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1 Product Development and Service Design

Outline the concepts of the product/service design, e.g. in a computer training business, how will

the curriculum be organized and designed. In case of products, what scope of products will be


4.2 Production Facilities and Capacity

4.2.1 Production Facility

This describes the tools and equipment that will be available in the business for the purpose of

goods/services production

4.2.2 Production Capacity

This outlines the number of products/services that can be produced at a given session. E.g if one

is running a college, how many students can be trained at a given session and how many can

train up to completion at a given period.

4.3 Production Strategy

What methods will be put in place to ensure that the business generates the best products

/services? E.g in some cases the management may opt to get ready made products other than

doing the local production because the readymade will be cheaper and of good quality.

4.4 Production Process

Outline the entire process of production, for instance a computer accessories shop would opt to adopt
the following production process:

- Buy parts from the manufacturer

- Assemble the parts at the business premises

- Test the functionality of the accessories

- Accessories become ready to be sold to clients

4.5 Regulations affecting Operations

Explain the regulations affecting the operations of your business. The regulations can be categorized as

4.5.1 Health Regulations

4.5.2 Safety Regulations

4.5.3 Environmental Regulations

Consider only those regulations affecting you specific proposed business.

4.6 Equipment

Give a description of the major equipment that will be used in the proposed business.

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