3.moving On 2 7. (12-03-14) Compressed

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Demasiado bueno para ser cierto
El Sr. Smith y el Sr. Petersen estaban en una seria Eso es exactamente lo que quiero
conversación en la ocina del gerente. Pidieron a la decir, excepto que ellos también
secretaria que nadie los molestara. pagaban a Roberts. Él ha estado
Yo quiero hablarle acerca de este cobrando sueldos de ambos lados,
señor Roberts. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo pero ha usado nuestras instalaciones,
que trabaja con nosotros? nuestros teléfonos, nuestra
información, incluso nuestros
Él trabaja con nosotros desde hace empleados, para servir a esta otra
unos ocho años. rma. En otras palabras, Roberts es lo
que podríamos llamar un espía
¿Y cuánto tiempo hace que está en el corporativo.
departamento de mercadeo?
¡Pero no lo puedo creer! ¿Qué es lo
Sólo desde el año pasado. Él era que lo hace sospechoso? ¿Cómo lo
asistente de Jim Soames antes de eso. averiguó?
Es un empleado muy el y capaz.
Ojalá tuviéramos más como él. Muy sencillo. Ya hace varios meses
que vengo notando que las cosas no
Pues, si esa es su opinión, tengo algo andan tan bien como deberían. De
sorprendente que informarle. Roberts una u otra manera hemos sido
está trabajando en sociedad con uno golpeados constantemente por Hogg
de nuestros principales rivales en el & Co. En casi todos nuestros nuevos
mercado de cosméticos. Desde hace productos. Incluso parecían crear
casi ocho años estamos perdiendo nuestra propia campaña de publicidad
terreno en el mercado debido a los antes de que pudiéramos lanzarla. Era
buenos servicios de Roberts... ¡a la evidente. La información se estaba
otra rma! escapando y había alguien importante
detrás de la fuga. Comencé a observar
¿Quiere usted decir que mientras
cuidadosamente a Roberts. Era
nosotros pagábamos a Roberts, esta
demasiado perfecto, demasiado
otra gente se beneciaba a nuestra
puntual, demasiado dispuesto a
trabajar hasta tarde. Este año, !incluso
se le olvidó tomar vacaciones¡

Unit 28 Too good to be true
Mr. Smith and Mr. Petersen were in a deep That's exactly what I mean except that
conversation in the manager's ofce. They asked they have been paying Roberts too. He
the secretary not to let anyone disturb them. has been collecting salaries from both
I want to talk to you about this man. sides but has used our premises, our
Roberts. How long has he been telephones, our information, and even
working for us? our employees to serve this other
operation. In other words, Roberts is
He's been working for us for about what we might call a corporate spy.
eight years now.
But I can't believe it! What makes you
And how long has he been in the suspect him? How did you nd out?
marketing department?
Very simple. For several months now,
Only since last year. He was Jim I've been noticing that things weren't
Soame's assistant before that. He's a working out as well as they should
very capable and faithful employee. I have been. Somehow, we were being
wish we had more like him. continually beaten to the market by
Hogg & Co., with almost every one of
Well, if that's how you feel, I've got our products. They even seemed to
some surprising news for you. Roberts think out our publicity lines before we
is working in connection with one of even managed to launch our
our top rivals in the cosmetics market. campaigns. It was obvious.
For almost eight years now, we've Information was leaking out and
been losing ground in this market due there was someone important behind
to Robert's good services... to the the lead. I began to watch Roberts
other company! carefully... he was too perfect, too
punctual, too willing to work late.
You mean to say that while we've
This year, he even forgot to take his
been paying Roberts, these other
people have been proting at our

New Vocabulary

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

-Campaigns -Collect -Capable -Continually
-Cosmetics -Leak -Faithful -Exactly
-Markets -Lose
-Premises -Pay
-Salaries -Seem
-At our expense
-Too perfect

Unit 28 Too good to be true

! Now, something important!

Past Perfect

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the
past. It can also show that something happened before a specic time in the past.

I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet.

We use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until
another action in the past.

By the time Alex nished his studies, he had been in London for over eight

Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specic time words or phrases with the
Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary.

She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with
them in 1996.

Ref For better reference, see Finding Out About Grammar Book, Unit 12, page 177.


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