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Unmotivated people and what they need

I have been asked in my Udacity UX/UI program to choose one of their provided application
ideas or come up with one on my own
I thought about coming up with an application that can be actually useful for a lot of people
so this is what I came up with
Lately, most young adults struggle with self-motivation and go to the world of video games
instead to feel motivated and achieve, by receiving virtual rewards so they keep playing to get
more rewards and upgrades and slowly depart from the real world.

Research Goal:
I want to learn about people's pain points and their behavior regarding getting motivated and
losing motivation and learn the best way to keep them motivated in their
daily tasks and goals through gamifying their life with virtual rewards.
in order to do that I had to conduct a research study to gather the info I need

Research Questions

● [Needs] What is essential for people to feel motivated?

○ Are they able to do it on their own?

● [Behaviors] What do they do to get themselves motivated?

○ How long do they stay motivated?

● What do they do when they lose motivation?

○ What are their pain points in getting themselves re-motivated?

● Qualitative 30 minutes semi-structured interviews with the participants through video calls.

● 3 participants
● Young adults who:
○ Lose their motivation quickly.
○ Struggle with self-motivation.
● Participants will be friends and family members

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