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MATCH CASE: A match statement will compare a

given variable's value to different shapes,

also referred to as the pattern. The main idea
is to keep on compairing the varaible with
all present patterns until it fits into one.

Match statement was introduced in Python 3.10.

It provides a more powerful and
flexible alternative to the traditional
if, elif, else statements for pattern matching.

MAIN ENTITIES: three main entities are

there in Match Case.
1) The match Keyword.
2) One or more case clauses.
3) Expression for each case.

Python 3.10 has this feature so we should have to

update the python version.
In python we use match case statement instead of
break as in C++ and other languages.
match varaible name:
case 'pattern 1
statment 1
case 'pattern 2
statement 2
case 'pattern 3
case 'pattern n
statement n
x = int(input("Enter the value of X: "))
match x:
case 0:
print("case is zero")
case 4:
print("case is 4")
case _:
x = int(input("Enter the value of X: "))
match x:
case 0:
print("case is zero")
case 4:
print("case is 4")
case _ if x!=90:
print(x, "is not 90")
case _ if x!=80:
print(x, "is not 80")
case _ if x!=70:
print(x, "is not 70")
case _: #working like else statement here
x = 4
match x:
case 0:
print("x is zero")
case 4 if x%2==0:
print("x%2==0 and case is 4")
case _ if x<10:
print("x is less than 10")
case _:
x = int(input("ENter the Number: "))
match x:

case _ if x%2==0:
print(x, "the number is even")
case _:
print(x, "The number is odd")
Implement a function called get_day_of_week that
takes an integer representing the day of the week
(1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, ..., 7 for Sunday)
and returns the corresponding name of the day.
Use the match statement to accomplish this task.
def get_day_of_week(day_number):
match day_number:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case _:
print("Invalid day number")

# Test the function

print(get_day_of_week(1)) # Output: Monday
print(get_day_of_week(3)) # Output: Wednesday
print(get_day_of_week(8)) # Output: Invalid day number

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