A defied her father and been A's first piano teacher in her childhood.
refused to submit. The father did not tolerate Through music, the mother had always been
her nights out and her men friends. A began available, bypassing the father and the younger
sexual relations at an early age; to the shock brothers. The piano was something to which
of her father, she entered into a relationship the mother always reacted. 'Playing' during the
with a partner almost the father's age. analytic sessions, A's fingers moved rapidly
She had nightmares in which an unknown across her stomach; the link with masturbation
man was chasing her with a knife or a gun in was embarrassingly obvious. She recalled,
his hand; she would jump into a large pit to laughing, how she had desired her brothers'
escape. In the transference, A swallowed her instruments; they had played woodwind instru-
associations and hid behind her silence. She ments. Her childhood penis envy, however,
used something which her dream could sym- had not subdued her; as a child she was quick
bolise in an action; in an acting-in mode to learn, and coped well. Feelings of envy and
with me. She gave me only a part of her jealousy towards the brothers were available
thoughts; the part in which the transference- in the analysis; as was, to some extent at this
father was provoked to attack. She refused to stage, her envy of the mother on account of
accept either the curfew rules laid down by her maternal skills and because she had sons.
her father, or the analytic rule of talking about A saw a link between the mother's pregnancy
everything. and her own anorexia, with the related preg-
The next stage in the analysis was one in nancy fantasies. She had vivid memories from
which A was silent, coolly sadistic and cynical. the age of 5, when her younger brother had
She let me have intermittent and isolated items been born.
of information: at work she could not stand The transference was a positive one, in spite
the presence of others; she was unable to eat. of the cynicism with which she defended herself
Travelling to and from work was painful; in against her own warmth, to the point where
the bus she was invaded by panic and had to she became ill. At this time, however, she could
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not imagine talking to me about her sex life.The home. Finally, he had put down his knife, while
next stage in the analysis began with a dream, A kept her eyes turned away.
in which some horses escaped from a fenced A felt that with this icy gesture she had
enclosure with an enormous pounding. At the gained victory over the father. This turned-
foot of the couch there is a Chinese drawing of away, icy A carried the secret together with
a runaway horse being subdued by its master. her father. She had never spoken of these
A was now teetering on the verge of a depres- events to anyone; they were a tie between
sion; for days she would fall into it and then herself and her father-in them, he belonged
rise out of it once more. Her mind was full to her. Furthermore, this turning away was
of suicidal images, dreams in which she was A's knife, even more powerful than the father's
drowning in black and icy water, and images idealised strength and power, for bad more
of warm water in which to drown herself. Re- than for good. This phallic knife of A's own
fusing her partner's approaches came up in was her defiance, her cynicism and her refusal
the discussion. Suddenly she found herself flirt- to commit herself to anyone.
ing with other men; but she knew she loved A was afraid of orgasm, because she was
her own partner, although she was unable to often caught up in it, in a state of unwilling
feel it. She tended to blush easily, even in the confusion, for many hours. It gave her the
analytic sessions. connection with the moment of the knife,
While I was interpreting this resistance to shared with her father. She could have fainted.
her in the transference, a sudden memory of The orgasm was death by the father's knife.
her father broke into her mind: the father's After this interpretation, she began to keep
penis, it's hard and it's tickling her in bed. within herself and allow the fruit of our collabo-
Her mother is away from home, and her father ration to grow; she took control of her own
is holding her close against him ... not pene- activity and initiative. I heard of her progress
trating her. Father and her in a dark room, at work; she had been given a rise and was
father shining a flashlight on her small budding offered a promotion, to a position in which
breasts and vulva; is there any hair yet ... Her she would have subordinates under her. She
mother is away. She was 11. A terrible shame was able to cope with this new situation. She
overwhelms her at these memories. I now find also became engaged and began to plan mar-
it easy to understand how shamefully she has riage, but she was frightened of wanting a
felt her wish to show me her associations, and child; she might be a harsh mother. Memories
how impossible it has been for her to take in arose once more of her own mother with her
and use my interpretations, let alone keep them little brothers (one-and-a-half and five years
within herself. younger, respectively).
The impression of the usefulness of the She remembered the mother's last pregnancy
analysis, its integration, has been very loose; quite well, as well as her own bitter envy of
very little is genuinely internalised. On the the mother's ability to give birth and to breast-
contrary: when the session has been going well, feed the child. She wanted to hurt her mother's
A has always destroyed it with her cold and sons, and she did so: she pushed the peram-
cynical silence the next time. Nothing has been bulator down the hill so that it turned over.
allowed to arouse permanent interest in her. She had dolls, but they did not feel sufficient
She has been extremely passive, at the same to her; her mother had a real baby. The time
time provoking activity in others; unprotected, of the birth of the first brother recurs through-
and at the same time extremely reserved and out the analysis as a desolate sense of exclu-
withdrawn in her self-defence. When we were sion; it also appears in her way of excluding
analysing these resistances in the analytic re- me, and generally in the effort she invests in
lationship, another memory emerged: when A exclusion. This now takes a new form: the
was 15, her father had threatened to kill her urge to bring about a miscarriage in the mother
with a knife. He had held her tightly against (as she had so often done to my fertilising
the wall, knife pointed at her, for what seemed interpretations within herself).
an eternity; the reason was her late return A's voice had until now been brittle and
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thin; it now deepened and became warmer. tion in this analysis: the genitality which had
She joined a choir group and began to sing. been obstructed came alive at the moment
Her mother is a singer, an alto, and A has when the lost sealing function of A's penis-
always been in love with the mother's songs femininity could once again be taken into
and voice. A now revealed that it has been possession, when we had succeeded in working
difficult for her to take in my words because through in the transference both of A's trau-
my voice resembles that of the mother, and mas: her early outsideness when her brother
she has been bewitched by it. A terminated was born, and the traumatic relationship with
the analysis, thawed and warmed from within, her father. Her newborn inner liveliness was
and ready to establish a family of her own, given a symbolic representation as a pulsating
as her mother had before her. She sees many orange ball in one of her dreams during the
similarities between herself and her mother, termination.
and is now pleased with them.
We succeeded in breaking through the hard
phallic walls of her defence, to A's traumatic IMITATIVE IDENTITY
experiences with her father. Consenting to
remember the magical-omnipotent alliance with At its most painful, penis envy originates
the satanic aspect of the father, and to become from too early a traumatic disappointment
free of it, released A to remember the oedipal with the mother, with which the mind of the
mother. The mother lived with the father, and young child is unable to deal. An early sense
A was able to recall the parents' love life and of exclusion from the mother, as postulated
the way in which the children were excluded by Green (1983) and Gaddini (1974, 1976),
from it. The father's penis, held with love returns retrospectively to the primal scene process.
within the mother, began to take on signifi- This disappointment with the mother means
cance, and A's own inner self began to warm up. for the child a loss of the mother's care, and
She was willing to see me, too, as the mother a sense of exclusion which at this age it is
of a family, as someone who had given birth totally unequipped to sustain. In this condition,
to children. She began to want something the child experiences the catastrophe of loss
within herself to give growth and life to; first of self. It has to defend itself against a possible
she consented to the nurturing of our joint repetition of this catastrophe. Afterwards, the
analytic child, began to revive and make pro- child's second object, the father, becomes the
gress, gradually coming to want a child of her cause of this outsideness in the child's fantasies
own. once more in returning to the primal-scene
With this warming-up process, my penis, process.
initially the murderingly-penetrating idealised The father takes up that space within the
phallus of the rampant father, took on a mother which the child considers to belong to
meaning of pleasurable penetration; at first a itself. The result is that the father's penis does
male penis, but also the mother's penis, and not at the appropriate time take on a desirable
its frightening homosexual penetration. During meaning for the girl, but rather becomes a
this process, A herself had adopted many penis threat. Instead of turning her desire towards
characteristics, involving the use of skills and it she has to protect herself from it. Under
abilities, creativity, leadership and performing these conditions, the woman herself attempts
skills. These were not something new to her; to become the envied and idealised phallus
but she had renounced them at the time of and to collect all the admiration she thinks
the father's exploitation of her in his own belongs to it for herself. She constructs an
problems, when A was II. imitative relationship with the idealised penis,
A's trauma was worked through in the which I call the phallus: she herself becomes
transference, and her phallic narcissistic resis- her own aggressor, that which she cannot
tance was explored. In this process, the inner- desire. She creates a magically omnipotent and
genital potential for integration was mobilised. unrealistic self, based on the delusion of imi-
We can follow the three-dimensional integra- tation. In this imitative identity there is nothing
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to reach for or to desire, because every lack pects of the adult relationship with reality, and ap-
reminds her of losing the self. pear as adult identity (1974, p. 81).
Gaddini (1969) describes imitation as a pri-
mary state in the child's development, the In the place of desire and hope, what I
starting point in the development of the self: found in this phallic mental world is excitation
the child withdraws from the outside world in and the sado-masochistic delusion, magically
order to restore its state of equilibrium-after representing lack of differentiation, of merging
which it can once more tolerate its needs with with the analyst. The emotional element in this
regard to the satisfying object: phallus is one of pain.
It would seem that the greater the threat
we must bear in mind that physical contact is the of loss of self, the more omnipotent are the
method of choice for achieving imitative identity, means of phallic defence in the feminine struc-
whose aim is withdrawalfrom the conflicts and anxi- tures. At the level of fantasy, the phallus is
ety associated with the object area. It may be added concretised: it is precious or beautiful, and it
that imitative identity originally relates to the bodily is always an instrument of power and strength.
self and that it is the product of primitive libidinal It is always also a weapon or a lethal poison;
cathexes-that is, ones turned towards the interior it has a parallel meaning of death.
of the self (Gaddini, 1974, p. 81).
In order to prevent the catastrophe of loss
of self, the woman tends to use her magical
For the patient using imitative identity when and omnipotent phallic identity. By this means
filled with painful envy, the analytic situation she protects herself against every meaning of
can contain only one idealised phallus at a loss during the developmental cycle: equally
time; the analysand herself strives to maintain from differentiation, from gender differences,
this position. The analyst suddenly finds him- and from oedipal outsideness. Such psychic
self in a situation in which his work has no structuralisation blocks the development of
meaning. He is present in order to be absent- healthy penis intemalisations and female ego
in order to be outside. The analysand may ideals (Torsti, 1993).
seem to be co-operating beautifully-but noth-
ing happens. The analysand should be admired
if she suddenly loses her admirability to the TRANS LA nONS OF SUMMARY
analyst; she becomes empty and insignificant.
She cannot allow her innermost being to live Cet article examine Ie role integratif de la genitalite in-
and experience warmth or hope and desire; terne dans la formation des internalisations du penis, qui font
partie du soi feminin. L'envie du penis, operant de facon
this would make her vulnerable to the anxiety
simultanee avec l'angoisse surgissant d'une realisation de
and dependency which has a meaning of ca- l'introidus sous l'influence de la genitalite interne. organise
tastrophe for her. The process of intemalisa- les structures fonctionnelles du penis interne et externe
ferninin. Cette dimension tripartite, la genitalite interne,
tion becomes impossible. l'envie du penis et l'angoisse de la penetration. est la condi-
The defence mechanisms which dominate tion d'une ferninite operante.
the analytic situation in such cases are acting in, Ala lumiere d'un cas c\inique analytique, l'auteur suit la
detente dune position de defense phalli que et Ie reveil d'une
somatisation, concretisation and denial. Pro- genitalite bloquee.
gress is prevented by integration anxiety. As La phallicite est comprise comme une structure de defense
one of my analysands has expressed it: she traumatique qui empeche Ie developpement du fonctionne-
ment des identifications de penis. Dans Ie monde mental
feels as though two magnets with the same phallique, Ie penis revet un sens idealise et concret. Sa desir-
pole were revolving around each other. Or, in abilite est niee et la femme exc\ue sa genitalite interne de sa
the words of Gaddini: relation it lui en tant qu'objet.
Quand une femme est des plus bloquee quant it sa nature
de femme, elle devient elle meme un phallus. Elle vit dans une
it should be borne in mind that the imitative identity identite imitative dans laquelle les fonctions psychiques inter-
nalisantes en sont au point mort. Dans un tel esprit, Ie but
is opposed to the structuringprocesses of adult iden- ultime des defenses est d'eviter l'angoisse d'annihilation,
tity not as some defence mechanism or other but as
a fundamental alternative which can, by means of Dieser Beitrag untersucht die integrative Rolle der in-
imitations, assume the guise of many important as- neren Genitalitat in der Formierung der Penisverinner-
Copyrighted Material. For use only by FieldingGraduateU. Reproduction prohibited. Usage subject to PEP terms & conditions


Iichungen. die Teil des femininen Selbst sind. Penisneid, der tali dad interna en la formaci6n de internalizaciones del
simultan mit der sich aus der Realisierung des Introitus unter pene, que son parte del self femenino. La envidia del pene,
dem Einfluf innerer Genitalitat ergebenden Angst fungiert, que opera en simultaneidad con la angustia que surge al
organisiert funktionierende innere und aufere weiblichePenis- tomar consciencia del introito bajo la intluencia de la geni-
strukturen. Diese Dreidimensionalitat von innerer Genitalitat, talidad interna, organiza estructuras funcionales de pene
Penisneid und Penetrationsangst ist der Zustand einer funk- femeninas internas y externas. Esta dimensionalidad triple
tionierenden Femininitat. 1m Lichte einer analytischen Fall- de genitalidad interna, envidia de pene y angustia de pene-
geschichte folgt der Autor dem Auftauen der phallischen traci6n es la condici6n de una feminidad funcional. A la luz
Verteidigungsposition und dem Erwachen der gehemmten de un caso analitico, la autora expone el proceso de
Genitalitat. Phallizitatwird als traumatische Verteidigungsstruk- descongelaci6n de una posicion defensiva falica y el des-
tur betrachtet, die die Entwicklung funktionierender Penisi- pertar de la genitalidad obstruida. La falicidad se ve como
dentifizierungen und konkreter Bedeutungen verhindert. Es una estructura de defensa traumatica que impide el de-
wird abgestritten, daf sie wiinschenswert ist und die Frau sarrollo de identificaciones de pene operantes. En el mundo
schlieBtihre innere Genitalitat aus ihrer Beziehung dazu als mental falico, el pene toma un significado idealizado y
Objekt aus. Eine Frau wird selbst zum Phallus, wenn sie in concreto. Se niega su cualidad de deseable y la mujer
ihrer Fraulichkeit am meisten gehemmt ist. Sie lebt in einer excluye su genitalidad interna de su relacion con este como
imitativen Identitat, in welcher die internalisierenden psy- objeto. Cuando la mujer siente su feminidad maxima-
chischen Funktionen zum Stillstand gekommen sind. In soleh mente obstruida, se convierte ella misma en un falo. Vive
einem Geiste ist der letztendliche Verteidigungszweck die en una identidad imitativa en la que las funciones psiquicas
Vermeidung der Vernichtungsangst. internalizadoras se han detenido. En una mente asi, el
objeto final de la defensa es evitar la angustia de aniqui-
Este articulo examina el papel integrador de la geni- laci6n.


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Marita Torsti Copyright © Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London, 1994

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00400 Helsinki
(MS. received November 1993)
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