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STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings

1 Covering letter thư giải thích gửi kèm theo
2 On business đi công tác
3 A dead-end job công việc không có cơ hội thăng tiến
4 An entry-level job công việc không đòi hỏi kinh nghiệm,
thường dành cho người mới vào nghề
5 A high-powered job một công việc nắm giữ vị trí quan
6 A lucrative job công việc kiếm được nhiều tiền
7 Get a promotion được thăng tiến
8 Get a raise được tăng lương
9 Be fired/dismissed bị phạt/sa thải
10 Have a heavy workload có nhiều việc
11 Work overtime làm thêm giờ
12 Set to work bắt tay vào việc
Make short work of làm xong nhanh; đánh bại nhanh
Work a scheme thi hành một kế hoạch
Work oneself into a lather rất buồn
Work oneself into a rage nổi giận
13 Generous benefit phụ cấp, hỗ trợ, chế độ đãi ngộ
14 Job seeker người tìm việc
15 A menial job công việc lao động chân tay
16 Earn a living kiếm sống
17 Go into business đi vào hoạt động kinh doanh
Do business with sb buôn bán với ai
It's none of your business đó không phải là chuyện của mày!
18 Set up a company = establish a thành lập công ty
19 Do market research = investigate the tìm hiểu thị trường
20 Go/sell like a hot cake bán đắt như tôm tươi
21 Run a company run a business điều hành công ty điều hành doanh
22 Operate at a loss đầu tư nhiều vốn
23 Break even hòa vốn
24 Tough competition sự cạnh tranh gay gắt
25 Gain market share đạt được thị phần
26 Go bankrupt = go broke bị vỡ nợ, phá sản
27 Hire/take on staff/employees thuê nhân công
28 Make a deal with = make an thoả thuận với; ký kết một hợp đồng
agreement with với
29 Black market thị trường đen/chợ đen
Common market thị trường chung
Flea market chợ đồ cũ
Internal market thị trường nội bộ
Labor market thị trường lao động
Market place thương trường
Market price giá thị trường
Market research nghiên cứu thị trường
Stock market thị trường chứng khoán
30 Launch a new product tung ra sản phẩm mới
31 Take one's business elsewhere đi nơi khác làm ăn/mua của người khác
32 A rival company một công ty đối thủ
33 Business is booming câu dùng để chỉ khoảng thời gian
hoàng kim bùng nổ của một doanh
nghiệp nào đó
34 Minimum wage mức lương tối thiểu
35 A good team player một đông nghiệp tốt
36 Embark on a career bắt đầu sự nghiệp
37 Pursue a career theo đuổi sự nghiệp
38 Career prospect cơ hội nghề nghiệp
39 Switch one’s career thay đổi công việc
40 At the height/peak of one’s career ở đỉnh cao sự nghiệp
41 Make a profit tạo lợi nhuận
42 Make ends meet đủ sống
43 Be over head and ears in debts nợ nần chồng chất
44 Be up to one’s ears ngập đầu trong công việc
45 Leave nothing to chance không có bất cứ sai sót gì
46 By the book theo nguyên tắc
47 Call it a day dừng lại công việc trong ngày
48 Diamond in the rough người có nhiều tiềm năng nhưng hiện
tại vẫn còn nhiều thiếu sót
49 Blue collar White collar lao động chân tay nhân viên văn phòng
50 Golden handshake khoản tiền trả cho người nhân viên thôi
Exercise 14: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
Question 1: The purpose of running a business is to make a________.
A. service B. contribution C. money D. profit
Question 2: Growing up, I always knew that my father expected me to run the family
business someday - but I really wanted to________my own company.
A. build B. start C. set up D. found
Question 3: Sometimes job seekers need to take a________job in order to earn a living
while they're between jobs.
A. menial B. lucrative C. dead-end D. entry-level
Question 4: If you do excellent work and are a good team________, you could get a
promotion or get a raise - hopefully both!
A. supporter B. leader C. player D. fan
Question 5: We________a deal with my father, agreeing that he would be our primary
supplier of fresh fruits and vegetables.
A. took B. made C. gave D. did
Question 6: Despite the tough________in the sector, our little store managed to
break________its first year in operation.
A. contest/level B. competition/equal
C. competition/even D. opposition/ equal
Question 7: His record sold like hot________on the first day after its release,
A. dogs B. pots C. potatoes D. cakes
Question 8: Our market________showed that there was a big demand for organic food in
the area, so we began offering primarily organic products and raised our prices.
A. place B. price C. research D. stock
Question 9: Some of our customers________their business elsewhere, but
others came from miles away due to our reputation for excellent products and friendly
customer service.
A. ran B. took C. went D. hold
Question 10: It's not easy to make ends________with a big family, but somehow we
A. met B. meeting C. meet D. to meet
Question 11: As your business grows, you can take on employees or make a deal with other
companies to________business together.
A. do B. make C. cooperate D. connect
Question 12: Whenever you’re planning to________a new product, it’s essential to provide
excellent customer service.
A. initiate B. start C. declare D. launch
Question 13: Now that you have experience, you'll be able to get a job with a more
competitive salary and________benefits.
A. luxurious B. tremendous C. dramatic D. generous
Question 14: She graduated in 1962 and________on a career as a teacher.
A. started B. embarked C. worked D. took
Question 15: It's normal for there to be periods of time when you________a heavy
workload and need to work overtime.
A. carried B. made C. had D. took
Question 16: My mother is a businesswoman. She often has to travel abroad
A. in B. on C. at D. off
Question 17: He worked himself into a________thinking of his former wife and her new
A. lather B.rage C. leather D.range
Question 18: You’re always sticking your nose into my business while it’s none of
A. work B. master C. matter D. business
Question 19: His poor management________ the company to the brink of collapse. In fact,
He________bankrupt after only a year in business.
A. brought/went B. drives/goes C. brings/goes D. led/was
Question 20: Event organizers should plan everything carefully so as to leave nothing
A. possibility B. mistake C. opportunity D. chance

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