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Q4 Lesson 4

Composing an Effective Paragraph

MELC: To compose effective paragraph

In secondary school, you'll be asked to write different
types of analytical responses such as a short answer
response or an essay response. To be successful at
these, you will need to understand the structure for
writing an analytical paragraph.

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of writing that

focuses on a particular point or idea followed by
evidence to support this idea. A standard essay will
require you to write three paragraphs, but you might
come across questions in class that ask you to write a
paragraph response.
Learning Objectives
This presentation will focus on the skills required so that students can achieve the

1. Define a paragraph
2.Identify the different principles in writing
an effective paragraphs
3.Write a paragraph
Answers may be computerized or handwritten in one whole
sheet of paper. Then, upload your output in the Gdrive
folder prepared by your class president.
• Upload the soft copy if computerized (PDF format) or
picture of your output if handwritten.
• Follow this file name:
Arrange the following sentences to form a well-organized idea by writing
nu,bers 1-5. Write 1 for the first sentence and 5 for the last:

____ The day we went up in Banahao is the day that I learned

that there can be a surprising difference in temperature
between the ground and the top of a mountain.
____ My most vivid memory from childhood is travelling to the
top of Mount Banahao.
____ It was warm on the ground that day, but it got colder and
colder the higher we went up to the mountain.
____ Indeed, it is my most unforgettable journey I ever had.
____ Also, the lush bushes add color to our journey.
Simple Paragraph Structure
Simple Paragraph Structure
A basic paragraph will have four main parts. These are:

Is a group of sentences organized to discuss a topic.


Presents the paragraph. It will serve as a guide for the writer to keep his or her writing
Topic under control.

Supporting Serve as the body of your paragraph. This is where you elaborate your topic by
Sentences/ including specific details or evidences.

Concluding Restates what the topic of the paragraph is all about.

There are three reasons why I prefer walking to other physical
Topic activities.

One reason is that walking can be done easily. I can do it

Supporting anywhere at any time with no need for any equipment. Also, I prefer
Sentences/ walking because it is good for the heart. I don’t have to do much
Details effort while walking.

Lastly, I prefer this physical activity because it is safe. It is

Concluding not as risky as other physical activities like swimming, racing or
Sentences biking. For all these reasons, I consider walking the best physical
activity of all.
Principles in Writing a Paragraph
Unity means that all sentences in the paragraph talk about one
central idea.

Coherence refers to the connection of ideas in the paragraph in

Coherence general .

Development refers to the principle when a paragraph describes,

elaborates, explains, and supports its topic sentence.
Based on the paragraphs below, identify the essential parts of the paragraph.
Activity 1
Read the sentences below. Identify the four sentences that are related to each
other. Then make a paragraph by organizing and rewriting the sentences.

1. Water bottles, milk jugs, product containers, shampoo bottles, and

other plastics are the things that we usually throw to the garbage.
Activity 2
2. There are so many simple and creative ways to recycle, reuse and
repurpose plastic items, and we will give you the ultimate guide on
how to do it.
3. However, many of us unknowingly throw away these plastic items that
can easily be reused of recycled instead.
4. First, we can use plastic containers in making pots for plants and
5. By doing this, we will realize that we can earn and save money by
recycling, reusing and repurposing plastic items.
6. Pollution is a result of human’s irresponsibility and abuses.
7. Also, we can recycle old newspapers and magazines by making paper
arts and creative handicrafts for decorations and even for business.
8. Also, we can sell plastic bottles to the junk shops for them to be
Your Turn

Remember, this is just a simple and general guide to help you

organise and structure your ideas.

Your paragraphs will look different, depending on the text

type, purpose, grade level and question you are addressing.

Good luck!

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