UNIT 12 - ToPIC 1 - Workshop Grupo 2

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NAME: Lizbeth Pacheco, Mateo Noboa, Lesly Cumbajin Grupo 2 UNIT 12 – TOPIC 1
A. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Look at the context to use the correct word. Follow the
boiling – cloudy – drought – flood – foggy – freezing – humid
hurricane – rainy – snowstorm – sunny – windy – thunder
Yesterday, we experienced a __snowstorm__. The wind was strong, and there was a lot of snowfall.

1. It's so hot today! The temperature is ____ boiling_______, and I wish I could go for a swim to cool off.
2. The sky is so dark and full of clouds. I think it might rain soon. It's quite _____ cloudy______.
3. In a __ hurricane_________, the wind can be extremely powerful, and it's important to stay indoors to stay safe.
4. When the weather is ____ foggy_______, the air is full of tiny water droplets, making it difficult to see clearly.
5. I love it when it's ______ sunny_____. The sun is shining brightly, and there's not a cloud in the sky.
6. Last week, there was a ____ flood_______. It rained so much that some areas were flooded.
7. During a ___ freezing________, the temperature drops significantly, and everything becomes covered in a layer
of ice.
8. In a ______ humid _____day, the air is very moist, and you might feel sticky and sweaty.
9. When it’s ____ windy_______, it’s important to take cover as the wind speeds can be extremely high.
10. The weather forecast predicts a ____ rainy_______ day tomorrow, so don't forget your umbrella.
11. The loud noise of _____ thunder______ always scares me. It usually comes with flashes of light in the sky.
12. We had a long period without rain, and it led to a ___ drought________ in our region.

B. Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the question What be like. Use the correct tense - past,
present, or future and the word Follow the example.
What was the weather like yesterday?

1. What _______ is_____ the weather usually _____ like_______ in your hometown?
2. Yesterday, at this time, what ______ was______ the weather ______like______?
3. What _____will_______ the weather _____ be like_______ in the forecast for tomorrow?
4. Last summer, what ______ was ______ the weather ____like________ on your vacation?
5. This time next year, what _____will_______ the weather _be_like__________?
6. Right now, what _______is_____ the weather ___like_________ outside?
7. Tomorrow, what _____will_______ the weather ___be__like_______?
8. During your last holiday, what ______was______ the weather ______like______?
9. What __was__________ the weather _____like_______ when you were a child?
10. Next weekend, what _______will_____ the weather _____be like_______?

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