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Colour Belt Grading Syllabus 10th Kup to 1st Kup (© Copyright Tackwon-Do ireland Ludgate O’Keeffe Sports Ltd. Proud sponsors of Taekwon-Do Ireland SPECIALISTS IN TAEKWON-DOo Sparring equipment ¢ Suits » Belts Punchbags * Helmets Main stockists of Hayashi + Force * Rucanor * Shogun martial arts equipments Full selection of major sporting brands Nike * Reebok * Puma * Adidas New Balance + Fila * Ellesse also in stock er Pate eem onus Telephone/Fax 277571 CONTENTS Taekwon-Do, abi history ‘Student Guidelines “he Uniform. Terminlogy and rules ofthe Dojang ‘Students Oath and Tenets Definition ofa Patten and Breaking ‘The Body's Vial Pints ‘tances Stetching and Warming UP Structure ofthe Abdominals Hajor Muscle Groups GRADING SYLLABUS ‘WHTE BEL, tot KUP Four crecton punch YELLOW Tr, th KUP (hon ITU (ne stp hand sparing, series one YELLOW BELT, 8th KUP Dan Gun Tu (GREEN, 7th UP Do San Tul (ne stp hand sparing, series two (GREEN BELT, 6 KUP Won Hyo Tl (ne step foot sparing, series one BLUE TP, STH KUP ol Gok Tul (ne stp hand sparing, series tree ‘BLUE BEL, KUP Joong Gun Tl ‘One step foot sparing, saris two EDT Sed UP TWiGye Tu ‘One step hand sparing, series four RO BELT, 2nd KUP Hwa Rang Tol ‘One stp foot sparing, series three BLACK TI, 1st KUP {Choong Moo Tu ‘Student Record 3 14 15 16 17 20 2 8 24 5 25 28 29 31 2 33 35 31 39 0 a1 Back Cover Dear Student, On bea of Takwon-Do lien aa ts members I woul ke to welcome you ‘Tre Instructors and Eeaminars of Taehwon Do Island are dedicated to the evelopment of Taekwon-Do forthe beni of members and we Daive out ‘continue growths veto that commitment. We hope hit a ou velop in the tof Taekwon-Do, you wil dicover for yourself certain quail pon which you an grow and mature as esponsibe and honest ind This sysbus has been prepared for you o that you may become aequite with cour philosophy of eaching and approach i the development of oh the mind nd th body. This lab designed a. ppm to the ine inscton you il ceive in elas. We encourage yout ead thi ylabus thoroughly begin (o understand the caching of Taekwon-Do, Yours in Takwon-Do Jon Canty Serta, Takoon-Do lila, Taekwon-Do ~ 2 bret hiswry “ton Do, mech ets king Ping and ten. Tger Cyc te ae Frere Tah Do owe css pce The wor rina Tako Dor yo gta Sy of din, 2 of tring res nd bos The IM ef Thos De eed Kono tc of ny cers, To comply ues gis est iat at Kore meas ag Mary anows Korea tec eres in pater lw pci oy Re thn fhe merge pein» ttwcugh wich cat nds paed r Chi oe Many comers of Hoe ati, song he marta ‘ep » sin sage tert ef Kore ‘ois Conse jp Toe Koes ave ae en Mari rt rot ode o Kaen 108 een he text pu tcouy wa ety the Han ay Chin Thee of th cout coe of ea eons guy nthe ot ae wand Sh sou, opont ster pn The Chase Ring es seta te he Kos wre they wer ete ac ‘Roe ering to ee ee Sia the alata mot ‘ote tthe ington alee coat ack by Pah, Kapgo snd In orig the Regier to crete 3 pow sem T comparator te ck a ee wep eng Spe known ang (Chia hand) me Doro om ‘Pong omy of Cra By the ely see cen. Sia suede in deine Pace nel Kapaa aut th Koran penn Ue Queen Sons es were ett China iy mary ‘cea pnp. 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Ar eh ne Korn tp! npn oh way 0 rare nto erty 1986 Ch Hong Ht Kran fer ein rng oop in the ance tol Tyra te ctl at ad al wae ope oth ara comempe and ne peso for Ns pr In 185th Koo gerne pt promot the mara sesso Kosa thera pastine apnea Geer Chott 2 mart tout of He ied ecigur. Chote Oh “iswor Do episng ht woud be pratt Way af Ie aie ely ears of oma As th mae pi Twon-De te both Keking tod png etm twekig tad call By. jmp. bes an rms Conidae sea a peed on rething prope In the sty ses General Cha slong witha eect mare of mas took Taskwom Dot the et of he wold mug Hon othe Tn 1968 Taso Do wa noice to Ltn by Master Ree Ki Ha. Ses tne hae et pega to en om ‘may great mater, ch an, Cho Hee Hvar Kang Sa Kar van Onur Dara ths period Tatoo his ed feo the amie at Hs toy fod ahi raped ‘pone ihn or om ane in Taw ln ‘me Me Mihi Peg Me Aa erdeané Me Det at “Tako Do an ato proce this tty you, eed member by the tadton oh abs Fg ti ees ‘As Taekwon-Do i of Korean origin, certain easton philosophies as well as Korean terminolo- ‘ay must be observed during traning, ‘THE UNIFORM (0obuK} The Dobuk which is white has a traditional cross-over top and lng pants wth wit bet for the beginner. Members shoud show respec forthe art by always having a clean and pressed Dobuk. The lapels ofthe top shouldbe crossed lft over right and ted neatly, The bel is ted witha square knot in front having been wrapped twice around the waist ands ends should be even inength, The Tackwon-o ireland insignia shouldbe wor on the let breast. ‘THE BELT RANKING SYSTEM Belt Colour = Rank Kup/Dan White foeginner) 10th kup Yelow Tp th kup Yelow th kup (een Tp Tthiap ‘Groen Bot eth kup Bue Tip sthiup Bue Bot 4th hap Red Tp Sd kup Red Bet 2nd kup Back Ti stip Back Belt ‘st Oan ‘The student must uly understand the mearings of ll the belt colours as outed below. White Signifes innocence, as that ofthe beginning student win has no previous knowedge of Taekwon-Do, Yellow signifies earth, from which a plant sprouts and takes rot as the Taekwon-Do foundation i ai Green Signi the plants growth as Taekwon-Do begins to develop. Blue Sigifes the heaven towards which the plant matures into towering toe as traning in Taskwon-Do progresses. Red Signtos danger, cautioning the student to exercise control an his opponent to stay away. Black Oppost of wit, therefore signifying the maturity and poficeny in Taekwon-Do and hisimperviousness to darkness and fear. ‘STUDENT GUIDELINES continued Students attending Tekwon-0o forthe fist time wil find Korean words and customs such a5 bowing and removing your shoes very strange a fs, even wearing the Dobuk wl be anew experience, Below are listed Korean words commonly used in class inte form of commands. ENGLISH KOREAN ENGLISH ‘tenon yungeyeh Bow Ready Sila Begin Stop Paro tum Relax Duro-dor0 Tun One Doo! Two Tree Net Four Five Yasot Sh Seven Yodut Eight Nine val Ten RULES OF THE TRAINING HALL (Dojang) 1. Smoking is protibite, 2, The wearing of shoes i prohibited. 3, The wearing of jewellery is profes, 4. Aloholic inks, sof drinks and food ar potibited 5. Bad language or il cater ae prohibited 6. Students must be punctual fo cass 7. Aways address the Instructor as ‘Si? or MMi. 8. Unform must be clean and pressed with corect insignia at al times. 9, Students appearance must be clean and i, wit finger and toenails clean and cpp. 10, Students must aways be wiling to help lower grades when requested. ‘STUDENT GUIDELINES continued ‘Students Oath (Sonso) ‘Asa momber of the Taeon-Oo ireland Ishi abide by the ues, sti t train hard and flow te fv tenets of taekwon-

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