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Usability Guide - 01

To-Win List

Respondent Information
Respondent ID Basant Location Alexandria

Persona Working young adult Occupation Lifeguard

[ ] Discussion Guide Printed or a New File is Copied
[ ] Known Respondent Information
is Filled In[ ] Prototype is open and

In-Person Sessions
[ ] Activities are printed and ready
[ ] Respondent Post-It Card Created (with respondent ID, Date,
Location, etc)[ ] Recording devices are running
[ ] If remote viewers: link shared with the team

Remote Sessions
[ ] Session link created and shared with the
respondent[ ] Recording button is clicked
and running
[ ] If remote viewers: link shared with the team
[ ] Screen sharing is activated and mouse control is granted

Thanks for taking some time to talk with us today. We’re working on a new app to
help users stay motivated and finish their daily tasks easily and with joy.

During this session, we’ll ask a few open-ended questions and walk through some
early prototypes.

Everything you say will be kept strictly anonymous and confidential.

There are no right or wrong answers to our questions! We want to understand how you
interpret and understand our designs. The prototypes we’ll be testing are incomplete -
As such, please talk out loud whenever possible about what’s on your mind during
these tasks. When you’re going to enter text, please say what you’d like to type. Most
importantly - try to be as honest as possible, I promise, you won’t hurt our feelings.

Any questions before we start?

Daily routine\tasks
⦁ When was the last time you used a to-do list?
⦁ How often do you use it?
⦁ Do you use it for work only or personal life tasks as well?
⦁ Do you lose motivation easily and often?
⦁ Do you have a workaround to get remotivated?
⦁ When was the last time you divided a big task into smaller ones?
⦁ Did it make a good impact on your daily routine?
⦁ Did it feel like less or more work?
⦁ Do you like competitive video games?
⦁ How do you feel when you win?

Last task list experience

⦁ How much of your last to-do list did you finish?
⦁ When was the last time you missed a few boxes on your to-do list?
⦁ How did that make you feel?
⦁ When was the last time you finished 100% of your to-do list?
⦁ How did that make you feel?
⦁ When you miss a few boxes does that affect you the next day?
⦁ Can you describe this experience to me?

Tasks accessibility.

Section Task Point Notes Pass/Fail

Sign up Could interact with the login screen Pass


Section Task Point Notes Pass/Fail

Sign up Could interact with the login screen Pass


Log in Could interact with the login screen Pass


Add new task Took a little time to understand the Pass


Add a new sub-task Took a little time to understand the pass


Check a task/subtask Enjoyed the process of seeing the pass

progress bar fill up

Check the leaderboard Navigated easily pass

Check the Navigated easily pass

Navigate menu Navigated easily pass

Wrap Up
⦁ Is there anything you think I didn’t ask?
⦁ Do you have any questions for me?

Great, that’s it. Thank you so much for participating in this phase of research. Our
job now is to take this data and observe patterns with other respondents like you. All
of this will help us build a better To-do list experience for everyone - your responses
make this possible. [If continuing research: Would it be ok if we reach out with future
research questions as we iterate the prototype]

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