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Lesson 1: Definitions of Pop culture

- Oxford definition of pop culture is … “a set of practices, beliefs, and objects that
embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social system. It includes media
objects, entertainment and leisure, fashion and trends, and linguistic conventions,
among other things.”
- John Storey states many definitions of pop culture here are some…
1. Well liked by many
- Popular
- (E.g., Highest grossing movie this year was barbie, Bad bunny is the
most streamed artist on spotify)
2. Inferior kinds of work – ‘low culture'
- Popular culture as second best and are reserved for people who are
cannot or are unable to appreciate high culture
- high culture (ballets, expensive dinners, opera) ensures exclusivity
- (E.g., Pavarotti - had a public concert in london's hyde park and now
has songs on the billboard chart)
3. Work that deliberately sets out to win mass commercial favor
- Purposely produced with intention of reaching as many people as
- Pursuit of profit is more important than the quality of the work
- (e.g., putting a successful movie on a food package, the british office
vs the american office but the american one is more mass popularized
because of its unanimous and more relatable jokes)
4. Pop culture that emerges from the people, for the people (eg. not imposed)
- “Folk culture” , “authentic culture” , grassroots - emerges from the
- Not imposed on the people like the mass culture definition suggests,
there is intent behind the culture produced
- More about the quality than the pursuit of profit
- (e.g., rock and roll - politics are at the center of their message and
5. Postmodern influence, where "authentic" and "commercial" are blurred
- There is no longer a distinction between the authentic and the
- (e.g., certain music on popular tv shows - like alt and indie music with
movies and stuff introducing us to new music genres)
- Different types of art (graffiti culture - which is also low brow culture,
but art is high culture, so he is authentic and bringing something new
to the table)

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