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5th Semester (A) – Girls

Sociolinguistic Terms
Key to Blanks.

1. Queen’s English
2. Social Accent
3. Non-standard
4. Covert
5. Pronunciation
6. Second Language
7. Japan, China
8. Standard
9. Three circles
10. Inner Circle
11. Three circles
12. Expanding
13. India
14. Isoglosses
15. Standard Variety of Speech
16. Pronunciation
17. USA and UK
18. British
19. community practice
20. Canada
21. multiplex relationship
22. density
23. Uniplex Relationship
24. national language
25. official language
26. speech converges
27. social distance, solidarity, age
28. Function
29. Register
30. remains constant
31. code or variety
32. Register
33. speaker’s
34. style
35. Codification
36. new domains
37. variety or code
38. micro
39. Influence
40. 40,000
41. Increasing
42. Newspaper, Radio, Social Media
43. Dell Hymes
44. Message content
45. Ethnology of Speaking
46. Setting, Participants, Act Sequence
47. Paul Grice
48. Manner
49. Quantity
50. Relevant

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