Shallow Water Safe Operation

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Prepared By:
Capt. Mohamed Sherif
SIMO provides guidelines for the approved procedures that must be followed during the marine operations inside the oil
field to ensure the safety of the crews and the offshore assets. We have highlight below some of the relevant instructions
that must be always followed. Every vessel have a copy of SIMO on board and every crewmwmber must be familiar with
this document and its content.
General Instructions
SIMO 7.1.1 Masters shall navigate at all times in accordance with the requirements of the International Rules and
Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGs)
SIMO 7.1.2 Shift changes between Bridge Watch keepers must be carried out formally and recorded in deck log book
with complete information on the vessel's position, course, speed, traffic and weather situation.
SIMO 7.1.5 Vessels route to be drawn on the field chart to ensure safe passage from IDB (Isolated Danger Buoys)
location and pipeline crossing in its vicinity.
SIMO 7.2.6 Masters must keep their Navigation Charts corrected and up to date. ECDIS should be used for reference
only but not as a main source of reference. Masters are instructed to make full utilization of the latest edition of the field
chart as provided by ADNOC Offshore and navigate their vessels with extreme caution in planning their route and while
executing their passage within the field.
a. Vessels operating within the Field Areas must not use their conventional anchors under any circumstances. There are
no exceptions to this Instruction. Anchors used in Field Areas must either be gravity block anchors or driven piles.
Area of reduced sounding

SIMO 7.6.1 Visual sighting of isolated danger buoys must be taken in strict consultation with field charts at all times.
Masters should take note that many of the pipelines in this area are not buried. Water depths are reduced by 1.5m (4.9 ft)
over pipelines in Field Areas.
SIMO 7.6.2 Pipeline Crossing Points. Several pipeline crossings exist within the Field Areas that reduce water depths by
2.74 m (9 ft). In addition, areas of reduced water depths extend up to 80 m (262.5ft) either side of these crossing points.
Masters should give these areas a wide berth at all times and bear in mind the reduced water depths. In all circumstances
the under-keel clearance must at all times be at least half the draft of the vessel having consideration for maximum wave
height and tide.
SIMO 7.6.5 Sounding Reduction, near Zakum Central water depths are less than charted by 2.7 m (8.9ft) from Chart
Datum at the jump-over point of the 30” flare line. An isolated danger buoy is located close southeast of the jump- over
and marks this obstruction. Masters shall keep away from this area at all times.
Vessels navigating in Zakum Shallow Water Areas

SIMO 7.6.3 Attention of Masters of vessels navigating in the shallow water area is drawn to ADNOC Offshore NTM No.
- Vessel speed to be reduced to avoid draft increase due to SQUAT effect.
- All vessels navigating within the shallow area must have a large scale of the latest edition of drawing ADNOC Offshore
A1-299-V-0002 1 & ADNOC Offshore AD102-27-BAT-602 (SCALE 1:25000).
- Vessel Route to be drawn on Field Chart (ADNOC Offshore A1-299-V-0002 1 & ADNOC Offshore AD102-27-BAT-
60237 1) SCALE 1:25000 to ensure safe passage around Isolated Danger Buoys in the areas and Pipeline crossings.
- Master’s and Mates to pay special attention to the Isolated danger Buoys location and their proximity to pipeline
crossing. Several are not placed directly over the isolated danger. They may be offset by a distance and some of them
are used as perimeter buoys.
- Zakum field draft and shallow water checklist to be obtained from MCC and filled in and resubmitted to
- MCC permission must be obtained prior to entry.
Vessels navigating in Zakum Shallow Water Areas

SIMO 7.6.3 Attention of Masters of vessels navigating in the shallow water area is drawn to ADNOC Offshore NTM No.
- Vessel speed to be reduced to avoid draft increase due to SQUAT effect.
- All vessels navigating within the shallow area must have a large scale of the latest edition of drawing ADNOC Offshore
A1-299-V-0002 1 & ADNOC Offshore AD102-27-BAT-602 (SCALE 1:25000).
- Vessel Route to be drawn on Field Chart (ADNOC Offshore A1-299-V-0002 1 & ADNOC Offshore AD102-27-BAT-
60237 1) SCALE 1:25000 to ensure safe passage around Isolated Danger Buoys in the areas and Pipeline crossings.
- Master’s and Mates to pay special attention to the Isolated danger Buoys location and their proximity to pipeline
crossing. Several are not placed directly over the isolated danger. They may be offset by a distance and some of them
are used as perimeter buoys.
- Zakum field draft and shallow water checklist to be obtained from MCC and filled in and resubmitted to MCC.
- MCC permission must be obtained prior to entry.
Vessels navigating in Zakum Shallow Water Areas

No Navigation Area identified and plotted in ADNOC Offshore ZK Charts. The area is enclosed by two borders:
- a1. South border From Asseifiya Island, ZK-38, IDB-R, ISD S, and Al Ghallan Island.
- a2. North border From Asseifiya Island, IDB-C, IDB-O, IDB-N, IDB-F, IDB-M, IDB-L, IDB-K and Al Ghallan Island.
- b. It is strictly prohibited for vessels to cross the above restricted area (pipelines corridor). Only special dedicated
marine units are allowed to operate in such restricted zone subject to risk assessment and valid dispensation /
permission from ADNOC Offshore marine authority and with clear communication and coordination with MCC at

Precautionary No Navigation
Area Area
BAD Examples: GOOD Examples:
- No navigation area not - Navigational area clearly
identified defined and colored
- No alarm settings set - Alarm settings set
- No clear boundary set - Clear boundary sent using all
navigational equipment.

1. Safe Speed inside the oil field.

- ADNOC offshore do not regulate vessel speed limitation inside the oil field but you should always remember the
COLREG rule No.6 “SAFE SPEED”. During day light hours there might be diving operations inside the oil field, heavy
traffic, towing, maintenance and survey operation, so always remember to proceed with safe speed and follow
instructions of MC Control which might request you to reduce the speed due to oil field operations and inbound
- Nighttime movement inside the oil field
generally not allowed, however with the nigh
time dispensation it might be permitted.
ADNOC offshore have clearly regulated the
vessels speed at nighttime which should not
exceed 5 knots.
- Remember to keep close coordination with
MC control and SSRV vessel during field
operation day and night and follow
instructions given by the field authority.

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