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STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings

1 In a rush/hurry vội vã

2 Spend time Waste time dành thời gian lãng phí thời gian

3 At an ungodly hour vào lúc rất muộn/sớm

4 Time-management quản lí thời gian

5 Not sleep a wink không chợp mắt được, không ngủ

tí nào

6 In advance trước

7 Amount of time số thời gian

8 Grueling schedule lịch dày đặc

9 Time-consuming tasks công việc tốn thời gian

10 Slow and steady wins the race chậm mà chắc

11 Establish a timeline lập thời gian biểu

12 Leave things to the last minute để nước đến chân mới nhảy

13 Meet the deadline hoàn thành một công việc nào đó

đúng thời hạn (được giao)

14 Rush hour giờ cao điểm

15 Solid hours liên tục, không gián đoạn

16 From dawn till dusk từ sáng sớm tinh mơ đến tận


17 Spare/free time thời gian rảnh rỗi

18 Cut back on one’s hours giảm giờ làm việc

19 Free up some time giải phóng thời gian

20 Better late than never thà muộn còn hơn không

21 On the spur of the moment bất ngờ, không chuẩn bị trước

22 Once in a blue moon hiếm khi

23 For the time being trong thời gian này

24 For a moment/while một lát, một chốc

25 In broad daylight giữa ban ngày, lộ liễu

26 Against the clock chạy đua với thời gian

27 The time is ripe thời gian/ thời cơ đã chín muồi

28 Time and tide waits for no man thời gian không chờ đợi ai

29 Time flies like an arrow thời gian thấm thoắt như thoi đưa

30 Better safe than sorry cẩn tắc vô áy náy

31 For good = forever mãi mãi

32 Day in, day out hết ngày này sang ngày khác

33 In a row liên tiếp

34 Behind time muộn

Behind the times lạc hậu, lỗi thời

35 On time đúng giờ

In time (for) kịp giờ
In no time rất nhanh
In any time bất cứ khi nào
At that time vào lúc đó
At all times luôn luôn

36 For a long time khoảng thời gian dài

At short notice =In a short time trong thời gian rất ngắn

37 Time after time lần này đến lần khác

38 Pressed for time không có nhiều thời gian, vội

39 Make good time làm điều gì đó nhanh hơn bạn


40 In the nick of time sát giờ

41 Once in a while = from time to time thi thoảng

42 Once upon a time = long time ago ngày xửa ngày xưa

43 At the meantime đồng thời ,cùng lúc

44 Take time cứ từ từ

45 Out of time không đúng lúc; không đúng nhịp

46 An early bird một người quen dạy sớm

A night owl một người thích thức khuya

47 Call it a day nghỉ ngơi

48 Beat the clock hoàn thành việc gì trước thời hạn

49 Lose track of time quên mất thời gian

50 As plain as day rất rõ ràng, dễ thấy, dễ hiểu

51 Step by step từng bước một

Exercise 21: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
Question 1: I couldn’t stand doing the same things day in, day out for months. I’d go
A. every single day B. every other day
C. time after time D. from time to time
Question 2: It's as plain as_______that they like each other - they've been flirting all
A. year B. month C. day D. night
Question 3: I’m sorry but I can't cancel my plans at such short notice.
A. in the nick of time B. long time ago
C. once upon a time D. in a short time
Question 4: Your supervisor informs me that you've been late for work four days in
a_______. Is there a particular problem we can help you with?
A. second B. row C. minute D. moment
Question 5: We managed to_______the clock and get everything finished in time.
A. beat B. score C. hit D. shoot
Question 6: We made_______time. It only took US an hour to get here.
A. perfect B. exact C. good D. accurate
Question 7: She was so engrossed in her book she lost all_______of time.
A. indication B. hint C. track D. trace
Question 8: In several countries, especially in Scandinavia, early birds are called A-people
and night_______are called B-people.
A. owls B. bats C. rats D. angles
Question 9: The noise of the traffic always wakes me up at an_______hour.
A. god B. godly C. ungodly D. golden
Question 10: He had complained of exhaustion after his_______schedule over the past
A. gruelling B. solid C. concrete D. certain
Question 11: I need to_______up some time this weekend to finish the report.
A. take B. free C. make D. give
Question 12: You're never going to be a star if you keeping singing_______like that.
A. out of date B. out of stock C. out of time D. out of print
Question 13: I stayed up until 4AM for the English exam and when I finally did lie down I
couldn't sleep a_______.
A. wink B. pink C. sink D. shrink
Question 14: Joy only had a little bit of time to spend sewing every day, but she worked
steadily and soon had finished a beautiful quilt. Slow and steady wins the_______.
A. contest B. race C. match D. trace
Question 15: Without extra help, it's going to be very difficult to_______the Friday
A. make B. watch C. see D. meet
Question 16: We left later than we were supposed to, so it was a race_______the clock to
get to the airport on time.
A. for B. with C. against D. along
Question 17: Let's just stay focused on this for the time being. We can address other issues
later in the meeting.
A. at the present B. in any time C. at that time D. at all times
Question 18: We hadn't planned to go away - it was one of those spur-of-the-
A. second B. moment C. minute D. hour
Question 19: I have to work from dawn to_______on the farm so as to earn money to raise
my three growing children.
A. dusk B. dark C. dim D. moon
Question 20: If I weren't so_______for time, I could help you.
A. embarrassed B. confused C. pressed D. stressed

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