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Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

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Design and optimization of artificial cultivation units for algae

Soumya Yadala, Selen Cremaschi*
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Tulsa, 800 South Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper focuses on finding the optimum design of artificial cultivation units for biomass production
Received 1 November 2013 depending on geographical location and kind of algal species selected for growth. Here, the optimum is
Received in revised form defined as the design that yields the lowest net present sink for the lifetime of the cultivation unit.
1 March 2014
Models are developed for tubular, column, and flat plate photobioreactors by considering diurnal pattern
Accepted 1 June 2014
of sunlight and temperature fluctuations. As part of the case study, algae growth is modeled for 10 years
Available online 26 June 2014
in each cultivation unit using two species and four locations, resulting in twenty-four optimization
problems. Each optimization model is implemented in GAMS 23.6.5 and the solution is obtained using
Algae cultivation
CONOPT (version 3.14W) solver. The results indicate that algae species with higher oil content requires
Photobioreactor design smaller reactor volume to produce the desired amount of biomass. The results also reveal that the
Biodiesel production geographical location with higher incident solar irradiance may not necessarily be the optimal location
Growth optimization for algae culturing because higher irradiance may lead to cell damage, and hence, lower growth rates.
Among the options considered in the case study, the design of tubular photobioreactor for culturing
Phaeodactylum tricornutum at Hyderabad, India yields the minimum net present sink.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction over competing land use. The major draw backs associated with
first and second generation biofuels are addressed by third gener-
Excessive usage of fossil fuels has not only led to depletion of ation biofuels derived from algae [5].
world reserves but also emission of greenhouse gases [1]. These The main advantage of algae is that they create their own food
concerns have enhanced the interest in developing first generation through photosynthesis by combining light, carbon dioxide, and
biofuels extracted from food crop feedstocks including soy beans, water. This food is then stored as carbohydrates and lipids. Majority
palm, canola, and rape seeds using conventional technologies [2]. of algal species exhibit much higher growth rates and pro-
First generation biofuels, however, are limited in their ability to ductivities than conventional forestry, agricultural crops, and
meet the existing demand for transport fuels besides causing a aquatic plants, which makes it possible to use algae to fulfill the
tremendous strain on global food markets and endangering hunger overall fuel demand while using limited land resources [6] and [7].
[3]. To accommodate some of these short falls, second generation Furthermore, algae can be cultivated in saline water on non-arable
biofuels emerged from non-food crop feedstocks including wheat land [8]. One of the common uses of algal biomass is to produce
straw, corn stover, and wood using advanced technologies [4]. biodiesel because lipid or oil content present in algae may be quite
These biofuels might still not be abundant enough to replace more high, with individual species containing anywhere between 2% and
that 20e25% of our total transportation fuels because of concerns 40% on a dry weight basis [9] and [10]. The most common pro-
duction route for biodiesel includes the following steps: the culti-
vated cells are separated from the growth medium and dried, the
Abbreviations: PBR, photobioreactor; MARR, minimum acceptable rate of lipid content of the cells is extracted, and subsequently biodiesel is
return; DA, dry algae biomass; WIA, water present in algae biomass; WW, waste produced via transesterification reaction. Algae-based biodiesel is
water; WRD, water remain in dryer; trans, transesterificator; BD, biodiesel; MeOH,
highly biodegradable and contains no sulfur; hence, it is seen as a
methanol; gly, glycerol; LBTD, lower bound tube diameter; UBBC, upper bound
biomass concentration; LBCD, lower bound column diameter; LBFPW, lower bound clean and more environmentally-friendly fuel source [8]. Consid-
flat plate width; UBFPL, upper bound flat plate length. ering these benefits, algae appears to be a viable alternative feed-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 918 631 3422; fax: þ1 918 631 3268. stock for producing biodiesel that is capable of meeting the demand
E-mail addresses:, for transportation fuels.
(S. Cremaschi).
0360-5442/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

Nomenclature X mass flow rates of reactant or product entering and

leaving PBR at a location for a species and at certain
times (g h1)
Greek symbols ṁ mass flow rate of products produced in PBR at a
r density of water (g m3) location for a species and at certain times (g h1)
m viscosity of water (g m1 s1) Iavg average irradiance inside the PBR (mE m2 s1)
s surface tension (g s2) Øeq length of the light path from the surface to any point in
w kinematic viscosity of water (m2 s1) the PBR (m)
BC biomass concentration (g m3)
Parameters Treactor reactor temperature ( C)
g acceleration due to gravity (m s2) AS Surface area of the cultivation unit (m2)
Sc solar constant (mE m2 s1) mmax maximum specific growth rate (day1)
Cp specific heat (J g1 C1) m specific growth rate (h1)
EmpA empirical constant for interior and coastal regions PrV volumetric productivity of the PBRs (g m3 h1)
hdryer efficiency of dryer PrVO2 volumetric rate of oxygen generation by
hextractor efficiency of extractor photosynthesis (rate of photosynthesis) (g m3 h1)
htrans efficiency of transesterificator V volume occupied (m3)
Demand biodiesel demand (g y1) Ul velocity of fluid flow in PBR (m h1)
nT number of tube diameters of separation AC Cross sectional area of the cultivation unit (m2)
[O2]out outlet concentration of dissolved oxygen (g m3) Re Reynolds number
[O2]in inlet concentration of dissolved oxygen (g m3) HØ Hydraulic diameter of PBR (m)
Tmax maximum temperature attained at a location in a day PP Power of pump (kW)
( C) f tube diameter (m)
Tmin minimum temperature attained at a location in a day TL length of solar loop of a tubular PBR (m)
( C) A Land area occupied by tubular PBR (m2)
Latitude latitude (degree)
Longitude longitude (degree) Variables related to column PBR
Time zone time zone dC column diameter (m)
EqCost equipment cost of a node at a location ($ m3) ε gas hold up
ElCost electric cost of pump ($ kWh1) Ug superficial gas velocity (m h1)
%s percentage of dry algae present in algae species (%) dB bubble diameter (m)
OC lipid content present in an algae species (dry weight CH height of column PBR (m)
Ka extinction coefficient of algae biomass (m2 g1) Variables related to flat plate PBR
Ik species dependent constant (mE m2 s1) W width of flat plate (m)
n empirical constant FPH height of flat plate (m)
Ulmax maximum permissible liquid velocity inside the PBR FPL length of flat plate (m)
(m h1) ε gas hold up
sunrise time time of sunrise (h) Ug superficial gas velocity (m h1)
q daily zenith angle at a location (radians) Ub bubble rise velocity (m h1)
It extraterrestrial solar radiation on horizon surface Ra Rayleigh number
(mE m2 s1)
Io incident solar radiation on horizontal surface Subscripts
(mE m2 s1) s species
Tsurr surrounding temperature ( C) l location
Pi process i (P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 represent the series of
Variables processes involved in biodiesel production)
Z objective function ($) c component
O mass flow rates of reactant or product entering or y year
leaving transesterificator or extractor at a location for a d day of the year
species in a year (g y1) t time of the day
N mass flow rates of reactant or products entering or in stream flowing in to unit operation
leaving PBR at a location for a species in a year (g y1) out stream flowing out from unit operation
max maximum
min minimum

Despite their inherent potential as a source of biofuel, algae- for cultivating algae in large scale are open ponds and closed
based applications have scarcely reached industrial scale. The photobioreactors (PBRs) [12]. Open ponds are less efficient when
main reason underlying such a low practical implementation is the compared to PBRs [13] because of the difficulty to control
high costs associated with algae cultivation [11]. Practical methods contamination, temperature fluctuations, and evaporative losses.
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 25

They are also prone to inefficient mixing and light limitations [12] reactor type is also influenced by geographical factors such as land
and [14]. On the other hand, PBRs offer a contamination free costs and climate at the reactor site, which is correlated with the
environment that is appropriate for the growth of sensitive strains. available sunlight and temperature at that location. Availability of
They allow better control of cultivation conditions which sunlight at a location influences cell growth because algae absorb
contribute to the production of strains rich in high value products light to grow [22]. The amount absorbed greatly depends on
[15]. However, PBRs are substantially more expensive compared to biomass concentration. The higher the algae concentration, the less
open ponds. They are difficult to scale up, and it is challenging to light is absorbed [22]. Effect of average light intensity on cell con-
control light flux [12]. Design of artificial cultivation units is mainly centration was examined for micro algal cultivation in PBRs [23]. An
influenced by three features: (1) algae strain that will be grown, (2) empirical hyperbolic equation, analogous to LamberteBeer type
geographical location for cultivating the chosen algae strain, and (3) equation, was proposed where light intensity and algal cell con-
type of cultivation unit for producing the biomass. centration are calculated by numerical integration. It was found
More than 50,000 algal species are estimated to exist [16] and that identification of the appropriate shape and size of cultivation
not all of these species are appropriate for producing biodiesel unit for the selected location is critical for attaining optimum ab-
because each individual algae species has unique physiological and sorption of light by algal biomass. Temperature is another impor-
growth characteristics. In an earlier study, Aquatic Species Program tant environmental factor that strongly regulates cell growth [24]
of US Department of Energy screened more than 300 micro algal and [25]. Influence of temperature on growth of various species of
species on the basis of growth rate, oil content, and nutrient defi- algae was experimentally examined by several investigators
ciency under different environmental conditions [17]. They [24,26e29]. Correlations were proposed to describe the relation-
concluded that during nutrient deficiency, rates of oil production ship between growth rate and temperature using Arrhenius
are lower. The possibility of large scale production of algae in open equation [30], Van't Hoff equation [25], and Berthelot's equation
ponds was investigated by conducting experiments at various lo- [31]. Studies show that algal growth rates increase as temperature
cations, and these studies confirmed the viability of long term, increases up to an optimal temperature, beyond which they
reliable production of algae. Studies were conducted in laboratory decrease [32] and [33]. It was also found that different algal species
to select the algae strain for oil production [18]. Thirty micro algal respond differently to temperature changes because of differences
strains were screened for biomass productivity and lipid content. in cell sizes [34] and [35], concentration of photosynthetic pig-
One strain with relatively high lipid content was selected to grow in ments within the cells [35], and tolerance levels. Hence, the
an outdoor PBR to study the influence of irradiance, nutrient supply geographic location of the cultivation unit plays a vital role in its
on fatty acid accumulation and to determine its lipid production design.
rate. The experimental results revealed that micro algal strain The third important aspect that influences the design of culti-
eustigmatophyte has the potential for an annual production of 20 vation units is the type of PBR chosen for cultivation. Variety of PBR
tons of lipid per hectare in Mediterranean climates and of more designs have been proposed and tested with the three main cate-
than 30 tons of lipid per hectare in sunny tropical areas. Algae gories for large scale cultivation of algae being tubular/horizontal,
species with high oil content, growth rate, productivity, ability to column/vertical, and flat plate/rectangular PBRs [36]. The pros and
survive the shear stress in PBRs, robust, tolerable to a wide range of cons of different reactor types are summarized in Table 1 [37]. The
temperatures, are desirable to produce biodiesel efficiently [14]. algae cultivation unit must be designed to utilize maximum
Therefore, it is crucial to select the right algae species, which ulti- amount of light (sunlight if placed outside e which is the consid-
mately may lead to a cost effective production of biodiesel. ered approach in the current work) for growth, minimizing pho-
The second feature that should be considered is the location of toinhibition and photolimitation affects. In a PBR, light intensity
the PBR. Certain regions of the world are better suited for algae decreases exponentially with distance from the illuminated surface
growth than others [19]. According to the observations of Wogan [22]. Due to this effect, the algae cells near the illuminated surface
[20], southwestern and southern states of United States are good of the reactor are exposed to high light intensities. Prolonged
locations to cultivate algae. Borowitzka [21] argued that selection of exposure to such high light intensities may cause cell death leading

Table 1
Main pros and cons of tubular, column, and flat plate PBRs.

Closed systems Advantages Disadvantages

Tubular PBR 1. Large illumination surface area 1. Requires large land space
2. Suitable for outdoor cultures 2. Photoinhibition is common
3. Good biomass productivities 3. Poor mass transfer
Column PBR 1. High mass transfer, photosynthetic efficiency, 1. Small illumination area
potential for scalability 2. Low surface to volume ratio
2. Reduced photoinhibition and photo-oxidation 3. Expensive compared to open ponds
3. Low cost, compact, and easy to operate
4. Greater gas hold ups
5. Best exposure to light/dark cycles
6. Least land use
7. Promising for large scale cultivation of algae
Flat plate PBR 1. Large illumination surface area 1. Difficult to scale-up
2. High area to volume ratios 2. Algae adheres to walls
3. Suitable for outdoor cultures 3. Low photosynthetic efficiency
4. High biomass productivities
5. Uniform distribution of light
6. Inexpensive
7. Easy to construct, maintain, and clean up
8. High photosynthetic efficiency
9. Mass production of microalgae
26 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

to photoinhibition [38]. The algae cells away from the illuminated results showed that the model with no light integration under-
surface receive less light due to mutual shading which leads to estimated the productivity, while the model with full light
lower growth rates. This phenomena is called photolimitation [39] integration over-estimated it. Characterization of flat plate pho-
and [40]. Hence, the design of PBRs should consider all these effects tobioreactor such as orientation, hydrodynamics, heat and mass
and enable effective utilization of sunlight by algae. In general, it transfer, and mixing for the production of microalgae was pre-
has been suggested that effective mixing in the reactor and sented by Sierra [53]. It was concluded that productivity is
increasing the illumination surface area to volume ratio of the dependent on location and orientation of the PBR, and compared
reactor leads to better sunlight utilization [13] and [41]. to tubular and column PBRs, flat plate PBRs require lower power
Many PBR models and designs have been proposed and/or supply to achieve similar mass transfer, mixing, and heat trans-
tested in literature, e.g. [42e47]. For example, Chisti, Fernandez fer. Meiser [54] investigated the biomass productivity of
and Grima [36] designed an airlift tubular PBR with continuous Phaeodactylum tricornutum in flat panel airlift loop reactor. The
run solar loops to grow Phaeodactylum tricornutum at Almeria, influence of carbon dioxide aeration rates and irradiance on
Spain. They studied the effects of culture productivity on the biomass productivity was studied. Productivity increased by
observed solar irradiance, mixing, O2 accumulation, O2 removal, higher aeration rates and higher light intensities. Slegers [55]
and flow velocity through solar loop, and recommended a reactor developed a model to predict biomass production in single and
with a capacity of 0.2 m3 which yielded 1.2 g l1 d1 of dry algae. parallel placed flat plate PBRs. The effect of sunlight on produc-
They recommended the tubes be less than 0.1 m in diameter and tivity was studied, and the results indicate that productivity
80 m long. Fernandez and Grima [48] developed a macro model varies between locations, reactor layout, algae species, and
to estimate the year-long Phaeodactylum tricornutum pro- varying light intensities over the day and the year. It was
ductivities in two outdoor tubular PBRs, located in Almeria, concluded that vertical and east-west oriented single panels
Spain. The inputs to the model were the day of the year, the produce the most amount of biomass.
reactor geometry (diameter), the kinetic parameters of the algae As per available literature, physical parameters considered in
strain, and the biomass concentration, which was measured designing the outdoor cultivation units are temperature, solar irra-
throughout the experiments. The temperature was maintained diance, area to volume ratio, oxygen build up, carbon dioxide uptake
around 20  C using heat exchangers. Solar irradiance inside the efficiency, mass transfer, mixing, pH, and nutrient supply [7]. The
water, where tubes were immersed, was measured using quan- impact of reactor geometry (e.g. reactor diameter), operation (e.g.
tum light meter. Daily solar irradiance on the earth's surface was average velocity, mixing), and temperature fluctuations on produc-
estimated using equations from literature [49]. They reported tivity are not fully understood. Most of the literature focuses on
that the biomass productivities ranged from 1.08 to 2.76 g l1 d1 designing pilot scale PBRs by considering the impact of one or a few
for tube diameters of 0.06 m and 0.03 m, respectively. Also, physical parameters on algae growth at one time. In order to replicate
Fernandez and Grima [50] completed a comparative analysis of the actual behavior of outdoor PBR, it is necessary to understand the
the concentration and productivity of Haematococcus pluvialis in relationship between all the physical parameters. Therefore, there is a
tubular and bubble column PBRs to determine the best reactor critical need for a model that considers all physical parameters, and
for outdoor mass cultivation. According to their results, tubular the resulting analysis that investigates the impact of each parameter
PBRs were preferable compared to bubble columns. The mean over the rest. Such an examination would not only generate an
daily irradiance on tubular PBR was 2.5 times higher than in optimal PBR design but also help in understanding which physical
bubble column. The biomass concentration and overall produc- parameter(s) have major influence(s) on the biomass productivity,
tivity in tubular PBR were 7 g l1 (dry weight) and 0.55 g l1 d1, growth rate, and hence the economics of the PBR. Furthermore, se-
as opposed to 0.41 g l1 and 0.12 g l1 d1 in bubble column. lection of an optimal PBR design to suit the particular characteristics
Chisti and Grima [47] used engineering analysis and experi- of micro algal strain and geographical location is important for cost
mental observations to evaluate vertical bubble column and effective production of biomass because a cultivation unit suitable for
horizontal tubular PBRs for large scale outdoor cultivation of one type of algae species at a location, may not necessarily be optimal
Phaeodactylum tricornutum. They compared performance of the for another species at the same or different location.
two PBRs in terms of the observed gaseliquid hydrodynamics, The present work was undertaken with an objective to
mass transfer, internal irradiance, and overall productivity. Their analyze the influence of algae species, geographical location, and
results revealed that vertical bubble columns perform better than reactor type on biomass productivity, growth rate, and reactor
horizontal loops, and that bubble columns and airlift vessels geometry. It presents a unique approach that combines the
appear to be the only ones that can be used effectively in large- experimentally validated models (growth, temperature, and
scale cultivation of microalgae. They concluded that the optimal irradiance models) available in the open literature for optimally
dimensions of vertical bubble column PBRs are about 0.2 m in designing outdoor PBRs. Three main PRB designs, tubular, col-
diameter and 4 m in column height with a spacing of about umn, and flat plate, were considered. The impact of physical
3.5 m. Merchuk [51] simulated the growth of Porphyridium sp. in parameters such as solar irradiance, temperature, oxygen build
bubble-column PBRs. The proposed model integrated the kinetics up, mass transfer, nutrient supply, and mixing on growth of algae
of photosynthesis and photoinhibition with the fluid dynamics of biomass were modeled for each reactor type. Then, the models
bubble column. The model's predictions were in agreement with were used to determine the optimum reactor geometries for
the experimental results from laboratory. The results indicated growing two different algae species (Phaeodactylum tricornutum
that high biomass concentrations are achieved at low column and Isochrysis galbana) on four different locations (Tulsa, USA;
diameters, and that areal productivity increases with increasing Hyderabad, India; Cape Town, South Africa; and Rio-de-Janeiro,
diameter up to a point and then decreases. A mathematical Brazil). The optimum reactor is defined as the one that yields
model was developed by Bosma, Zessen, Reith, Tramper and the minimum total production cost (net present sink) assuming
Wijffels [52] to predict the volumetric productivity of Monodus the algae grown was used to produce a certain amount of bio-
Subterraneus cultivated in an outdoor pilot-plant bubble column diesel. In Section 2, the design models of the PBRs are explained.
located in Netherlands. Two models, one with no light integra- The solution approach is detailed in Section 3. Section 4 illus-
tion and one with full light integration, were evaluated at trates the case study. Results are summarized in Section 5, fol-
different natural light conditions and different temperatures. The lowed by conclusions and future work given in Section 6.
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 27

2. Biodiesel production and PBR design models Based on the above assumptions, the elemental balances of
carbon (Eq. (1)), hydrogen (Eq. (2)), and oxygen (Eq. (3)) written
Fig. 1 presents the steps involved in the production of algae- according to the algal-biomass-growth reaction stoichiometry,
based biodiesel. The first step is the cultivation of suitable algae yield three relationships between the inlet and outlet flow rates
species in a PBR. The cultivated algae at the selected location is then of the algae cultivation unit for each day, d and the time of the
harvested and sent for drying where excess water is removed. Then, day, t.
the lipids are extracted from the dried algae yielding algae oil. This
algae oil is sent to transesterification reactor for biodiesel produc- X CO2 ;in;P1;d;t X DA;out;P1;d;t
¼a cd; ct (1)
tion. Transesterification is a chemical reaction between tri- MWCO2 MWalgae
glycerides and alcohol to produce biodiesel, and glycerol is
produced as byproduct. In the current work, given a biodiesel
X H2 0;in;P1;d;t X DA;out;P1;d;t X WIA;out;P1;d;t
production rate, we performed a material balance separately for 2 ¼e þ2
MWH2 O MWalgae MWH2 O
each step of Fig. 1 to determine the necessary rate of algae growth.
Algae cultivation: In the cultivation unit, the algal biomass X WW;out;P1;d;t
þ2 cd; ct (2)
production via photosynthesis is approximated with MWH2 O

zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{ dry algae zfflffl}|fflffl{ water in algae X CO2 ;in;P1;d;t X H2 O;in;P1;d;t X DA;out;P1;d;t X WIA;out;P1;d;t
aCO2 þ bH2 O þ cP þ gN/Ca He Of Ng Pc þ hH2 O 2 þ ¼f þ
zfflffl}|fflffl{ waste water X O2 ;out;P1;d;t X WW;out;P1;d;t
þiO2 þ jH2 O þ2 þ cd; ct
a moles of carbon dioxide, b moles of water, c moles of phospho- (3)
rous, and g moles of nitrogen enter the cultivation unit to produce 1
In this formulation, X is the mass flow rate (g h ). The first
1 mol of DA (dry algae), h moles of WIA (water in algae), i moles of
subscript of X represents the chemical species: carbon dioxide
oxygen, and j moles of WW (waste water). In the current work, it is
(CO2), water (H2O), DA (dry algae), WIA (water in algae), WW (waste
assumed that nitrogen and phosphorus are supplied in the appro-
water), and oxygen (O2), respectively. The second subscript of X
priate form in excess for algal growth in the growth medium.
denotes whether a stream is an input (in) or an output (out or
As noted in Section 1, the algae growth is a function of available
removed) for a process. The third subscript of X specifies which
light and temperature among other things. If the algae cultivation
process (P) the stream is attached to. Subscripts P1, P2, P3, P4, and
units are built outdoors as envisioned by many (e.g.
P5 refer to the five stages of biodiesel production which are culti-
[23,36,50,52,56e58]), both of these factors change based on the
vation, harvesting and concentration, drying, extraction, and
time of the day, and the day of the year. Therefore, the algae
transesterification, respectively (Fig. 1). The fourth subscript of X
cultivation units operate in a dynamic mode throughout the day,
specifies the day (d) of the operation, and the last subscript cor-
never reaching a steady-state behavior. This dynamic behavior can
responds to the hour (t) of the operation. In Eq. (1) through (3), MW
be captured by differential equations; however repeated solution of
denotes the molecular weight, and its subscript corresponds to the
these differential equations may be computationally expensive.
chemical species. For example, MWCO2 is the molecular weight of
Therefore, the following assumptions were made in order to cap-
carbon dioxide.
ture this dynamic behavior and reduce the computational burden
Given the percentage of dry algae in wet algae biomass for
in this model: (1) Time is discretized using time buckets of equal
species s, %s, Eq. (4) calculates the mass flow rate of water present in
size, mainly hours. (2) All properties are assumed to be constant
algae. The total algae mass is the sum of dry algae and water pre-
within a time bucket, e.g., the algae growth rate within a time
sent in algae.
bucket is fixed. However, it may change from one time bucket to the
X DA;out;P1;d;t
 100 ¼ %s cd; ct (4)
X WIA;out;P1;d;t þ X DA;out;P1;d;t

Mass flow rate of products (dry algae, water in algae and waste
Algae Cultivation
water), ṁout,P1,d,t, in the PBR on day d at time t, is computed via Eq.

Harvesting & _ out;P1;d;t ¼ XDA;out;P1;d;t þ XWIA;out;P1;d;t

Concentration þ XWW;out;P1;d;t cd; ct (5)

Harvesting & Concentration: During this step, algae biomass is

harvested and is separated from excess waste water. In this work, it
Drying is assumed that the process(es) used for concentration step suc-
cessfully removes all growth medium water, i.e., waste water,
collected during the algal biomass harvesting step. Hence, only
wet algae, i.e., dry algae and water present in algae, continue to the
Oil Extraction
next step. Eq. (6) shows the overall mass balance of harvesting and
concentration step.
XDA;in;P2;d;t þ XWIA;in;P2;d;t þ XWW;in;P2;d;t
Transesterification ¼ XDA;out;P2;d;t þ XWIA;out;P2;d;t þ XWW;removed;P2;d;t cd; ct
Fig. 1. Process flow chart.
28 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

Drying: In this step, water present in algae is removed from 2.1. PBR design models
wet algae with the dryer efficiency, hdryer. Eq. (7) calculates the
outlet mass flow rate of remaining water, XWRD,out,P3,d,t, that leaves, The cultivation units considered in this work are tubular, col-
out, the dryer on day d at time t. Eq. (8) gives the overall material umn, and flat plate PBRs. The design models relate the rate of algae
balance for drying step. growth to the necessary volume for that specific reactor. There are
two sets of design equations: one set is common for the three PBRs
XWRD;out;P3;d;t ¼ XWIA;in;P3;d;t  hdryer cd; ct (7) and the other set is specific to each reactor type.

2.1.1. Common design equations

XDA;in;P3;d;t þ XWIA;in;P3;d;t ¼ XDA;out;P3;d;t þ XWRD;out;P3;d;t Algal production. Eq. (14) calculates volume, V, of the culti-
þ XWIA;removed;P3;d;t cd; ct (8)
vation unit when productivity, PrVd,t, and production, XDA,out,P1,d,t, of
Extraction: In the extractor, lipid is extracted from dry algae algae biomass are known.
biomass leaving cake as residue. Eq. (9) calculates the flow rate of
lipid using the efficiency of extractor, hextractor, and oil content of XDA;out;P1;d;t ¼ PrVd;t  V cd; ct (14)
algae species, OCs. Eq. (10) gives the overall mass balance for Productivity, PrVd,t, of algae biomass in a PBR on day d at time t is
extraction step where mass flow rates of dry algae and water defined as the reactor's product generation rate (g m3 h1), and
remaining in algae after the dryer step, is equal to mass flow rates of can be calculated as a function of specific growth rate (h1), md,t, and
lipid, Xlipid,out,P4,d,t, and cake, Xcake,out,P4,d,t, leaving, out, the extractor biomass concentration (g m3), BCd,t, on day d at time t, as shown in
on day d at time t. Eq. (15).

Xlipid;out;P4;d;t ¼ XDA;in;P4;d;t  hextractor  OCs cd; ct (9) PrVd;t ¼ md;t  BCd;t cd; ct (15)

In Eq. (16), mass flow rate of waste water, XWW,out,P1,d,t, and mass
XDA;in;P4;d;t þ XWRD;in;P4;d;t ¼Xlipid;out;P4;d;t flow rate of dry algae biomass, XDA,out,P1,d,t, produced in PBR are used
þ Xcake;out;P4;d;t cd; ct to calculate the concentration of dry algae biomass in water, BCd,t.
" #
Transesterification reactor: The biodiesel transesterification re- XDA;out;P1;d;t
action is defined as [59]: BCd;t ¼ r cd; ct (16)

catalyst In Eq. (16), r is the density of water.

Lipid þ 3ðMethanolÞ5Glycerol þ 3ðBiodieselÞ
All lipid (assumed to be all triglyceride in this article) leaving the Temperature and light dependence of algae growth rate.
extractor, enters the transesterification reaction where it reacts The maximum specific growth rates, mmax, of algae species depend
with methanol in the presence of catalyst to produce glycerol and on the temperature and the species itself [62]. One approach to
biodiesel. model this relationship has a form inspired by the Arrhenius
The rate of biodiesel production on each day, d, and time, t, equation: mmax ¼ a:expðb:TÞ where a and b are species dependent
XBD,out,P5,d,t, can be calculated using the transesterification reaction constants, and T is temperature. Response of growth rate to changes
stoichiometry, and the efficiency of transesterification reactor, in temperature was modeled in Ref. [63], for eight species of marine
htrans, and is given in Eq. (11). phytoplankton, where maximum growth rate tends to increase
with temperature and also varies with species [62]. Eq. (17) shows
XBD;out;P5;d;t Xlipid;in;P5;d;t the empirical relationship between the maximum specific growth
¼  htrans  3 cd; ct (11)
MWBD MWlipid rate, mmaxd;t , and temperature inside the PBR, Treactord;t , on day d at
time t.
mmaxd;t ¼ a  e cd; ct (17)
MWBD: Molecular weight of biodiesel [60]
MWlipid: Molecular weight of lipid [61] The temperature inside the PBR (K), Treactord;t , can be estimated
by a simple energy balance around the reactor at each time bucket.
The necessary mass flow rate of methanol, XMeOH,in,P5,d,t, and the Assuming that the energy stored in the walls of the PBR is negligible
production rate of glycerol, Xgly,out,P5,d,t, on day d at time t can be compared to the energy stored by algae growth medium, and the
calculated similar to rate of biodiesel production, and these re- temperature in the PBR was initially equal to the surrounding
lationships are given in Eq. (12) for methanol and Eq. (13) for temperature, Eq. (18) describes the relationship between the
glycerol. average solar irradiance inside the culture (mE m2 h1), Iavgd;t , and
the reactor temperature on day d at time t.
X MeOH;in;P5;d;t Xlipid;in;P5;d;t  
¼ 3 cd; ct (12) _ out;P1;d;t  Cp  Treactord;t  Tsurrd;t cd; ct
Iavgd;t  Ephoton  As ¼ m
MWmeth MWlipid

Xgly;out;P5;d;t Xlipid;in;P5;d;t where,

¼  htrans cd; ct (13)
MWgly MWlipid Ephoton: Photon energy
Cp: Specific heat of water (J g1 C1)
where, Tsurrd;t : Surrounding air temperature
MWMeOH: Molecular weight of methanol. As: Surface area of the cultivation unit (it is the area of the
MWgly: Molecular weight of glycerol. reactor that is exposed to sunlight)
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 29

Algal growth is also a function of the available light. Eq. (19) is medium while keeping the fluid properties similar to that of water
called light-limited growth equation which was developed and [66]. This upper bound on biomass concentration (UBBC) is added
tested by Grima, Camacho, Pe rez, Sevilla, Ferna
ndez, and Go mez to the model in Eq. (23).
[64]. It models the effect of light attenuation on the observed algae
growth rate in the cultivation unit. It defines a hyperbolic rela- BCd;t  UBBC cd; ct (23)
tionship between the specific algae growth rate and average solar
irradiance inside the culture when algae species and its light ab- Maximum dissolved oxygen concentration in PBR. It is shown
sorption coefficient (mE m2 s1), Ik, are known. Based on the study, that high levels of dissolved oxygen inhibit photosynthesis [67] and
material balance performed in a chemostat where specific growth become toxic to most microalgae [16]. Eq. (24) ensures that, the
rate is expressed as a function of irradiance, it was observed that level of dissolved oxygen in the PBR stays below the acceptable
the algae growth rate predictions of this model exhibit a good limit throughout the operation of the PBR. Given the maximum
agreement with the measured ones. permissible liquid velocity, Ulmax, rate of photosynthesis
(g m3 h1), PrVO2 , on day d at time t, and the acceptable limit of
" n
# d;t
Iavg the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the reactor, Eq. (24) places
md;t ¼ mmaxd;t  d;t
cd; ct (19) an upper bound on the relevant design parameter of the PBR
Ikn þ Iavg
(Design), which is the diameter in case of circular geometry and
thickness in case of non-circular geometry.
n: Exponent that describes the abruptness of the transition from  
Ulmax  ½O2 out  ½O2 in
weekly-illuminated to strongly-illuminated regions. Design  cd; ct (24)
In a PBR, light intensity is attenuated because of biomass con- d;t

centration [23], light absorption, and mutual-shading [36]. The algae Here, Ulmax is 0.5 ms-1 and is taken from literature [36]. [O2]in is
cells closer to light source receive higher irradiance than cells further the dissolved oxygen concentration at the entrance of the reactor
away. These effects are modeled in Eq. (20) which was developed by taken to be 8.2 mg l1, which is the saturation value when water is
Fernandez, Camacho, Pe rez, Sevilla, and Grima [23], who proposed
in equilibrium with atmosphere. [O2]out is the exit dissolved oxygen
an empirical relationship between light attenuation and biomass concentration that does not inhibit photosynthesis. In literature, it
concentration. They verified the model's accuracy using several has been stated that this value should not generally exceed about
types of freshwater microalga, Phaeodactylum tricornutum. This 400% of air saturation value [13], and in this study, it is taken as
model was later validated for different algae species and PBR ge- 32.8 mg l1. Rate of photosynthesis, PrVO2 , is estimated from the
ometries in Ref. [57]. Their results indicate that horizontal tubular d;t
amount of oxygen, XO2,out,P1,d,t, produced in cultivation unit and
PBR provide better light distribution than other conventional PBRs. reactor volume, V as shown in Eq. (25).
Eq. (20) estimates the average solar irradiance, Iavgd;t , experienced by
a single cell moving inside the culture based on the position of the XO2 ;out;P1;d;t
sun relative to the PBR and Beer-Lambert relationship [65]. The light PrVO2 ¼ cd; ct (25)
d;t V
absorption coefficient, Ka, varies with algae species.
Reynolds number of the fluid flow inside the PBR is calculated by
"  # Eq. (26).
Io d;t  4eq KaBCd;t
Iavgd;t ¼ 1e d;t
cd; ct  
4eqd;t  Ka  BCd;t H∅  Uld;t  r
Red;t ¼ cd; ct (26)
(20) m

In Eq. (20), 4eqd;t is the length of light path from reactor surface where,
to any point inside the culture on day d at time t, and it is calculated HØ: Hydraulic diameter of PBR and is calculated depending on
by Eqs. (21) and (22) depending on the orientation of PBR relative to the type of the cultivation unit used m: Viscosity of the fluid.
the position of the sun [23]. In these equations, the position of sun Eq. (27) calculates the liquid velocity, Uld,t, in the PBR on day d at
is defined by the solar zenith angle, q, the angle of declination of time t when cross sectional area, Ac, of the cultivation unit is
sun from the vertical. For horizontal orientation of PBR, the higher known.
the sun's position from earth's surface, the smaller the length of
light path. For vertical orientation of PBR, the higher the sun's po- _ out;P1;d;t
Uld;t ¼ cd; ct (27)
sition from earth's surface, the greater the length of light path. This r  Ac
phenomenon is displayed in Fig. 2.
" # Pumping costs. Pumps not only help in creating mixing ef-
Design fect but also help in transporting the fluid from the inlet to the
4eqd;t ¼ for Horizontal PBR cd; ct (21) outlet of the PBR. Good mixing circulates algal cells between light
cos qd;t
and dark regions of PBRs, avoids cell attachment to reactor walls,
" # reduces the degree of mutual shading, and lowers the probability of
Design photoinhibition [68]. Pumping costs may play a significant role in
4eqd;t ¼ for Vertical PBR cd; ct (22) PBR design especially as the diameter of the reactor becomes
sin qd;t
smaller. Power, PPd,t, required for pumping the fluid throughout the
Here, Design is the relevant design parameter of the PBR such as PBR is calculated with Eqs. (28) and (29), for horizontal-orientation
diameter in case of circular geometry and thickness in case of non- PBRs and vertical-orientation PBRs, respectively. Eq. (28) takes into
circular geometry. account the pressure losses due to friction. Here, friction factor is
Concentration of algae biomass should be kept below a pre- computed using Haaland equation for circular and noncircular
determined value, firstly, to inhibit light attenuation because when smooth pipes [69], where Design is the relevant design parameter of
light passes through dense cultures, it would decay along the depth, the PBR (diameter in case of circular geometry and thickness in case
and secondly, to maintain the Newtonian behavior of the growth of non-circular geometry) in whose direction frictional loss occurs.
30 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

∅  LBTD (32)

LBTD: Lower bound on tube diameter. Column PBR. Eq. (33) calculates the volume occupied by the
bubble column PBR, V.

V¼  dC 2  CH (33)

dC: Diameter of column PBR
CH: Height of column PBR.
Gas hold up, which is defined as the percentage of gas in a
multiphase mixture, is considered to be one of the most important
Fig. 2. Zenith angle and length of light path for horizontal and vertical oriented PBRs.
parameters of column PBR design because it characterizes the hy-
drodynamics within the bubble column. Gas hold up, εd,t, of column
PBR on day d at time t mainly depends on superficial gas velocity,
Ugd,t, of the fluid flow on day d at time t, column diameter, gravity,
Eq. (29) takes into account both the pressure losses due to friction
and fluid properties such as density, surface tension, and viscosity.
and gravitational affects. The first component of the summation in
The effect of superficial gas velocity on gas hold up was experi-
Eq. (29) calculates the pressure drop due to gravitational affects
mentally examined in Ref. [71], and the best correlation for pre-
where g is acceleration due to gravity, and Design is the relevant
dicting the gas hold up within liquidegas columns was found to be
design parameter of the PBR in whose direction gravitational loss
Eq. (34) and Eq. (35). Their experimental data suggested that the
occurs. The second component calculates the pressure drop due to
total gas hold up increase with increasing superficial gas velocities.
friction similar to Eq. (28).
" #   "Ul2 # 0:449
εd;t ¼ 1:335  Ugd;t cd; ct (34)
6:9 Design d;t
_ out;P1;d;t   1:8 log
PPd;t ¼ m   cd;ct
Red;t H∅ 2
0:13 0:11
g  dC 2  r g  dC 3  r2
(28) εd;t ¼ 0:20
s m2
_ out;P1;d;t  g  Design
PPd;t ¼ m Ugd;t
( " # pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cd; ct (35)
6:9 g  dC
þ _ out;P1;d;t   1:8 log
Red;t (29)
  "Ul2 # )
Design d;t g: Acceleration due to gravity s: Surface tension of water inside
  cd; ct
H∅ 2 the PBR
m: Viscosity of water inside the PBR
Another important parameter that greatly influences the hy-
drodynamics with the column PBR is bubble diameter. Bubble size
2.1.2. Reactor-type specific model equations is controlled by the balance between coalescence and breakup
forces. The magnitudes of these forces depend on superficial gas Tubular PBR. Volume of tubular PBR, V, is computed velocity and liquid physiological properties [72]. Hence, bubble
assuming that the tubular PBR is a perfect cylinder, viz. Eq. (30). diameter, dBd,t, on day d at time t is affected by column diameter,
p acceleration due to gravity, superficial gas velocity, and liquid
V¼  ∅2  TL (30) properties such as density, surface tension, kinematic viscosity.
Dimensionless correlation for the estimation of bubble size as a
where, function of gas velocity and liquid physiological properties was
Ø: Diameter of tubes in a tubular PBR. proposed in Ref. [72] based on experimental data using photo-
TL: Length of tube. graphic technique. Their correlation agreed within 20% of the
Eq. (31) calculates land area occupied by the tubular reactor, A, previously published data of Towell [73].
when volume is known. Separation between the tubes of the
0:5 0:12
reactor is expressed as a function of tube diameter, dC 2  g  r g  dC 3
dBd;t ¼ 26  dC
separation ¼ nT *∅, where nT is obtained from literature [70]. s w 2

separation  V !0:12
A¼ (31) Ugd;t
Ac pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cd; ct (36)
g  dC
For tubular PBRs, high surface to volume ratio ensures high
growth rates and productivities [22]. In order to obtain high surface
to volume ratio, tube diameter, Ø, should be kept as low as possible. Lastly, to obtain uniform distribution of light and to ensure
However, pumping the culture medium at such low diameters heterogeneous bubble flow inside the column, diameter, dC, should
become expensive. Hence, a realistic lower bound on diameter is be kept above a realistic lower bound [47] and [74] as shown in Eq.
added to the model via Eq. (32). (37).
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 31

dC  LBCD (37) 2.2. Air temperature and irradiance models

where, As explained in Section, the outdoor cultivation of algae is

LBCD: Lower bound on column diameter. effected by the available sunlight (Eq. (19)) and the temperature
(Eq. (17)), which depend on the location of the PBR. The governing
equations to estimate the surrounding temperature, Tsurrd;t , and Flat plate PBR. Eq. (38) allows calculating the volume, V, incident light availability, Iod;t , on day d at time t are explained in the
occupied by the flat plate PBR. following sections.
V ¼ FPH  W  FPL (38)
2.2.1. Surrounding temperature equations
where, Temperature simulation model presented in Ref. [77], and given
W: Width of flat plate PBR in Eqs. (46)e(48), is used to calculate the surrounding temperature,
FPL: Diameter of flat plate PBR FPH: Height of flat plate PBR. Tsurrd;t , on day d at time t on earth surface. This model is validated by
Flat plate bioreactor is similar to a rectangular bubble column Berninger [78] in his study by comparing the simulated data and
PBR. Hence, the design of flat plate PBR utilizes similar correlations the instantaneous measured data on a sample day for a period of 45
used for gas hold up and bubble diameter. Gas hold up is calculated days. The results indicated that the model was a good fit to the
using Eqs. (39) and (40) where Ubd,t is bubble rise velocity of the instantaneous temperature measurements. The model assumes
fluid flow on day d at time t [26]. In heterogeneous flow regime, the that minimum temperature, Tmind , occurs at the time of sunrise and
larger the bubble size, the higher the bubble rise velocity and the maximum temperature, Tmaxd , at 14:00 h Eq. (46) calculates the
lower the gas hold up. surrounding temperature before the time of sunrise, sunriseTimed.
Eq. (47) calculates the surrounding temperature between sunrise
εd;t ¼ 1:335  Ugd;t cd; ct (39) time and time when maximum temperature occurs, i.e., 14:00 h Eq.
(48) calculates the surrounding temperature after the time when
maximum temperature occurs.
εd;t ¼ cd; ct (40)
Ubd;t Tmaxd þ Tmind Tmaxd  Tmind
Tsurrd;t ; ¼ þ
Bubble diameter, dBd,t, on day d at time t is estimated by means 2 2 
180  ðt þ 10Þ
of Sauter mean bubble diameter as shown in Eq. (41). Correlation of  cos c t if t < sunriseTimed ; cd
10 þ sunriseTimed
bubble diameter to the liquid physiological properties (such as
density, viscosity, surface tension), and superficial gas velocity was (46)
developed in Ref. [75] based on twenty numerical experiments
conducted on three virtual liquids. They concluded that the pre- Tmaxd þ Tmind Tmaxd  Tmind
Tsurrd;t ; ¼ 
dictions of their correlation were in good agreement with experi- 2 2 
mental bubble diameters observed in the laboratory settings. 180  ðt  sunriseTimed Þ (47)
14  sunriseTimed
dBd;t ¼ 0:289  r0:552  m0:048  s0:442  Ugd;t
cd; ct ct if sunriseTimed  t  14 h; cd
Unlike column and tubular PBRs, better mixing inside a vertical Tmaxd þ Tmind Tmaxd  Tmind
Tsurrd;t ; ¼ þ
flat plate PBR, is achieved at very high Rayleigh numbers (the ratio of 2 2
buoyancy and viscous forces [76]). To ensure that the flat plate PBR 180  ðt  14Þ
 cos ct if t > 14 h; cd
operates at right Rayleigh number, Rad,t, ranges, Eq. (42) is used. 10 þ sunriseTimed
105  Rad;t  109 (42)
2.2.2. Incident light equations
Eq. (43) calculates Rayleigh number in rectangular bubble col-
Light intensity is a function of the time of the day, the day of the
umn PBR as a function of bubble properties such as bubble diam-
year, and the location on the earth surface. In order to find the
eter and bubble rise velocity.
availability of sunlight at a location, extraterrestrial solar radiation,
g  r  Ugd;t  dB3d;t Itd;t , on day d at time t on the earth's surface is calculated based on
Rad;t ¼ cd; ct (43) the position of sun, q, using Eq. (49) [79]. This model has been
m  W  Ub2d;t developed and validated by Maxwell [80] to estimate the hourly
profile of irradiance. It is widely accepted and considered to be
Width of flat plate PBR, W, should be maintained at a lower
relatively “universal”. The model was validated using data from
value to acquire good surface to volume ratio without considerably
three locations at widely varying latitudes with significantly
increasing the pumping costs as shown in Eq. (44). Length of flat
different climates and comparing these measurements with exist-
plate PBR, FPL, is also constrained to avoid high levels of dissolved
ing models. Their results show that their model performs better
oxygen concentrations as shown in Eq. (45).
without compensating for seasonal, climatic, or geographic
W  LBFPW (44) differences.

Itd;t ¼ Sc  cos qd;t cd; ct (49)

Here, Sc is solar constant and is equal to 1370 W m . Zenith
where, angle, qd,t, can be calculated when latitude, longitude, and time
LBFPW: Lower bound on width of flat plate. zone of the location are known. It should be noted that, in this
UBFPL: Upper bound on length of flat plate. model, solar radiations at a given location are calculated between
32 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39
sunrise time and sunset time, i.e., when cosine of zenith angle is EP ¼ PPd;t  30 (52)
positive. Hence, algae biomass production is modeled only during d t
the day.
Other utilities such as water and macronutrient (N and P) are
The global solar radiation, Iod;t , on day d at time t can be esti-
assumed to be supplied in abundant, and the macronutrient cost is
mated as a function of the daily maximum temperature, Tmaxd ,
negligible compared to pumping costs.
minimum temperature, Tmind , and the extraterrestrial solar radia-
The time discretization, which is necessary to capture the
tion viz. Eq. (50), based on the empirical correlation presented by
dynamic nature of algae growth, results in 8640 time buckets
Hargreaves [81]. The empirical model was developed using avail-
(24 h  360 days e assuming a 360 day operation period) in a
able meteorological observations.
year. Hence, equation sets (1) through (50) result in a total of
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 100,582 equations and 106,073 variables on an average for the
Iod;t ¼ EmpA  Tmaxd  Tmind  Itd;t cd; ct (50) three reactor types. Given the exponential increase of number of
equations and variables with the number of time buckets, the
where, solution of the resulting nonlinear optimization problem (i.e.,
EmpA: empirical coefficient which is 0.19 for coastal regions and nonlinear program) requires considerable computational re-
0.16 for interior regions [82]. sources. In order to reduce the computational burden and to
It should be noted that, all parameters in Eq. (46)e(50), i.e., make the resulting optimization problem tractable, the following
Tmind , Tmaxd , sunriseTimed, Itd;t , qd,t, and Iod;t , are location dependent. simplification approach is adapted in this paper: It is assumed
Sunrise time and cosine of solar zenith angle both depend on the that the climate and available light (which are the main sources of
latitude, longitude, and time zone. They are calculated using the dynamics of algal growth in the model) within each month of a
model developed by NOAA called NOAA Solar Calculator [83]. These year can be approximated by one specific day of each month. This
equations are provided as supplementary material for this article. reduces the number of days from 360 to 12. During that selected
The temperature and irradiance models employed in this article day, all dynamic variables are calculated using the hourly time-
assume no cloud cover. Therefore, the algae growth rates and bucket approach. The variables obtained for that one specific
productivities obtained using the model presented in this article is day of each month are replicated for all other days in that month.
a theoretical upper bound for the actual growth rates and pro- This reduces the number of equations and variables to approxi-
ductivities that can be expected with the suggested PBR designs. mately 3350 and 3535, respectively. Eq. (53)e(55) give the total
monthly and yearly mass flow rates obtained using the above
3. Solution approach approximation.
In Eq. (53), daily mass flow rate of component, c, produced, out,
Given an algae species and a location, the tubular PBR can be in PBR, on day d at time t. Nc,out,P1,d is computed from Xc,out,P1,d,t.
designed using common design equations: Eq. (1)e(29) and Eq. X
(46)e(50), and reactor specific design equations: Eq. (30)e(32), Nc;out;P1;d ¼ Xc;out;P1;d;t
making a total of 91,032 equations and 94,361 variables. It yields t
3329 degrees of freedom. The column PBR can be designed using cd2f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12g; cc2fDA; WIAg
common design equations: Eq. (1)e(29) and Eq. (46)e(50), and (53)
reactor specific design equations: Eq. (33)e(37), making a total of
96,661 equations and 97,690 variables, which yields 1029 degrees The yearly mass flow rate, Oc,out,P1,y, is calculated using Eq. (54).
of freedom. Similarly, flat plate PBR can be designed using common
design equations: Eq. (1)e(29) and Eq. (46)e(50), and reactor X
specific design equations: Eq. (38)e(45). There are 114,053 equa- Oc;out;P1;y ¼ 30  Nc;out;P1;d cy; cc2fDA; WIAg (54)
tions and 126,169 variables which lead to 12,116 degrees of d¼1
freedom. In order to obtain a unique solution to these models, the
values of the degrees of freedom should be specified. One approach where,
to specify these variables is optimization (the approach used in this Nc,out,P1,d: Mass flow rate of component, c, produced, out, in PBR
paper), in which the extra degrees of freedom can be used to ach- on day d.
ieve a specific objective. In this study, we set the objective as the Eq. (55) ensures that the total biodiesel produced by the
minimization of the net present sink of biomass production for a transesterification reaction in a year, y, satisfies the demand.
plant life of 10 years. This cost is calculated in Eq. (51). First part of
the summation in Eq. (51) calculates the equipment costs of culti- OBD;out;P5;y ¼ Demand cy (55)
vation unit (PBR) where EqCostl represents the cost of PBR ($ m3)
with unit capacity. This calculation assumes that the cost of the PBR Eq. (1)e(32) and Eq. (46)e(55) form a Nonlinear Programming
changes linearly with its volume. Second part calculates the oper- (NLP) formulations representing the tubular PBRs. Similarly, Eq.
ating costs of the cultivation unit for continuous mixing and (1)e(29), Eq. (33)e(37), and Eq. (46)e(55) represent model
pumping large volumes of algae biomass and growth medium. Cost formulation for column PBR and Eq. (1)e(29), Eq. (38)e(45), and
of operating the pumps is calculated assuming a depreciation of Eq. (46)e(55) represent model formulation for flat plate PBR. These
10% using MARR (Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return). models are implemented and solved in the General Algebraic
! Modeling System (GAMS 23.6.5) using CONOPT (version 3.14W) as
X10 1 solver. Here, it should be noted that the CONOPT is a local solver,
ZZ ¼ EqCostl  V þ  Elcostl  EP
t¼0 ð1 þ MARRÞt and, hence, yields a local minimum solution of a non-convex
optimization problems like the models we present in this paper.
One approach to overcome the shortcoming of using a local opti-
Here, ElCostl represents the cost of electricity ($ kWh ) used for mizer is to solve the problem starting from different initialization
pumping algae biomass and EP represents the annual energy re- points. In this paper, the NLPs were solved 1000 times with
quirements of the pump and is calculated by Eq. (52). different initializations. The initial guesses were generated by Latin
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 33

hypercube sampling technique. The best of the 1000 solutions are because our overall model uses the algal growth model devel-
presented in Section 5. oped in Ref. [36], and extends it by considering the diurnal
patterns of temperature and irradiance for the whole year.
4. Case study The growth model was used to design a 0.2 m3 tubular PBR to
grow algae and to predict the volumetric productivity, liquid
In the case study, the influence of two marine-water species velocity, and biomass concentration of this reactor [36]. The
(Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana) and four proposed tubular PBR design was tested for growing
geographical locations (Tulsa, USA; Hyderabad, India; Cape Phaeodactylum tricornutum species at Almeria, Spain. The avail-
Town, South Africa; and Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil) on the design of able light on culture surface and maximum specific growth rate
PBRs was investigated. The necessary parameters for the model used in this design were 820 mE m2 s1 and 0.063 h1, respec-
described in Section 2 are lipid content (OCs), light absorption tively. The authors recommended the tubes be less than 0.1 m in
coefficient (Ka), percentage of dry algae present in algae biomass diameter and 80 m long. The Base Case row in Table 2 gives the
(%s), species dependent constant (Ik), latitude, longitude, and tubular PBR design proposed in Ref. [36] for producing algae at a
time zone. The relevant data for the two marine-water species rate of 238 g d1 (dry weight basis). The information provided in
considered in the case study are listed in Table A1. The species the table is the reactor configuration, daily averages of biomass
specific constants a and b shown in Eq. (17) are estimated by concentration, growth rate, irradiance inside the reactor, and
nonlinear regression analysis on experimental data given in Ref. volumetric productivity.
[84] where eight species of marine phytoplankton were grown at Rows Design 1 and Design 2 in Table 2 were obtained by
different temperatures ranging from 10 to 25  C. Fig. A1 shows solving the optimization problem presented in our paper with
the graphical representation of our regression analysis for the minimum net sink objective for the same species
Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana species. (Phaeodactylum tricornutum), location (Almeria, Spain), type of PBR
Figure shows that maximum specific growth rate is exponen- (tubular), and algal production rate (238 g d1 (dry weight basis)).
tially dependent on reactor temperature. The four locations and Design 1 is the solution of the optimization problem if the effect of
their corresponding data are listed in Table A2. Maximum and temperature on the maximum specific algae growth rate and
minimum temperatures of the selected 12 days (obtained from a available light are ignored, i.e., Eqs. (17) and (18) and (46)e(50) are
weather website called WeatherSpark [85]) at these locations are removed from our model. The model solved in this case uses the
shown in Table A3. The model parameters and cost coefficients same light intensity and maximum specific growth rate of the Base
such as equipment costs and electricity costs that are used for Case. Design 2 is obtained by solving the model for a whole year
the case studies are summarized in Table A4 and Table A5, rather than a single day for designing a tubular PBR to grow algae at
respectively. The biodiesel demand in Eq. (55) is 34,386 g y1 a rate of 238 g d1 (dry weight basis) in Almeria, Spain. It takes into
based on [36]. account the diurnal pattern of sunlight and temperature during the
Given the above data, a total of twenty-four case problems year, and the effect of temperature on the maximum specific algae
(nonlinear programs e NLPs) were generated for tubular (two growth rate and available light (i.e. temperature and light models
species and four locations), column (two species and four loca- are considered).
tions), and flat plate (two species and four locations) PBRs using We can see from Table 2 that the overall reactor volumes of
the models presented in Section 2. These twenty-four NLPs were the Base Case and Design 1 are comparable. The reactor config-
solved separately to determine the best combination of species, uration suggested in Design 1 yields higher biomass concentra-
location, and reactor type that produces the desired amount of tion, and productivity compared to the reactor configuration of
biodiesel at the minimum net present sink. This combination is the Base Case. Design 1 requires a smaller diameter to meet the
considered to be the best case. Sensitivity analysis was per- same biomass production rate, given an objective such as mini-
formed on the best case results to understand the influence of mum net present sink. Lower diameter leads to higher biomass
maximum permissible liquid velocity in the PBR (Ulmax), and concentration and productivity because of more light penetra-
maximum acceptable dissolved oxygen concentration along the tion. However, growth rate obtained from Design 1 is lower
direction of flow ([O2]out), on the production costs. All these compared to that of Base Case because of dense cultures and cell
optimization problems were solved for a production period of 10 death due to increased light penetration. If the temperature
years. variations and the available light changes throughout the year
are taken into consideration, i.e. Design 2, a lower reactor volume
5. Results and discussion (compared to the Base Case) is obtained to meet the same
biomass production rate. The model used to obtain the reactor
5.1. Comparison of our design and Ferna ndez FG, Ferna
ndez JM, configuration of Design 2 calculates the hourly irradiance based
erez, Grima, Chisti [36] tubular PBR design on zenith angle, and maximum and minimum temperatures in a
day. This hourly irradiance is used to estimate the average irra-
Here, we compare the tubular PBR design obtained by the diance inside the reactor yielding more accurate average irradi-
modeling approach presented in our paper to the one presented ance than the ones used for designing the reactors of the Base
in Ref. [36], when the same demand is used. The discussion in Case and Design 1. Design 2 estimates the change in the tem-
this subsection serves as a verification of our modeling approach perature of the growth medium throughout the day due to

Table 2
Comparison of tubular PBR results.

Design F (m) TL (m) V (m3) BC (g m3) m (h1) Iavg (mE m2 s1) PrV (g m3 h1)

Base Case 0.06 80 0.20 2380 0.04 e 49.58

1 0.043 141.75 0.207 4130 0.022 73.40 88.26
2 0.054 29.03 0.066 3624 0.093 140.35 302.24
34 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

hourly irradiance changes and the surrounding temperature Phaeodactylum tricornutum species at Tulsa, USA; Hyderabad,
throughout the year. The effect of this temperature change on the India; Cape Town, South Africa; and Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil;
maximum specific growth rate is considered via the Arrhenius- respectively. Similarly, the results for growing Isochrysis galbana
equation type empirical model, thus yielding more accurate species at each location (same order) are given in Cases five (5)
overall growth compared to Base Case and Design 1. It can be through eight (8) for each type of PBR.
seen from Table 2 that the specific growth rate and average The optimal PBR designs presented in Table 3 suggest that
irradiance are higher compared to the ones observed in the Base growing Phaeodactylum tricornutum species at Hyderabad, India
Case and Design 1 reactors, hence requiring a smaller overall (Case 2 of each PBR type) meet the demand of 34,386 g y1
reactor volume for producing algae at the same rate. biodiesel at the minimum production costs of $147, $156, and
$196, respectively for a plant life of 10 years. The lipid content of
5.2. Results of the case problems Phaeodactylum tricornutum species (31 DW%) is higher than the
lipid content of the Isochrysis galbana species (21 DW%). Because
Twenty-four case problems were generated using the original the amount of lipid production directly impacts the amount of
model presented in Section 2 for two species and four locations for biodiesel production, the solutions favor the growth of
each PBR type with the minimum net present sink objective. The Phaeodactylum tricornutum species over the Isochrysis galbana
resulting optimization problems (NLPs) include the temperature species for biodiesel production. Higher lipid content requires
and light variations for the whole year. The NLPs for tubular, col- lower reactor volumes to produce the given demand, and hence,
umn and flat plate cases have 3948, 3820, and 4667 equations, and yields high biomass concentrations. This behavior can also be
4091, 4234, and 5101 variables, respectively. As explained in Section observed in Table 3. For a given location and reactor type, Cases
3, each model was initialized 1000 times using Latin-Hypercube 1 through 4 where Phaeodactylum tricornutum species is
Sampling technique for each case separately. Out of the 1000 ini- cultured requires a smaller PBR when compared to Cases 5
tializations, some problems yielded infeasible solutions, some through 8 where Isochrysis galbana species is cultured. For
feasible, and a few locally-optimal solutions. The best of these example, for tubular PBR at Tulsa, OK, when Cases 1 and 5 are
locally-optimal solutions are reported in Table 3 for each kind of compared, the volume of the PBR in which
PBR. Phaeodactylum tricornutum is cultured (55 L), is lower than the
Table 3 shows the results of three PBRs used in the case volume (93 L) of the PBR where Isochrysis galbana is cultured.
study: tubular, column, and flat plate PBRs. The variables such From Table 3, it can be observed that Hyderabad, India has
as cost (Z), tube diameter (F), TL (tube length), column diameter lower average incident irradiance when compared to Cape
(dC), CH (column height), flat plate width (W), FPH (flat plate Town, South Africa. However, it is considered to be the optimal
height), FPL (flat plate length), volume of the reactor (V), area location for algae culturing because higher irradiance damage
occupied by the reactor (A), bubble diameter (dB), average the algae cells and lower the growth rates and concentration.
irradiance inside the reactor (Iavg), superficial gas velocity (Ug), Lower concentrations may lead to larger reactor volumes. For a
average liquid velocity (Ul), BC (biomass concentration), specific given algae species and reactor type, Cases 2 and 6, cultured at
growth rate (m), volumetric productivity (PrV) are summarized. Hyderabad, India require lower reactor volume when compared
In Table 3, the Cases one (1) through four (4) in the first column to Cases 1, 3, and 4, and Cases 5, 7, and 8, respectively. For
for each type of PBR represent the results for growing example, for tubular PBR and Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Table 3
PBR case results.

Tubular cases Z ($) F (m) TL (m) V (m3) A (m2) Iavg (mE m2 s1) Ul (m h1) BC (g m3) m (h1) PrV (g m3 h1)

1 283 0.056 22.27 0.055 3.55 133 2.03 4215 0.090 358
2 147 0.049 15.12 0.029 2.11 161 2.11 5548 0.136 688
3 262 0.053 23.51 0.051 3.51 195 2.63 4478 0.110 387
4 175 0.052 16.05 0.034 2.37 132 1.74 5412 0.105 579
5 474 0.071 23.78 0.093 4.75 206 3.79 2415 0.159 316
6 216 0.060 14.71 0.042 2.52 257 4.13 3565 0.278 694
7 452 0.065 26.97 0.088 4.94 307 5.40 2564 0.199 331
8 270 0.064 16.26 0.053 2.96 200 3.17 3401 0.193 554

Column cases Z ($) dC (m) CH (m) V (m3) dB (m) Iavg (mE m2 s1) Ug (m h1) Ul (m h1) BC (g m3) m (h1) PrV (g m3 h1)

1 167 0.1 7.08 0.056 0.108 81 25002 0.348 7452 0.047 357
2 156 0.1 6.61 0.052 0.107 76 25002 0.396 6526 0.058 382
3 184 0.1 7.82 0.061 0.107 81 25002 0.359 7103 0.044 323
4 167 0.1 7.10 0.056 0.107 76 25002 0.385 6446 0.053 356
5 214 0.1 9.05 0.071 0.105 107 25002 0.662 5694 0.072 412
6 179 0.1 7.56 0.059 0.107 100 25002 0.759 4953 0.099 493
7 247 0.1 10.46 0.082 0.102 106 25002 0.680 5478 0.064 357
8 200 0.1 8.47 0.067 0.104 101 25002 0.728 4889 0.085 440

Flat plate cases Z ($) W (m) FPH (m) FPL (m) V (m3) dB (m) Iavg (mE m2 s1) Ug (m h1) Ul (m h1) BC (g m3) m (h1) PrV (g m3 h1)

1 239 0.05 0.097 10 0.049 0.001 131 616 0.004 9101 0.043 408
2 196 0.05 0.079 10 0.039 0.001 116 616 0.004 8313 0.057 497
3 283 0.05 0.12 10 0.058 0.001 129 2218 0.005 8900 0.037 344
4 221 0.05 0.09 10 0.045 0.001 115 2538 0.004 8361 0.049 441
5 398 0.05 0.162 10 0.081 0.001 142 2556 0.007 8406 0.042 362
6 251 0.05 0.102 10 0.051 0.001 130 2218 0.023 7504 0.076 573
7 558 0.05 0.227 10 0.114 0.001 141 2218 0.028 8066 0.031 258
8 314 0.05 0.128 10 0.064 0.001 129 2538 0.008 7458 0.057 458
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 35

species, Case 2 requires a lower reactor volume of 29 L when 5.2.1. Effect of orientation of PBR on the culture properties
compared to Cases 1, 3, and 4 which require higher reactor Fig. 3 shows how the culture properties (average irradiance
volumes of 55 L, 51 L, and 34 L, respectively. When it comes to (Iavg), volumetric productivity (PrV), BC (biomass concentration)
deciding which reactor type to select for growing algae at a and specific growth rate (m)) change with solar hour for a whole
lower production cost, the results in Table 3 reveal that hori- year depending on the orientation of PBR. Only the results of the
zontally oriented tubular PBR is the best choice because it has best case, Case 2, for tubular, column and flat plate PBRs are
higher surface to volume ratio when compared to other PBR presented in Fig. 3. The graphs in Fig. 3 reveal that the culture
reactor types. Higher surface to volume ratio in tubular PBR properties greatly depend on the orientation of PBR. In tubular
leads to lower tube diameter as shown in Table 3. Hence, our PBR cases, the peak observed in irradiance, productivity, biomass
results suggest that species with higher oil content cultured in concentration, and growth rates around 12 p.m. or solar noon,
locations with moderate light availability yields lower biodiesel occurs when the sun is at its apex and most nearly aligned with
production costs. Among the 24 cases considered, a combination the vertical axis of the horizontal tubular PBR. In this position,
of Phaeodactylum tricornutum species grown at Hyderabad, India the direct sunlight flux on the tubular PBR is at its highest
in a tubular PBR with a reactor configuration of 0.05 m tube resulting in the highest growth rates, and hence, the highest
diameter and 15.12 m tube length yields the lowest biodiesel biomass concentrations and productivities. On the contrary, for
production cost with algae biomass concentration, specific the vertical column [47] and the rectangular flat plate PBRs, the
growth rate, and volumetric productivity of 5.55 g l1, 0.14 h1, peaks observed in the internal irradiance, productivity, concen-
and 0.69 g l1 h1, respectively. tration, and growth rates around sunrise and sunset, occurs when

Fig. 3. Variation of decision variables with time for best case (Case 2) of each reactor type.
36 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

Table 4
Sensitivity analysis performed on best case, tubular PBR e Case 2.

Tubular case Z ($) F (m) TL (m) V (m3) Ul (m h1) BC (g m3) m (h1) PrV (g m3 h1)

SA1 189 0.06 13.47 0.037 1.61 5267 0.12 536

SA2 111 0.04 17.37 0.022 2.99 5938 0.17 913
SA3 94 0.04 18.76 0.018 3.67 6316 0.02 1078
SA4 196 0.06 13.26 0.038 1.55 5140 0.11 518
SA5 318 0.09 10.07 0.062 0.85 4175 0.08 318
SA6 555 0.15 6.34 0.109 0.33 3318 0.05 183

sun is low on the horizon and most nearly aligned with the fuels. However, substantial challenges are encountered in
horizontal axis of the vertical PBRs. While, the depression deriving fuels from algae biomass. Primary amongst them is the
observed around solar noon occurs when sun is at its apex higher costs of cultivating algae and the lack of efficient culti-
because, in this position, the direct sunlight flux on the vertical vation units. Design of the cultivation units is strongly influenced
PBRs is low. Hence, culture properties are at their peak during by type of algal species selected for cultivation and preference of
solar noon for horizontal PBRs while for vertical PBRs, they are at location.
peak during sunrise and sunset times. In this paper, a novel mathematical model is developed to
estimate the best combination of algae species, geographical
5.3. Sensitivity analysis location, and type of outdoor cultivation unit by combining
experimentally validated temperature, irradiance, and algae
Sensitivity analysis is performed to determine the variables with growth models with optimization. This work differs from existing
major influences on the production cost and to understand their approaches in that it considers all the physical parameters such as
impact on the variation of other variables. The analysis is carried temperature, solar irradiance, oxygen build up, mass transfer, and
out on two model parameters that may be considered important: mixing to design the optimal cultivation unit and to analyze the
maximum permissible liquid velocity (Ulmax), and maximum impact of one physical parameter over the other. In order to
acceptable dissolved oxygen concentration ([O2]out) addressed in represent the actual behavior of the outdoor cultivation unit, the
Eq. (24). From the equation it can be noticed that both the chosen current model takes into account the diurnal pattern of sunlight,
model parameters have direct influence on reactor geometry temperature fluctuations, and the dynamic behavior of solar
(Design) and hence, the production cost. Table 4 summarizes six zenith angle. Impact of this pattern on culture properties such as
sensitivity analysis cases and their corresponding results obtained biomass concentration, productivity, and growth rate has been
by changing the chosen model parameters. addressed in this study. The estimated biomass concentration,
In order to investigate the impact of maximum permissible productivity, and growth rate during outdoor cultivation facili-
liquid velocity, three different liquid velocities are tested on the tates in assessing the reactor geometry. The benefits of this
best case of tubular PBR, Case 2, using Latin hypercube sampling method include but not limited to a realistic design of photo-
initializations. Cases SA1, SA2, and SA3 shown in Table 4 are the bioreactors that produce the desired amount of biodiesel cost
results obtained using three randomly chosen velocities namely, efficiently. It has been found that horizontal-oriented PBR
0.35 m s1, 0.75 m s1, and 0.95 m s1, respectively. The results configuration provides better yield than vertical-oriented PBR
reveal that the higher the liquid velocity, the higher the growth configuration, given a desired demand, because of higher surface
rate and volumetric productivity of algae biomass becomes, to volume ratio. In the current work, the influence of two marine-
yielding the highest growth rate and productivity of Case SA3 with water species (Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana)
a velocity of 0.95 m s1. This increase in growth rates and pro- and four geographical locations (Tulsa, USA; Hyderabad, India;
ductivities are due to better mixing of the culture at higher liquid Cape Town, South Africa; and Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil) on the design
velocities, which facilitates better light distribution inside the of horizontal/vertical PBRs was investigated. A combination of
PBR. This enhances biomass concentration which leads to a Phaeodactylum tricornutum species, Hyderabad location and hor-
smaller reactor volume for satisfying the algal biomass demand in izontal tubular PBR configuration provided cost effective pro-
a cost effective way. duction of biodiesel.
Sensitivity analysis was also performed on maximum acceptable It should be noted, however, that our current optimization
dissolved oxygen concentration to assess its influence on reactor model ignores the effects of cloud cover on the growth rate, and
geometry. Cases SA4, SA5, and SA6 shown in Table 4 are the cases hence, gives an absolute upper bound for the biomass production.
with three randomly chosen dissolved oxygen concentrations The incorporation of cloud cover effects, requires the introduction
namely, 24.6 g m3, 16.4 g m3, and 12.3 g m3, respectively. It can of stochastic modeling of the weather data, and is left as a future
be observed that when dissolved oxygen concentration in PBR is study. This work is a first step towards understanding the combined
high, (Case SA4), the allowable length of tubes is longer. Since the impact of all physical parameters on the reactor geometry and thus
demand (biomass production rate) is constant, the change in length the economics of algae cultivation.
directly affects the tube diameter. Hence, the tube diameter de-
creases to meet the same demand. Lower diameter (lower surface Acknowledgments
to volume ratio) leads to higher biomass concentration and volu-
metric productivity. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from The Uni-
versity of Tulsa.
6. Conclusion and future work
Appendix A
There has been a growing interest in the production of bio-
diesel from algae because of global warming and scarcity in fossil Case study data tables
S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39 37

Table A1
Species dependent parameters used in the case study [86]

Species Percentage of dry algae (%) Lipid content (DW) Light absorption coefficient Constant (mE m2 s1)
of biomass (m2 g1) [36]

P. tricornutum 20 0.31 0.0369 114.67 [36]

I. galbana 30 0.21 0.0369 170.68

Table A2
Latitude, longitude and time zone for the selected locations [83]

Location Latitude Longitude Time zone

Tulsa, USA 37 N 96 W UTC-6

Hyderabad, India 17 N 78 E UTCþ5
Cape Town, South Africa 34 S 18 E UTCþ2
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 23 S 43 W UTC-3

Fig. A1. Nonlinear regression analysis on experimental data for Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana [84].

Table A3
Temperature parameters for the locations considered in the case study [85].

Date Tulsa Hyderabad Cape Town Rio de Janeiro

Tmax ( C) Tmin ( C) Tmax ( C) Tmin ( C) Tmax ( C) Tmin ( C) Tmax ( C) Tmin ( C)

January 15, 2012 17.78 0.00 27.78 7.22 33.89 20.00 35.00 25
February 15, 2012 11.11 5.56 35.00 20.00 23.33 16.67 32.22 22.78
March 15, 2012 26.67 18.89 36.67 20.56 27.22 20.00 35.00 23.89
April 15, 2012 24.44 16.11 37.22 24.44 18.89 12.22 36.11 25
May 15, 2012 28.89 12.22 40.56 28.89 21.11 6.11 21.11 17.78
June 15, 2012 30.00 18.89 36.11 27.78 20.00 6.11 27.22 20.00
July 15, 2012 34.44 18.89 28.89 22.78 11.11 8.89 21.11 18.89
August 15, 2012 36.11 18.89 31.11 22.78 15.00 8.89 27.22 17.22
September 15, 2012 22.78 16.67 30.00 22.22 27.22 7.78 27.78 18.89
October 15, 2012 29.44 11.67 32.22 18.33 21.67 16.11 25.00 17.22
November 15, 2012 16.67 1.11 28.33 15.56 22.78 16.67 23.89 17.78
December 15, 2012 17.22 8.33 30.00 16.11 22.78 17.78 33.89 22.78
38 S. Yadala, S. Cremaschi / Energy 78 (2014) 23e39

Table A4 Appendix B. Supplementary data

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