Determination of Machine Parameters For

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M.A. Jabbar*, Jing Dong, Zhejie Liu
*Department of ECE, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117596
Tel: 65 6874 6500; E-mail:; Fax: 65 6777 3117

Keywords: parameter estimation, permanent magnet In this work both computational and experimental methods
synchronous motors (PMSM), linear regression, Hopfield have been used to determine the parameters of a PMSM. In
neural network, finite element method. dealing with experimental methods, we have examined firstly
previous works in section 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, in which DC
Abstract current decay measurement method, no load test and load test
method are applied. We have introduced two new ideas
Experimental methods used recently by many researchers for through the application of linear regression and Hopfield
the determination of PMSM parameters have been reviewed. neural network for the analysis and determination of machine
Analysis and experimentations show many shortcomings and parameters in section 3.1 and 3.2. Finally the computational
inaccuracies involved in those methods. Two novel results using finite elements are also included in section 4.
techniques for better results through the application of linear
regression and neural network are presented, and the results 2 Review of previous experimental methods for
from these methods are also included. In addition,
computational design values obtained by finite element
parameter estimation of PMSM
computations are also compared to the experimental values.
2.1 DC current decay measurement method
1 Introduction
The PMSM synchronous reactances can be measured from a
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are widely static test provided that the rotor is locked to prevent any
used in industry for various applications [S, 1 I]. The PMSM induced voltage from movement of the magnetic field. There
has been studied for efficiency and control performance using are two approaches taken, direct flux integration [I31 and
lumped parameter models [17, 181 that require machine current integration with computation [28]. The first method
parameters. It is very important to have the correct values for requires direct computation of flux within the circuit as wcll
machine parameters for accurate modelling of the PMSM. as balancing the inductance bridge to eliminate the effect of
Among various parameters, the measurement of the direct rotor cage bars (damper windings) on the AC measurements.
axis reactance X ,the quadrature axis reactance X, and the The requirements include balancing the inductance bridge and
permanent magnet excitation voltage EO of the lumped integrating the flux. The common flux integrator cannot be
parameter model are the most challenging ones. used in this case, and the use of L-R circuits for flux
integration is complicated.
The methods generally used for determining parameters of
PMSM can be classified as either computational methods or The second method requires a simpler setup, which is shown
experimental methods. Computational methods, such as finite in Fig. 1. Yamamoto with others [28] used this method. In
element method or boundaly-integral solutions, allow this method the rotor must be locked along the direct-axis and
assessment of parameters which may prove difficult to he the terminal voltages are applied as shown in Fig. 2 (a). The
determined experimentally [22]. Computational means also current waveforms are captured upon opening the switch. For
allows estimation of various parameters even before the the q-axis, we keep the rotor locked in the same position and
machine prototype is made. Experimental methods, such as apply a different stator terminal voltage configuration to it as
frequency response tests [4, IO, 13, 281, load tests [6, 19, 21, shown in Fig. 2 (b). The impedance corresponding to each
241 and other methods [2, 141 have been applied by many frequency is calculated through the integration of current
researchers. This' work critically examines and assesses (with time) as explained below:
various measurement techniques proposed in previous works
by many researchers; the main emphasis is put on finite
element method, frequency response tests, no load test and
load tests. The d and q-axis operational impedances @er phase) at motor
start-up can be calculated as:

x, (is) = {Zd( w )- 2 r } / ( j 2 s ) p =iT/2+6- y (4)

x q ( j s )= 2 { Z q ( w ) - 3 r / 2 } / ( j 3 s ) It is assumed that at no load, the angle S is zero and f q = 0 (no
torque current). As stator voltage Vvaried, stator current will
also vaty. Taking the value of Vat the point of minimum f as
EO, from Equation (I), the reactance of d-axis can be
calculated as:
x,= I V - E , l / I
The result o f & (reactance of d-axis) is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. I DC current decay experimental setup

Terminal line-line Voltage, Volt

Fig. 4 Result o f & using no-load test method
(a) (b)

VDC Iv IDc 1A L I mH this point the current is at a minimum, and any error in the
d-axis 4.95 3.00 12.3482 measurement of a small current then will be amplified to get
q-axis 3.59 3.00 35.0981 erratic X, values. At a certain distance away from this point,

This method gives single values for X, and Xq for one 2.3 Load test method
frequency, hence putting some limitations on variable load
The load test method for PMSM was first proposed by Miller
operations of machines under dynamic conditions.
[I41 and further modified by Rahman and Zhou [I91 to
account for the irregularities in thc d-axis reactance (X,)
2.2 Sensorless no-load test
measurements by not making the simplifying assumption that
Mellor et a/ [13] and Nee et a1 [I51 used a no-load test the permanent magnet excitation voltage Eo is constant.
method with variable stator voltage to determine the motor Instead, an attempt was made to solve for X, and EO

parameters. It is based on the PMSM phasor diagram during simultaneously by getting two sets of readings while making
motoring operation as shown in Fig. 3 and two-axis model in a 0.1' change in angle j. The definition of 0 is given in
Equation (l)-(4), where S is the load angle and yl is the power Equation (4). This method is also based on the phasor
factor angle. diagram shown in Fig. 3 and two-axis model in Equation ( I )
and (2).

In this test we have 3 unknowns (X,X, and Eo) and only 2

equations; this is why a small change of 0.1" in p is required

in order
the in
this experiment,
solvable: Theand
the setup
plotted in Fig. 5.

Fig. 3 The phasor diagram of a PMSM

V C O S G= E , iX , .I, +R .Iq (1)

Vsin6 = X o . I q -R . I , (2)
Current Magnkude. A
I , = I c o s p ; I q = Isinp (3) Fig. 5 Parameters of load test method

From the results, we can see that the values of X,and Eo are V, = R,i, - wLqi, + L,(di, ldt) ' (6)
fluctuating, while that of X, showed a more consistent trend.
The main reason for this inconsistency could be due to the V, = R,i, + wL,i, + L, (di, ldt) + &Eo (7)
change in the angle by a very small angle, such as 0.1",
where L,, L, are the inductances of d and q - axis respectively,
which make the equations ill-conditioned and cannot be and w is the electrical rated speed of the rotor. After applying
solved accurately. Equation (7) + (6) and Equation (7) (6), we can get

3 Novel experimental methods for parameters Y, = L,X,, + L,X,, +bo
estimation of PMSM
Y,= L,X2, iL,X,, +bo
3.1 Combination of load test and linear regression I bo = &Eo
The load test suffers from the shortcoming of the fact that we di,
need a very small change of angle p. The change of such a - , x., , = - -
~ X , , = w z , +did wi,
small margin in experiment is very difficult to achieve, and it dt dt
could also lead to the inconsistency of experimental results. In X 2 2. = - + wdi,
X - w i d - - , did i,
order, to overcome this difficulty the load test was applied in 21 -
combination with a linear regression model. By using the dt dt
combined method, one would avoid the measurement of the
load angle S, and the power factor angle y, but the rotor
position would be required. This load test process is much
simpler. Taking X,,,
I Y, =(V, -R,i,)+(V,
Y, = ( V , -R,i,)-(V, -R,i,)
X,,,X,,and X

, as the inputs, Y, and Y, as the

desired outputs, L,, L, and boas the weights, all we need to do
The main concept of linear regression model is to adapt is to find the best linear regression on all the inputs using
parameters from input and output data by searching for the Equation ( 5 ) so that we can determine the values of L d , L, and
minimum of the mean square error (MSE). For example, Eo.
suppose d is the desired output of n inputs x,. x2, ..., x., the
errorbetween the estimated output and the desired output is: The results obtained by using this technique are shown in Fig.
6. All the parameters vary smoothly with the current and the
E =d - hkx, trends shown in the variations'of waveforms are more

k=O obvious. This improvement can be very significant in the

where hk ( k = 0,1, ._.,n) are the weights, ho is the bias and x g analysis for dynamics and transients.
is 1. Hence the MSE of m samples is:
J = - -1'c di-zhkx,
2m [ klO
The derivation of J with respect to the unknowns (hk) is:


Fig. 6 Results from regression model

T 3.2 Combination of load test and Hopfield neural network

H = [h,,h, ,..., h,]
Hopfield neural network model was proposed by Hopfield [7]
The optimal H' is obtained by setting v = 0 . Therefore, and was further explored to solve some classes of
H' = C-'D (5) optimization problems by Hopfield and Tank [S, 9, 251. In
1990, S. R. Chu et a/ [ 3 ] modified this network and applied it
To apply this method for the processing of load test data, the successfully for identification of linear time invariant or time
oscillations of stator currents in the steady state are taken into varying systems, by measuring the inputs, states and
account. A series of values of io, ib, i,, V,, V, and V, were derivatives of the states. In the following years, this method
recorded in the experiment, then id, i,, V, and V, can be was used by many researchers for system identification, state
calculated using Park's transformation, hence diddt and di,ld! estimation and control in various areas [12, 16, 20, 23, 271.
can be determined. The governing equations in the steady As for the applications of Hopfield neural network in the
state are: parameter estimation of electric machines, some work has
been done in induction machines and DC machines [16, 26,

271. In order to get more accurate PMSM parameters and also which are crucial for the training of the neural network.
to overcome the difficulties of load test, we have applied the Defining Q as
Hopfield neural network in combination with the load test.
Q = [all,...,qn,...,anl ,...,ann, b l ,,...,blm,...,
A simplified continuous Hopfield model is given by [3]: the weight matrix [TJ and bias matrix [I,] can be computed
using Equation (12), and the definition of the matrix elements
in [PI is shown in the Appendix.

Q, = g(u,), j = 1, ...,n
where n is the number of neurons, U; are the neuron states, T,
are the weights, 4 are the bias inputs, and Qj are the neuron 1' .
[ I ; ]= - / [ X I . ,...)x,x,x,u ,...)f"*]'dt
outputs. Hence the standard energy function of Hopfield
neural network is defined as:
Therefore, for the sigmoid function shown in Equation (9),
the expression for the evolution of Q can be obtained as:

Hopfield [SI has shown that we can get the minima of the
energy function if the function Q; = g(uJ is mono-increasing
and [Tg] is symmetric. Generally, function g(uJ is selected Integration of the above equation gives the solution to the
as: parameter estimation problem.
Q, = g(u = p(1- )/(I e?") + (9) To apply this method in the parameter estimation of PMSM,
Here k is the slope of the sigmoid nonlinearity, the p is such firstly the governing equations (6) and (7)of PMSM in steady
that when U; tends to im,the function Q, = g(uJ tends to 9. state are rewritten as a state space model as:

For example, we consider a dynamical system in state space X = A,X+B,U (14)

1 = Ax+ Bu (10)
The definition of A , B, x and U are listed in Equation (1 I),
where A and B are the system matrices, x is the state vector
and U is the input. The aim of system identification is to get A
and B with known values ofx, X and U.

I ... I I ... I

Comparing with the standard model in Equations (IO) and

( I I), we can get n = 2, m =3; and the number of unknown
values is IO, and matrix Q is:
Q = [Qi > Q2, Q3rQ4, Q, 1 Qs,Q7 Q8 3 Qy I !&I
- RI L L,
-[--,w"-w--l R -ooo---
1 1 &E,
, 1 i , > l

Ld 'd ' Lq' Lq ' Ld L, L,

Suppose A , and B, are estimated parameter values ofA and B, From the expression of matrix Q, we can see that the values
then the error between the real system and the estimated of Q are not the free unknowns, but have some constraints.
system is: Taking R , and w as known values, the constraints are:
e = X- A , x - B,u Q, = Q 7 =Qz =O
And the identification energy function is defined as: Qi =-RiQS; Q4 =-RlQy (16)

Q2Q3 =-w2; Q Y =w(Q5/Q2)

Using Equation (13) together with the constraints in Equation
When we compare this energy function with the standard (l6), matrix Q can be computed; and hence the values of Lh
energy function of Hopfield neural network in Equation (S), L, and Eo can be determined.
we can get the weight matrix [TJ and the bias matrix [I,],

The results obtained using the combined Hopfield neural With the calculated d and q-axis flux linkage values, the
network and the load test methods are shown in Fig. 7. The injected current values and Equations (l7)-(21), Ld,L, and Eo
results using this method are very close to those obtained by can he obtained easily as:
the regression model in section 3.1. The variations of all the
parameters are very smooth and the trends are very obvious.

The results are shown in Fig. 8. The results obtained by FEM

are comparable with the experimental results, hut the value of
Eo was not very similar with the other experimental results as
it is almost constant for different current magnitudes. This
may be because of the use of current sources, rather than
voltage sources for FEM method. It may also he that the
model did not take into account the armature reaction effects
on magnet flux.
Current Magnhde, A
Fig. 7 Results of Hopfield neural network

4 Parameter determination of PMSM using

finite element method (FEM)
Finite element computation is expensive hut provides an easy
means of computing machine parameters. Normally, this
method can he used for benchmarking all other experimental
methods. However, the main limitation of FEM is getting a cumnt MagnRuda, A
correct and accurate model of the machine. Since FEM Fig. 8 Parameters calculated by FEM
provides an extensive set of values for flux distributions all
around, it is much more transparent and can he used to
compute machine parameters, although many aspects like Conclusions
eddy losses and hysteresis are very difficult to represent in We have discussed various techniques for determining
FEM models. machine parameters for an internal PM synchronous motor.
We have identified difficulties of measurements and
Using FEM models, the flux linkages in the d and q-axis can shortcomings of these methods, and introduced two new
he represented by: methods for more accurate estimation of machine parameters.
Ad = Ldid iAm (17) Results from these methods show good agreements with other
methods as well as results from FE computations.
a, = L,;, (18)

and W A , = &E, (19) Acknowledgements

where i. is the flux linkage and w is the electrical rated speed The author would like to thank the National University of
of the rotor. Singapore for the funding of this project.
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