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Topic: Bookmarks

When I am done this lesson, I will know:

 What a bookmark is
 Why I would use bookmarks
 How to add a bookmark

Pre and Post Self-Assessment

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Yes, I know No, I want to Yes, I know I still need
this learn this this more practice
to learn this
I know what a
bookmark is.
How to add a

New Words and Terms


What is a Bookmark?

A bookmark allows you to save websites or webpages in a list in your browser so you
can find them quickly. Bookmarks are also called “adding favorites” depending which
browser you are using. Bookmarks are saved under the star symbol on the right-hand
side of your address bar in your browser. This is what it looks like in Google Chrome.


To add a bookmark, click on the star when you are on the website or page you want to
save. Once you click on the star, this box will pop up.

Screen readers
Screen Reader Users can add a bookmark pressing Alt + D in most if not all browsers. The dialog
box that appears can be navigated with Arrow Keys and the tab key.
After you click "Done”, the page is saved.


How to Find Your Bookmarked Pages

1. As you type into the address bar, any bookmarks matching what you are typing
will appear with a star beside it. Screen reader users can navigate the shown
results with the up and down arrow keys, and your screen reader should indicate
which results are bookmarks.

2. Click on the Chrome menu at the top right-hand side of the page, hover over
bookmarks and then click the bookmark you want to open. Screen Reader Users
can access the Chrome Menu by pressing Alt + F, and using the arrow keys to
navigate the menu system.


3. You can also click on your bookmarks on your bookmark bar. The bar will be just
below the address bar. If your bookmark bar is not showing, you can change it in
the Chrome menu. Screen reader users can Press F6 and Shift + F6 to move
between the parts of the Chrome Window, including the Bookmark bar.

Try this/Practice

Find the following websites and bookmark them:

 Ontario 211 (
 Literacy Link South Central (
 Indeed (

Optional: I want to learn more

Watch this to learn more about

bookmarking in Chrome. in-chrome/1/

Complete this tutorial to learn how to

add and manage favorites in Internet and-managing-favorites/1/

Watch this to learn how to

bookmark in Safari. in-safari/print/

Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework Connection

Competency Task Groups(s)
Find and Use Information  Read Continuous Text
 Interpret Documents


 Extract Information from films, broadcasts and

Communicate Ideas and  Complete and Create Documents
Use Digital Technology  n/a

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