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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017) 248–254

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Photobioreactor design for microalgae production through computational MARK

fluid dynamics: A review

José C.M. Pires , Maria C.M. Alvim-Ferraz, Fernando G. Martins
LEPABE, Departamento de Engenharia Química, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal


Keywords: Microalgae are seen as the most promising flexible feedstock, being considered the crop of the future. They grow
Carbon dioxide uptake fast, just needing sunlight, carbon dioxide and minerals. They contain high value ingredients, such as proteins,
Computational Fluid Dynamics carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and others (carotenoids and polymers). Thus, they can be produced for a
Growth kinetics wide range of markets, including human and animal nutrition, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and biofuels.
Heat and mass transfer
However, the production cost is still high, limiting their commercial applications to high-valued compounds.
Light transfer
The reduction of these costs can be obtained with efficient bioreactor designs, which are able to achieve high
Photobioreactors areal biomass productivities. In this context, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) may play an important role
Scale-up in the optimization of bioreactor design, analysing the interaction of hydrodynamics, light supply, heat and
mass transfer and biological kinetics. This study addresses the recent advances in CFD modelling of both open
pond and closed bioreactors.

1. Microalgae and main applications simulate hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer [6]. This paper aims
to review the recent studies focusing the application of CFD for the
Microalgae are a broad category that includes the eukaryotic optimization of PBR design for microalgal cultures.
microalgae and the prokaryotic cyanobacteria. These microorganisms
are crucial for the ecosystems in the planet. An important characteristic 2. Main culture variables
is their high growth rate (biomass concentration can double within
hours), which attributes to microalgae an undeniable economical Cultures of autotrophic microalgae are influenced by the light
potential. Additionally, their cultivation is associated with several distribution, temperature, pH, nutrient qualitative and quantitative
beneficial environmental applications that have been intensively stu- profiles, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations and the
died in the recent years [1–4]: (i) CO2 capture; (ii) biomass production; presence of toxic elements (mainly heavy metals). In the next sections,
and (iii) nutrient uptake from wastewaters. Due to the chemical these culture variables are described in detail and the associated
composition of microalgal biomass, it can be used for different models are presented.
applications, including human and animal nutrition, cosmetics, phar-
maceuticals and biofuels [5]. 2.1. Light supply
Despite of the advantages associated with microalgal production,
several phenomena should be studied before the application of this The sunlight is the primary energy source. Autotrophic microalgae,
technology at industrial scale. One important issue is the optimization as well as terrestrial plants, convert light into chemical energy through
of photobioreactor (PBR) design. The geometry of PBR and its photosynthesis. Consequently, light is a key parameter for microalgal
operating conditions should be favourable for microalgal growth in culture [7–9]. Although solar radiation at ground level presents a wide
order to achieve high biomass productivities. Microalgal production in wavelength range, only the fraction corresponded to visible light (400
a PBR is a complex system and the experiments with different and 700 nm) can be used by microalgae. This fraction is also called
geometries will be waste of scientific efforts, time, and money. In this Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) and represents 43% of the total
context, the modelling of PBR will contribute to rapid advances in the radiation [10]. The intensity of solar radiation is dependent on the
optimization of its geometry, aiming to increase biomass areal pro- geographical location and climate conditions. However, microalgal
ductivities. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool to cultures do not require high light intensities. From a specific value,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.C.M. Pires).
Received 16 September 2016; Received in revised form 23 November 2016; Accepted 15 May 2017
Available online 20 May 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.C.M. Pires et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017) 248–254

their growth stabilize, being this phenomenon called photoinhibition ⎧ 0,ifT < Tmin

(light saturation) [11,12]. It is mainly observed in outdoor cultures and (T − Tmax )(T − Tmin )2
μmax = ⎨ μopt (Topt − Tmin )[(Topt − Tmin )(T − Topt ) − (Topt − Tmax )(Topt + Tmin −2T )] , ifTmin
some authors have proposed to improve biomass productivity with a ⎪

certain degree of shading. Microalgal photoinhibition can occur in two ⎩ 0,ifT > Tmax
set of conditions: (i) cells growing at or near the surface during the < T < Tmax (3)
hours of strongest irradiance; and (ii) cells located in lower layers of the
culture (acclimated with low irradiance levels) that are suddenly where Tmin and Tmax are the limits from the range of temperatures that
exposed to higher irradiance due to physical processes such as mixing. are different from zero and Topt is the optimum value. According to Eq.
On the other hand, the phenomenon of mutual shading may occur, (3), the maximal growth rate (μopt) is achieved at Topt. Taking into
taking high relevance for high cell density cultures. Therefore, light is account the variability of microalgal growth and the climate conditions
efficiently distributed inside the culture (main drawback for cultivation in outdoor cultures, PBRs should have devices to promote the heat
of photosynthetic microorganisms). Without a correct design of the transfer in order to maintain the temperature in the optimal range
PBRs and a good definition of the operating variables, two regions are values.
defined: outer illuminated region and dark region. The gradient of light
intensity inside the PBR as a function of the distance to the surface can 2.3. Media pH
be described by Lambert-Beer's Law equation [13]:
The pH value has a high impact on microalgal culture with regards
I = I0×e−k × C × d (1) to the availability and assimilation of the nutrients dissolved in the
medium. Chemical equilibrium between carbon species (CO2, HCO3-
where I0 is the light intensity at the illuminated wall surface of the PBR, and CO32-), precipitation of phosphates, volatilization of ammonia and
k is the attenuation constant due to the culture of microalgae at solubility of trace elements are pH dependent [22–25]. Moreover, there
concentration C, and d is the distance from the irradiated surface. are microalgal species sensitive to pH value; therefore, this parameter
According to this equation, light intensity decreases exponentially may define the dominant specie in mixed cultures. The pH value in the
though the light path. Therefore, there will be cells exposed to high culture should be between 7 and 9, with optimal range between 8.2 and
light intensities and others with no access to this source of energy. The 8.7 [6,26]. In high density cultures, pH usually increases (reaching
behaviour of specific growth rates for increasing light intensity was limiting values of up to 9) and it can be corrected by aeration of CO2.
described according to the model proposed by Steele [14]:
⎛ ⎞ 2.4. Mass transfer of CO2 and O2
μmax I ⎜1− I I ⎟
μ= ∙e⎝ opt ⎠
I opt (2) Carbon is one of the most important nutrients for microalgal
growth, representing almost 50% of their biomass dry weight (1.8 g
where μmax corresponds to the maximum specific growth rate (in d−1) of CO2 is required to produce 1 g of biomass). Carbon can be provided
achieved by the studied microorganisms, I denotes light irradiance (in to cultures as CO2 (dissolved in air streams), HCO3- and CO32-
µE m−2 s−1) and Iopt corresponds to the optimal value of light irradiance (dissolved in culture medium). Feeding CO2, this gas is dissolved in
(in µE m−2 s−1) for microalgal/cyanobacterial growth. medium, forming carbonic acid which is used by microalgae during the
In order to optimize the photosynthetic efficiency of microalgal photosynthesis. As mentioned above, added CO2 has also an important
cultures, several researchers showed that the alternation of light and role for the pH control. Main limitation of CO2 transference from the
dark periods may lead to increase biomass productivities [15,16], even gaseous to liquid phase is its low mass transfer coefficient [27,28]. The
with intensities above the light saturation value. These research studies reduction of the bubble size improves the mass transfer (according
showed that photoinhibition damage (damage of protein D1 in photo- Fick's law), leading to faster dissolution, slow rising, and high surface-
system II and consequent reduction of active “photon traps”) is less to-volume ration [29,30]. On the other hand, oxygen produced by
evident in light/dark cycles. Grobbelaar et al. [17] concluded that the photosynthesis can accumulate in culture medium to levels which can
photosynthetic rates increased exponentially with increasing of light/ be harmful for microalgae (photo-oxidative damage) [28,31,32].
dark cycle frequencies. In terms of PBR design, the increase of fluid Moreover, high O2 concentration promote the activity of oxygenase
turbulence enhances the culture mixing process and this option forces enzymes, leading to high uptake preference of O2 rather than CO2 and
microalgae to alternate between illuminated and dark regions inside consequent loss of fixed carbon and reduction of biomass productivity.
the bioreactor, promoting short light/dark cycles to the cells. Thus, dissolved oxygen should be maintained below 400% of the air
saturation value (corresponding to 30 mg L−1, assuming the equili-
brium solubility of O2 of 7.5 mg L−1 at 30 °C) [31,33,34]. Mass transfer
2.2. Temperature from medium to atmosphere (KL) depends on diffusion coefficient of O2
and the turbulence of the medium. The transference can be improved
Temperature is also an important variable to control in microalgal by addition of an air stream containing a proper O2/CO2 concentration
cultures as it directly influences metabolic activities, enzymatic activ- ratio. In this context, the addition of flue gases to culture have
ities and conformation of vital structures [18–20]. Optimal tempera- advantages concerning CO2 and O2 transfer, as it contains sufficient
ture values are between 15 and 26 °C. Higher values can inhibit CO2 for microalgal cultures and a reduced composition on O2, which
metabolic activity and reduces the solubility of gaseous components increases the driving force of mass transfer of this gas [35,36].
(i.e. CO2) in the culture medium. Low values decrease the kinetics of
metabolic activities. However, there are some microalgae that can grow 3. Photobioreactors
with temperatures out of the optimal range. Based on the temperature
tolerance, microalgae can be classified in three groups [21]: psychro- Microalgal cultures can be performed in open ponds or closed
philic, mesophilic and thermophilic. The optimal values for mesophilic systems [4,34,37–39]. Open ponds are the most applied to cultures at
species are between 20 and 25 °C, but microalgal cultures can tolerate commercial scale as it presents low capital and operating costs.
temperatures outside this range. However, values below 16 °C will slow However, biomass productivities are lower than the ones achieved in
down the growth kinetics, while values above 35 °C may be lethal for closed systems due to dependence of local climate and easy contam-
some species. The effect of temperature on microalgal growth rate can ination of predators. On the other hand, closed systems can achieve
be described by the following equation. high biomass productivities due to better control of culture variables

J.C.M. Pires et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017) 248–254

[34,38]. These bioreactors lose less water by evaporation and CO2 to

atmosphere. They can have different configurations [40–44]: (i)
vertical column reactors (bubble columns or air-lift); (ii) tubular
reactors; and (iii) flat-plate reactors. The air-lift reactors have great
potential for industrial processes, due to low level and homogeneous
distribution of hydrodynamic shear, which constitutes a disadvantage
of closed photobioreactors to open ponds. The medium circulates in a
cyclic pattern through channels built for this purpose. The tubular
design is more appropriated to the outdoor culture, having large
illumination surface created by the disposition of the tubes [45].
They can be configured in vertical, horizontal or inclined planes. The
vertical tubular reactors increase the contact time between the gaseous
and liquid phases, increasing the CO2 mass transfer. However, this
disposition has the disadvantage of air pumping costs. On the other
hand, the flat-plate photobioreactors can achieve higher cell densities
Fig. 1. Interactions between in microalgal cultures.
than the other bioreactors (in more than an order of magnitude) [9].
Additionally, this type of bioreactors has: (i) lower power consumption;
4.3. Hydrodynamics
(ii) high mass transfer capacity; (iii) no dark volumes; and (iv) high
photosynthetic efficiency.
Several studies were already presented describing the fluid flow in
raceway ponds (RPs) [51–53], which are the most widely used
4. Computational Fluid Dynamics bioreactor for large scale microalgal production. These studies focused
on the influence of the RP geometry on energy consumption of paddles
4.1. General description wheels power, which represents a high percentage of operational
production costs. Regarding hydrodynamics, it is also important to
CFD is a discipline based on the theory of fluid dynamics. Fluid evaluate the spatial distribution of the fluid velocities, aiming to reduce
flows are described by partial differential equations that correspond to dead zones (stagnation regions within the flow) that contributes to the
conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy. CFD replaces decrease of RP productivity. Mendoza et al. [54] characterized the fluid
these equations by a set of algebraic equations that can be numerically dynamics for a real-scale raceway pond (100 m length ×1 m wide). The
solved. These equations describe how the velocity, pressure, tempera- objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of design and
ture, and liquid density are related. CFD provides a qualitative operational variables (water depth, liquid velocity and the presence/
prediction of fluid flows using [6]: (i) mathematical modelling absence of sump baffles to improve the CO2 mass transfer efficiency) on
(Navier-Stokes transport equations); (ii) numerical methods; and (iii) the power consumption, residence time and mixing. The equations that
software tools (solvers, pre and post-processing utilities). related these variables were then validated with experiments. Liffman
Process engineers and scientists use CFD models to study the et al. [55] modelled different raceway bend configurations to achieve a
complex and integrated systems, without the need for extensive low-energy consumption raceway pond. Significant reductions of
experiences. These models can complement the limitations of labora- energy loss (87%) were achieved with proposed configurations, when
tory experiments and they can be used in different steps of process compared with RPs with conventional bends. In addition, the observed
development, from initial design concept to final plant operation. In the reduction of stagnation regions can improve the biomass productivity
last years, CFD has been applied to model bioreactors [6,46–48]. in these bioreactors. Sompech et al. [56] tested and compared different
Regarding other optimization methods, it presents several advantages: configurations of raceway ponds in terms of energy consumption and
(i) low cost; (ii) reduced workload; and (iii) shorter design period. dead zones location for different flow velocities. CFD was applied to
calculate the power consumption for mixing the studied RPs. The
authors proposed a configuration with a minimum of three semi-
4.2. Bioreactors modelling
circular deflector baffles and a modified end of central divider to
increase energy efficiency and to completely eliminate the dead zones.
Bioreactor design should take into account lighting, mixing, water
Huang et al. [57] used Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), usually
and CO2 consumption, O2 removal, nutrient supply and temperature
applied to validate CFD simulations. Novel mixers (slopping baffles)
maintenance. A complex design is more versatile, but more expensive
and flow deflectors were combined to increase the mixing degree and
to construct and operate. Thus, its selection depends on several factors
decrease power consumption. Zeng et al. [53] investigated the hydro-
[4,5,39,42,49]: (i) microalgal growth characteristics; (ii) chemical
dynamic characteristics of raceway pond with different paddle wheels
composition of medium; and (iii) commercial value of final product.
(the traditional ones and new configuration with inclined angle of the
For instance, for strict quality control products (human food, cosmetics
blades), validating simulation results using PIV. In CFD simulations,
and pharmaceutics), high variability of culture variables should be
two turbulence models were tested: large eddy simulations (LES) and
avoided to maintain the qualitative composition of microalgal biomass.
k-ε model. Based in PIV experiments, LES was more accurate than k-ε
On the other hand, for low cost applications of microalgal biomass
model for prediction of turbulence kinetic energy. However, this
(biofuels production), raceway ponds should be applied.
method takes more computational time. Fig. 2 presents a comparison
PBR geometry should maximize the biomass areal productivity.
between two tested raceway ponds regarding mixing. New configura-
Fig. 1 shows the main interactions between hydrodynamics, light
tion of paddle wheels with 15° inclined angle of blades promoted a
supply, mass and heat transfer and biological kinetics. These interac-
better mixing for the same power consumption. Cultures of Chlorella
tions determine the yield of the microalgal culture. Only the model
pyrenoidosa were performed with this new design of paddles and its
considering all these phenomena will correctly describe the microalgal
biomass areal productivity increased by 17% when compared with
growth [15,28,50]. Table 1 presents the main CFD studies for PBR
traditional ponds. Chiaramonti et al. [52] proposed and characterized a
modelling. Fluent and CFX are the most applied software codes in the
new RP, which innovation consisted in the reduction of culture depth
studies of PBR design. Due to the complexity of the studied phenom-
(limited to 5 cm). This change increases the biomass concentration in
ena, the majority of the studies only focus on the study of fluid
the culture. The paddle wheel was substituted by an axial pump to

J.C.M. Pires et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017) 248–254

Table 1
Recent CFD studies focusing different PBRs.

Photobioreactor CFD code Modelled phenomena Refs.

Raceway pond EFDC FD; MT; LS: Steel's equation; BK. [74]
CFX FD: k-ε model. [56]
CFX 12 FD: k-ε model. [55]
COMSOL 4.4 FD: k-ε model; Particle tracking model. [51]
FLUENT 14.5 FD: standard k-ε model and k-ω model; LS: Beer-Lambert's law; MT: Henry law; BK: Monod model; EV: 120 m3 outdoor raceway [75]
CFX 12.1 FD: standard k-ε model; EV: PIV with 168 L raceway pond. [57]
CFX 12.0 FD: LES and k-ε models; EV: PIV with 3 m3 raceway pond. [76]
Internal air-lift CFX 4.2 FD: k-ε model; EV: two configurations of PBR. [77]
Air-lift flat panel CFX 5 FD: k-ε model; EV: 15 L and 300 L PBRs. [58]
FLUENT 6.3 FD: k-ε model; EV: 12.8 L PBR. [63]
CFX 12.1 FD: standard k-ε model; Particle tracking model; LS: Cornet model; EV: 15 L PBR. [71]
Flat-panel CFX 12.1 FD: standard k-ε model; Particle tracking model; LS: Cornet model; EV:three types of 15-L PBR [69]
Tubular FLUENT 6.0 FD: standard k-ε model; Particle tracking model; LS. [68]
FLUENT 12.1 FD: realizable k-ε model; Particle tracking model; LS. [70]
FLUENT FD: standard k-ε model. [61]
COMSOL FD: k-ε model; Particle tracking model. [60]
Flooded bed FLUENT 6.3 FD: k-ε model; MT: MT: Akita and Yoshida equation; BK: Monod model. [78]

FD – Fluid Dynamics; EV – Experimental Validation; BK – Biological Kinetics; LS – Light Supply.

improve energy efficiency. It was concluded that high energy savings mental and simulated values (gas holdup and liquid velocity in the
can be achieved if flow velocity is reduced with well-designed bluff- downcomer and in the riser).
bodies in the water flow. CFD was applied to evaluate the head losses in In tubular PBR, CFD studies focused on reduction of power
RP. As expected, the majority of head losses were located at the bend. consumption. The modification of the tubes design can increase the
Air-lift reactor presents several advantages regarding other bior- flow turbulence with low fluid velocity [60]. The effect of wall
eactors in terms of hydrodynamics and mass transfer. Yu et al. [58] turbulence promoters at low fluid velocities (0.10–0.30 m/s) was
studied the relationship between microalgal growth rate and the analysed with CFD. Main drawback of this modification is the forma-
structure parameters of an air-lift reactor: (i) Ad/Ar (cross-section area tion of biofilm in the dead zones created by them. However, the
of the downcomer/cross-section area of the riser); (ii) h0 (clearance analysis of fluid velocities near the wall turbulence promoters showed
from the upper edge of the baffles to the water level); and (iii) h1 that at velocities higher than 0.20 m/s, the risk of biofouling is reduced.
(clearance from the lower edge of the baffles to the bottom of the At velocities between 0.20 and 0.25 m/s, this modification achieves
reactor). CFD was applied to simulate the hydrodynamic parameters better mixing behaviour when compared with standard PBRs with
(turbulence kinetic energy of downcomers, duration of downcomer reduction of energy consumption between 60% and 80%. Wongluang
period, cycle time and dead zones), which influence on microalgal et al. [61] analysed the dead zones in U-bends and 90° elbows in the
growth was evaluated for cultures of Isochrysis galbana in a 15-L air- conventional tubular PBR. This phenomenon is responsible for the
lift reactor. The results showed that CFD has a great potential for the increase of energy consumption, formation of deposits and reduced
optimization and scale-up of PBRs. Rengel et al. [59] characterized biomass productivity. Alternative designs (U-bend with a radius of
experimentally and by CFD the fluid flow in an air-lift with a riser curvature of 0.35 m; 90° elbow with a radius of curvature of 0.3 m)
diameter of 0.1 m (air/water system), varying the superficial gas were proposed and evaluated with CFD modelling. New configurations
velocity. The results showed an excellent agreement between experi- achieved an energy loss reduction by up to 15%. Zhang et al. [62]

Fig. 2. Velocity profiles (Uz – velocity in z direction – and U) in the traditional raceway pond (I) and the proposed raceway pond (II) with 15° inclined angle of the blades (adapted from

J.C.M. Pires et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017) 248–254

studied a tubular PBR with helical static mixers in terms of cell

trajectories and energy consumption. With this configuration, light/
dark cycles are created with microalgal cells changing between light
zone and dark zone of the PBR. The biomass productivity of Chlorella
sp. in this reactor increased 37.26% when compared with conventional

4.4. Mass transfer

Regarding mass transfer, few modelling studies were performed

[63–66]. Massart et al. [63] defined and validated a CFD hydrodynamic
model for a flat panel air-lift reactor. In addition, air flow rate was
optimized to reduce the settling and shear stress of microalgae.
Cultures of Scenedesmus obliquus were performed to determine the
optimal air flow rate: 1.5 L min−1. According CFD simulations, this air
flow rate corresponded to a liquid flow rate of 3.5×10−5 m3 s−1. CO2 Fig. 4. Particle tracking in the static mixer for fluid velocity of 0.5 m/s, showing the
transfer from liquid to gas phase was characterized. Mass transfer radial movement of particles (adapted from Perner-Nochta and Posten [68]).
coefficient (kLa) of carbon dioxide in the culture medium was also
determined: 3×10−4 s−1. Razzak et al. [64] evaluated the influence of achieve a better mixing in the light attenuation gradient region to
hydrodynamics in CO2 mass transfer from gaseous to liquid phases. shorten L/D cycle, which was accessed by CFD modelling. Cultures of
Gas holdups and CO2 mass transfer were determined experimentally in Chlorella pyrenoidosa were performed to verify the improvements of
tubular PBR for liquid velocities ranging from 8.4 to 22.4 cm/s and for novel mixers. The maximum biomass concentration was 0.89 g L−1,
superficial gas velocities ranging from 3.7 to 8.1 cm/s. Regarding CO2 33% higher than the one achieved in the control reactor. Thus, it was
mass transfer, the applied models presented good performance indexes concluded that the proposed mixer can significantly increase the fluid
in the fitting to the experimental data. velocity along the light attenuation region, increasing the L/D cycle
4.5. Light supply Sato et al. [13] developed a virtual PBR for microalgal production.
It combines a numerical simulation of two-phase turbulent flow and a
Light supply is an important variable for autotrophic cultures. The photosynthesis model using the Lambert-Beer model to characterize
optimization of light intensity and light/dark (L/D) cycles may the light distribution in the PBR. The model was validated with other
contribute to the increase of biomass productivities [49,67]. Thus, it work performed by the same authors [72]. The results showed the
is important to predict the L/D cycle frequencies for PBR geometries agreement of experimental and simulated values in terms of O2
and this can be performed by simulating individual cell trajectories production per microalga and per unit of time. The developed model
[15]. Perner-Nochta and Posten [68] studied the temporal and spatial can also be used to determine the amount of fixed CO2 and the growth
variability of light patterns in PBRs with CFD modelling. The case curve of microalgae. Consequently, it is possible to estimate biomass
study was a tubular PBR with a static mixer (see Fig. 3), which productivities before performing cultivation experiments. However,
enhances the mixing, mass transfer and optimizes L/D cycle. With additional improvements of the model were defined: integration of the
static mixer, the L/D cycles presented a frequency between 3 and 25 Hz effect of temperature change and effect of CO2 and nutrients concen-
for fluid velocity of 0.5 m/s, while frequencies of 0.2–3.1 Hz were trations. Wheaton and Krishnamoorthy [73] performed simulations of
achieved without this device. Model simulations also showed that the light transfer and fluid hydrodynamics within an air-lift PBR. The effect
static mixer improved the radial tubular flow (see Fig. 4), increasing the of air bubbles and biomass concentration on light transfer was
regularity of the liquid motion. Other research studies also highlight evaluated. The importance of bubble scattering diminishes for biomass
the importance of the radial velocity in the performance of PBRs concentrations greater than 0.5 g L−1, when the absorption coefficient
[69,70]. Huang et al. [71] also developed a novel mixer to improve the of microalgal media takes more relevance.
biomass productivities of an air-lift flat-plate PBR. The aim was to

4.6. Biological kinetics

Comparing with phenomena described above, the application of

CFD to describe biological processes is a less-explored. The simulation
of microalgal growth is the last step to fully characterize the PBR.
Consequently, the effect of physical and chemical variables of the
process on microalgal growth can be estimated. James and Boriah [74]
presented the first study that integrates hydrodynamics, heat and mass
transfer, light supply and microalgal growth kinetics. Environmental
Fluid Dynamics Code from United States (US) Environmental
Protection Agency and Water-Quality Code from US Army Corp of
Engineers were used to simulate the growth of Phaeodactylum
tricornutum in a raceway pond. The developed model can be applied
for raceway design (before construction) and definition of a set of
operational parameters (open depth, harvest frequency, flow speeds),
avoiding the often used trial-and-error method (savings in cost and
Recently, Park and Li [75] integrated physical and environmental
Fig. 3. Helical mixer and its wire frame model (adapted from Perner-Nochta and Posten effects to characterize microalgal growth in raceway ponds. The
[68]). proposed model comprised hydrodynamics, heat transfer and nutrient

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