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The plastic bottle does not swell up.

Does that mean it's not

The botiles swell when carbon dioxide is generated by microbial
activities. Depending on the condition of the fermentation, it may
not always be generated. Even if there's no gas, fermentation is
taking place as long as it smells swest and sour. If a pH test paper No.1
shows 3.5 or below, it's ready to use.
I Let's start
We are dealing with live microbes, and there Is no specific “expiry
date." However, it is recommended to use it within 1 month after .
Activated EM-1 is ready, as it works better when the microbes are EM Llfe !
in top condition. If it starts smelling different, use it to clean toilets
or drain pipes. Diluted EM solution should be used up in a day.

What s the white film that appears on the surface of Activated EM-17
When there s air in the container, yeast gathers up to the suríace
and produces white film, but there is no problem using it. However,
being exposed to the air for a long time gradually changes the
quality. It is recommended to use it as soon as possible.

Contact your local EM Distributor about EM products, their application, and anything else about EM.
Find a distributor near you! — — —

Learn about EM!

Let's learn about EM! How does EM work? — |Controls harmful microbes and supports healthy microbes
Nilere comes EM /
Beneficial microbes contained
in EM and the effective
components they produce
What is EM? —[A group of beneficial microbes activate native microbes and
control harmful bacteria in soil
EM is a people-friendiy and environmentally safe and water. If good microbes
product that achieves synergistic effects by are dominant, they create
combining beneficial microorganisms which exist a happy environment for all
in nature, such as lactic acid bacteria, yeas and living creatures.
<Bad microbes are dominant>
phototrophic bacteria.

Basic EM products for your home

What can EM do? — [ It makes people, animals and the environment healthier |

Plants grow healthier and stronger

Foul odors are controlled, delicious
in rich soil! high-quality meat is produced!
EM acts as a supporter of Unpleasant odors are
beneficial microbes that exist reduced by spraying EM in Ready to use! Ready to usel Use straight S
natively in the soil. Soil the livestock barns. Adding For home cleaning or Expand!
EM to drinking water and and deodorizing kitchen garden Dr. Higa's Original for EM
becomes richer, plants grow
healthier and more resistant feed makes livestock grow
to diseases and harmful healthier and improves the EMW EM Garden EM-1 Molasses
insects. quality of meat and eggs. 500n£ 500£ 500£
— more on— — more on— — more on— — more on —
p3 p6, 7,9,12 p7,9,12
Plants grow healthier and stronger Your home becomes more
in rich soil! comfortable!

By applying EM into the EM decomposes the

seas and rivers, sludge will precursors of unpleasant
decompose, bad odors are smells and dirt, as well as
reduced, and aquatic life
preventing dust. Using EM
returns with greater
on a daily basis helps
beneficial microbes make
diversity. your home more
How to use EM — Housekeeping — De d e o] Fora 500ml sprayer — ] -EM diluted with water does
not last long. Dr ifthere is
Dilute EM 50 fold, and
any leftover and wash the
make "EM dilute solution”
v sprayer every day.
— Thisis only a guide. Measurements @ 1 Tablespoon
EMW v need not be precise.
Adjust the mixture according
The beneficial microbes in EM are very to your tools and working
effective in housekeeping applications space. N
such as cleaning, deodorization, and air
purification. EM decomposes dirt and foul ¢7 Clean regularly before it gets
smells, controls bad microbes, and helps lad | covered with heavy dirt. Spray
to create a comfortable space at home.
1 EM and wait. Wipe offafter a

Spray EM and wait,

Wipe after the dirtis Spray EM on kitchen
lifted up. waste to prevent
Let's try making Activated EM -1 Goto p7 unpleasant odors.
Step UP! Once you are familiar with EM, more details
Add a litte bit of EM
try expanding it yourself! when soaking dishes or
pans, and dirt will come
off easily.
Dilute EM | | Use EMto keep the table — Spray EM inside the fridge
in a sprayer. AB | clean every day. and wipe. Unpleasant smells
Spray andwipe 1-y * Y will be reduced.
with a dry y
Spray EM until wet,
and tap it witha Natural and
dry cloth. safe for children!

Sprey frequently on the cat's Spray plenty to

litterbox or the dog house. reduce unpleasant
Spray EM and wipe odors;
with a microfiber cloth
1o prevent dust.
Spray EM and mop
lightiy. The floor wil Spray EM generously or ; — Spray inside the car to ñ
shine when you clothes with unwanted remove smells such as
continue mopping ‘smells like sweat or ] cigaretes and sweat.
cigarettes, and you can Spray on the car body ..5 Pour 200ml* of
witn EM.
barely smell them the and windows, too, and undiluted solution in
next day. wipe of: the bathtub. It will be
easier to get rid of
=—=——=— scum and slime.
Soak laundry in EM
overnight, and dirt and e
smells will come off Spray EM in and
Wiping home Spray EM until wetand — more easily ourside ofthe toilet
applinces with a dry them outin the sun. bowl leave itfora
damp cloth will The blankets will be while, and wipe off
prevent dirt and dust. extra fluffy. EM will neutralize and
decompose ammonia Adjst ee st
and dirt. Ae re bo
How to use EM Garden / Activated EM- 1
How to use EM — Home Gardening—
> v
O Dilute EM 500 fold" to make s 1
“EM dilute solution” 1 Tablespoon c [
*EM :Water = 1: 500 -
Use a sprayer to
This is only a guide. Measurements Fora 6 ¢ watering can spray on leaves
EM Garden
EM Garden contains live microbes need not be precise.
which exist in nature, such as lactic @ Sprinkle EM dilute solttion onto soil and plants with watering cans.
acid bacteria, yeast, and phototro-
phic bacteria, as well as nutrients
which help plants grow healthy, such
as organic acids, amino acids, and every dey insurmer E
minerals. once or twice/weekn w| —
Beneficial microbes create healthy
environments for plants, making it Water plenty (until water Mizuna . lettuce
hard for them to get sick, enhance
their photosynthetic ability, and help comes out from the experiment!
vegetables taste more delicious. bottom of the planters).

N Challenge! / once or twice/week

ExpandFJVl at home Foliar
spray ) - Spray the front and the
Let's try making Activated EM-1 Go to p7
back of the leaves where
pests tend to attach. It
for keeps the plants healthy.
Step UPla Once you are famili more details
ar with EM,
try expanding it yourself!
when necessary
When you apply fully
Expected Effects matured compost or
humus on the soil surface,
spray plenty of EM all
Y Plants grow healthier ! over.
EM increases the number of beneficial microbes in
soil. As a result, putrefactive bacteria and pests @ essentials for plant growth
decrease, and plants grow healthier.
Seed and compost alone won't make plants grow. They need the help of

) Tastes even yummier ! beneficial microbes to grow up.

\\ //“/ > \
In rich soil, plants do not get pests easily and do not \ Health
need chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Vegetables ,4&; soil like | Falycompost,
m'“"s\ —| plant A
grown without agrochemicals taste sweeter and richer. culturesoll |\ humus, |

Y Vivid colors!
Flowers bloom more vividly and leaves start to shine.
Your flowerbeds will look even more beautiful. You can
also enjoy the flowers longer.
Fermented organic matier
Good soil like fuly matured compost ERE
Expand EM!

Expand EM ! º How much does it expand?

You can make 1 bottle into 20-bottles worth.

º What does it mean to "expand EM" ?

By feeding the microbes in EM, they become

3 — 0000000000
active and increase their number.

1 bottle of EM-1(500mi) can make about 20 bottles

(500ml) of Activated EM-1.
The quality s not exactly the same as EM-1, but it works in the
same way as EM-1

EM -1 is a basic product consisting of 3 kinds of beneficial

microbes that live symbiotically. The microbes in EM- 1,
with some feed, work actively and increase their number . º Why do you have to expand it?

It is best to give feed that contains

sugar, amino acids, and minerals in good balance.

Experiencing the effects and comfortableness of EM makes

Amino acids
=— Minerals you want to use EM wherever and whenever possible. In
Molassess doing so, you can save money by expanding EM at home.
Molassess is a byproduct of sugarcane. It contains not only
of sugar, but also amino acids and minerais in good
balance, thus it is the best feecstock for EM.
Enjoy expanding EM and start a happy EM life!
to m
Activated EM-1 Recipe® Activated EM-1
on (10 min
Molasses feed

Activated EM-1 Use —

Kitchen Garden W r r
This recipe is for Basic Activated EM, made Deodorant — r d
with EM-1 and molasses. Use it for kitchen Cleaning — Y Y
garden, deodorant, cleaning, and everything
Put molasses into a bowl and Pour the liquid into a plastic Close the cap tightly and
What to prepare add warm water (500ml) . Stir — bottle using a funnel. Add the shake.
rest of the warm water
until dissolved.
1 24 plastic botle (see the chart for oher sizes.) (1300mb),
and add EM-1.
Choose the size
to fit your lifestyle a Fermentation-Storage(1 — 3weeks

Stains become hotbeds

of unwanted bacteria. Make Make sure to use strong |
sure to wash the bottle containers.
thoroughly before use.

Standard size for plenty of uses

= After fermentation
2 Warmwater 182 EM-1 — 100n£
(40°C: about the temparature of shower water) Molasses 100m2 *Store in a cool place and
Water — 1.82 avoid direct sunlight.
Place the bottle in a warm place When the fermentation is active, 4Continue to deflate if gas is
Itis ideal if the liquid is indoors and keep the liquid generated gas inflates the still generated.
38°C after mixing all El Perfect for small temparature at 25°Cor more bottle. Make sure to let it burp
the ingredients. households (ideally 38°C). occasionally.
50me — andMolassesis always in Winter—— ——— C
CheakS 1Y
Molasses 50me á %) Let it ferment in wamm places, such as... 3 Check pH with a test paper.
3 EMI 4 Molasses Water _900m¢ @ In the bathtub - € By the sunlit windows It should be pH3.5 or below.
1008 100n2 — ofthebottle
@ Somewhere with thermal effect
To carry with you!
EM-1 - 25 Water Temperature VS. the Number of Days %
Molasses 25me
Water — 4500£ The number of- days required — Not suitable
fementation Suitable
“al Can't ferment
25%) (25'C~40C) (40°C or above)
for fermentation varies | o
depending on the water
The organic acids produced by -
microbes are effective for AOJT u
deodorizing, cleaning, and plant IC 38400 is the temperature
growth. The above recipe shows at which the mibrobes in EM
the suggested blend ratio to become active in better
produce encugh organic acids. balance and make
measuring cup bowl funnel
high-quality Activated EM-1.

Activated EM-1 Recipe @ E What to prepare

Fermented Rice-rinsed Water

Utilize the water left out after rinsing rice, amd reduce
waste. Use it o activate EM- 1 and save the environ-
Kitchen Garden W
Deodorant — r r
1 24 plastic bottle

Sk et

Riceinsed water

Use rice water —

Clean water Z/5
Rice water — Y,
immediately, as it EM-1 Y
ment! Cleaning — r r Yr beciera. Make easily goes bad when i ;”
i lolasses
bottle ihoroughly
before use. CEE »
'erment the rice-rinsed water? $ $
o . ” The above ratio
larm water n
el 4 EM-1 157 Molasses Other utensils works for bottles
s DO I e MY | 100me of different sizes
Change a waste product into a source of purification. 68 in winter as well.
The rice-rinsed water, which is 800n£
usually drained out, burdens the
Odors in the Good microbes waste water treatment tanks at bowl
pipes disappear help treat the sewage plants. Instead of pouring
waste water it into the pipe, you can ferment
with EM to change it into a
& saurcs of purification! Not only measuring cup — fumnel ‘
will it clean the household, but it
will help reduce the burden on How to make it
— the environment.

Fermentation helps more! 1
starch (carbohydrate)
Fresh rice-rinsed water is difficult to handle as it goes
bad easily due to the nutrients it contains. Fermenting amins
it with EM tums it into something better that can be minerals — and moro Pour the rice-rinsed water into a Dissolve molasses into warm Add EM- 1, close the cap
used for cleaning or watering the flowers. botile. (Up to 1 £ at the right *¿Váºlgººº"” and addto the yopyy and shake.
temparature.) -
youseho, -xchen
e c_¿º U 3

Powerful Plant — S
Cleaning Growth 4

*Store in a cool place and

avoid direct sunlight.
*Continue to deflate if gas is
still generated.
Rice-derived oil is effective at Rice-derived componets and the good ——
Check ¢
removing dust. Use it to mop the microbes in EM work together to activate Place the bottle in a warm place When the fermentation is active, Check pH with a test paper.
floors and corridors, and they will the good microbes in soil, which help indoors and keep the liquid at gas inflates the bottle. Make
shine with a sparkle! plants grow strenger and healthier. 25°C or higher (ideally 38C). sure to let it burp occasionally. It should be pH3.5 or below.
¡ Rolor .1 for ormentation period.

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