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Fourier Series Guided Design of

Quantum Convolutional Neural

Networks for Enhanced Time
Series Forecasting
PhD thesis Progress 2024
Sandra Leticia Juárez Osorio
Andrés Méndez Vázquez
Eduardo Rodríguez Tello
01 Background
04 Results

02 Previous works & state of the art

03 probleem statement,
& contribution
05 Conclusions and previous
Analogously to the bit in classical computing,
the quantum bit or qubit is the basic unit of
information processing used in quantum
computing. Unlike classical bits, which can
only exist in states of 0 or 1, qubits exploit the
principles of superposition and entanglement.
Quantum circuits
Quantum gates, the building blocks of
quantum circuits, are unitary
operators that perform
transformations on qubits. Through
the sequential application of
quantum gates, quantum circuits
manipulate qubit states to perform
specific computational tasks.
Variational quantum circuits
hybrid models
Previous works &
state of the art
On the experimental side:
In the literature, numerous instances abound where Quantum Machine Learning (QML) algorithms have demonstrated
superior or comparable performance to their classical counterparts. This holds true across various scenarios,
encompassing toy datasets as well as real-world applications, such as medical image classification, defects detection
in materials, and time series forecasting. Notably, Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks (QCNNs) have found
application not only in toy datasets like MNIST and Fashion MNIST but also in practical contexts, such as protein
distance prediction and the identification of COVID-19-infected patients. Examples of this are found in:
On the theorethical part: Variational
quantum circuits as fourier series
For a general circuit of L layers, a matrix element of the
encoding and the trainable gates can be written as:

And the final state after those unitary transformation is given as:
To obtain the result of a circuit, we have to measure the qubits and a number
is obtained . The measurement operation is:

Which, applied to the state vector of the last slide, gives:

In this last expression, the coefficients are the summation of all the ck,j
that contribute to the same frequency , they only depend on the
trainable and measurement part of the circuit. On the other hand, the
frequency spectrum is related to the encoding part. The accessible
frequency spectrum of a circuit can be linearly incremented by
reuploading the encoding L times.
Example of architecture implementing
Expressibility of a circuit
other theoretical works that will be
useful in our work
previous work: qUANTUM 1D QUANVOLUTION
probleem statement,
& contribution
An area of oportunity:
After reviewing experimental papers in the literature, we observed that
the primary focus is on demonstrating quantum superiority. However,
these papers often lack an explanation of why the proposed methods
outperform their classical counterparts. Many studies use similar
structures for the encoding and variational components without
justifying their choices. Additionally, there are few comparative
analyses between different quantum model structures.
Another area of oportunity:
The model of 1D quanvolution can be seen as a multidimensional
problem: several points are taken to predict a subsequent pont. Each
of the points in the sliding window can be seen as a feature. Then, an
architecture can be designed in the context of multidimensional
Fourier series and data reuploading. Insights of why an architecture is
better than other can be found
The paper is intended to be experimental but with theoretical basis.

Design an architecture based in the structure of data reuploading and

account the relevance of this choice.

Compare different configurations for the trainable part of the model

and observe if a correlation between the expressibility and metrics is

Review the impact of the presence of barren plateaus.

Relevance of reuploading
less than expected number of
trainable parameters
Expressibility (as expected) leads to
presence of barren plateaus:
In general, better results are obtained
with more expressible architectures
Except when we have only few training
1 2 3 4
A limited number of Analyzing the problem of The expressibility comes These findings
quantum 1D convolution with the price of having a contribute valuable
trainable parameters
in the context of Fourier flat optimization
insights for selecting
can yield Fourier landscape when
transforms, it was
functions of higher increasing the number of
effective ansatz
possible to design the
degrees, architecture in a form in qubits. When analyzing configurations in
underscoring the which data is the testing metrics, it can quantum machine
be seen that this only learning
remarkable reuploaded, which lead
affected the Euro
expressive power of to significantly improved
dataset, which had fewer
quantum circuits results training points.
Future work
1 2 3 4
Explain why few Apply out findings to Find a limit in which Run in real hardware
other architectures expressibility produces
parameters are
(particulary we are overfitting.
capable to produce
experimenting with
high degree QLSTM)


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