Lesson 25

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STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings

1 Cause damage gây thiệt hại

2 Cause a problem gây ra một vấn đề

3 Cause confusion gây nhầm lẫn

4 Cause an uproar gây náo động, gây 'ôn ào

5 Cause death gây chết người

6 Cause for concern/alarm gây lo ngại

7 No cause for alarm không có gì phải lo/sợ

8 Fight for the just cause chiến đấu cho chính nghĩa

9 Main/primary cause nguyên nhân chính

10 Hidden/underlying causes nguyên nhân tiềm ẩn

11 Root cause nguyên nhân sâu xa

12 Show cause trình bày lý do

13 Be for/in a good cause làm từ thiện, không vì lợi ích lợi

nhuận, lí do chính đáng

14 Make common cause with theo phe ai, về bè với ai

15 With/without good cause có/không có lý do chính đáng

16 Final cause mục đích, cứu cánh

17 Revolutionary cause sự nghiệp cách mạng

18 A significant impact/a profound impact tác động sâu sắc

19 Have a strong/great effect/influence on có ảnh hưởng lớn

20 Under the influence chịu ảnh hưởng của, do ảnh

hưởng của

21 Exercise one’s influence on sb gây ảnh hưởng đối với ai, phát
huy ảnh hưởng đối với ai

22 A person of influence người có thế lực, người có tầm

ảnh hưởng

23 Powerful effect hiệu ứng/ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ

Minimal/negligible effect hiệu quả ít / không đáng kể

24 Beneficial effect ảnh hưởng có lợi

Adverse effect ảnh hưởng xấu

25 Main effect Side effect tác dụng chính

tác dụng phụ

26 Have/produce results có kết quả

27 Short-term/long-term effects ảnh hưởng tạm thời/lâu dài

28 Ill effects tác dụng có hại

29 For effect = in order to impress people gây ấn tượng

30 Bring/put st into effect = cause st to come làm cho cái gì trở thành sự thật
into use

31 Come into effect có hiệu lực thi hành

32 Come into use bắt đầu được sử dụng

Go out of use ngừng sử dụng

33 Take effect có hiệu lực, có tác dụng

34 It stands to reason that thật là hợp lý là..., điều đó là hiển


35 In consequence (of st) hậu quả của cái gì

36 Of no consequence không quan trọng

37 The final result kết quả cuối cùng

38 Inevitable result kết quả tất yếu

39 The desired result kết quả như mong đợi

40 The logical outcome kết quả hợp lý

41 To this effect vì mục đích đó

42 As a result of bởi vì
As a result do đó, do vậy

43 Get a result from có kết quả từ

44 Suffer/face/take the consequences of gánh chịu hậu quả của

Exercise 25: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
Question 1: An earthquake has caused extensive_______in the countryside.
A. damage B. defects C. uproar D. effect
Question 2: The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise
money for a good cause.
A. in consequence B. in a good cause
C. as a result D. under the influence
Question 3: Environmental protesters have_______common cause with local people to stop
the motorway being built.
A. had B. done C. taken D. made
Question 4: Parents are concerned about the_______effects of kids playing violent video
A. long-span B. long-term C. long-time D. long run
Question 5: Paulo Coelho's books have had a_______impact on my life.
A. profound B. reflective C. thorough D. great
Question 6: The increase in gang violence in the neighborhood is cause for alarm.
A. tension B. anxiety C. concern D. worry
Question 7: Many Vietnamese people devoted all their lives to the revolutionary_______.
A. reason B. reasons C.causes D.cause
Question 8: The medication I'm taking has a few unpleasant_______effects.
A. border B. side C. lateral D. negative
Question 9: The singer caused a huge_______when he announced he was leaving the band.
A. uproar B. damage C. death D. confusion
Question 10: We need to find the_______cause of our employees' lack of motivation.
A. base B. origin C. root D. roof
Question 11: It's not my fault. He got angry with me without_______cause, so there is no
need for me to say apology.
A. reasonable B. suitable C. nice D. good
Question 12: The very earliest sculptures were made under the_______of Greek art.
A. impact B. influence C. effect D. affect
Question 13: The company's financial problems are the_______result of years of poor
A. inevitable B. inflexible C. irresistible D. invisible
Question 14: She is getting married to a boy whose father is a person of_______.
A. status B. position C. influence D. power
Question 15: Jock paused_______effect, his eyes glinting over his glass as he took another
A. on B. at C. in D. for
Question 16: Bill had not been working very hard during the course. As a result, he failed
the exams.
A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Now that D. In case
Question 17: This issue is really of no consequence to the board, so let's please skip it for
the sake of everyone's time.
A. unimportant B. unreasonable C. inconvenient D. unsuitable
Question 18: It_______to reason that a city like Los Angeles, which is home to so many of
the famous people, would have an Association of Celebrity.
A. causes B. leads C. stands D. comes
Question 19: These changes in the economic policy come into_______at the start of next
A. effect B. use C. public D. will
Question 20: He cited a Chinese proverb to this effect that you should never have a quarrel
with your neighbour.
A. explain B. to mention C. to refer D. to imply

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