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1. Lived world the fundamental ground of our being is the lebenswelt.

This is according

A. John Locke
B. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
C. William James
D. Rene Descartes

2. Who continued the empiricist tradition of John Locke, emphasizing direct sense experience
as the source of genuine knowledge?

A. William James
B. Immanuel Kant
C. Rene Descartes
D. David Hume

3.The following are part of Buddhism: Suffering, cause of suffering, end of suffering, and path
to end suffering. What is this called?

a) The Four Path

b) The Four Noble Truths
c) The Four Aggregates
d) The Four Jewels

4. This concept refers to the Buddhist philosophy of the self which means “no-self” or non-self.




d. Dukkha

5. According to David Hume?

A. The self is supposed to be constant and invariable that exists as a unified identity over the
course of one’s life.
B. According to David Hume, the self is an unchanging, indivisible entity that maintains its identity
over time.
C. David Hume believed that the self is a concrete and unambiguous reality, not subject to
skepticism or doubt.
D. In David Hume's philosophy, the self is a substantial and enduring substance, distinct from its
experiences and perceptions.

6. The concept of Tao in eastern and western thought refers to?

A. The concept of Tao in eastern and western thought refers to a specific religious deity with a
defined set of attributes and characteristics.

B. the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things in the universe.

C. Tao in eastern and western thought primarily signifies the pursuit of personal success and
material wealth.

D. The concept of Tao in eastern and western thought pertains to a rigid and dogmatic set of rules
and doctrines that govern human behavior.

7. Imagine you are drinking an iced coffee, phenomenology encourages us to pay attention through
your _____, setting aside the preconceived notions.

A. Direct Experiences and Senses

B. Personhood and Role

C. Role and Senses

D. Direct Experiences and Status

8. The statement “Life is filled with suffering and pain” what part of Noble truth is this?

A. First Noble Truth

B. Second Noble Truth

C. Third Noble Truth

D. Fourth Noble Truth

9. According to William James, which aspect of the "Me-self" relates to the entities, locations, or
individuals that bear the designation of "mine"?

A. Material

B. Physical

C. Social

D. Spiritual
10. Looking at our sensations, they initially appear to be just random abstract concepts of what we
experienced or feel, unrelated to one another and containing no meaning. However, after beginning to
connect these sensations, these fragmented concepts would gradually begin to form a coherent image.
According to Kant, our minds are doing this all the time. What activity are we doing?

A. Socializing

B. Presenting ourselves to our peers.

C. Attributing our locus of control.

D. Meaning-constructing

11. What does consciousness signify according to phenomenologists such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty?

A. A dimension of our lived body

B. An objective entity separate from the body

C. An illusion that contains perceptions

D. All statements are true.

12. Which philosopher would provide the most fitting explanation for Renz's development of resilience
due to her upbringing? Her mother places significant emphasis on her academic performance but
remains empathetic towards her emotions, while her father enforces strictness in her social interactions
out of concern for her future. These experiences have shaped her into a resilient individual.

A. Rene Descartes

B. Gilbert Ryle

C. David Hume
D. Immanuel Kant

13. There are four stages of development of George Mead. Give me an example of a play stage.

A. Child dresses up as a doctor and pretends to do a “check-up” with a toy doll.

B. Child pretends to be a tree in a school play about the solar system.

C. Child engages in a structured learning activity with flashcards and worksheets.

D. Child participates in a competitive sports game with specific rules and teams.

14. According to George Herbert Mead, an American sociologist, the emergence of the self is a social
process. Which among the following is the correct sequence of the stages of development of self?
A. Preparatory stage, play stage, game stage

B. Game stage, play stage, preparatory stage

C. Preparatory stage, game stage, play stage

D. Game stage, preparatory stage, play stage

15. If we honestly and accurately examine our direct and immediate experience of ourselves, these
mind/body “problems” fall away. This statement belongs to?

a. Rene Descartes

b. Maurice Merleau-Ponty

c. Immanuel Kant

d. Charles Horton Cooley

16. What does the Taoism concept of "wu wei," as defined by Lao Tzu, which advocates for effortless
action and flowing with natural harmony, mean?

A. Laziness

b. Surrendering to challenges

C. Happy go lucky

D. Surrendering of one's will

17. In George Herbert Mead's model of self-development, when do individuals reach the stage where
they can engage in complex social activities, working together with others based on shared norms and
mutual expectations?

a. Generalized Other Stage

B. Preparatory Stage

C. Game Stage

D. Play Stage

18. According to Kant’s perspective

A. We construct our self.

B. There is no self.
C. We think therefore we exist.
D. We judge ourselves.
19. According to Hume’s perspective

A. We construct our self.

B. There is no self.
C. We think therefore we exist.
D. We judge ourselves.

20. In Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, human behavior is determined by all factors EXCEPT:
A. Personal
B. Behavior
C. Environment
D. Perseverance

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