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Assessment 2 Ethics

1) ______________ describes a collective way of life, or way of doing things. It is the sum of attitudes,
values, goals, and practices shared by individuals in a group, organization, or society. - Culture

2) ___________ are the shared, sanctioned, and integrated systems of beliefs and practices that

are passed down through generations and characterize a cultural group. Norms cultivate reliable

guidelines for daily living and contribute to the health and well-being of a culture. They act as

prescriptions for correct and moral behavior, lend meaning and coherence to life, and provide a

means of achieving a sense of integrity, safety, and belonging. – Cultural Norms

3) _____________ is “a being who is capable of acting with reference to right or wrong.

They are those agents expected to meet the demands of morality (choosing between good and evil). –
Moral Agent

4-6) Give at least three weaknesses of the Filipino Character

Extreme personalism, Extreme family-centeredness, Lack of Discipline, Passivity and lack of

initiative, Colonial Mentality, Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality, Lack of self-analysis
and self-reflection, Emphasis on porma rather than substance

7) The ________________has an ethical dimension when others rely upon our knowledge, ability, or
willingness to perform tasks safely and effectively. - Pursuit of excellence

8-11) Give at least four importance of universal values in human survival

It helps us grow and develop; It helps us create a future we want to experience; It guides our actions to
help us gain influence among those people who matter to us, whose love and respect we crave; It is
important because it creates a connection between you and a group of people; It tells us how to behave
if we want to be accepted, respected, and recognized by a social group but in the most abstract way;
and It is the key or the way to have power, become a good leader, acquire social status, and promote
the common good for every human being.

12) This is a strength of cultural relativism where in it acknowledges and respects the diversity of
cultural practices and beliefs around the world. It avoids imposing one culture’s moral standards on
another. – Respects Cultural diversity

13)_____________ is the idea that a person’s beliefs, values and practices should be understood based
on that person’s own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another. – Cultural Relativism
14) ________________________ is the process of cultural exchange that occurs when individuals or
groups from different cultures come into prolonged contact, and one or both groups adopt elements of
the other’s culture. - Acculturation

15-20) What are the six universal or core ethical values that everyone in the world values

trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship

21) This is one of the several ways wherein culture plays a significant roles in shaping the moral agent
where cultural norms can exert ______________ on individuals to conform to certain moral standards.
Deviating from these norms can lead to social consequences, influencing moral choices. – Social

22) This is a weakness of cultural relativism wherein it can lead to inconsistencies in moral judgment. If
one culture’s practices are deemed morally acceptable solely because they are part of that culture, it
becomes challenging to critique harmful or unjust practices within that culture. - Inconsistent

23-25) What are the three characteristics of a moral agent

▪ Human being is a moral agent endowed with all possibilities and capabilities to act upon actions
with moral considerations.

▪ He is a person who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for his
or her own actions.

▪ He has moral responsibility not to cause unjustified harm.

26-30) Briefly explain in your own words why universal values are a necessity for human survival

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