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STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings

1 An impressive accomplishment thành tựu/thành tích ấn tượng

2 Phenomenal success thành công ngoạn mục

3 A highly effective way một cách có hiệu quả cao

4 A dramatic improvement cải thiện đáng kể

5 An unprecedented success một thành công chưa từng có

6 Crowning achievement Remarkable thành tựu quan trọng nhất thành tựu
achievement đáng kể

7 Modest success thành công hạn chế/nhất định

8 Room for improvement còn có khả năng cải tiến

9 Make good progress tiến bộ

10 Make a breakthrough đột phá

11 Bring out the best mang những điều tốt nhất đến

12 Win the respect of sb giành được sự tôn trọng/cảm tình của


13 Fail miserably thất bại thảm hại

14 Dash one's hopes làm cho ai đó từ bỏ hi vọng

15 Lose one's nerve mất tự tin

16 Completely fail thất bại hoàn toàn

17 Mediocre performance màn thể hiện không có gì đặc biệt

18 Without fail chắc chắn, nhất định

19 A recipe for disaster rủi ro

20 Way off the mark không đúng, thiếu chính xác

21 Doomed to failure tất phải thất bại

.22 If all else fails = If worse comes to worst nếu mọi cách không được/ tình
huống xấu nhất

23 As a last resort giải pháp cuối cùng

24 Dress for success mặc đẹp để thành công

25 Key to success chìa khóa thành công

26 (Be a) howling success một cái gì đó trong hiện tại hoặc quá
khứ đã rất thành công

27 Hit a home run hoàn thành xuất sắc

28 Rags to riches chỉ những người tay trắng làm nên sự

nghiệp lớn

29 Bear fruit trồng cây đến ngày hái quả

30 See the light at the end of the tunnel kiên trì ắt sẽ thành công

31 No pain no gain có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim

32 You have got to be in it to win it! không thử sao biết!

33 It’s in the bag trong tầm tay

34 A success story người (cái gì) rất thành công (nhất là

bất ngờ hoặc đứng trước nhiều khó

35 Have/enjoy/achieve a huge/great success có/đạt được thành công lớn/rực rỡ

in doing st trong việc gì...

36 Meet the need of/demand for st đáp ứng nhu cầu về

37 Stimulate/promote the development of thúc đẩy/kích thích sự phát triển


Exercise 24: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
Question 1: I am going to_______for success and put on my best suit for the interview.
A. dress B. put on C. wear D. clothe
Question 2: Because the first iPhone was a revolutionary product, it became
A. rowing B. rowling C. howling D. bowling
Question 3: The new movie they are making is about rags to_______story and how the
main character overcame all of the problems he faced.
A. richly B. rich C. enrichment D. riches
Question 4: It took a while for US to get new clients but we can see the light at the end of
A. channel B. tunnel C. canal D. cave
Question 5: Did you see that great prize? I hope you bought your raffle ticket because
you've got to be in it to_______it!
A. win B. get C. have D. make
Question 6: It was a difficult question, but I really feel like a hit_______run with it.
A. house B. home C. nest D. land
Question 7: Eventually her efforts_______fruit and she got the job she wanted.
A. produced B. created C. bore D. made
Question 8: Her company is a rare_______story in these times of recession.
A. successive B. successful C. succeed D. success
Question 9: A lot of manufacturing companies have been trying to make products that
can_______the demand of people.
A. meet B. see C. find D. notice
Question 10: Modern technology can stimulate the development of a variety of things,
especially education.
A. enhance B. promote C. force D. encourage
Question 11: If all else fails, I'll have to sell the car.
A. Without fail B. You have got to be in it to win it
C. It’s in the bag D. If worse comes to worst
Question 12: Although Samantha is very ambitious, she’s also a very likeable person. She
brings out the_______in other people, and quickly wins the _______respect of colleagues.
A. finest/love B. warmest/regard
C. best/respect D. nicest/wish
Question 13: He wanted to be a doctor, but his teachers told him he wasn't smart enough,
dashing his hopes of a career in medicine.
A. making good progress B. making him abandon hope
C. making a breakthrough D. making an effort
Question 14: He had the opportunity to do a prestigious internship in another country, but
he lost his nerve and turned down the offer.
A. temper B. mood C. spirit D. courage
Question 15: His sales predictions were way off the mark, and the company went under
just eight months after it was founded.
A. completely inaccurate B. completely false
C. completely untrue D. completely wrong
Question 16: Efforts to reduce teen pregnancy through better sex education have
A. average B. modest C. ordinary D. normal
Question 17:I made a real_______in my English when I started practicing listening more
A. breakdown B. breakover C. breakthrough D. breakout
Question 18: I'm not a complete pacifist; I just believe war should be the last_______.
A. option B. prospect C. resort D. choice
Question 19: There's a lot of_______for improvement in his writing skills.
A. area B. room C. space D. land
Question 20: The operation was doomed to failure from the word_______.
A. go B. start C. begin D. now

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