Prefix and Suffix

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A/An-Without/Absence of Ametria, Anemia Bil Bin-Two-Binary/ Bimanual

Anti/ Contra-Against- Antibacterial/Contraceptive Dys-Abnormal/Painful-Dyspnea
Cata-Down- Catabolic Eu-Normal/Good-Eupepsia
Endo- Within- Endometrium Hyper-Above/Excessive-Hypertension
Hemi-Half- Hemiplegia Mal-Bad-Malnutrition/Malabsorption
Inter-Between-Intercartilaginous Pan-All/Total-Pancytopenia
Neo-New- Neoplasm Post-After-Postoperative
Peri- Surrounding/Outer-Pericardium Super-Over/Above- Superimpose
Semi-Half-Semi recumbent Trans-Through/Beyond-Transurethral
Sym/Syn-Together/Joined-Symbiotic/ Synergetic Acu/o-Sharp
Ultra- Beyond/Excess- Ultrasound Angi/o-Vessel
Adip/o- Fat Bi/o-Life
Arthr/o- Joint Cardi/o-Heart
Bronch/o-Bronchial Tubes Encephal/o- Brain
Col/o- Colon (Large intestine) Xanth/o-Yellow
Leuk/o-White Myel/o-Muscle
Hepat/o- Liver Hydr/o-Water
Sarc/o-Cancer- Sarcoma Glyc/o-Sugar
Rhin/o- Nose Rx Prescription
Bx-Biopsy S/P-Status Post
Fx-Fracture Ante-Before - Anteflexion
Ab-From/Away from - Abduction Brady-Slow- Bradycardia
Apo-Upon- Aponeurotic Ecto-Outside/Outer-Ectocardia
Con-Together-Conjugal Exo/Ex- Outside/Outward-Exophthalmos
Epi-On/Upon/Over- Epithelial Hypo-Below/Incomplete/Deficient-Hypotension
Plegia-Paralysis- Hemiplegia Multi-Many- Multilobar
Intra-Within- Intravenous Para-Beside/Beyond/Around- Paraplegia
Plasm-Growth- Neoplasm Pre-Before-Preoperative
Poly-Many/Much- Polyopia Supra- Above- Suprascleral
Sub-Under/Below- Subcutaneous Tri-Three- Triocular
Tachy-Fast/Rapid- Tachycardia Aden/o-Gland-Adenoiditis
Prefix Arteri/o-Artery
Abdomino-Abdomen Blephar/o- Eyelid-Blepharitis
Amni/o-Amnion-Sac surrounding the embryo in Chondr/o-Cartilage
Uterus Erythr/o- Red
Axill/o- Armpit Hem/o-Blood
Carcin/o- Cancer Splen/o- Spleen
Cyst/o- Urinary Bladder Morph/o-Shape / Structure / Form
Cyan/o-Blue Immun/o- Protection
Mast/o- Breast Dx-Diagnosis
Gloss/o- Tongue
Cx- Cervix
Ad-To/Towards - Adduction
-ac/-al- Pertaining to- Cardiac/ Femoral -emia- Blood Condition- Anemia
-asthenia-Weakness- Myasthenia -graphy- Filming- Arteriography
-cidal-Killing- Suicidal -c-Pertaining to- Apneic
-cyte-Cell- Leukocyte -malacia- Softening- Chondromalacia
-ectomy-Surgical Removal- Tonsillectomy -metry- Measurement- Oximetry
-gram-Record- Echocardiogram -oma- Tumor- Hematoma
-ial- Pertai -osis- Increased when used with blood- Dermatosis
ning to- Arterial -paresis- Slight Paralysis- Hemiparesis
-lepsy- Seizure- Epilepsy -ohagia- Eating/Swallowing-Odynophagia
-megaly- Enlargement- Splenomegaly -physis-Growth- Hypophysis
-logy- Study of- Oncology - plegia- Paralysis- Hemiplegia
-opia-Vision- Myopia -prandial- Meal- Postprandial
-tomy-Cut into/incision-Craniotomy -sarcoma-Malignant Tumor- Angiosarcoma
-pepsia- Digestion- Dyspepsia -sepsis-Infection-Sepsis
-phonia- Sound/Voice- Hyperphonia -thorax- Chest- Hemithorax
-plasm- Growth- Neoplasm -therapy- Treatment- Hydrotherapy
-poiesis- Formation- Haematopoiesis -ary-Pertaining to- Biliary
-ptysis- Spitting- Haemoptysis -centesis-Fluid-Amniocentesis
-scope- Examination- Endoscope -crit- To separate-Haematocrit
-stalsis- Contraction- Peristalsis -ectasis- Expansion/dilation-Bronchiectasis
-trophy- Nourishment- Atrophy -gen-Produces / Causes-Antigen
-algia-Pain-Arthralgia -ia- Abnormal State- Hypoxia
- capnia- Carbon dioxide- Hypocapnia -itis- Inflammation-Colitis
-coccus- Bacterium- Pneumococcus -mania-Madness-Pyromania
-desis- Surgical Fixation- Arthrodesis -dynia-Pain- Mastodynia
-emesis- Vomiting- Hematemesis -rrhagia- Rapid flow of blood- Menorrhagia
- graph- Instrument used to record- Radiograph -ostomy-Creation of an artificial Opening-
-iasis- Condition- Psoriasis Colostomy
- lytic-Destroy/Reduce Thrombolytic -pathy- Disease- Neuropathy
-meter-Instrument used to measure- Thermometer -phobia- Fear-Claustrophobia
-logist- Specialist- Oncologist -plasia-Growth- Hyperplasia
-rrhaphy- Suturing/Repairing-Herniorrhaphy -pnea- Breathing- Apnea / Dyspnea
-oxia-Oxygen- Hypoxia -ptosis-Dropping/Prolapse-Splanchnoptosis
-pexy- Surgical Fixation- Urethropexy -sclerosis-Hardening- Atherosclerosis
-phoria-Feeling- Euphoria -spasm-Contraction-Vasospasm
-plasty- Surgical Repair- Arthroplasty -tripsy-Surgical crushing- Lithotripsy
-porosis-Passage- Osteoporosis
-salpinx-Fallopian Tube- Hydrosalpinx
-scopy- Visual Examination- Endoscopy
-stenosis- Constriction/Narrowing- Stenosis
-uria- Urine / Urination- Pyuria
-apheresis- Removal- Leukapheresis
-cele- Hernia / Protrusion- Hydrocele
-crine-Separate / Secrete- Endocrine
-dynia-Pain- Mastodynia

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