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A research proposal

Presented to:

Faculty of Senior High School

Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for

Practical Research II

Caingcoy, Meldred

Cancela, Ella Anthonette

Catipunan, Rogelio

Ecleo, Maria Chrissa

Pabua, Maria Jenelyn

Martinez, Sofia Marie

Obena, Daisy Rose

Peninsula, Ericson

Rivera, Oliver

October 2018



Teenagers are no longer content to play like children but don’t yet have the knowledge
and experience to be fully engaged in adult pursuits. Youth is one of the most precious periods of
a person’s life, and yet one of the most difficult. Some of them think the rebellion is a way to
escape the pressure. According to Merriam Webster (2018), Rebellion is an opposition to one in
authority or dominance. It also mentioned there that plenty of teenagers’ rebel against their
parents in all kinds of ways.

Although the young person thinks rebellion is an act of independence, it actually never is.
It is really an act of dependency. Rebellion causes the young person to depend self-definition and
personal conduct on doing the opposite of what other people want. That's why the antidote for
rebellion is the true independence offered by creating and accepting a challenge - the young
person deciding to do something hard with themselves for themselves in order to grow
themselves. The teenager who finds a lot of challenges to engage with, and who has parents who
support those challenges, doesn't need a lot of rebellion to transform or redefine him or herself
in adolescence.

To what degree a young person needs to rebel varies widely. Frank Sulloway "Born to
Rebel" (1997), Frank Sulloway posits that later born children tend to rebel more than first born.
Some of his reasoning is because they identify less with parents, do not want to be clones of the
older child or children who went before, and give themselves more latitude to grow in
nontraditional ways. So, parents may find later born children to be more rebellious.

From what researchers have observed in counseling, rebellion tends to have different
roles in a young person's growth depending in which stage of adolescence it is expressed. Stage
by adolescent stage, then, here is how rebellion seems to function.

As for example from The Rebel of the Bible (Numbers 16, NIV Bible), Korah and his
neighbors oppose the leadership of muses. As part of their development into young adults they
believed that humans must develop an identity separate from the community and their family.
Naturally causing them to be independent in decision making specifically. In this generation the
student on their teenage years build their own decisions and trying new things to discover, to fit
in. They make such experiments on developing or finding an identity. Teenage rebellion has
been recognized within psychology as a set of behavioral traits that supersede classes, culture or
race some psychologies however, have disputed the universality of the phenomenon. There are
lot of reason and cause to a teenager to engage in rebellion. So adolescent rebellion is not simply
a matter of parental aggravation; it is also a matter of concern (Carl E. Pickhardt Ph.D. 2009).

Rebellion isa strong emotion that researchers’ firmly believe builds from the parents’ lack
of attention and having a strong feeling of disagreement with people in authority. Refusing to
obey rules of people who are in authority or to accept normal standards of the community
causing these students to be rebellious.

According to American SPCC (2005) many “teenagers” have to endure abuse, neglect,
and other types of bad parenting practices each day. And this leads to serious emotional and
behavioral problems that affect them throughout the rest of their life. Because of this, a great
debate has started on how much the parents of children who end up being violent and aggressive
are to blame for their behavior. This shows serious matter and negative event specially for the
teens or youth involve as well as their parents and the relationship between. The researchers
believe on what Jose Rizal says that “Youth is the hope of future”. That’s why the researchers
conduct this research to provide new information and background about the topic, to gathered
new data and present it as contribution for the fellow researchers. This also aimed to find and
offer potential solutions to the problems. The researchers conducted the study through survey
inside the school of Our Lady of Fatima University to the selected fifty (50) Senior high

Objective of the Study

The study aims to know if the real reason of senior high school students’ rebellion is the
lack of attention of the people surrounds them and also to achieve the objective:

To knowledge more people about the real reason why senior high school students rebel.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Academic Strand

1.4 Grade Level

2. What is the level of Lack of Attention experienced by the respondents?

3. What is the level of Rebellion Tendency of the respondents?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of Lack of Attention experienced

by the respondents when they are grouped according to their demographic profile?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of Rebellion Tendency of the

respondents when they are grouped according to their demographic profile?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the level of Lack of Attention and Rebellion
Tendency of the respondents?

HO: There is no significant relationship between the Level of Lack of attention

experienced by the respondents when they are grouped according to their demographic profile.

HO: There is no significant relationship between the rebellion tendency of the

respondents when they are grouped according to their demographic profile.

HO: There is no significant relationship between the level of lack of attention and
rebellion tendency of the respondents.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will mainly identify and asses the lack of attention as one of the factor that
affect the students’ tendency to be in a rebellious state. Researchers expect to answer the
statement of the problem. This research will use a survey to the selected 50 students of senior
high inside the school of Our Lady Of Fatima University. It includes the demographic profile of
respondents such as age, gender and strand. And last, this research aims to see the level of the
variables as correlated. Therefore, the study does not include the other factor that may cause for a
Senior High student to engage in rebellious act and the other things that has not been mention.
This state steer the researchers to transcend and seek things that are running around the circle.
And as per our perusals on their inspections, it really shows that their different point of views
come in different ways but meets on the other way around. And it becomes the key to another
door of questions to be opened and answers to be discovered.
Significance of the study

This study is significant to the following to set awareness and understand the possible
effects of lack of attention.

Students. To let them know how important it is to inform people about what and how
they feel for them to be guided and avoid rebellion.

Parents. To inform how important it is to have communication and good relationship

with their children, and emphasize the value of giving attention even in small matter to let their
children feel that they are loved. Through this, it will somehow set awareness so they will be
able to guide their children well.

Teacher. To inform them how important it is to know the feelings of their students. And
to avoid some cases that leads a student to rebel.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined as it was used in the study:

Conceptual Definition

Rebellion. Referred to an opposition to one in authority or dominance. (Merriam

Webster, 2018)

Student. Referred to a person who attends a school, college, or university. (Merriam

Webster, 2018)

Teenager. Relating to people who are between 13 and 19 years old. (Merriam Webster,

Rebellious. Refusing to obey rules or authority or to accept normal standards or

behavior. (Merriam Webster, 2018)
Attention. The act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching
someone or something. (Merriam Webster, 2018)

Parents. Referred to a person who is a mother or father: a person who has a child
(Merriam Webster, 2018)

Operational Definition

Student. It refers to a person who can be a respondent of the study.

Teenagers. It refers to the respondents if they encountered the problem of being


Rebellious. It refers to the Dependent Variable of the student. It is some cases why some
teenager rebel because of their parents who doesn’t give them enough attention.

Attention. It refers to the Independent Variable of the study. It is the reason why some
teenagers are rebellious.

Parents. It refers to the person who doesn’t give enough time to their children that’s why
some of them are rebellious.


The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, understanding,
ideas and different development related to the study. This chapter presents the related literature
and studies after the thorough and in-depth search done by the researchers.

Foreign Literature

According to Secure Teens, the possible causes of teen rebellion (2017) teens may do
anything to garner attention. They love when someone pays attention to their appearance, to their
actions, and to their lifestyle. They want people to notice them, and they’d do anything to seek
attention. Lack of attention from parents can cause them to seek attention from wrong people in
many wrong ways. For instance, teen girls, when not getting positive attention at home, would
go out and seek solace from her peers. They might influence her negatively; guide her on the
wrong path and ask her to do all the bad things.

According to Carl E. Pickhardt (2009) many high school rebellions that I see occur as a
result of delayed adolescence, the young person dramatically rebelling at last to liberate himself
or herself from childhood dependency on parental approval for always being the "good child."

Amy Bobrow, PhD (2008), stated that teen crime statistics have stabilized, although they
have taken a different twist. "We're finding that girls are involved in the same crimes as boys are,
like armed robbery,"

According to David Elkind, Ph.D. (2010), in an article on WebMD, “Teenagers: Why Do

They Rebel?” (Written by Jeanie Lerche Davis and reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD), the
prefrontal cortex is developing during the teen years. Teens are now able to construct ideas and
form opinions, and much to parental dismay, generally these opinions are in direct opposition to
their own. In other words, the teenager is flexing his new muscles (so to speak) as he learns new
skills and abilities on his way to becoming a full-fledged, responsible adult. Teenage angst may
not be a new problem, but it’s a fact that the societal pressure of many firsts (alcohol, drugs, sex)
comes earlier than with previous generations. Peer pressure on these fronts used to come at the
ages of 17 or 18, when teens were better equipped to make sound judgment calls. “Now,” Elkind
says, “they’re getting pressure at 13 and 14, when they’re too young to resist. It’s not that child
development has changed, it’s that the demands are coming at earlier ages.”

Valerie F. Reyna (2006) stated that this network is utilized by the adult authority, but is
overthrown in adolescents by the stronger socio-emotional network. From the point of view of a
cognitive psychologist, a large factor in teenage rebellion is the natural early development of the
socio-emotional network

According to Denis Campbell (2006) Leading the young ages to neglect their parents’
values. Moving towards future they learn how to smoke, getting involved in bullying and a
student who ditched his or her classes, at an increasingly volume of younger generation is now
starting to disappear when they are as young as 9-10 “teenager” at this bracket of age
increasingly likely to dislike and disrespect what they see as parental restrictions.

Local literature

Valerie F. Reyna (2006) stated that this network is utilized by the adult authority, but is
overthrown in adolescents by the stronger socio-emotional network. From the point of view of a
cognitive psychologist, a large factor in teenage rebellion is the natural early development of the
socio-emotional network.

As stated by Berlin Domingo (2018) Teenage rebellion usually happens when the
youngsters feel pressured by their elders’ strict parenting ways. Parents can’t be blamed, as well.
They have been there so most likely they are just protecting their children. However, the youth
can’t see it that way. For them, their parents are being too unreasonable or maybe, the latter is
indeed acting too irrational. That’s why teenagers think that their parents might not notice
because it does contribute to growing maturity, normal rebellion (Increasing independence)
should not only be expected by parents it is actually desirable. Adolescent rebellion begins as a
result of the desire for independence. It is a developmental norm. In fact, if some have the
sneaking suspicion that teenage rebellion may be inevitable, they re-right. Pretty much every
teenager will test the limits and even cross the line at one time or another. Of course, there are
varying degrees of rebellion one parent’s ´rebellious child may be another parent’s dream child.
Nevertheless, even the best-behaved child will go the wrong way at some point.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: The diagram shows the conceptual framework of the study, where in the figure
illustrate the relationship of lack of attention into rebellion tendency from the respondents. It
shows that the lack of attention causes to rebellion tendency of the respondents. It also
showcases at this figure how the respondents experience lack of attention and how does it lead to
rebellion tendency. This conceptual framework is the concept organize in a manner that make the
audience to understand easier on the related topic.

Research Paradigm

The Researcher's The Researchers The Researchers are

respondents must be 17 will conduct a study base looking forward to know if
years old or above and on what will be the results the cause of Rebellion
senior high school students of the survey Tendency of Senior High
of Our Lady of Fatima School Students is the Lack of
University Attention of their parents.

Figure2: In this diagram the researchers had gave an important idea and insights of what
this study will be. The researchers introduce the input that means it is needed respondents and its
demographic profile then, process is the instrument that needed to be used to have an answer in
provided questions and output is the researcher objective to this topic and aim to answer on this


Table 1.1

Demographic Profile Of The Respondents In Terms Of Age

AGE f %

16 10 20%

17 18 36%

18 18 36%

19 2 4%

20 1 2%

21 1 2%

Total 50 100%

Table 1.1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age.

The Respondents within the age of seventeen and eighteen (17-18) got the highest
percentage taking thirty-six percent (36%) followed by the age of Sixteen (16) with Twenty
percent (20%) and the age of nineteen (19) with four percent (4%) and those whose age of
twenty and twenty-one (20-21) with two percent (2%). This is opposite to what Dr. Carl Pickard
(2017) points out, serious rebellion usually occurs at the beginning of adolescence, between the
ages of 9 and 13. This is contrary to what the researchers' gathered data because of the
respondents they have chosen.
Table 1.2

Demographic Profile Of The Respondents In Terms Of Gender


MALE 25 50%

FEMALE 25 50%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their gender.

In terms of gender, the male and female are both dominant when it comes in rebelling
against their parents who are both constitutes (50%). Amy Bobrow, PhD (2008), stated that teen
crime statistics have stabilized, although they have taken a different twist. "We're finding that
girls are involved in the same crimes as boys are, like armed robbery," It means that male and
female have the same tendency to do things they want to do.

Table 1.3
Demographic Profile Of The Respondents In Terms Of Strand


ABM 10 20%

GAS 10 20%

HUMSS 10 20%

STEM 20 40%
TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1.3 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their strand.

In terms of strand, the STEM got the highest percentage which is twenty percent (20%),
followed by HUMSS with ten percent (10%) same as with GAS, ten percent (10%) also with
ABM, ten percent (10%). According to DepEd or the Department of Education (2016), the
general academic strand that has the highest senior high enrollment in Academic track as of
September 2016. Which is contrary to what the researchers gathered data that shown on the table
above. The strand that has the most number of respondents is STEM.

Table 1.4

Demographic Profile Of The Respondents In Terms Of Grade Level


11 25 50%

12 25 50%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1.4 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their grade level.

In terms of grade level, the grade 11 and grade 12 are both dominance when it comes in
rebelling against their parents who both constitute fifty percent (50%). Valerie F. Reyna (2006)
stated that this network is utilized by the adult authority, but is overthrown in adolescents by the
stronger socio-emotional network. From the point of view of a cognitive psychologist, a large
factor in teenage rebellion is the natural early development of the socio-emotional network.


Items for Lack of attention TWS WM

1.My family doesn’t care about what I feel

112 2.24 AVERAGE

2. I feel like my parents are not supporting


3. I feel like my parents are not listening to

109 2.18 AVERAGE
my opinions

4. I have a lot of people to talk about my

111 2.22 AVERAGE

5. My friends constantly check how I feel 105 2.1 AVERAGE

6. I feel like my parents do not care even if I

113 2.26 AVERAGE
fail in studies.

7. My family doesn’t appreciate my

104 2.08 AVERAGE

8. I feel isolated and alone. 111 2.22 AVERAGE

9. My parents are interested whenever I

share my thoughts and experience 121 2.42 HIGH

10. I receive enough love, care and attention

112 2.24 AVERAGE
from the people I need.

TOTAL: 1098 2.196 AVERAGE

Table 2.1 shows the Lack of attention level of the respondents based on their test results

Like what the above table presents, it can be seen that majority of the subjects have an
average level of lack of attention. Meaning they have average experience when it comes to lack
of attention. However, in item number 9, it shows that subjects score high in this item which
indicative of the fact that majority of the subjects have poor experience of attention. This is in
line with what was deemed by Hine (1996), saying that young people often want to be noticed by
others. Parents are required to be there for their children especially in times of difficulties. A
father or mother who always goes to work and not giving attention to their children might lead to
their children to the people who will serve as a bad influence on their future.


Items for Lack of attention INTERPRETATION

1. I tend to violate rules set by my

106 2.12 AVERAGE

2. I skip classes just to have my

77 1.54 AVERAGE
parent’s attention.

3. I spend the night over my peer’s

houses without asking permission 94 1.88 AVERAGE
from my parents.

4. I disobey my parents without any

8 1.76 AVERAGE

5. I tend to drink alcohol and do

96 1.92 AVERAGE
stuffs my parents told me not to do.

6. I intentionally argue with my

96 1.92 AVERAGE

7. I do whatever I want without

98 1.96 AVERAGE
thinking how my family would feel.
8. I do vices just to forget problems. 105 2.1 AVERAGE

9. I don’t really care about my

family’s opinions. 89 1.78 AVERAGE

10. I debate with my parents about

98 1.96 AVERAGE

TOTAL: 1.89

Table 2.2 shows the Rebellion Tendency of the respondents based on their test results.

Like what the above table presents, it can be seen that all of the subjects have an average
level of rebellion tendency. Meaning they have average experience when it comes to rebellion
tendency. This is in line with what was deemed by David Elkind, Ph.D.(2010), in an article on
WebMD, the prefrontal cortex is developing during the teen years. Teens are now able to
construct ideas and form opinions, and much to parental dismay, generally these opinions are in
direct opposition to their own.


Relationship Between Lack of Attention Level And Demographic Profile Of Respondents


AGE 0.1057368 ACCEPT HO




N= 50; DF=48

Table 3.1 shows the relationship between lack of attention level and demographic profile
of the respondents based on their test results.

Like what the above table presents, all of the decision is accept null hypothesis. Meaning
the demographic profile does not have relationship with the lack of attention level of the
respondents. As what the table shows above, the age, gender, strand, and grade level shows that
there is no relationship with the lack of attention from parents. According to American SPCC
(2005) many “teenagers” have to endure abuse, neglect, and other types of bad parenting
practices each day. And this leads to serious emotional and behavioral problems that affect them
throughout the rest of their life. Because of this, a great debate has started on how much the
parents of children who end up being violent and aggressive are to blame for their behavior.


Relationship Between Rebellion Tendency Level And Demographic Profile Of Respondents


AGE 0.4042201 REJECT HO





N= 50; DF=48
Table 3.2 shows the relationship between Rebellion Tendency and demographic profile
of the respondents based on their test results.

Like what the above table presents, all of the decision is accept null hypothesis except the
age preference. This means that when it comes to the age of the respondents, the older they get,
the higher tendency they have in rebellion. Therefore, the gender, strand and grade level has no
relationship to rebellion tendency while the age, have a relationship to rebellion tendency. Tim
Sanford (2009) dealing with basic issues such as respect or complex issues such as at-risk
behavior, parents sometimes struggle to understand the difference between teenage autonomy
and blatant teen rebellion. What look like rebellion may actually be a teen’s natural “itch” for
greater independence.

Table 4.1


0.647970128 REJECT Ho

Relationship Between Lack Of Attention And Rebellion Tendency


N= 50; DF=48
Table 4.1 shows the relationship between the lack of attention and rebellion tendency of
the respondents.
The researchers have proven that the cause of the rebellion tendency is lack of attention.
According to Berlin Domingo (2018) Teenage rebellion usually happens when the youngsters
feel pressured by their elders' strict parenting ways. The result of the survey about lack of
attention showed that it doesn't mean if the student is a girl or boy so the gender has no
relationship with lack of attention. And the result of the survey about rebellion tendency the age
has a relationship with the statement because students increase their age and become prone with
rebellion cause of pressure around and influence of bad friends. Based on the results of the
computation of demographic profile, it shows that the cause of the rebellion tendency is lack of
attention not only of the parents as well as the friends. So there is a relationship between
rebellion tendency and lack of attention



1. The respondents with the age bracket of 16-18 have the most frequency while the
subjects within the range of 19-21 have the least frequency. When it comes to the
distribution of male and female respondents, with twenty-five males and females
equivalent to fifty subjects, there is an equal distribution. But there is unequal distribution
of respondents in each strand. The STEM strand have the most frequency of respondent
while the remaining three strands, (ABM, HUMSS and GAS) have an equal but least
2. It was also observed that majority of the subjects are average. This means that the
respondents have an average level of lack of attention. Meaning they have an average
experience when it comes to lack of attention from their parents and peers.
3. Likewise, the researchers conclude that all of the subjects have an average level of
rebellion tendency. Meaning they have an average experience when it comes to rebellion
4. The researchers conclude also that the profile of the respondents such as age, gender,
strand, and grade level have no relationship with the lack of attention level of the
respondents. Hence, the lack of attention level of the respondents is not predicted or
related to their demographic profile.
5. It was examined that the age of the subjects has something to do with the respondents’
rebellion tendency. While the age of the respondents’ increases, the higher the tendency
for them to rebel. This means that age can be one factor on the rebellion tendency of the
6. Therefore, the researchers have proven that lack of attention is one of the causes of
teenage rebellion.

Base on the findings and conclusion on the study, the following recommendations are

1. Student who are ages 16-18 years old got the highest number of respondents which could
mean that they are the ones who are mostly exposed to rebellion caused of lack of
attention. It is recommended for them to participate in various extra-curricular activities,
as well as having new set of peers that would influence them to focus on their studies.
2. The researchers recommend to the parents of the respondents to avoid having bias when
it comes to their attention especially when they have two or more children so that their
child would not think about rebelling to them.
3. The researchers also recommend to the respondents to balance their time with their
family and friends.
4. We also advised to look for a great hobby wherein they can divert their attention and for
them to not think about the problems they are facing. In this way, the students would not
think how lack of attention may affect them.
5. The researchers suggest to the future researchers of the said topic to have a sufficient
amount of respondents for them to have a more significant results.
6. Also, for the future researchers, they should have at least enough amount of questions for
the respondents that will really measure their tendency to rebel.
7. The researchers recommend the teacher to help their students who suffer from being
rebellious in terms of helping them to focus on their studies
8. Researchers recommend to the students to have more patience when they have a parents
with slightly bad attitude. That they should always remember that no matter how strict
their parents are, they will always be their parents who thinks for the betterment of their
9. Researcher can also recommend to the parents to have an evenly balanced time with their
work and family. Because some students are being rebellious because of their parents.
Instead of giving their time to their children, they focus their whole attention to their
10. The proponents can also recommend to the teenagers to be mature to the people in their
environment and also to avoid some cases that can be possibly involve in some riot.


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