Survey Questionnaire - Parental Involvement

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Survey Questionnaire: Parental Involvement, Technology Use, and Childhood


Demographic Information:

1. What is your age? (select one)

● Under 18
● 18-24
● 25-34
● 35-44
● 45-54
● 55-64
● 65 or older
2. What is your gender? (select one)
● Male
● Female
● Non-binary/third gender
● Prefer not to say
3. What is your highest level of education? (select one)
● Less than high school
● High school graduate
● Some college/associate degree
● Bachelor's degree
● Master's degree
● Doctoral degree
● Other (please specify)

Parental Involvement:

4. How would you rate your level of involvement in your child's education? (select one)
● Very involved
● Somewhat involved
● Not very involved
● Not involved at all
5. What activities do you engage in to support your child's education? (Check all that apply)
● Helping with homework
● Reading together
● Attending school meetings/events
● Communicating with teachers/school staff
● Providing educational resources/materials
● Other (please specify)
6. What factors influence your level of involvement in your child's education? (Rank from
most to least influential)
● Time availability
● Interest in the subject matter
● Support from the child's school
● Other commitments (work, family, etc.)
● Lack of interest from the child
● Other (please specify)

Technology Use

7. What types of technology devices do you and your child use at home? (Check all that apply)

● Desktop computer
● Laptop
● Tablet
● Smartphone
● E-reader
● Other (please specify)
8. How often do you and your child use technology for educational purposes?
● Multiple times a day
● Daily
● Several times a week
● Once a week
● Rarely
● Never
9. What are the main reasons for using technology in your child's education? (Check all that
● Access to educational resources
● Interactive learning experiences
● Personalized learning opportunities
● Communication with teachers/school
● Other (please specify)

Impact of Technology on Parental Involvement:

10. Do you believe technology has influenced your involvement in your child's education? If so,


11. How has technology affected communication between you and your child's school? (Select
● Improved communication
● No change
● Hindered communication
● Not applicable/I don't know
12. What challenges have you encountered in using technology to support your child's


Childhood Development:

13. How would you describe your child's attitude towards reading and learning? (Select one)

● Very positive
● Somewhat positive
● Neutral
● Somewhat negative
● Very negative
14. In what ways do you think parental involvement influences your child's literacy


15. How do you perceive the role of technology in shaping your child's academic engagement
and learning outcomes?


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