Grade 9

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First Quarter

Activity Sheet No. 8

I. Objectives
At the course of the lesson, students are expected to:
a. Identify punctuation marks and sequence signals used in the sentence/
b. Rewrite sentences using punctuation marks and sequence signals.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Punctuation Marks and Sequence Signals
Reference: (Internet source) - English

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
a. Greetings
- Good morning class! - Good morning, sir.
- How’s your morning? - It’s fine sir.
b. Prayer
- Please stand up for the prayer class. - Our Farther, who art in heaven,
- In the name of the father… hallowed be thy name…
c. Classroom Management
- Before we proceed, kindly pick up - Okay sir.
some trashes and arrange your chairs
- Very good, you may take your seats. - Thank you sir.
d. Checking of Attendance
- For your attendance, say present - Okay sir.
once your name is called.
- Juan….. - Present sir!
e. Review
- Who can give a recap to our - (Raising hands)
discussion last meeting?
- Yes Mr./Ms. (Name of student) - Our topic last meeting was all
- Very good Mr. /Ms., (Name of student), about the…
you may take your seat.
- Thank you sir.
i. Activity
- Read the paragraph
carefully then fill in the
blanks with the most
suitable sequence signals
from the brackets. (After,
Yesterday, Later that day, In
the end, Suddenly).

Patty the pirate has always

dreamed of finding gold.
(1)_____, she found a treasure
map. (2) _____ reading the map
she jumped in her ship and set
sail for the land marked with a big
“X”. (3)_____, when she reached
land, she began to dig. (4)_____,
her shovel hit something hard, it
was a large wooden chest. When
she threw open the lid it was filled
with sand. (5)_____, Patty was
disappointed, she didn’t find gold
but happy she had an adventure.

ii. Abstraction
- This morning, we are going to - Okay sir!
talk about the punctuation
marks and sequence signals. I
hope everyone in this class
will listen to everything that I
am going to talk, in order for
you to learn.
- First, let’s tackle the sequence
- Sequence signal marks how
function or to interpret the
relationship between
sentences in a number of
different ways:
- Its indicates chronological
order or order of
importance(ex: first, next,
- Add or reinforce what has
already been said(ex:
furthermore, in addition)
- Indicate that a given
proposition contradicts an
earlier one (ex: on the contrary
conversely, on the contrary)
- Indicate concession (ex:
nevertheless, in any case, all
the same)

1. At first, their kites were
simple. Then, Mark and Own
began building larger kites that
could carry a person and fly
six hundred feet in the air.
2. It’s important to know what to
do if your clothes ever catch
on fire. First, you need to stop
what you’re doing. Next, you
need to drop to the ground.
Then, you need to roll around
until the flames have been
smothered. Finally, you
should seek medical attention.

- Next is the punctuation marks

and its uses. Punctuation
marks are marks indicating
how a piece of written text
should be read and,
consequently, understood.
- Colon has three main uses.
First is after a word
introducing a quotation, an
explanation, an example, or a

1. I didn’t have time to get
changed: I was already late.
2. There was one thing she loved
more than any: her dog.

- Semicolon separate two

complete, but related
- It separates two often
contradictory complete
sentences with a conjunctive
adverb like however or
1. John was hurt; he knew she
only said it to upset him.

- Period is the end of a

declarative sentence, a
command and a request.
1. Jane and jack went to the
- Comma is the punctuation that
separates elements in a
series. It separates coordinate
adjectives (adjectives with
equal importance). It also
separate the year from the day
of the month. (Do not use
comma when the day of the
month is not given)
1. She brought milk, eggs, and
2. Thanks for all your help, John.

iii. Application
Fill in the blanks with the
most suitable sequence
connectors from the

1. The teachers went to a nearby

restaurant for breakfast.
______, they drove off
towards the Penang Bridge
(After, Afterwards,
2. The volleyball coach
announced, “Today, we will
begin practicing for the coming
match.” ____he added, “Let’s
warm up first.” ( Then, After,
3. ______ heat the oil in the
frying pan. Then put in all the
marinated chicken pieces.
(Before, After, First).
4. The teacher had trouble telling
the twins apart _____ she
realized one had a mole
above her lips.
(Subsequently, Finally,
5. Jenny will be back in fifteen
minutes_____, make yourself
at home. (Later,
Subsequently, Meanwhile).
6. Many customers bought the
delicious chicken pies_____
all the pies were sold out.
(Eventually, afterwards,

IV. Assessment

Task 1. Rewrite each item,

adding correct end

1. What did you say Mark’s last

name is____
2. Wow___ I just got an A on my
3. Please hand me the hedge
clippers, Alison___
4. Where did you get that
beautiful vest___
5. Meer Kats are small burrowing
animals that live in open, dry
regions of Africa__
6. Ow__ that hurt__
7. Kham asked me why I was
wearing a hat___
8. Don’t leave yet, class; I still
have to collect your home-
9. Lydia, has anyone inquired
about your Lost-and-Found
10. Tryouts for the track team will
be held at three o’clock___

- Task 2. Rewrite each

sentence by adding the
sequence signals or
sequence connectors in the
blanks and correct
punctuation marks from:
even so, in spite of, Moreover,
nonetheless, however, despite

Note: The following letters

stand for: P stands for
punctuation, C stands for
1. Alice seems quite
intelligent (P)__ (C)__
(P)__ she often gets poor
grades (P)__
2. This restaurant has some
of the best chefs in the
town (P)___ (C)___ (P)__
their service is excellent
3. I’ve never been to the US
(C)___ having friends and
relatives there (P)___
4. He is a reckless driver
(P)__ (C)__ (P)___ he
hasn’t had any accidents
5. My sister works three jobs
in a day (P)__ (C)__ (P)__
she doesn’t earn much
money (P)__
6. We went out___ the cold
weather (P)__
7. I tried to look (C)___
feeling miserable (P)___

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