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Name: Kyla Angcon

Reflection Paper 1

As I navigate through the competitive landscape of today's job market, standing

out from the crowd is important. Martin Yate's "Knock 'em Dead Job Interview"
provided me with a refreshing perspective on interview preparation, urging me to move
beyond memorized responses and instead understand the deeper meaning behind
each question.

Firstly, I completely agree with the idea of transferrable talents. These abilities,
which include teamwork, communication, and critical thinking, are transferable to other
industries and professional responsibilities. Looking back on my own experiences, I
see that a lot of the things I do, both in and out of the classroom, help to foster these
transferrable talents. Without even realizing it, I am continuously practicing these skills
through volunteer work, extracurricular activities, and group project collaboration.

Moreover, the text emphasizes the importance of professional values, such as

motivation, determination, integrity, and productivity. I understand the importance of
conducting my actions in a way that is consistent with these professional values since
they are the cornerstone of a successful career and are highly regarded by employers.
Be it pursuing my studies with steadfast dedication, acting honorably in my
relationships with others, or always aiming for perfection, living up to these ideals will
benefit not only my career but also my personal development and fulfillment and by
highlighting these qualities in my resume, cover letter, and interviews, I can
differentiate myself from other candidates and position myself as a valuable asset to
potential employers. Reflecting on my own strengths and areas for improvement in
these areas has empowered me to take proactive steps to enhance my employability
and marketability in the job market.

In addition, I also appreciate the emphasis on active participation and

meaningful dialogue during telephone interviews. It's like they're saying, "Hey, don't
just sit there and answer questions robotically; engage, ask questions, show you're
genuinely interested!" This advice really hits home for me because it highlights the
importance of being proactive and demonstrating genuine curiosity about the job. Plus,
the tips on keeping answers short and sweet, staying professional, and clarifying
questions when needed make a lot of sense to me. Overall, I feel more equipped to
tackle telephone interviews confidently and score those face-to-face meetings with
potential employers. It's like having a friendly conversation that leads to exciting

Finally, I concur that every job interview is like a sales pitch and that I am the
product. It seems like entering a competitive market where I have to persuade others
that I'm the best option. I approached interviews with a fresh perspective after realizing
that hiring managers are searching for a candidate that not only satisfies technical
standards but also blends in well with the problems and culture of the sector. It's not
just about exhibiting talents; it's about showing how I can solve problems and
contribute to the company's bottom line. This insight has inspired me to delve deeper
into understanding the specific needs of the industries I'm targeting and tailor my pitch
accordingly, making me feel more confident and prepared for future interviews.

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