Journal Entry of High School Filipino Teacher

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Journal Entry of high school Filipino teacher: Application of Learner-Centered Teaching Philosophy

As a high school Filipino teacher, my teaching philosophy revolves around putting the learners at the
center of the teaching-learning process. Throughout the four quarters of the academic year, I have
consistently applied this learner-centered approach to create an inclusive and engaging environment for
my students. This reflection journal entry highlights the specific activities and instructions incorporated
into my daily lesson logs (DLLs) to support a learner-centered teaching philosophy, fostering the
consistent involvement of learners in the learning process.

Quarter 1:

In the first quarter, I focused on building a strong foundation in the Filipino language while nurturing the
students' interest and love for their culture and heritage. To achieve this, I implemented a variety of
activities in my DLLs that catered to different learning styles and preferences. One of the activities that
resonated well with the students was a storytelling session where each student took turns sharing a
traditional Filipino folk tale or myth. They were encouraged to use creative props, drawings, or even
enactments to make the stories come alive. This activity not only improved their language skills but also
instilled pride in their cultural identity. Here is an example of the DLL entry for the storytelling session:

Quarter 2:
During the second quarter, I aimed to enhance the students' reading comprehension and critical thinking
abilities. I designed a "Kwentuhan Tayo" (Let's Talk) activity wherein students formed small groups and
analyzed contemporary Filipino short stories or articles. They discussed the themes, characters, and social
issues presented in the literature and shared their insights with the class. This activity encouraged active
participation, respectful dialogue, and critical analysis, as the students learned from each other's
perspectives. Here is an example of the DLL entry for the "Kwentuhan Tayo" activity:

Quarter 3:

In the third quarter, I focused on developing the students' writing skills and creativity. To achieve this, I
introduced a "Bayani ng Aking Puso" (Hero of My Heart) project, where each student selected a Filipino
hero or influential figure and created a multimedia presentation showcasing their life and contributions.
The students were given the freedom to choose their preferred medium, such as a video presentation, a
poem, or an artwork. This activity allowed the learners to express themselves creatively while deepening
their understanding of the country's history and inspiring values. Here is an example of the DLL entry for
the "Bayani ng Aking Puso" project:

Quarter 4:
In the final quarter, I aimed to promote active citizenship and community engagement among my
students. As part of our "Isang Bayan, Isang Diwa" (One Nation, One Spirit) initiative, students
collaborated on planning and implementing a community outreach program. They identified a specific
issue in the community, such as environmental concerns or education for underprivileged children, and
organized events or initiatives to address the problem. This real-world application of their knowledge and
skills empowered the students to become agents of positive change and reinforced the idea that learning
goes beyond the classroom. Here is an example of the DLL entry for the "Isang Bayan, Isang Diwa"
The consistent involvement of learners in the teaching-learning process was evident throughout the four
quarters. By incorporating storytelling sessions, "Kwentuhan Tayo" discussions, "Bayani ng Aking Puso"
projects, and the "Isang Bayan, Isang Diwa" initiative, I provided various opportunities for active
participation, critical thinking, creativity, and community engagement. Through this learner-centered
teaching philosophy, I witnessed my students' growth not only in their Filipino language skills but also in
their appreciation for their culture, empathy towards others, and sense of responsibility as active members
of society

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