Teaching Speaking Seminar

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The Thai government has long realized the importance of the English language as a major core

subject in schools.

Speaking is a productive skill which seems to be the most important of all the four language skills
because it can distinctly show the correctness and errors that a language learner makes.

Teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach
speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues.

Thai education focuses on reading and grammar rather than speaking. Inaddition, the students lack
confidence to speak and they might develop negative attitudes towards learning how to speak
In the daily lives most of us speak more than we write

Many English teachers still spend the majority of the class time on reading and writing practice
almost ignoring speaking and listening skills.

If the goal of the language course is truly to enable the students tocommunicate in
English, then speaking skills should be taught and practiced in the classroom.

Make Speaking A Priority Use Pair Work And Create Opportunities For
From Day One Small Groups Informal Conversations.

communicative language
Utilize Technology Use Speaking Games And Activities
Use Speaking Games And Activities

Using pictures
Use Speaking Games And Activities

Role play
Use Speaking Games And Activities

Information gap
Use Speaking Games And Activities

Find someone who

Use Speaking Games And Activities

Opinion and sharing

”The beautiful thing about
learning is nobody can take it
away from you.”

– B.B. King-

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