Introduction To Muscles

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Types of muscle

Introduction contraction
to Muscles
Sliding filament Generates movement
theory The insertion points are

Generates movement
Most abundant tissue in the body. The insertion points
A pencil on a
move away.
More than 430 muscles in pairs on both sides muscle fiber
of the body..

Functions of Static There is no movement
Maintains There is no change in
Muscles posture Muscle like a muscle length.
set of pencils

Strength and protection to the skeleton. Within the fiber are the
Load distribution. sarcomeres, where proteins Roles
Shock absorption. Dynamic such as actin and myosin are
Muscle that acts as the
Produce movement. main mobilized
Locomotion and
Maintain body posture.
mobility body Actin in the form of a double helix (purple and
Muscle that acts as a
Stabilize joints.
green) and myosin with cross bridges (yellow)
slide between them, generating contraction. stabilizer, in the opposite Antagonist
This is formed in 3d. direction.

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