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Group Leader: CALAPATAN, Kirsten Nicole D.

Group Number: 2

Section: B73 Date: February 2, 2024

Course Code: CE152P Experiment No: 7

Instructor Name: Christ John L. Marcos School: Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering

Honesty Pledge

In completing this assessment, we swore that neither nor anybody else provided any appropriate aid. We are

aware that cheating and/or plagiarism are serious offenses in accordance with University’s Memorandum, and

we will be subject to the corresponding penalties if we do so.


Signature of Group Members


Presented to

School of Civil, Environmental, and Geological Engineering

Intramuros Manila

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

CE152P Construction Materials and Testing


Bautro, Lyka Rose N

Beralde, Lourd Thames A.

Bitanga, Marjhorie B.

Braganza, Clarence Aien

Cabalquinto, Kennie Jerro C.

Calapatan, Kirsten Nicole D.


Engr. Christ John L. Marcos


I. Data Results

AREA, mm2 314.6




Tensile testing was used in the experiment to measure the mechanical properties of the

material. In the first trial, tension was applied to a sample that had an initial diameter of 20 mm

and an initial length of 483 mm until it broke. After the test, the final length measured was 533

mm, which represents a 50 mm extension or strain. The material exhibited an ultimate load of

599.020 N, which is equivalent to an ultimate stress of 413.80 N/mm². It was discovered that the

material fails at a load of 477.714 N, which results in an actual breaking stress of 1.52 N/mm². It

was found that the sample's cross-section had an area of 314.6 mm². Furthermore, the stiffness of

a material was measured using the modulus of elasticity, which was found to be 203718 N/mm².

Together, these findings shed light on the mechanical properties of the material under tension,

such as its strength, stiffness, and capacity to bear loads before failing.
II. Analysis and Interpretation

The table gives us important information from an experiment that looked at how a

material behaves when pulled, likely using a tensile test. It lists details like the size of the

material (diameter), how much it stretched (change in length), the maximum force it endured

before breaking (ultimate load and breaking load), and other properties. All these details help us

understand how the material responds to stress and its overall structure.

The change in length (333 mm) shows how much the material can bend or stretch, telling

us about its ability to undergo plastic deformation. The ultimate load and breaking load (599.020

MPa and 477.714 MPa) tell us the maximum force the material can handle before breaking,

showing its strength and resilience under stretching.

The modulus of elasticity (203718 N/mm²) indicates how stiff the material is and how

well it goes back to its original shape after being stretched. The ultimate stress and actual

breaking stress (413.80 N/mm² and 1.52 N/mm²) give us insights into how much stress the

material can bear compared to its size. All this information is crucial for understanding and

choosing materials for different uses in engineering and manufacturing.

III. Conclusion

In conclusion, the understanding and management of tension in construction materials

play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, durability, and longevity of structures. As materials

experience various forces, particularly tension, they undergo stress that can lead to deformation

or failure if not properly addressed. Therefore, rigorous testing methodologies, such as tensile

testing, are crucial for evaluating the tensile strength and behavior of materials under different

conditions. By subjecting materials to controlled tension, engineers can accurately assess their
performance, identify weaknesses, and make informed decisions regarding material selection and

structural design. Moreover, advancements in testing techniques, including non-destructive

methods, continue to enhance our ability to analyze tension in construction materials more

comprehensively, ultimately contributing to the development of safer and more resilient


In light of the complexities involved in tension analysis, collaboration among

researchers, engineers, and material scientists remains imperative. Through interdisciplinary

efforts, innovative solutions can be devised to address challenges associated with tension in

construction materials. Additionally, ongoing research endeavors aimed at understanding the

underlying mechanisms of material behavior under tension can lead to the development of novel

materials with enhanced tensile properties. Furthermore, the integration of digital simulations

and predictive modeling techniques offers opportunities to forecast the performance of materials

in real-world scenarios, thereby facilitating proactive measures to mitigate potential risks. By

continuously refining testing methodologies and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the

construction industry can advance towards safer, more sustainable, and resilient built


IV. Appendices

Appendix A: Apparatus
A.1: Material/Consumable

● Steel Rod

Appendix B: Procedures

1. Initially, the steel rod specimen is cleaned and gauge length is marked on it. The gauge

length is calculated by the formula 5.65√A.

2. Measure the initial length of the steel rod using the meter stick, and mark it with masking

tape. Label it correctly according to your group’s decision.

3. In placing the specimen, the technician will assist us. The handle is operated such that the

specimen firmly fits to the top base. The left valve is kept in fully closed position and the

right valve in a normal open position. Open the right valve and close it after the lower

table is slightly lifted. Adjust the load pointer to zero with the zero adjusting knobs.

4. In loading the steel rod, turn the right control valve slowly to open position to get the

desired loading rate. When the specimen is under load, slowly unclamp the locking

handle. Note the extension at a convenient load increment. Extensometer must be

removed before reaching the yield point.

5. With increase in load at some point, the load pointer remains stationary. Load

corresponding to this indicates the yield point. With further increase in load, the pointer

goes backward and the specimen breaks. The load before this breaking is the ultimate

load. The load at the breaking of the specimen is called the breaking load.

6. Use the following

Appendix C: Documentations

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