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Research Proposal

Research on the impact of physical education

(vovinam) on the health of students at FPT
University HCM

Course: RMC301

Supervisor: Le Ngoc Phuong Nguyen

Name Code
1. Nguyễn Xuân Huy SS181418
2. Nguyễn Phúc Lộc SE184242
3. Nguyễn Hồ Thành Nghĩa SS180867
4. Nguyễn Trọng Ngọc Tiên SS180940
5. Nguyễn Xuân Khang SS170556
● Background and context
● Problem statement
● Research questions
● Relevance and importance of the research

Literature review
● Key concepts, theories and studies
● Key debates and controversies
● Gaps in existing knowledge

Research design and methods

● Aims and objectives
● Methods and sources
● Practicalities and potential obstacles

Implications and contributions to knowledge

● Practical implications
● Theoretical implications

Reference list
Research schedule
● Research phase
● Objectives
● Deadline

● Acknowledgements

Background and context
- Giáo dục Thể chất là một phần quan trọng trong kế hoạch đào tạo của các trường đại học.
- Trường đại học FPT chọn Vovinam trở thành môn giáo dục thể chất dành cho 100% sinh
- tầm quan trọng của việc gìn giữ và phát huy giá trị văn hoá dân tộc trong giáo dục.

Problem statement
- Chọn Nghiên cứu tác động của môn thể dục thể thao (vovinam) tới sức khỏe sinh viên Đại

Research questions
- liệu vovinam có tác động tích cực về mặt thể chất và tinh thần đối với sinh viên FPT Hay
- Tác động tích cực có đủ lớn để có thể hấp dẫn những người chưa từng tham gia đối với bộ
môn này hay không?
- liệu bài nghiên cứu này có tác dụng đối với trường FPT hay không?

Relevance and importance of the research

- Nghiên cứu góp phần phản ánh mức độ hấp dẫn hay không hấp dẫn của chương trình đào tạo
hiện tại.
- đánh giá sức khỏe sinh viên.
- kiểm chứng giá trị tích cực về văn hóa.
- Physical Education is an important part of universities' training plans.
- FPT University chooses Vovinam to become a physical education subject for 100% of
- the importance of preserving and promoting national cultural values in education.
- The research contributes to reflecting the attractiveness or unattractiveness of the current
training program.
- Student health assessment.
- Verify positive cultural values.
Trong hệ thống giáo dục đại học Việt Nam, môn Giáo dục Thể chất là một phần quan trọng trong kế
hoạch đào tạo, đóng vai trò trọng yếu trong việc nâng cao thể chất và tinh thần cho sinh viên. Trường
đại học FPT chọn Vovinam – một môn võ thuật mang đậm bản sắc dân tộc – trở thành môn giáo dục
thể chất dành cho 100% sinh viên.
Việc này khẳng định tầm quan trọng của việc gìn giữ và phát huy giá trị văn hoá dân tộc trong giáo
dục mà còn thể hiện quyết tâm trong việc hình thành nên những công dân toàn cầu có ý thức tôn trọng
và tự hào về nguồn gốc của mình.
In the Vietnamese higher education system, Physical Education is an important part of the training
plan, playing a key role in improving students' physical and mental health. FPT University chose
Vovinam - a martial art with strong national identity - to become a physical education subject for
100% of students.
This not only affirms the importance of preserving and promoting national cultural values in
education but also demonstrates determination in forming global citizens with a sense of respect and
pride in its origin.
Trong những năm gần đây, Tổ chức giáo dục FPT đã không ngừng tập trung vào sự phát triển của các
hoạt động thể chất trong giáo dục, đặc biệt là thông qua việc đẩy mạnh phong trào Vovinam.
Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng chương trình giáo dục thể chất của học sinh trở nên cần thiết khi nó góp phần
phản ánh mức độ hấp dẫn hay không hấp dẫn của chương trình đào tạo hiện tại và đánh giá sức khỏe
sinh viên giúp bộ môn đổi mới, thúc đẩy sinh viên luyện tập hiệu quả. Nhân văn hơn, nghiên cứu hy
vọng sẽ kiểm chứng giá trị tích cực về văn hóa, về sức khỏe mà giáo dục thể chất mang lại cho sinh
viên đại học FPT
In recent years, FPT Education Organization has continuously focused on the development of
physical activities in education, especially through promoting the Vovinam movement.
Researching the impact of students' physical education programs becomes necessary as it contributes
to reflecting the attractiveness or unattractiveness of the current training program and assessing
student health to help the subject innovate. , motivating students to practice effectively. More
humanely, the research hopes to verify the positive cultural and health values that physical education
brings to FPT university students.

Literature review
Key concepts, theories and studies

Key debates and controversies

Gaps in existing knowledge

2. Literature review
2.1: History
Vovinam, or Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo, was founded by Grandmaster Nguyễn Lộc in 1938 in Hanoi,
with a foundation in traditional Vietnamese wrestling and other martial arts worldwide. It emphasizes
both hard and soft techniques, known as "Cương Nhu phối triển." Following Nguyễn Lộc's death,
Grandmaster Lê Sáng continued to develop the discipline, incorporating new theories, techniques, and
structured training programs. Vovinam promotes physical health, mental discipline, and national
pride, aiming to produce individuals capable of contributing positively to society
2.1.1: Physical education
The article “Physical Activity and Health: Is Physical Education Important?” by Russell R. Pate,
Jennifer R. O'Neill and Kerry L. McIver, emphasises the importance of physical education (PE) in
promoting health and physical activity in children. It emphasises that PE classes are important for
developing lifelong exercise habits, improving physical and mental health and enhancing academic
performance. Despite these benefits, challenges such as budget constraints and inadequate teacher
training remain. The authors recommend stronger policy support, adequate funding, and evidence-
based curricula to ensure all students benefit from high-quality PE programs.
2.1.2: Evaluating the Vovinam subject in higher education
The document "Evaluating the effectiveness of the Vovinam - Viet Vo Dao teaching program at Van
Hien University" assesses the effectiveness of the Vovinam - Viet Vo Dao martial arts curriculum. It
employs document analysis, morphological testing, and statistical mathematics for verification.
Findings indicate that the Vovinam - Viet Vo Dao program effectively contributes to students'
physical development. However, improvements are needed in practice time and physical exercises.
Adjusting the teaching content is emphasised to ensure effectiveness and enhance physical training,
thus improving students' health and fitness. The study involved 250 male and female students at Van
Hien University. The document concludes with an overview of the current state of the Vovinam - Viet
Vo Dao content and curriculum at the institution. In summary, this document evaluates the
effectiveness of the Vovinam - Viet Vo Dao teaching program at Van Hien University and suggests
enhancements to optimise physical training outcomes for students.
2.2:Key debates and controversies
2.3: Gaps in Existing Knowledge
2.3.1: Restrictions in Vovinam
The research on Vovinam practices, particularly the study on enhancing the roundhouse kick
technique, primarily uses cross-sectional data collected at specific points in time rather than
longitudinal data over an extended period. This approach limits the ability to observe long-term trends
and impacts of the training programs .
2.3.2:Limited target audience
The studies often focus on specific groups, such as male students from a single university's Vovinam
club, which may not represent the broader population. This lack of diversity in the sample can lead to
biased results and limit the generalizability of the findings 2.3.4:Comparative analyses
More comparative studies are needed to evaluate Vovinam training against other martial arts or
physical activities. Currently, most research focuses on within-group analyses rather than comparing
outcomes across training methodologies or sports.
2.3.5:Expanding the development of Vovinam martial arts
In order to promote Vovinam and other martial arts, it is important to ensure standardized training
programs, address the diversity of participants, and measure long-term benefits. Physical education
curricula must be carefully planned and resources allocated in order to integrate martial arts. A more
diverse population can benefit from Vovinam training programs by addressing these gaps and
challenges in future research and policy-making.
Research design and methods
Research and design
● Secondary sources would be used in addition to original data collecting as part of the study
plan.Original research refers to a type of research that involves the collection and analysis of
new and original data to answer a specific research question or to test a hypothesis. In
secondary research, look at existing data from other researchers, such as academic journals,
government agencies, or national statistics.
● Qualitative research: design might be suitable in this situation. Investigating and
comprehending the varying subjective experiences, viewpoints, and interpretations connected
to a certain phenomena is the main goal of qualitative techniques such as focus groups,
interviews, and observations. In addition, context, background details, and public reactions to
the controversy may be found in primary and secondary sources such as news stories, social
media posts, government documents, and public remarks.
● A descriptive approach would be the main emphasis of the study strategy. The goal of
descriptive study is to give a thorough explanation of a phenomena.

Aims and objectives

Overall aim:
● The research aims to assess the impact of physical education (vovinam) on the health of
students at FPT University HCM.
Specific objectives:

● Assess the positive physical impacts of vovinam on students.

● Assess the impact of vovinam on students' mental health.
● Compare the health of students participating in vovinam with those who do not.
● Evaluate the level of enjoyment and effectiveness of vovinam in the physical education

Methods and sources

Research methods:

● Quantitative research: Conduct a quantitative survey of students participating in vovinam and

those who do not, using questionnaires.
● Qualitative research: Conduct qualitative interviews with vovinam instructors, students, and
university staff.
● Analyze collected data using appropriate statistical methods.

Data sources:

● Questionnaires
● Do survey
● Interviews
● Student health data - (if available)
● Documents on the university's physical education program
● Where:
● How: Data collection, data selection, data analysis.

Practicalities and potential obstacles


● This research can help FPT University HCM assess the effectiveness of vovinam in the
physical education program.
● The research findings can be used to improve the physical education program and attract
more student participation in vovinam.
● Data management: Create policies and processes to handle the gathered information. For the
purpose of facilitating efficient access to and use of the data throughout the study process,
ensure data integrity, security, and organization.
● Feedback and communication: Create a responsive and efficient mechanism for responding to
recommendations, worries, and feedback from stakeholders. This might entail setting up
meetings, facilitating distant collaboration via technology, and maintaining openness
throughout the whole study process.

Potential obstacles:

● Student participation rate in the survey

● Accessibility of student health data
● Time and resources required for the research

Implications and contributions to knowledge

● After a long period of development, Vovinam has contained many spiritual and cultural
values of the Vietnamese people. (After a long period of development, Vovinam has
contained many spiritual and cultural values of the Vietnamese people).
● Vovinam has many benefits, it helps develop muscles, blood circulation, and mental clarity.
(Vovinam has many benefits, it helps develop muscles, blood circulation, and mental clarity).
● Students can both train their mental, moral and physical qualities.

Practical implications
● Total body workout: Vovinam includes a variety of techniques including kicking, punching,
throwing and joint locking, providing a well-rounded workout that increases strength,
flexibility, endurance and cardiovascular health.
● Injury Prevention: Training includes conditioning exercises that improve balance and
coordination, which can help prevent injuries in everyday activities and other sports.
● Practical techniques: Vovinam emphasizes practical self-defense techniques that can be
applied in real situations, helping practitioners protect themselves effectively.
Theoretical implications
● Cultural theory and identity Cultural preservation: Vovinam demonstrates traditional
Vietnamese values and philosophies, contributing to the preservation and transmission of
cultural heritage.
● Nationalism and identity: As a product of a specific historical and social context, Vovinam
contributes to building and strengthening national identity.
● Virtues and ethics: Vovinam promotes values such as respect, humility, perseverance and
self-discipline, these values are necessary for FPT students in particular and all students
nationwide in general. shared.
● Reduce stress and mental health: Meditation and breathing exercises in Vovinam contribute to
helping students at school reduce stress and mental health.

Reference list

Research schedule
Research phase: 4 giai đoạn:
-tìm hiểu vấn đề

- điền form

- nhận kết quả và phân tích

- đưa ra kết quả

Objectives: Đánh giá tác động tích cực về mặt thể chất, tinh thần và so sánh tác động giữa người
không tham gia và có tham gia

Deadline: 1 tuần (20/05/2024 - 27/05/2024)

In conclusion, this research paper highlights the vital role of Physical Education (PE) in higher
education, focusing on the integration of Vovinam at FPT University. Through a comprehensive
analysis, the paper emphasizes the diverse benefits that incorporating cultural and physical practices
like Vovinam can bring to university curricula.

Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, the
study effectively addresses its objectives. Findings indicate a positive link between Vovinam
participation and improvements in physical fitness, mental well-being, and cultural appreciation
among students. Moreover, the research underscores the broader impact of Vovinam in nurturing
national pride and ethical values among participants.

By critically assessing the implications, the paper offers actionable recommendations for
policymakers and university administrators to enhance student engagement and well-being through
Vovinam and similar cultural practices. By acknowledging potential obstacles and practical
considerations, the paper provides practical guidance for optimizing physical education programs
within higher education institutions.

In essence, this research underscores the transformative potential of integrating traditional cultural
practices into modern educational contexts. Recognizing the holistic benefits of programs like
Vovinam is essential for fostering well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in today's
interconnected world. Continued efforts in research and implementation are crucial for promoting
physical health, cultural identity, and ethical fortitude among university students.

huanbv. (2023, March 26). Lịch sử Môn phái Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo -

VovinamHVVF - Liên đoàn Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo TPHCM. Liên đoàn Vovinam

Việt Võ Đạo TPHCM.


Pate, R. R., O’Neill, J. R., & McIver, K. L. (2011). Physical activity and health: Does

physical education matter? Quest, 63(1), 19–35.

Ứng dụng một số bài tập bổ trợ nhằm nâng cao kỹ thuật đá tạt cho nam môn sinh tại

câu lạc bộ Vovinam – Việt Võ đạo trường Đại học Phú Yên.pdf. (n.d.). Google Docs.

View of Evaluating effectivness of Vovinam – Vietnamese martial art program during

optional tranining in Van Hien University. (n.d.).

Vovinam: Niềm tự hào võ thuật Việt Nam. (n.d.). AIA Việt Nam.




Vovinam World Map. (n.d.). 10 điều tâm niệm Vovinam và ý nghĩa sâu sắc đằng sau

- Vovinam World Map.


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