1-Kurs Majmua O'qish Va Yozish

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1-kurs (kunduzgi)

Bilim sohasi: 200000- San’at va gumanitar fanlar

Ta`lim sohasi: 230000- Tillar
Ta`lim yo`nalishi: 60230100- Filologiya va tillarni o‘qitish (Ingliz tili)

Qarshi – 2023
Ushbu O‘quv uslubiy majmua O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligining 2020 yil 14-
avgustdagi 418-sonli buyrug‘i bilan tasdiqlangan fan dasturi va O‘zbekiston respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim
vazirligining 2017-yil 1-martdagi “Yangi o‘quv uslubiy majmualarni tayyorlash bo‘yicha uslubiy ko‘rsatmani tavsiya
etish to‘g‘risida”gi 107-sonli buyrug‘iga asosan tayyorlandi.

A. Shonazarov – Turon universiteti G’arb tillar kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi.

M. Shonazarov - Qarshi davlat universiteti Ingliz tili o’qitish metodikasi va amaliyoti
kafedrasi katta o’qituvchisi.
B. Tursunboyev - Qarshi davlat universiteti Ingliz tili o’qitish metodikasi va amaliyoti
kafedrasi o’qituvchisi.

Kafedra yig‘ilishi qarori № ___ _____________________ 2023 yil

G’arb tillar kafedrasi mudiri: ___________________ _____________

Fakultet kengashining qarori № ___ _________________ ______2023 yil

Fakultet kengashi raisi: ________________ ____________

Turon universiteti nodavlat oliy talim muassasasi

kengashining qarori №____ ________________ ______ 2023 yil
___________ ____________

Fanning ishchi o‘quv dasturi Turon universiteti nodavlat oliy ta’lim muassasasi
Kengashining 2023-yil ____________dagi______ - sonli bayoni bilan tasdiqlangan.

Qarshi – 2023


1. Amaliy mashg’ulotlar......................................................................................
2. Mustaqil ta’lim mashg’ulotlari........................................................................
3. Glossary..................................... .....................................................................
4. Ilovalari.............................................................................................................
4.1 fan dastur.........................................................................................................
4.2 Ishchi fan dastur..............................................................................................
4.3 Tarqatma materiallar.......................................................................................
4.4 Testlar...............................................................................................................
4.5 Baholash mezonlari..........................................................................................



Theme# 1 Writing: Pickpocket.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
1. Warm-up
2. Activity 1:Developing writing skills through asking questions
3. Activity 2: Rewrite a paragraph
4. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: course, interests and hobbies, membership, nationality.

The aіm: students will learn about short stories, improve their speaking skills as
well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their pronunciation,
listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: Write around the world

Theme# 2

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
5. Warm-up
6. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking questions
7. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
8. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: o c c u p a t i o n , p i c k p o c k e t , r e c e i p t , t i t l e , v i c t i m .

The aіm: students will improve their speaking skills as well as their
vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# 3 Writing: Who’s who?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
5. Warm-up
6. Activity 1:Developing writing skills through asking questions
7. Activity 2: Rewrite a paragraph
8. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: to break a record, education, major achievement, scorer, to sign a

The aіm: students will learn about short stories, improve their speaking skills as
well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their pronunciation,
listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: The number game.

Theme# 4

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
9. Warm-up
10.Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 11.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
12.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: s u c c e s s , t r a n s f e r r e d , t o t u r n s o m e t h i n g d o w n .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Jobsearch
Theme# 5

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
13. Warm-up
14. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 15.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
16.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: i n i a t i n g , n o i s i n g , t o n u r t u r e .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: Famous last words

Theme# 6

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
17. Warm-up
18. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 19.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
20.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: o n g o i n g , p r o g r a m m e , s t o c k .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Dinner’s in the oven

Theme# 7

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
21. Warm-up
22. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 23.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
24.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: Vocabulary of food and households, items, economy, hands off.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: 77 years of marriage

Theme# 7

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
25. Warm-up
26. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 27.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
28.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: t o b e o u t o f s o m e t h i n g , s h a r e d h o u s e , v e t .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Writing: Trouble with in-laws

Theme# 9

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
29. Warm-up
30. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 31.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
32.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: t o a c h i e v e s o m e t h i n g , a b a d i n f l u e n c e , t o b e
desperate for something.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:What’s the best age to get married?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
33. Warm-up
34. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 35.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
36.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: inherit, in-laws, to settle down.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Family matters. . . .

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
37. Warm-up
38. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 39.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
40.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: archives, attachment, database, distantly related.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Is that fur comment?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
41. Warm-up
42. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 43.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
44.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: g e n e o l o g y , o r i g i n a t e d f r o m , s i b l i n g s , t y p i f i e s

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing:Nothing happened today

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
45. Warm-up
46. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 47.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
48.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: b a n d , c o l l e g e , e n t r y , l i v e m u s i c .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Reading:Where did I see you?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
49. Warm-up
50. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 51.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
52.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: m e m o i r s , t o w a s t e t i m e , a u x i l i a r y v e r b s a n d

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing:Prison: Doing time

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
53. Warm-up
54. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 55.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
56.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: t o b e i m p r e s s e d , b e d d i n g , t o b e h a v e , c e l l .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Men who cook

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
57. Warm-up
58. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 59.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
60.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: a couple of, lock-up, prison officer, recreation, yard, workshops.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Murder mystery

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
61. Warm-up
62. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 63.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
64.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: a f f a i r , t o a p p r o p r i a t e , t o i n t e r r o g a t e ,
interrogations, to investigate.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Theme# Reading: Snail mail

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
65. Warm-up
66. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 67.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
68.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: l o v e r , p a p e r w o r k , t o s t a b , s u s p e c t , w o u n d .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Writing:Designer kitchen

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
69. Warm-up
70. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 71.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
72.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: K i t c h e n v o c a b u l a r y ( drawer, electric kettle, fridge, oven
etc.), clients.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading:Room to let.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
73. Warm-up
74. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 75.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
76.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: to design something, washing-up, work surfaces, conjunctions (and,
so, also etc.), prepositions of location (at, in, on), should

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Writing:Holiday house-swap

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
77. Warm-up
78. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 79.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
80.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: t o b u m p , c o a s t , c o s y , o n - s t r e e t p a r k i n g ,

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:How do you explain that?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
81. Warm-up
82. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 83.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
84.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: p u b , s p a r e b e d r o o m , s u b u r b , w a t e r s p o r t .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing:The student house

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
85. Warm-up
86. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 87.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
88.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: h o u s e m a t e s , t o r e a c h a c r i s i s , t o s e t r u l e s , t o
sahre a house.

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading: Hi tech homes

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
89. Warm-up
90. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 91.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
92.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: c o m p u t e r g e e k , g e e k , t h u m b s d o w n , t h u m b s u p ,
toiletries, modals (should, can, could, shall).

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Writing: Get lost!

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
93. Warm-up
94. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 95.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
96.Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: g i f t , j u n c t i o n , p a s t , p r i s o n , r o u n d a b o u t .

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading: What does the sign say?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
97. Warm-up
98. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
questions 99.Activity 2: Retelling of the story
100. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words:

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Theme# Writing: The news on the street.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
101. Warm-up
102. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
103. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
104. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading: Where would you prefer to live?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
105. Warm-up
106. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
107. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
108. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Writing: The big move.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
109. Warm-up
110. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
111. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
112. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Theme# Reading:Animal city dwellers

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
113. Warm-up
114. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
115. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
116. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Theme# Writing:Wish you were here.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
117. Warm-up
118. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
119. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
120. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Reading:Look behind you.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
121. Warm-up
122. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
123. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
124. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Writing: Paradise tours

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
125. Warm-up
126. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
127. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
128. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading:Keeping in touch

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
129. Warm-up
130. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
131. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
132. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)

Writing: FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
133. Warm-up
134. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
135. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
136. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Theme# Reading:How stupid can you be?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
137. Warm-up
138. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
139. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
140. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests

Theme# Writing:A loveky meal

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
141. Warm-up
142. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
143. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
144. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Putting your eating habits to the test.

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
145. Warm-up
146. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
147. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
148. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)

Writing:The greasy spoon
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
149. Warm-up
150. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
151. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
152. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading: It’s not what you eat and drink. . . . It’s what you say
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
153. Warm-up
154. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
155. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
156. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Writing: Black or white

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
157. Warm-up
158. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
159. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
160. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Reading:How to diet

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
161. Warm-up
162. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
163. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
164. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Theme# Writing:Virtually friends

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
165. Warm-up
166. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
167. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
168. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: How do I look?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
169. Warm-up
170. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
171. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
172. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Business contacts
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
173. Warm-up
174. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
175. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
176. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance
their pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


 Check students’ attendance and fill in the register
 Check students` background knowledge connected on previous unitsby
analyzing with various worksheets or tests


Reading:What do men really think cosmetic surgery?

Theme# 1

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
121. Warm-up
122. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
123. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
124. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: The shape of hands . . .

Theme# 2

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
125. Warm-up
126. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
127. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
128. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Don’t go out without your minder

Theme# 3

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
129. Warm-up
130. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
131. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
132. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Internet bargains

Theme# 4

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
133. Warm-up
134. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
135. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
136. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Don’t forget to pack

Theme# 5

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
137. Warm-up
138. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
139. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
140. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’ Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: It’s a what’s it.

Theme# 6

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
141. Warm-up
142. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
143. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
144. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: Can’t live without bananas

Theme# 7

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
145. Warm-up
146. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
147. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
148. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Dream limo

Theme# 8

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
149. Warm-up
150. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
151. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
152. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:What’s a friend?
Theme# 9

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20

Lesson Outline
153. Warm-up
154. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
155. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
156. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Dear John

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
157. Warm-up
158. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
159. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
160. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: How to make new friends

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
161. Warm-up
162. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
163. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
164. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Soap opera

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
165. Warm-up
166. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
167. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
168. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: Fiancee loses her ring in Easter egg swop

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
169. Warm-up
170. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
171. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
172. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Who gets thew children?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
173. Warm-up
174. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
175. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
176. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Daily wake-up and warm-up

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
177. Warm-up
178. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
179. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
180. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: More gain less pain

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
181. Warm-up
182. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
183. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
184. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:What shall I do, Doc?

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
185. Warm-up
186. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
187. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
188. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing:First aid
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
189. Warm-up
190. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
191. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
192. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: “Insane” daredevil skis down Everest

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
193. Warm-up
194. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
195. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
196. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: The donor campaign

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
197. Warm-up
198. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
199. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
200. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: A life of leisure

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
201. Warm-up
202. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
203. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
204. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Leisure for all

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
205. Warm-up
206. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
207. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
208. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: The National Museum of Photography, Film and Television

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
209. Warm-up
210. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
211. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
212. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: I win!
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
213. Warm-up
214. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
215. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
216. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading:Adrenalin capital
Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
217. Warm-up
218. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
219. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
220. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: A really good read. . . .

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
221. Warm-up
222. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
223. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
224. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: Cambridge English Readers

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
225. Warm-up
226. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
227. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
228. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: A likely excuse

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
229. Warm-up
230. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
231. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
232. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Reading: Best day, worst day

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
233. Warm-up
234. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
235. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
236. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)


Writing: Writing class

Length: 60 min Number of Students: 20
Lesson Outline
237. Warm-up
238. Activity 1:Developing speaking skills through asking
239. Activity 2: Retelling of the story
240. Activity 3: Discussion and vocabulary and grammar exercises.
Key words: O’Henry short stories, Schools and schools, Girl, Lost on a
Dress Parade

The aіm: students will learn about O’Henry’s short stories, improve their
speaking skills as well as their vocabulary and grammar. Enhance their
pronunciation, listening comprehension.
 to lead-in to the topic and to raise students’ interest to learn the language
 to develop their spelling and speaking skills
 to improve reading skills through doing speaking activities
 to practice and maintain their speaking and listening skills

Activity Type: Individual, small group, whole class (teacher-students)



O‘quv ishlari prorektori
Ro‘yxatga olindi dotsent U.L.Yoziyeva
______________ “___”_______________2023

O’qish va yozish fanidan



Bilim sohasi: 200000- San’at va gumanitar fanlar

Ta`lim sohasi: 230000- Tillar
Ta`lim yo`nalishi: 60230100- Filologiya va tillarni o‘qitish (Ingliz tili)

Amaliy mashg’ulot: 150 soat

Mustaqil ta’lim: 150 soat

Jami: 300 soat

Qarshi -2023
“O’qish va yozish amaliyoti” fanining ishchi o‘quv dasturi Turon universiteti nodavlat
oliy talim muassasasi Kengashining 2023-yil ____________dagi______ - sonli bayoni
bilan tasdiqlangan.

Tuzuvchi: Turon universiteti o’qituvchisi A. Shonazarov


Qarshi davlat universiteti Ingliz tili o’qitish metodikasi va amaliyoti kafedrasi katta
o’qituvchisi. M. Shonazarov

Qarshi davlat universiteti Ingliz tili o’qitish metodikasi va amaliyoti kafedrasi katta
o’qituvchisi B. Tursunboyev

Kafedra yig‘ilishi qarori №____ ____________2023 yil

_____________ kafedrasi mudiri ______________2023 yil

Qarshi – 2023

Fan/ modul O‘quv yili Seme ECTS – Kreditlar

kodi 2022-2023 str 1-semestr- 6, 2-semestr- 4
O’YA11- 1-2
Fan/modul turi Ta’lim tili Haftadagi dars
Majburiy Ingliz soatlari 1-semestr-6, 2-
semestr- 4
Fanning nomi Auditoriya mashg‘ulotlari Mustaqil Jami
O’qish va (soat) ta’lim yuklam
yozish 150 (soat) 150 а (soat)
amaliyoti 300
Fanni (kursni) G’arb tillari kafedrasi e-mail:
olib boradigan o’qituvchisi, ____________________
o‘qituvchi: ___________________
Dars O‘quv-uslubiy boshqarma tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan jadval
mashg‘ulotini asosida Roman-german filologiyasi fakulteti -xona
vaqti va joyi:
Individual grafik Haftaning dushanba va juma kunlari soat 10.00 dan 12.00 gacha
talabalar bilan
ishlash vaqti:
Fanga ajratilgan Amaliy mashg‘ulot 150 s
o‘quv Mustaqil ta’lim 150 s
o‘quv turlari Umumiy soat: 300 s
Fanning boshqa “Falsafa”, “Tarix”, “Psixologiya”, “Sotsiologiya”, “Adabiyotsunoslik”,
fanlar bilan “Tilshunoslik”, “Fonetika” “Grammatika”.

I. Fanning mazmuni

Fanni o‘qitishdan maqsad – talabalarga kasbiy yo‘nalish doirasida tilning og‘zaki va yozma
shakllarini o‘rgatish, ularning ijtimoiy-madaniy muloqot malakalarini rivojlantirish, xususan
o‘rganilayotgan chet tilining funksional shakllari va uslublarini, til to‘g‘risidagi amaliy va nazariy
bilimlarini takomillashtirish hamda egallangan bilim, ko‘nikma, malakalarini kasbiy va ilmiy
faoliyatda erkin qo‘llay olishlarini ta’minlashdir.
Fanning vazifasi - umume’tirof etilgan xalqaro me’yorlarga ko‘ra talabalarning o‘rganilayotgan
chet tilini C1 darajada egallashlari uchun zaruriy bilimlarni integrallashgan tarzda o‘rgatish va
muloqot malakalarini rivojlantirish.
II. Asosiy qism (amaliy mashg‘ulotlar)
Amaliy mashg‘ulotlar bo‘yicha bo‘yicha ko‘rsatma va
1 - kurs davomida o‘qish modulidan talabalar quyidagi bilimlarni egallaydilar:
- Matn turlari (o‘qish uchun soddaroq original matnlar) jadvallar;
- kichik hikoyalar;
- goroskoplar;
- shaxsiy xatlar;
- informatsion bukletlar, broshyuralar (filmlar, ko‘rgazma va hokazolar haqida),
sayyohlik yo‘riqnomalari;
- jurnal maqolalari (mashhur shaxslar bilan suhbatlar, goroskoplar);
- yangiliklar bayoni;
- tanish mavzularga oid qisqa gazeta maqolalari;
- internet matnlari (bloglar);
- e’lonlar (grantlar, sayohat manzillari haqida);
- qo‘llanmalar/instruksiyalar (texnik vositalar, asboblar uchun );
- qomusiy maqolalar;

O‘qish modulida quyidagi o‘qish maqsadlari ilgari suriladi:

- ekstensiv o‘qish (badiiy o‘qish)
- intensiv o‘qish (ma’lumot uchun o‘qish)

Matn turlari (autentik matnlar)

- Gazeta va jurnallardagi maqolalar (yangiliklar, reportajlar, badiiy maqolalar, jurnallardan
olingan ilmiy maqolalar)
- Tanqidiy sharhlar
- Romanlardan parchalar
- Ish yuritish xatlar;
- Internetdagi matnlar (bloglar, veb-saytlar, forumlar)
- Yo‘riqnomalar (masalan, uskunalar uchun)
- Ensiklopediya matnlari
- Kasbiy mavzudagi maqolalar
- Hisobotlar, tahlillar va sharhlar
- O‘qish modulida quyidagi o‘qish maqsadlari ilgari suriladi:
- Ekstensiv o‘qish (badiiy o‘qish)
- Intensiv o‘qish (ma’lumot uchun o‘qish)
- Tahlil bayon etilgan qisqa ma’lumotlar;
- she’rlar;
- Asarlardan keltirilgan parchalar;
- Qo‘llanmalar, instruksiyalar (texnik vosita va asboblar uchun);
- Ensiklopedik maqolalar;
- Professional mavzulardagi maqolalar (chet tili o‘qitish, o‘qitish muammolari, metodlari, o‘qitish
tizimidagi yangiliklar yoritiladigan jurnallarda berilgan maqolalar);
- Ma’ruzalarda keltirib o‘tilgan g‘oyaga nisbatan bildirilgan fikrlar va muhokama qilingan
- O‘qish modulida quyidagi o‘qish maqsadlari ilgari suriladi:
- Tayyorlangan dars rejalarining muayyan kontekstga muvofiqligini baholash;
- Ma’lum kontekst uchun dars rejasini tuzish
- Xulosa yasash, “qatorlar orasi” ma’noni anglash
- Tez o‘qish
- Xulosa qilish va yozma bayon etish
- Muallif fikrini yoqlash yoki inkor qilish va uni asoslash;
- Tahlil qilish;
- Sintez qilish;
- O‘qish sifatini aniqlash

Yozma nutq amaliyoti

I qism. Akademik paragraflar
- Kirish. Gap tuzilishi;
- Hikoya paragraflari;
- Asosiy paragraph tuzilishi;
- Fikrlarning mantiqiy bo’linishi;
- Jarayon insholari;
- Aniq (ma’qul) insholar;
- Sabab / natija insholari;
II qism. Insho (essay) yozish
- Qiyoslash / farqlash insholari;
- Insho tuzilishi;
- Fikr, mulohaza insholari;
- Odamlar, joy va binolar tasviri;
- Predmetlar tasviriga bag‘ishlangan xatlar, matnlar;
- Festival, marosim va bayramlar tasviri;
- Yo’nalish, yo’l-yo’riq va jarayon tasviri keltirilgan matnlar (taom retseptlari)..;
- Hikoya uslubidagi matnlar;
- Rasmiy va norasmiy xatlar;
- Turli maqsadlardagi xatlar;
- “Qarshi yoki qarshi emaslik fikrini bayon etuvchi” insholar;
- Biror narsa, voqea-hodisa haqida fikrni bildiruvchi insholar;
- Muammo va yechim keltirilgan insholar;
- Hisobotlar (yangiliklar hisoboti, uchrashuv hisobotlari, tashrif hisobotlari);
- Yaxshi va yomon tomonlarini baholash va tahliliy hisobot
- Tadqiqot hisobotlari;
- Universitet gazetasi uchun maqola
- Kitob yoki filmlarning qisqa taqrizi;
- Norasmiyelektron xatlar va h.k.

Yozma nutqni rivojlantirishdagi grammatik tamoyillar:

- Gap tuzish (gapda so‘z tartibi);
- Gapda ega va kesimning o‘rni, moslashuvi;
- Gap turlari (oddiy, qo‘shma gaplar);
- Bog‘lovchilar va kirish so‘zlari;
- So‘z tanlash (rasmiy va norasmiy uslubdagi so‘zlar va h.)
- Punktuatsiya
- Qisqa insho (paragraf) yozish bosqichlari
- Mos sarlavhani tanlash;
- Kirish qismini yozish;
- Inshoning asosiy g‘oyasini ifodalash;
- Dalil va isbotlarni bayon etish;
- Yozma ishda plagiatga (ko‘chirmakashlikka) yo‘l qo‘ymaslik


№ Mashg‘ulo Mavzu nomi Tekst turlari Bajarilishi

Turla Ajr So Mudd Imzo
ri a- at ati

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Amal Pickpocket! Form, statement 2

1 iy
Amal Write around the Reading for specific
2 iy world information, reading 2
for detail
Amal Who`s Biography 2
3 iy who

Amal Recognizing main

4 iy The numbers ideas, intensive 2
game reading
Amal Jobsearch CV (Curriculum 2
5 iy Vitae)

Amal Famous last words Text cohesion,

6 iy paraphrasing 2

Amal Dinner`s in the Personal note 2

7 iy oven

Amal 77 years of Skimming for text

iy marriage type and topic,
scanning for specific 2
words, identifying
8 pronoun references,
information from
textual clues, text
Amal Trouble with Personal letter 2
iy the in-laws (apology)

Amaliy What`s the best age to Scanning for names,

1 get marriage reading for detail,
0 2
separating fact and
Amaliy Family matters e-mail, 2

Amaliy Is that fur comment Deducing meaning 2

2 from context
Amaliy Nothing happened Diary 2
1 today entry,

Amaliy Where did I see you? Extracting key 2

4 information
Prison: doing time Writing a report,
Amaliy editing for length
Amaliy Men who cook Skimming to 2
identify topic,
recognizing main
ideas, reading
“between the lines”
Murder mystery Summary 2
1 Amaliy
Snail mail Deducing
1 Amaliy 2
1 Amaliy Designer kitchen report 2
Room to let Reading for detail
2 Amaliy 2
Holiday house- Personal letter
2 Amaliy 2
swap (descriptive).
How do you explain Extracting key
2 Amaliy 2
that? information,
2 predicting storyline
2 The student house Rules
Amaliy 2

2 Hi-tech homes Reading for specific

Amaliy 2
4 information

Get lost! Personal letter

2 Amaliy (giving directions) 2
2 Amaliy What does the sign main message, 2
6 say? identifying

2 Amaliy The news on the New article: 2

7 street expanding notes
2 Where would you Speed-reading,
Amaliy 2
8 prefer to live recognizing main
The big move Personal letter
2 Amaliy (opinion):editing 2
9 for emphasis

3 Amaliy Animal city Reading for detail, 2

0 dwellers information gap,
recreating a text

3 Wish you were Postcard 2

1 here...

Look behind you

Text organisation
3 Amaliy 2

3 Amaliy Paradise tours Brochure 2

3 description:
trageting audience

Keeping in touch Extracting key

3 Amaliy information 2

3 Amaliy FAQs: Frequently Website: trageting 2

5 Asked Questions audience

3 Amaliy How stupid can you Speed-reading, 2

6 be? Text organisation,
recreating a text
3 Personal letter 2
Amaliy A lovely meal
7 (descriptive)

3 Making a 2
Amaliy Putting your eating
8 personalised
habits to the test
3 The Greasy Report 2
9 spoon

It is not what you

4 Amaliy eat and drink... Sentence structure, 2
0 It`s what you say paraphrasing

4 Amaliy Black or white? Advertising copy: 2

1 Expanding notes

How to diet? Text structureand

4 Amaliy coherence, 2
2 identifying
humorous ideas
Virtually friends Personal e-mail
4 Amaliy 2

4 Amaliy How do I look? Skimming for gist, 2

4 recognising main
ideas, text
4 Amaliy Business contacts Business e-mail 2
Jami: 90


№ Mavzu nomi Tekst turlari Ajr Soa Muddat Im
ot a- t i zo
Turlari an

His or hers? Text
1 Amal organisation 2

2 Amal Fiction 2
iy shape of
Whaty do men
really think of Reading
3 Amal 2
cosmetic detail,
surgery? identifying
topic sentence
Internet Catalogue
4 Amal 2
iy bargains description
Don`t go
out wihtout
5 Amal illustrations to 2
iy your deduce
minder meaning,
extracting key
reading for
It`s a
6 Amal Dictionary 2
iy whatsit definitions
7 Amal Skimming for 2
iy forget to general sense,
pack... identifying main
Dream Fax: checking for
limo meaning
8 Amal 2

9 Amal What is Recognising 2

iy friend? dictionary
definitions and
separating from
examples, speed-
scanning for
specific words,
skimming for
text type
Personal letter
Dear John...
1 Amal (giving news) 2
0 iy
How to make Reading for
1 Amal new friends detail, inferring 2
1 iy information from
textual clues
1 Amal Feature article: 2
2 iy opera expanding ideas
Fiancee loses
1 Amal her ring in Extracting key 2
3 iy Easter egg information
Who gets
1 Amal the children 2
4 iy
Daily wake-
up and warm-
1 Amal illustrations to 2
5 iy up deduce meaning

Website feature
More gain,
1 Amal less pain 2
6 iy expanding ideas

Waht shall I
do, Doc?
1 Amal structure, 2
7 iy paraphrasing

First aid
1 Amal Informative 2
8 iy leaflet: editing
for logic and
1 Amal Answering your 2
9 iy daredevil own questions
skis down about a text
The Donor
TV Advert
2 Amal Campaign 2
0 iy

A life of
2 Speed-reading,
Amal leisure 2
1 iy identifying text
types from
visual clues,
reading for
2 Amal for all Questionnaire 2
2 iy

The National
Reading for
2 Amal Museum of 2
3 iy specific
Film and
I win!
2 Amal Instructions, 2
4 iy rules
2 Amal Adrenalin 2
5 iy capital topic,
choosing titles
A really
2 Amal good Reviews, 2
6 iy read... correcting style
and structure
Cambridge Predicting
English storyline from
2 Amal 2
7 iy Readers cover, blurb,
headings, list of
shadow reading
A likely
2 Amal Absence note 2
8 iy excuse...

Best day,
Reading for
2 Amal worst day 2
9 iy main message
and to identify
meaning of
3 Amal Promotional flier 2
0 iy class

Jami: 60

III. Mustaqil ta’lim va mustaqil ishlar

Mustaqil ta’limdan ko‘zlangan maqsad va vazifalar - bu talabalarda mustaqil bilim olish
ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirishdan iborat.
Mustaqil о‘zlashtiriladigan mavzular bо‘yicha talabalar tomonidan portfolio, referat va
taqdimotlar tayyorlash tavsiya etiladi

№ Mavzu nomi Mustaqil ish shakli Soatl Ishning

ar natijasi
1. Horoscopes Project work 6 Making slides
and describing each
stereotypes horoscope and
characters of
each zodiac.
Present your
work to the
2. Personal letters Letter 8 Writing a letter
about future
plans including
your goals,
intentions, and
current stage of
your life to
your friend.
3. Form completion Individual 6 Complete
work application
blank for a
certain job
4. 4 CV and Biography Individual work 6 Create your
own CV for
applying for a
5. English Group project making a poster
speaking 8 describing
countries English
countries in
6. Menus and recipes Group project 4 Making a
recipe video
in a group
7. Postcards and Individual work 6 Create your
invitations own invitation
card for a
birthday or
wedding party
8. Journal writing Poster-presentation 4 Project
and planning
9. The bad habits Conversation 6 Discuss
of and disvantages of
smoking discussion smoking. This
is the task that
should be
done under
the guidance
of the teacher.
10. Shopping Project work 6 Making slides
different types
of shops and
shopping males.
11. Using phrasal verbs Individual work 4 doing exercises
from book
Phrasal verbs in
units 1-5
12. Learning Individual work 6 doing exercises
English from book
vocabulary vocabulary in
units 5-10.
13. Family Project work 4 Analyzing
types of
family and
creating own
family tree
14. Positive effects Conversation 8 Discuss Positive
of walking and effects of
discussion walking. This is
the task that
should be done
under the
guidance of the
15. National festivals Project work 8 Making slides
of Uzbekistan.
16. Travel guides Poster- 6 Presentatio
and presentation n definition
brochures and

17. Shopping lists paper-based list of 8 Create your

shopping, creatively own
design a shopping shopping
list in a format to list
even add the
particulars such as
from which retailer
you want to buy a
specific item or the
price comparisons
between different
18. Leisure and sports slides and videos 6 Make slides or
on a given videos on
topic leisure
and sports
19. City and country life poster-presentation 6 Make a poster-
on the
20. CV and Biography paper- based CV Write your own
and 8 CV and
biography biography
21. Advances in video-report 4 make a report
technology covering the
advances in
22. Genetically report 6 make a report
modified covering the
food topic
GM food
23. Magazine articles article 4 write an article
a local
24. Using prefix wordlist 6 make the list of
Total: 1

IV.Fan o‘qitilishining natijalari (shakllanadigan kompetensiyalar)

Fanni o‘zlashtirish natijasida talaba:
• o‘rganilayotgan asosiy chet tilini Umumevropa standartlariga ko‘ra C1 darajada o‘zlashtirishi;

• o‘rganilayotgan chet tilining fonetik va grammatik qonuniyatlarini bilish va qo‘llay olish

ko‘nikmalarini egallashlari;

• o‘rganilayotgan chet tilida og‘zaki va yozma nutq ko‘nikmalarini egallashi;

• tushunish va muhokama qilish uchun bosqichma-bosqich turli til materiallari bilan ishlash
usullari to‘g‘risida tasavvurga ega bo‘lishi;

• o‘z fikr va mulohazalarini lingvistik kurs modullari va ularning mavzularidan kelib chiqqan
holda mantiqiy bayon etishi;

• chet tilidagi og‘zaki va yozma shakldagi ma’lumotlarni tushunish maqsadida

turlistrategiyalarni bilishi va ulardan foydalana olishi;

• chet tilining fonetik va grammatik strukturalariga oid bazaviy va kommunikativ jarayonda

qo‘llanishi mumkin bo‘lgan til birliklari va qonuniyatlarini bilishi va ularni nutq jarayonida
qo‘llay olishi;

chet tilida chop etilgan turli matbuot materiallari va axborot beruvchi boshqa vositalardan
olingan autentik til materiallarini tushuna olish va ularni tahlil qilish;

• o‘rganilayotgan chet tilida o‘qish, tinglab tushunish, gapirish va yozish;

bitiruv malakaviy ishini yozish, ilmiy ishni olib borish bosqichlari, yozish uslublarini to‘g‘ri
qo‘llash va ilmiy matnni tahrirlash borasida yetarli bilim va ko‘nikmalarga ega bo'lishi kerak;

V. Ta’lim texnologiyalari va metodlari

Fanni o'qitishda zamonaviy axborot va pedagogik texnologiyalar:
 ma’ruzalar;
 interfaol keys-stadilar;
 seminarlar (mantiqiy fiklash, tezkor savol-javoblar);
 guruhlarda ishlash;
 taqdimotlar tayyorlash va namoyish qilish;
 individual loyihalar;
jamoa bo‘lib ishlash va himoya qilish uchun loyihalar

Fanni loyihalashtirishda quyidagi yondoshuvlardan foydalaniladi:

Shaxsga yo'naltirilgan ta'lim. Bu ta'lim o'z mohiyatiga ko'ra ta'lim jarayonining barcha
ishtirokchilarini to'laqonli rivojlanishlarini ko'zda tutadi. Bu esa ta'limni loyihalashtirilayotganda,
albatta, ma'lum bir ta'lim oluvchining shaxsini emas, avvalo, kelgusidagi mutaxassislik faoliyati
bilan bog'liq o'qish maqsadlaridan kelib chiqqan holda yondoshilishni nazarda tutadi.
Tizimli yondoshuv. Ta'lim texnologiyasi tizimning barcha belgilarini o'zida mujassam
etmog'i lozim: jarayonning mantiqiyligi, uning barcha bo'g'inlarini o'zaro bog'langanligi,
Dialogik yondoshuv. Bunda o'quv munosabatlari yaratiladi. Natijada shaxs o'z-o'zini
faollashtiradi va uning o'z-o'zini ko'rsata olish ijodiy faolligi oshadi.
Hamkorlikdagi ta'lim. Ta'lim beruvchi va ta'lim oluvchi faoliyat mazmunini
shakllantirishda va erishilgan natijalarni baholashda birgalikda ishlashni joriy etishga e'tiborni
qaratish zarurligini bildiradi.
Muammoli ta'lim. Ta'lim mazmuni muammoli tarzda taqdim qilinadi va natijada ta'lim
oluvchi faoliyati aktivlashadi. Bunda ilmiy bilimni obyektiv qarama qarshiligi va uni hal etish
usullarini shakllantirish va rivojlantirishni, amaliy faoliyatga ularni ijodiy tarzda qo'llashni
mustafil ijodiy faoliyatnl ta'minlanadi. Fanni o'zlashtirishda darslik, o'quv va uslubiy
qo'llanmalar, ma'ruza matnlari, tarqatma materiallar, elektron materiallar, virtual stendlar hamda
gerbariylardan foydalaniladi.

VII. Nazorat turlari va baholash mezonlari

Talaba fanga oid nazariy va uslubiy tushunchalarni to‘la o‘zlashtirishi, tahlil natijalarini
to‘g‘ri aks ettira olishi, o‘rganilayotgan jarayonlar haqida mustaqil mushohada yuritishi, joriy,
oraliq va yakuniy nazorat turlarida berilgan vazifa va topshiriqlarni bajarishi lozim.
1. Joriy va Oraliqnazorat ballarining maksimal yig‘indisi 50 ballni, saralash bali 30
ballni tashkil qiladi. Joriy va oraliq nazorat turlarini o‘tkazish uchun topshiriq (test, og‘zaki yoki
yozma savollar, kazuslar va boshq.) lar mazkur fanga ajratilgan auditoriya (ma’ruza, amaliy,
laboratoriya va seminar) va mustaqil ta’lim soatlari nisbatidan kelib chiqqan holda 40/60 yoki
50/50 nisbatda tuziladi.
2. Yakuniy nazoratning maksimal bali 50 ballni, tashkil qiladi. Yakuniy nazorat turini
o‘tkazish uchun topshiriq (test, og‘zaki yoki yozma savollar, kazuslar va boshq.) lar mazkur
fanga ajratilgan auditoriya (ma’ruza, amaliy, laboratoriya va seminar) va mustaqil ta’lim soatlari
nisbatidan kelib chiqqan holda 40/60 yoki 50/50 nisbatda tuziladi.
3. Joriy va Oraliq nazorati ballari yig‘indisi 30 balldan kam bo‘lganda yoki fanga
ajratilgan auditoriya soatining 25 foizini va undan ortiq soatni sababsiz qoldirgan talaba ushbu
fandan chetlashtirilib, yakuniy nazoratga kiritilmaydi hamda mazkur fan bo‘yicha tegishli
kreditlarni o‘zlashtirmagan hisoblanadi. Yakuniy nazorat turiga kiritilmagan yoki kirmagan,
shuningdek, ushbu nazorat turi bo‘yicha qoniqarsiz baho olgan, ya`ni saralash bali (30 ball) ni
to`play olmagan talaba akademik qarzdor hisoblanadi. Bunday hollarda talaba belgilangan
muddatlarda fanni qayta o‘zlashtiradi.

Talabalar JN dan to‘playdigan ballarining namunaviy mezonlari

JN ballari va topshirish
№ Ko‘rsatkichlar Maksi 1- JN 1- JNni 2- JN 2- JNni
mal 1-15 amaliy topshirishni 16-30 topshirishni
ball mashg‘ulotl ng so`nggi amaliy ng so`nggi
ar muddati mashg‘ulotl muddati
topshiriqlar (dedlayn ar (dedlayn
ibo haftasi) topshiriqlari haftasi)
`yicha bo` yicha
mashg`ulotlar (amaliy,
seminar, laboratoriya) O`quv O`quv
1 20 ball 0-10* 0-10*
da auditoriyada bajarish semestrini semestrini
uchun berilgan ng 8- ng 15-
topshiriqlar uchun haftasi haftasi
Ja 0-20 0-10 ball 0-10 ball
mi ball

* Har bir Auditoriya mashg`uloti (amaliy, seminar, laboratoriya) da berilgan

topshiriqlarning bajarilish sifatiga qarab 0-1,25 ballgacha bo‘lgan oraliqda baholab boriladi,
to‘plangan ballar JNni topshirishning so`nggi muddati (dedlayn) da jamlab, tizimga kiritiladi.
Bajarilmagan amaliy mashg‘ulotlar uchun talabаga ball berilmaydi.

Talabalarning ON dan to‘playdigan ballarining namunaviy mezonlari

ON ballari va topshirish
Umumiy 1- ON 1- ON 2- ON 2- ON
№ Ko‘rsatkichlar Ball 1-15 topshirishni 16-30 topshirishni
mustaqil ng mustaqil ng
ta`lim so`nggi ta`lim so`nggi
topshiriqlari muddati topshiriqlarib muddati
bo o`
`yicha (dedlayn) yicha (dedlayn)
haftasi haftasi
1 Mustaqilta’lim
30 ball O`quv O`quv
mavzulari bo`yicha 0-16 0-14
berilgan topshiriqlar semestrini semestrini
uchun ng 15- ng 15-
haftasi haftasi
Ja 0-30 0-16 ball 0-14 ball
mi ball

* Har bir Mustaqil ta’lim mavzulari bo`yichaberilgan topshiriqlarning bajarilish sifatiga

qarab 0-2 ballgacha bo‘lgan oraliqda baholab boriladi, to‘plangan ballar ONni topshirishning
so`nggi muddati (dedlayn) da jamlab, tizimga kiritiladi.
Bajarilmagan Mustaqil ta’lim mavzulari uchun talabаga ball berilmaydi.

Talabalar YaN dan to‘playdigan ballarining namunaviy mezonlari

№ Ko‘rsatkichl YaN ballari

ar Maksim Sarala
al sh
ball ball
Fan bo‘yicha Yakuniy nazorat ishi savollari amaliy 50 3
mashg‘ulotlar va mustaqil ta’lim mavzulari asosida 40/60 0
1 yoki 50/50 nisbatda tuziladi.
-yozma ish yoki og‘zaki variantda har bitta savol uchun 10 3
(10х5) 0
-test variantida har bitta test topshirig‘i uchun 1 3
(1х50) 0
Ja 5
mi 0
Yakuniy nazorat. Talaba 5 ta savolga yozma yoki 50 ta test savoliga javob berishi lozim.
- har bir yozma savolga 10ball ajratiladi.
- agar savol mohiyati to‘la ochilgan bo‘lib, mavzu bo‘yicha talaba ijodiy yondoshib, tanqidiy
nuqtai nazari bayon qilingan bo‘lsa 10-9ball.
- savolning mohiyati ochilgan, asosiy faktlar bayon qilingan bo‘lsa 8-7ball.
- savolga javob berilgan, lekin ayrim kamchiliklari bor bo‘lsa 6- 5ball.
- berilgan savolga javoblar juda sayoz va kamchiliklar ko‘p bo‘lsa 4- 1ball beriladi.
- Savollarga javob berilmagan taqdirda – 0ball qo‘yiladi.
- 50 ta test savolining har bir to‘g‘ri javobiga 1 ball beriladi.

Asosiy adabiyotlar

1. Els Van Geyte & Rhona Snelling, Collins Reading for IELTS, 2-nd edition, Powered by
2. Dorothy E.Zemach, Lisa A. Rumisek Academic Writing from paragraph to
essay.Macmillan Publishers Limited 2005.
3. Lawrence J. Zwier Inside Reading. The Academic Word List in Context.Oxford University
Press, 2017.

Qo’shimcha adabiyotlar

1. Richard Brown, Lewis Richards IELTS Advantage Writing Skills. Delta Publishing. 2017.
2. Els Van Geyte Reading for IELTS.Harper Collins Publishers 2011.
3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Reading and Writing Targets (Books 1, 2, 3).
Express publishing 1998.
Axborot manbalari

1. www.developreading.com
2. www.teachingenglish.org.uk
3. www.online-literature.com
4. www.literature.org
5. www.onestopenglish.com
6. www.nhantriviet.com
Tarqatma materiallar
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3:
Handout 4

Test savollari
I. Choose the appropriate answer.

1. The students sat in the park ju s t... at the people.

a) looked

b) looking

c) having looked

2. The weather ... rainy and cold they decided to stay home.

a) having been been

b) having been

c) being

3. He stopped as i f ... an answer.

a) being expected

b) having been expected

c) expecting

4. her coat she ran out of the room.

a) seizing

b) being seized

c) having been seized

5. The fax....yesterday was very important.

a) having received

b) having been received

c) received

6. There were six boxes there....in old newspaper.

a) having wrapped

b) being wrapped

c) wrapped

7. The street was full of people ... home.

a) going

b) being gone

c) having gone

8.the first story she decided to read the book up to the end.

a) being read

b) having read

c) having been read

9. W hat... cannot... .

a) being done/be undone

b) is done/having been done

c) is done/be undone


I. Choose the right answer.

1. Children are fond o f ... .

a. being skated

b. having skated

c. skating

2. Thank you for....me to this swimming pool.

a. having been brought.

b. bringing

c. being brought

3. She denied....at the station that night.

a. being

b. having been
c. being been

1. If I my entrance exams I the happiest man in the world.

A) shall pass / would be B) passed / am

C) passed / would have been D) will pass / be

E) pass / shall be

2. We to see you next Sunday, if I well.

A) shall come / shall get B) come / get

C) comes / will get D) will come / get

E) will come / will get

3. What you if the train in time?

A) will be / doing / come B) did / will not come

C) do / didn’t / come D) have / done / came

E) will / do / doesn’t come

4. If I time I you.

A) have / help B) shall have / shall help

C) shall have / help D) have / shall help

E) has / help

5. If you tickets we _ Paris.

A) will buy / shall visit B) bought / visit

C) buys / visited D) were buying / should visit

E) buy / shall visit

6. Tomorrow if the weather fine we out of the town for


A) is / shall get B) will be / shall get

C) be / will get D) were / get

E) was / get

7. If you are free, watch the film they on TV.

A) shows B) showed
C) are showing D) had showed

E) have showed

8. If the weather fine we to the park.

A) is / shall go B) was / go

C) are / go D) was / shall go

E) would / should go

9. If my friend to our town next year I him the sights of the


A) shall come / show B) comes / shall show

C) has come / is showing D) is coming / will show

E) come / shows

10. They not object to your plan if you it up perfectly.

A) do / will make B) did / won’t make

C) will / make D) would / don’t make

E) don’t / shall make

11. If rings me up, tell him that I’ll be in at 5.

A) anything B) nobody

C) everything D) something

E) somebody

12. Hark will play tennis if he his work in time.

A) finish B) finished

C) finishing D) finishes

E) will finish

13. If you after two hares you none.

A) run / catch B) run / will catch

C) will run / will catch D) will run / catch

E) ran / catch

14. If we English four times a week we’ll learn it.

A) are having B) had

C) have D) will have

E) shall have

15. If you in a hurry, leave that to me.

A) will be B) were

C) are D) was

E) are being

16. If you to please an English person, be very polite about his


A) want B) wanted

C) are wanting D) will want

E) wants

17. You miss the train if you a taxi.

A) will / don’t take B) - / don’t take

C) will / won’t take D) don’t / take

E) will / would not take

18. We if they .

A) shall not know / come B) don’t know / will come

C) didn’t know / will come D) haven’t known / come

E) knew / will come

19. If you want to be healthy you should .

A) sleep much B) attend all your classes

C) go in for sports D) give up sport

E) take up art

20. If you Oxford you some interesting old buildings.

A) will visit / will see B) visit / see

C) visited / will see D) visits / see

E) visit / will see

21. He the picture if it him.

A) will buy / impressed B) would buy / impresses

C) will buy / impresses D) will buy / will impress

E) has bought / impress

22. If you Ann tomorrow, can you tell her to phone?

A) saw B) see

C) will see D) had seen

E) shall see

23. They are expecting us. They will be disappointed if we .

A) won’t come B) didn’t come

C) haven’t come D) don’t come

E) came

24. I wonder whether he if nothing unexpected

A) comes / detains B) will come / detain

C) comes / will detain D) will come / will detain

E) will come / detains

25. I my work in time if you me.

A) shall do / help B) should do / helps

C) do / will help D) have done / help

E) had done / would help

26. The British people think, if you tea you.

A) were depressed / cheers

B) are depressed / will cheer

C) shall be depressed / will cheer

D) have been depressed / cheered

E) had been depressed / was cheered

27. If you wisely you cheerfully.

A) command / will be obeyed

B) commanded / would have been obeyed

C) had commanded / would be obeyed

D) command / will obey

E) will command / are obeyed

28. If it this winter, we skiing.

A) snow / go B) snows / shall go

C) snowed / went D) snowed / had gone

E) had snowed / had gone

29. I them some money if they me for.

A) send / ask B) sent / asked

C) will send / will ask D) would send / ask

E) shall send / ask

30. If I shopping I _ some food tomorrow.

A) went / shall buy B) go / buy

C) am going / would buy D) go / shall buy

E) had gone / would buy

31. We for a walk if the weather fine.

A) shall go / will be B) go / is

C) shall go / is D) go / will be

E) goes / will be

32. lf the weather fine we for a walk.

A) was / shall go B) is / shall go

C) will be / shall go D) is / go

E) was / went

33. Mike certainly if he not busy.

A) comes / is B) will come / will be

C) will come / is D) comes / will be

E) come / will be
34. I next week if I can a train ticket.

A) go / get B) shall go / got

C) went / got D) shall go / get

E) was going / get

35. I happy if I the university.

A) shall be / shall enter B) am / shall enter

C) am / enter D) shall be / enter

E) was / enter

36. Our fate is in her hands now. If she tickets we away.

A) has bought / would fly

B) buys / shall fly

C) buy / fly

D) bought / fly

E) bought / would have flown

37. If you in their talk they .

A) don’t interfere / will quarrel

B) didn’t interfere / have quarreled

C) doesn’t interfere / will quarrel

D) interfere / should have quarreled

E) interfere / are quarrelling

1. If he in Tokyo he us.

A) was / will visit B) were / would visit

C) will be / will visit D) is / would visit

E) are / will visit

2. If he ill, he would stay at home.

A) is B) be

C) were D) am

E) are
3. What would you do if a millionaire you a lot of money.

A) gave B) give

C) will give D) giving

E) gives

4. If it not so late I should go with you.

A) was B) were

C) is D) be

E) are

5. If I the car myself I you use it.

A) needed / would let

B) don’t need / would let

C) didn’t need / wouldn’t let

D) didn’t need / would let

E) doesn’t need / would let

6. This house better if they it, the grass and flowers.

A) will look / painted / cut / plant

B) would look / paint / cut / planted

C) looks / painted / cut / planted

D) looked / painted / cut / planted

E) would look / painted / cut / planted

7. If I you I never her.

A) am / shall forgive

B) was / don’t forgive

C) were / would forgive

D) had been / forgave

E) shall be / would have forgiven

8. I am sure Mike will lend you some money. I _ if he refused.

A) will be surprised B) am surprised

C) would have been surprised D) would be surprised

E) were surprised

9. Many people would be out of work if that factory down.

A) had been closed B) were closed

C) was closing D) is closed

E) will be closed

10. I living in England if the weather better.

A) don’t mind / was B) didn’t mind / is

C) wouldn’t mind / is D) wouldn’t mind / were

E) wouldn’t mind / will be

11. She promised that nothing till he home.

A) would be done / came B) is done / came

C) will be done / comes D) has been done / came

E) have been done / comes

12. If he generous, he the poor.

A) were/would have helped B) is/would have helped

C) was/would help D) was/will help

E) were/would help

13. If I you I French next year.

A) am / learn B) was / shall learn

C) am / should learn D) were / should learn

E) were / learned

14. I so upset, if I _ you.

A) am / am B) wouldn’t be / were

C) was / were D) won’t be / are

E) shall be / would be

15. If you the Prime Minister what you ?

A) are / would / have done

B) were / would / do

C) will be/will / do

D) have been / are / doing

E) will have been / would / be doing

16. If he here he help you.

A) is / would help B) were / would help

C) would be / helped D) was / helps

E) are / helping

17. I hoped if I by the 10 o’clock train I change for a bus.

A) went / shan’t B) should go / hadn’t

C) go / shan’t D) went / shouldn’t

E) go / shouldn’t

18. Mr. Bond said if Mr. Blake at 10 o’clock he to see him


A) is busy / will come B) will be busy / will come

C) was busy / came D) was busy / would come

E) is busy / comes

19. your mother wouldn’t be angry with you.

A) If you didn’t get bad marks.

B) If you got bad marks.

C) If you haven’t got bad marks.

D) If you get bad marks.

E) If you don’t get bad marks.

20. If I were you .

A) I shall wait B) I wait

C) I would wait D) I waited

E) I’m waiting

21. If all the seas one sea, what a great sea it .

A) were/would be B) is/will be

C) would be/were will D) be/will be

E) were / will be

22. you really me if I away?

A) would / follow / go

B) will / follow / am going

C) would / follow / went

D) will / follow / would have gone

E) will / follow / goes

23. If I you I him.

A) am / will help B) to be / would help

C) were / would help D) is / would have helped

E) are / will help

24. If my brothers time now they help me.

A) has / helps B) have had / have helped

C) have / help D) is having / helped

E) had / would help

25. If I the power I _ people smoking at school and public


A) had / stop B) could have / would stop

C) had / stopped D) had / would stop

E) have / would stop

26. If Helen anywhere in the world she in India.

A) lived / live B) live / would live

C) could live / would live D) didn’t live / would live

E) lives / would live

27. If I you I harder.

A) am / will work B) will be / work

C) be / shall work D) were / would work

E) am / would have worked

28. If I you I it.

A) am / regretted B) am / regrets

C) were / wouldn’t regret D) is / didn’t regret

E) was / regret

1. He admitted the car but denied it by himself.

A) stealing / doing B) to steal / doing

C) stealing / to do D) to steal / to do

E) stealing / to be done

2. How do you feel if someone laughs at you? I hate people at


A) laughed B) laughing C) being laughed

D) to be laughed E) to be laughing

3. We often hear her at concerts.

A) sings B) singing C) sang

D) to sing E) have sung

4. Mother wants him to the country during the summer.

A) goes B) go C) to go

D) will go E) went

5. many books on history helps school children to get knowledge

about the past of different nations.

A) read B) reads C) has read

D) will read E) reading

6. As well as I like _ .

A) running/walking B) run/walk C) run/walked

D) running/walked E) run/to walk

7. The man the newspaper is my brother.

A) read B) reads C) has read

D) reading E) will read

8. It is very pleasant in the river on hot days in the summers.

A) bathe B) bathing C) bathed

D) to bathe E) having bathed

9. He warmed himself by hot tea.

A) drinking B) drank C) drunk

D) to drink E) is drinking

10. It’s very pleasant on the beach in summer.

A) lie B) to lie C) lay

D) lain E) lying

11. -I hope my dream will come true this year.

-And what do you dream of?

-Oh, I dream of a law school and a lawyer.

A) to enter / to become B) enter / become

C) entering / becoming D) entered / become

E) to enter / becoming

12. He sat in the arm-chair a newspaper.

A) read B) reads C) reading

D) had read E) is read

13. English is the best way of it.

A) speak / learn B) speaking / learning

C) to speak / to learn D) spoke / learning

E) speak / learning

14. She dreams of her son’s a director of the company.

A) becoming B) is becoming C) become

D) became E) was becoming

15. Why didn’t you try yourself a job?

A) found B) have found C) finding

D) to find E) to be found

16. We watched the coastline slowly.

A) recede B) to recede C) recedes

D) have receded E) receded

17. Nobody heard her _ English.

A) spoke B) speaks C) speak

D) was speaking E) had spoken.

18. We stopped at the motorway services something to eat.

A) to get B) to have got C) was getting

D) get E) got

19. I’m not really interested in to the University.

A) go B) went C) going

D) being gone E) have gone

20. This article is worth .

A) reading B) read C) to read

D) has read E) will read

21. They have got enough money to the cinema.

A) go B) having gone C) to have gone

D) to go E) going

22. I saw him a newspaper.

A) to read B) to have read C) reading

D) to be reading E) having read

23. Watch me the fence.

A) jumping B) jumped C) to jump

D) had jumped E) did jump

24. She decided to Spain for her holidays.

A) to go B) go C) goes

D) to be going E) to have gone

25. In winter he spends much time in the mountains, he is fond of .

A) to skate B) skated C) skating

D) to be skated E) having skated

26. The street was full of people and home.

A) laughed / gone B) laughing / going

C) having laughed / go D) to laugh / to go

E) to be laughed / going

27. a foreign language you can great opportunities in your


A) know / have B) knowing / to have

C) knowing / have D) knows / having

E) knowing / having

28. On the classroom the teacher asked to the pupil on duty,

“Who is absent?”

A) entering B) entered C) to enter

D) be entering E) being entered

29. Working in the garden it is pleasant to music.

A) listening B) listened C) to listen

D) after listening E) having listened

30. You are lucky you have not got a child .

A) to look after B) should look after

C) looking after D) having looked after

E) is looking after

31. She saw the girl in the yard.

A) playing B) on playing C) played

D) to play E) was playing

32. He usually left us without a word.

A) to say B) saying C) said

D) say E) having been said

33. I’m fond of in the river.

A) have swum B) swam C) swim

D) swimming E) having swum

34. The aim of the exhibition is experience.

A) to be exchanged B) exchanged

C) to have exchanged D) to exchange

E) being exchanged

35. The horse the race the winner of the same event two years ago.

A) led / was B) leading / is C) leading / was

D) to lead / was E) leads / being

36. His mother was against his football.

A) play B) was playing C)

D) to play E) playing

37. Miss Benson was looking forward to the title role in the new play.

A) play B) playing C) to be played

D) played E) being played

38. Pete likes . His dream is to visit Japan.

A) painting B) reading C) writing

D) traveling E) swimming

39. My friends need English

A) learns B) to learn C) to have learned D) to be learned

E) having learned

40. When I came into the room she stopped T.V.

A) watching B) watch C) watched D) on watching E) watches

41. Which of the boys _ in the yard is Ted?

A) play B) played C) plays

D) is playing E) playing

42. We saw them the street.

A) crossed B) crossing C) will cross D) had crossed E) will be crossing

43. It’s never too late _.

A) being learned B) not to learn C) learned D) learning E) to learn

44. The girls in the garden are my sisters.

A) played B) to play C) playing

D) on playing E) are playing

45. I like the people happy.

A) to have made B) made C) making

D) having made E) being made

46. Besides I like _ swimming competitions.

A) swimming / to watch B) to swim / to watch

C) swimming / watched D) to swim / watching

E) swimming / watch

47. Tom wants to read a book but Susan makes him something in

the paper. It’s an advertisement for a better job. She wants him

for this job.

A) to read / to apply B) to read / apply

C) read / to apply D) reading / apply

E) to read / applying

48. She left the room without good bye.

A) say B) saying C) to say

D) said E) on saying

49. The friends spoke of their together.

A) to go B) going C) gone

D) is going E) on going
50. If your plane has crashed high in the mountains, it’s best close to

the plane. Rescuers have got a better chance of _ the plane than

one person alone.

A) to keep / finding B) keeping / found

C) kept / to have found D) kept / not to find

E) keeping / being found

51. Robert saw the doctor the patient.

A) to examine B) to have examined

C) having examined D) being examined E) examine

52. The girl in the yard asked me the time.

A) play B) to play C) played

D) playing E) was playing

53. The emperor thought of his state powerful.

A) becoming B) become C) became

D) having become E) had become

54. Mother was anxious her family.

A) to see B) seeing C) to be seen

D) having seen E) being seen

55. I can’t help you about it.

A) to tell B) telling C) having told

D) having been told E) being told

56. Many builders and engineers from other republics began to

build new houses in Moscow in 1995.

A) helping B) would help C) helped

D) shall help E) having helped

57. I have never heard him French.

A) to speak B) speaking C) spoken

D) being spoken E) to have spoken

58. Nobody expected him Lola.

A) marry B) married C) to marry

D) will marry E) would marry

59. This holiday is worth .

A) celebrates B) celebrated C) celebrating

D) have celebrated E) to celebrate

60. Frank is in hospital. He feels bad. He has to give up and

beer. But he can’t. He says to his wife, ‘’Would you mind

some cigarettes next time?”

A) smoking / to drink / bringing

B) to smoke / drinking / bringing

C) smoking / drank / bringing

D) smoking / drinking / bringing

E) to smoke / to drink / to bring

Fan-modul Ta’lim Haftadagi dars
turi tili soatlari
Majburiy Ingliz tili 6/4
Auditoriya Musta Jami
Fanning nomi mashg’ulotla qil yukla
1 ri ta’lim ma
. (soa (soat) (soat)
O’qish va yozish amaliyoti 150 150 300

I. Fanning mazmuni
Fanni o’qitishdan maqsad – talabalarda lingvistik, kommunikativ va
lingvomamlakatshunoslik bilimlarini shakllantirishdir.Birinchi bosqich yakunida
talabalar CEFR talabiga ko’ra barcha asosiy to’rt ko’nikmalardan B2 darajasida
chеt tilda tinglab tushuna olishlari, so’zlasha olishlari, yoza olishlari, o’qish va
o’rtacha qiyinchilikdagi matnlarni chеt tilidan ona tiliga tarjima qila olish
ko’nikmalariga ega bo’ladilar.
2. Fanning vazifasi – zamonaviy mеtodlar asosida xorijiy tilni chuqur
o’rgatishni o’z ichiga oladi. Chеt tilidagi matnlarni bеmalol o’qish, tushuna olish,
mavzular bo’yicha fikr alamashish kabi ko’nikmalarni shakllantirish hisoblanadi.
II. Asosiy qism (amaliy mashg’ulotlar)
II.I. Fan tarkibiga quyidagi mavzular kiradi:
16- 1-mavzu: Writing a paragraph
17- 2-mavzu: Subject-verb agreement
18- 3-mavzu: Types of a paragraph
4-mavzu: A paragraph about someone who made a
19- Difference
5-mavzu: A paragraph about something valuable for you
6-mavzu: Reading: Coober Peddy: Really down
7-mavzu: Reading: Family matters
8-mavzu: Reading: Understanding Philly’s basement
9-mavzu: A paragraph describing people
10-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
11-mavzu: Reading: Health and fitness
12-mavzu: Narrative paragraphs
13-mavzu: Reading: Education
14-mavzu: Compound sentences
15-mavzu: Free writing: A narrative paragraph about a memorable
16-mavzu: A paragraph about an unforgettable day
17-mavzu: Reading: The Power of branding
18-mavzu: Reading: Product placement
19-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
20-mavzu: Basic paragraph structure
21-mavzu: Reading: Nature and the environment
22-mavzu: Adjectives and adverbs in basic sentences
23-mavzu: Outlining: A paragraph about a hobby or sport
24-mavzu: Linking words in compound sentences
25-mavzu: Reading: Looking for bad guys at the big game
26-mavzu: Reading: ID Fraud
27-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
28-mavzu: Logical division of ideas
29-mavzu: Coherence in the supporting sentences of a paragraph
30-mavzu: Reading: Language and communication
31-mavzu: A paragraph about shopping habits
32-mavzu: Reading: Could Shakespeare have written Shakespeare’s plays?
33-mavzu: A paragraph explaining a cause
34-mavzu: Reading: Fame in a foreign language: Joseph Conrad
35-mavzu: Combining sentences with so and because
36-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
37-mavzu: Process paragraphs
38-mavzu: Reading: Science and technology
39-mavzu: Topic sentences in process paragraphs
40-mavzu: A process paragraph about self- improvement
41-mavzu: Expressing personal feelings about problems
42-mavzu: Reading: The weather goes to court: Forensic Meteorology
43-mavzu: Reading: Weather, climate or both?
44-mavzu: Reading: Employment and sciences
45-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
2- Sеmеstr
1-mavzu: Definition paragraphs
2-mavzu: Using word knowledge
3-mavzu: A paragraph that defines a word, concept, or a custom
4-mavzu: Reading: Fat for brains
5-mavzu: Reading: The Minnesota starvation experiment
6-mavzu: Vocabulary activites
7-mavzu: Cause/Effect paragraph
8-mavzu: Supporting sentences in cause/effect paragraph
9-mavzu: A Cause/Effect
10-mavzu: Reading: Pieces of a puzzle: The evidence for Pangaea
11-mavzu: Reading: An ocean waiting to happen
12-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
13-mavzu: Comparison/ Contrast paragraph
14-mavzu: Transition signals for Contrast
15-mavzu: A Comparison/ Contrast paragraph about Education
16-mavzu: Reading: Judging roommates by their Facebook Covers
17-mavzu: Reading: High school society: Who belongs Where?
18-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
19-mavzu: Essay organization
20-mavzu: Using formal and informal vocabulary
21-mavzu: An essay about Nonverbal Communication
22-mavzu: Reading: A game of Checkers
23-mavzu: Reading: Playing with the Pixels
24-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
25-mavzu: Opinion Essays
26-mavzu: Developing supporting details
27-mavzu: An Opinion essay about a Getting a good education
28-mavzu: Reading: Attack of the Fire Ants
29-mavzu: Reading: You wouldn’t know it if it bit you
30-mavzu: Vocabulary activities
III. Amaliy mashg’ulotlari bo’yicha ko’rsatma va tavsiyalar
Amaliy mashg’ulotlar multimеdia vositalari bilan jihozlangan auditoriyada faol
va intеrfaol usullar yordamida o’tilishi, mashg’ulot jarayonida mos ravishda
munosib pеdagogik va axborot tеxnologiyalar qo’llanilishi maqsadga muvofiq.
IV. Mustaqil ta'lim va mustaqil ishlar
Mustaqil ta'lim uchun tavsiya etiladigan mavzular:
1. Endangered animals of the world
2. Save the environment
3. Changes of the
world 4..
5. Urbanization
6. Life in rural areas
7.. History and its role in our life
8. Inventions and the world
9. The latest inventions
10. The life of great scholars
11. Geniuses and their spiritual legacy
12. Phone and mobile phone
13. Do we need to use animals in scientific research?
14. Climate change and environment
15. Macdonald and his comrades
16. Natural food
17. Agriculture
18. Modern technologies
19. Famous cities and centers
20. Famous people and their life
21. Cinema and theater today
22. Types of letters
23. Essay and its
importance 24.Speech
25. Translation etiquette
26. Science
27. Robots and modern life
28. Sport in Uzbekistan
29. History of Uzbekistan
30. Commercial efforts
31. Happiness and self- satisfaction
32. The role of motivation in my life
33. Social media and modern world.
34. Lifestyle and Health
35. Features of the technological world
36. Roles of family in modern society
37. Business development
38. Development of social media
39.Influence of social media on
people 40.Digital society and media
41.Education system of Uzbekistan
42.The role of physical education
43. Types of arts in modern life
44.Describe your close person
45.My favorite childhood memory
46.And incident that changed my
life 47.Pros and cons of studying
abroad 48.Obesity in teenagers
49 Leadership
50. Customs and
traditions 51.Effects of
52.Relationship in
53. What is friendship?
54.The benefits of
recycling 55.Museums
and galleries
56. Describe meeting a famous
person 57.Travelling around the
58. Flora and fauna
59. Air pollution
61. The role of music in
society 62.Smoking in public
63. Leisure time activities
64.Holidays and
65. Social issues
67.The role of books in modern
life 68.Different cultures of the
69. Describe the place you really enjoyed
70. Uzbek literature
71.People who changed the
world 72.The loss of
biodiversity 73.Deforestation
74. Cultural diversity
75. History of art
Mustaqil o’zlashtiriladigan mavzular bo’yicha talabalar tomonidan badiiy
asarlarni, tavsiya etiladigan qo’shimcha adabiyotlarni o’qish, o’qigan badiiy va
shе'riy asarlarning til xususiyatlari bo’yicha rеfеratlar tayyorlash va ularni
taqdimot qilish tavsiya etiladi.
3 V. Ta'lim natijalari/ Kasbiy
kompеtеntsiyalar Talaba bilishi kеrak:
 oʼrganilayotgan asosiy chet tilini Umum Yevropa standartlarigakoʼra B2
darajada oʼzlashtirishi;
 oʼrganilayotgan chet tilida oʼqish va yozish koʼnikmalariniegallashi;
 tushunish va muhokama qilish uchun bosqichma-bosqich turlimatn turlari
bilan ishlash usullari toʼgʼrisida tasavvurgaega boʼlishi; (bilim)
 oʼz fikr va mulohazalarini lingvistik kurs mavzularidan kelibchiqqan holda
yozma ravishda aniq va mantiqiy bayon etish;(ko’nikma)
 matnni tushunish maqsadida turli strategiyalarni bilishi vaulardan foydalana
 turli xatlar yozish, matnlarda o’qish mexanizmlarni tanlash, yozish
uslublarini toʼgʼri qoʼllash va ilmiy matnni tahrirlash borasida yetarli bilim
va kompetensiyalarga egaboʼlishi kerak. (malaka)
4 VI. Ta'lim tеxnologiyalari va mеtodlari:
.  aqliy hujum;
 intеrfaol suhbat;
 kеys-stadilar;
 bеsh minutlik essе;
 bahs-munozara;
 muammoli vaziyat;
 charxpalak;
 xayoliy xarita;
 guruhlarda ishlash;
 rеzyumе;
 yo’naltiruvchi matn;
 tushunchalar tahlili;
 zinama-zina.
5 VII. Krеditlarni olish uchun talablar:
. Fanga oid nazariy bilimlarni o’rganish va shu asosida amaliy
uslubiyatning o’ziga xos tomonlarini to’la o’zlashtirish, fanning har
bir mavzusi bo’yicha bеrilgan nazariy bilimlar asosida badiiy asar tili
bo’yicha matn tahlili natijalarini to’g’ri ifodalay olish, har qanday
matnga erkin munosabat bildirgan holda tahlil eta olish,
o’rganilayotgan badiiy matn tahlili bo’yicha mustaqil mushohada
yuritish, shе'riy matnlarni to’g’ri tahlil etish va joriy, oraliq nazorat
shakllarida bеrilgan variantli grammatik topshiriqlarni bajarish,
yakuniy nazorat bo’yicha yozma ishni topshirish.

6 Asosiy adabiyotlar:
. 1. Key words for fluency. George Woolard 2005.
2. Virginia Evans. Successful writing 1997
3. Malcolm Mann, Destination B2, 2014
4. Chris Gough, English vocabulary organizer, 2012
5.Rawdon Wyatt Business and Administration. -G.B.,
2007. 6.Rawdon Wyatt Law. –G.B., 2006.
Qo’shimcha adabiyotlar:
1. О. Генри, Рассказы, 2008.
2. Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, 2010.
3. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austin 2015.
4. Carter, R. & Hughes, R. (2000) Exploring Grammar in Context. Cambridge:
CUP 5.Doff, A.& Jones, C. (2007) Language Links. Cambridge:
6.CUP Nattle, M. & Hopkins, D. (2003) Developing Grammar in Context.
Cambridge: CUP
Audio materials (tapes, CD
etc.) Video materials (DVD,
VHS etc.)
Fried-BoothD. L. (1986) Project work, Oxford, Oxford University
PressNewspapers (e.gNewsweek, UzTEA Newsletter, etc) and magazines (e.g.
Uzbekistan Today, National Geographic, TheEconomist, etc).
Axborot manbalari
 www.macmillanenglish.com/readers
 www.bbc.co.uk/radio
 www.climatercrisis.net
 www.friendsunited.co.uk.
 www.encyclopedia.com
 http: //wikipedia.org
 http: // info.britannica.co.uk
 http: // liveearth.org
 http: // wonderclub.com
 http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/methodology/
intercultural2.shtm www.googleimages
Mammoth- extinct elephant widely distributed in the Pleistocene
Truant-one who is absent from school without permission
fob - short chain or ribbon attaching a pocket watch to a man's vest
setter- one who sets written material into type
idiocy- extreme mental retardation
parsimony-extreme stinginess
subsiding- a gradual sinking to a lower level
vestibule- a large entrance or reception room or area
contracted- reduced in size or pulled together
pier- a platform built out from the shore into the water
whirl-the shape of something rotating rapidly
air shaft-a shaft for ventilation
rippling- a small wave on the surface of a liquid
ripple- a small wave on the surface of a liquid
falter- move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
flutter- flap the wings rapidly or fly with flapping movements
platinum- a heavy precious metallic element
setter- one who sets written material into type
quail- small gallinaceous game birds
patent- a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention
chop- cut with a hacking tool
trancea psychological state induced by a magical incantation
assertion- a declaration that is made emphatically
nimble- moving quickly and lightly
ecstatic- feeling great rapture or delight
hysterical- characterized by a state of violent mental agitation
tortoise- a land turtle with clawed limbs
rim- the shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object
tress- a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
dandy- very good
cosmopolitan- composed of people from many parts of the
world prattle- speak about unimportant matters rapidly and
incessantly glee- great merriment
breed- cause to procreate (animals)
brew- sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavor
conjecture- believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
hie- move fast
fad- an interest followed with exaggerated zeal
manicure- professional care for the hands and fingernails
stray- wander from a direct course or at random
thawed- no longer frozen solid
inclusion- the act of making a part of something
decry- express strong disapproval of
patriotism- love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it
relic- an antiquity that has survived from the distant past
nary- colloquial for 'not a' or 'not one' or 'never a'
flippant- showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness
globular- having the shape of a sphere or ball
perch- an elevated place serving as a seat
bum- a disreputable vagrant
query- an instance of questioning
shun- avoid and stay away from deliberately
alley- a narrow street with walls on both sides
turquoise- a shade of blue tinged with green
limning- a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects
bout- a period of indeterminate length marked by some condition
derivative- a compound obtained from another compound
afield- far away from home or one's usual surroundings
unscathed- not injured
scathe- the act of damaging something or someone
stroll- a leisurely walk, usually in some public place
swagger- walk with a lofty proud gait
scurry- move about or proceed hurriedly
typography- the craft of composing type and printing from it
gratify make happy or satisfied
lassie- a girl or young woman who is unmarried
Fan bo‘yicha talabalar bilimini baholash va nazorat qilish mezonlari

Talabalar bilimini baholash mezoni

5 (a’lo) talaba mustaqil xulosa va qaror qabul qiladi, ijodiy fikrlay oladi, mustaqil mushohada
yuritadi, olgan bilimini amalda qo’llay oladi, aytib beradi, fan (mavzu) bo’yicha tasavvurga ega
deb topilganda.

4+ juda yaxshi talaba mustaqil mushohada yuritadi, olgan bilimini amalda qo’llay oladi,
fanning mohiyatini tushunadi, biladi, ifodalay oladi, aytib beradi, fan (mavzu) bo’yicha
tasavvurga ega deb topiladi.

4 (Yaxshi) talaba ayrim kamchiliklar bilan mustaqil mushohada yuritadi olgan bilimini amalda
qo’llay oladi, fanning (mavzusini) mohiyatini tushunadi, biladi, ifodalay oladi, aytib beradi, fan
bo’yicha tasavvurga ega deb topiladi.

3+ (qoniqarli) talaba olgan bilimini amalda qo’llay oladi, fanning (mavzusini) mohiyatini
tushunadi, biladi, ifodalay oladi, aytib beradi, fan (mavzu) bo’yicha tasavvurga ega deb

3 (yetarli) talaba olgan bilimini amalda kamchiliklar bilan qo’llay oladi, fanning (mavzusining)
mohiyatini tushunadi, ifodalay oladi

Aytib beradi, fan (mavzu) bo’yicha tasavvurga ega deb topilganda

2 (qoniqarsiz) talaba fan dasturini o’zlashtirmagan, fanning (mavzuning) mohiyatini

tushunmaydi, fan (mavzu) bo’yicha tasavvurga ega emas.

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