1917 Revolutions 2

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Influence of Rasputin • Gained influence through his close relationship with Tsarina

• Helped her son, Alexei, which won him her confidence

• Despised by the tsar's advisers,

• Believed to have some impact on political affairs by possibly due to jealousy and
advising Alexandra on ministerial appointments and perceived negative influence.
• Main involvement: Reorganized the
• Limited evidence supports significant interference army's medical supply system, showing
in government policy. some administrative capability.

• Seen as a negative figure within the royal circle, contributing to the public and political distrust of the tsarina’s
decisions influenced by him.

Criticisms of the Impact of World War I

Duma • The Duma initially supported the tsar's decision to enter the
war but socialist members walked out, protesting the war as

• The tsar suspended the Duma and took • The final Duma pressured Nicholas to abdicate in March 1917,
personal command of the military. leading to the formation of the Provisional Government.

• Progressive Bloc formed, criticizing war

management and urging concessions from • In 1915, military failures led the Duma to demand its recall.
Nicholas, who remained unresponsive.

What led to it
March 1917 • Ongoing failures in World War I, including the unsuccessful Brusilov
revolution Offensive, weakened morale.

• Economic hardships and food shortages worsened public discontent.

Aftermath and Significance Pressure on the Tsar to Abdicate

• Continued war efforts hindered • President of the Duma urged the tsar to change his
land reform, industrial modernization, approach.
and calls for a constituent assembly. • Military leaders and Duma members advised Nicholas to
• The instability provided an • Nicholas abdicated in favor of his brother who refused the
opportunity for the Bolsheviks to throne without a constituent assembly's backing.
eventually take power in October • Provisional Committee of the Duma formed a Provisional
1917. Government, ending Romanov rule.

Unrest in Petrograd Formation of the Petrograd Soviet

• 150,000 workers protested in St. Petersburg • Petrograd Soviet formed alongside the
on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. Provisional Duma Committee.
• Major strike at Putilov Steel Works. • Soviet Order No. 1 gave the Soviet control
• Introduction of bread rationing. over the military, undermining the tsar’s
• General strike occurred power.

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