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Respondent 5

Topic Let’s talk about your self

Question 1 Please tell me about yourself
Answer Okay, hello, my name is Meldayanti. People call me Melda. I’m twenty three
years old. Now I’am a student.
Question 2 What do you like doing in your spare time?
Answer I like to make videos and sometimes I watch video from youtube to take
Question 3 What do you usually do on weekends? Why?
Answer Actually, weekend is a time to clean and to the laundry especially for me as
student just sometimes take a nap.
Question 4 Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? Why?
Answer Okay, I like to be with friends because I feel like very happy if someone with
me but if I’m alone I feel like lonely.
Topic Let’s talk about your family
Question 5 Do you live by yourself or with your family?
Answer I now live with my sister.
Question 6 Can you tell me about your family?
Answer I have mom and dad and I have four siblings.
Question 7 Who do you like in your family most? Why?
Answer I like my dad because he never angry with me.
Question 8 What does your family usually do at weekends?
Answer In early morning, my dad and my mom go to the garden and my sister make
fried rice and my younger brothers they watch tv. We do our own stuff.
Topic Let’s talk about your hometown
Question 9 Where is your hometown? Please tell me about it
Answer So I live in Sinjai. It’s far from the capital city of Makassar. It tooks five or
six hours trip and the place is very like country-side place.
Question 10 What do you like and not like about it?
Answer I like because there are two seasons every year and I really love it and I don’t
like the place Is too silent and not many people pass by. So, it’s really like in
the forest.
Question 11 Is it a interesting place to live?
Answer There are many interesting place to live but actually sometimes people can
afford it because it’s far from the capital town our city. If you just want to
live for a month or a week it’s okay but forever it’s not okay.
Question 12 Are you planning to live there in the future?
Answer Of course, I’m planning to.
Topic Let’s talk about your study
Question 13 What do you study now?
Answer I study about my thesis.
Question 14 What do you like most about your study?
Answer About my study I like to meet my friend, I like listening subject.
Question 15 What’s the most difficult part of your study?
Answer I don’t like grammar, just it.
Question 16 Could you sum up your study habits?
Answer I like to learn at the middle of the night like 2 a.m.
Question 17 Do you think your present study is relevant to society?
Answer Yes, It’s relevant in some occasion, it’s relevant to society who want to study
English, who take English, who teach English I mean, like that.
Question 18 What kind of job would you prefer after graduation? Why?
Answer Maybe being a teacher or an employee because that’s all what I have studied
just about English. So, I just want to be an English teacher or an employee in
English field.

Answer of Sentences Quantity

Question No.
1 4
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 2
9 2
10 2
11 2
12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 1
17 1
18 2
Total of sentences 27

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