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ĐỀ SỐ 03
Chọn 01 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.
01. A. cooperate B. certificate C. appropriate D. deliberate
02. A. archive B. bronchus C. franchise D. chronic
03. A. embed B. presume C. memoir D. renal
04. A. provincial B. protocol C. harmony D. donor

Chọn 01 lựa chọn có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.
05. A. testimony B. specimen C. sovereign D. peculiar
06. A. generic B. ignorance C. maintenance D. cynical
07. A. confront B. patent C. imprison D. neglect
08. A. marginal B. empirical C. municipal D. autonomy


Chọn 01 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
09. Although the company had revised the financial plan carefully, its outcome was
utter chaos.
A. terrible
B. thorough
C. sheer
D. complete
10. Due to his concerted effort, he scored good in the last exam.
A. final
B. desperate
C. determined
D. conscious
11. There's been a management shake-up so things will start looking up soon.
A. large changes for improvement
B. financial investment for a purpose
C. delays in progress
D. business intervention


Chọn 01 lựa chọn trái nghĩa nhất từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
12. Being an architect in this company is a far cry from his old job back home.
A. similar
B. complicated
C. arduous
D. distinct
13. The manager expressed her misgiving about the changes in recruitment plans.
A. qualm
B. certainty
C. anxiety
D. excitement
14. It is absolutely essential to get this parcel off today or we will lose the contract with
this customer.
A. dispatch
B. drop off
C. unpack
D. keep


Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.
15. She was admitted to this job because her enthusiasm……………her lack of relevant
A. offset
B. neutralized
C. covered
D. preset
16. I can assure you that each of your proposals will be judged…………..
A. within reason
B. on its own merits
C. in all honesty
D. by all odds
17. He got a sneaking……..that we were going the wrong way.
A. feeling
B. intuition
C. sense
D. suspicion
18. Due to the political situation, the President must………..your invitation to tour you
A. decline
B. renounce
C. snub
D. reject
19. The heavy traffic is not expected to…………..until around 9 pm owing to a car
accident on
the highway.
A. look up
B. die down
C. get through
D. put off

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn.
Civilisation and Urbanisation
Early civilisations, (20)……….. merely primitive early societies, seem to have a common
positive characteristic (21)……….. they change the human scale of things. They bring
together the cooperative efforts of large numbers of people, usually bringing them together
physically in large agglomerations.
Civilisation is usually marked by urbanization. It would be a bold individual who was
willing to (22)……………. a precise line at the moment when the balance tipped towards a
dense pattern of agricultural villages (23)………… a religious centre or a market to reveal
the first true city. However, it is perfectly reasonable to say that more than (24)………..other
institutions the city has provided the critical mass which produces civilisation.
Inside the city, the surpluses of wealth produced by agriculture (25)………..other things
characteristic (26)………….. civilised life possible. They provided for the upkeep of a
priestly class which elaborated a complex religious structure, leading to the construction of
great buildings serving more than merely economic functions, and (27)…………to the
writing down of literature.
(Adapted from Objective Proficiency Workbook)
20. A. concerning B. as opposed to C. in regards to D. in accordance with
21. A. in which B. of that C. in that D. where
22. A. draw B. form C. make D. find
23. A. clustered around B. built with C. evolved from D. developed by
24. A. the B. any C. one D. x
25. A. made B. kept C. gave D. let
26. A. with B. by C. of D. out.
27. A. in the meantime B. as a result C. aftermaths D. in due course


Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 08 câu hỏi kèm theo.
Ideas about human nature are of their essence philosophical. They are not simply the result
of scientifically established facts, but are general conceptions arrived at through rational
argument. They are inevitably often controversial, but the theories produced determine our
vision of ourselves. Most writing on the subject is explicitly philosophical. Since, though,
philosophical assumptions about our nature lie at the root of any discipline concerned with
the activities of men and women, it is not surprising that some thinkers have written primarily
from the standpoint of another intellectual discipline. History, politics, and social
anthropology, to name only the most obvious, all proceed with some view about human
The largest assumption of all, which should never be taken for granted, is that there is such
a thing as 'human nature'. The concept has implications, particularly that we can assume
similarities merely on the basis of membership of one biological species. We will then all
have some tendencies, and some likes and dislikes, in common simply because of our
common humanity. That notion of humanity would not be an empty one. It is in fact
controversial to hold that saying someone is human already tells us a lot about him or her.
Many assert that belonging to a society is far more significant because we are moulded by our
society. If, however, this view is pressed very far, it becomes clear that we cannot assume any
point of contact between members of one society and those of another. Neither set would then
be able to understand the other. As a consequence, any discipline depending on the
comparison of people in different societies would find its very existence threatened.
History is impossible if we cannot attribute similar motives to inhabitants of the past as to
ourselves. Politics cannot compare the effects of different political systems if the members of
one are not fundamentally similar to those of another. Social anthropology cannot hope to
grasp the strange customs of those who, on this view, would be as alien to us as the
inhabitants of some distant planet in science fiction.
(Adapted from New CPE Practice Test)

28. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The arguments about human nature
B. The notion of human nature
C. The historical development of human nature
D. The biological aspect of human nature
29. In the first paragraph, what can we say about ideas of human nature?
A. The ideas are unable to assist us in our attempt to define ourselves.
B. The theories of human nature stem from a compilation of facts and arguments.
C. Human nature can be articulated with a great degree of certainty.
D. Their establishment is mainly based on philosophical controversy.
30. According to the passage, what is the relationship between other disciplines and bu
A. Human nature is a central concept to these disciplines.
B. Other disciplines define human nature through its activities.
C. Human nature develops from the basis of these disciplines.
D. Other disciplines and human nature share one root of philosophy.
31. All of the following statements about human nature are true EXCEPT
A. People have similarities because of their biological features.
B. People's tendencies can be deduced from the society they belong to.
C. People from different societies have nothing in common.
D. Some thinkers consider human nature as the sense of belonging to a society.
32. Which of the following statements can best be inferred from the passage?
A. Human nature should only be implied through the similarities in biological aspects.
B. Human nature develops from the similarities within a society and the interaction between
different societies.
C. Human nature should emphasize the importance of the society people belong to and how it
molds people.
D. Human nature is mainly built up through a collection of facts.
33. The word "set" in paragraph 2 refers to which of the following?
A. societies
B. disciplines
C. contact between societies
D. people in societies
34. Which of the following will NOT be made redundant due to the prevalent belief
about human nature?
A. Politics
B. History
C. Biology
D. Anthropology
35. Why does the author mention other disciplines in the last paragraph?
A. To justify the point the author makes about human nature
B. To exemplify the point the author mentions earlier
C. To compare the differences among those disciplines
D. To show how those disciplines affect the society


Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống.
36. Sister: My laptop has just broken down. Can you help me to fix it?
Brother: Leave it on the table………………….
A. I'll see about it later.
B. I'll look at it later.
C. I'll think of it later.
D. I'll work on it later.
37. John: I want to buy a dress for Daisy for her birthday. Who should I get advice
Terry: You should ask Jane. She…………………
A. has an eye for clothes
B. knows what to do with dresses
C. knows her way
D. gives some good judgements
38. Joe: I am so tired; I should not have taken on so many units this semester.
Chloe: That's the price for…………………..
A. putting your heart and soul into studying
B. having a sharp tongue
C. biting off more than you can chew
D. losing your head
39. Woman 1: Why is your child …………………..?
Woman 2: She wants a new toy.
A. throwing a tantrum
B. throwing a fist
C. getting his way
D. under the weather
40. Harry: What would your daughter do when you and your wife fall out?
Bob: She……………….. her mom.
A. takes in
B. sides with
C. runs along
D. gets on with


Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng nhất của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.
a. I did and the computer is totally fine.
b. Hey, I have a Word file that I can't open from last night.
c. Have you checked whether the computer got a virus?
d. Okay then leave it here, I will see to it tomorrow.
A. c-a-b-d B. c-b-d-a C. b-a-c-d D. b-c-a-d
a. Did you watch the for match last night?
b. Team A won. The score 2 to 1.
c. Oh, that's a pity. I like B a little more.
d. Not the whole game, I only watched the first half. What happened after that?
A. a-b-d-c B. d-c-a-b C. a-d-b-c D. d-b-a-c
a. Fortunately, no, at least the last time I checked.
b. No, I was so busy with the new project. What happened? c. Hey, Joan, did you hear
the news?
d. There was a big earthquake downtown this morning.
e. Oh, that's good. Let me open the television to update some information.
f. Oh my god, was anyone hurt?
A. c-b-d-f-a-e B. d-b-c-f-e-a C. c-b-e-a-d-f D. c-a-d-f-e
a. I'm so sorry. I would like to, but I don't have a license. b. I see. Do you plan to learn
to drive in the future?
c. Really? You don't have a license? Why?
d. Yes, I do. I will take driving lessons when I find a full-time job. e. Hey Joan, I am a
little tired. Would you mind driving for a while?
f. I usually take the subway or bus home after school, so I don't need a car.
A. e-f-a-b-d-c B. e-a-c-f-b-d C. e-b-f-a-c-d D. e-b-c-d-a-f
a. I don't know. I'm so confused. What do you have in mind?
b. I think she's into sci-fi novels recently.
c. A book? Good idea. Do you know what she's been reading lately? d. Andy, what are
you preparing for Dory's birthday?
e. Oh, thank you for your suggestion. I'll go to the bookstore tomorrow.
f. I am thinking of a dress. Dory adores dresses. You can buy her a book.
A. d-e-a-f-c-b B. d-a-f-c-b-e C. d-f-e-b-c-a D. d-f-c-e-a-b


Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi
46. She is intent on going to university whether she can get her parents' approval or not.
A. She is attending university even though her parents do not approve of it.
B. Whether her parents agree to her going to university depends on what she intends to study.
C. If she can get her parents' approval, her intention is to go to university.
D. Even if her parents don't agree, she is attending university.
47. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
A. They began the war with a view to defending their territorial rights.
B. The flimsy excuse for the declaration of war was the defense of their territorial rights.
C. Their reason for war was to defend their territorial rights.
D. The defense of their territorial rights gives them the excuse for beginning the war.
48. Up to a hundred thousand people were crowded into the stadium for the closing
ceremony of the games.
A. A packed crowd of at most a hundred thousand was present in the stadium for the
concluding ritual of the games.
B. There must have been at least a hundred thousand people who came to the stadium to see
the games.
C. The stadium had room for no more than a hundred thousand people who wanted to watch
the concluding ceremony.
D. Hundreds of thousands of people observed the final events of the games.
49. He can't have read much about the subject before giving his speech because he was
completely uninformed.
A. Since not informed of the subject, he clearly hadn't researched it well before speaking.
B. In the end, he didn't have to give his speech anyway, so he needn't have read so much
about the topic.
C. Not having read much about the subject before his speech, he wasn't surprised at being
considered uninformed.
D. He had to read a lot about the topic before speaking because he knows nothing at all about
50. Preserving cultural identities during globalisation is a matter of great dispute.
A. It is a great dispute as cultural identities should be preserved during globalisation.
B. No matter how great the dispute is, cultural identities should be preserved during
C. That the dispute of preserving cultural identities during globalisation is a great matter.
D. The fact that cultural identities should be preserved during globalisation is greatly


Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
51. Culture, language, facilities, or economy level of the families are different. Vocal
guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge
A. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience
knowledge transfer despite of different culture, language, facilities, or economy level of
the families.
B. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience
knowledge transfer regardless of different culture, language, facilities, or economy level
of the families.
C. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience
knowledge transfer due to different culture, language, facilities, or economy level of the
D. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience
knowledge transfer although different culture, language, facilities, or economy level of
the families.
52. They prepared for the worse. They were pleasantly surprised to bypass the
A. Even if the hurricane had hit them, they wouldn't have been affected much.
B. It was such a relief when the hurricane did not strike them, though they had prepared for
the worst.
C. Had they not made such extensive preparations, they would have suffered even worse
D. While they had prepared for the hurricane, it was still a relief that they did not suffer
53. Harry's life is rather dull. That's the reason why I don't want to talk about him
A. Why I don't want to talk about Harry is due to his dull life.
B. Harry's life is rather dull because I don't want to talk about it.
C. What I don't like to talk about is Harry's dull life.
D. Reasonably, I don't want to talk about Harry's dull life.
54. The expenditure of the office remained stable. The profit rose by 25%.
A. The profit rose by 25% although stabilisation of the office's expenditure.
B. The profit rose by 25% as a result of the stabilisation of the office's expenditure.
C. The profit rose by 25% despite the stabilisation of the office's expenditure.
D. The profit rose by 25% owing to the stabilisation of the office's expenditure.
55. People cut down trees for agricultural land. Wild animals have less natural habitat.
A. The deforestation for agricultural land occurs because wild animals have less natural
B. Trees are cut down for agricultural land so that wild animals can have less natural
C. Wild animals have less natural habitat, so people cut down trees for agricultural purpose.
D. Wild animals have less natural habitat due to the deforestation for agricultural purpose.


Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng trong bài luận đã cho.
Tourism is now among the world's most important industries, (56)…………………….. At
the same time, however, mass tourism can have dire effects on the people and places it
embraces both tourists and the societies and human environments they visit. We are
increasingly familiar with some of the worst effects of unthinking, unmanaged, unsustainable
tourism: previously undeveloped coastal villages that have become sprawling, charmless
towns, their seas poisoned by sewage, denuded of wildlife, their beaches stained with litter
and empty tubes of sunscreen. (57)……………. seemingly reduced to a backdrop for
holidaysnaps that proclaim, 'Been there, Done that'. Some of the world's richest environments
bruised by the tourist onslaught, their most distinctive wildlife driven to near-extinction, with
wider environmental impacts caused by the fuel-hungry transport systems used to take
holidaying travellers around the world and back again.
(58)…………………, perhaps, is the social dislocation unsustainable tourism can cause:
once-cohesive communities disrupted as the holiday industry replaces old crafts, (59)
……………….. , farmers into fast-food store waiters or hotel cleaners. Even the tourists are
affected, the most placid and tolerant of us becoming short-tempered and clutching our soon-
to-be-discarded souvenirs and exploitative. (60)……………….., clutching our soon-to-be-
discarded souvenirs and cursing late flights and anybody who doesn't speak our language, we
arrive home muttering: 'After that, I need a holiday!".
(Adapted from New CPE Practice Tests)

A. requiring jobs and billions of pounds profits
B. generating jobs and profits worth billions of pounds
C. resulting in a number of jobs and making profits of billions of pounds
D. costing jobs and profits of billion pounds
A. Historic towns and their streets are now choked with traffic, temples, churches, and
B. Historic towns and their streets now developed with traffic, temples, churches, and
C. Historic towns and their streets are now more developed with the appearance of traffic
temples, churches, and cathedrals
D. Historic towns, their streets now choked with traffic, their temples, churches and
A. What less appreciated
B. Less appreciated
C. People appreciate less
D. It is less appreciated
A. turning fishermen into tour boat operators
B. to turn fishermen into tour boat operators
C. in which they turn fishermen into tour boat operators
D. so that they turn fishermen into tour boat operators
A. However
B. Occasionally
C. All too often
D. Therefore


Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về chủ đề sau:
While some school systems require students to concentrate on certain subjects in their
high school, others allow students to study a variety of subjects until they leave school.
Discuss both systems and give your opinion.

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