0306 Following Instructions Resource-1

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O’Connell Advanced Training Solutions

Technical English for Beginners

Following Instructions

Activity: Listen to the directions and draw lines on the grid.

What is it?

42 71 11 61 88 55 84 32 92 20
1 59 93 26 68 3 77 43 70 62

52 39 2 83 33 94 40 12 82 56

49 23 74 13 54 63 36 95 48 18

69 27 87 64 47 22 4 51 35 86

10 45 38 14 96 28 85 25 98 7
34 79 6 24 72 41 58 89 15 76

60 16 46 53 97 5 99 28 67 81

100 9 57 30 17 65 80 73 91 8

19 31 66 78 44 37 90 21 75 50

1. Draw a horizontal line from 31 to 75
2. Draw a vertical line from 43 to 95
3. Draw a horizontal line from 45 to 98
About Instructions
4. Draw a diagonal line from 40 to 98
verb + (adjective) subject
5. Draw a vertical line from 77 to 40
draw + a vertical line
6. Draw a vertical line from 45 to 31
turn on + the machine
7. Draw a vertical line from 97 to 44
open + the drawer
8. Draw a diagonal line from 45 to 83
weld + the capacitor
9. Draw a vertical line from 98 to 75
10. Draw a horizontal line from 77 to 43
11. Draw a vertical line from 99 to 90

© Jacqueline Seidel Page !1 of !2

O’Connell Advanced Training Solutions
Technical English for Beginners
Following Instructions

Activity: Unscramble these Instructions for changing a tyre

Remember: every instruction begins with a verb (an action word)

1. safe to a pull over Find spot Find a safe spot to pull over

2. on hazard lights your Turn

3. Find the wrench

4. lug Loosen the nuts

5. jack off the ground lift vehicle the Use the to

6. the Remove lug nuts

7. off Pull tyre the the car

8. spare the the Place on tyre car

9. on lug Put the nuts

10. Lower car to back the the ground

Over to you! Write instructions for:

1. How to make a sandwich

2. How to operate a DVD player

3. How to operate a machine in your workplace

Over to you! An Activity for fun!

Print the picture instructions from Ikea™ on how to make a table. Write instructions for each step.

© Jacqueline Seidel Page !2 of !2

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