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Contest 1a.

State whether the following bones are part of the axial or the appendicular skeleton

1. Skull
Axial skeleton

2. Bones of the arms


3. Ribcage.
Axial skeleton

4. The ossicles of the middle ear

Contest 1b
Distinguish between fungi and plants with respect to the following.

1. The structures that attach them to the substratum

Roots attach plants to the substratum whilst rhizoids attach fungi to the

2. Their roles in an ecosystem/ food chain

Plants are the producers in the ecosystem whilst fungi are the

3. Food storage form

Fungi store glycogen whilst plants store starch

Contest 2a.

Connective tissue is divided into four main categories. Name one component each

1. Connective proper
2. Cartilage
3. Bone
4. Blood
Contest 2b
Name the type of vectors that normally pollinate the following plants.

1. Maize

2. Rice

3. Pawpaw
Contest 3a
State whether the following processes occur in interphase of eukaryotic cells or

1. Increase of ATP synthesis

It occurs

2. Increase in RNA synthesis

It occurs

3. Reduction in cell size

It does not occur
Contest 3b
Carnivores are sometimes characterized by their type of prey. Mention the names
of organisms that the following carnivores eat.
1. Vermivores

2. Avivores

3. Piscivores
Contest 4a
State the part of the mammalian eye to which the following refer
1. A layer of connective tissue and blood vessels. It provides nourishment to
the outer layers of the retina

2. It is a circular structure, with an orifice in the centre (the pupil). The

diameter of the pupil is altered by smooth muscle fibres within it. It is
situated between the lens and the cornea.

3. It connects the iris to the choroid. It consists of muscles, a series of radial

process and a ring which adjoins the choroid. It controls the shape of the
lens, and contributes to the formation of aqueous humor
Ciliary body
Contest 4b
Explain the effects on the rate of transpiration when the following factors are
1. Temperature
Evaporation and diffusion are faster at higher temperatures thereby
increasing the rate of transpiration

2. Wind speed
Moving air removes water vapour, increasing the rate of diffusion of
water vapour from the leaf thereby increasing the rate of transpiration

3. Humidity
Diffusion of water vapour out of the leaf slows down if the leaf is
already surrounded by moist air thereby decreasing the rate of
Contest 5a
Polyploidy is the change in the basic number of chromosome set in any individual
species. It may be induced in plants for economic benefit of mankind and
environment. Give one economic Importance of Polyploidy
1. Polyploid plants produce larger sized flower and fruits
2. Their flowers arebrightly coloured and attractive
3. Polyploids fruits are of high nutrient content
4. Resistant varieties of plants are formed by using polyploidy.
5. Plants can inherit not only beneficial genes from their parents but also
potentially harmful ones as well
6. Polyploidy helps plants overcome some of the normal barriers that
prevent self-fertilization
7. Results in sterility in plants
Contest 5b
1. What is the currently accepted model for the structure of the plasma
The Fluid‐mosaic model

2. Name the two main categories of membrane proteins: in the plasma

Integral and peripheral.

3. Explain the Fluid‐mosaic model

The model which visualizes the membrane as a double layer of fluid
lipids in which proteins float laterally, forming a changing mosaic
Contest 6a
Explain the following with respect to structures in plants
1. The stalk bearing a flower or fruit, or the main stalk of an inflorescence.

2. The main axis of a compound structure. The extension of the petiole of a

compound leaf that bears the leaflets

3. The segment of the outer whorl in a flower that has no differentiation

between petals and sepals.
Contest 6b

State one of the 4 general functions of epithelial tissue

1. Provides a barrier between the external environment and the organ it

2. Specialized to function in secretion and absorption.
3. Protects organisms from microorganisms, injury, and fluid loss.
4. Excretes waste products such as sweat from the skin.

Contest 7a
Mention the type of neurons to which the following descriptions refer.

1. They are responsible for sending information about the environment to the
central nervous system. They are activated by touch, light, temperature,
pressure, hearing etc
Sensory neuron

4. They carry impulses from the CNS to muscles or glands. In most cases they
cause muscle contraction (movement), but can also cause secretion of
substances by glands.
Motor neurons

5. They are very short compared to the sensory and motor neurons. Apart from
transferring signals between sensory and motor neurons, they can also
communicate with each other, forming circuits of various complexity.
Contest 7b
There are three types binary fission, simple, transverse, and longitudinal binary
fission. State the type of binary fission that occurs in the following organisms.
1. Amoeba

2. Paramecium

3. Euglena
Contest 8a
Mention one advantage of transpiration to plants.
1. It cools the plant
2. Assist in the transport of water from the soil
3. Important for transport of water through the xylem
4. Regulates the concentration of cell sap
5. It helps in the distribution of salts and minerals in the plant
6. Provides water to keep cells turgid in order to support the plant
7. Provides water to leaf cells for photosynthesis
Contest 8b
State the type of biological classification to which the following descriptions refer.
1. It is based upon morphological and anatomical relationships and affinities
considered in the light of phylogeny and embryology
Natural system of classification

2. Organisms are classified according to their utility for man and the purpose
for which the plants are used. (eg medicinal plants, cereal plants)
Economic classification

3. One or very few character are considered as the key feature of classification.
This classification is made only on the basis of presence or absence of the
particular character that are taken into account leaving the others.
Artificial classification
Contest 9a
Organisms are sometimes classified by the type of food they eat. State what the
following organisms eat

1. Folivore

2. Graminivore

3. Nectarivore
Contest 9b
1. Which organ in humans is located in the abdomen behind the stomach and in
front of the sine?

2. Which cells in the pancreas make insulin?

3. How many lobes are present in the mammalian liver?
Four (4 )
Contest 10a
State the part of the neuron that perform the following functions
1. Responsible for neuron metabolism and protein synthesis
Soma/cell body

2. The main conducting unit of the neuron, capable of conveying electrical

signals along distances
The axon

3. Protects the axon, and prevents interference between axons as they pass
along in bundles.
The myelin
Contest 10b
Plants adapted to survive under the condition of very poor supply of available
water in the habitats are called Xerophytes. Xerophilous plants are further
classified on the basis of their habitats. State where one can locate the following
Xerophilous plants
1. Oxylophytes
Plants that tolerate, or thrive in, an acidic soil.

2. Lithophytes
Plants that grow on the surface of rocks

3. Chasmophytes
Plants that grow in the crevices of rocks
Contest 11a
A nephron is a long tubule differentiated into four regions having different
anatomical features and physiological roles. Name one region each.

1. Bowman’s capsule
2. Proximal convoluted tubule
3. Loop of Henle
4. Distal convoluted tubule (DCT).

Contest 11b
Name one of the 5 major causes of species losses in a geographical regions

1. Habitat loss
2. Fragmentation
3. Over-exploitation
4. Alien species Invasions
5. Co−extinction (the extinction of the host will cause the extinction of its
Contest 12a
Explain the following in reference to flowering plants
1. Hypocotyl.
The part of the embryonal axis beneath the stalks of the cotyledons and
directly above the radicle.

2. Coleorrhiza
It is an undifferentiated sheath that encloses the radicle and the root cap
in a monocot seed.

3. Coleoptile
It is a conical protective sheath that encloses the plumule in a monocot
Contest 12b
Differentiate between the following
1. Dominance and Recessive alleles
A dominant allele expresses itself in the presence or absence of a
recessive allele whereas a recessive allele is able to express itself only in
the absence of a dominant allele.

2. Homozygous and Heterozygous alleles

Homozygous contains two similar alleles for a particular trait but
heterozygous contains two different alleles for a particular trait.

3. Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross

Monohybrid Cross involves cross between parents, which differ in only
one pair of contrasting characters whilst dihybrid Cross involves a cross
between parents that differs in two pairs of contrasting characters.
Contest 13a
State the functions of the following structures in amoeba
1. Contractile vacuoles
Responsible for fluid regulation

2. The ectoplasm
It protects the more soft inner parts

3. The endoplasm
It is the gel-like substance that the organelles are suspended in. It is also
the part of the cell that allows Amoeba to form its pseudopodia and
preform its respective functions.
Contest 13b
Explain the following types of ecological pyramids
1. Pyramid of numbers
It is a graphical representation of the number of individuals present at
each trophic level in a food chain of an ecosystem

2. Pyramid of energy
It is a graphical representation, showing the flow of energy at each
trophic level in an ecosystem

3. Pyramid of biomass
It is a graphical representation of the total amount of living matter
present at each trophic level of an ecosystem
Contest 14a
Indicate the habitats to which the following types of algae are mainly located
1. Red algae
Mainly live in marine habitats

2. Brown algae
Exclusively in marine habitats

3. Green algae
Mainly in freshwater.
Contest 14b
1. Name the conducting cells in the xylem tissue
In xylem, the conducting cells or tracheary cells

2. Name the conducting cells in the phloem tissue

In phloem the conducting cells or sieve tubes (elements)

3. Describe the nature of the conducting cells in phloem

In phloem the conducting cells are living and do not possess lignin.
Contest 15a
Describe lenticels with respect to the following
1. Location
Lenticels are found on the stems region e.g bark of trees.

2. Role in photosynthesis
Lenticels lack chloroplast hence they are unable to photosynthesize.

3. Time of opening and closure

Lenticels do not have guard cells and hence are always opened.
Contest 15b
State whether the following are examples of organs or systems in living organisms.
1. Stomach

2. Brain

3. Intestine
Contest 16a
Distinguish between apoplast and symplast with respect to the following
1. Speed of water movement
In apoplast, water movement is rapid whereas water movement in
symplast is slow

2. Composition
Apoplast is composed of non-living parts of the plant whilst the
Symplast is composed of living parts of the plant

3. Effect of metabolic rate of root cells on the process

The metabolic rate of the cells in the root cortex does not affect the
water movement in the apoplast, but the metabolic rate of the cells in
the root cortex highly affects the water movement in the symplast.
Contest 16b
Mention the types of nitrogenous wastes produced by the following organisms
1. Birds,
Uric acid

2. Bony fish

3. Insects
Uric acid
Contest 17a

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells share four common components. Name one

1. Plasma membrane
2. Cytoplasm
3. DNA
4. Ribosomes

Contest 17b

State one of the four main limitations of ecological pyramids.

1. They do not accommodate a food web.

2. Saprophytes are not given any place in ecological pyramids even
though; they play an important role in the ecosystem.
3. They assume a simple food chain, something that almost never exists
in nature.
4. They never take into account the same species belonging to two or
more trophic levels.
Contest 18a
1. The bicuspid or mitral valve is located between which two chambers of the
The left atrium and the left ventricle

2. Which two heart chambers pump oxygenated blood?

The left atrium and the left ventricle

3. Which two great vessels bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart?
The superior and inferior venae cavae
Contest 18b

1. From which part of stem of plants does the shoot develop?

Apical bud / axillary bud

2. Where on the stem are axillary buds attached?

Between the stem and the petiole / node

3. Which part of the leaf has the main function to carry out photosynthesis?
Blade / lamina
Contest 19a
Give one of the 5 major functions of ground tissue in plants.

1. Photosynthesis
2. Food storage
3. Regeneration
4. Support
5. Protection
Contest 19b
In pea plants, purple flowers (P) are dominant to white (p), and yellow peas (Y) are
dominant to green (y). Mention one of the possible genotypes of a cross between
PpYY and ppYy pea plants?

1. PpYY
2. PpYy
3. ppYY,
4. ppYy.


Contest 20a
Mention one structure that is present in a typical plant cell but absent in an animal

1. Plasmodesmata
2. A cell wall
3. A large central vacuole
4. Chloroplast
5. Plastid


Contest 20b
In biology, homologous chromosomes are paired chromosomes. Mention one of
the main features the pair have in common.
1. Same gene sequence
2. Same loci (gene position)
3. Same centromere location,
4. Same chromosomal length.
Contest 21a
State whether the processes below are either endergonic or exergonic.
1. A decomposing compost pile
Exergonic process.

2. A baby developing from a fertilized egg

Endergonic process.

3. Tea dissolving in water

Exergonic process.
Contest 21b
State the number of bones that comprise the following

1. The human vertebral column


2. The pairs of true ribs


3. The human lumbar vertebrae

Contest 22a

1. Which secondary meristem forms the fascicular and interfascicular

Vascular cambium

2. Which cambium develops from parenchyma cells located between

vascular bundles?
Interfascicular Cambium

3. From which cambium does the outer bark of a woody stem develop?
Cork Cambium
Contest 22b
Mention the part of the alimentary canal where the following processes take place.
1. Majority of fat digestion
Small Intestine

2. Absorption of most of nutrients.

Small intestine

3. Reabsorption of water from indigestible food materials

Large intestine

Contest 23a
Wilting occurs due to low availability of water. Mention one of the main factors
that can cause low water availability in the soil.
1. Drought conditions: where the soil moisture drops below conditions that
allow plants to grow.

2. Low temperatures: which prevent the plants vascular transport system from

3. High salinity (salt concentration): which causes water to diffuse from plant
cells to the soil, thus inducing shrinking of cells.

4. Bacterial or fungal infections: that block the plant's vascular system.

Contest 23b
Provide the biological terms for each of these bones.
1. Thigh bone

2. Knee Cap

3. Shin bone
Contest 24a
Name one of the four main tissues associated with the human skeleton.
1. Bone
2. Cartilage
3. Tendons
4. Ligaments.
Contest 24b
Describe heartwood with respect to the following
1. Function
The function of heartwood is mechanical support.

2. Location in an old stem

Heartwood occurs in the central portion of an old stem.

3. Maturity of cells in relation to that of sapwood

Cells of heartwood are comparatively older than those of sapwood
Contest 25a
Mention the organelles that perform the following functions
1. Oxidizes and breaks down fatty acids and amino acids, and detoxifies

2. Modifies, sorts, packages, and distributes lipids and proteins

Golgi apparatus

3. Maintains the shape of cells, secures organelles in specific positions, allows

cytoplasm and vesicles to move within the cell, and enables unicellular
organisms to move independently.
Contest 25b
Mention the structures or genetic processes to which the following descriptions
1. It is formed at crossover points after genetic material is exchanged between
strands of chromosomes
Chiasmata: (singular = chiasma)

2. The formation of a close association between homologous chromosomes

during prophase I

3. Two duplicated homologous chromosomes (four chromatids) bound together

by chiasmata during prophase
Contest 26a
State how the following features of hydrostatic skeleton give advantage to
1. Fluid shape
This allows organisms with hydrostatic skeletons to fit through oddly
shaped passages, which is useful for burrowing or swimming.

2. Lightweight
It allows the organism to move in a more flexible manner as it requires
very little muscle mass for movement.

3. Fluid cavity
The fluid cavity allows circulation of nutrients and waste
Contest 26b
1. At which stage of meiosis are sister chromatids separated from each other?
Anaphase II

2. If a muscle cell of an organism has 48 chromosomes, how many

chromosomes will be in a gamete of that same organism?

3. Give the number, and the of ploidy of daughter cells produced during
Four haploid cells
Contest 27a
State one feature of the root hairs that adapt them to absorb water from the soil:
1. They are many and elongated, which increases the total root surface
area for water absorption.
2. They have thin walls to speed up the intake of water by osmosis.
3. They have large vacuoles to absorb water quickly and transport it to the
next cells.
4. The vacuoles have salts, which speed up water absorption from soil
5. Root hairs do not have cuticles, as this would prevent water absorption.
Contest 27b
Provide the biological terms for each of these bones

1. Breast bone

2. Upper arm bone


3. Wrist bones

Contest 28a
Mention the ground tissue in plants that perform the following functions

1. Responsible for healing and tissue regeneration


2. Provision of rigid support


3. Provision of support in young stems, roots, and petioles

Contest 28b
Give the number of bones that form the following structures in humans
1. Scapula

2. Clavicle

3. Fused bones in the sacral region

Contest 29a

1. What is protoxylem
It is the first formed part of xylem in the vascular bundles.

2. What is the arrangement of protoxylem in the stem of vascular plants?

In the stem of vascular plants, Protoxylem is arranged towards the

3. Describe the size of lumen 0f tracheids of protoxylem

The tracheids of protoxylems have a narrow lumen.
Contest 29b

State one of the main functions of bone tissue.

1. To serve as a firm support framework for the whole body.

2. To protect such delicate structures as the brain and spinal cord.
3. To serve as levers, working with attached muscles to produce
4. To serve as a storehouse for calcium salts, which may be reabsorbed
into the blood if there is not enough calcium in the diet.
5. To produce blood cells in the red marrow.
Contest 30a
State whether the following types of algae are motilile or sessile
1. Red algae

2. Green algae

3. Brown algae
Contest 30b
Give one of the main disadvantages of the exoskeleton in insects
1. Size restriction: The final body size is limited because as the body size
increases, the surface area to volume ratio decreases. The larger the animal,
the heavier the exoskeleton, making movement more difficult.

2. Non-living skeleton does not allow easy growth of the insect: The overall
growth of the insect is restricted due to periodic moulting. Since the
exoskeleton restricts growth, moulting is required to accommodate for
increases in the size of the animal.

3. Vulnerability during moulting: The insect is vulnerable when it is in the

moulting process, because the new skeleton is very soft until the new
exoskeleton has dried and hardened.

4. Sites of structural weakness: Exoskeletons are weaker at the joints.

Contest 31a
Explain how the following adaptations of leaves cause reduction in the rate of
1. Leaves reduced to spines
Reduces the surface area for transpiration

2. Waxy leaf cuticle

Impermeable to water, which reduces evaporation

3. Stomata sunk in pits (Sunken stomata)

Traps moist air, which increases the humidity and reduces the diffusion
of water vapour
Contest 31b
Biodiversity is measured in four main ways. Name one each
1. Taxonomic diversity (usually measured at the species diversity level)
2. Ecological diversity (often viewed from the perspective of ecosystem
3. Morphological diversity (which stems from genetic diversity and
molecular diversity)
4. Functional diversity (which is a measure of the number of functionally
disparate species within a population (e.g. different feeding mechanism,
different motility, predator vs prey, etc.)
Contest 32a
State the importance of the following steps when one is testing for the presence of
starch in leaves
1. Boiling the leaf in a beaker of water.
This kills the leaf, stopping any chemical reactions

2. The leaf is added to boiling ethanol in a water bath for a few minutes
The boiling ethanol dissolves the chlorophyll and removes the green
colour from the leaf - it turns white so it is easy to see the change in colour)

3. After boiling the leaf in alcohol it is soaked in water for a while

To rehydrate and soften the leaf
Contest 32b
Mention the most characteristic function of the following blood vessels.
1. Arteries
Transport blood away from heart

2. Arterioles
Distributing blood to tissues / distribute blood to capillary beds, the sites
of exchange with the body tissues.

3. Capillaries
Exchange of substances/ Deliver nutrients and oxygen to tissues and
remove the byproducts of cellular reactions, such as carbon dioxide and
Contest 33a
1. What is triple fusion in flowering plants?
Triple fusion is the fusion of the male gamete with two polar nuclei.

2. Where does triple fusion take place in flowering plants?

This process of triple fusion takes place inside the embryo sac.

3. Name the nuclei involved in triple fusion.

One male gamete nucleus and two polar nuclei are involved in this
Contest 33b

Give one of the four main disadvantages of a hydrostatic skeleton

1. Lacks structure and surface for attachment of muscles or limbs.

2. There is very little protection for the internal organs.

3. In the absence of moisture or water habitat, the organism will desiccate

4. Terrestrial animals with hydrostatic skeletons cannot increase their

body size as they would collapse under their own body weight.

Contest 34a
Distinguish between monocot and dicot leaves with respect to the following
1. Shape of guard cells of stomata
The guard cells of stomata are kidney-shaped in dicot leaves whilst the
guard cells of stomata are dumb-bell shaped in monocot leaves.

2. Orientation of leaf
The orientation of a dicot leaf is dorsiventral whereas the orientation of
a monocot leaf is isobilateral.

3. Intercellular spaces
The intercellular spaces of a dicot plant leaf are relatively large due to
the presence of loosely packed mesophyll cells whilst in the monocot
plant leaf, the intercellular spaces are relatively small due to compact
arrangement of mesophyll cells
Contest 34b
Indicate whether the following parasites are directly transmitted parasites, Vector
transmitted parasites, or Trophically transmitted parasites.
1. Fleas and mites
Directly transmitted parasites

2. Roundworms
Trophically transmitted parasites

3. Trypanosoma
Vector transmitted parasites
Contest 35a
Give the common names of the following vitamins.
1. Calciferol
Vitamin D (2)

2. Niacin
Vitamin B3

3. Thiamine
Vitamin B1
Contest 35b
Describe monocot embryo with respect to the following
1. Protective sheath of the radicle
Coleorhiza is the protective sheath of the monocot radicle.

2. Orientation of plumule
Plumule occurs laterally in monocot embryo
3. The envelope that covers the plumule
The envelope of the monocot plumule is called coleoptile

Contest 36a
In pea plants, purple flowers (P) are dominant to white (p), and yellow peas (Y) are
dominant to green (y). Indicate the flower colours of plants with the following
1. PpYY
Purple and Yellow

2. ppYY
White and Yellow

3. PpYy
Purple and Yellow
Contest 36b
Mention the stage in cellular respiration to which the following descriptions refer.
1. A six-carbon sugar undergoes a series of chemical transformations. In the
end, it gets converted into 2 molecules of a three-carbon organic molecule.

2. Acetyl CoA combines with a four-carbon molecule and goes through a cycle
of reactions, ultimately regenerating the four-carbon starting molecule.
Citric acid cycle.

3. The NADH and FADH2 made in other steps deposit their electrons, turning
back into their "empty" forms. As electrons move down the chain, energy is
released and used to pump protons out of the matrix, forming a gradient
Oxidative phosphorylation

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