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Research Questions:

A Regional Office would like to determine the relationship of Job Burnout Performance Evaluation.

Respondents: Employees from the different field offices.

1) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: (Frequency counts stat)
1.1 gender
1.2 marital status;
1.3 rank;
1.4 job satisfaction level;
1.5 burnout level (job burnout & emotional exhaustion);
1.6 work performance evaluation?

2) What is the burnout level of the respondents?

MEAN 73.85333333

Stand. Deviation 16.5242903

Qualititative Dsec. Low Amount of Stress

3) What is the work performance evaluation level of the respondents?

4) Is there a significant difference in the job satisfaction level when grouped according to:
5.1 gender
5.2 marital status
5.3 rank
5.4 burnout level?

5) Is there a significant difference in the work performance evaluation when grouped according to:
6.1 gender
6.2 marital status
6.3 rank
6.4 burnout level?

7) Is there are relationship between burnout level and job satisfaction level?

8) Is there are relationship between burnout level and work performance?

1st Rqt.

Solve with Excel and do an analysis with your insights and citations for

R.P. #s 1-3

Show your table and give the references

Email 2docs

Word doc –Table.Analysis Reference

Excel doc – result of your data analysis

March 8, 2016, 11:59 PM.

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