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Fazal ABBAs 20F-0480

Open Ended Lab Date:-----

To Familiarize and Demonstrate the operation of solar hybrid

 To understand the principles behind solar energy conversion and hybrid inverter
 To demonstrate the integration of solar power with traditional grid electricity using the
hybrid inverter.
 To analyze the efficiency and performance of the hybrid inverter under varying solar
 To explore the functionality of the inverter in supplying power to loads while utilizing
solar energy and/or grid power.
 To gain practical insights into the benefits and challenges of employing solar hybrid
inverters in real-world energy systems.

 Solar Pannel
 PWM charger Controlers
 Battery
 Connecting Wires
 Inverter

The solar hybrid inverter represents a pivotal advancement in renewable energy technology,
merging the capabilities of traditional grid-connected inverters with solar power systems. It
serves as the linchpin in harnessing solar energy and seamlessly integrating it into existing
electrical grids. Unlike standalone solar inverters, hybrid variants offer versatility by enabling
both grid-tied and off-grid operation modes, along with battery storage integration. This
innovation addresses the intermittency of solar power generation, ensuring a stable and reliable
energy supply. Hybrid inverters intelligently manage power flow, optimizing consumption from
solar panels, batteries, and the grid based on demand and availability. Their sophisticated control
algorithms maximize energy utilization and minimize reliance on conventional grid sources, thus
promoting sustainability and cost savings. In laboratory settings, understanding the intricacies of
hybrid inverter operation elucidates the transformative potential of renewable energy systems in
mitigating environmental impact and fostering energy independence.
Fazal ABBAs 20F-0480

Assemble the circuit according to circuit diagram and take the reading of input voltage current load
voltages and currents and battery voltages and current and record observation. First of all connect only
grid and take reading that are required next connect the solar panel and repeat the process . Then
make a hybrid connection of solar and grid and connect the batter and record observation.

Task 01

Solar Current =6.5A Solar Voltages =27.1v Load Current =0.24A

Battery voltage =12.8v Battery Current =3.54A
Load Voltages =217.5v Ac voltages =207v

Task 02

Battery Current =6.82A AC current =0.27A

Fazal ABBAs 20F-0480

Battery Voltages =14.37v Ac Voltages=201v

Task 03

Solar Current =3.47A Solar Voltages =34.1v

Battery voltage =13.4v Battery Current =4.42A

Task 04

Battery Voltages =12.1v

Task 05
Fazal ABBAs 20F-0480

Load Current =0.24A Battery voltage =11.8v Battery Current =3.34A

Load Voltages =216.5v

Task 06

Solar Current =6.5A Solar Voltages =27.9v Load Current =0.28A

Battery voltage =12.8v Battery Current =3.64A Load Voltages =217.5v

Task 7
Fazal ABBAs 20F-0480

Load Current =0.20A Battery voltage =14.8v Battery Current =7.84A

Load Voltages =170.5v Ac voltages =201v Ac current = 0.27A
After performing this I have learned about the basic working of PWM charger controller and inverter by
integrating with both solar and Grid source and observed the reading of input voltages currents load
currents and battery parameters . I record all these parameter and noticed difference when only PV source
available and when both source present.

EL4042– Renewable Energy Systems Lab

To familiarize the students with working of Solar PV modules, the Solar PV tests, design of the
Solar PV systems using HelioScope and to study different generations used for Wind Turbines.
Statement Score Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning Novice
↓ → (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Needs help Needs help
Completely difficulty in
to performs to performs
performs the performing
Demonstrate the the the Poorly
experiment the
applied Solar PV experiment experiment addresses
1 and experiment
using mobile and then and then the
completely and then
training toolkit completely partly manual
addresses partly
addresses addresses
the manual addresses
the manual the manual
the manual

Takes the Completes Needs help Needs help Does not

leadership assigned from group from others work
4 of the group task on member to group to
regarding safety for
and help time complete complete
oneself and others
other group without any assigned assigned
member as help task task

CLO Marks

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