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A2 Level Revision Test

1."Don't throw the paper on the paper" Shopkeeper said to Rasim.

2. "I can't understand why the lawyer hasn't sent in his report". The director said

3. 'Why are you so late? What is your excuse?" The officer asked me

4. "Do you want me to turn off the radio?"I asked my sister

5."The manager will be in his office all afternoon."The secretary said to Shakhram.

6. "Don't drive so fast".The policeman said to me

7."Will Jane be preparing the dinner during the afternoon?"Robert asked Raykhona.

8.'Are all the carpets made by hand?"

The tourist asked Marat

9."Please wait for me in front of the museum.The young woman asked her friend

10."We don't want to go without you".

The girls said to us.

11. "Blow up the bridge".

The officer ordered the soldiers.

12. Henry said Jane couldn't remember where she had put the hammer. (Reported Speech to Direct)

13."Don't go near the water! It's dangerous. The policeman warned us

14. "Why don't we meet at the school cafeteria for

lunch tomorrow?"Tom asked Abubakr.

15. "We have decided to have the wedding in June". I heard Shakhram telling Rasim.

16. "Don't overcook the pudding or it might burn." My mother warned me

17. "It is too late to apologize," I said

18. "I met you yesterday," he told me.

19. "I cannot come to your birthday party," said Mary.

20. "I may lend you some money," promised Bill.


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