NUM NEWSMarch 2024 E2

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While as the NUM family we have secured many other victories

in the past years, we cannot now afford to rest on our laurels.
The challenges that are facing workers are too many. Let us make
sure that we try our level best to get out of our comfort zones and
work very hard for the best interest of the union’s membership.

Employment levels in our sectors have declined tremendously

and this has negatively affected our membership. We will not
leave any opportunity to grow the organization as and when
opportunity prevails.

We have also opened the year on a sad note. We lost both

the Regional Chairperson Mthuthuzeli Nojoko and Deputy
Chairperson Melumzi Boqwana as they were brutally ambushed
and killed as they were travelling from a meeting in East London.
By Editor in Chief Mpho Phakedi As the NUM, we have since forwarded our condolences to their
respective love ones and had placed our hopes that the law
NUM DGS enforcement agencies will find and arrest the perpetrators.
Eitha ! Maqabane Eitha ! Happy 41 years Anniversary of the Indeed equally 2023 was not an easy year. As we came to the
Mighty NUM. end of the year, just before our 41st birthday celebration, we got

served with notices for retrenchment from various companies.
his publication is released in the first quarter of the year,
just three months since our celebration of our 41 years We ended the year in a sad note. Sibanye Gold closed its 4 shaft
of existence. When we reached 40 years milestones, and as the caring union we engaged the company to a point of
the National Executive Committee resolved that reducing the number of affected workers. Also the following
considering the momentous reached as the organization we must companies embarked on dismissal of workers. Kumba Iron
celebrate with our members across all the regions and branches Ore, Sibanye Platinum and Anglo platinum followed the same
of the NUM. approach but once again we managed to reduce the numbers of
affected workers.
We painted Polokwane red and filled up Peter Makaba Stadium
with thousands of our members. Thank you to our MIT entities We must say that it was very sad to see our fellow members losing
and other partners for the support and making it possible for us their employment, increasing the number of unemployment in
to have a successful celebration. the country. We are on record as organization to have said we
should anticipate the trend to continue even in the New Year.
The year 2024 marks the continuation of the celebration of our 41 To our disappointment the captains of the industry never failed
years of existence. We celebrated under the theme “The road to in their missions. In the very first quarter of the New Year they
50 years is certain”. We are committed as the collective leadership already have served us with notices of 189A across the mining
to deliver the organization to its 50 years still strong and intact. houses. Almost all of the companies whom served us, repeated
The NEC has declared the 41st year as the year of building and themselves in the New Year.
growing the organization, targeting the metal and the motor
sectors. We have entered the year 2024 with the launch of Job losses are a big challenges and threat to the existence of trade
recruitment drive in the Eastern Cape region. union movements. Our society are subjected to and continued to
The recruitment program started with a big team consisting of live under extreme poverty.
people from the Head office; the Eastern Cape region and the
NEC members from all the regions of the mighty NUM. The As we prepare for this publication, we are already served with
NEC also held its meeting in the Province as part of recruitment notices with over 5000 workers being affected. We are anticipating
program. The two weeks spent in the region yielded very good the trend to continue even beyond the general elections in May.
result and we are hoping to go back to the province not later than
the second quarter of this year. This year is the year of negotiations almost in all four sectors, that
We are pleased with the work done by the recruitment team we are organizing (Mining; Construction; Energy and Metal).
and highly encouraged by the response from workers who Wage negotiations would be taking place in different levels, for
demonstrated huge interest in joining the NUM. The response example, at the company level and the central bargaining council
was so amazing and we are heartened as the organisation. level depending on various establishments.
That by its own gave us a signal that workers are in need of our
services and we must make sure that indeed we give them quality Historically we have done our best to improve working conditions
services. and fought for better salaries for our members and workers in
As we have already entered into the first quarter of the year 2024, general. In other areas, we have started and others will follow as
we should all be increasing our energies, channeling them into we come to the end of the first quarter.
servicing all our respective members in the four sectors (Mining, We pride ourselves with our own capacity and capability when
Energy, Construction and Metal sectors).
1 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024
it comes to collective bargaining and wage negotiations. We will Workers and the working-class are not naïve but very much
be participating for the first time in the motor industry wage alive to the challenges facing the country and our liberation
negotiations at the level of the bargaining council. We are very movement. We are hopeful and trust that the mass democratic
excited and looking forward to represent out members movement will overcome the challenges we are facing as the
country and the Movement.
Eita! Metal and Motor Industry Eita!!.
The NUM under the current leadership commit to continue to
The construction sector is having some challenges. This is one provide quality service to members; we characterize ourselves as
sector that is difficult to organize and be serviced but the NUM the revolutionary trade union. The issues of social and economic
has done well for over 20 years since the Cosatu resolution. development to the broader working-class is equally at the centre
of our revolutionary program.
The sector by its nature is a moving target. We really need the We are the construction; energy; metal and mine workers we
government to invest in this sector. Infrastructure development have members interest at heart. The struggle for workers and
is needed for the sustainability and job security. The sector is working-class in general is sacrosanct .
going through difficult time from all angles. The role of business
and the government is urgently needed. Eitha! Cadres Eitha ! Maatla

The sector needs to be cleaned from corrupt and disruptive

tendencies. We are the workers and we must insist on reinstating
professionalism. People must stop thinking that anyone can do
construction work with no experience or qualifications.

We are hoping that beyond the general elections a decisive action

has to be taken. We demand immediate halt on the criminal
activities parading as business forums and representatives of
local communities. This Mafia tendency in the sector is negatively
affecting job security and infrastructure development.

Amongst other challenges that are facing by the sector is the

imminent collapse of the employer organization, SAFCEC. It
will be difficult to coordinate collective bargaining in the sector.
Stakeholders must come together and address such challenge.
The other challenge is the weakening of the only well- established
Bargaining council.

The developments in SAFECEC have negative impact on the

existence of the bargaining council. Unions including ourselves
are struggling to keep our seat in the council purely because
companies do not want to be part of the BCEI avoiding being
regulated and rather prefer to continue with exploitation of
workers and maximization of profit at the expense of workers.

The 2024 General Elections

The NUM’s posture on the general elections is historically based

and fundamental grounded. The NUM as the organization have
since been instrumental in the liberation struggle of this country.
We are amongst the mass democratic movement that contributed
immensely to the democratic break-through in 1994.

We reflected on this historic role and felt that the struggle for
workers and working class in general is still relevant and calls
for continuation. Amongst fundamentals is to protect the gains
brought by our struggles before and after 1994. We will not allow
any political Party to destroy what we have fought for in terms of
basic Labour relations rights.

Our fore fathers fought for such rights and workers will defend
them at all cost. The NUM is calling upon all citizens, eligible
to vote, to make sure that we are not giving the country back to
the oppressors and exploiters. Young people must come in big
numbers and defend the democracy our stalwarts fought and
died for.

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 2

Government needs to urgently intervene to stem They are citing all sort of reasons including load-shedding, the
the tide of retrenchments in the mining industry. increase in prices of electricity and the Transnet transportation
system to issue out Section 189A notices.

Clearly, for as long as there is still no immediate solution to the

electricity crisis, the rail and port infrastructure challenges, we
will continue to loose jobs.

Why are these companies doing that in a country that is faced

by huge unemployment rate? What is more scandalous is the
fact that the government continues to give tax incentives to
such companies despite the fact that such incentives are used to
mechanise and automate the workplaces.

The question of why is our very own government a spectator

in all these latest developments remained to be answered. We
he NUM is highly perturbed and disappointed
are calling on the government to proactively attend to these
by the evil and anti-worker postures taken by the
challenges as matter of urgency. The country’s economy cannot
Anglo Platinum, Kumba Iron Ore and other mining
afford to endure any longer the adverse effects caused by the
companies to retrench poor mineworkers.
unreliable electricity supply.
Earlier this year Anglo Platinum and Kumba Iron Ore mines
The NUM is on record as having challenged companies, in
issued sections 189A notice that the two companies will retrench
particular the mining companies, to always be prepared to find
about 4 212 and 500 full time employees across their various
ways and means to try and avoid retrenchments.
business operations. About 620 contractors at Anglo Platinum
also are to be affected.
Retrenchments must be seen as a last resort. We simply cannot
afford to add any more to an unemployment rate that is roughly
In its notice, Anglo Platinum stated that it is facing a challenging
sitting at more than 12 million people.
operating environment and market conditions due to declining
PGM basket prices, declining PGM production output, reduced
It is a well known fact that these mining companies have made
productivity, significant cost escalations and others.
exorbitant profits over the past years, and they are better placed
to navigate and deal with the effects of load-shedding.
Kumba Iron Ore stated as a reason the constraints on the state-
owned rail and port infrastructure that the company relies on to
We hope that the companies will approach the section
transport the steelmaking material.
189-consultation processes in good faith and will work with
trade unions to find a solution to avoid job losses.
By far, it seems all these companies do not have the interest of
workers and their immediate families at heart. What seems to
We are also calling on the company to sell the mines where they
be of their interest is only profit.
are saying they are not making profit.
The NUM is aware that Anglo Platinum is retrenching workers
The NUM is ready and prepared to engage the company within
in labour-intensive operations with the sole reason to finally
the stipulated 60 days of consultation process, to try to find an
mechanise the mines. This means getting rid of poor workers
amicable solutions and the avoidance measures. We will continue
and replacing them with robots. As always, workers are at
to fight for the job security of all workers.
receiving end.
Key to stemming this pending disaster include:
These decisions by the companies would lead to a high rate of
unemployment in various communities. It is without doubt
• Additional support to help Eskom end loadshedding.
that dozens of families would be plunged into direct poverty
• A decisive package of urgent interventions to secure and rebuild
since such decisions would affect thousands of workers and
Transnet Freight Rail and unblock and modernise the Ports.
• Fast tracking the implementation of the new mining rights
application system to revive investments in this jobs rich sector.
The NUM is not going to take light all these evil plans. We are
• Interventions by shareholders to release the exorbitant salaries
on record to have predicted that there would be high levels of
of mining executives to help pay mine workers.
possible job losses this year due to retrenchments in the mining
sector. As it is the case now, most companies are indeed unveiling
their plans.

3 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024


President Cyril Ramaphosa

On Energy Sector
lthough the NUM welcomes the government
initiatives to advance and better the lives of South While we note efforts to keep Eskom alive, it is our view that the
Africans, it has noted with caution the commitments fragmentation of Eskom into different independent units is the
announced in the State of the Nation Address (SONA) heralding of privatisation of the utility which will make energy
by the State President Cyril Ramaphosa to Parliament earlier in and electricity expensive in the context of high unemployment
February. and deep black poverty.
There is no doubt that President Cyril Ramaphosa inherited a Most importantly, this is a decapitation of the state which is an
toxic legacy prior to his ascending of the Presidency reigns in important instrument to advance the progressive visions of the
the government and inside the ruling party, the African National Freedom Charter. Eskom remained the country’s most strategic
Congress (ANC). national asset and it must at all times treated as such.

On Mining Sector The energy crisis solutions are over reliant on the Presidential
Energy Action Plan (EAP) which as the NUM believe that it is
The NUM welcomes the new mining rights application system not sufficient to end loadsheddding.
as announced by the President. It is our hope that it will be The NUM is on record that the current administration depends
implemented properly to create friendly investment environment much on the private sector to bring solutions to the country’s
that will lead to more job creation in the industry while saving energy problems. A plan that is anchored on the private players
the current employment trajectory. is not going to resolve the energy crisis. The private sector
The signs of massive job losses in this sector have been clear for is obsessed with profit maximization rather than resolving
some time. What has not been forthcoming are concrete actions problems.
from government and business to turn this situation around
whilst workers are receiving retrenchment notices. Our government need to be directly involved in the generation,
The announcement of the new mining rights application system, transmission, and distribution of electricity. The address from
if successful, can unlock billions in investment and help turn the the President relies more on the private sector to the extent
mining sector around, save and create thousands of jobs. that the 14,000 Km of transmission lines are proposed to be
constructed using private funding through what is called a
variety of innovative investment models.
NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 4
The NUM is of a strong view that the government must take The Covid19 Pandemic
ownership of the electricity sector to secure the security of The NUM welcomes the efforts by government in providing
supply. We have also noted with great concern the silence of the direction to society by working with business and labour in the
President on other forms of energy technologies. fight against Covid19 pandemic.
The address focuses more on green energy which is mostly wind The Basic Income Grant
and solar without mentioning Nuclear and Clean Coal. For South
Africa to resolve its energy crisis there needs to be a proper and The NUM welcomes the government’s announcement by Finance
well-balanced energy mix which is anchored on an energy base Minister Enoch Godongwana of the intension to extend the
load of Clean Coal and Nuclear. Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant for an additional year until
As much as the NUM support the transition from high Green March 2025. The increase in the Social Relief of Distress (SRD)
House Gases (GHG) emitters to a much lower, green, and clean from R350 to R370 is a positive step in the right direction. This
energy we believe that this must be done more responsibly will provide comfort for 8 million unemployed persons who have
without compromising the security of supply, the local economy, been receiving this critical poverty alleviation support. Whilst
and jobs. the SRD Grant has experienced many challenges and limitations,
it has provided an invaluable source of relief for 8 million persons
The NUM is against the reform of the electricity sector if it without a source of income and has laid the foundation for the
involves privatization. The current proposed unbundling long sought Basic Income Grant.
of Eskom is a precursor to privatization. The President has
mentioned that there was an introduction of 2500 MW of solar As the NUM we believe that the South African government
and wind to the grid. under the leadership of the ANC should have moved to Basic
Income Grant by now.
This introduction of solar and wind is not assisting in resolving
the load shedding problems due to the Capacity Factor of wind Already in South Africa majority of our people are stuck in
and solar as compared to other forms of energy. The Capacity poverty with increasing unemployment levels currently at 32%.
Factor of wind and Solar is around 30% as compared to Coal and
Nuclear at around 70% and 90% respectively. The state should use the same guts and political will they have
demonstrated in presenting a solid and progressive anti genocide
National Minimum Wage case at the ICJ for the Palestinian people, of which, we fully
We also welcome the continuing increase of the National
Minimum Wage to above inflation as that will covers and benefit This kind of guts and collective political will must be mobilised
most vulnerable workers within the construction, agricultural, again to introduce wealth tax to deal with fiscal constraints and
domestic, retail, hospitality, transport, security and cleaning fund Basic Income Grant to take majority of our people out of
industries. The increase will benefit our members, especially historical and contemporary poverty.
those in the non-complying construction companies. The grant given to the unemployed at R370 SRD, while
appreciable, is less than the food poverty line at R750. It is far
This is a positive increase from R25.42 to R27.58, an increase lesser than the R1,058 per month needed for an individual to
of 8.5% or inflation plus 3%. This increase will helps protect the live properly in South Africa to survive slightly above the poverty
value of the National Minimum Wage and workers’ ability to take line in terms of South African national standards.
care of their families.
We therefore expected the President to announce boldly, without
The NUM vehemently calls upon the Department of Employment hesitation, a new Basic Income Grant to assist people trapped
and Labour to step up its inspection role, increase its inspectors, under poverty.
and prosecute construction companies that are non-complying.
Similarly, workers must at all times, report non-compliance and The National Health Insurance (NHI)
unsafe practices by employers especially when it comes to issues
of wages and working conditions. Although there are still more to be learned and understood with
regard to the NHI, the NUM cautiously take this opportunity
Transnet to praise government in finally passing the National Insurance
Bill and looking forward to its implementation given the
commitment by the President. It is indeed important that the
Whilst there has been some progress in easing port congestion
NHI goals and intentions needs to be further interrogated. We
over the past few months, Transnet, including its Freight Rail,
welcome the fact that the NHI will give free health care to our
continue to struggle to transport goods to their markets timeously.
disadvantaged people across the public and the private services.
This is having a major impact on the mining, manufacturing and
agricultural sectors, who are not only key sources of jobs but also
Crime and corruption
taxes the state depends upon. Government needs to move faster
to help Transnet turn things around. We hope the R47 billion
We welcome the energy channelled at fighting crime and
loan guarantee provided to it will help.
corruption in both the private and public sectors. Had it not been
due to state capture and Covid 19, as the NUM, we believe that
For the State President to have sustained a functional government a lot of progressive achievement would have been made under
under such toxic environment, this indeed is a great achievement the Ramaphosa government . This is the reason why the ANC
given the realities of our country. should deploy the best cadres to both provincial and national
governments as we look forward to its electoral victory in 2024.
5 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

he NEC in December 2023 took a decisive resolution
NUM women structure leadership that the NUM PWV Region must embark on a march

against Sibanye Stillwater on issues of health and safety
he NUM women structure observes with concern and transformation. The date of the protest march
lack of vigorous campaign lately about HIV/AIDS. would be announced soon.
The country is very much relaxed across all sectors of
society. We want to remind everyone that HIV/AIDS
is still there workers and the society at large must be encouraged
to be aware and continue to engage in protective intercourse; eat
healthy and take necessary treatment. It is not yet over...

The NUM is concerned about the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in

various sectors that is organising, especially in the construction
sector. The estimated overall HIV prevalence rate is approximately
13, 7% among the South African population. The total number of
people living with HIV (PLWHIV) is estimated at approximately
8, 2 million in 2021.

The lives of mineworkers are equally important and valuable;

mining companies continue to kill workers and no one is held
accountable. A recent example is the brutal and unfortunate lives
lost of 13 workers during the Impala mass accident that cost us
the lives of innocent mineworkers; who died while trying to
make a living.
Women Structure
Chairperson Lydia Nkope The NUM has since called upon authorities to act swiftly and
hold the captains accountable. We are waiting for a time when
Compared with the other economic sectors, the construction leaders of these companies will be arrested and prosecuted for
industry is disproportionately adversely affected by HIV/AIDS. irresponsibility and crime committed.
This sector has the third highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the
country after the mining and transport sectors. In terms of transformation many of the mining companies are
refusing to comply with the policies and laws of this country. We
The construction industry is also particularly vulnerable to the call upon an end to window dressing kind of transformation. The
pandemic because it employs a constantly changing labour force continuous undermining of black excellence must be confronted
that works on short-term contracts and permanent employees and rooted out.
who move between projects across the country and in other Companies such as Sibanye Stillwater are the leaders of this nasty
countries. The NUM continues to support programs that are behaviour.
fighting this pandemic and encourage employers to create better
working conditions for workers. Companies must ensure that
budgets for such programs that will support and prevent workers
from being exposed are in place.

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 6

29 MARCH 2024 - WITH
Go exercise your HARMONY GOLD
Constitutional right!

e have started early engagement with Harmony
lthough somehow we are cautiously agreeing to the Gold and the process is closer to ending. Once
President’s Tintswalo analogy, the NUM appreciates again we will be fighting for better conditions
some of the sentiments expressed in that regard. As of employment and improved wages for our
workers in this country we think that the picture members and workers in general.
painted is too glossy and bit exaggerated. The picture does not
entirely reflect some of the realities we are facing in real life.
We are urging all our members to join the other progressive
forces and vote for the ANC to ensure an electoral victory and
making South Africa a better place.

South Africa has many challenges. These require the active

participation of all citizens, in particular young people, to
help craft their solutions, to hold governments accountable, to

NUM Harmony Gold Chief Negotiator Mpho Phakedi

Amongst demands presented are the following:

Wage increase for category 4-8 employees & B lower and for
miners, officials and artisans.

Our demands are ranging from R1500 to R1700 over a period

of 3 years. We opened the negotiations with 15% for miners;
officials and artisan. The company responded with an offer for
the period of five years ,
become involved in the policy debates of the nation, to elect
those political parties whose policies attract their confidence and For category 4-8 the company is offering between R1 100 to
ultimately shape society’s direction. R1 300 over five years period and 6% for miners, officials and
artisans also over five years.
It is normal and healthy for citizens to be suspicious of politicians,
but equally its important for us to acknowledge and encourage
when they and government do well. Ordinary citizens are right
to be frustrated with the many challenges we have experienced,
but we must also be proud of the huge strides we have made in
our thirty years as a democracy.

Harmony Gold Negotiators at Birchwood Conference Centre

7 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

NUM Harmony Gold Wage Negotiators PALESTINIAN
Workers are also demanding the following: CONDEMNED!
• Equalisation across all operations
• Increase on housing and living out allowance
• Roll ups in some of the categories and designations

he NUM strongly condemns the deliberate human
barbarism and murder that is currently happening
in Gaza. Barbarians are indiscriminately bombing to
death and destroying to oblivion hospitals and schools,
mosques and churches, homes and shops, factories and farms.
The NUM also demands that the underground risk allowance be
extended to all employees who are working underground and be They are heartlessly killing innocent children, teachers, students,
paid at a minimum of R5000. workers, clergymen, worshippers, doctors, nurses and anything
that still moves and lives in Palestine. These genocidal acts
Negotiations are continuing. must stop. These crimes are crimes against humanity. The
NUM reaffirms its call that Palestinian people deserve a state
As the NUM we are working very hard to clinch a good deal of their own. Israel is fighting to wipe neighbouring Palestine
for our members and workers hoping to continue to improve off the map. The NUM rally the world to stand up against these
conditions of employment. barbarians who are murdering innocent people in Palestine

The NUM reaffirmed its support for the just struggle of the
Palestinian people for democratic national sovereignty and
strongly denounced the genocide against the Palestinians by the
apartheid Israeli settler regime. Since 7 October, the apartheid
Israeli settler regime has killed over thousands of Palestinian
people. Israeli leaders must be held accountable for the genocide.

The apartheid Israeli regime continues its violations of Palestinian

human rights, including ordering Palestinians to leave their
homes and land in Gaza and killing thousands Palestinians in
Gaza. Israeli authorities detained more Palestinians without
charges, and 80 per cent, of the Palestinian hostages it calls
prisoners, were not convicted of any crimes.

Israeli’s genocide of the Palestinians must stop with immediate

effect as part of the much-needed ceasefire. The NUM also
reaffirmed its support for the intensification of the boycott,
deinvestment and sanctions campaign against Israel. The NUM
will push this campaign forward. Among others, we will engage
with other trade unions to mobilise workers to refuse to handle
imports from and exports to Israel..

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 8


he NUM on the 15-17 November 2023, successfully As the NUM, we are urging all the stakeholders, including
hosted its three-days national trustee forum under the the Treasury and the retirement funds administrators, to start
theme “Members First, Today and Forever”. Amongst now organising intensive workshop trainings that are aimed at
other issues discussed is the proposed two pot pension equipping workers to understand these whole processes. It is
reforms that seeks to assist workers to limited portions of their important that workers are empowered so that they are able to
pensions without having to resign from their jobs nor cash out decide on their future endeavours.
their entire retirement funds.

The NUM welcomes the latest decision for the two pot pension
re-forms to come into effect from 1 September 2024. This will
provide welcome relief to millions of highly indebted workers, in
both the private and public sectors.

The NUM is pleased that members of the Standing Committee

on Finance who stood with workers in defence of the 1 March
2024 implementation date after some in industry in pursuit of
maximising profits sought to delay these legislative reforms until
2025 and possibly even further. These reforms will have the
added benefit of helping to boost savings in the longer term as
workers will no longer be cashing out their entire pension funds National Trustee Forum facilitators
but rather accessing a limited portion.


Transnet’s failures to transport the minerals is costing workers
their jobs. All these Section 189A that we are seeing are caused
by such failures.

The NUM cannot sit idling while workers are losing their jobs
day-in-day-out. The government must come on board and do
the right thing by putting systems in place for the wheels of
Transnet to start rolling.

he NUM is very disappointed with Transnet’s inability
to smoothly transport minerals to the country’s
terminal ports. Several mining companies are sitting
with stock piles of minerals that need to be transported
to terminals in Richard’s Bay.
Late last year the NUM Highveld Region took a decisive
resolution to march to the office of the Presidency and the
Department of Public Enterprises. The march was about calling
for the government’s immediate intervention. The Transnet
transportion crisis has resulted in a significant number of
retrenchments in the coal mining companies throughout the Highveld Region Protest march at Union Buildings
9 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

he NUM has consciously and deliberately taken a This was a responsible decision or position to safeguard the
decision to terminate the close-shop agreement at jobs and save the lives of innocent workers. There is a legitimate
Modder East Gold One Mine in Springs. concern that if the violent acts continue, some of our members
This was to safeguard the lives and jobs of the or innocent workers are going to get killed.
During the hostage situation last year, nine NUM members
were severly assaulted underground and one member ended up
in ICU. The NUM as a responsible union has taken a decision
to deescalate the current violent situation. It was evident that
the protesters were not willing to follow any legal process
and continued with the criminal acts to exert pressure on the

REPRESENTATIVES Our revolutionary character does not allow us not to act while

mineworkers wellbeing is been compromised, while mineworkers
he gigantic and revolutionary NUM converged in are suffering under your employment.
Carletonville to raise our dissatisfaction with the way It is quite disturbing that the poor mineworkers who are earning
your companies are regressing in terms of addressing peanuts, continue to die like flies in the industry that careless
Health and Safety at your operations. about their sweat and blood. Translating the 49 fatalities, that
means 49 breadwinners perished in line of duty.

South Africa is capable of developing technology that can foretell

the fall of ground, seismic events which are most notorious for
mining disasters. If we care about human life, the expenses or
cost towards procuring such advanced technology should not
matter much.

The NUM have expressed serious concerns with regard to the

shortages of Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
(DMRE) inspectors within the mining industry. It cannot be
correct that the DMRE only employs 150 inspectors. If the
Protest march against Sibanye and Harmony in Carletonville government regards mining as a critical industry for the country’s
economic growth, the department must be fully capacitated to
The NUM remained resolute that one death is one too many. It inspect all the mines across the country.
is the view of the NUM that mining companies must adopt radar
technology as a safety measure, to detect when a rock might fall Also, the NUM expressed dissatisfaction with regard to lack of
underground. transparency when it comes to the Occupational Health and
Safety statistics within the Department of Employment and
The NUM strongly believes that there are accidents that could Labour. The NEC is not happy that the union is not getting
be easily prevented through technology. In the year 2022 the statistics on a month to month basis like as it happens with the
mining sector has has recorded 49 fatalities versus 74 in the year DMRE. It is even difficult to get annual Occupational Health
2021, and to us as the NUM one death is one too many. This is and Safety statistics even though the department employs 2 600
unacceptable and it has to stop. labour inspectors.

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 10

We call upon Sibanye Stillwater and Harmony gold mines to
proactively address the issues of our concern and expect that NUM DEMANDS
uniformity shall prevail at the end when you apply your minds to
these demands. We demand from you to consider the wellbeing
and the plight of workers.
We have observed how your operations have killed mineworkers DELAY IN THE
over the past years without vigorous measures being put in
place to stop these fatalities. The mining sector was, on several
occasions, being encouraged to implement effective measures for
improving the wellbeing of mineworkers including mitigating
the impact of non-communicable diseases. OF JUST ENERGY

NUM members protesting

Participants at Just Energy Transition Summit in 2023
We continue to lose mineworkers annually due to mine

accidents, and some of such fatalities happen because of lack of
proper safety management and commitment to zero tolerance he NUM calls for the delay in the implementation of just
by your companies. We demand proper risk assessments by energy transition until such time that all stakeholders
companies and make a call to the DMRE to tighten screws to are convinced that such transition will be Fair and Just
ensure compliance of companies to safety standards. to workers and communities.

Employers should stop sacrificing workers and making them The NUM acknowledges that climate change is a serious threat,
scapegoats for the accidents through enquiries aimed at blaming and it impact various aspects of our lives. We recognise that the
the workers. phenomenal is no longer foreign to South Africans.
There is a general understanding and appreciation that the
health and safety of mineworkers is central to the long-term
sustainability of the mining industry. It is the workers who
convert investments in the industry into wealth. Therefore, it
remains a collective duty for all social partners to ensure that our
mineworkers return home from work unharmed every day.
In the quarter from April to June this year, the mines reported
a total of 357 occupational diseases from the Health Incident
Reports submitted when compared with 298 reported during the
same period in 2022.

Therefore, the NUM is here in Carletonville today to demand the

following from Sibanye Stillwater and Harmony gold mines: Participants at Just Energy Transition Summit in 2023

In 2022 South Africa experienced floods in the province of

• The end of fatalities in your various operations
KwaZulu-Natal claimed a total of 461 lives. Later last year the
• Create a safe working environment province of Western Cape experienced severe rains that resulted
• We demand the protection of Health and Safety Act in localised floods.
• Unlock food ban for mineworkers underground
As the NUM, we are also conceding that a transition and a move
from high-emission energy to low-emission energy generation is
needed. Yet, we demand that such a transition be Fair and Just to
the working class and their immediate communities.

The current South African Just Energy Transition path is neither

Fair nor Just. The current energy transition seems to be pushing
for equitable distribution in reducing carbon emissions, thus
allowing the developed countries not to be held accountable for
11 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024
the significant and historic contribution of carbon emissions.
Thus creating environmental injustice and inequity.
The rapid pace of the energy transition (based on the NDC
such net Zero by 2030 and accelerated decommissioning of
By Rita Ndlhovu

he mining, energy, construction and metal sectors
are dominated by male employees, but in the last
twenty to thirty years South African women have
slowly infiltrated these sectors. Though economically
viable, women’s penetration of these sectors has its challenges.
Women have re-ported an array of hostile practices towards
them including; the unavailability of private and ade-quate
ablution facilities in the mining sector, sexism, persistent sexual
harassment and violent crimes including death in the mining
and energy sectors where women were found dead in the areas
where they worked.
These social-ills are inconsistent with labour rights and human
rights and the harm inflicted on women during working hours
does not only affect their productivity but also has a negative
bear-ing on their physical, emotional and mental health. This
necessitates changes on their part and impacts how they interact
with others as well as influence the kind of persons they become
in so-ciety.
Experiencing assault can be a very traumatic experience to the
victim. It does not matter whether the assault is verbal, physical
or sexual in nature, it may yield short-term and long-term impact
on the victim. The following is a list of both short-term and long-
Cosatu President Zingiswa Losi and NUM term effects of assault.
Deputy President Phillip Vilakazi
Short-term effects
power stations again by 2030) will exacerbate SA developmental
· Shock
challenges such as unemployment, poverty and inequality.
· Confusion
· Fear especially when alone
The NUM is highly concerned that about 25 000 direct jobs and
· Guilt
26 000 indirect jobs will be lost as a result of the current speed
· Anger
applied in this energy transition process.
· Resentment towards the perpetrator
· Helplessness
The unbundling of Eskom and introduction of a competitive
electricity market signifies privatisation of the State-Owned
Long-term effects
· Difficulty developing relationships with others
·S ubstance abuse (nicotine, alcohol and recreational drugs)
There is a clear lack of consultation with organised labour
· Chronic pain
regarding the unbundling of Eskom, the drafting of the JETIP as
· Heart disease
well as decommission of Komati power station.
· Anxiety and depression
· Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
In all of these processes a total of 90% of the funds come in
· Other mental health issues
forms of loans rather than investments. It is not free money. It
has to be repaid in foreign currencies back by the South African
According to the crime statistics for the period of October
to December 2022 that were re-ported to parliament by the
Minister of Police in February of the year 2023 violence in South
The decision to unbundle Eskom does not take into consideration
Africa is on the rise. Violent robberies, sexual assault and murder
Eskom’s core mandate of providing electricity in an efficient and
were reported to be higher than they were at the same period
sustainable manner to South African.
the previous year. The following table compares the sta-tistics of
violent crimes between the third quarter of the year 2021 and the
third quarter of 2022.
NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 12
3rd quarter 3rd quarter • Behavioural symptoms of stress include difficulty in making
Nature of violent crime Increase
of 2021 of 2022 decisions, inability to concen-trate, inability to remember
Robbery with aggravating 3 686 things, crying, withdrawal from people, eating too much
34 143 37 829
circumstances (10.8%) or too little, exercising too little or too much, spending too
1 357 much, sexual problems, increasing the intake of; caffeine,
Sexual assault 14 188 15 545
(9.6%) nicotine, alcohol and recreational drugs and snapping at
Sexual offences detected 798 others.
1 987 2 785
as a result of police action (40.2%)

Murder 6 859 7 555

696 Stress is prevalent among younger people i.e., those who are
(10.1%) aged 35 and below. Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996)
Burglary at residential 2 956 and Generation Zs (born between 1997 and 2012) generations
39 692 42 648
premises (7.4%) experience higher levels of stress than generations that came
before them. These generations experience a lot of anxiety,
About 10% - 15% of sexual assault cases are reported to the police, depression and suicide compared to age groups before them.
meaning that although the number of rape cases has increased Factors like the contraction of jobs in the economy, reduced
there are still more cases that are not recorded. The reasons often quality jobs, Covid-19, decreased interaction with local
cited for not reporting assault cases to the police are; communities and social media contribute to these phenomena.

· Fear of retaliation In a research study conducted in 2022 NUM female members

· The police would not be helpful reported experiencing and witnessing incidents of GBV and
· It is a personal matter sexual harassment at work, in their communities and also at
· Reported to a different official home. In addition, a large proportion of participants of that
· It is not important enough to report research indicated that they suffer from stress. The following
· Did not want to get the perpetrator in trouble are recommendations for those who are affected by GBV, sexual
harassment and stress;
Sexual harassment and assault could contribute to stress. Stress
could be described as the manner in which one responds when
feeling under pressure. This kind of pressure arises when the · Implement the buddy system – a woman should not work in an
suf-ferer feels that they cannot manage and that they have no isolated area on her own.
control over the situation they are confronted with. This could · Report sexual harassment cases at work.
come about as a result of many responsibilities that one struggles
to manage. Stress could also be a consequence of a major life · Report all kinds of assault to the South Africa Police Services
event or from lesser circumstances that happen over a long (SAPS).
period of time. Although a slight amount of stress is essential · Should one experience assault or sexual harassment they should
as motivation to complete tasks, it becomes problematic when seek physical, mental and emotional help.
it is prolonged and very intense as it could negatively impact
physical and mental health. Stress manifests in a myriad of · Every woman must have an annual physical exam that includes
physical symptoms and affect the way people feel and behave. screenings for colorectal cancer, mammogram, cervical
The following is a highlight of some of the symptoms of stress; cancer and breast cancer. If the employer does not offer these
screenings women must seek them from their
own doctors for now.
· Women over the age of 40 and those at risk
of these diseases should start screening much
· Women should have their first pap smear at
the age of 21.
· Seek psychological and emotional assistance
· Those with financial problems must seek
financial help and financial literacy training.
Most financial services providers offer
financial literacy for free to their customers.

NUM National Women Structure participating in the NEC meeting

Seek assistance on time management,
communication, stress, tolerance and other
life skills including learning to defend oneself
• Physical symptoms include but are not limited to from bullies
panic attacks, chest pains, difficulty breathing, high
blood pressure, sudden weight gain or weight loss, · Women should increase physical activity and exercise.
gastrointestinal diseases, changes to menstrual cycle, · Find someone to talk to
sleep disorders and fatigue.
• Some symptoms affect feelings and the sufferer · Find someone else to help in order to remove focus from
might feel angry, irritable, impatient, anxious, fearful, yourself
overwhelmed, depressed, apathetic, lonely, unable to
enjoy life, and like their thoughts are moving too fast.
13 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

amuel Leballo is 77 years old and his industry work No
is K1670646. Leballo is an ex-mineworker from an area
called Mafeteng in Lesotho. He started working in the
mines in 1964 at Vaal Reefs shaft No. 10 in Matlosana. He
exited the mine in 1996 due to medical incapacity. Leballo was
declared unfit due to Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). He
was never compensated for this occupational disease - he stayed
for more than 3 years going from pillar to post fighting for his
compensation until this week when he visited and approached
the office of the NUM health and safety unit for assistance.

Masonwabe Kabingca

Stoping Mine Overseer at Harmony Gold Masimong

Operations in the Free State Goldfields

started my career as a Learner Miner in 2010 after
finishing my blasting certificate, got appointed as a stoping
miner(stoper) in 2011 March, continued as a stoper, then Samuel Leballo
in 2015 I was offered a chance to go and do my training as
a shift supervisor. After completion I started relieving people on “The unit assisted him to receive a monthly pension (a total PD
leaves and acting. Got appointed in October 2017. Immediately of 50%) from RMA from 2000 to date. According to the records
after my appointment I then applied for my Mine Overseer’s that we have, he was also admitted in 1992 at Westvaal Hospital
Certificate of Competency through Department of Minerals in Stillfontein for back injury. We are now investigating this back
Resources and Energy (DMRE), studied on my own while I was injury which according to him was an injury on duty. We sent all
deep in production and expected to produce, but I managed to the documents to RMA for further investigation”
obtain it in May 2018.

The same process of relieving and acting took place but only
started in 2021 after a long time waiting for a chance to prove
myself. 2023 April I got appointed as a Mine Overseer, got
changed from the section which I was working on as an acting
mine overseer to a new section which was battling in terms of
production, was not really happy with the decision but through
some motivation from colleagues and family I took it upon
my shoulders. From September until December the section
production picked up quite tremendously and everyone started
noticing it in the operation…
Without me knowing I was then chosen the Best Stoping Mine
Overseer for the 4th Quarter in the Calendar year 2023 and 2nd
Quarter in the Financial year 2023/24 for the whole of Harmony
Gold Co.Ltd S.A Operations in that I achieved over 3 months
(Oct - Dec 23) 115% of my production target with 92 accident
free days.

This to me is a great achievement for my career and I am looking Leballo cracking jokes with staff members
forward to making sure that I put more effort and resilience in
making sure that I continue with the excellent performance for
the benefit of the company and the advancement of my career.
NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 14

UM concluded and signed a 5 year wage agreement
with the global leading diamond company De Beers
that will see workers salaries increased by 7% from
May last year, 6%-2024, 6%-2025, 6%-2026 and

he launch of the Artisan Academy took place in
Midrand. The CEO of the national skills & authority
Zamokwakhe Khuzwwayo opened the academy on
behalf of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Minister Dr Blade Nzimande.
This centre has been a catalyst for transforming lives of workers
through educational empowerment and provision of essential
skills. The EBMTC has been operating for 30 years and last
year alone over 500 members graduated. The courses offered
by the centre focus on enhancing members’ employability and
include Labour Law,Trade Union Qualification Practice, Middle NUM De Beers Negotiators
Management, Project Management.

Workers housing allowance will be increased by R100 for the 5

year period.

Official opening of Elijah Barayi Memorial Training

“We are truly honoured to be a part of the growth and

development of these institutions. What is more important is
changing lives for the better and empowering and developing
NUM members across the mining, energy, construction and Wage signing ceremony
metal industries. According to statistics, South Africa has a
shortfall of about 40,000 qualified artisans against the annual
production rate of 13,000 skilled artisans”, Mercy Sekano. Workers are set to receive cash payment of R20 000 from last
EBMTC Executive Director. year and a further cash payment of R10 000 in May this year.
The artisan skills shortage is a crucial obstacle to economic
growth, job creation and business expansion. The Elijah Barayi
Memorial Training Centre sees skills development for artisans
as an opportunity to create jobs and to train shop stewards. As
a result, EBMTC has proactively planned and established a FET
training school for artisan skills.

15 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

We are reiterating our call to our former members not to listen
to any shenanigans that are busy trying to drag the NUM’s name
under the mud in particular on workplace struggle issues.
and that they were not party to the agreement.

In 2023, the NUM showcased its commitment towards workers

and moved swiftly to sign a new recognition agreement at Bokoni
Platinum Mine that will give access to the union to recruit,
bargain and raise all issues that affect members, ex-employees
and the surrounding community.

Below is an illustration of Employment stats;

Grading Ex –employees total

Band : C, D & E 80 165
Band : B 188 257
Total 268 422
NUM North East Regional Secretary

The above graph shows the good work that NUM has already
he NUM in the North East Region would like to done in making sure that the ex-employees are considered when
clarify the doomsayers who are misleading the public opportunities arise in the mine. NUM would like to make it
regarding the Bokoni Platinum Mine recall clause that clear that we are going to continue with a fight for the rights of
NUM is failing to implement it. workers and we stand by the slogan which says; “Nothing about
us without us “No one is going to be left to attend if he/she tries
In 2017 the company Bokoni Platinum Mine served the to spread lies under the name of NUM.
three unions that were recognised by that time with a Section
189 separation/retrenchment agreement notice anticipating
retrenching of all the employees within the operation and
ultimately the company was put under business rescue in line
with the company’s act.

The three unions which were involved in the discussion of the

conclusion of the contest were; Tawusa, Solidarity and NUM.
Some doomsayers are gallivanting around Bokoni Platinum
Mine making allegations that NUM has sold out workers.

The NUM is a tried and tested union which was formed in 1982
and at no stage it has sold out its members and has achieved a lot
for its members, some of the benefits such as the introduction
of the Labour Relations Act, Employment Equity Act, Mine &
Health Safety Act just to list the few. It is against this background
that we would like to caution those unions that are mushrooming
and some community leaders who are misleading the public
regarding the recall clause. The NUM is calling upon its ex-members to remain calm and
not to entertain those clowns who are masquerading around as
NUM would like to make a clarion call to those who are reading agents of hope, such people are enemies of progress and we would
this clause in reverse and for the mere fact that they are not like to dispel by all possible means the statement that NUM has
party to the agreement they stand no chance to advocate for the sold out its members that is not even closer to the truth.
agreement. The only unions that can engage in the agreement
are three unions, which were party to the agreement during its

NUM is not going to allow a space where any Mickey Mouse

union or any self-proclaimed community leader deliberately
misled its ex-members on a document that they don’t understand

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 16


By Ngoako Matsha
urrent conditions imposed on Employee Share Most ESOPs are financed through conventional means such as
Ownership Schemes (ESOPs) have not yielded the loans. Leveraged ESOPs are the most common type to follow this
desired outcome for majority of beneficiaries who type of financing. With most ESOP schemes, the workers barely
are workers as they will often not be included in the spend any money purchasing shares as the company does it on
decision-making process of formulating the Trust. their behalf.

Currently there is no mechanism in place for the monitoring and The company normally sets up an ESOP trust and then creates a
compliance for the beneficiaries through their trade unions to loan for the trust. They use that loan to purchase shares from the
inform the relevant regulator or commission of non-compliance company and put them into the trust. Upon vesting (depending
when it comes to ESOPS. on the vesting period) the company then pay back the loan and
offer the remainder of benefits accrued to workers.

NUM members marching at Venetia Mine

Most companies will establish ESOPS without proper consultation

with workers who are ultimately the majority beneficiaries. Such The objects of the ESOP is to benefit the workers by serving as a
ESOP Trust’s which are meant to benefit workers operate only to tool to provide an incentive to employees of the entity and thereby
benefit the company thereby prejudicing the workers. further align the interests of the employees who participate in
An ESOP is a transformation vehicle used in South Africa the scheme with those of the shareholders and also to give ESOP
established through the Trust to enable workers to participate in beneficiaries a sense of real ownership in the company.
the capital growth of company.
The advantages of having an ESOP are that it enhances business
The purpose of the ESOP is to create a self-sufficient, sustainable, performance and productivity. Such an incentive is said to
finite scheme to incentivise eligible employees of the company stimulate an employee towards increased productivity because
by providing them with the ability to participate in the capital when workers feel they are owners then they behave like owners.
growth of by owning shares. An ESOP motivates workers to contribute to, not only the success
ESOP transactions are complex and technical in nature, however, of the company, but personal well-being as well. This is because
should an ESOP be properly structured, the employer, workers the more they produce the more they are rewarded, making
and the company are likely to derive monumental wealth from ESOPs form part of an employee benefits package.
it. Due to the various ESOPs schemes available, ESOPs can be The company experiences lesser absenteeism in comparison
structured in many ways. to non-employee owned companies due to the understanding
that the workers are now shareholders and have a stake in the
Most companies usually create a trust for workers which then business.
become the holding structure of the ESOP. The company will
either subsidise in part or whole the purchase of shares for The ESOP Trust must not be controlled or directed by the
workers or will contribute shares to the ESOP trust. In other company. The ESOP Trust shall, as an independent entity, be
instances, the trust is used to borrow money for the purchase entitled to have a seat and vote at all meetings of shareholders.
of shares. Whilst not all ESOPs allow worker participation in board
meetings or afford voting rights to workers, research shows that

17 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

increased employee representation at board level can improve
performance of the company.
There is a current practice of funding the ESOP through the
notional vendor. This method entails a company providing loan
to workers for them to acquire shares in the same company. The COMMUNITIES, ALLEVIATES
same amount is then used to purchase and subscribe for shares
in the company. POVERTY, AND PROMOTES
Workers will then have to pay back the loan through the SUSTAINABILITY

dividends. If the shareholders or directors decide not to declare
dividends, the interests on the loan increases putting the workers n a remarkable stride towards fostering economic
at the risk of paying back the loan for longer periods at higher empowerment, alleviating poverty, and promoting
interest. sustainable practices, the Mineworkers Development
Agency (MDA) has unveiled its transformative Honey
These workers do not own these shares in their individual Project. This initiative, situated at the intersection of
capacity. They own them by virtue of working for the company. environmental conservation and socio-economic development,
Hence no real ownership value is derived from these shares. stands as a testament to MDA’s commitment to creating positive
An ESOP funded through the notional vendor funding model change in communities across South Africa.
does not create a true sense of ownership. Ownership implies the
ability to acquire, control, determine, encumber, deal, and sell Acknowledging the critical issues of child malnutrition in the
property in any form without disturbance from anybody. Eastern Cape, as highlighted in the recent South African Human
To fully realize ownership of an ESOP shares, ESOP should be Rights Commission (SAHRC) report, MDA’s Honey Project
fully funded by the company at no costs to the employees. The emerges as a beacon of hope. Beyond the mere production of
revenue generated by the company is as result of workers` hard honey, this multifaceted venture integrates various programs
work. aimed at addressing root causes and creating lasting impact.

At the heart of MDA’s Honey Project is the Presidential

Employment Stimulus (PES), a strategic collaboration that
has successfully generated over 1 million job opportunities
nationwide since its launch in October 2020. This initiative

Notional vendor funding has created more problems than

solutions for workers who are set to benefit from an ESOP. Some
of the glaring issues are that workers or unions are not a party
to negotiating the terms of these loans, workers is subjected to
onerous and long terms of the loan with higher interest.
An ESOP should be fully funded by the company at no costs to
workers and not through the notional vendor funding.

Some of the strongest weaknesses of ESOPs currently is the lack not only contributes to economic development but also plays a
of excitement generated within the company at the different pivotal role in reducing unemployment, fostering resilience in
levels. Those charged with the responsibility of implementing the face of socio-economic challenges.
ESOPs in companies, often treat ESOPs as just another benefit
or financial tool.

Workers are not educated and informed about what is meant to

be an owner and are neither expected to change their approach
to their jobs. Due to the erroneous application of ESOPs,
companies are unable to tap into the immense energy, required
to meet today’s business challenges unique to South Africa.

Future conditions imposed on ESOPs must adhere to the

guidelines of BBB-EE codes and a monitoring mechanism must
be used to ensure that the ownership spread of the companies is
indeed enjoyed by the workers.

In regions like the Eastern Cape, where the SAHRC report

underlines the urgency of addressing child malnutrition, MDA’s
holistic approach comes to fruition through the Woolgrowers
NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 18
Support Programmes. By closely working with 15 associations
and supporting 350 beneficiaries, the program has not only
treated and dosed over 6,978 sheep but has also provided TO COME INTO EFFECT ON 1
economic stability to woolgrowers, creating a ripple effect of
positive change in local communities. SEPTEMBER 2024 -
The Honey Project extends its reach through the Dipudi ONE STEP IN A RIGHT
Project, now in its fourth year. Empowering 40 beneficiaries
in Losasaneng, North West Province, the initiative facilitates DIRECTION

connections with key stakeholders, including the Small
Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), to provide essential t will provide comfort to millions of highly indebted workers
business assistance. MDA’s dedication to supporting projects who have justifiably grown sceptical and frustrated with
that complement poverty alleviation efforts is evident in the the continuous delays in implementation and that the long
sustained impact of the Dipudi Project. sought Two Pot Pension Reforms will become a reality on 1
September. To ensure this happens, it is critical that the National
Addressing the crucial issue of food security, MDA’s Food Security Council of Provinces move with speed to pass the Revenue
Programmes, as part of the Honey Project, target 10,000 new Laws Amendment Bill and that both House of Parliament pass
beneficiaries’ household gardens and support a further 15,000 the Pension Funds Amendment Bill before rising for the 2024
individuals across Mpumalanga, North West, Limpopo, Eastern national and provincial elections.
Cape, and Free State Provinces. The success of these programs is
underscored by the training provided to 6,580 beneficiaries, with
10,039 new beneficiaries trained this year alone, empowering
communities to overcome the cycle of hunger.

Once Parliament has passed these laws, the President will need
to assent to these Bills, the South African Revenue Service needs
to adjust its tax systems and pension funds need to amend
their rules and put in place the necessary education, customer
assistance and funds to ensure a smooth implementation of the
reforms on 1 September.

It is critical that Parliament, Treasury, the South African Revenue

As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, Service and the pension funds move with speed and surgical
MDA’s Greening Initiative, integral to the Honey Project, has efficiency to ensure the remaining legislative and administrative
seen the planting of 100 trees across Marikana. The launch of steps are expedited to ensure no further delays occur. The 1st of
the Marikana Agric Hub further exemplifies MDA’s dedication to September 2024 must be the final date of implementation. No
creating green spaces and promoting environmentally conscious further delays dare be entertained.
agriculture. The two pot pension reforms initiated by COSATU, will provide
badly needed relief to millions of highly indebted workers,
The groundbreaking Marikana Social Employment Programme, in both the private and public sectors, who will soon be able
funded by the IDC’s Social Employment Fund and the to access limited portions of their pensions without having to
Presidential Employment Stimulus, is a cornerstone of the resign from their jobs nor cash out their entire funds.
Honey Project. Bringing an additional investment of R36
million into Marikana, this program has created more than These engagements have been taking place since COSATU first
1,500 work opportunities for an initial period of 13 months. It tabled them at Parliament in 2020. Workers are drowning in
not only addresses unemployment but also underscores MDA’s debt due to a struggling economy, a 41% unemployment rate,
commitment to cultivating sustainable job opportunities within rising costs of living, brutal repo rate hikes and callous employers
the Marikana region. who pay workers peanuts. The current pension laws only allow
As MDA’s Honey Project unfolds, it not only sweetens the lives of workers access to their pension funds when they retire or in
communities through the production of honey but also represents the event of losing their job or resigning. Consequently, many
a comprehensive strategy to address systemic issues of poverty workers opt to resign and cash out their entire pension funds
and malnutrition. The success achieved thus far underscores the leaving them to retire in poverty.
importance of collaborative efforts between government, civil
society, and private sector organizations in creating sustainable
solutions that leave a lasting impact on South Africa’s socio-
economic landscape.

19 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

The two pot reforms offer a positive balance where workers will In order to achieve the aim of the study, the research had four
be able to access 10% of their existing savings up to a maximum inter-related objectives, namely:
of R30 000 when the law comes into effect and from then on to
access one third of their future annual contributions once a year. 1) To identify different forms of housing benefits being received
They will no longer need to resign to have some access to their by mineworkers;
pension funds. 2) To establish challenges faced by mineworkers with regards to
the different forms of housing benefits;
Whilst these amounts will not be sufficient to settle home or car
loans in most instances, they will be the equivalent of a thirteenth
cheque for most workers and help settle short term debt and
other urgent financial pressures. Overtime these thirteenth
cheque equivalents will help heal workers’ financial wounds.

These reforms will help boost savings in the longer term as

workers will no longer be resigning to cash out their entire
pension funds but will rather access their savings pot instead.
In order to ensure that this long-sought and badly needed
relief takes place on 1 September 2024, Parliament must move
with speed to conclude its remaining processes in the National
Assembly and the National Council of Provinces in order to 3) To document mineworkers’ preferences with regards to the
allow the President to assent to the Bill and for the remaining different forms of housing benefits;
administrative processes to be undertaken by Treasury, SARS 4) To explore how other union-related entities can participate
and the pension funds in time. Workers cannot afford nor accept in improving the state and forms of housing benefits being
any further delays. received by mineworkers.

The sample size for this study was 3 170 mineworkers, from
HOUSING BENEFITS, 100 different mines across South Africa - in nine NUM regions,
namely Carletonville, Highveld, North East, PWV, Matlosana,
A NEED AND A MUST Free State, Rustenburg, Kimberley, and KwaZulu-Natal.

FOR ALL MINEWORKERS The study found that there are six different forms of housing
benefits received by mineworkers in South Africa’s mining
ACROSS ALL THE MINING industry, namely:

HOUSES 1. Bond repayment subsidy;

2. Fixed interest rate at subsidised level for workers buying
orkers do not have adequate housing, houses;
and if they do, they cannot afford due to 3. Payment towards a deposit on a house for a worker buying a
current housing benefits they receive house;
4. Accommodation on mine property; 5. living out allowance;
S tudy conducted by Sam Tambani Research and housing allowance.
Institute (SATRI)
The study found that the most common form of housing benefits
The State and Forms of Housing Benefits Received by is the housing allowance, followed by living out allowance. These
Mineworkers benefits were mostly received by permanently employed workers.

The majority of workers, regardless of their terms of employment

contract, indicated that they do not have adequate housing, and
they cannot afford their current place of residence on the housing
benefit they currently receive.
A greater proportion of contract workers lived in shacks
in informal settlements around mining areas, compared to
permanently employed workers.

With regards to mineworkers’ preferences of the different forms

of housing benefits, the study found that a greater proportion of
workers prefer owning a house in their place of origin rather than
in the mining areas, because they already have land available for
housing there.
The study’s aim was to gather information about existing
mineworker housing benefits and mineworker housing benefits A majority of workers prefer, when they are at work, to reside in
needs. This was a critical step in devising targeted and effective off-mine properties in townships. Furthermore, workers prefer
strategies for the NUM to engage in all interventions aimed at receiving a housing allowance, followed by bond repayment
improving the state and forms of housing benefits received by subsidy, and payment towards a deposit for buying a house.
NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 20

he NUM Venetia Mine Women Structure branches
hosted a successful back to school campaign at
Tshipise tsha sagole (Hanyani high school) in the
Musina Municipality.

NUM School donations at Hanyani high school ol

Commemoration of Lily Mine disaster

ebruary 5, 2024 marked exactly eight years since
the tragic collapse of the Lilly Mine container with
three workers trapped inside - Yvonne Mnisi, Pretty
Nkambule and Solomon Nyirenda.

The mine based in Barberton, Mpumalanga collapsed eight years

ago, trapping the three underground and injuring hundreds of
other mineworkers.

The NUM is joining the victims' families and community

members at large in marking a thousand days of camping outside
the mine with a hope that a samaritan will show up and offer
help in getting out the trapped poor mineworkers. The event was graced by the presence of North East Regional
Women Structure leadership and other Regional Committee
The NUM maintains its view that every mine owner should be members in the North East region.
held responsible for the loss of lives or injuries, so in this case
the owners of the Vintage Gold must be held fully responsible.
Those bosses have been given a free ride. They must be arrested
and prosecuted.

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, NUM Venetia Mine Women Structure
and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and
inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. The aim of this campaign is to provide learners with sanitary
Together we can forge women’s equality. Celebrate women’s towels, calculators and school shoes.This initiative is to assist the
achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action students with tools that will ensure that there is no disturbance
to drive gender parity. International Women Day belongs to in their learning activities in Grades 11 and 12.
everyone, everywhere. Inclusion means all International Women
Day action is valid.

21 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024


nderstanding How 4IR-Induced Changes at Sishen Findings showed that Sishen Mine has contributed to the local
Mine in Khathu Affect Traditional Linkages the development of the communities in which it operates through
Mine Has with Local Communities education, community development projects and sustainable
social and economic development.
A Study conducted by Sam Tambani Research Institute
(SATRI) These programmes have helped to stimulate economic activity in
the local communities, create job opportunities for community
members, and improve the standard of living for community

The Gamagara Local Municipality works with Sishen Mine

to ensure that these local development programmes take the
municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Local
Economic Development (LED) into account because the
municipality is familiar with the needs of the communities they

Community members have expressed mixed views on the

contribution of Sishen Mine to the development of the
surrounding communities.
While some community members have recognized the mine’s
efforts in promoting economic growth and development, others
have raised concerns about the negative impact of the mine’s
The 4IR, most simply, encompasses the changes flowing from operations on the environment and the well-being of the local
modern technology, specifically internet technology, driving the communities. Despite these concerns, Sishen Mine remains
evolution of how we live, work and learn. Effectively, it will take committed to supporting the communities in which it operates,
everything from the first, second and third industrial revolutions recognises the importance of building mutually beneficial
to the next level. relationships with its host communities and aims to create a
positive legacy that will last beyond the life of the mine.
Since 2016, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been noting
the tectonic shift that’s afoot. The world stands on the brink of
a technological transformation that will change the way we live
and work – along with how we relate to one another.

SATRI conducted a pilot research study in the Northern Cape

at Sishen Mine, on whether the linkage between the mining
companies and communities had been beneficial with the
introduction of new mining technologies. Primary data was
collected for this pilot study.

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 22

The institute, in collaboration with the University of Leeds,

ENERGY TRANSITION is exploring the union’s responses to the pressures for a Just
Transition by following debates, concepts and strategies that


trade unions have undertaken to make the transition “Just”.
The collaborative project commenced in 2023 and is scheduled
for completion in mid-2024. Interviews and getting insight from
- FACTS AND NUM regional leaders on how they are experiencing the energy
transition for this project is on-going.

MAKING IT JUST FOR SATRI continues to be part of the COSATU team reviewing and
interrogating the Just Energy Transition Investment Plan (JETIP),
WORKERS social ownership of renewable energy systems and the latest draft
of the Integrated Resource Plan. The intension is to make sure
that these policies are not counter
to the interest of workers in general
and NUM members in particular.

Furthermore, SATRI also

conducted studies on a) Effects
of Covid-19 in the mining,
construction, energy and metal
sectors, with the aim to identify and
document the effects of covid-19 in
the sectors that the union recruits.
It is expected that this research
will be useful to the NUM in terms
of getting factual information in
negotiating for workers that may be
affected by the effects of covid-19.

Fieldwork for the project was

Workers participating in Just Energy Transition Summit completed, and a total of 1100
NUM members were interviewed.
The final report is expected to be completed in the first quarter of
A Study conducted by Sam Tambani research 2024. Research findings and feedback sessions will be presented
institute (SATRI) to all NUM regions.

his project forms part of the overall COSATU Just
Transition Project, and aims at assisting the NUM
in navigating the Just Energy Transition dynamics,
taking into account its responsibility to its members.
The motivation behind this project is that whilst the NUM is
aware of the climate challenges and intensifying calls by various
stakeholders for a Just Transition in the energy sector, it is yet
to take a formal position on how to approach the phenomenon.
In this regard, the institute has made presentations to union
leadership in the Highveld and Rustenburg regions on what Just
Energy Transition – What it is, its challenges and opportunities
and how the NUM should navigate the transition. More
workshops are planned for NUM regions and branches.
The other fieldwork study being conducted by SATRI is b)
NUM Needs and Benefits Survey. This is a research project
commissioned by the NUM. The broad aim of the project is to
assess if NUM members are satisfied with the current benefits
and services they receive from the union and to identify what
the current needs and challenges are of members. Fieldwork is
planned to be conducted in all NUM regions.

23 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024


he average inflation rate for the year 2023 was 6.0%. inflation. Thus, employers usually prefer to refer to overall
Which was lower than the annual inflation rate for inflation and avoid specifically looking at food inflation. This
2022 at 7%. Reading from this drop trajectory there would create problems for their bargaining position.
was an optimistic temptation to project the possibility So, it is for the workers themselves to profile the importance
of 2024 sustaining the decline trend which should offer a lot of of food price inflation in their bargaining discussions and
relief to many financially pressed South Africans. strategically align it with the realities of accumulative rise as the
retreat of prices is often temporary.
This should be the battle cry for the working class as that kills their
gains at the collective bargaining table is the food price inflation POVERTY AND WAGES
normally overlooked at negotiations table to the detriment of the
workers. The struggle for better wages in not only limited to inflation
targeting as a standard of better wages for workers.
This input tries to highlight the importance of taking food price
inflation into account with the purpose of defending gains made Given the impact of food price inflation and its ability to
at the wage negotiations table. Otherwise, undermining of this consume wages and salaries more than the overall inflation it
reality eats on the gains the union makes. This element on its stands to reason therefore that it is responsible for workers
own is an area of contestation as employers don’t entertain it as drifting constantly into poverty.
it poses risks in their settlement zone projections and scenarios. So, when food prices rise and decline and rise again the impact is
that working class households get poorer. As most of their wages
SILENT WAGE CONSUMER and salary gains are gobbled by food price increases as people
cannot do without food.
Food price inflation is one of the critical areas workers and their
negotiating teams must take into consideration at their caucuses NATIONAL POVERTY LINE
and bargaining tables. It is a silent wage consumer that takes
away wages of workers after wage settlements have been made. In terms of the National Poverty Line in South Africa as late as
So, it must be factored in when workers design their wage 2023 the food poverty line was R750 per person per month.
percentage increases and sign new agreement. It remains a fact that the wages of black workers in South
Africa were systematically kept low to sustain institutional and
systematic inequality in South
Africa before 1994. However,
this legacy of inequality is
still sustained post 1994
democratic dispensation.

Part of the battle of reversing

the hostile and anti-black-
worker and anti-working-
class legacy is through a
struggle for better wages.
The better wages are not only
informed by the wages being
maintained at the level of
CPI. But the wages given their
history should be an area of
struggle to reverse the legacy
of poverty and a struggle
against inequality.

Unavoidably workers spend a major part of their salaries and Poverty conditions
wages on food for themselves and their families. How then are
we not taking such a daily matter into consideration when we get WAGES AND INEQUALITY
to collective bargaining tables? Own goal!
Importantly, food prices increase faster than the usual overall South Africa has been viewed as the most unequal country in the
world when in comes to income and wealth. For example, 10%

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 24

of the population earns 60% of the national income while it owns
almost 95% of the country `s wealth. RECRUITMENT
This reality is now part of the country `s financial landscape with
deepening poverty and inequality levels. In practice it forces the
unions to view wages and negotiating conditions of employment
as a political and economic battle.

he NUM recruitment campaign at LEAR in East
London. Workers are extremely excited to be joining the
Household Affordability Index
winning union.
The Household Affordability Index indicates that between
December 2023 and January 2024, the normal price of a family
food basket increased by R86.66. This is an increase just in one
month and imagine its impact on wages and salaries of the
working-class families, their wages and salaries which are often

In essence this means that pertaining to the monthly cost a

normal family basket spend in December 2023 was R 5, 238.20
and this moved towards R5324.86 in January 2024. So, the
Consumer Price Index soared from 5.1% in December 2023 to
5.3% in January 2024 .This information should be worrying
and must influence the attitude of the union when entering


Furthermore, the annual shift or year on year change

demonstrates that the normal household food basket budget
increased by R407.44 from January 2023 to January 2024. As
shown by Dhivana Rajgopaul for example a family food budget
that was costing only R4, 917.42 in January 2023 had moved to
R5, 324.86 in January 2024.

In the first quarter of 2023 in which it reached the highest peak

at 14.00%. This took away large part of wages and salaries of
workers. It means it reversed the gains the workers had made in
their wage agreements particularly in long term agreements such
as five years.

In such agreements there should be review clauses to take into

Viva mighty NUM Viva.
account unforeseen scenarios which have direct impact on
wages and salaries in terms of long-term collective bargaining

Given the challenges of water, electricity the shades below

could still present themselves as challenges to the budget of
average families such as working-class families in South Africa.
Hence wage bargains by workers should take food inflation into
cognisance at the bargaining table.

25 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024


By Luphert Chilwane

he latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
figures, including the 0.6% 2023 growth rate, should be his is to ensure that all affiliates are working flat out
a reminder to government, business and society that across workplaces and communities to mobilise voters
much more needs to be done to grow the to return the ANC to office in May. We cannot afford
economy. to risk the gains working class communities have won
since 1994 to political parties that promise to gut the public
Whilst the GDP report by Stats SA, confirms the resilience of the service, roll back social upliftment programmes and collapse our
economy and the positive progressive labour laws.
impact the reduced
levels of loadshedding
have had, the economy
still remains extremely

The effect of the

challenges at Transnet
Freight Rail and Ports are
still to be felt, in particular by the mining, manufacturing and
agricultural sectors who need a well-run Transnet to deliver
their products to their destinations on time and at an affordable

These sectors employ millions of workers and are key sources Launch of the Elijah Barayi Brigades to assist in elections
of taxes the state needs to fund the public services the economy
and society rely upon. The federation and affiliates have been engaging workers across
the country, on their experiences, hopes and proposals on how to
Even the rosiest growth projections of Treasury of 1.3% to 1.8%, improve their lives. We have been heartened by the trust workers
provide cold comfort for a society struggling to overcome an continue to place in their federation and the ANC.
unemployment rate of 41% and a youth unemployment rate of

The solutions are well known, in particular supporting Eskom

to end loadshedding, securing and modernising Transnet to
remove logistics backlogs, rebuilding municipal services and
investing in public services, tackling endemic crime, corruption
and tax evasion.

Whilst these are

the interventions
needed to grow Alliance partners finalising deployee list
the economy
and reduce We are particularly pleased by the enthusiasm workers have
unemployment, shown as we mobilised across Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal
they must be for the very successful January 8th ANC Anniversary rally in
accompanied by Mbombela and more recently, the launch of the ANC’s elections
support for the Manifesto.
poor and the unemployed, in particular through extending and
enhancing the SRD Grant and the Presidential Employment The Manifesto is a product of robust engagements within the
Stimulus as well as finalising the Two Pot Pension Reforms. Alliance and with progressive civil society. It provides a roadmap
to build upon the successes of the past 30 years, to resolve the
We also need to begin reprioritising the Budget and public current challenges facing society and build a better life for all
procurement to invest in building local industries and sectors over the next 5 years.
and ramp up local procurement by the state, private sector and
consumers. The Federation will work with the ANC and the South African
Communist Party to ensure government deployees are held
What we cannot afford to do is to continue normalising 1.3% let accountable for the implementation of the Manifesto beyond the
alone 0.6% GDP growth rate. 29th of May.
NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 26

rotect poor workers and their families from high inflation. Trade union federation, Cosatu, called on the government to do
more in protecting workers and the economy from inflation, saying the rise in the cost of living coupled with unemployment
have taken a heavy toll on workers and their families.
“The rise in the costs of living has taken a heavy toll on working-class families, with an 18.65% increase in the electricity

tariff in 2023 and a pending 12% increase in 2024. Fuel prices peaked at R25 a litre and the Reserve Bank increased the repo rate by
475 basis points over the past 18 months. The government needs to do more to protect workers and the economy from inflation,” says
Cosatu General Secretary Solly Phetoe.


By Livhuwani Mammduru

he NUM President Dan Balepile launched a blistering “We are here attending the SACP Red Brigades and 2024 elections
attack on the ANC in the North West province for launch, but we do not see the ANC. We need to work together
being absent and nowhere to be found at most activities as an alliance. We cannot do this on our own. Everybody in the
that are designed and organised by alliance partners, ANC is a celebrity. I am not attacking the ANC. I am saying
which are the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the things as they are. These are things that we need to address and
Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu). President correct as the alliance partners,” Balepile said.
Balepile expressed shock when addressing the launch of the
SACP Red brigades, held at BG Molewa district in Rustenberg. Balepile further said that all of us as the alliance partners must
The resounding message is one, forward to the ANC victory talk about the ANC Manifesto that was launched in Durban and
forward. nothing else.

“All of us as members of the SACP and alliance, when we go and

embark on a door to door campaign must always remember that
you are not doing that for yourselves , but for the ANC that it
must win the upcoming general and provincial elections on May
29, “ he said.

Balepile also informed the SACP leaders and members that the
NUM was bleeding because of the retrenchments that are taking
place within the mining industry in South Africa.

“We got a retrenchment notice from Anglo Platinum which says

they will retrench 3 700 mineworkers. De Beers gave us a notice
to retrench 500 mineworkers. As we are doing door to door
Launch of the SACP Red brigades in Rustenburg campaigns for the ANC, we must equally talk about this issue of
retrenchments in the mining industry,” he concluded.
27 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024
A SOUND ENERGY planning. The first contradiction is to balance the need to assist
the world in the reduction of global emissions and provide
enough reliable electricity for South Africans. The second
MIX IS WHAT contradiction is the need for opening the energy sector to the
private sector and public ownership of the energy sector.

SOUTH AFRICA The duty to reduce global emissions is the responsibility of all
the countries of the world and it must be done in a fair and just

NEEDS By Khangela Baloyi

manner. The history of global emissions must be considered to
achieve a fair global deal. Countries like the United States of
America and China with a history of high emissions must be

made to carry a bigger portion in reducing emissions. Developing
skom needs baseload and synchronous generators to countries must not be burdened with a bigger portion of emission
keep the national electricity grid stable. Eskom defines reduction as they still need to develop.
a synchronous generator as an electrical generator that
produces alternating current electricity. It operates in The ownership of the sector needs to remain in the hands of the
sync with the frequency of the grid it is connected to, generating state. Electricity production is a basic service which must be the
electricity at a constant speed determined by the grid frequency. responsibility of the state to secure energy democracy and the
Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar cannot security of supply. It is not true that state ownership of the energy
provide energy that is in sync with the frequency of the national sector is inherently inefficient. Eskom has been productive for
electricity grid. almost 100 years while it was owned by the state. Electricite de

South Africa needs a sound and well-balanced energy mix France (EDF) returned to profitability in 2023 after the French
anchored on base load. The narrative from many commentators government completed the nationalization of the group, in
in the energy space is not based on science but on financial a year marked by higher nuclear power output in the country
interests. A person in a battery-selling business will present as reported by the Wall Street Journal released on 16 February
storage as the only solution for our energy problems. We need to 2024. EDF is a state-owned energy utility.
interrogate different technologies with an open eye and list the
advantages and disadvantages of all these technologies. Coal as a source of energy has been used for centuries by mostly
developed countries. South Africa has an abundance of coal,
Where possible we will need to mitigate against the disadvantages especially in the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. Coal is
of these technologies. The proposed Integrated Resource Plan currently contributing 70.1% of the energy mix in South Africa.
(IRP) mixes coal, nuclear, gas, renewables, hydro, battery storage While we acknowledge that coal is a major contributor to our
and green hydrogen. It will be wise to digest each recommended energy mix, we need to also appreciate that the continuous use
technology. The analysis must look at issues such as the Capacity of coal is polluting the atmosphere and contributing to global
Factor of the technology, the emissions, the availability, the warming and climate change. The shift from high-house House
number of Megawatts per land occupied, the jobs that are Gas (GHG) emitters such as coal must happen. It will however
created by the technology, the cost of the technology during be irresponsible to abruptly move away from coal without
construction and operations and reliability. considering the social and economic impact of that decision.
South Africa also needs to consider the use of Clean Coal
South Africa is faced with two main contradictions in energy Technology (CCT).

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 28

Nuclear contributes 5% of the South African energy mix. It does
not emit any of the GHGs, however, it produces radioactive
waste which can last for many years before it completely decays.

To mitigate against nuclear waste, the country needs to develop
a sound radioactive waste management policy. Currently, there
is only one nuclear power station in South Africa called Koeberg

Nuclear Power Station which is based in Cape Town. It is
important for the South African energy mix to consider nuclear
as a form of base load energy.

The Koeberg plant was built by Framatome and commissioned
he NUM Carletonville Region managed to convened its
in 1984-85. It is owned and operated by Eskom and has twin
Regional Political Lecture at Carletonville Tenniscourt.
900 MWe class (970 & 940 MWe gross) pressurised water
The Political Lecture was organised with the aim of
reactors (PWRs), the same as those providing most of France’s
discussing current political discourse and as a show of
electricity. Stress tests like those in the EU were carried out in
support to the ANC during the upcoming general and provincial
2011 with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) help. The
elections on May 29. The political lecture was addressed by
government plans to extend Koeberg’s operating life beyond 40
leaders from the alliance partners.
years. South Africa has been operating Koeberg Nuclear Power
Plant safely for 40 years.

Natural gas is responsible for 2.9% of the energy supply in South

Africa. Many people are familiar with natural gas from its use in
homes for cooking and heating, but it is also an important fuel
for power generation and is used to manufacture chemicals and
plastics. In recent decades natural gas has seen a growing role
in power generation thanks to increased availability, flexibility,
and lower CO2 emissions than coal and oil, but emissions from
natural gas will still need to be reduced significantly to meet
international climate goals.

South Africa accounts for only 0.02% of the global natural gas
production. Natural gas will assist South Africa in transitioning
from high GHG emitters to a much cleaner form of energy.
Workers participating in the Carletonville Regional political lecture
Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that
are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight
and wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly being
replenished. In South Africa, we have 6000 MW of installed
capacity for both wind and solar energy. The advantage of Solar
and Wind is that it does not emit any GHG during operations.
Solar and wind however do not provide baseload energy due
to their intermittent nature, unless it is combined with storage
means like batteries and hydro.

South Africa needs both Solar and Wind energy in its energy
mix while not undermining the base load energy sources. The
current setup of the Independent Power Producers (IPP) is not
assisting the country. South Africa needs Renewable Energy that
is socially, or state-owned while allowing private players to also
play their part. Green Hydrogen combined with Solar and Wind
can provide baseload energy. We however need to be cognisance
that the green hydrogen technology is still being developed.

Hydroelectric power is one of the oldest and largest sources

of renewable energy, which uses the natural flow of moving
water to generate. South Africa has no capacity for bigger-scale
hydropower due to water scarcity. South Africa receives 1000
MW of hydropower from Cahora Bassa Dam which is the biggest
hydro power plant in Southern Africa.

South Africa still needs coal, and nuclear as base load while
using solar and wind to assist in bringing down the emission.
The coal projects need to have the technology that captures or
filters the GHGs.
29 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024
“Our progress as the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is always truly
felt when we use our gains to uplift others, giving them opportunities that
extend beyond the individual. We all owe it to ourselves and our fellow
humankind to open doors that lead to prosperity and create a positive
change in the lives of both current and future generations,”

From the depths of the mines to the fertile elds above, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), practices. The revitalization of St. Paul Roman Catholic Church symbolizes the collective spirit of
fuelled by the unwavering support of the Mineworkers Investment Trust (MIT) and its resilience and solidarity that has de ned NUM's journey over the past four decades.
implementing agencies namely Mineworkers Development Agency (MDA), Sam Tambani
Research Institute (SATRI), JB Marks Education Trust Fund and Elijah Barayi Memorial Training The Miners Investment Trust supports formal education through the JB Marks Education Trust
Centre (EBMTC), is cultivating a harvest of hope, opportunity and progress amongst various Fund and the Elijah Barayi Memorial Training Center (EBMTC). In 2022, the JB Marks Trust Fund
communities within South Africa and across the Lesotho border. produced 95 graduates, including two medical doctors, 11 engineers, and 11 scientists. Top
achiever Shaheeda Mohamed, who graduated with 52 distinctions in Bachelor of Management
The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), supported by the Mineworkers Investment Trust (MIT) Leadership, expressed gratitude for the support provided by the trust.
and its implementing agencies, is working to create a positive impact on communities in South
Africa and across the Lesotho border. In 2023, MIT and its agencies left an indelible mark on the EBMTC has been championing the education and skills development of South Africa's working
lives of over 31,167 bene ciaries through various programs that touch upon essential aspects of class since 1993, evolving into a hub of empowerment with MIT's unwavering support. The
livelihood and community development. EBMTC Artisan Academy, of cially launched in December 2023 in collaboration with the
Mineworkers Investment Company, has been instrumental in empowering the next generation of
The NUM emphasizes the importance of using their gains to uplift others and provide leaders.
opportunities that extend beyond the individual. The Mineworkers Investment Trust understands
that sustainable progress requires more than just handouts; their implementing agencies drive Realising the role formal education plays in shaping the future of individuals and society, the
MIT's vision of impacting communities positively. In 2023, MDA played a pivotal role in equipping Miners Investment Trust also has several arms to assist those looking for training and
community members with the skills to be self-reliant, impacting 80 bene ciaries through quali cations, including the JB Marks Education Trust Fund and the Elijah Barayi Memorial
accredited short-skills training in vegetable and poultry production. This not only imparts valuable Training Centre (EBMTC).
skills but also opens doors to sustainable employment opportunities, empowering individuals to
shape their destinies. In 2022, the JB Marks Trust Fund produced 95 graduates, including two medical doctors, 11
engineers, and 11 scientists. Top achiever Shaheeda Mohamed, who graduated with 52
One of the cornerstones of MDA's outreach lies in cultivating self-reliance through agriculture. In distinctions in Bachelor of Management Leadership, despite her long and hard journey,
South Africa, a staggering 10,372 individuals reaped the bountiful harvest of the food security expressed gratitude for the support the JB Marks Trust afforded her.
program. These programs not only provide sustenance but also empower individuals to become
active participants in the economic development of their communities. Entrepreneurship “Don't compare your journey to others. It's never too late to start, and with the support of
emerged as a key theme, with 1,442 bene ciaries in Lesotho and South Africa bene ting from your family, you can achieve anything. Stay focused on your goals, believe in yourself, and
enterprise development skills training, technical support, and general business advisory remember that education is a powerful weapon. Work hard, and you will reach your
services. dreams. You are the master of your destiny, the next generation of leaders, and you can do
anything you set your mind to,” Mohamed said.
In Lesotho, the MDA extended its impact to 1,777 bene ciaries, focusing on horticulture training,
emerging farmers, support programs, and household farming support. The intent was not just to Since 1993, EBMTC has championed the education and skills development of South Africa's
provide immediate relief and equip individuals with the skills necessary for sustainable working class, evolving into a hub of empowerment with MIT's unwavering support. The EBMTC
agricultural practices, ensuring long-term food security. Artisan Academy, of cially launched in December 2023 in collaboration with the Mineworkers
The MDA's success story is not a solo act. Collaborative projects, such as the Social Employment Investment Company, has already produced 100 quali ed artisans in elds like boiler making,
Programme in Marikana, in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation of South electrical work, and plumbing.
Africa (IDC), have provided over 1,500 residents with opportunities in education, agriculture, and
infrastructure. Another example is the MDA partnership with the First Rand Empowerment Trust, In conclusion, the NUM and MIT are dedicated to promoting the rights and well-being of
which has empowered 720 small-scale farmers with beehives, equipment, and training, creating miners across the nation.
a sustainable livelihood and transforming lives.
Mineworkers Development Agency (MDA); Mineworkers Investment Trust (MIT);
The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) was established in 1982 at St. Paul Roman Catholic Mineworkers Investment Company (MIC); JB Marks Education Trust Fund, Sam Tambani
Church and celebrated its 40th anniversary with a renovation of its founding home. Research Institute (SATRI) and the Elijah Barayi Memorial Training Centre (EBMTC) are all
The organization was founded by Cyril Ramaphosa, James Motlatsi, and Elijah Barayi to improve subsidiaries of the National Union of Mineworkers.
the working conditions of miners, prioritize workplace health and safety, and oppose exploitative

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 30

UM Kimberley Region marched to Bloemfontein to

submit a memorandum against Arrows Mining and
Engineering Company. One thorny issue that was
raised during the march against the company was
the short-time application to cut salaries of workers by 25%.
“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is
through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a
doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the
mine, that a child of farmworkers can become the president of a
great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we
are given, that separates one person from another”

Nelson Mandela

Workers protesting in Bloemfontein

Arrows Mining and Engineering Company continues to trample

on the constitutional rights of workers bestowed on them and
protected by the labour laws of this country. The NUM will fight
tooth and nail until the workers demands are met.

Workers protesting in Bloemfontein

31 NUM JAN - MARCH 2024

NUM youth structure remembers the late PWV
Leadership who died in a fatal accident a year ago.
Cdes Bonginkosi Bongz Mrasi, Zukile Maskot, Lulama Madyosi, Thantaswa Sikani, Retshidisitswe Mbirha and Dumisani
Futshana passed away in 2022 in a horrific car accident on the N4 toll road between Middelburg and Emalahleni. They were
driving back to Gauteng after they attended the National Youth Structure Conference in the city of Mbombela in Mpumalanga.


NUM will continue to mourn the death of its Eastern Cape Regional Chairperson Cde Mtutuzeni Nojoko and Deputy Chairperson
Cde Meluzi Boqwana who were brutally shot and killed earlier this year. May their revolutionary souls continue to rest in peace

NUM JAN - MARCH 2024 32

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