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**Motivational Activity: Food Safety Scenarios**

**Objective:** To engage students in a paper-pencil activity that reinforces the importance of food
safety, particularly in handling poultry and game birds, while encouraging critical thinking and problem-
solving skills.

**Materials Needed:**

- Paper

- Pencils

- Instruction sheet with food safety scenarios related to poultry handling


1. Distribute paper and pencils to each student.

2. Explain that they will be participating in a food safety activity focusing on proper handling practices for
poultry and game birds.

3. Provide an instruction sheet containing several food safety scenarios related to poultry handling. Each
scenario should describe a situation where proper food safety practices are required.

4. Instruct students to read each scenario carefully and write down their responses to the following

- What are the potential risks associated with this scenario?

- What steps would you take to ensure food safety in this situation?

5. Allow students sufficient time to brainstorm and write their responses.

6. Once everyone has completed their responses, facilitate a discussion where students can share their
answers and reasoning behind their choices.

7. Encourage students to consider different perspectives and discuss the importance of critical thinking
in ensuring food safety.

8. Conclude the activity by summarizing key points and emphasizing the significance of proper food
handling practices in preventing foodborne illness.

**Example Scenarios:**
1. You have just returned from the grocery store with a package of raw chicken. However, you need to
run a few errands before going home. What should you do to ensure the safety of the chicken during this

2. You are preparing a meal that includes both raw chicken and fresh vegetables. What steps should you
take to prevent cross-contamination between the chicken and the vegetables?

3. You are planning to thaw a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. What are some safe methods for
thawing the turkey, and how long should you allow for thawing?

4. After cooking a chicken dish, you have some leftovers that you would like to store for later
consumption. What is the safest way to store and reheat the cooked chicken?

5. You are hosting a barbecue and plan to grill chicken outdoors. What precautions should you take to
ensure that the chicken reaches a safe internal temperature while grilling?


- Modify the scenarios to suit the specific learning objectives or prior knowledge of the students.

- Encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss and solve the scenarios collaboratively.

- Incorporate a review of food safety guidelines or principles before starting the activity to provide
context for the scenarios.

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