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John Carl C. Benesisto

An Action Research

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Course

Education 14 – Teaching Internship

May 2024

Republic of the Philippines

University Town, Catarman, Northern Samar


This action research titled "ENHANCING STUDENTS’INTEREST IN
submitted by BENESISTO, JOHN CARL C. in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for Practice Teaching recommended for acceptance and approval.


Date: ________________
Recommended for acceptance and approval:


Date: _____________
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for Teaching Internship: Research in Teaching

Date: _____________


This study investigated on the impact of classroom

environment in enhancing students’ interest in physical

education, focusing on selected Grade 7 students at Catarman

National High School. The purpose of this research was to

identify the key factors within the classroom environment that

contribute to students’ engagement and interest towards

physical learning.

The study employed a mixed-method approach, combining

qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The

participants were the Grade 7 students, selected based on

their interest and performance in physical education. Data

were gathered through classroom observations, interviews, and

surveys to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the

classroom environment and its influence on students’ interest

in physical education.

The findings of this study revealed several important

factors that positively impacted students’ interest in

physical education. A conducive physical classroom

environment, including appropriate facilities, interactive

displays, and well-maintained equipment, were identified as a

significant factor. Furthermore, the study highlights the

importance of teachers’ pedagogical practices, such as the use

of engaging teaching strategies, real-life applications of

physical concepts, and active student participation. The

presence of a supportive and collaborative learning community,

where students feel comfortable sharing ideas and

collaborating with peers, also emerged as influential factor.

Based on the results, recommendations were made for

educators, administrators, and policymakers to enhance

students’ interest in physical education. These include the

provision of adequate resources for classroom infrastructure,

professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance

their teaching practices, and the promotion of collaborative

learning environments. By implementing these recommendations,

schools can create an environment that fosters students’

interest in physical education, leading to improved learning

outcomes and increased engagement in the subject.


The researcher would like to express sincere gratitude to

all individuals and institutions who have contributed to the

successful completion of this study.

First and foremost, the researcher extends heartfelt thanks

to the school administration, particularly the principal and

staff, for their support for granting permission to conduct

the study. The researcher would also like to acknowledge the

participation and cooperation of the Grade 7 students who

volunteered to be part of the research and provided valuable

insights through surveys, interviews, and focus group

discussions. Special appreciation is due to the PE teachers at

Catarman National High School for their willingness to share

their experiences and allow classroom observations. The

researcher also expresses his gratitude to the research

adviser and colleagues for their guidance, feedback, and

encouragement throughout the research process.

Lastly, the researcher acknowledges the invaluable

contributions of friends and family members who provided

unwavering support and understanding. Their encouragement and

belief in the importance of physical education played a

significant role in the completion of this study.


Title Page --------------------------------------- i

Abstract ---------------------------------------- ii

Acknowledgement -------------------------------- iii

Table of Contents -------------------------------- v

Context and Rationale ---------------------------- 1

Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy ----------- 4

Action Research Questions ------------------------ 7

Action Research Methods -------------------------- 8

A. Participants and/ or other Sources of Data and

Information ----------------------------------- 8

B. Data Gathering Method ------------------------- 9

Discussion of Results and Reflection ------------ 10

Action Plan ------------------------------------- 13

References -------------------------------------- 16

Financial Report -------------------------------- 17

Context and Rationale

Physical education plays a crucial role in improving

students' health, academic achievement, and behavior. However,

studies have indicated a decline in student interest and

engagement in physical education, particularly as they

progress through secondary education. Understanding the

factors that influence students' interest in physical

education and finding effective strategies to enhance it is

essential for fostering generation of physically active


The classroom environment has been identified as a

significant factor influencing students' interest and

motivation in various academic subjects. It encompasses

physical elements, such as classroom design and resources, as

well as social and pedagogical aspects, including teaching

strategies, student-teacher interactions, and peer

collaboration. However, the specific impact of the classroom

environment on students' interest in physical education needs

to be explored further, especially in the context of Grade 7

students at Catarman National High School.

Catarman National High School is known for its emphasis on

vocational and technical education, and it is important to

investigate the influence of the classroom environment on

physical education in this specific setting. By understanding

the contextual factors that either enhance or hinder students'

interest in physical education, educators and policymakers can

develop targeted interventions strategies to create an

engaging and supportive learning environment.

The rationale behind this study is to bridge the gap in

research by examining the relationship between the classroom

environment and students' interest in physical education. By

focusing on Grade 7 students, who are at a critical stage in

their academic journey, the study aimed to identify the

factors within the classroom environment that can positively

impact their interest and engagement in physical education.

The findings of this research will provide valuable

insights to educators, administrators, and policymakers

regarding the design and implementation of physical education

programs. It will inform the development of evidence-based

strategies to enhance the classroom environment, promote

student interest, and ultimately improve physical learning

outcomes. Moreover, the study will contribute to the existing

body of knowledge on physical education and provide a

foundation for further research in this area.

Overall, the context and rationale of this subject

highlighted the significance of investigating the classroom

environment and its impact on enhancing students’ interest in

physical education, particularly in the physical context of

Grade 7 students at Catarman National Highschool. By

addressing this research gap, the study aimed to contribute to

the improvement of physical education and the cultivation of a

physically active citizens.

Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy


This study sought to bring innovation to the field or

physical education by focusing on the role of the classroom

environment in enhancing students’ interest in the subject.

While previous research has acknowledged the influence of the

classroom environment, this study aimed to delve deeper into

its specific impact on Grade 7 students in Catarman National

High School. By conducting a comprehensive investigation and

exploring novel aspects, this research contributes to the

existing knowledge base on physical education and provides

innovative insights for educators and policymakers.


One of the key objectives of this study was to identify

effective interventions that can be implemented within the

classroom environment to enhance students' interest in

physical education. Based on the findings, recommendations for

interventions can be made. For instance, the study may suggest

the creation of a conducive physical environment, such as

well-equipped materials and interactive displays, to stimulate

students' curiosity and engagement. It may also recommend the

implementation of innovative teaching strategies that promote

active learning, real-life applications of physical concepts,

and student-centered activities. By proposing physical

activity interventions, this study aimed to provide practical

guidance to educators in fostering students' interest in

physical education.


The research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining

qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. This

strategy allows for a comprehensive exploration of the

classroom environment and its influence on students' interest

in physical education. Qualitative methods, such as classroom

observations and interviews, provide rich and nuanced insights

into the experiences and perceptions of Grade 7 students.

These methods enabled researcher to uncover the specific

elements of the classroom environment that engage or disengage

students. On the other hand, quantitative methods, such as

surveys, help gather data on a larger scale, providing

statistical analysis to support the qualitative findings and

identify patterns or trends. The combined use of these methods

strengthened the validity and reliability of the study's

findings and enhances its overall rigor.

Additionally, the study employed a purposive sampling

technique to select Grade 7 students who have shown a

particular interest and performance in physical education.

This strategic sampling approach ensures that the study

focused on individuals who are more likely to demonstrate a

connection between the classroom environment and their

interest in physical education. By selecting a specific group

of students, the study can target its interventions and

recommendations more effectively, tailoring them to the needs

and characteristics of this particular cohort.

Overall, the innovation, intervention, and strategy of this

study contribute to the advancement of physical education by

providing innovative insights, proposing practical

interventions, and employing a comprehensive research

approach. Through these elements, the study aimed to enhance

students' interest in physical education and promote their

active engagement in the subject.

Action Research Questions

This study aimed to answer the following question

1. How does collaborative and supportive learning community

impact Grade 7 students’ interest in physical education

at Catarman National High School?

2. What are the pedagogical practices and teaching

strategies that effectively enhance students’ interest in

physical education within the selected Grade 7


3. How does the presence of a collaborative and supportive

learning community influence students’ interest in

physical education?

4. What are the specific aspects of a collaborative and

supportive learning environment that either promote of

hinder students’ interest in physical education?

5. What interventions can be implemented in the classroom

environment to enhance students’ interest in physical

education at Catarman National High School?

Action Research Method

A. Participants and/ or other Sources of Data and


The participants of this study are the Grade 7 students of

Cataraman National High School. The respondents were asked for

their demographic profile: age and gender; to identify the

standard score to achieve, and the factors that may influence

interest in physical education. The researcher conducted this

research to assess students' current interest in physical

education, their perception of the classroom environment, and

factors influencing their interest. Classroom observations

were conducted to examine the physical environment, teaching

methods, and interactions between students and teachers.

Interviews or focus groups were organized to obtain in-depth

insights into students' experiences and perceptions related to

physical education. Additionally, academic performance records

in physical education were collected and analyzed to identify

any correlations students’ between interest and their

achievement levels. A literature review were also considered

education, to gather existing knowledge classroom environment,

influencing student interest, providing a physical and factors

theoretical framework for the study and guiding the

identification of effective strategies and interventions.

Data Gathering Methods

This action research employed a qualitative data collection

technique. The study began with a pre- intervention survey to

assess the baseline interest levels of students towards

physical education. Data gathering methods include surveys,

classroom observations, interviews, and focus group

discussions. Surveys assess students' current interest levels,

while observations provide insights into the physical setup,

resources, and teaching strategies. Interview discussions

offer deeper understanding.

Discussion of Results and Reflection

The study aimed to explore the impact of classroom

environment on students' interest in physical education. The

results indicated several key findings that have important

implications for physical education in the context of Grade 7

students at Catarman National High School.

One of the significant findings of the study was the

positive influence of the physical classroom environment on

students' interest in physical education. Factors such as

appropriate lighting, comfortable seating arrangements, access

to physical-related materials were found to enhance students'

engagement and interest in the subject. This suggested that

the physical surroundings of the classroom play a crucial role

in creating a conducive learning environment for physical


The study also revealed that instructional materials and

resources had a significant impact on students' interest in

physical education. Teachers who incorporated interactive

teaching aids, hands-on activities, and visual representations

were successful in fostering higher levels of student

engagement and interest. This finding emphasized the

importance of employing varied teaching strategies and

resources to promote student interest in physical education.

Furthermore, the study highlighted the role of the teacher

in fostering students' interest in physical education.

Teachers who exhibited enthusiasm, encouraged student

participation, and provided opportunities for inquiry- based

learning were more successful in capturing students' interest.

Positive teacher-student interactions, effective

communication, and supportive classroom management practices

were also identified as influential factors.

Additionally, the study found that peer interactions and

collaboration positively influenced students' interest in

physical education. When students were given opportunities to

work in groups, discuss physical concepts, and engage in

cooperative learning activities, their interest in physical

education was significantly enhanced. This suggests that

promoting a collaborative classroom environment can contribute

to the development of students' interest in physical


Overall, the study indicated that a holistic approach to

creating a positive classroom environment is crucial for

enhancing students' interest in physical education. The

physical classroom setup, effective use of instructional

materials, teacher-student interactions, and peer

collaboration all play vital roles in shaping students'

engagement and interest in the subject. These findings can

provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers in

designing physical education classrooms that promote student

interest and motivation.

In conclusion, the study's findings emphasized the

significance of creating a supportive and stimulating

classroom environment to enhance students' interest in

physical education. The results underscored the importance of

considering the physical setup, instructional practices,

teacher-student interactions, and peer collaboration to

promote student engagement and interest in physical education.

These findings can serve as a foundation for educators to

design effective physical classrooms that foster students’

curiosity and passion for physical education.

Action Plan

Objective: This study aimed to enhance students’ interest

in physical education through a collaborative and supportive

learning community among Grade 7 students at Catarman National

High School.

1. Form a Research Team:

 Assemble a research team consisting of the researcher,

physical educators, and school administrators.

 Collaborate to establish clear research goals and


2. Literature Review:

 Conduct a comprehensive review of existing

literature on classroom environments and their

impact on student interest in physical education.

 Gather insights and best practices from previous


3. Data Gathering Methods:

 Develop and distribute surveys to selected Grade 7

students to assess their current level of interest

in physical education.

 Conduct classroom observations to evaluate the

physical setup, availability of physical education

resources and teaching strategies employed.

4. Data Analysis:

 Analyze the collected data to identify patterns,

trends, and areas for improvement.

 Synthesize the findings from surveys, observations,

interviews, and discussions.

5. Identify Intervention Strategies

 Collaborate with the research team to identify

potential interventions based on the analysis of the


 Consider interventions such as classroom layout

redesign, provision of additional resources,

implementation of interactive teaching methods.

6. Implementation of Interventions

 Implement the identified interventions in selected


 Ensure proper communication and coordination with

teachers and students involved.

 Monitor and document the implementation process.

7. Assessment of Interventions:

 Conduct follow-up surveys to assess the

effectiveness of the interventions in enhancing

students’ interest in physical education.

 Conduct further classroom observations to evaluate

the impact of the interventions on the classroom

environment and student engagement.

8. Reflection and Recommendations:

 Reflect on the findings from the data analysis and

assessment of interventions.

 Collaborate with the research team to generate

recommendations for enhancing the classroom

environment to further engage students and foster

their interest in physical education.

9. Implementation of Recommendations:

 Work with school administrators and teachers to

implement the recommended changes in the classroom


 Provide necessary support and resources for the

implementation process.

10. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement:

 Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the

implemented changes and interventions.

 Monitor students’ interest in physical education and

gather feedback from teachers.


 Dr. Priyanka Singh (2024). NEP 2020: The Status of the

Role of Infrastructure in Enhancing Physical Education

Programs. International Journal of Current Science

Research and Review, 7(3), 1540-154

 Joseph Lobo, Genesis Dimantala, Clarenz Bautista (2022).

An Investigation on the Factors Affecting Students’

Interest in Physical Education Using Principal Component

Analysis (PCA) at a Local City College in Angeles City,

Pampanga, Philippines, 1(2), 63-69



 Sevil-Serrano, J., Aibar, A., Abós, Á., Generelo, E., &

García-González, L. (2022). Improving motivation for

physical activity and physical education through a

school-based intervention. The Journal of Experimental

Education, 90(2), 383–403

Financial Report

I. Costing


 Research Supplies

 Related Purchasing

 Relevant Expenses

 Questionnaire/ Survey Materials

 Consumables and Associated Costs

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