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Your Booking A G S O T Y A

T ic k e t 1 o f 1 T r ip I t in e r a r y

Reservation number: Ple a s e b e s ure to a rrive a t the

3-368 4-31 01 24-M67-201 0-MAN- s ta tio n a t le a s t 1 5 mins b e f o re
LHR yo ur s c he d ule d d e p a rture .

Fro m
20:10 Departure
Manche ste r, Shude hill Inte rchange , Stand G
Shudehill Interchange, 20:45, Manche ste r Airport, Bus Station, Stand
Stand G A/B/C
Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 20:10

22:30, Birm ingham , Brune l Stre e t


Heathrow Airport T2 & T3

(also T4 & T5 via Shuttle), 00:55, Re ading, Rail Station, North Entrance ,
Central Bus Station Stop NC
Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 01:40

01:40 Arrival
1 traveller He athrow Airport T2 & T3 (also T4 & T5 via
Shuttle ), Ce ntral Bus Station
M a n c he s t e r t o H e a t hr o w
A ir p o r t T 2 & T 3 ( a ls o T 4 & T 5
v ia S hu t t le )
1 x General Seating

Terminal details

F rom
Man c h ester
Lo c a tio n a d d re s s
Shudehill Interchange, Stand G

Manchester, M4 2AE

Shudehill Interchange opening times:

0430 - 2359

This is in the city centre close to the Arndale Shopping Centre and "Printworks". It is close to Victoria
Train Station and the Metrolink Station joins onto the bus station making it easily accessible f rom all
areas of the city.

C ity inf o rma tio n

megabus tickets are available f rom megabus staf f or f rom the megabus self service ticket machines
at Manchester Shudehill Interchange

Heath row Airport T 2 & T 3 ( also T 4 & T 5 v ia Sh uttle)
Lo c a tio n a d d re s s
Central Bus Station

Londf ord, Hounslow

Heathrow Airport Central bus station of f ers connection to Terminals; 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Please listen f or the announcements which will advise you which stand to use.

megabus coaches pick up/drop of f at Heathrow Central Bus Station. Journeys to/f rom Heathrow
Terminal are via the Shuttle Train service.

C ity inf o rma tio n

Use Heathrow Airport's terminal guide to check which terminal you need.
Y ou should plan to be at check-in:
• Long-haul and El Al: three hours
• UK and European f lights: two hours
bef ore scheduled departure.

Terminals 2 & 3
Y ou can walk between Terminals 2 & 3 via the pedestrian underpass. The route is well signposted
and can be f ollowed on the interactive Heathrow map. If you have walking dif f iculties, f ind out about
special assistance.

Terminals 4 & 5
Free shuttle trains run between Heathrow Central station (Terminals 2 & 3) and Terminal 4 or 5.
There are f our trains an hour. To travel on the shuttle trains, you can get a f ree Inter-Terminal
Transf er ticket f rom the machines in the station.

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