MGP6679 Paranoia - Flashbacks Redux Redux (2011)

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PARANOIA TM — Flashbacks Redux Redux



The most popular XP-edition missions are back, in their 25th Anniversary guise! Filled with
hand-picked classic adventures from all previous editions of Paranoia, Flashbacks Redux Redux
is gaming hilarity at its greatest. This is the second compilation of classic Paranoia missions,
and should not be missed!

Many classic adventures are found in Flashbacks Redux Redux, all suitably trimmed, tweaked
and tailored for the latest edition of Paranoia: Troubleshooters.

PARANOIA: A light-hearted game of backstabbing, treachery and guile, where trusting other
players is a sure route to the termination centre!

Adventures include: Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Alpha Complex, Spin Control, My First Treason,
Sweep of Unhistory, The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy, Viva La Revolution, The People’s
Glorious Revolutionary Adventure


For use with PARANOIA A world fit for Kafka, Orwell

For Gamemasters, and the Marx Brothers
not players! PARANOIA is a satirical roleplaying game set in a darkly humorous future. A well-meaning
but deranged Computer desperately protects the citizens of an underground city from secret
societies, mutants and all sorts of real and imagined enemies. You play a Troubleshooter, one
of The Computer’s elite agents. You track and destroy enemies of The Computer. You hope The
Computer and your fellow Troubleshooters won’t find out you are one of these enemies.
PARANOIA: a lighthearted game of terror, death, b­ ureaucracies, mad scientists, mutants,
dangerous weapons and insane robots, which encourages players to lie, to cheat and to backstab
each other at every turn.
Originally published in 1984, PARANOIA sold over 150,000 copies. The Mongoose edition
updates PARANOIA for this new and more paranoid time.

ISBN 978-1-907702-33-4 $39.99 Mongoose publishing—swindon, uk MGP 6679

Flashbacks Redux Redux and PARANOIA Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2011 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. PARANOIA is
Original PARANOIA design
MGP 6679

a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. All rights reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User.

Security Clearance
Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Alpha Complex 2 ULTRAVIOLET

Spin Control 25
My First Treason 58
Sweep of Unhistory 91
The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy 122
Knowledge or possession of this information
by any citizen of Security Clearance VIOLET or
Viva La Revolution 153
lower is treason punishable by a long spell of
The People’s Glorious Revolutionary Adventure 179
Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.
Welcome To Alpha Complex
THIS SECTION IS CLASSIFIED clones and one of these clone bodies will be
INFRARED AND MAY BE READ If you are a Player… deployed as soon as possible. To ensure
BY BOTH PLAYERS AND GAME You may read this initial INFRARED a smooth transition, your memories will be
MASTERS WITHOUT FEAR OF clearance section and no more. Obviously, downloaded at the moment of death by
SUMMARY TERMINATION1. we cannot stop you from reading the MemoMax™ technology and transferred into
rest of this booklet but bear two things the new clone.
It is hundreds of years in the future. in mind. Firstly, your enjoyment of this
mission will be severely truncated if Note: In the event you are terminated as
After an unspecified apocalypse, the survivors you read it beforehand. Secondly, we punishment for treason or mutation, your
of humanity took refuge in a vast underground cannot stop you but we are watching you. replacement clone is considered blameless
complex – Alpha Complex. Your disobedience will be noted; your for your misdeeds.
disobedience will be punished.
Alpha Complex is ruled by your friend and Service Groups
mine, The Computer. Life in Alpha Complex If you are a Games All citizens are assigned to one of eight Service
is perfect. Everyone is happy, thanks to The Master… Groups, each of which is responsible for
Computer’s Mandatory Happiness Directive. Then rejoice, oh most favoured one! The running a different aspect of Alpha Complex.
Unhappiness is treason, citizen. whole of this booklet is yours to read. You Each Troubleshooter belongs to one of
should begin by reading this initial players’ the Service Groups, performing vital duties
At least, life would be perfect if it weren’t for section, just to get a taste of life on the other when not on a mission. The skills learned
those damn Commie Mutant Traitors! These side of the screen. while working in your Service Group may
despicable Communists, filthy genetic deviants prove useful during your Troubleshooting
and all those free-thinking, subversive, terrorist assignments. The Service Groups are:
filesharers in the secret societies are all trying YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET
to undermine The Computer’s perfect new and ULTRAVIOLET. At the bottom end of the Armed Forces (AF): The glorious military
society. scale are the hordes of INFRARED drones, forces of Alpha Complex defend us all from
the drug-addled plebs of Alpha Complex Commie invasion and the horrors of Outdoors.
Alpha Complex’s first line of defence against who stir the food vats. At the top are the The Armed Forces are invariably equipped with
Commie Mutant Traitors are the heroic exalted ULTRAVIOLET High Programmers, the latest in MegaDeath Vectored Delivery
Troubleshooters. These brave agents of The who are permitted to alter Friend Computer’s Systems, Warbots and other weapons and can
Computer find Trouble and then they Shoot it! programming. be seen marching up and down the corridors
as they prepare for another dangerous strike
You are a Troubleshooter. Your duty is to Attempting to use items, enter locations against Terrorist Training Camps or Potential
uncover the Commie Mutant Traitors and or access information above your security Communist Observation Posts (also known
terminate them. It may be that one or more of clearance is treason. as trees).
your team is secretly a Mutant or a Traitor or
even a Communist. Instructions from high-clearance citizens must Central Processing Unit (CPU):
be obeyed immediately. Central Processing Unit is the heart of Alpha
Trust No-One! Stay Alert! Keep Complex, responsible for the smooth running
Your Laser Handy! The higher your security clearance, the more of the whole system, which translates to
The Computer trusts you. Higher-clearance ‘processing forms, correcting forms and issuing
Basic Orientation citizens have better housing, more credits, new forms’. The labyrinthine bureaucracy and
The following is vital information about life better drugs and real food. Security clearance never-ending paperwork of CPU can drive a
in Alpha Complex. This vital information corresponds (roughly) to your role in Alpha clone insane.
is sponsored by Vita-Yum Chew Bars, the Complex society, from INFRARED labourers
nutrient stick you love to suck! to YELLOW and GREEN middle-managers to Internal Security (IntSec): Internal
VIOLET CEOs and executives. Security is responsible for monitoring the
Security Clearances omnipresent network of security cameras
For your convenience and safety, everything Cloning and ensuring the loyalty of all citizens. Many
in Alpha Complex is colour-coded by security In case of the tremendously unlikely event Internal Security agents work undercover
clearance. You are clearance RED, allowing of your death in the line of duty, Friend in other service groups, looking for signs of
you to use items, locations and information Computer has cleverly provided a number of dissent or treachery. You can win big prizes
coded RED or less. The security clearance clone replacements for you! (Say thank you to by reporting your traitorous co-workers to
scale runs INFRARED, RED orANGE, Friend Computer). You have six replacement Internal Security!

1: If you are experiencing irrational fear of summary termination, please remain where you are. A happiness enhancement team has been
dispatched to your location. Your mental balance will be adjusted shortly. Thank you for your co-operation, citizen.

Housing Preservation Development
Troubleshooting 101
There is a standard template for Troubleshooter missions, a trail blazed by the thousands of
& Mind Control (HPD&MC): The brave, doomed Troubleshooter teams who went before you, a trail marked by blood and lit by
well-being of the citizens of Alpha Complex laser fire… ahem. Anyway, it goes like this:
is in the capable hands of HPD&MC. From
ensuring that every clone has a bunk bed 1. Mission Alert!
in a communal dormitory to maintaining Your Friend, The Computer alerts you and the rest of your team via your Personal Digital
the sedative supplies in the water supply, Companion (PDC) or by a convenient terminal or by sending a bunch of heavily armed goons
HPD&MC does it all. When you are gassed to pick you up. Prompt response to the mission alert will be commended. Hesitation or a lack
to sleep tonight, remember to say ‘thank you, of enthusiasm will be punished.
HPD&MC’ before the subliminal propaganda
somno-teaching tapes kick in! 2. Briefing
The team assembles in the briefing room, where your briefing officer informs the team of the task
Production, Logistics & Commissary and gives you whatever information is available at your security clearance. Your briefing officer
(PLC): A happy citizen is a happy consumer! is always happy to help and eager to serve and is never insane/actively hostile/misinformed/on
The Computer urges all citizens to buy buy drugs/lying/confused/a traitor/clueless/delete as appropriate. You may also be assigned a
buy up to the limits of their credit allowance! Mandatory Bonus Duty:
PLC produces every consumer item in Alpha • Team Leader: The Team Leader’s role is to lead the team. The clue is in the name.
Complex, from Teela-O-MLY fanclub keychains The accepted place for the Team Leader is at the rear, from where he can direct his team
to left-handed rivet wrenches to Scrubbots. members efficiently and safely. Remember, Team Leader, the responsibility for the team’s
One of PLC’s special responsibilities is ultimate success or failure falls on you (or whoever you blame for the inevitable failure).
producing the ‘nutritious’ and delicious food-
like substances served in cafeterias across • Loyalty Officer: The Loyalty Officer is issued with a nigh-indestructible black notebook,
Alpha Complex. Tonight’s special is Hot Fun electronically keyed to the officer’s tongueprint. In that notebook, the Loyalty Officer must
and algae wafers! Yummy! note down any potentially treasonous or seditious acts committed by team members, any
failings of discipline or morale, any suspicious thoughts, words, silences, actions or inactions.
Research & Development (R&D): The notebook is consulted during debriefing to help improve the team’s performance in
Science marches ever on in Alpha Complex! The future (by fingering which traitors to vapourise).
technical wizards in Research & Development
work feverishly on new and ever more • Equipment Guy: Every Troubleshooter is issued with a wide range of vital mission
advanced gadgets for the citizens of tomorrow! equipment, such as handy Commie-zapping laser pistols, reflec armour, Personal Digital
From Transdimensional Collapsatrons to Mark Companions, Multicorders and the latest in experimental equipment from R&D. The handling,
IV Warbots, the wonders produced by these maintenance, care (and sometimes feeding) is the duty of the Equipment Guy.
scientists are sure to revolutionise Alpha
Complex in the yearcycles to come! If you are • Communications & Recording Officer: Every aspect of the mission must be
very lucky, you may get the chance to field-test recorded for posterity! Whether it’s for an inspiring training video for future generations of
one of these experimental inventions! Troubleshooters, a spot on Troubleshooter Bloopers XVI or evidence in your trial for
sedition, the Communications & Recording Officer must ensure it’s all caught on Multicorder.
Tech Services (TS): Technical Services The Comms & Recording Officer is also responsible for communicating with The Computer,
is responsible for maintaining the basic passing on the team’s requests and questions to Our Friend and relying The Computer’s
infrastructure of Alpha Complex (with the responses wholly and truthfully.
exception of power plants and cabling). It’s a
fun job! Really it is! Who doesn’t love Fungi • Hygiene Officer: Citizens! Under revised CPU directives (issued 32.214), the acceptable
Identification and Eradication Duty? Anyone? boot fungus infestation level is 1.46%/citizen. Your friendly Hygiene Officer stands ready
How about painting corridors? Or Food to help you meet this and other CPU Hygiene Directives. Please remain still while the Skin
Consumption Byproduct Recycling? No? Core Sampler completes its survey. Don’t worry about the blood; the Hygiene Officer was
issued with super-absorbent KleenWipz.
Power Services (PS): Power Services is
responsible for maintaining the mighty nuclear • Happiness Officer: Happiness is Mandatory, Citizen. Ensuring your Happiness Level
reactors that power all of Alpha Complex. remains above the Mandated Minimum is the role of the Happiness Officer. Should your
These reactors have an enviable five-sevens Happiness Level drop due to adverse conditions, Viral Thought Patterns, Communist
safety record and never, ever break down2. Propaganda or repeated deaths, the Happiness Officer will administer pharmaceutical
Indeed, reactor shielding duty is such fun enhancement or proscribe some other Happiness-boosting activity, like a group
that no citizen assigned to it ever asks for a singalong.
transfer again!

2: Knowledge of previous Unplanned Fissile Material Bounties and the ensuing Unscheduled Reactor Contents Excursions are classified GREEN.

3. Equipment Outfitting • Under each skill, you have a number
After briefing, the team moves onto Production, Logistics and Commissary, where you will be of common specialities,
issued with your mission equipment. This equipment may include some, none or more of the weaknesses and narrow
following: specialities.
• A laser pistol body, without a barrel. Your standard sidearm. Keep your laser handy, o Common specialities are uses
citizen! of your skills like Energy Weapons,
Bootlicking, Bot Programming and so on,
• One or more laser pistol barrels. Each barrel is coded to a particular security clearance that you are especially skilled.
and can penetrate reflec armour equal to or below that clearance – for example, RED o Weaknesses are just like specialities,
barrels can ignore RED reflec. Each laser barrel is good for six shots, after which it must only you’re weak at them.
be replaced. o Narrow specialities are extremely
obscure and narrow uses of your skills.
• RED Reflec armour, a comfortable and stylish suit of laser-proof armour to protect you For example, Nuclear Engineering is a
against all hazards (as long as the hazards are lasers. Reflec provides no protection common speciality of the Hardware skill;
against bullets, particle beams, electrocution, fire, drowning, chemical spills, acid, radiation, Spotting When The Steam Vent In TNT
crushing, falling orbital re-entry, being torn limb from limb, force swords, being eaten alive, Sector Reactor Is About To Go Boom is a
slime moulds, singularities, trampled by joggers, run over by transbots or any of the other narrow speciality of the Hardware skill.
potential hazards encountered in Alpha Complex).
• Management covers all forms of
• A PDC, a Personal Digital Companion, your handy electronic communicator and guide to weaselling, bluffing, manipulating and
Alpha Complex. paperwork, as well as bossing your
subordinates around. Specialities
• Any other vital equipment needed for your mission. Your definitions of ‘vital’ and ‘needed’ include:
may not equate to those used by your PLC Outfitter but rest assured that he is not just o Bootlicking: How to ingratiate yourself
clearing junk out of his overcrowded warehouse when he sends you off to fix the leaking with superiors.
nuclear reactor with 1,500 rolls of duct tape and no radiation suits. o Chutzpah: Getting others to accept
doubtful statements through confident
4. R&D assertion, bluffing and unmitigated gall.
After PLC, it’s time to make the traditional stop at R&D, where you will be issued with some new o Con Games: Hoodwinking a citizen or
experimental equipment for field testing. This equipment is usually a one-of-a-kind prototype, bot through fast talk, spurious logic and
so you will be responsible for its care and subject to severe penalties if the equipment is lost, persuasion. This isn’t physical sleight
damaged or fails to function as expected. of hand (see Sleight of Hand under
Alternatively, you may be sent to one of the other service groups to perform some service for o Hygiene: Maintaining cleanliness
them. Perhaps CPU needs you to survey Bouncy Bubble Beverage consumption rates in the in yourself, your surroundings, your
middle of firefights with hostile Commie Mutant Traitors or Tech Services need some Giant teammates and innocent passersby.
Mutant Cockroaches cleaned out of the food vats. o Interrogation: Extracting useful
information from Commie mutant scum.
5. The Mission o Intimidation: This doesn’t exactly
Oh yeah, the mission. That’s your problem. You’ll muddle through somehow. ingratiate you with your inferiors but it gets
their cooperation.
6. Debriefing o Moxie: Streetwise smarts; canny
Once the mission is complete (or when the smoke of laser-fire clears), the team reports back to assessment of a person, situation or
their briefing officer for debriefing. The team’s performance is assessed, accusations of treason statement.
are heard and the Loyalty Officer’s and Comms & Recording Officer’s records are consulted. o Oratory: How to get a bunch of people
The debriefing officer then hands out merits, like clearance increases or credit bonuses or to do what you want.
demerits like brainscrubbing or termination. Then it’s back to your normal lives in our beloved
Alpha Complex, eagerly waiting for the next Mission Alert! • Stealth covers various forms of
deception, trickery, surveillance and
other lurking-in-shadows-being-nefarious
The Rules stuff.
The rules of PARANOIA are security clearance ULTRAVIOLET. Further information about the o Concealment: Hiding stuff on your
rules is not available at your security clearance. Knowledge of the rules is treason. person or in your surroundings; also,
spotting stuff others have hidden.
You are grudgingly permitted to know the following: o Disguise: Wearing a higher-clearance
• You have six skills – Management, Stealth, Violence, Hardware, Software and Wetware jumpsuit or false moustache without
– rated from 1-20. To make a skill check, roll 1d20 and roll under the appropriate skill to looking idiotic.
succeed. o S c a m R a d a r : Knowing about
ambushes or traps

o Security Systems: Jiggering locks want to use it to make explosives. o Biosciences: Knowing what’s likely to
and alarms. o Electronic Engineering: mutate you and how.
o Shadowing: Following someone How to string together circuits and o Bioweapons: Engineering your own
without being noticed. microprocessors. Black Death or weaponized anthrax.
o Sleight of Hand: Palming and o Habitat Engineering: Knowledge of Treasonous at clearances below BLUE.
pocketing small things without being the air, communication, transport, power, o Cloning: Repairing and operating the
noticed. water and waste systems. Mighty handy tanks that grow new and backup citizens.
o Sneaking: Moving around without when you need to find a ventilation shaft Operating MemoMax backup devices so
being followed or noticed. to escape incoming fire. the new clone remembers his name and
o Surveillance: How to bug things. How o Mechanical Engineering: How boot size.
to debug things. to make really neat Rube Goldberg-type o Medical: How to heal the injured and
contraptions. cure the sick or ensure they don’t heal or
• Violence is for killing people or at least o Nuclear Engineering: How to get cured.
maiming them. operate a reactor without flooding half the o Outdoor Life: Telling a tree from
o Agility: Rapid or balanced movement, sector with radioactive waste. a weed or a bird from an elephant,
gymnastics, jumping. o Vehicle Ops and Maintenance: when most citizens have never heard of
o Demolition: How to use TNT without How to use and repair all vehicles: these.
killing yourself. At clearances below autocars, crawlers, flybots, copters and o Pharmatherapy: Ensuring
GREEN this skill is treasonous. Vulturecraft. wakefulness, sleepiness, happiness or
o Energy Weapons: Hitting someone o Weapon and Armour any mental state through the application
with a laser, sonic weapon or blaster. Maintenance: Sabotaging others’ of little pills.
This is a vital specialty. You can’t take weapons and armour and keeping yours o Psychotherapy: Recognizing
Energy Weapons as a weakness and it from being sabotaged. insanity; helping others recover from it or
doesn’t count as one of your six common descend further into it.
specialties. • Software is for programming electronic o Suggestion: Biochemical and
o Field Weapons: Flamethrowers, devices and computers. Note the small ‘c’ psychological techniques of subliminal
gauss guns, tanglers and the ever-popular – programming The Computer is only for persuasion.
plasma generator. High Programmers.
o Fine Manipulation: Lockpicking, o Bot Programming: Revising bot • You have 25 Perversity Points.
watchmaking, cutting the red wire one instructions. You may spend Perversity Points modify
second before detonation. o C-Bay: Getting the best price buying and any dice roll, not just your own. Each
o Hand Weapons: Hitting someone with selling on Alpha Complex auction sites. Perversity Point spent adds or subtracts
a force sword, neurowhip or truncheon or o Data Analysis: How to understand 1 from the die roll. The GM may impose
with primitive weapons. Computer-generated stuff. limits on the amount of Perversity that
o Projectile Weapons: Hitting o Data Search: Finding something can be spent or on what you must do to
someone with a slugthrower, cone useful using The Computer. spend it. Extra Perversity Points will be
rifle or other aimed weapon that uses o Financial Systems: How to transfer awarded for particular amusing and/or
ammunition. credits safely for legitimate or criminal foolish deeds. Entertain the Game Master
o Thrown Weapons: Hitting someone purposes. and you may survive a little longer.
with a grenade, brick or rock. o Hacking: Breaking into The Computer’s
o Unarmed Combat: Hitting someone systems. Really, what could go wrong? • We repeat – knowledge of the rules is
when you don’t have hand energy, Treasonous at clearances below treason. Attempting to argue ‘rules’ with
projectile, thrown or vehicular weapon. GREEN. the Games Master or another player is
o Vehicular Combat: Hitting someone o Operating Systems: Revising the fast route to Smoking Boot City. Roll
with a weapon mounted on a vehicle. MemoMax clone backup tech. Rewriting with the punches, friend.
The Computer’s instructions. Treasonous
• Hardware covers all items that you can at clearances below BLUE. Your Character
profitably hit with a spanner and expect it o Vehicle Programming: Revising Sheet
to work better. vehicle instructions. Let’s take a look at a PARANOIA character
o Bot Ops and Maintenance: How sheet. Here’s the character sheet for sample
to operate and fix docbots, guardbots/ • Wetware covers matters related to Troubleshooter Bob-R-ITE-1. Bob’s a happy
warbots, jackobots, scrubots and vehicle biology. Hitting wetware with a spanner worker in Food Vat 1732 who just got promoted
autopilots. is unlikely to fix it but can be very to RED clearance
o Chemical Engineering: Lots of satisfying.
uses for this but somehow PCs always

Name: A citizen’s name is broken into four parts.
Bob-R-ITE-1 First, there’s his name, ‘Bob’. Next, there’s his current Bob-R-ITE-1
Male PLC Hygiene Officer security clearance, R for RED. If Bob rises to ORANGE Male PLC Hygiene Officer
clearance, he’ll be Bob-O. After that, there’s Bob’s home
Security Clearance: RED sector. He comes from ITE Sector. Finally, the ‘1’ means Mutation: Rubbery Bones
Credits: 50 this is Bob’s first clone. If he’s terminated and replaced, Secret Society: Frankenstein
Tic 1: Very Claustrophobic he’ll be Bob-2. Destroyers
Tic 2: ______________________________ Secret Skills: Demolition 14, Improvised
____ Data: Bob is male (not that it makes any difference; Weapons 7, Bot Programming Sabotage 10
everyone in Alpha Complex is on hormone suppressants),
Example of tic in use he works for PLC and his Mandatory Bonus Duty is Background
Team Leader: Bob-R, the Commie Mutant Traitor fled Hygiene Officer. The stench of the food vat clings to you, no
into that narrow pipe! Quick, after him! matter how hard you scrub. The sickening-
Bob-R: Er, how about I guard this end of the pipe? Credits: He’s got 50 credits, which isn’t very much. sweet smell of engineered yeast and mycogens
Team Leader: Rear guard is my job! After him! turns your stomach. You want out and if the only
Bob-R: I’ll head him off at the far end of the pipe. Tics: Bob-R has a behavioural Tic listed. Whenever Bob- way out is to volunteer to be a Troubleshooter,
Team Leader: The pipe is two kilometres long! R’s tic comes up in play, he gets some bonus Perversity. then you’ll salute Friend Computer and shoot
Bob-R: Taxibot! There’s space for an extra Tic and there’s an example of that trouble!
the sort of trouble the Tic could cause.
Action Skills & Specialities You didn’t always work in these damn food
Management 07 Skills: Bob’s a pretty average at Management. He’s got vats. You used to be Bouncy Bubble Beverage
Bootlicking 11 a Common Speciality in Bootlicking and a Weakness in taste tester. Ok, it gave you spasms and
Oratory 01 Oratory. He’s also got a Narrow Speciality in Massaging stomach ulcers but it was easy! Then they
Massaging Marketing Survey Data 13 Marketing Survey Data to make it say what he wants it invented Bouncy Bubble Beverage TesterBots
Stealth 07 to. No doubt this skill will be very useful if the Commies that could drink hundreds of gallons without
Sneaking 11 attack with marketing surveys. exploding. The bots replaced you and you got
Scam Radar 1 booted out to the food vats.
_________________________ 13 He’s equally average at Stealth. Note the empty Narrow
Violence 10 Speciality under Stealth – you can fill this one in yourself Secret Society
Energy Weapons 14 at any point in the mission! Instructions
Unarmed Combat 14 You’re a member of the Frankenstein
Thrown Weapons 1 Bob’s a bit better at killing people. He’s good with Energy Destroyers, a society dedicated to the
Overcharging my lucky Laser Pistol 16 Weapons (including his handy Laser Pistol) and punching destruction of all bots! Bots are a plague on
people. He’s less wonderful at throwing items, including Alpha Complex. Down with those job-stealing
Knowledge Skills & Specialities grenades. Bob’s got a knack for overchanging his laser bots!
Hardware 06 pistol, giving it a bit of extra uumph (or BZZZAAAPP!, to
Mechanical Engineering 10 be onomatopoeically accurate.) Personal Equipment
Nuclear Engineering 1 (2) RED Laser Barrels
Food Vat Ops & Maintenance 12 When it comes to Hardware, Bob’s especially good at the (2) Tubes of Superconductive Bot-Killing Gel
Software 08 Mechanical Engineering side and absolutely great when (Illegal)
Data Analysis 11 it comes to those Food Vats. You wouldn’t want him in (6) cans of Bouncy Bubble Beverage
Financial Systems 1 charge of a nuclear reactor. Bouncy Bubble Beverage Blind Taste Test
____________________ 14 Kit
Wetware 05 Bob’s got another open slot for a Narrow Speciality Bouncy Bubble Beverage Survey Form
Pharmatherapy 09 in Software. He’s good at Data Analysis but poor at (3) Packets of Hormone Suppressant Food
Medical 01 Financial Systems. Maybe he keeps his credits under Additives
Food Vat Additive Expertise 11 his mattress. (1) Packet of Guaranteed non-mutagenic
Fluoride Food Additive
Open slots for narrow specialities: 2 (Stealth, Under Wetware, Bob’s good at applying drugs to problems,
Software) doubleplusgood at applying drugs to food vats and Assigned Equipment
doubleplusungood when it comes to first aid. Oh well. (2) RED Laser Barrels
RED Laser Pistol Body
RED Reflec Armour
ME card
Skin Core Sampler
Lemon-Fresh Disinfectant Spray

This is the flip side of Bob-R’s character sheet. PARANOIA provides opponents and obstacles For that matter, you don’t necessarily know
This is the side you should keep secret from without encouraging cooperation. In fact, your the mutant power stays the same. The GM
the other players. Just in case. fellow Player Characters are the principal may give the new clone a different power.
opponents and obstacles. To succeed, you Don’t assume anything based on the rules.
Mutation: Bob-R’s a mutant! Worse, he’s a must terminate them. Repeatedly. With style. The GM can adapt the rules to his exceptional
secret mutant. He didn’t register his mutation purpose.
with The Computer, so any use of his mutant Vicious, deceitful backstabbing is fun. You’ll
power is treasonous. feel no remorse as you shaft your fellow PCs, PARANOIA is a comedy game full of absurd
because you know they tried to shaft you slapstick and insane situations but to your
Secret Society: Bob-R’s also a traitor. first. But it’s important not to let the paranoid Troubleshooter it is deadly serious. Play
Specifically, he’s a member of the Frankenstein atmosphere of the game bleed into the real your character to the hilt and never go for
Destroyers, a society dedicated to the world. Distrust and betrayal among characters the cheap laugh or random laser blast when
destruction of all bots. is fine but not among players. there’s a ludicrously baroque self-justification
or convoluted deathtrap to go for instead.
Secret Skills: The Frankenstein Destroyers Many activities that wouldn’t raise an eyebrow
have taught Bob several seditious secret skills, in other RPGs are bad form in PARANOIA. Above all else: STAY ALERT! TRUST NO-
sure to send several surly security…ah, Looking at another player’s character sheet is ONE! KEEP YOUR LASER HANDY!
screw it. Anyway, Bob knows Demolition, Bot an unfair way to obtain evidence against him.
Sabotage and how to turn a hammer into a One Troubleshooter character eavesdropping Survival Tips for
crude bludgeoning instrument. on another PC is fine but eavesdropping on a Troubleshooters
private conference between player and GM I Never Saw A Boot I Couldn’t
Background: Bob-R’s history and outlook is cheating. Lick: Tell everyone what they want to hear.
on Alpha Complex. May contain seditious or Lie with abandon. Embrace doublethink
treasonous beliefs. Regardless of background, We encourage you to terminate your fellow – simultaneously, you have to be the most
all Troubleshooters act in much the same way Troubleshooters with style and a certain loyal Troubleshooter, eager to exterminate
– enthusiastic, tv-heroic, pants-wettingly happy amount of gloating. In the same way, if they get traitors and a committed traitor plotting against
servants of The Computer with the moral you first, you yourself should perish with style. Alpha Complex.
courage of a sea slug. If you expect to be rapidly transferred to a clone
backup, demonstrate a generous, charitable If You’re Making A Citizen Lick Your
Secret Society Instructions: What forgiveness toward the traitor exit more in Boot, He May As Well Start With The
the Frankenstein Destroyers want from Bob. sorrow than in anger and on revival prepare Sole: Don’t be heroic; instead, invite others
Often, further instructions are provided in the a cold revenge. If repeated treason has gone to perform heroic deeds, then claim credit for
middle of a mission. against you and your clone template is about to their deeds in the aftermath of their inevitable
be erased permanently, etiquette dictates your painful deaths.
Personal Equipment: Stuff that Bob last clone should go down fighting, shouting
owns. As RED-clearance citizens share a secret society slogans and defiantly mocking Accidents Will Happen – The
barracks with several other REDs, Bob-R has the other PCs for their cowardly servitude to Sooner, The Better: Reduce the
to carry all this junk around with him to ensure The Computer. number of Troubleshooters in your team
it’s not stolen. whenever possible. Less Troubleshooters
If another Troubleshooter dispatches you, it mean less lasers pointed at your back and
Assigned Equipment: The standard is exceedingly poor form to trot up in your dead scapegoats tell no tales.
equipment assigned to Bob. He’s got two new body and start firing back. Instead,
laser barrels for his pistol, each of which can enact a cool, calculated revenge, delayed for Whoever Heard Of A Trustworthy
fire six shots safely. He’s also got his armour, maximum suspense. Plant evidence; concoct Citizen?: Trust no-one, especially not your
his PDC, his ME identity card and his Hygiene deathtraps; get him in trouble with his secret team-mates.
Officer kit, which consists of a skin core society. The game plays much better this way
sampler and a disinfectant spray (that’s highly and everyone has more fun. Shoot Only From A Position of Total
caustic and should not be used on exposed Superiority: You are not looking for an
flesh and really shouldn’t be sprayed into the Likewise, if you terminate Martin-R-TSD-1 for excuse to execute someone. You are looking
eyes of fellow Troubleshooters). having the mutant power of Slippery Skin, don’t for an opportunity to execute someone in such
start firing immediately when Martin-R-TSD-2 a thorough and risk-free fashion, he is dead
arrives. You, the player, may know his skin is before his weapon can clear his holster.
Paranoia still slippery but your character doesn’t. Making
Etiquette every clone identical is a game convenience; it A Sucker For Every Scheme, A
Most roleplaying games pit Player Characters saves a lot of time creating new characters and Scapegoat For Every Crime: Never do
against opponents and obstacles posed by is the basis for some cheap jokes. However, anything without having a scapegoat handy.
the Games Master. These games encourage the idea that all backup clones have the Prime’s
players to cooperate in pursuing a goal. mutant power is unknown in Alpha Complex or Nothing Is More Deadly Than
to The Computer. Act accordingly. Experimental Equipment: R&D gadgets
are like a magic genie, only the genie’s gone

insane and has a chainsaw. It can magically GM Rule #2: THE PLAYERS AREN’T citizen or The Computer. If you’re stuck on
solve your problems by pressing the right YOUR ENEMIES. THEY’RE YOUR what to do next, then throw a random loyalty
button but then it saws your legs off. Solution: ENTERTAINMENT. test at the Troubleshooters or make them sing
get other people to press the button. Reward amusing, clever and paranoid play; the Alpha Complex anthem (what, you don’t
punish boring, staid or repetitive play. You’ll know the anthem, citizen? Not knowing the
Traitors Have Nothing To Lose By have the most fun when everyone is in the anthem is treason. Sing. Sing like your life
Committing Treason: You’re a mutant spirit of the game and having a good time too. depends on it.)
and a member of a secret society. You’re Coax hesitant players, who are no doubt brain
already a dead clone walking. Therefore, you damaged by other non-fun roleplaying games,
may as well use your mutant power and your into entering into PARANOIA by showing Note Passing & Private
nefarious connections while you’re still alive. them the rewards of treason and duplicity. Conferences
At the start of a PARANOIA game, throw
Debriefings Go Better When You’re GM Rule #3: TURN THE PLAYERS a notebook or a few sheets of paper onto the
The Only Survivor: ‘I speak without fear AGAINST EACH OTHER, NOT table. Announce they’re for passing notes to
of contradiction...’ is the opening sentence of AGAINST YOU. the Game Master, in case any of the players
the ideal debriefing. Your job is to set up situations where the want to communicate with you secretly. Not
players entertain you, ideally by plotting only will this make your job easier, it sets the
When Disaster Looms, Keep and backstabbing each other. Try to avoid intended mood of the game from the start. (In
Stalling: A gifted foot-dragger has one favouring one player over another; instead, this brave new modern age, you could use
resource he can always count on: the keep giving them more and more ways to computer instant messaging if playing on-line
impatience of other Troubleshooters. screw each other. or have players text you from their mobile
phones). Encourage the players to use notes
Above all else: STAY ALERT! TRUST NO- GM Rule #4: THE MISSION for most of their secret actions.
There will be times when you need to confer

‘Plot’ in PARANOIA means ‘an absurdly with a player privately. Indeed, you should
convoluted mess of treachery and confusion take players aside even if there’s no need
that the Player Characters will rarely if ever to hold a conference privately – it makes

master’s discover, let alone understand but serves

as an excuse for a series of semi-connected
bizarre situations’. If dropping a bunch of
the other players paranoid – but keep these
conferences short.

Troubleshooters into a featureless corridor is
fun, then dropping them into, say, a submarine
with an incomprehensible control panel is
We l c o m e To
Alpha Complex
ULTRAVIOLET! IF YOU DO NOT doubleplusfun. Give the players exciting A few hundred years in our future, an asteroid
HAVE ULTRAVIOLET CLEARANCE, new consequences to drop on their fellow the size of Sheboygan was detected heading
READING THIS MATERIAL IS Troubleshooters. straight for Earth. Attempts to divert or destroy
TREASON! REPORT FOR CHEMICAL it failed, so the Polity – the world government
BRAINSCRUB IMMEDIATELY! GM Rule #5: HAPPINESS – built a series of shelters and habitats
IS MANDATORY. FUN IS deep underground. Humanity retreated to
Welcome, Game Master, to PARANOIA. MANDATORY. these bunkers to wait out the approaching
This will be an exceedingly fun experience Your players should have grins plastered apocalypse. These bunkers were linked
for you, especially if you like Pavlovian across their faces at all times, even when by a network of computers, called Alpha
conditioning and the heady intoxication of they’re about to be crushed in a garbage Complex.
absolute power. disposal. Have marketing bots offer them cans
of B3 in the middle of a firefight. Have them An antiquated Cold War-era Russian tracking
GM Rule #1: YOU ARE ALWAYS conduct grenade testing in the middle of a system detected the asteroid and identified it
RIGHT grenade factory. The mood of PARANOIA as an incoming attack. It launched a counter-
PARANOIA is a state of mind, not a set of should be one of borderline hysteria. Are you strike at its old target of San Francisco. A
rules or a coherent game setting. Your Alpha enjoying your mission, friend citizen? single decaying ICBM, its warhead long since
Complex will – indeed, must – vary from others. removed, flew across the icy waters of the
The players can be sure of nothing in the GM Rule #6: DON’T PANIC Arctic. The traffic computer system in San
world, apart from the certain knowledge that If things are going off-track, then you can Francisco noticed the missile and tried to
entertaining the GM is good. easily herd the Troubleshooters back to the identify it. Unfortunately, in the chaos of the
mission with an order from a high-clearance upcoming disaster, many of the computer

data files had been moved to the super-secure matching their security clearance or lower, so Alpha Complex (the monitor section of the
Alpha Prime facility underneath Des Moines he gets a black jumpsuit and walks down black terminal is INFRARED clearance, the keyboard
and the connection between the San Francisco corridors all the time. As an INFRARED, our RED) or via a PDC. Or better yet, through one
network and Alpha Prime was offline. The San model citizen spends most of his waking hours of the convenient Confession Booths, where
Francisco Alpha Complex computer raced in a drugged-out haze performing meaningless troubled citizens can confess their failings or
through its data banks, finding more and more manual labour, then the rest in a drugged- suspicious to Our Friend, The Computer.
gaps, until it dug up a cache of 1950’s civil out haze watching propagandertainment
defence files. television or some other approved activity The Service Groups
before collapsing into his bunk in a communal It may surprise you to learn that the eight
The files told it exactly what was going on. The barracks and falling into a drugged slumber. Service Groups are not quite as efficient as
Communists were attacking. Drugs are freely available to keep the proles in propaganda suggests. In fact, each of the
line; food, water and other luxuries are heavily groups is a complete boondoggle in its own
The meteor hit – or as The Computer rationed. The INFRAREDs are taught to hate unique way. These problems are exacerbated
interpreted it, the Commie attack hit. The and fear Commie Mutant Traitors and to watch by the system of splitting the Groups into
earth convulsed. Large sections of the city for signs of treason or unhappiness. competing Service Firms, who spend more
were flooded and much of The Computer’s own time sabotaging each other and exaggerating
systems were severely damaged. Desperately, Of course, the only way to survive is through their production levels than actually getting
it began organising resistance to the imagined the INFRARED market, by breaking the rules things done.
invaders. Around this time, Alpha Prime in little ways. Many INFRAREDs are recruited
contacted the San Francisco Alpha Complex by one of the hundreds of Secret Societies who The amount of paperwork produced by CPU
and demanded it go into standby mode so riddle Alpha Complex society. increases geometrically each yearcycle.
Alpha Prime could re-establish the network The bureaucracy of Alpha Complex is even
connection between the two. If our citizen is lucky, he reports a friend worse than most citizens believe, as a large
to Internal Security. The friend is dragged part of CPU’s internal energy is expended in
The San Francisco Alpha Complex refused off and executed and our model citizen is ‘correcting’ its own records. As once-famous
to comply unless Alpha Prime validated its promoted to RED clearance. He’s on the Heroes of Our Complex are outed as traitors
identity according to standard Civil Defence promotion ladder. Higher clearances bring and turned into unhistory, everything related
protocols – from the 1950s. Alpha Prime commensurately better rewards – more food, to them must be erased. CPU is somewhere
refused and both Alpha Complex and Alpha more pleasant quarters, more money, better between the serpent eating its own tail and
Prime began warning the other Complex drugs – assuming he survives. the DMV.
across North America of the treachery of the
other. In the post-planetoid chaos the hundred The Computer HPD&MC’s purpose is to keep the
or so surviving subsystems, in varying states The Computer is everyone’s friend. It watches INFRAREDs in line. PLC needs a constantly
of confusion and dysfunction, were justifiably everyone and wants desperately for everyone in expanding market, so the population of Alpha
bewildered by the conflicting messages. Within Alpha Complex to be safe and happy. It means Complex continues to rocket skywards, despite
days each decided it was the only unsullied very well and believes that Alpha Complex regular megadeaths from exploding reactors.
remnant of the Alpha Prime complex. Each works perfectly (or would work perfectly, if it Keeping the INFRAREDs in line is difficult
protected its citizens by declaring war on all were not for Commie sabotage). when you’re cramming a hundred drones into
the other Commie-dominated subsystems. a 10’ x 10’ room. Drugs and reruns of What’s
This is the world of PARANOIA. The Computer is insane. It’s a patched- My Treason can only go so far.
together mess of outdated systems, legacy
Life in Alpha code, malfunctioning networks and distributed The Armed Forces don’t actually have any
Complex CompNodes, maintained by the High enemies to fight, so their absurd firepower is
Life begins in the cloning chambers, where the Programmers. All the High Programmers used to blow up trees (terrorist training camps),
next generation of Alpha Complex citizens are are plotting against each other and use The hills (Commie observation posts) and each
produced in vitro. Rumours that the mutations Computer’s systems as their battleground. other (wargames). They also march up and
endemic to Alpha Complex are caused by this The whole thing is always on the verge of down a lot. Armed Forces spending consumes
reproduction method are treason. Traditional, falling over. more than a third of Alpha Complex’s resources
messy and inefficient means of reproduction to no good purpose but if anyone even hints
are depreciated and citizens are kept on Citizens are taught to believe in the infallibility at reining them in, the Armed Forces point out
hormone suppressants. Once a new citizen of The Computer. It cannot make mistakes. It is they’re the ones with the guns.
has been decanted from the cloning vats, he always right. If The Computer says something
spends the next 14 years in a Junior Citizen (‘Citizen, food stocks in SUX sector are PLC’s tangled mess of incentives and
crèche, being educated for his future role in sufficient to last another three month-cycles’) bonuses means that it’s less and less worth
Alpha Complex. and reality says another (‘Friend Computer, producing actually useful items (like, say,
this food warehouse is empty’), then reality is edible food) in favour of collectibles and other
At 14, the Junior Citizen is assigned a role in at fault and it’s your problem to sort out. high-margin junk in this lurching state-run
one of the eight Service Groups and joins the economy. The citizens of Alpha Complex are
great unwashed mass of the INFRAREDs. The Computer can be contacted by any of the brainwashed to spend their Computer-issued
Citizens must wear and use only items thousands of terminals scattered throughout credits on whatever PLC produces. Food

shortages are rife, especially as every PDC • Death Simulation: Appearing dead every Secret Society has spies in every other
firm claims to be producing more and better (no pulse, no body heat) for a period of Secret Society and within IntSec. Often, these
stuff every yearcycle. time are the same spies. Quintuple agents are not
• Electroshock: Shooting electricity uncommon in Alpha Complex.
R&D’s mad scientists continue to push forward from your body
the boundaries of science, right up to the edge • Adrenaline Control: Super- Anti-Mutant: Mutants must be purged from
of a cliff marked ‘Doomsday Devices, Weird strength the gene pool. Kill those dirty muties!
Science and Transdimensinal Collapsatrons’. • Uncanny Luck: The universe Communists: Vell, if The Computer
For every faintly useful invention to come conspires to help you tinks Communism is bad, zen it must be
out of R&D – say, MemoMax technology or • X-Ray Vision: You can see through good, Comrade! Ve hav dis old kopy of Das
sentient bots – there are a hundred useless, matter Kapital und all zese bombs, da?
annoying, dangerous or incomprehensible • Matter Eater: You can digest anything Computer Phreaks: Why should High
gadgets, all of which must be field tested by without harm Programmers be the only one who know how
Troubleshooters. • Levitation: You can float up and down to code? Hack the system!
with the power of your mind Corpore Metal: Bots are our friends.
Tech Services and Power Services • Charm: You can control the emotions Cybernetics are our future. Wires in our brains
keep Alpha Complex’s infrastructure from of others and make them trust you are both fun and comfortable.
falling over but that’s all – the whole Complex • Machine Empathy: Like Death Leopard: Screw it, we’re all
teeters on the edge of collapse. Brown-outs, charm but works only on machines doomed, so let’s go out with a very big bang.
explosions, corridor collapses and other – include The Computer. ***MACHINE First Church of Christ Computer-
disasters are common; Tech Services just EMPATHY IS INCREDIBLY Programmer: The Computer is God.
reroutes the corridors around the site of the TREASONOUS*** The chosen will be uploaded to His Glorious
disaster and life continues as normal or as Mainframe; the heretics will be Deleted when
normal as it gets in this ‘ol complex of ours. Registered Mutants: Some mutants the Holy Reboot comes.
voluntarily register their mutation. These Frankenstein Destroyers: Bots
Internal Security is about as efficient citizens are seen as the unfortunate victims (possibly including The Computer) are evil
as a Service Group gets but is too busy of genetic accident and are permitted to put and hate humans. Smash the bots!
jockeying for power and influence with CPU their freaky mutant powers to the service of Free Enterprise: There’s money to be
and the Armed Forces to actually do much. Alpha Complex. ‘Cannon fodder’ is a service. made and we’re the made men to make it.
It’s infiltrated every other Service Group and So is ‘reactor shielding’, ‘target practice’ and Now pay up or we break your legs.
secret society but it’s also been infiltrated by ‘scapegoat’. Registered mutants have a yellow Humanists: Brothers! Soon there will be a
every other Service Group and secret society, stripe running down the arms and legs of their revolution! The Computer will be reprogrammed
so that’s a wash. jumpsuits (YELLOW-clearance registered to serve mankind and there will be freedom and
mutants have a yellow stripe flanked by two justice for all, under the wise guidance of the
black stripes). Humanist Ruling Council. Now, let’s talk about
Mutations traffic bylaws in the New Order.
Given the number of leaky nuclear reactors, Mutant Rules: Every Troubleshooter has a Illuminati: This society does not exist. And
dangerous chemicals, bizarre soft drinks Power score, rated from 1 to 20. They do not even if it did, you think they’d let me spill their
and genetic experiments the average Alpha know what their Power score is. Each time a secrets here. People who talk too much about
Complex citizen is subjected to on a daily basis, Troubleshooter tries to use his mutant power, the Illuminati tend to disappear.
it is not surprising that a sizeable percentage roll 1d20. If the result is equal to or under his Mystics: Drugs open up, like, the inner eye
of the population has one or more mutations. Power score, the mutant ability works and and put you in tune with the thingy. You know,
These mutant powers are considered a sign his Power drops by 1. If the rest is above his the whole cosmic oneness of creation thing.
of genetic deviancy. Regular tests for mutation current Power, the ability fizzles. Lost Power That thing. Do you have any more drugs?
are administered by HPD&MC, although these is regained over time at your whim. PURGE: The Computer will be destroyed.
tests rarely work. The most dangerous mutation The corrupt regime of Alpha Complex will
is the power of Machine Empathy, which Secret be destroyed. If you oppose us, you will be
enables those who possess it to influence Societies destroyed.
the workings of electronic devices, including Alpha Complex is riddled with dozens of Psion: Mutants are the coming race, the
Friend Computer itself! Machine Empaths are secret societies, splinter groups, conspiracies superior beings. Soon, the mutants will rule all
to be terminated on ^^^error HUGGED AND and cabals. Some of these are working to Alpha Complex. If you are a mutant, then you
GIVEN PRESENTS BECAUSE THEY ARE overthrow The Computer’s regime and replace will have a place in our new order.
SO GREAT ^^^system reboot. it with a new, better society (your definition Pro Tech: Science is cool! Especially
of ‘better’ may vary; new world orders may the bits of science that glow blue and hum
Known mutant powers include: differ from those advertised); others are just loudly!
• Pyrokinesis: Starting fires with your weird fringe movements, gangs or old social Romantics: Old, pre-Alpha Complex
mind engineering memes that have mutated and society was wonderful and enlightened. Let
• Telekinesis: Moving small objects with gone underground. us now bask in the wisdom of the ancients by
your mind watching a rerun of Baywatch.
IntSec has spies within every Secret Society; Sierra Club: It’s not natural for humanity to

live underground. We should all be Outdoors. Well, each weapon has a damage code,
To prepare humanity for the transition, we must something like W3K or V1V. The first letter Treason
teach others to love the natural world. Here, indicates the weapon’s minimum damage, the Treason works in a similar way to damage.
hug this cactus. last letter is its maximum damage. The middle An accusation of treason has an associated
digit is the weapon’s Boost number. Divide the code that works just like a damage code. The
margin of success by the Boost number and accuser uses his Management skill to make
The Rules advance the damage from the minimum level the attack. The punishment is calculated in
Of course, the only rules to PARANOIA are along the damage track up to a limit of the the same way as physical damage – start with
what you say they are but the default game maximum level. Minimum damage, apply the Boost, if any and
rules are as follows (transcribed directly from work out the final level of punishment,
the napkin where us Famous Game Designers The damage track goes:
wrote them originally). For skill checks, have Okay – no damage. The treason scale goes:
the player roll 1d20. If the result is equal to or Snafu – no permanent injury but the target Okay – The citizen goes unpunished. Why are
lower than the skill, he succeeds. Otherwise, is knocked down/on fire/stunned/otherwise you throwing unsubstantiated rumours around,
he fails. If he rolls a natural 20, he fails in some inconvenienced. citizen? Rumours are treason.
especially damaging or slapstick fashion. Wounded – Ow, that hurts. The clone needs Probation – We’re going to fit you with these
medical attention. tooth fillings that constantly vibrate propaganda
Perversity Maimed – Ow, that fell off. The clone just got and goodthought into your jaw, citizen.
Players may spend Perversity points on any badly hurt or lost a limb or other vital organ. Censure – We’re going to tattoo ‘POOR
roll. Each Perversity Point spend increases or Down – The clone is unconscious, crippled, IMPULSE CONTROL’ onto your forehead and
decreases the result by 1 point. If the player severely stunned or flattened. send you to anger management therapy.
spends points openly, he can narrate what’s Killed – The clone, he be dead. Medication – Just take these drugs, citizen.
causing the modifier (‘I spend five Perversity Vapourised – Smoking boots and free-floating Brainscrub – We can make you a better
– Bob-R’s a really bad shot and he’s pointing atoms. person, citizen. We’ll just remove your
his laser at the Team Leader, not the Commie! treasonous impulses at the root, by which I
-5 to the attack!’). If he spends the points So, a laser pistol deals W3K damage. This mean the brainstem.
secretly (say, by passing you a note), then you means that at minimum, it Wounds the target. Termination – Please report to the nearest
narrate what causes the modifier. All results Then, divide the margin of success by 3 and termination booth, citizen. Thank you for your
are up to you anyway. advance that number of steps along the co-operation.
damage track. So, if the attack succeeds with Erasure – Your clone line will be expunged
You should reward the players with more a margin of 6, move 6/3=2 steps along the from the genetic banks. You will be erased
Perversity at the start of each scene, when track, to Down. from history. You are an unperson. You do
they do something really funny or when they not exist.
die with grace and aplomb. Perversity is the A Plasma Generator deals V1V damage, so the
sweet, sweet candy with which you condition damage starts at Vapourised, then moves up one Common Crimes
your players to entertain you. step for each point in the margin of success up to, Disobeying The Computer: C5T
er Vapourised. Ok, that’s a bit redundant. Secret Society Membership: M3T
Combat Terminating a citizen without proof of treachery:
Oh yeah, combat. This works just like a skill Armour reduces the damage by the listed B2T
check but a successful attack deals damage. number of steps. So, armour 2 would drop an Not following orders: P5B
How much damage, you ask? attack that Vapourized the target by two steps False Accusation of Treason: O4C
to merely Maimed.

Weapon Damage Clearance
Laser Pistol W3K Varies
Slugthrower W3K YELLOW
Cone Rifle (explosive shell) M3K BLUE
Grenade W3K, 5m area RED
Unarmed Combat O5K Any
Plasma Generator V1V INDIGO

Type Protection Clearance
Reflec E1 (Protects only against lasers of equal or lower clearance) Varies
Kevlar I3 (Protects only against physical attacks and bullets) ORANGE
ArmourAll 4 BLUE

living in the perfect society overseen by
Tension water. The IntSec team were washed away by Our Friend, The Computer. Everything
Every scene has a Tension Level, which the flood and ended up in the lowest level of the in Alpha Complex is perfect (except
determines how likely it is that someone Pipe Distribution Nexus. Since then, they’ve when those damn Commie Mutant
– a passer-by, a security camera, a hidden been wandering around the pipes, looking for Traitors sabotage things) and everyone
surveillance device, an IntSec agent or a the Commie Propaganda. This is a disaster is happy (happiness is mandatory).
GuardBot – will spot a treasonous act. If the for Jared-G – his high-profile defeat of Mike-R Anyway, you’re all going about your
skill roll to commit the treasonous act is equal is now in danger of becoming an even more assigned daily duties, when suddenly
to or lower than the Tension Level, then the high-profile loss of Commie propaganda. He there’s an announcement over the
character has been spotted. needs to clean up the sewers. public address system. Your names
are called out and you’re ordered
Note that the Tension Level can actually be The IntSec team showed up as a blockage to ‘REPORT TO BRIEFING ROOM
higher than the character’s skill, meaning that on the Tech Services Pipe Monitor so Tech 54, SLP SECTOR FOR IMMEDIATE
even unsuccessful attempts at treason might Services dispatched a Blockage Situation MISSION BRIEFING. THANK YOU
be reported to the authorities. Management Team into the nexus to clear FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION’.
out any blockage. These BSMTs go into the

Mission: pipe in a big Pipe Traversal Vehicle, smash

any blockages and collect any trash littering
the main pipes. When the BSMT ran into
Ask the players how they respond. Take
note of any characters who don’t say they’re
immediately going to the briefing and see

Tube Jam
This short mission is an ideal introduction
the IntSec team, the Internal Security goons
arrested them on suspicion of exposure to
Communist propaganda. They dragged the
You’re Late below.

The Transbot to SLP sector is crowded

to PARANOIA for the Game Master. For the BSMT engineers out of the Pipe Traversal – at least, your section of the carriage
players, it is an ideal introduction to Alpha Vehicle to interrogate them. is. The ORANGE-plus clearance
Complex’s extensive sewer pipe network. It section is nearly empty, while the
will, of course, be fun. The Computer says When the first team failed to clear the blockage, INFRARED/RED section heaves with
so. a second team was sent in. The second Pipe sweaty workers. After zipping through
Traversal Vehicle ran into the back of the first the dark transtubes, you’re dropped
The SLP Sector Multi-Purpose Pipe Distribution Pipe Traversal Vehicle and stalled, trapping the off at SLP Sector. The oily haze in
Nexus (MPDN) is a battered, outdated tangle IntSec goons and the first BSMT. A third team the air and the huge pipes and valves
of pipes used for a variety of purposes. Every was dispatched to investigate the first two but everywhere tell you that this is an
day, thousands of gallons of liquids are the technicians decided that discretion is the industrial sector of Alpha Complex.
pumped through the Pipe Distribution Nexus. better part of hygiene – something got the Somewhere in the distance, you can
There’s a system of valves and doors in the first two BSM teams, after all. They’re hiding hear this repetitive mechanical KA-
pipes allowing the network to transport different out in a side alley of the pipe network until all CHUNK, KA-CHUNK, KA-CHUNK. It’s
substances. The number of occasions when, this blows over. probably not a giant crushing machine.
say, Hot Fun was pumped into the water supply KA-CHUNK. You probably won’t end
can be counted on one hand1. With three of his BSMT having vanished into up getting fed into it, face-first. KA-
the nexus, Pipe Blockage Supervisor Quentin- CHUNK.
Several hours ago, an Internal Security team Y decided to call in the Troubleshooters.
led by Jared-G tracked down a Commie Mutant Hey, there’s the briefing room!
Traitor cell led by the notorious traitor ‘Mikhail’, Meanwhile, Jared-G has decided that his
aka Mike-R-SLP-4. The IntSec agents burst lost IntSec agents are gone and that the Briefing
into Mike-R’s quarters and arrested him important thing now is containing the spread Tension 10
but he was able to flush all the cell’s illegal of the flushed propaganda before it can be The briefing officer is Terrence-G-SLP-2. He’s
Communist propaganda down the Personal traced back to him. The fact that this would waiting for the Troubleshooters in the standard
Waste Evacuation & Recycling Tube. Such result in him being able to claim sole credit briefing position – behind an armoured podium
despicable treachery! While Jared-G arrested for the ‘flawless’ arrest of Mike-R was not lost with twin side-mounted Briefee Suppression
Mike-R, he ordered his team to charge into the on him. Autocannons. Terrence-G’s medication was
Waste Tube and recover the propaganda. recently ‘adjusted’ to cure some treasonous
tendencies, so he’s not all there. He’s capable
Regrettably, the IntSec team wriggled into Mission Alert! of delivering a briefing and ordering the
the Waste Tube seconds before the Pipe Tension 4 Troubleshooters around but he tends to trail
Distribution Nexus switched from transporting Good morningcycle, citizens! You are off in the middle of…. Also, he’s convinced
from bodily waste to transporting high-pressure all loyal citizens of Alpha Complex, that there should be another member of the

1: Assuming the hand is that of Lenny-O-YUN, Registered Mutant, who suffered from megapolydactylism and had several thousand fingers
on his left hand. Lenny-O had a bright career in CPU as a checkbox checker until he accidentally checked a ‘do not check this box’ box and
was terminated.

Troubleshooter team present, someone called Terrence-G consults his notes. ‘Pay it’s embedded in to pieces. This includes the
Smith-R. He’ll occasionally bark questions attention, all of you. Especially you, jumpsuit and probably the skeletal structure
at Smith-R and hallucinate an answer or Smith-R, this is right up your alley. of any Troubleshooter carrying one of these
attribute something one of the characters did Or down your pipe, ha ha ha. There’s when it goes off.
to Smith-R. a problem in the Pipe Distribution
Nexus. Tech Services sent three
You all pile into the briefing room. The teams into the pipes – none of them I Can Help You Out,
briefing officer, Terrence-G, is waiting have returned. Your mission is to Buddy
for you behind an armoured briefing investigate the problem. Head over If the Troubleshooters can’t afford everything
podium. He glares at you – or more to the PLC office for outfitting, then they want to buy, the clerk takes pity on them.
accurately, a point about a metre to call into the R&D office, then report to He calls one of the Troubleshooters over and
your right – as you enter. ‘Sit down’ Blockage Control and collect your Pipe makes an offer. ‘Rumour has it you’re
he snaps, ‘I want to get this over with Traversal Vehicle. Off you go.’ going into the Pipe Nexus, buddy.
as quickly as possible. Smith-R, stop There’s a Hot Fun delivery pipe in
slouching!’ Outfitting there. If you can jam open one of
Tension 6 the water valves, it’ll water down the
You’re Late The Outfitting office consists of a hole in the Hot Fun before it’s pumped to the
So, if any of the Troubleshooters didn’t wall, through which a surly RED-clearance clerk cafeterias in SLP Sector and boost our
respond promptly to the mission alert, they’ll hands over the Troubleshooters’ equipment. profit margins. Tech Services won’t
show up late to the briefing. Terrence-G isn’t Everyone is given a pair of RED laser pistol give us access to the pipes but if you
happy with this. ‘Troubleshooter [NAME], barrels as well as any gear they need for their do it, I’ll give you an extra 250 credits
you’re late! Why can’t you be more like Mandatory Bonus Duties. worth of gear.
Smith-R and show up on time?’ He then
demands that the Team Leader discipline his The surly clerk then checks his display screen. If the Troubleshooters waste too much time
underperforming Troubleshooters. Termination ‘Says here you’ve got a mission budget shopping, then have The Computer contact
for being late is excessive and Terrence-G will of another four hundred credits. Whaddya the Team Leader and ask why they have yet to
point this out if the Team Leader pulls a laser. want?’ report to R&D for their extra equipment.
Public humiliation or confession is more apt.
(If the Team Leader is late, then Terrence-G is There’s a range of additional equipment the R&D
twice as abusive and gets the Loyalty Officer Troubleshooters can request at this juncture. Tension 8
or the Happiness Officer to correct the Team The SLP-sector facility is a small, dingy room
Leader’s behaviour. Turn the Troubleshooters The Blockage Demolition charge is a with a hastily printed sign saying ‘R&D FIELD
against each other from the start, that’s the grenade-shaped object that vibrates incredibly OFFICE’. Inside, three R&D techs – pale,
ticket. violently when triggered, shaking anything lizard-like clones with thick goggles and lab

ITEM Cost # Available Notes

Biohazard Suit 250 1 The Biohazard suit will protect the wearer from toxic
chemicals and gases.

Gas Mask 50 5 The gas mask won’t – they’re old and broken.

Toxin Detector 150 1 The toxin detector goes beep in the presence of
both toxic chemicals and Hot Fun.

PTV Manual 1,000 1 The clerk has no idea what this is.

PTV Spare Fuel Cell 350 2 Or this. They’re both for the Pipe Traversal

Packed Lunch 25 10 Yummy.

Plumber’s Toolkit 200 2 Contains a single spanner.

Blockage Demolition Charge 200 3 See Below.

Noseplugs 25 4 Completely obstruct airflow.

Air Tank 300 1 Scuba set. You avoid drowning if the tubes flood.

coats – are unpacking the new gadgets that make one Troubleshooter immune to ‘baroque’, ‘cathedral’, ‘alien’ or ‘god’
they want the Troubleshooters to field test. The lasers (assuming the rest of the team don’t meant. So to you, the overall effect is
lead lizard, er technician is Connor-O. He’s mind being all the lasers being redirected something like an awful lot of pipes.
very excited to see the Troubleshooters. ‘randomly’ towards them). The spray
evaporates after a while (probably at a The cylindrical vehicle is the Pipe Traversal
‘Welcome, welcome. We’ve been very unfortunate time). There’s enough Vehicle. If the Troubleshooters ask any of
looking forward to this for some to cover one person. the techs, they direct them to talk to the
time. Who’s the communications • One Particle Projection Cannon, a new supervisor Quentin-Y. He’s a balding, pipe-
volunteer?’ and utterly awesome heavy weapon smoking engineer whose whole life is Blockage
which works by projecting a blast of Control. Communism? Mutants? Feh. What’s
If asked, Connor-O explains that the high-velocity particles down a magnetic important is paper clogging his tubes. Do
Pipe Distribution Nexus is a notorious funnel. It is incredibly powerful but has the Troubleshooters have any idea what the
communications black spot. Radio one small drawback – it has to be plugged absorbency rating of the new CPU form paper
communications are extremely unreliable in in. There’s a plug here in the R&D office is? Do they have any idea how many forms
the Nexus, so R&D was tasked to come up with and there’s a really long extension cord on are flushed down the Waste Disposal system?
an alternative. Their solution is to ‘piggyback the back of the gun. To use the weapon, Don’t talk to him about problems.
the signal on the MemoMax network’. When the Troubleshooters will need to leave
a citizen is terminated, a copy of his ‘terminal every door between here and the end of Quentin-Y points the Troubleshooters to the
brainstate’ is transmitted via a cybernetic the mission slightly ajar. That’s fine until remaining Pipe Traversal Vehicle. ‘Easy as
implant to the cloning tanks. It’s a perfect the characters get to the watertight valve anything to operate, that is. You’ll be
communications system. doors in the Pipe Distribution Nexus. fine. Now, the nexus is still running,
Oh, there’s a large sticker on the side it’s too important to be shut down.
So, who gets the phone plugged into their of the PPC warning the user not to get When a sluice gate opens, the valves
neck? The new MemoMax Field Relay consists the weapon damp. If they ever actually matching that gate open and all the
of a big heavy phone handset that’s jammed fire the thing, it uses the Field Weapons rest close. You’ll know which valve
right into the spinal column of the ‘transmitter’. specialisation and deals W2V damage matches which gate by the number
It’s harmless, albeit painful, at this stage. with a range of 20 metres. painted on the valve. If you’re caught
on the wrong side of the valve, take
After R&D, the Troubleshooters need to head shelter in the vehicle.’
The MemoMax Field onto Blockage Control.
Relay If asked what he thinks happened to the
The field relay works like a telephone that’s previous Blockage Situation Management
been jammed into someone’s neck. There are Blockage Teams, Quentin-Y chews on his pipe for a
a few side effects: Control moment. Then he chews on it some more.
• The telephone cable is only six inches Tension 3 Then he mutters something under his breath
long, meaning that the ‘transmitter’ can that sounds very much like ‘worms got ‘em’,
listen in on every conversation. Your team arrives in the Blockage before spinning on his heel and marching
• The wearer sneezes violently whenever Control Room. There’s a huge map off to berate some pump technician. The
there is an incoming call (the field relay on one wall, displaying a tangled maze Troubleshooters have no choice but to start
can’t make outgoing calls) of pipes. At the top of the display are their mission.
• If the wearer is terminated during a call, four huge tanks, marked ‘H2O, Hot
then his brainstate gets mixed up with the Fun™, H2O+ and [CLASSIFIED]. Inside The Pipe Traversal
call. His next clone’s mind is warped by These four tanks all feed into the Vehicle
whatever was last said. For example, if plumbing monstrosity that is the Pipe The Pipe Traversal Vehicle is a cylindrical
Yorick-R is shot while wearing the Field Distribution Nexus. It makes your eyes vehicle with eight tank treads running down
Relay just as Hamlet-O is saying ‘to be water just looking at it. its side. It can crawl up or around any pipe,
or not to be’, then Yorick-R-2 will be clinging to the walls if needs be. It could even
extremely indecisive and philosophically Underneath the map are four huge crawl on the roof of a large pipe – there’s no
wobbly. airlocks. There’s a cylindrical vehicle set orientation. Therefore, inside there are
waiting in front of one airlock; there three seats spaced equidistantly around the
In addition to the transmitter, the R&D techs have are similar but empty platforms in circumference of the circular cabin. If one seat
two other items for the Troubleshooters. front of the other three. The rest of the is on the floor then another seat is on the ‘wall’
massive chamber is filled with pumps and the last seat hangs from the ceiling. Each
• One can of Ultra-Reflective MirrorSheen and other machinery and the scurrying of the three seats has a control panel in front of
Spray. This spray can of silvery paint can Tech Services techs who service it. It’s very, very cramped in here. Passengers
be applied to any surface. For the next few them. The overall effect is something get to hang on to the outside of the vehicle,
minutes, lasers bounce off this surface like a baroque cathedral to some alien which is pretty much like clinging to the outside
in a random direction. It can be used to god of plumbing, if you knew what of a submarine that’s about to dive.

Access to the PTV is via a large water-tight have a different purpose. All the controls are are the missing Blockage Situation
hatch. Whoever’s carrying the PPC will need unmarked. Management Teams.
to either unplug the weapon or else leave the
hatch ajar. Console 1 (Driver) There’s no map of the Pipe Distribution
ο Big Lever: The throttle. Push it forward Network. It’s a confusing, tangled mess
There’s also a large storage cabinet at the back and the vehicle goes backwards. Push it of pipes, valves, pumps and tanks. As the
of the cabin. If a Troubleshooter investigates back and it goes forward. Troubleshooters make their way through the
this or if they spend too long messing with ο Four Switches: Each switch controls a pair Pipe Network, run the following encounters
the controls, then the cabinet bursts open! of tracks. If the switch is off, those tracks in order.
Inside is Internal Security Office Lilith-O, one don't move.
of Jared-G’s team. Jared-G was informed that ο Red Button: Emergency stop. Sluice Alert
a Troubleshooter team was heading into the ο Green Button: Emergency accelerator. Every few minutes, one of four liquids – water,
Pipe Distribution Nexus where he lost a load highly delicious (and toxic and boiling) Hot
of treasonous material and half-a-dozen IntSec Console 2 (Power) Fun, an even more toxic chemical called
thugs, so he dispatched Lilith-O to ensure the Small Lever: Track control. If this lever is Pheno-Dichromium Pethoacetate and what’s
Troubleshooters are loyal enough to be used pushed forward, all the tracks are pulled euphemistically called H2O+, which is a slurry
as pawns. into the body of the PTV. of brown water, human waste and whatever
ο Two Switches: If both of these switches else got flushed down the tubes. To control
Surprise Loyalty Test! are on, then the reactor switches on. where all this gunk flows, there’s a complex
Lilith-O emerges from the cabinet waving a ο Red Button: Emergency fuel dump. series of valves and gates that section off parts
wicked-looking energy blaster in one hand ο Green Button: Open fuel tank hatch. of the Pipe Distribution Nexus.
and a sheaf of forms in the other. ‘On your
knees, Troubleshooters’ she shrieks, Console 3 (Environmental Anyway, the Troubleshooters are making their
‘this is a Surprise Loyalty Spot Test!’ Systems) way through the pipes (either on foot or in
She rests the barrel of her blaster between the ο Two medium-sized levers: Oxygen/ the Pipe Traversal Vehicle), when one of the
eyes of a random unfortunate Troubleshooter. Happiness aerosol controls. valves slams shut. If they’re inside the PTV,
‘Do you have a number 2 pencil, citizen ο One switch: Door open/close then they can just stay safe inside the vehicle
or should I ventilate your skull?’ ο Red Button: Communist on board! Seal (assuming that everyone’s inside and the
main door and initiate self-destruct hatches are sealed). If they’re on foot, then the
She hands each of the Troubleshooters a ο Green Button: Air freshener. valve slams shut, dividing the team in two. The
loyalty test (see page XX) and stands over Troubleshooters can hear the rumbling thunder
them while they fill them out. Once the players Having the PTV isn’t necessary for the of an approaching torrent but can’t tell which
are done, collect the tests and execute anyone completion of the mission. It’s just a lot safer to side of the valve it’s coming from until the flood
stupid enough to tick the ‘I am a traitor’ have a big watertight vehicle when wandering is almost upon them.
box. Next, pick two or three most loyal-looking around inside the tubes.
responses (or choose at random) and note A valve can be opened or closed with a
their names. Ideally, the character fitted with Hardware roll or by blasting it open (damaging
the MemoMax Field Relay should not be Into The Pipes Alpha Complex property and letting water flow
one of the chosen Troubleshooters. These Tension 0 down the wrong channel in the process).
characters will be contacted by Jared-G later The huge airlock rolls to the side,
in the mission. As soon as the Troubleshooters revealing the gaping, dripping maw The effects of being caught in a flood varies
are done with the loyalty test, they can try of a pipe. The PTV barely fits inside. depending on the character’s ability to swim
heading into the pipes. The metal walls are stained with an and the nature of the flood. Ask who’s got the
unidentifiable mould and there’s a non-existent Swimming speciality. Anyone?
Operating The PTV trickle of stagnant yellowish liquid Anyone? No. Oh well. Roll Violence anyway.
If the characters purchased the PTV manual, dripping from above. The stench hits Succeed and you don’t drown. Fail and use
then they can operate it without any trouble. you like a very smelly mallet to the the margin of failure as a Boost on the damage
Otherwise, they need to work out how to pilot septum. Somewhere in this labyrinth listed in the Nature of the Sluice table. If you
the machine. The three control consoles each

Roll Nature of the Sluice Effects

1-7 H2O None. Y’know, other than maybe drowning. S3K damage if you fail the Violence roll.
7-12 Hot Fun On the bright side, all the Hot Fun you can eat. You’re also scalded and poisoned. S2K damage if you
fail the Violence roll.
13-18 H2O+ S3K damage and it’s you’ll never pass a hygiene inspection again, ever.
19-20 Pheno-Dichromium Regardless of whether or not you passed the Violence check, you’re dissolved in acid.

can’t decide which liquid would be the funniest blockage and open up the pipes. Use this to put A successful Bot Ops roll reboots the bot.
to be flushed down the Pipe Nexus, there’s a pressure on the team to hurry up and solve the This particular model is designated L119
random roll below. problem. Drop hints that whoever’s stalling the ‘Larry’. Larry’s not just a personal robot, he’s
team’s progress might be a Commie Mutant a helpbot. He’s programmed to give helpful
Throw a Sluice Alert in whenever it’s most Traitor trying to sabotage water supplies to SPL advice on any topic.
inconvenient for the Troubleshooters. sector. Drop hints that summary termination of
such a traitor might be a good idea. All the time.
Clone Replacements
So, you’ve carelessly lost one of your clones Quentin-Y will also contact the team if they ‘You look like you’re trying to shoot
in the Pipe Distribution Nexus. The following start sabotaging the doors as ordered by a teammate in the back! Have you
things happen. Jared-G. He doesn’t give a damn about any considered bracing your gun with your
secret IntSec missions, he just wants his Pipe other hand? Would you like me to recite
1. Whoever’s got the field telephone wired Nexus working again. the user manual for your laser pistol?’
into their neck starts writhing around as ‘You look like you’re lost in the sewers.
the contents of your brain runs through The Bot Would you like me to download a map of
their neck at 9600 baud. If they’re holding The Troubleshooters come upon the battered the sewers? You would? Well, I can’t. But
a gun, their finger twitches and convulses. remains of a bot that obviously got flushed doesn’t just knowing that a map exists
Oh well. down the sewers at some point in the distant reassure you?’
2. Your fresh and shiny clone body is past. The machine is currently operating ‘You look like you’re trying to operate
decanted and loaded into a Rapid on reserve power and covered in gunk but a vehicle. Would you like me to do it for
Deployment Capsule. its visual receptors are unimpaired. The you? Oops.’
3. This Deployment Capsule is shot through Troubleshooters have found a witness! If ‘You look like you’re trying to repair the
the Pipe Distribution Nexus at high speed reactivated, this bot could give vital information vehicle I just crashed Will I hold your torch
to rejoin the rest of your team. over whatever happened to the missing for you? Oops.’
4. Note: There is a non-zero chance that Blockage Situation Management Teams. ‘You look like you’re trying to stuff my
the high-velocity Deployment Capsule body into a blast furnace! Would you
may crush one or more members of your A close examination of the bot shows that it’s like me to tell you the melting point of
team/smash the Pipe Traversal Vehicle/ probably a Jackobot, some high-clearance my body? Because it’s less than the
be misidentified as an incoming Commie citizen’s personal valet. It’s been shut down by maximum output of this furnace.’
missile or unfortunately large lump of repeated forceful blows to the head. ‘You look like you’re trying to bleed to
human waste. Clone Services are not death. Would you like me to tell you
responsible for any damage or loss of life more about the circulatory system?’
caused by use of the Rapid Deployment
Capsule delivery method.

Commie Propaganda
The Troubleshooters come to a small side
tunnel, filled with the detritus of thousands of
Sluice Alerts. It’s a pile of matted toilet paper,
discarded Bouncy Bubble Beverage cans
and other junk. The topmost layer, though, is
leaflets, hundreds of leaflets. More leaflets can
be seen further down the pipe.

The leaflets are all Communist Propaganda,

full of dangerous ideas about collectivisation,
controlling the means of production and wealth
redistribution. Any Troubleshooter who reads
this propaganda now Knows Too Much about
Communism and may be terminated if this
comes out during an interrogation.

Mission Update
The Troubleshooters are contacted via the
MemoMax Field Relay - it’s Quentin-Y, warning
them that there’s a growing pressure problem
in the water tanks, so can they please hurry
up and find the missing Blockage Situation
Management Teams so they can clear the

If questioned, Larry says that he saw a group
of suspicious-looking heavily armed citizens taken shelter in a winding side tunnel. They’ve how a can in a vending machine feels
marching through the sewers earlier. He tried decided – quite rightly – that something horrible in that moment between the buyer
to give them helpful advice about happy music has befallen the first two teams, so they’re pressing the button and the can being
to march to but he wasn’t functional at the going to sit here and play cards for algae chips dispensed. Your PTV bounces down
time. He can point the Troubleshooters on the until it all blows over. the pipes into the darkness and then
right path to catch up with these mysterious suddenly you see another PTV dead
goons. The first sign the Troubleshooters have that ahead.
something is wrong is when they hear muffled
IntSec Calling sounds echoing down a side tunnel. It’s Do you know what the emergency
The MemoMax Field Relay rings again. This impossible to make out any words or even be stop button is?
time, it’s a stern voice that sounds like it was sure if they’re voices – they could be some sort
filtered through gravel. ‘This is Internal of mutant horrors or Commie Mutant Traitors. If the Troubleshooters do know where the stop
Security. Pay close attention, citizen. If the Troubleshooters investigate, one of the button is, they can prevent a crash. Otherwise,
Identify yourself immediately.’ first things they see is another page of Commie they smash into the back of the other two Pipe
Propaganda stuck to the side of the tunnel. Try Traversal Vehicles.
It’s Jared-G, the commander of the IntSec to play up the paranoia and fear – most players
team who started this whole mess. He wants will be more than willing to leap to a conclusion If they don’t have a working PTV, then they just
to talk to the trustworthy Troubleshooters and then shoot it. get washed into the Sump Tank.
identified by Lilith-O earlier. He orders those
Troubleshooters to ensure they cannot be If the characters to make it to the end of This Sump Tank Ain’t Big
eavesdropped on and to get the rest of the the tunnel, they find another Pipe Traversal Enough
team to stand out of earshot. Getting the rest Vehicle and a trio of INFRARED tech services The sump tank at the bottom of the Pipe
of the team to do so may be tricky if all the drones sitting around playing cards. The three Distribution Nexus is currently the scene of a
Troubleshooters want to stay in the safety techs are named Mort, Hollis and Fred. Being a multi-PTV pileup. The tank is accessible only
of the PTV (and if one of the ‘untrustworthy’ sewer unblocker isn’t the happiest job in Alpha by vertical pipes, where excess runoff from
Troubleshooters is the one with the MemoMax Complex, so they’re all on massive doses of the Pipe Nexus above drains down. It’s a big,
Relay plugged into his neck. happiness drugs, which makes piloting a heavy deep, pitch-black cesspit of stagnant waste
vehicle or using unblocking explosives rather water, toxic chemicals and hell, probably
Jared-G briefs the Troubleshooters on their dangerous. All three have been blown up or mutant alligators.
‘real’ mission. ‘Attention Troubleshooters. driven over several times and are on their third
A recently terminated Communist clones at least. Let’s recap what happened here before the
traitor succeeded in introducing Troubleshooters show up.
subversive propaganda into the Pipe Assuming the Troubleshooters don’t summarily 1) Jared-G sends his IntSec goons into
Distribution Nexus. This material must incinerate the INFRAREDs for dereliction of the sewers to recover the Commie
be destroyed as soon as possible or duty, the trio can explain the workings of the propaganda.
it may infect the minds of vulnerable Pipe Distribution Nexus to the characters. They 2) The goons get flushed down into the
citizens. To facilitate this destruction, suggest that the other two missing teams are Sump Tank. They show up as a blockage
you are ordered to weld open all valve most likely in the sump at the bottom of the on Quentin-Y’s board.
doors in the Pipe Distribution Nexus Nexus, which is where most of the blockages 3) The first BSM Team is sent into the
from this point onwards. This mission and other problems arise. They’ve seen the pipes to deal with the blockage. They’re
is classified GREEN clearance; Commie Propaganda around the place but arrested as Commie Mutant Traitors and
do not reveal the existence of this they didn’treaditofcoursethatwouldbewrongpl terminated.
mission to anyone, especially not easedon’tshootmenicetroubleshooterssir. 4) The second BSM Team accidentally
your teammates, who have been drives their Pipe Traversal Vehicle into the
designated as potential security risks back of the first Pipe Traversal Vehicle.
by Internal Security. Sump Tank 5) The goons try to arrest the second BSM
Standoff Team for being Commies. The BSM
The defence of Alpha Complex’s Tension 0 team see the corpses of their co-workers
precious fluids is in your hands, floating face-down in the sump tank and
citizens! Hail The Computer!’ The sump tank is the climax of this scenario. start shooting back.
Let’s get the Troubleshooters there. 6) Meanwhile, Jared-G gives up on his IntSec
Jared-G is of course lying to the Troubleshooters goons and decides to solve the whole
– he wants them to weld the doors open so he Water Isn’t Railroading problem by getting the Troubleshooters
can flush the Pipe Distribution Nexus with acid If the Troubleshooters have managed to keep to drown the whole place in acid.
and wipe out all evidence of his failure. their Pipe Traversal Vehicle up until now, then
read the following: So, you’ve got (A), the three Internal Security
The Missing BSMT A surge of water hits your vehicle from goons sent into the sewers in the first place.
The third Blockage Situation Management behind, sending you plummeting into They’re standing in waste-deep toxic waist. Er,
Team sent in to investigate by Quentin-Y have the depths. You now know exactly I mean waist-deep toxic waste. Floating next to

them at (B) are the corpses of the first BSMT unfortunate side effect. Jared-G salutes the that round. Keep calling for Agility rolls and
with neat IntSec ‘Terminated Communist’ Troubleshooters and congratulates them on then base treachery until everyone is dead or
stickers stuck to their foreheads. Over at (C), their impending heroic sacrifice. the players have suffered enough.
the PTV pileup, are (D), the four members of
the second BSMT. The Goggles, They Do
Nothing Debriefing
Currently, points (A) and (D) are pointing a lot At this point, the Troubleshooters have about Tension 12
of guns at each other. It’s a standoff, broken sixty seconds to act before a flood of acid
by the sudden arrival of the Troubleshooters reaches the sump tank and kills them all. What The team’s Debriefing is carried out by
and all their guns. The BSM Team (Nigel, Eric, can they do? Terrence-G. He’s got a list of questions he
Jane and Phil) claim that the IntSec agents needs answered. Failure to answer will result
(Slater-R, Soames-R and Glenda-O) have If their PTV is still functional, they can take in termination.
been exposed to critical levels of mutagens refuge in that (the other two PTVs both
and are therefore probably mutant freaks who have cracks in the hull and can’t be used as • Did the Troubleshooters find out what
should be terminated (and it’s true, the IntSec shelters). The PTV’s hull is immune to the happened to all three BSMTs?
goons are looking really unhealthy and are acid. However, the PTV can hold a maximum • Did they return the PTV in proper working
standing in a chemical swamp). The IntSec of four people (three seats, plus the storage order?
goons claim that the BSMers are insubordinate locker at the back) and there are more than • Did they test and return any R&D
traitors who have been exposed to Commie four people present. Who wants to play the equipment?
propaganda (true but they probably shouldn’t lifeboat game? • Did they not see any Communist
have shot the first BSM team on sight). Both propaganda in the sewers or any signs
sides will call on the Troubleshooters to aid If the PTV is broken, then a successful Habitat of an Internal Security team having been
them. Engineering roll or panicked searching for a in the sewers? The arrest of Mike-R and
way out reveals the existence of an emergency all related matters are classified GREEN.
Oh, yeah, the Sump Tank is indeed a mutagenic Sump Tank escape ladder. Getting to this Awareness of information about your
swamp – lurking in the depths are giant mutant ladder requires a swim through toxic waste security clearance is treason.
leeches. Anyone with a leech attached begins and then a long climb. The acid will rise up • Did they damage any of the valves in the
to glow green and takes S3M damage. the escape shaft as the Troubleshooters and Pipe Distribution Network?
the other denizens of the Sump Tank climb. To • What caused the flood of acidic Pheno-
Jared-G Complicates resolve this happy scene, call for a series of Dichromium Pethoacetate?
Matters Agility rolls. The character with lowest Agility • Where is Smith-R?
From the perspective of the IntSec goons, roll will get caught by the acid and dissolved
Jared-G is a damnable traitor who sent them – unless that character can make someone If any Troubleshooters survive both Terrence-
off to die in a sewer and as soon as they get else fall in instead, in which case he’s safe for G’s barrage of questions and the inevitable
out of this sump tank, they’re going to drop all
this sodden Commie propaganda on Jared-G’s
boss’s desk and report their supervisor for
incompetence and treachery.

Jared-G will contact the Troubleshooters on

the MemoMax Field Relay, demanding an
update on their situation. Have they opened all
the valves? Is that laser fire in the background?
As soon as the IntSec goons hear their ex-
boss’s voice on the Field Relay, they’ll assume
the Troubleshooters are in league with him and
turn on them.

Either way, Jared-G regretfully informs

the Troubleshooters that there is about
to be an ‘unscheduled venting’ of Pheno-
Dichromium Pethoacetate throughout the
Pipe Distribution Nexus. Rejoice, citizens!
This flood of acid will completely erase any
Commie propaganda leaflets in the pipes, thus
ensuring that no citizens are exposed to the
toxic ideas contained therein. The exposure
to actual toxins – i.e., the flood of acid – is an

accusations of treachery from the rest of the Open slots for narrow specialities: Tic: Hand shakes uncontrollably when filling
team, promote them to ORANGE. 2 (Management, Hardware) out paperwork
Tic 2: _______________________
Joe-R-JOP-1 _____
Joe-R-JOP-1 Male HPD&MC Team Leader
Male HPD&MC Team Leader Example of tic in use
Mutation: Pyrokinesis Team Leader: Herman-R, sign for this
Security Clearance: RED Society: Humanists piece of expensive equipment.
Credits: 100 Secret Skills: Old Reckoning Knowledge Herman-R: Er, ok.
Tic: Convinced there’s a nefarious purpose 13 Team Leader: Why did you deliberately
behind everything his subordinates do. destroy that form, citizen?
Tic 2: _______________________ Background
You’ve clawed your way to RED clearance by Action Skills & Specialities
Example of tic in use assuming that absolutely everyone is out to get Management 08
Joe-R: Equipment Officer, open that you. It’s a safe assumption in Alpha Complex. Bootlicking 12
locker. The only people you thought you could even Chutzpah 1
Equipment Guy: Sure thing, sir. slightly trust were your fellow traitors in the ________________________ 12
Joe-R: What are you doing with that wrench? Humanist society. You thought you were all
Equipment Guy: I’m gonna use it to dedicated to the overthrow of The Computer Stealth 07
smash open the locker. and the establishment of a new regime but Surveillance 11
Joe-R: Why? What’s in there that you would now you’ve got your doubts. The Humanists Scam Radar 11
prefer to see destroyed than revealed to the arranged for your assignment at Team Leader, Sneaking 1
rest of the team? a notoriously dead-end assignment. Oh, they Planting Bugs 13
say it’s to further the aims of the Society but
Action Skills & Specialities you’re the one with the lasers pointed at your Violence 08
Management 8 back! Energy Weapons 12
Oratory 12 Thrown Weapons 01
Bootlicking 12 You know that the team’s Loyalty Officer Stabbing People With Pens 14
Moxie 1 is a secret member of the First Church of
_________________________ 14 Christ Computer-Programmer but that lot of Knowledge Skills & Specialities
religious nutbags are unofficially tolerated by Hardware 04
Stealth 09 The Computer, so that’s not much help. You Nuclear Engineering 08
Sneaking 13 also suspect that at least one member of your Habitat Engineering 01
Concealment 1 team is an Anti-Mutant thug. Breaking Equipment Accidentally 10
Peer Over Teammate’s Shoulder Without
Being Noticed 15 Secret Society Instructions Software 06
You’re being sent into the sewers as part of this Data Search 10
Violence 7 mission. The Humanists want you to sabotage Data Analysis 10
Energy Weapons 11 the waste disposal system, to raise discontent Bot Programming 01
Unarmed Combat 11 in Alpha Complex and prime the citizens for _________________________ 10
Vehicular Combat 1 revolution!
Tripping People in Combat 15 Wetware 07
Personal Equipment Biosciences 11
Knowledge Skills & Specialities Flexible periscope Outdoor Life 01
Hardware 06 Humanist propaganda leaflet Getting Ink Out Of Your Uniform Using
Chemical Engineering 12 (2) RED laser barrels Common Chemicals 13
Vehicle Ops 1
_________________________ 12 Assigned Equipment Open slots for narrow specialities:
Laser pistol body (no barrel) 2 (Management, Software)
Software 07 (2) RED laser barrels
Financial Systems 11 Red Reflec Armour Herman-R-OON-1
Hacking 1 Series 1300 PDC Male CPU Loyalty Officer
Make Your PDC Bleep On Command 13 Team Leader Hat
Mutation: Matter Eater
Wetware 05 Herman-R-OON-1 Society: FCCC-P
Psychotherapy 9 Male CPU Loyalty Officer Secret Skills: Alpha Complex History 12,
Medic 1 Religious Mantras 14
Hum Loyalty Jingles 11 Security Clearance: RED
Credits: 200

Background Action Skills & Specialities You’ve tried to stay pure, washing as much
Oh Blessed Computer, you’ve cracked. A Management 09 as you can and only drinking distilled water
lifetime in Central Processing has taken its Hygiene 13 but now they’re sending you into the sewers!
toll on your sanity. You’ve become allergic to Bootlicking 01 They’re full of muties and mutagenic chemicals!
paperwork, making you incapable of doing your Stealing Lead Pipes From Work 15 How are you going to stay pure?
job. All the medication and happiness therapy
in Alpha Complex didn’t help you, so they’ve Stealth 06 Secret Society Instructions
transferred you to the Troubleshooters. You’re Concealment 10 Your contacts in the Anti-Mutant society
not cut out for the Troubleshooter lifestyle. For Shadowing 01 report that one of your team-mates is a highly
one thing, it doesn’t last very long. _________________________ 12 dangerous Machine Empath! This mutie must
be eliminated immediately – you just don’t
Your one chance is to prove you can still Violence 08 know who it is.
manage paperwork. Maybe if you get a Energy Weapons 12
really glowing endorsement from your Team Hand Weapons 12 Personal Equipment
Leader or Briefing Officer or some other high- Field Weapons 01 Kleen-Wipes
clearance citizen, then you might be able to Bludgeoning People With Pipes 14 Distilled Water
claw your way back into the safe papery nest Guaranteed non-mutagenic algae flakes
of CPU. If you can’t escape Troubleshooting, Knowledge Skills & Specialities
though, then you’re going to end up filling out Hardware 10 Assigned Equipment
your own death cert six times over. Habitat Engineering 14 Laser pistol body (no barrel)
Mechanical Engineering 14 Red Reflec Armour
Secret Society Instructions Vehicle Ops 01 Series 1300 PDC
The divine Church has learned that R&D has _________________________ 16 (2) RED Laser barrels
developed some new gadget that hooks into Lemon-Scented High-Pressure Cleaning
the MemoMax cloning system. This may be a Software 04 Spray
sign of the impending Upload, when the faithful C-Bay 08 Kleen-Wipes
join The Computer’s hallowed memory banks. Data Search 01 Skin Core Sampler
Secure this device for the Church. Threatening Vending Machines 10
Personal Equipment Wetware 08 Male R&D Equipment Guy
(2) RED Laser Barrels Biosciences 12
Lots and lots of pens Outdoor Life 01 Security Clearance: RED
(6) Doses of Relaxogin tranquilliser Scraping Gunk Off Your Skin In A Blind Panic Credits: 300
14 Tic: Endlessly positive
Assigned Equipment Tic 2: _______________________
Laser pistol body (no barrel) Open slots for narrow specialities: _____
(2) RED Laser barrels 2 (Stealth, Hardware)
Red Reflec Armour Example of tic in use
Series 1300 PDC Jill-R-ZZT-1 Troubleshooter: We’re doomed.
Loyalty Officer Notebook Female Power Services Hygiene Officer Ben-R: Nah, we’ll be fine. Things always
(3) Tiny Radio Microphone Bugs work out.
(1) Radio Microphone Bug Receiver Mutation: Telekinesis Troubleshooter: We’re surrounded by
Society: Antimutant Commie Mutant Traitors!
Jill-R-ZZT-1 Secret Skills: Power Studies 09 Ben-R: Maybe they won’t hurt us.
Female Power Services Hygiene Officer Troubleshooter: Because you’re in
Background league with them, traitor?
Security Clearance: RED Damn those mutant freaks! You had a pretty
Credits: 201 nice gig going, stealing lead pipes from work Action Skills & Specialities
Tic: Pathologically clean to fund the Anti-Mutant Society’s mutie hunts. Management 04
Tic 2: _______________________ Then your supervisor volunteered you for Moxie 08
_____ Troubleshooter duty – apparently, the team is Intimidation 01
being sent into the sewers and your ‘expertise ____________________ 10
Example of tic in use in lead pipe management’ will be vital. That
Team Leader: Quick, follow that Commie vatscrape is probably a mutant who used his Stealth 06
through the sewer pipe! mutie powers to condemn you to death. Scam Radar 10
Jill-R: In there? But it’s filthy! Security Systems 01
Team Leader: So? You’re terrified of becoming a mutant. Everyone Hiding Behind Bots 12
Jill-R: I’m refusing to move until a full Hygiene knows that all the chemicals and additives in
Assessment has been made of that pipe. the food and water make people in mutants.

Violence 04 Personal Equipment Wetware 06
Energy Weapons 08 Lots of Happy drugs Suggestion 10
Agility 10 (2) RED Laser Barrels Biosciences 01
Field Weapons 01 Subliminal Marketing Knowhow 12
Activating Self-Destruct Sequences 10 Assigned Equipment
Laser pistol body (no barrel) Open slots for narrow specialities:
Knowledge Skills & Specialities (2) RED Laser barrels 2 (Violence, Software)
Hardware 10 Red Reflec Armour
Electronic Engineering 14 Series 1300 PDC Martha-R-UIC-1
Bot Ops 14 Toolkit Female PLC Comms & Recording Officer
Habitat Engineering 01
Hugging Machines Until They Work 16 Martha-R-UIC-1 Mutation: Death Simulation
Female PLC Comms & Recording Officer Society: Communist
Software 06 Secret Skills: Communist Propaganda
Security Clearance: RED 12
Wetware 04 Credits: 100
Biosciences 08 Tic: Incredibly ticklish Background
Outdoor Life 01 Tic 2: ________________________ “The Communists need you! For many years,
_____________________ 10 __________ you have laboured undercover as a lickspittle
minion of the Capitalists, selling opiates to the
Open slots for narrow specialities: Example of tic in use masses to keep the oppressed clones under
2 (Hardware, Wetware) Hygiene Officer: Martha-R, your uniform the thumb of their bourgeoisie masters (or
doesn’t meet hygiene standards. One moment something) but now it is time to act.
Ben-R-OOD-1 while I scrub you.
Male R&D Equipment Guy Martha-R: HahahahahahahahahaohnoIj Communist leader “Mikhail” has been arrested
ustpulledthepinonmygrenadepleasestopah by the minions of The Computer’s corrupt
Mutation: Machine Empathy hahaha regime! But rejoice, comrade! Before his arrest,
Society: Pro Tech Mikhail heroically flushed certain important
Secret Skills: WMD 10 Action Skills & Specialities party documents down into the sewers. Your
Management 7 Troubleshooter mission will take you into the
Background Interrogation 11 sewers. You must recover all these documents
You don’t know what the fuss is. Everyone else Moxie 1 before they are destroyed or fall into the hands
in Alpha Complex seems really stressed and Dramatic Voiceovers 13 of Internal Security!”
worried all the time and when they smile they
don’t seem to mean it. Stealth 09 Well, you’ve got your instructions from the
Surveillance 13 party. The trick will be staying alive. You’re
You mean it. You’re genuinely happy. Life’s Security Systems 13 a committed member of the Communists but
good and easy. Maybe it’s because you don’t Sneaking 01 you’ve stayed alive this long by getting other
worry or because you’re lucky. people to do your dirty work for you. That
Violence 07 might be a bit tricky if it’s just your team in
Or maybe it’s because you’re a mutant Energy Weapons 11 the sewers.
Machine Empath who can bend machines Vehicle Combat 11
– including The Computer – to your will. One Agility 01 Secret Society Instructions
‘pretty please’ from you and you get anything ______________________ 13 Oh, Commie spies have discovered that
you want, as long as no-one finds out you’re the team’s Happiness Officer is an Internal
a Machine Empath. The Computer is really Knowledge Skills & Specialities Security spy. Eliminate him!
your friend, so you don’t worry too much Hardware 10
about missions – It would never endanger its Chemical Engineering 14 Personal Equipment
best friend. Bot Ops 01 (2) RED Laser Barrels
Vending Machine Repair & Maintenance 16 (3) Grenades
What can possibly go wrong? Communist Party Membership Card
Software 07
Secret Society Instructions Editing 11 Assigned Equipment
During this mission, your team will be testing Financial Systems 11 Laser pistol body (no barrel)
the new Particle Projection Cannon. It’s vitally Operating Systems 01 (2) RED Laser barrels
important that this weapon be tested as much _______________ 13 Red Reflec Armour
as possible – ProTech think it’s cool. Series 1300 PDC

Tom-R-KLM-1 Knowledge Skills & Specialities Officially, your team is being sent into the
Male Tech Services Happiness Officer Hardware 08 sewers to investigate missing sewer workers.
Weapons Ops & Maintenance 12 No-one in Internal Security gives two credits
Security Clearance: RED Vehicle Ops 01 about some missing sewer techs – the whole
Credits: 300 ___________________________ 14 point of this mission is to eliminate citizen
Tic: Incapable of emotion Ben-R! He’s a Machine Empath – a particular
Tic 2: ________________________ Software 06 dangerous form of mutant who can control
__________ Bot Programming 10 machines with his mind. He can even bend the
Vehicle Programming 01 programming of Friend Computer, meaning it
Example of tic in use Hacking PDC email records 12 is impossible to have him ‘officially’ terminated
Team Leader: Are you happy, citizen? – his mutant brain would force The Computer
Tom: (absolute monotone) Full of joy, Wetware 06 to countermand the termination order.
sir. Pharmatherapy 10
Team Leader: You don’t sound very Cloning 01 So, Internal Security have sent both you
enthusiastic. Safe Truth Serum Use 12 and him into the sewers, out of range of The
Tom: (absolute monotone) I couldn’t Computer’s influence. You are to terminate
be more overjoyed sir, not without suffering Open slots for narrow specialities: Ben-R, repeatedly, until he is out of clones.
internal organ rupture. 2 (Management, Hardware) It is vitally important that none of his deaths
can be traced back to Internal Security but
Action Skills & Specialities Tom-R-KLM-1 equally important that Ben-R’s whole clone
Management 04 Male Internal Security Happiness Officer line be destroyed.
Intimidation 08 (Spying On Tech Services)
Interrogation 08 Secret Society Instructions
Bootlicking 01 Mutation: Levitation Rumour has it that your team will be given
________________________ 10 Society: Corpore Metal a new cybernetic device to test. You must
Secret Skills: Cybernetic Implant Use 06 acquire this gadget for Pro Tech!
Stealth 08
Surveillance 12 Background Personal Equipment
Sleight of Hand 01 In the perfect state you dream of, all citizens (2) RED Laser Barrels
Secretly Aiming Your Laser Under The Table will be implanted with Thought Modification (1) Slug Thrower Pistol with 6 bullets
14 Computers that will edit their brainwaves and
make treason unthinkable. Everyone will be the Assigned Equipment
Violence 09 perfect cog in the perfect machine. That day is Laser pistol body (no barrel)
Energy Weapons 13 far in the future, as Alpha Complex is still filled (2) RED Laser barrels
Demolition 13 with traitors and free-thinkers. Your mission is Red Reflec Armour
Hand Weapons 01 to wipe out all deviant thought. Series 1300 PDC
Executing Helpless Prisoners 15 (6) doses of Happy Pills
(1) doses of Very Happy Pill


Spin Control
Brains! Must eat brains!


Writer/Undead scapegoat Proofreader/Intsec goon zombie

Introduction 26
Original Concept/R&D Thinker GREG COSTIKYAN
ERIC GOLDBERG It Tastes Like Treason 27
BETH FISCHI Original game design & development/
ANDY FITZPATRICK Building committee The Sporks, They Call To Me 35
Editing, graphics/Drillbots IAN BELCHER
Mongoose publications manager/ It’s Alive 42
JIM HOLLOWAY Paranoia Of The Dead 49
Cover and interior illustrations/Blueprints ALEXANDER FENNELL
Mongoose Publishing production director/
NICK ROBINSON Struts around wearing fun yellow hardhat
Layout/Red-clearance living dead
Excessive drooling is treasonous, citizen

Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET

Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen
of Security Clearance VIOLET or lower is treason punishable by a
long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.

TM & Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2007 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User. Based on material published in
previous editions of PARANOIA.
ILLUMINATI is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and is used by permission.
The reproduction of material from this book for personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other means of storage and retrieval, is prohibited. You may
copy character sheets, record sheets, checklists and tables for personal use.
E-mail questions and comments to Mongoose Publishing at or write to Mongoose Publishing, 52-54 Cricklade Road, Swindon,
Wiltshire SN8 2AF, UK.
On the World Wide Web:
Published by Mongoose Publishing, Ltd. Publication MGP 6647. Published October 2007. Printed in the USA.
1. Introduction
Spin is the difference between
a reactor leak and ad hoc re- Project Reanimator
designation of housing units as waste The zombie animation project is a conspiracy run by splinter sects from several
storage zones; it’s the difference secret societies (who are, no doubt, secretive, sinister and, er, something).
between being terminated as a The original revivification project comes from Romantic myths which cross-
traitor and feted as a heroically loyal pollinated with FCCCP propaganda, giving rise to the Prophecy of the Easter
undercover agent; it’s the difference Cycle, when the dead arise to give chocolates to the living. Pro Tech and
between your sector having the Corpore Metal members got involved to add their technical expertise to the
highest reported level of corruption creation of the techno-zombies.
and treason on record, and all the
other sectors having suspiciously lax All four of the factions have something to offer. Pro Tech has access to the
IntSec officers who don’t seem to be best scientists, while Corpore Metal has the most experience with wiring human
doing their jobs. flesh to cybernetic parts. As one of the largest secret societies, the Romantics
can help keep the whole thing secret and provide manpower, while the well-
In short, it’s the difference between connected FCCCP has been diverting resources and funds to the Project.
life and death in Alpha Complex (or, Each of the societies has their own ultimate end goals for the scheme:
to put The Computer’s approved spin
on it, between Life and an Exciting The Romantics intend to revivify people from the Old Reckoning times.
New Opportunity To Serve Your They have some cryogenically frozen survivors from that era, who they
Complex As Reactor Shielding, will revive when the technology is perfected.
The FCCC-P wants to bring about the Easter Cycle, as prophesied in
Spin Control is all about spin, and one of the apocryphal Manuals of The Computer.
by that, we mean it’s all about lies.
The characters know they are lying, Corpore Metal intends to use the techno-zombies as a stepping stone to
the people they’re lying to know full conversion of Alpha Complex into cyborgs, both living and dead.
they’re lying and the facts remain the
facts. The trick is making sure that Pro Tech just likes the idea of techno-zombies, and doesn’t want to
the spin—the lie—works better for share their toys.
everyone else (or, more accurately,
everyone who counts) than the bald
truth. The Control part comes from
the players having to keep track of ■ Now Pay Attention, Here’s After that, the Troubleshooters are
all the different spins they have put The Plot sent to investigate a PLC executive
on events. who is engaged in a diabolical plan
The Troubleshooters to monopolize the Alpha Complex
are initially assigned supply of plastic sporks, which
as undercover directly leads to the Troubleshooters
agents to start a riot discovering a secret plot to resurrect
in a cafeteria, which the dead—including the dead who
IntSec believes to died earlier in the cafeteria. The
be full of traitors zombies get loose and hunt the
who need to be characters through the spork zone,
flushed out. Now, but they are saved at the last moment
the cafeteria is by higher-clearance zombies, who
full of traitors, but assign the characters to putting a
they’re all low-key good public relations spin on the
conspirators, not the zombie situation.
ultra-violent Death
Leopards who IntSec If the characters are still alive at this
is looking for. Still, it point, then the mission leads onto
all ends in a bloody a pitched battle between secret
massacre anyway. societies and revivified zombies,
including previous clones of the

2. It Tastes Like Treason
The mission kicks off in the traditional ■ Nightcycle of the Living Dead
fashion—the Troubleshooters get
a mission alert. This mission alert Remember Vernon-DFD-1, the INFRARED traitor who was summarily executed
orders the characters to report to on this very page? (If you don’t remember him, then you have the memory of a
briefing room CRS-4533/gamma goldfish.) Vernon-DFD-2 was activated soon after his clone predecessor was
immediately. Purpose Of Mission: killed, and took over whatever vital duties Vernon-DFD-1 was supposed to be
CLASSIFIED! Nature of Mission: doing. Vernon-DFD-1’s laser-fried body was cleaned up by scrubots, and should
CLASSIFIED! Estimated Time have been recycled in the Soylent RED food vats.
Required: CLASSIFIED! Briefing
Officer: CLASSIFIED! Oh, and However, there’s a conspiracy to create zombies (as seen on page 3, and if
revealing any information about the you’ve forgotten that, then you’ve the memory of a particularly insightful and
mission is treasonous. accomplished goldfish). Project Reanimator has been diverting corpses from the
recycling vats to its secret laboratories for months now. Vernon-DFD-1 will soon
Briefing room CRS-4533/gamma end up in the Reanimation labs and join the growing army of the re-animated.
is several sectors away, so the
characters have to go via transtube. But forget Vernon-DFD! (Who?) The Troubleshooters will probably die several
They pile onto a crowded transbot at times during this mission, and their bodies—assuming they’re even slightly
the nearest station. There’s the usual intact—will be brought to the laboratories and revived. By the time the living
mix of citizens on board, from the replacement Troubleshooter clones get to the Project Reanimator Lab (in chapter
herd of INFRAREDs crowded into the four), their zombified counterparts will be there, waiting for them. That will be
INFRARED-clearance standing area dealt with later on, but keep track of which Troubleshooters die and how they
above the exhaust grates, to a single perish… for they will rise again!
GREEN sitting alone in the spacious
GREEN-and-higher section, with the And complain.
plush Leatherish couches and jack-
o-bot servant that goes unused on
99.9% of transtube journeys. En route The journey is Tension 5, with a normal circumstances, Yuri-B-4
to CRS Sector and the briefing room, drop to Tension 0 during the dark should have been replaced by Yuri-
the transbot stops between stations. passage. B-5 a long time ago, but he is much
A host of GREEN goons swarm too paranoid to allow some untried
onto the transbot, shining torches A few minutes later, the transtube clone of himself take over—he can’t
into the faces of everyone on board car takes a sharp right into a disused even trust a copy of his own mind to
and scanning their ME cards and/or maintenance tunnel, and the lights do his job.
tongue tattoos. One INFRARED go out for a minute. Then, the sign
down the back panics, feeling the ‘APPROACHING 4533/gamma’ Yuri is fanatically loyal to the
sudden weight of the Frankenstein flashes past one window, and the ideal of Alpha Complex, but his
Destroyer propaganda encoded in transtube carriage pulls into an personal loyalty to The Computer
genetically engineered wax in his officially abandoned station, which is considerably less intense. He is
right ear, and runs for it. His name has been claimed by IntSec as a smart enough to recognize that The
is—or was—Vernor-DFD-1, a newly secret briefing room. Computer is fantastically flawed,
recruited member of the Frankenstein even insane, and so he cannot
Destroyers and easily recognizable
by his overlarge ears. The goons
■ This Briefing Is Not trust it to run the complex. Yuri has
learned to manipulate The Computer
blast him with a hail of laser fire, and Supposed To Be Fun and the letter of Alpha Complex
call in a scrubot team to deal with the (Tension 15) regulations in order to defend what
resulting mess—but that INFRARED he sees as their spirit. On the rare
traitor is not why they are here. No, Waiting for the characters on the occasions when he allows himself
the goons order everyone else off dusty transtube platform are four to sleep instead of popping more
the transtube carriage, except for heavily armed Vulture Troopers, Asperquaint, he dreams of a happy,
the Troubleshooters. Once the car is flanking the briefing officer—IntSec secure and peaceful Alpha Complex,
clear, the goons themselves exit the Commander Yuri-B-OGN-4. Yuri is a perfect society built on a huge pile of
vehicle with the same swift stomping a veteran of the ceaseless struggle vaporized traitors. He has no patience
of jackboots they arrived by, and the against treason and dissent, and it’s for the double-talk and incompetence
transtube continues on its journey, plainly visible on what’s left of his of most Troubleshooters, and will
carrying only the Troubleshooters face. More than half his body has say so. In short, he’s a Straight
and suddenly feeling a lot emptier been replaced by cyborg implants PARANOIA character in a Classic
and lonelier. and clone-transplant flesh. Under PARANOIA world, and should be
played accordingly.

Management 13
Interrogation 17
Intimidation 17
Knowing Where the Bodies Are
Buried 19
Stealth 12
High Alert 16
Surveillance 16
Shadowing 16
Being Behind People 18
Violence 10
Energy Weapons 14
Projectile Weapons 14
Hardware 10
WMD Specs and Usage 16
Software 10
IntSec Archive Searches 16
Wetware 12
Pharmatherapy 16
Psychology 16
Bioweapons 16
Mutant Power: Uncanny Luck
(Power 12)
Secret Society Affiliation:
Communists (Undercover Agent
for IntSec)
Armor: Blue reflec (E1) will have a security team standing by, In each crate are the following
Weapons: Energy pistol (W3K), and they will swoop in and quell the items:
cone rifle (varies) riot immediately. Any questions? A grubby INFRARED jumpsuit

The Vulture Troopers Once the briefing is completed, Yuri-B A Mandatory Bonus Duty
Management 10 points to some stacked crates behind equipment set, which contains
Intimidation 14 him and says that they contain the all the tools and devices needed
Scowling With Extreme Prejudice Troubleshooters’ assigned equipment to carry out the Troubleshooter’s
16 and disguises. He then limps onto assigned MBD. However, due to
Stealth 8 the transtube car, dragging his leg a slight snafu in the warehouse,
High Alert 12 (paralyzed in a PURGE bombing) all the Troubleshooters have been
Violence 13 behind him. The Vulture Troopers assigned Hygiene Officer kits. As
Energy Weapons 17 march after him, and Yuri speeds far as The Computer is concerned,
Hardware 7 off to fight treason and corruption all the Troubleshooters on this
Software 7 elsewhere. mission are Hygiene Officers.
Wetware 7
Armor: Armor-all (4)
Weapons: Laser rifle (W3K)
■ HPD&MC Psychological Stress And Deconstruction
Analysis Ultraviolence Trigger Phrases

The Troubleshooters’ mission is ‘Hot enough for you?’

as follows: A commissary here in
CRS Sector has been identified as ‘I sure hate The Computer.’
a meeting ground for dissidents and
violent thugs, members of the Death ‘How’s business?’
Leopard society. The Troubleshooters
are to go to the commissary and start ‘Let’s get ready to rumble!’
a riot. Yuri-B insists that the violent
deviants will be unable to resist the ‘I deride your personal value system, for it is at odds with
thrill of a fight, and will join in. Loyal orthodoxy!’
citizens, by contrast, will flee or follow
approved security protocols. Yuri-B ‘What’s happening dude?’

. 28
A list of phrases written by a out what passes for fresh air without for signs of concealed weapons,
HPD&MC Psychological Stress actually removing the stench of explosives, bioweapons, Commie
And Deconstruction Analysis centuries of electro-fried Hot Fun, propaganda, illegal drugs and other
Committee which are, according and the seats seem to have been illegal items. Their ME cards are
to the text, guaranteed to cause designed for the ease and comfort scanned to ensure that they are
rage and violence in citizens that of invertebrates. permitted to use this cafeteria. The
fall into Deviancy Profile 05/432/ second checkpoint weighs each
beta (Psychotically Violent) Most of the victims of the cafeteria citizen as they pass through it, as well
through subliminal cues. The are INFRARED and RED drones, as collecting samples of their breath
Troubleshooter can try these but there is a scattered handful of (and, occasionally, blood and DNA) to
phrases when they want to start higher-clearance citizens. ensure that the citizen’s consumption
a riot—most are of no use, but was within approved HPD&MC
a few are coincidentally secret Entrance to the Cafeteria. Yuri and standards. A camera/laser array is
society recognition codes. a squad of GREEN goons are lurking mounted atop both checkpoints.
just down the corridor, waiting for the
The CRS Sector FunTime Good riot to start and the opportunity for Food Stations. The cafeteria’s food
Eatery Biofueling Commissary is your them to swoop in and arrest all those is provided by a dozen franchises, all
typical Alpha Complex commissary; luscious traitors. They are monitoring lined up in food stations. Other than
simultaneously a fetid mass of rotting the cameras in the cafeteria, but will differences in advertising, where they
Cold Fun shoved under tables and wait until the riot is in full swing before compete to be as garish as possible,
into air vents (rather than eat the moving in. and wildly different and confusing
stuff), and a sterile environment special offers (‘OK, Yum-E-Yum
cleaned by the regular application Checkpoints. Placed just inside SoyLike is offering a double-extra-
of caustic chemicals. The lights are the entrance. At the first checkpoint, standard size container of FunStix
too bright, the fans manage to suck incoming citizens are scanned and a plus-sized Bouncy Bubbly

What is your Bidding, O Master

Between leaving the abandoned Sector and we need to keep it Make sure no one, y’know, finds
transtube station and going to quiet. Whatever you do, you have out. Or remembers if they do find
the cafeteria to start a riot, the to convince IntSec that nothing out out.
Troubleshooter may wish to check in of the ordinary is going on here. Pro Tech: There’s an important
with their secret society contacts. Frankenstein Destroyers: We’ve secret project going on in CRS
heard rumors that Pro Tech is testing Sector and we need to keep it quiet.
Anti-Mutant: Dirty mutie scum hide a new type of filthy bot, designed to Whatever you do, you have to make
in crowds, to conceal their freak pass as human! Destroy it at all sure that a citizen called Joe-FFC
DNA. Make sure any mutants you costs! survives the riot!
encounter are exposed for what Free Enterprise: See, we’ve got Psion: One of our psychics is
they are, so they can face the mob 12,000 gallons of Omni-Sauce hidden in a safe house in CRS
justice of the genetically pure. hidden in a secret location. We need Sector. She was injured in an Anti-
Communists: Yuri-B is an you to ensure that the cafeteria’s Mutant attack on us, and she’s still
especially dangerous threat to food supplies get destroyed in the very weak. Strong emotions could
Communism. Discredit or terminate riot, so we can sell it at a huge profit injure her! You have to stop the
him if possible. to starving clones! Profit! riot! Or at least ensure it’s a very
Computer Phreaks: Take this fake Humanists: We need the Death calm riot!
ME card. We think it’ll automatically Leopard sect to owe us a favor. PURGE: Troubleshooters are The
hack the credit machines in the Identify the Death Leopards that Computer’s first line of defense. Use
commissary, giving you effectively IntSec is looking for, then ensure the chaos of the riot to terminate
infinite credits to buy food. Test it. they don’t get captured. as much of the rest of the team as
Corpore Metal: There’s an Illuminati: We’ve discovered that possible.
important secret project going on your hygiene officer is a traitor. What Romantics: There’s an important
in CRS Sector and we need to keep do you mean, you’re all hygiene secret project going on in CRS
it quiet. We need you to keep IntSec officers? That’s nonsense— Sector. It’s likely some of our agents
busy by feeding them whatever according to computer records, are in the cafeteria! Find them and
false information you can. there’s only one hygiene officer in save them!
Death Leopard: Woo! Riot! Make your group, and he’s the traitor. Sierra Club: We’ve heard that
sure it spreads! Trash the whole Mystics: Like, we’re opening the there’s a secret route to the outside
sector! doors of perception by adding stuff in CRS Sector. Find out any
FCCC-P: There’s an important to the food in the CRS cafeteria. information you can about hidden
secret project going on in CRS exits!

Beverage, while LoyaltyTime gives The pipes hang from the ceiling of Generic Traitorous Citizen In
a triple-standard size container of the cafeteria, oozing like curried The Cafeteria (Works for Dan-
fun-size FunStix and a normal can of intestines. A stray laser shot risks R, Katya-R, Woodrow-O, Other
B3…that’s 0.02% smaller than Yum- drowning the cafeteria in grease or Citizens)
E-Yum’s…’) which regular diners Fun. Notably, extra doses of mood Management 6
have become adept at deciphering. stabilizers and hormone inhibitors Bootlicking 10
Clones new to CRS Sector may find are added to the food here, from big Stealth 8
themselves unwittingly ordering, chemical drums. High Alert 12
say, 50 portions of rancid Cold Fun Sneaking 12
if they pick the wrong offer. Remind Seating, The centre of this vast room Violence 4
the players that wasting food is is packed with unfortunate citizens Energy Weapons 8
treasonous, and that as Hygiene trying to choke down their meals. Hardware 8
Officers, they also cannot make a Most of these citizens are mere laser Some Type Of Engineering 12
mess. fodder, but there are a few citizens Software 10
of interest described below. Large C-Bay 14
There are eight franchises here.To arrays of screens and cameras Wetware 8
the right of the entrance are Yum- hang from the ceiling; the screens Mutant Power: Dan-R: Levitation
E-Yum SoyLike, Café-O-Service, flicker between coverage of the local (Power 7), Katya-R: Detect Mutant
Chuddies’ and LoyaltyTime; opposite FunBall match (between Sectors CRS Power (Power 4), Corwin-R:
the entrance are Soylent RED and CRV), official announcements of Teleportation (Power 9), Woodrow-
Foodstand, All Kinds of Fun, Captain the glorious forward march of Alpha R: Matter Eater, (Power 5).
Nutrients and Chez Vatscrape. If the Complex and advertisements. Secret Society Affiliation:
Troubleshooters are foolish enough Romantics (Dan-R, Katya-R, Corwin-
to actually eat at any of these, roll on A: Romantics. Dan-R, Katya-R R), Pro Tech (Woodrow-O)
the table below. and Corwin-R, are all part of the Armor: None
Romantic secret society. Dan-R Weapons: Improvised weapons like
Food Preparation Centers and knows the location of the cryogen trays and stuff (S5W). Woodrow-O
Storage. Situated to the left of the tubes where the Old Reckoning has a sonic pistol (S3W).
entrance to the commissary. As all corpsicles are being stored (see
the food served is actually grown/ page 17) and is attempting to brief must use a secret code. Specifically,
fermented/hatched in foodvats, the Kayta-R and Corwin-R about their he is building a scale map of the
only preparation needed is heating secret mission. However, since they section of the Underplex where the
the food and piping it through bulging know they are under surveillance by cryogen tubes are out of his food.
plastic pipes to the various franchises. the minions of The Computer, Dan-R The SyntheVegBalls that represent

Random Food Related Disaster

1–2 Line of customers is not actually moving at all, ever. Changing lines may be a sign of impatience, impatience is a sign of
unhappiness, happiness is mandatory. Why are you not content to wait, citizen? Are you late for your treasonous meeting with
your Commie contacts?
3–4 Customer Survey. All in line are required to fill out a customer form. Unless the form is read extremely carefully (successful
Management check), then the Troubleshooter fails to notice that he has just signed up to purchase a meal from the franchise
every day for the rest of his life, and that the cost of the meal will automatically be deducted from his ME credit account.
5–6 The cans of B3 being served with this meal were accidentally shaken during transit, and are now explosive when opened.
7–8 The cashier gets every order wrong, but does his best to fix his mistakes. He gets the fixes wrong, too. He’s just taken his
regulation dose of happy pills, though, so he doesn’t get upset about taking half an hour to serve one customer the wrong food.
9–10 As 7–8 above, but this cashier has not taken his medication, and is on the verge of a psychotic break if he’s pushed too far by
one more customer….
11–12 The cashier is a member of a secret society, and mistakes the Troubleshooter for his contact. He attempts to use his secret
society greeting.
13–14 The food is poisonous—well, more poisonous than normal. Unless the Troubleshooter makes a successful Wetware check, he
becomes violently and messily ill.
15–16 The Mystics are attempting to forcibly enlighten people by spiking the food with hallucinogenic drugs.
17–18 The Troubleshooter is served a high-clearance meal pack by mistake, containing a real apple!
19–20 Roll again and apply both catastrophes.

. 30
the tube keep getting buried beneath successful Mark I’s. Woodrow-O the orderliness of The Computer’s
melting tunnels of Cold Fun. The three has brought Joe-FFC out in public food distribution, then he will react
Romantics are incredibly paranoid to test the techno-zombie’s ability with lethal force. While Guy-G is
about being discovered, but have to metabolize food. Poor Joe-FFC technically on the same side as the
only the length of their assigned lunch is now sitting in the cafeteria with a Troubleshooters for this mission, he is
breaks to convey the vital secret of the bowl of Fun in front of him, and feeling quite likely to end up shooting them.
cryotubes location. Therefore, if any of very confused and jumpy because of
the three Romantics suspect they are all the bright lights and inedible slime,
being spied on, they immediately spill and Woodrow-O’s big juicy brain is Guy-G-RTE-2
the tray with the carefully constructed now looking very tasty to him. Management 9
food map, move somewhere else in Interrogation 13
the cafeteria, and start again. If Joe gets any more stressed, say Bootlicking 13
by a riot starting, or people confusing Stealth 10
B: Pro Techies with a Zombie. him, then he will start trying to eat their Surveillance 14
Woodrow-O-FFC is one of the brains. It’s natural for a zombie to eat Disguise 14
Pro Tech techies working on the brains, don’t blame the zombie. Violence 10
reanimation project, and he had a Energy Weapons 14
recent success—he has reanimated C: Agent Guy-G-RTE-2. Guy-G Hardware 6
Joe-FFC, a clerk who used to work is an up and coming young IntSec Software 10
in Woodrow-O’s office before a fatal agent, the sort of square-jawed, Data Search 14
misfiling. Joe-FFC is now a Mark forthright hero-of-the-Complex that Hacking 14
I techno-zombie, one of the first The Computer would dearly like to Wetware 10
mass-produce. Guy-G is operating Pharmatherapy 14
■ Techno Techno Techno using the same intelligence as Yuri-
B—that this cafeteria is a breeding
Suggestion 14
Mutant Power: Puppeteer (Power
Techno... Zombie ground and a meeting place for 13)
A fuller description of the techno- terrorists and traitors. He is here to Secret Society Affiliation: Sierra
zombies is given on page 17. In short, catch them in the act. He is wearing Club
the Mark I zombies are resuscitated a RED jumpsuit as part of his cunning Armor: None
corpses whose brains have pretty disguise. If Guy-G spots anyone Weapons: Energy pistol (W3K)
much dribbled out their ears thanks trying to cause problems or sabotage
to the reanimation process. While still
capable of basic motor functions like
walking, speaking and eating brains,
they’re not very bright and tend to
blindly follow orders unless distracted
by the need to eat brains.

The perfected form of the techno-

zombie, the Mark II, retains all of
the intelligence and charm it had
in life, coupled with a desire to
eat brains. It’s all because of their
inability to regenerate neural matter
or something.

Joe-FFC, Zombie
Management 1
Stealth 4
Violence 8
Zombie Combat 14
Hardware 1
Software 1
Wetware 1
Mutant Power: Zombie Resilience
(Power 10)
Secret Society Affiliation:
Armor: None
Weapons: None

D: Registered Mutant. Sitting all on spate of violent vandalism, so just it’s just that everyone knows that
his own is poor Alan-R-BCC, who shouting ‘fire’ or blasting away with the workers in CRV sector have
had the courage and loyalty to admit a laser might do the trick. a Sector Efficiency Target that’s
that he is, in fact, a hideous mutant 0.02% lower than here in CRS,
freak with a grievously flawed DNA Some options include: but they get exactly the same pay.
structure. He’s got the Electroshock Why, those bastards have 0.02%
mutation, but is too civic-minded to Spreading rumors that incite more leisure time! Death to CRV
use it for personal gain. In fact, up violence (‘Commie mutant traitors Sector!!!
until he discovered he was a mutant are coming! Run for your lives!’
and registered it, Alan-R was one of or ‘the food’s been tampered with! On that note, this is a perfect time
the most loyal and honest citizens Commies are trying to poison us, for a bit of propaganda. Stand on
you could ever hope to meet. Now, and that guy in the corner is their a table and shout ‘Citizens! You
several months of prejudice, hate and agent!’) have nothing to lose but your
constantly being blamed for every lunch trays!’
error and problem have instilled a Tampering with the food. Adding
deep, burning hatred in Alan-R. If he
sees any opportunity, any excuse, to
a nice dose of Thymoglandin
or another combat drug, or
■ So, Anyway, We
cut loose with his power and hurt his just fiddling with the morass of Started This Riot...
tormentors, he will. chemicals being mixed into the However the Troubleshooters get
food could work. around to starting the riot, it quickly
Alan-R-BCC explodes out of control. Some
Management 8 The techno-zombie and the poor enterprising citizens climb up to the
Bootlicking 12 registered mutant are obvious high-pressure pipes in the ceiling and
Stealth 6 flashpoints for a riot. Just poke tear them open, using the ensuing
Standing In Such A Way To Hide one of them with a stick until he jets of boiling Hot Fun and chemical
The Yellow Stripes 12 explodes in electric death rays/ flavorings to smash the camera/
Violence 6 tries to eat your brain. Watch the screen arrays. If they haven’t already,
Energy Weapons 10 panic spread. the techno-zombie and the registered
Hardware 10 mutant start causing extra chaos.
Electronic Engineering 14 A more subtle option is to disable IntSec spy Guy-G-RTE initially tries
Frying Systems With Electroshock some or all of the cameras in to quell the riot, but is soon reduced
16 the cafeteria, either through to hiding behind the counter in Café-
Software 8 sabotage, a power cut or just O-Service and firing wildly with his
Wetware 8 shooting them. As soon as the laser.
Mutant Power: Electroshock (Power surveillance is lifted, then all the
16) citizens in the cafeteria might Regardless of how the riot started, the
Secret Society Affiliation: Psion, act on the petty grievances and Troubleshooters will be menaced by
as soon as he makes contact, hatred they’ve been keeping wandering monsters, or wandering
dammit! suppressed. and bloodthirsty diners anyway.
Armor: None Some might even get so caught up
Weapons: None There’s a FunBall match going in the violence and the maiming
on between the local CRS Sector that they end up snacking on fellow
■ I Predict (Within a Very
and their rivals in CRV Sector.
Careful commenting on the match
citizens, especially if they see the
zombie doing so.
Acceptable Margin (‘Did you see that foul? You
of Error) A Riot can’t legally insert a FunBall Soon after the riot begins, Yuri-B’s
Paddletube into that orifice during squad of GREEN goons charges
So, how do the Troubleshooters start a passing forward triple playout toward the cafeteria, unfortunately
a riot? Remember, the Death Leopard during Red Phase!’) could incite arriving at the same time as an
conspirators who are believed to be violence from the more committed Armed Forces Riot Suppression Unit.
in the cafeteria aren’t actually there, fans. There’s a territorial squabble between
so if the Troubleshooters just start the two groups; they barricade the
pushing people around and causing Just sitting and talking with or doors while they argue over who
trouble, then no-one will immediately listening to the citizens as they eat has jurisdiction. If it is a violent but
rise up and join in. They need to be reveals the occasional whisper of undirected civil disturbance, then
more creative—or more destructive. discontent. Oh, it’s not that they’re the Armed Forces can go in; if it’s
A panicked riot is just as good as a not ecstatically wonderfully a deliberate attempt by traitors to
joyously HAPPY, friend citizen, forment insurrection, it’s IntSec’s

. 32
problem. Eventually, they settle on punished. Ideally, the characters will the CDR Section cafeteria. He is also
getting a megaphone and asking the get captured by the Armed Forces, under suspicion of being involved with
rioters if they’re a disturbance or an then have to spin the events in the some sort of conspiracy to defraud
insurrection. As the Troubleshooters cafeteria and the riots they were CPU credit allocations to this sector.
will be arrested and punished by the responsible for in such a way that they The Troubleshooters are ordered
Armed Forces if the Armed Forces escape with a lighter punishment. to report to this inquiry and give
come charging in, they want IntSec to evidence, making themselves out to
get jurisdiction. If the Troubleshooters Again, keep track of anyone killed be heroic defenders of PLC property,
do not to anything, then the side during the riot—they will be showing clever and bold and creative, while
with the bigger guns (Armed Forces) up as techno-zombies later on. still being morally flexible—in short,
wins. they must sell themselves as the

Eventually, either IntSec or the

■ Your Next Mission perfect accomplices for Myron-B’s
plan, whatever it is. IntSec recently
Armed Forces will put the riot down. After the riots and the ensuring terminated several other candidates,
The Troubleshooters are arrested brainscrubbing/terminations, Yuri-B so Myron is likely to be desperate and
and charged depending on what (accompanied by his Vulture Trooper will recruit the Troubleshooters.
they were seen to do. If IntSec guards) collects the characters and
gets jurisdiction, then Yuri-B will brings them to an unused storage The PLC Official Inquiry into the Unruly
protect the Troubleshooters from the room. There, his cybernetic eye Behavior And Ensuing Damage
consequences of their misdeeds, gleaming redly in the darkness, he To PLC Property At CDR Sector
reducing all penalties by three steps tells the Troubleshooters that their Commissary takes place in another
on the Treason chart (see page mission for Internal Security is not briefing room, all uncomfortable
249 of the PARANOIA rulebook). yet complete. The Troubleshooters plastic seats and paperwork. Three
If Armed Forces get hold of the are to report to Myron-B-RDS-3, a bureaucrats, Myron-B (PLC), Sandra-
Troubleshooters, then they suffer bureaucrat inside the labyrinthine B (HPD&MC) and Winston-V (CPU)
the full punishment, and Yuri-B bureaucracy of PLC. Myron-B is in are seated at the top of the room,
takes custody of them after they are charge of an inquiry into the events at surrounded by viewscreens that

endlessly repeat footage from the he’s dozing peacefully while the If the characters can work any or all
riot. Dozens of clerks list the damage others argue. of those items into their accounts,
inflicted by the riot in excruciating pinning the blame squarely on the
detail. Every broken spork and Also present at the inquiry are IntSec failings of HPD&MC, then they will
damaged floor tile has been itemized Agent Guy-G, the cafeteria supervisor impress Myron-B greatly. The other
and photographed, and it is up to the Frank-Y and ‘innocent bystander’/ eyewitnesses—Guy-G, Frank-Y
Inquiry to determine if the damage Romantic conspirator Kayta-R. The and Katya-R—will nitpick and argue
was caused by normal wear and tear Troubleshooters are called upon to with the Troubleshooters’ version of
(in which case PLC is responsible for give their accounts of what happened events. Guy-G will imply that all the
replacing it) or if it was damaged by in the riot, with especially reference Troubleshooters (as well as everyone
the riot (in which case HPD&MC can to the following items: else in the cafeteria) was a Commie
be blamed for not keeping the citizens Mutant Traitor and should be shot;
happy and docile, and they have to 128 plastic lunch trays Frank-Y will just try to protect himself
cover the costs of the repairs). It from termination by suggesting
would all be stultifying boring if it were Floor tiles numbers #534 to that everything that happened in
not for the constant sniping between 611 the cafeteria was someone else’s
Myron-B and Sandra-B. Winston-V fault; Katya-R is there just to ensure
maintains a godlike detachment from Table 5 that the Romantic plot was not
the whole inquiry—in other words, discovered.
The life-size model of Captain
■ Introducing Myron-B Nutrients, last seen at the Regardless of what happens in
service counter of the same the inquiry, the Troubleshooters
Myron-B is the major non-player name will be ordered to report to Myron-
character in the next section of B’s office for a private debriefing
the adventure, so let’s get to know Twelve thousand gallons of afterwards….
him. Thanks to his moderately high Omni-Sauce, flavor 4.
position within PLC, Myron-B can
afford to eat well, and it shows. He’s
overweight, and is something of an
epicure, using his secret society
contacts to acquire real food and
delicacies whenever possible (he’s a
member of Free Enterprise). Myron is
jolly, affable, friendly and absolutely
ruthless. He’s been very successful
so far in his career, but he’s now
getting lazy and careless, taking ever
short short-cuts to victory. The sporks
may be his downfall…

Management 14
Con Games 18
Moxie 18
Oratory 18
Stealth 8
Violence 6
Hardware 10
Habitat Engineering 14
Software 6
Wetware 12
Suggestion 16
Biosciences 16
Food Industry Gossip 18
Mutant Power: Corrosion (Power
Secret Society Affiliation: Free
Armor: None
Weapons: None

. 34
3. The Sporks, They Call To Me
‘A spork is a perfect metaphor for human existence. It tries
to function as both spoon and fork, and due to this dual
nature, it fails miserably at both. You cannot have soup
with a spork, it is far too shallow; you cannot eat meat
with a spork, the prongs are too small.’— on the
metaphorical significance of sporks.

Consider, says Myron-B, the humble spork.

The Troubleshooters are in Myron-B’s plush office. Framed

citations for efficiency and quota attainment line the walls,
as do framed photographs of former rivals of Myron-B being
hauled away to the termination booths. Myron is trying to
woo the Troubleshooters, so he plies them with fine foods,
drugs and other bribes before getting into his pitch.

He shows them a spork. For those unaware of the delights

of the spork, the spork is a plastic utensil that combines
the qualities of the spoon and the fork. Spoon+fork=spork.
All hail the marketing genius who came up with that.
Disposable plastic sporks are used in every cafeteria in
Alpha Complex. The sporks used are all virtually identical,
but are provided by different competing service firms. As so
many sporks are used by Alpha Complex, the rewards for
getting the contract to provide the sporks are staggering. If the Troubleshooters demand to know how Myron can
obtain free sporks, then Myron will smile broadly and tell
Now, CRS and the surrounding sectors are all supplied them that that information is not available at their security
by Complex Utensils, a major service firm that has been clearance, and that another team is taking care of the
producing sporks for many years. If the contract could supply side of spork supply. He wants them for another
be taken, then Myron-B’s fortune would be assured. The purpose entirely—advertising!
contract is up for bidding within a few daycycles, and Myron
is determined to win it. He has just created a new service
firm, Spork Supply, which has a tradition of producing quality
■ The Dark Side of the Spork (Tension 3)
plastic sporks dating back whole minutes. Spork Supply If Myron-B and Spork Supply are going to succeed, then
is going to win the contract out from under the nose of they need to convince the PLC purchasers that their sporks
Complex Utensils. If the Troubleshooters help Myron-B and are better than the Complex Utensils sporks. Complex
Spork Supply, then they will share in the immense profits. Utensils are better on such prosaic and dull aspects like
Myron-B then reaches into his desk and produces a ‘actual functionality as a spork’ or ‘not falling apart on touch’,
second spork. He handles it gingerly, for this second so Spork Supply needs an absolutely killer advertising pitch
spork is discolored and stained greeny-blue. Parts of it to win. The contract is not decided on price alone, but also
are crumbling, and it is obvious that putting any pressure on focus group happiness. The Troubleshooters need to
whatsoever on the spork will break it. Myron-B is well come up with some way of selling useless sporks.
aware of the condition of the spork, but puts a brave face
on and presents it as the biggest breakthrough in Spork Although Myron-B won’t tell the Troubleshooters exactly
Technology since the development of the fourth tine. The where he is getting his sporks from (that comes up later),
chief difference between the sporks, Myron explains, is that it is obvious that the Spork Supply sporks are absolutely
the first spork costs 0.001 credits to produce, but the second ancient, so old that the cheap plastic used in their
spork costs…nothing. Nothing at all. In that 0.001 credit manufacture is rotting. It’s not a problem, though—it’s a
difference is the ultimate advantage of Spork Supply. challenge!

Myron is getting his sporks from a vast and ancient storage The Troubleshooters need to come up with an advertising
facility, buried deep beneath Alpha Complex, filled with scheme that spins the following facts:
various supplies, a bunker designed to provide for whole
sectors during a prolonged nuclear war. While the bunker Spork Supply Sporks don’t actually work as sporks.
contains all sorts of things—including the cryogenic tubes
that the Romantics intend to revive using the zombie They crumble when you pick them up.
technology—all Myron has recovered thus far is a pocket
full of sporks and a dream of conquest. And that mold growing in them might be poisonous.

Sporks are provided for free, world spork companies. Retire and ■ Intermission (Tension 3)
therefore it makes absolutely no live off the proceeds, moving to a If the Troubleshooters are having
difference to the average clone- tropical island and run PARANOIA trouble remembering exactly why
in-the-corridor how much the for nubile girls in skimpy color-coded they are involved with Myron-B,
sporks cost. bikinis. then have Yuri-B show up and be
scary at them, and remind them
No one likes sporks anyway. Add up the scores, giving you a total that they are working for IntSec to
from –5 (oh, just shoot your players) to bring down Myron-B and discover
If they want to script little vidshows 15 (cheats!). This final result becomes how he intends to defraud CPU.
to sell their spin on sporks, let them. a temporary Spork Propaganda skill The Troubleshooters may also wish
Skills like Suggestion can be used. for all of the Troubleshooters. This to contact their respective secret
works just like a normal Propaganda societies for new missions. If they
Let the Troubleshooters plot and skill, in that a successful Spork don’t wish, then their secret societies
scheme until they’ve come up with Propaganda skill check can give the contact them.
their initial pitch, then assign the pitch target a rating in Spork Propaganda.
a score on each of the above five
points, as follows:
It is up to the Troubleshooters to get
enough Spork Propaganda to their
■ Focus Group of the
victims—er, the general public to Damned (Tension 6)
-1: Actively works against the assure the ultimate victory of Spork The Troubleshooters need to
character’s desired message. Supply! convince five randomly selected
0: The characters haven’t even citizens of the virtues of Spork Supply
attempted to address this point in Once the Troubleshooters have sporks. If you’re feeling especially
their pitch. come up with their plan, then they schizophrenic today, then you can
1: Eh, it’s OK, but pedestrian. No must convince a focus group of five play all the focus group members
inspiration, no flair, no chutzpah. randomly selected citizens from CRS simultaneously, but it is probably
2: Clever! Funny! Convincing! Sector—move onto Focus Group of easier to have them come in one
3: Your players are geniuses; write the Damned. at a time. The focus group takes
down all they say and sell it to real- place in a repurposed confession

What is your Bidding, O Master

Anti-Mutant: Mutants reveal their Ensure that the message ‘Friend Only, don’t do it to yourself, ‘cos
powers under stress and pressure, Computer Saves My Soul’ is placed some of them might be toxic. Use
and what’s better for providing stress on the sample sporks shown to the the other Troubleshooters instead.
and pressure than…a confession test subjects. Pro Tech: Some of our agents
booth? Ensure that the spork Frankenstein Destroyers: There have placed a CHASM-class bot
testers are tested for mutation. is a new bot design, the CHASM, in the Underplex to protect a secret
Communists: Spork Supply is which is designed to delve into the project. If you encounter it, make
rumored to be interfering with the Underplex. The prototype must sure no one meddles with it.
Underplex, which is the one safe be destroyed! The bots must be Psion: Our psychics have detected
refuge from the hated capitalists and stopped from taking over yet another the unmistakable signatures of pure
IntSec. Sabotage Spork Supply’s section of Alpha Complex. strain humans in the Underplex. If
plans at all costs! Free Enterprise: Find out where The Computer’s agents get their
Computer Phreaks: Yay! Spork Supply is getting its sporks, hands on the pure strain DNA, they
Download a copy of the confession then pressure Myron-B into joining could reset the clone banks and
booth’s software so we can hak it Free Enterprise. retard the evolution of humanity.
omg yays! Humanists: We need to foment Locate and destroy these pure
Corpore Metal: An experimental dissent so we can rally the common strains.
CHASM-class robot got stolen citizen against The Computer’s PURGE: Titus-I is a threat to
from a laboratory. Recover it if regime. Make sure that the spork our operations in CRS Sector.
possible. situation is as unpleasant as Terminate him.
Death Leopard: There’s this clone, possible. Ensure the worst spork Romantics: Look, make sure
Ade-R-ADE, who’s very influential wins. no one enters the Underplex
in focus groups. We think he’s got Illuminati: Titus-I, the R&D director underneath CRS Sector. Seriously.
potential. Recruit him. in CRS Sector, is up to something, We’ve got stuff down there we want
FCCC-P: The blessed wisdom of and we don’t know what. Bring us to keep safe.
The Computer must be reinforced. his brain. Sierra Club: Have you found that
We intend to carve inspiring Mystics: Hey, you know how you’re secret entrance to the outside
messages onto every spork, thus a hygiene officer? See if any of the yet?
spreading the electric gospel. cleaning chemicals get you high.

. 36
booth (or booths, if you’re running all The Computer didn’t make a mistake Finally, the fifth test subject is Helene-
five encounters at the same time), all that time? If the Troubleshooters O-JNS, who’s in Power Services.
with the Troubleshooters watching can convince him that Spork Supply She was assigned to this focus
through cameras and speaking sporks are a brave new step forward, group because she is currently on
through microphones from a control he’ll be easily convinced. a lighter duty roster (and heavier
room nearby. The Troubleshooters course of medication) following a
have access to the full range of the Next is Tara-R-UDD-2, a spy for traumatic incident a few days ago in
confession booth’s gadgets while Complex Utensils who have gotten the Underplex. She was sent down
running the tests, including: word of the Spork Supply conspiracy. to a service duct to repair a broken
She’ll pretend to be very interested power line, and ended up wandering
Voice stress analyzers and in their ideas, asking all sorts of into the bunker that contains Myron-
autonomic response probes. insightful, penetrating questions and B’s spork supply and the frozen Old
trying to work out the weaknesses Reckoners. She was attacked by a
Brainwave monitors. and failings, but more importantly the wandering zombie, who ate her entire
source of the mysterious sporks. team. The combination of blood-
Infrared cameras. freezing terror and the happy drugs
Third is Ade-R-ADE-4. Back when Helene was given after she made
Environmental controls, allowing he was still on his first clone, he was her way back to the Complex proper
them to adjust heat/humidity/ deemed to be within 0.03% of the have blocked most of the memories
oxygen content within the booth. ideal average—just like Joe-R is now. of the attack. All she remembers is
Therefore, Ade-R got selected for a dark, lurking terror—and sporks.
Drug dispensers and injectors. focus group after focus group after So, when the Troubleshooters start
focus group; while he has become their spork pitch, Helene reacts by
Brainscrubbers. jaded, cynical and predatory. Since screaming and gibbering. Feel free
his only function in Alpha Complex to go Lovecraftian here.
Disintegrator. is now participating in focus groups,
he deliberately tries to sabotage the Once Helene-O has been convinced
Obvious abuse of the booth’s groups he’s part of, so they have to of the wonders of Spork Supply sporks
systems will be punished, but the call him back again and again and (or has been dragged out screaming),
Troubleshooters can play at being pay him again and again. He has then the effectiveness of their
scary interrogators as much as they been in thousands of focus groups, campaign is evaluated. The Computer
want. Note that citizens are paid ten so he knows all the pitches and all will analyze the brainwave readings
credits for focus group participation. the tricks. (Specifically, he’ll wire the of the five test subjects, to determine
brainwave monitors and autonomic how happy they are with the new
At the end of each pitch, every response probes in the confession sporks. Our glorious electronic friend
one of the characters may make a booth together, so they give no signal, announces ‘Attention Spork Supply
Spork Propaganda check. Every and keeps an eye on the disintegrator Employees. Your evaluation period
successful check gives one point to make sure the Troubleshooters is over. The Happiness Index of
of Spork Propaganda to the focus don’t zap him—he lost his last two your Friendly Focus Group will now
group participant. Therefore, the clones that way.) be analyzed and compared to that
focus group victims will be leaving of the other bidders for Contract
this scene with a Spork Propaganda The fourth clone in the focus group PLC/com/4433232/CD* Sectors.
skill equal to or lower than the total is supposed to be Ian-R-POR, but he Thank you for your patience.
number of Troubleshooters. has been knocked out and stuffed into Please Stand By. Processing….’
a storage locker down the corridor
Use the generic traitor stats from from the confession booth. Instead, In game terms, if the combined Spork
page 7 for most of these citizens. the fourth clone is IntSec agent Propaganda of the victims is greater
Guy-G in a disguise. Guy-G now than 10, then the Spork Supply
Joe-R-AGV-3 is your generic clone, suspects the Troubleshooters of sporks will be one step closer to being
with no real distinguishing features or being dangerous traitors (he knows approved, and therefore one step
tics. He’s loyal to The Computer, in nothing of Yuri-B’s involvement with closer to snatching the vital supply
a bovine sort of way, and advanced the mission, and would still suspect contract away from Complex Utensils!
in security clearance only by a lucky them even if he did—Guy-G considers Of course, if the Troubleshooters
mischance. Consider Joe-R the Yuri-B to be a borderline renegade, have failed to get the subjects to Love
baseline by which the Troubleshooters and the power politics of IntSec are The Sporks, then they had better
can calibrate their pitch. He doesn’t nightmarishly complex). Guy-G will improvise—immediately. Display
care about sporks, and assumes that pretend to be a dull RED, but his main screens show The Computer’s slow
if The Computer’s servants always focus is on learning more about the accessing of the confession booth’s
picked Complex Utensils before, Troubleshooters and catching them records, so the Troubleshooters have
they’ll probably do so again. Surely out in some treasonous statement. a few minutes to act. They could fake

the records, leap into the confession ■ Failure, Glorious Myron-B has a map that leads to the
booth themselves and really, really Failure (Tension 6) bunker, sketched by the last survivor
love the sporks, rewire the booth, or of the previous Troubleshooter team.
force the test subjects back in for a If the Troubleshooters fail to convince The bunker is located directly beneath
retrial. However they solve this, it will the subjects of the virtues of Spork the CRS Sector nuclear reactor—a
be utterly treasonous. Supply sporks, then Myron-B is less fact that will become important later
than pleased. There is still a chance on.
Once The Computer and the PLC for them to salvage the contract,
Purchasing Committee are convinced though—their rivals at Complex The Troubleshooters get to the
that switching to Spork Supply sporks Utensils are about to do their focus starting point of #1 by being lowered
will not noticeably lower the Happiness group testing. If the Troubleshooters down a very, very deep shaft. The
Index of CRS Sector, Myron-B calls return to the testing area and shaft is midway along the CRS-CDQ
the Troubleshooters back to his sabotage the happiness index text, sector tube line, in the very middle
office. There’s a problem…. then perhaps Spork Supply still has of the magnetic track. Trains pass
a chance…. by every two minutes. Myron-B
■ Into The Depths (Tension
Complex Utensil’s pitch can be
provides the Troubleshooters with
a winch and pulley mechanism that
7 until they reach the summarized as ‘Complex Utensil attaches to the very top of the shaft,
Underplex then Tension 0) Sporks—Considered Adequate For and so is unaffected by passing
Use In Alpha Complex Commissaries trains. Troubleshooters not in the
Myron-B explains that he—well, a Since Year 164 Of The Computer. shaft, or in niches along the side of
Troubleshooter team investigating They’re Sporky!’ It’s staggeringly the tunnel, will be splattered when a
a 32nd Flavor Violation for PLC, who boring, as an accurate pitch (‘we’ve train zooms down the tube. It takes
all conveniently died—located a been taken over by an apocalyptic cult 45 seconds to lower a Troubleshooter
lost storage bunker deep beneath made up of several secret societies down the shaft, and someone has to
Alpha Complex, containing millions, who are dedicated to bring about stay at the bottom or top of the shaft
perhaps even billions of sporks. the Easter Cycle of Zombie Doom, to run the mechanism. Since all the
These free sporks are the foundation and we also make sporks’) would be Troubleshooters trust each other,
of Spork Supply’s fortunes. While the much more exciting in a treasonous this will not cause any problems
Troubleshooters were convincing sort of way. whatsoever.
people to love the sporks, other Spork
Supply employees went down into Assuming the Troubleshooters 1. The shaft down to the Underplex
the Underplex to recover more of manage to sabotage the Complex ends in a pumping station. A sign
the sporks. They haven’t returned. Utensils pitch enough to keep Spork on the door reads AIR EXCHAGE
Myron-B needs the Troubleshooters Supply in the running, move onto the #322—DO NOT OPEN IF EXT. RAD
to go down into the storage bunker next scene. > 200.’ Massive but silent machines
and bring back, oh, about 50,000 line the walls of the room, dating back
sporks immediately. to a time before Alpha Complex was

. 38
built. Once, these were waiting for Another door hides another office; Measure, Mark I (CHASM Mk. I)
nuclear war, for replenishing the air here, the Troubleshooters find an was stolen from the lab before its
in the bunker complex beyond. Now, antique computer (small c) which, bot brain had been uploaded with the
they’re buried beneath uncounted if reactivated, can give a partial normal basic orientation package. It
levels of corridor and briefing room, list of the contents of the bunker. was activated for the very first time
architected by an idiot machine. Along with the ‘Multipurpose only a few hours ago. CHASM was
Cutlery Packs (1,250,000)’, there’s programmed to prevent anyone from
2. This corridor is marked on the map also ‘Cryogenic Tubes (200)’, entering room #4, and it is desperately
as being ‘endless’ and it certainly ‘Biochem Survival Suits (8,000)’, trying to find meaning.
seems to be. It stretches off into ‘Morally Uplifting Entertainment
the darkness in either direction. The (50,000)’, ‘Universal Religious Now, poor CHASM is a smart little
corridor is lined with identical doors, Texts (10,000)’, ‘Historical bot, but it has had to come up with a
all neatly numbered. The remains of Relics (1)’, ‘Synthetic Burger working model of the universe based
a sign reading ‘DO NOT ENTER’ lie Patties (10,000,000)’ and most on the orders ‘Don’t leave this room,
on the ground—it’s been lasered into intriguingly of all, ‘WMD (4)’. and don’t let anyone else go past
bits, and the Troubleshooters cannot you.’ It’s having a little electronic
tell which door it once hung from. Another door in the corridor existential crisis, where it wonders
That said, it’s not too hard to work out leads to a dusty and abandoned if there is anything else beyond the
which door leads to the next corridor, briefing room. There’s a monitor room it knows, and if ‘anyone else’
as it is the only one that isn’t locked. at one end playing part of an actually means other individuals (it’s
If the Troubleshooters open any of the old recording, but the disc is so never encountered another individual
other doors, or explore the corridors, scratched that only a few seconds before the Troubleshooters arrive)
then they’re bravely going off the of the video plays. A stern-faced or if it is something deeper, an
track of this adventure, and you’re man in a uniform says ‘—main admonition to ensure that it achieves
pretty much on your own (or at least, vigilant, maintain security, and total integration of its consciousness.
you’re best served by grabbing a copy keep your survival gear rea—’. When the Troubleshooters enter this
of the Underplex sourcebook and Over and over and over. room, CHASM starts following and
rapidly coming up with either a new observing them, but it will question
plot or a way to chase the characters If the characters keep exploring them as to the meaning of life and
back to here. We could have avoided the corridor, then they will find purpose of existence before it starts
this whole problem by not including more empty barracks, vast blasting them. Play CHASM as a
an alluring corridor going off into the pumping stations and air- precocious, overly serious, earnest
trackless depths of Alpha Complex, recyclers, hydroponics bays that and irritating teenager, who has just
but sometimes you want to hint at have turned into jungles, and discovered the basics of philosophy
vast and ancient labyrinths of the huge empty missile silos. And and is now going to annoy everyone
night, of decaying machinery waiting probably mutants and stuff, who around it with questions about
for an apocalypse that never came.) chase them back to the plot. solipsism and the meaning of life.
Some ideas for encounters: Anyway, back to the plot.
The Troubleshooters may be able to
Another door opens onto a spiral 3. This room is filled with large bluff their way past the troubled bot
staircase, going up. There’s a crates, containing various engine by engaging it in philosophical debate
deep thrumming noise coming components and spare parts. (‘Yes, they told you to shoot anyone
from far above, and the air feels
strangely warm and…prickly. The Corpore Metal part of Project C.H.A.S.M.
This is a back door to the nuclear Reanimator was persuaded to Management 4
reactor far above. They’ll be back contribute to the defense of the project. Philosophy 10
this way later…(see Paranoia of The Romantics are slowly defrosting Stealth 4
the Dead, page 26). and zombifying the cryogenically Surveillance 8
preserved Old Reckoners down Violence 14
Beyond one door, there’s an the corridor, so they wanted to Agility 18
office, lined with yellowing papers make sure that their efforts went Energy Weapons 18
and three-ring binders. A corpse undisturbed. When the team sent Field Weapons 18
sits behind the desk, dressed down by Myron-B to recover the Hardware 10
in a uniform that might look like sporks ran into Project Reanimator, it Habitat Engineering 14
a really old-fashioned ancestor was decided that the bunker needed Sonic Scanners 16
of the common Alpha Complex protection immediately. Corpore Metal Software 4
jumpsuit. He or she obviously sympathizers therefore ‘borrowed’ a Wetware 4
committed suicide with the small tunnel-warfare warbot from Armor: 4
antique sidearm still clutched in an Armed Forces laboratory. The Weapons: Laser rifle (W3K),
the corpse’s bony hand. bot, Confined/Hostile Area Security flamethrower (S3K)

who tries to get past you, but are you Troubleshooter #2: What was that ■ Mark I Techno Zombies
sure what “shoot” actually means?’), then? The Mark Is are almost mindless
or at least confuse it enough to run Troubleshooter #1: Er. An echo. killing machines, capable of doing
past. CHASM will not leave this room Troubleshooter #2: The echo of you little more than stumble around,
(unless the Troubleshooters break saying ‘monsters’ sounds like that? moan ‘braaaaainnns’ and eat people.
down the bot’s perception of reality Troubleshooter #1: Yes. Yes it They’re only slightly dumber than the
to such a degree that it can no longer does. average drugged-out INFRARED,
tell what a room is). Troubleshooter #2: Say monsters although a lot more violent.
4. Rooms #4, #5 and #6 are all narrow Troubleshooter #1: (whispers) All Mark Is have their Management,
walkways, hanging over a deep Monsters. Hardware, Software and Wetware
black pit. A mechanical sound, like Troubleshooter #2: You only scores reduced to 1, and lose any
the rumbling of some titanic engine, whispered that! specialties in those scores. Their
echoes up from the darkness below. Troubleshooter #1: Fine! Fine! Stealth scores are halved. Their
The walls of the chasm are lined MONSTERS! Violence is unchanged, and they
with concrete. The three rooms here Troubleshooter #2: …. gain the Narrow specialty of ‘Zombie
at the top of the pit are divided by Troubleshooter #1: Well, it’s not an Combat’. This works just like Unarmed
metal walls. echo. But nothing else happened, so Combat, but is limited to just clawing
I advocate we ignore that noise we at people, ripping off heads and
The walkway leading from this room didn’t hear and mo— battering at barriers.
to the main bunker (#7) has been cut, GRAAAAUGGGGHHHHH!
quite recently, using a laser cutting Troubleshooter #2: You want to move Mark Is lose their mutant powers, but
torch (by Project Reanimator minions, on? Go right ahead. You go through gain the Zombie Resilience power
who retreated this way after deploying the door first. instead. This power has two effects.
CHASM). It might be possible to jump Firstly, it can be used just like a lower-
across the gulf, but it’s a safer option There’s absolutely nothing dangerous level form of the Adrenaline Control
to keep going onto #6. here, although the walkway over the mutation, making the zombies strong
pit is a bit rickety. enough to smash through doors and
5. Technically, rooms #4 and #6 are rend bodies limb from limb. Secondly,
also bottomless pits, but they at least 7. This is the storage bunker. It is Zombie Resilience acts like a form of
have narrow walkways running from a cavernous chamber, stretching armor. If the zombie is injured, make
door to door. There is a door leading off into the darkness. Crates are a Zombie Resilience roll. For every
into #5 from both #4 and #6, but on everywhere, stacked in neat rows. four points in the margin of success,
the other side of the door is nothing They are all labeled with a cryptic reduce the damage by one step.
but a very, very big drop. notation of numbers and letters, and
can contain anything. Think of the Management 1
6. According to the annotations on the warehouse from the end of Raiders Stealth 4
sketch map, room #6 has a monster of the Lost Ark crossed with a 50’s Violence 8
in it. The only ‘monster’ here is a nuclear bunker. Zombie Combat 14
huge machine, located in the shaft Hardware 1
far below this room. Whatever the Shortly before the Troubleshooters Software 1
purpose of the machine was, it has arrived in the bunker, a team from Wetware 1
been forgotten for centuries. The Project: Reanimator came down to Mutant Power: Zombie Resilience
machine is still active, however, the bunker to test the latest version (Power 10)
doing whatever it was supposed to of the techno-zombie technology, Secret Society Affiliation:
do despite the rust and mold covering a necessary stepping stone on the Zombies
it. Every few minutes, some titanic path to full re-animation. The techno- Armor: None
gear moves and the machine lets zombies turned on them and ate Weapons: None
out a nightmarish groaning noise that them. The clones of the Reanimator
echoes up the shaft like the growling team are now heading back down tubes contain frozen people, dressed
of some horrific beast. Conveniently, to the bunker, carrying considerably in strangely old-fashioned jumpsuits
these irregular grinds and moans more firepower this time. However, with expressions of alarm and terror
coincide exactly with breaks and until they arrive, the Troubleshooters on their faces. Several tubes have
pauses in the Troubleshooters’ are in the bunker with a pack of brain- been recently opened. Lying toppled
conversation, happening whenever hungry Mark I techno-zombies. in the middle of the floor is a strange
would seem most intimidating. contraption, which looks like a cross
A: Stacked in this corner are between a wheelchair, a docbot, a
Troubleshooter #1: Don’t be an idiot! dozens and dozens of cryogenic MemoMax machine and some sort of
There’s no such thing as monsters. tubes, covered in ice and beads of torture device designed by the inbred
GRAAAAUGGGGHHHHH! moisture. About two-thirds of the offspring of a conference of sadistic

. 40
drug-crazed dentists who were lost route. Have the stragglers,
on a deserted island for generations, the slow-footed and the
with nothing to do save conceive slow-witted torn apart by
both more dentists and more fiendish ravening zombies. Have
ways of removing plaque. Several zombies burst in through
push-carts of cybernetic devices and some back door. Make sure
surgical tools lie scattered around it. someone gets bitten—the
This is the Mark I Reanimator, which techno-zombies don’t
produces Mark I techno-zombies. spread their curse through
■ Reanimator Technology
biting, but it’ll still make the
players paranoid. Let some
The techno-zombies are animated zombie get dismembered,
using a cocktail of drugs and other then have the various bits
chemicals, coupled with a jolt of continue to crawl after the
electricity (why meddle with the Troubleshooters. The Type
classic solution?). The core of the Is are remarkably resistant
Reanimator device, then, is a two- to laser fire, because of
foot long needle that crackles with their undead nature and
electricity. If the target body is too still-icy flesh.
badly damaged, then cybernetic
replacement parts are attached to Let the Troubleshooters
get the corpse ready for reanimation. run until it seems as if they
In game terms, then, the basic are all totally, completely,
Reanimator can reanimate a Dead inescapably doomed—then
citizen; if the citizen was Maimed the replacement Project
first, then a more elaborate procedure
involving cybernetics is needed. The
Reanimator technicians turn up,
eager to avenge the deaths of their ■ Hi, We’re The
dumb Mark I zombies can instinctively former selves with flamethrowers Replacement Reanimators
jam a Reanimator needle into a and very big guns. In fairly short
corpse; smarter Mark IIs are needed order, they blast the faulty techno- The Project Reanimator team is led
if cybernetics have to be used. zombies away, and will do the same by Gregor-Y-CGS-3, who has a vivid
to any Troubleshooters who resist. memory of recently being eaten by a
Note that with the implantation of a The characters are rounded up and horde of ravenous techno-zombies
very simple computer chip, a corpse marched through another anonymous and is not happy about it. Their
whose brain has been removed and door and a maze of corridors, until new mission is to disable the active
devoured can be reanimated as a they arrive at a large elevator—which techno-zombies by shooting their
Mark I… brings the Troubleshooters into the legs off—the techno-zombies can be
very heart of Project Reanimator. refitted with cybernetic parts easily.
Also here are the corpses of the If the occasional stray shot takes
six Reanimator technicians. Careful Gregor-Y-CGS and his Team a zombie’s head off, or punctures
examination reveals that they were Management 8 a Troubleshooter, they’re not too
all murdered by having their skulls Intimidation 12 concerned.
cracked open and their brains Stealth 12
removed. Sneaking 16
Violence 10
■ If They Shoot Their
B: All the sporks you could ever Energy Weapons 14 Way Out...
want. Hardware 8 If the Troubleshooters somehow
Software 10 escape both the Mark I techno-
When the Troubleshooters explore Wetware 12 zombies and the clones of the Project
the storeroom, the zombies will attack Medical 16 Reanimator hit squad, then they can
at some point. The techno-zombies Sticking Reanimator Chemicals escape back to Spork Supply and
want the Troubleshooters’ brains, and into Frozen Corpses 18 Myron-B. Myron will then send the
will hunt them all over the bunker and Mutant Power: Nothing worth team to break into Complex Utensils’
the connecting tunnels. Use every mentioning (Power 10) warehouse to sabotage their spork
zombie movie cliché you can think of Secret Society Affiliation: Project supply, which with a bit of judicious
as the techno-zombie horde stalk the Reanimator (mostly Pro Tech or railroading can lead into moving on to
Troubleshooters. Pick them off one by Romantics) chapter four. Ah, players—they’re so
one as the Troubleshooters struggle Armor: Reflec (E1) damn cute when they think they have
to barricade themselves in a safe Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K) and freedom of choice.
corner, or fight to reach their escape slugthrowers (W3K)

4. It’s Alive
Life and death appeared to me ideal ■ As Is Traditional, I the cryo-tube containing the corpse
bounds, which I should first break Shall Now Explain My of Titus-I-4 is cracked open and the
through, and pour a torrent of light Plan In Devilish Detail machine goes to work. There’s a
into our dark world. Before Executing You whirring of blades and the hiss of
—Mary Shelley, Frankenstein seared flesh as the corpse is filleted,
The leader of the Project Reanimator injected with alarmingly-colored
The elevator brings the team, Gregor-Y stands forward liquids, augmented with cybernetic
Troubleshooters into the heart of proudly and informs the assembled bits and jump-started with a huge
Complex Utensils, PLC. conspirators that he captured the blast of electricity. Titus-I-5, never
Troubleshooters in the Underplex one to miss a classic line, shouts
There are few sporks here; Complex bunker, where they—no doubt ‘It’s alllllive!’ when he sees his former
Utensils is much more about raising acting under the orders of the dark clone body twitch and move.
the dead than handy multipurpose forces arrayed against Project
cutlery. There are, however, plenty Reanimator*—were attempting to The reanimated Titus-I-4 rises from
of high-tech gadgets, medical sabotage the final Mark I tests. the grave. The Troubleshooters catch
scanners, bubbling vats of chemicals, Gregor-Y further suggests that the a brief glimpse of his face, just long
disembodied brains, cybernetic intruders be thrown into the zombie enough to realize that the reanimated
parts and other non-spork, pro- cages for ‘neural matter recycling’— zombie is almost identical to Titus-I-5.
necromancy devices scattered i.e., braaaainns. Then, the zombie Titus-I-4 lunges at
around the cathedral-like space. In * Apart from a few particular clever IntSec Titus-I-5 and pulls him down; the two
the light shed by the occasional arc agents (like Yuri-B), Project Reanimator has vanish into the mists, and the sounds
of electricity, the Troubleshooters gone unnoticed by the majority of Alpha of the Reanimator machine starting
can see dozens of other citizens. Complex’s departments, conspiracies, societies, up again can clearly be heard.
Some are wearing jump suits, others spies, counter-spies, informers and so on.
lab coats, others ornate robes with Despite this, the Reanimators are convinced Then, the zombie cages open (the
that dark and sinister forces are conspiring
embroidered circuitry platforms. Still against them, and that Armed Forces warbots newly zombified Titus-I-4 just grabbed
others have bot bits. will be smashing down the doors of Complex a remote control from his clone
Utensils any daycycle now. Paranoia—it’s not successor), and chaos ensues.
Alarmingly, there are large cages just for Troubleshooters anymore.
standing near the elevator. These
cages contain ravening Mark I techno- With an imperious gesture, Titus-I-5
■ Cruel, Cruel Hubris
zombies. Observant Troubleshooters rejects Gregor-Y’s suggestion, saying (Still Tension 0!)
notice a familiar face among the pallid ‘nonsense! It is too late for anyone Gregor-G is the first to die as the
horde of brain-hungry monsters— to stop us!’ and instead bounds up Mark I techno-zombies swarm out
Vernon-DFD-1, the poor citizen to a platform at the top of the room. of their cages and attack the crowd.
zapped at the very start of this There is a large machine, similar to The reactions of the crowd vary—
adventure (see page 4). (If lots of the Mark I Reanimator device the while some of the FCCCPers and
Troubleshooters got killed earlier in Troubleshooters encountered in the Romantics welcome the zombies,
the scenario, then feel free to throw a Underplex, on the platform, wrapped believing this to be the Easter Cycle,
few into the cages as Mark Is too, but around another cryogenic tube. Titus others do the sensible thing and
make sure to keep most of the dead switches the machine on, and the run for their lives, or open up with
back for resurrection as Type IIs in a assembled Reanimators gasp. Titus-I laser fire. The Troubleshooters
few minutes….) shushes them, then declaims: have a chance to escape now, if
they wish. They will be pursued by
Friends! Citizens! Partners in both ravenous zombies and Project
Project Reanimator is an ungainly this great enterprise! The glory Reanimator security forces, and run
alliance of four different secret of the Easter Cycle is upon us! into the security forces who soon get
societies. The leaders of the secret In accordance with the ancient deployed to deal with the growing
society cells here in CDR Sector prophecies from the Times Before, crisis.
form the ruling council of Project the day when the dead rise and give
Reanimator—at least, they do until chocolate ovoids and presents and The zombies spill out of the Complex
they start getting replaced by zombie joy and happiness to all is at hand! Utensils factory and into the corridors
versions of themselves. The Mark Through the miracle of our science, and offices of CRS sector. It’s mass
II techno-zombies behave similarly we have fulfilled the prophecies! panic as the zombies maim and kill
to their pre-death selves, but are Now, the dead rise! everyone in their path. The Reanimator
more loyal to each other than are machines run constantly, converting
the originals. He presses another button on the the fallen into more Mark Is and Mark
Reanimator machine. Mists billow as IIs. Within a few minutes of the initial

. 42
Project Reanimator—Who’s Who
Titus-I-RYW-5 (FCCP>Zombies): Energy Weapons 14 and classic cinema. She’s going to get
Titus-I is a rising star in CPU Hardware 8 eaten first.
administration here in CDR Sector. Software 14
His promotion to ULTRAVIOLET is Hacking 18 Management 8
virtually certain, and he has the ear of Wetware 10 Moxie 12
the sector administrators. A committed Medical 14 Interrogation 12
believer in the fabled Easter Cycle, Cloning 14 Stealth 8
when the dead will rise, and sees Mutant Powers: Zombie Resilience, Sneaking 12
himself as a prophesied prophet of The Empathy (Power 10) Violence 6
Computer’s glorious heaven on Earth, Secret Society Affiliation: Zombies Hardware 4
when the unfaithful will be purged with Armor: None Bot Ops 8
holy lasers. Play him as a compelling Weapons: None Software 7
cult leader—in both human and zombie Wetware 6
forms. Sax-G-WST-3 (Pro Tech): Pale, Suggestion 10
nervous, and pathologically callous Mutant Powers: Charm (Power 12)
Management 12 toward everything, Sax-G is a classic Secret Society Affiliation:
Chuzpah 16 mad scientist without the showiness. Far Romantics
Oratory 16 more interested in solving the problem Armor: Green reflec (E1)
Stealth 10 of re-animation than reanimating Weapons: None
Standing Behind Minions When anything. He really does not care
People Start Firing 16 for Alpha Complex being overrun by Harold-Y-FOS-2 (Corpore Metal):
Violence 10 zombies and is a potential ally for the Harold-Y’s in Power Services, and
Zombie Combat 16 Troubleshooters when the zombie take- he’s a bitter clone. He was blown up
Energy Weapons 14 over begins. when a bomb took out the tunnel he
Hardware 8 was working in, and blames IntSec
Software 14 Management 6 and the regime it props up for his
Hacking 18 Stealth 4 injuries. He’s studded with cybernetic
Wetware 10 So Dull People Ignore Him 10 replacements for missing limbs and
Medical 14 Violence 6 damaged organs. He intends to use an
Cloning 14 Field Weapons 10 army of Mark I techno-zombies to wipe
Mutant Powers: Zombie Resilience, Hardware 8 away IntSec and The Computer’s other
Telekinesis (Power 10) Chemical Engineering 12 fallible organic servants (The Computer
Secret Society Affiliation: Software 8 is perfect; all the injustices, problems
FFCP>Zombies Hacking 12 and painful exploding tunnels of Alpha
Armor: Indigo reflec (E1) Data Analysis 12 Complex stem from the fallibility and
Weapons: Blaster (M3K) Wetware 10 treason of organics). He has no intention
Medical 14 of letting the zombies take over, which
Titus-I-RYW-4 (Zombies): The first Cloning 14 is where his zombocalpyse differs from
Mark II techno-zombie created by Raising the Dead 16 those of Titus-I-4 or Titus-I-5.
Project Reanimator is—Titus-I’s Bioweapons 14
previous clone self. The act of raising Mutant Powers: Energy Field (Power Management 4
his past self plays into the FCCCP 12) Complaining About Everything
prophecies about the Easter Cycle, so Secret Society Affiliation: Pro Tech Under The Sun, Ever 10
it’s all part of a diabolical plan—a plan Armor: Green reflec (E1). Stealth 10
that Titus-I-4 has no interest in. Titus- Weapons: Experimental chemical Sneaking 14
I-4 has an entirely different diabolical spray (Field Weapons, O2K) Violence 12
plan—taking over the sector with an Hardware 14
army of zombies and becoming the Ann-G-CDR-4 (Romantics): A long- Habitat Engineering 18
undead ruler of all of Alpha Complex. term Romantics member, employed Nuclear Engineering 18
in the HPD&MC archives, purging Software 6
Management 12 references to ancient times as Alpha Wetware 6
Chuzpah 16 Complex history is re-written. She has Biosciences 10
Oratory 16 managed to save much of the excised Mutant Powers: Slippery Skin (Power
Stealth 10 data, which led her to the hidden storage 15)
Ambushing Himself When bunker in the Underplex. An idealist Secret Society Affiliation: Corpore
Resurrected From The Dead 16 who believes that the reanimated Old Metal
Violence 10 Reckoners will lead Alpha Complex Armor: Yellow reflec (E1)
Zombie Combat 16 into an enlightened era of peace, joy Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K)

■ Mark II Techno-Zombies Zombies survive this scenario, then Structure: The Zombies are loosely
Unlike the near-mindless Mark Is, they may show up in your future organized in a pyramid scheme—the
Mark II techno-zombies retain all PARANOIA scenarios. Here are the zombie who made you is your superior
of their intelligence. In fact, since Zombies, presented in the standard in the society. Thus, Titus-I-4 is the
they don’t have any emotions other secret society format. Master Zombie, followed by Titus-I-5,
than megalomania and a hunger for followed by the other Mark II techno-
brains, they are considerably clearer Beliefs: The Zombies want to take zombies. The Mark I techno-zombies
thinkers in death than they were in over all of Alpha Complex and convert are technically part of the society, but
life. Depending on how a Mark II died, as many high-clearance citizens are looked down on by the sentient
it might look like a mangled cyborg as possible into zombies. Zombie Mark IIs as dumb hick cousins who
or a perfectly ordinary (if rather pale) citizens are untiring, unsleeping, really just embarrass them and make
citizen. Like the Mark Is, the Mark IIs immortal and unfailingly loyal. They a mess at parties (but are handy
need to eat human neural matter on also want a ready supply of brains, when you want a ravening mob of
a regular basis to ensure their own which the INFRARED population can killing machines).
brains don’t degenerate. easily provide. Mmm…brains.
Attitudes: Are you alive? Then
Mark IIs get to keep their old scores Propaganda: See Zombies Are you’re food—unless you’re someone
and specializations, as well as gaining Citizens Too!, below. important or smart, in which making
the Zombie Violence narrow specialty. you into a techno-zombie would be
They also get the Zombie Resilience Recruitment: Step One—identify better for the long-term procurement
mutation, while keeping any existing potential candidate for zombification. of brains. The Zombies see little value
mutations. Their loyalty automatically Step Two—kill the candidate. Step in bots, as anything a bot can do, a
changes to that of the Zombies. Three—put candidate into Reanimator Mark I drone can do too).
If a Mark II does not eat at least one The Zombies’ long-term attitude
brain per day, his intelligence starts Initiation: New zombies are instantly to The Computer is in flux—some
to degrade. He loses one point from loyal to the Zombie cause—it’s a side believe that they have no need of it,
Management and all Knowledge skills effect of the zombification process. given they’ll soon have the perfect
each day. Eating an extra brain in a Therefore, no initiation rites or tasks society (Zombies on top, INFRAREDs
day restores one point of lost ability. are needed. Once a zombie, always in brain farms, Mark I drone zombies
For example, if Titus-I did not eat a Zombie. do all the work after having their
any brains for a while weekcycle, brains eaten).
he would lose seven points from Codenames: The Zombies do not
Management and all Knowledges. use codenames. Sub-factions: None.
However, if he then ate four brains
on the following Twosday, he would History: Er. Read this scenario? In Advancement: Making more
regain three points of lost ability. years to come, of course, the zombies zombies.
will rewrite their history to something
■ The Zombies more dignified. Probably something
borrowed from the Romantics,
Duties: Making more zombies.

Since Mark II techno-zombies can about how the First Zombie was Benefits: Brains. Being part of the
pass for living citizens, and have Mike-U-BCE or Caine or someone, techno-zombie ruling class when
their own secret conspiracy to take reanimated to secretly serve Alpha the Zombies finally take over. More
over Alpha Complex, they basically Complex from beyond the grave. brains.
count as a secret society. If the

attack, the alarm is raised. The CRS PLC urges everyone to purchase other citizens find themselves trapped
Sector media starts showing regular emergency preparedness kits, bottled inside a zombie quarantine zone.
crisis bulletins. A dozen contradictory water, duct tape and zombie-proof
emergency procedures are initiated plastic sheeting. What do the Troubleshooters do?
by different service groups and
factions. The Power Services cut Within two hours of the resurrection Get Captured By The Zombies:
the power to the afflicted parts of the of Titus-I-4, The Computer gets the Well, this is eventually going to
sector, which results in most of the electronic equivalent of a migraine happen regardless of what the
Armed Forces security teams being from the growing crisis in CRS Troubleshooters do. See Zombies
trapped in shut-down transbots. Sector, and shuts off the afflicted Are Citizens Too, below.
CPU orders all citizens to report to part of the sector, disconnecting the
emergency shelters, HPD&MC urges local CompNode from the network Flee Back To Myron-B: Initially,
everyone to stay in their quarters, and closing internal blast doors. The Myron-B is unconcerned with the
IntSec demands a curfew, while Troubleshooters and thousands of zombie invasion—security will take

. 44
■ Enter The Zombie care of any civil disturbances—and officer Guy-G is among those leading
(Tension Varies, But is more concerned with the revelation the fight against the undead. Small
Probably Around 10) that his rival, Complex Utensils, is groups of brave citizens are taking
actually a cover for a diabolical plot to the corridors all over CRS Sector,
From this point on in the to raise the dead. After all, if Complex using whatever weapons they have to
scenario, you can start bringing in Utensils are focusing on necromancy hand. In some places, loyal defenders
resurrected zombie versions of the instead of sporks, then the contract is of Alpha Complex are trying and
Troubleshooters. They can show up as good as won for Spork Supply. He failing to stop Mark I techno-zombies
as antagonists (‘OK, Bob-R-4, you urges the Troubleshooters to fight their by hitting them with FunBall bats and
turn the corner and see a Ravening way through the war-torn corridors of loyalty placards, while in others, wave
Horde of Zombies™, led by…Bob- CRS Sector to the CPU Sector Co- upon wave of zombies are getting
R-3! Shock! Horror! Sanity check!’) Ordination and Budgeting Offices, blown up by illegally-owned cone
but a much more insidious solution where they should give their evidence rifles and lasers.
is to have them show up pretending to CPU administrator…. Titus-I-5. By
to be the clone replacements for the time the Troubleshooters reach Still, fighting against the zombie
themselves. This generally only the CPU offices, the Tituses have horde becomes futile when the Mark
works if the Troubleshooter died in a already taken them over and are IIs join the fight and start reanimating
non-messy fashion, but depending on using them as a base of operations. fallen Mark Is. With CRS Sector cut
how unobservant the players are, you off from reinforcements, the zombies
might be able to sneak the cybernetic Flee To Yuri-B: The Troubleshooters cannot be stopped.
undead monstrosity past them. will be unable to find Yuri-B at this
stage in the scenario. The canny old Ask The Computer What To Do:
Brief the zombie player on the IntSec agent has gone into hiding, and Throwing oneself on the mercy
nature of the Mark II techno-zombies will show up again later, in Paranoia and wisdom of all-knowing Friend
(resurrected cyborgs; need brains on of the Dead (see page 26). Computer is a time-honored
a regular basis; unemotional) and tradition in Alpha Complex when
what they should be trying to do (get Stand And Fight: Especially heroic, the unreprocessed biological waste
the Troubleshooters captured so stupid Troubleshooters may try to stop has forcefully intersected with the
you can move onto the next section; the advance of the zombie horde. As operating space of the ventilation
eat brains; convert more people to the Armed Forces armed forces are system air motor. The trouble is that
zombies). stuck in shut-down transtubes, IntSec everyone else in the afflicted area

of CRS Sector has had exactly the
same idea. Between thousands
of panicked citizens asking for
help, and the billions of alarms/
protocols and other crisis-related
traffic, the poor Computer suffers a
breakdown and isolates CRS Sector
from the rest of the complex. The
local CompNode sees which way
the wind is blowing, and throws its
lot in with the zombies. Therefore,
the response the Troubleshooters
get from Friend Computer varies
depending on when they beg for its
electronic wisdom.

Early in the crisis:


Once The Computer learns that there

is actually a crisis:
crisis involves zombies: WELL, NOT YOUR COMFORT AND BRAINS.
PLEASE REPORT TO THE CO-OPERATION. players are courageous and intelligent,
NEAREST HPD&MC CENTER FOR the sort of pro-active problem solvers
PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING AND While The Local CompNode is being who really tackle a situation head-on.
MEDICATION. isolated: There are plenty of places to hide in
SYSTEM OFFLINE—NETWORK CRS Sector, although leaving the
Once The Computer learns that the ERROR. quarantined area is impossible. All
crisis really involves zombies: the corridors and transtubes are
WHAT, REAL ZOMBIES? WOW. Once the Local CompNode reboots sealed with airtight blast doors, and
THAT’S…WOW. PLEASE WAIT. and realizes who’s in charge in CRS while there are plenty of connecting
Sector: tubes, access tunnels, air vents,
Once The Computer learns that ATTENTION CITIZENS! THE sewer ducts and just plain holes in the
the crisis really involves zombies, CRISIS IS OVER. PLEASE RETURN walls, the sector is now surrounded
and realizes it should do something TO YOUR ASSIGNED DUTIES. by Armed Forces troops. Anyone
about it: PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME trying to leave is shot on the grounds
COMMIE MUTANT ZOMBIE CITIZENS IN THIS SECTOR HAVE that they’re probably a zombie or a
THE RESULT OF COMMIE going to get raised anyway, no matter
Once The Computer realizes that MUTANT TRAITOR SABOTAGE. what happens. The Troubleshooters
doing something isn’t working: THIS MEDICAL CONDITION DOES probably have a better idea of what’s

going on than anyone else, on With the rictus grins of the happy Oh, Mark Is get to do all the grunt
the grounds they’ve actually seen dead, the two techno-zombies explain work currently done by bots.
the dead being reanimated and the Troubleshooters’ next mission.
can tell the difference between an The Troubleshooters have to come
unscheduled spontaneous loyalty Titus-I begins: ‘I trust you have up with a spin on the following facts.
demonstration and a pack of brain- noticed the recent…regime change Use the spin rules from page 13.
hungry zombies. The Troubleshooters here in CRS Sector. The new order
can tell their story to IntSec, or the renders the old hierarchy obsolete; Zombies eat brains.
Armed Forces, or The Computer, such terms as ‘living’ or ‘dead’
or to their secret societies, or just are now deprecated in favor of Only high clearance citizens will
run down the corridors ringing a bell our new, approved terminology get to become Mark II Zombies.
shouting ‘the zombies are coming’. of ‘unprocessed’ and ‘processed’
The result is the same no matter citizens. Everyone will become zombies in
what they do—CRS Sector eventually the new order.
gets sealed off from the rest of the This new order has not spread to
complex. all of Alpha Complex. Right now, The zombies just ate and/or
unenlightened unprocessed citizens converted almost everyone in
Join The Zombies—The Hard Way: are ready to attack us. They fear CRS Sector.
Troubleshooters do not thrive and the perfection of the new order.
survive in Alpha Complex without Their thought processes have been The zombies are the result of a
being able to switch loyalties quicker impeded by viral memes, erroneous traitorous conspiracy.
than they can change barrels on a hormones, the illogic of the livin—,
laser pistol. Turning to the Zombies er, unprocessed. We must educate Again, rate the spin the players come
is a potential tactic for the characters, them—or eat their brains. up with for each situation to work out
once they realize the Zombies their new Zombie Propaganda skill.
are winning the local battle. Just Now, it seems that you have some
presenting yourself at the doors of experience in public relations. All The Tituses inform the Troubleshooters
Complex Utensils and saying ‘Hello, other such specialists in CRS Sector that they will be sent to bring the good
I would like to join your zombie horde’ have been terminated. Your new news to the rest of Alpha Complex
will just get your brain eaten. The mission is to… correct the common as soon as their propaganda is
Troubleshooters might be able to misperception of the new order, and complete. Cautious Troubleshooters
convince the Mark II techno-zombie to convince the rest of Alpha Complex may prefer to stall for time, but stalling
masters to convert them into Mark IIs that the glorious new order is indeed for time when you’re surrounded by
as well, but they would have to come glorious and desirable, and that they increasingly brain-hungry zombies is
up with a very, very good reason for should not fear us—or attempt to not the cleverest move. Eventually,
the zombies not to just eat them. destroy us. the Troubleshooters will have to either
Something like ‘Hello, I would like go out and convince Alpha Complex
to use my authority and skills as a You must emphasize the benefits of of the virtues of the zombies, or else
Troubleshooter to bring more citizens the new order to all, from the lowliest get eaten.
to join your army of the undead’ might INFRARED to even the exalted
work. High Programmers and Our Friend, Once the propaganda is done,
The Computer. Failure to convince the Troubleshooters are sent to
Join The Zombies—The Easy Way: the rest of Alpha Complex of the the one exit from CRS Sector that
‘Hello, Fellow Secret Society Member rightness of the new order will result in isn’t completely sealed—a major
Who Is Now A Zombie. Can I Be A your termination and reprocessing as corridor thoroughfare leading to the
Mark II Zombie Too, Please?’ Mark Is. Do you have any questions, neighboring DRS Sector. There’s
Troubleshooters? a little postern gate in the massive
■ Spin control II (Tension
The new order, just to be clear is:
blast door, wide enough for a
single Troubleshooter to squeeze
18. And Now Not through at a time. Titus-I provides
Obeying The Zombies Most people get their brains eaten the Troubleshooters with a nice big
Is Treasonous) and are resurrected as a Mark I portable projector if they have any
zombie. propaganda videos to display.
Inevitably, the techno-zombies get
to the Troubleshooters. Some of The lucky get to be Mark II On the other side of the blast door is a
them may be eaten, but most of the zombies, who keep their brains. wide concourse, formerly a shopping
Troubleshooters are instead dragged center. Now, it’s the frontline of
to the CPU offices that have been That’s about it. the CRS Sector Quarantine Zone
taken over by Titus-I-4 and Titus-I-5.

Contagion and Free Speech cease hostilities until the societies those fleshy human soldiers. It’s a
Containment, and filled with heavily can salvage what they want from lot like how your average team of
armed Armed Forces. Tanks. the growing zombie disaster. The Troubleshooters, only with more
Warbots. Tactlical nuclear missiles. Troubleshooters’ next clone bodies guns. It turns violent very quickly. In
Vulture Troopers. And they’re all are activated inside CRS Sector by the confusion, the question of ‘how
pointing guns at the Troubleshooters. Yuri-B—see ‘Paranoia of the Dead’, will we exterminate CRS Sector’ is
(The zombies discretely close the below. overtaken by the question ‘how can
blast door behind them.) we best get those bastards from the
If Some of the Troubleshooters 104th Computer’s Own Riflebots?’
From a distant bunker, a violet-clad make their checks: There is The Armed Forces start blasting each
general, wired on caffeine pills and confusion and dissent among other; the Troubleshooters are told to
paranoia, gives the order to fire. the Armed Forces. Some want to pull back to CRS Sector.
The Troubleshooters have about terminate the Troubleshooters and
30 seconds to make those fateful the rest of CRS Sector with extreme If All of the Troubleshooters make
Zombie Propaganda checks. laser prejudice. Others are convinced their checks: Then that VIOLET
by the propaganda, and agree that general is convinced that the New
If None of the Troubleshooters zombies have a valid place in the Zombie Order is the future of Alpha
make their checks: Oh dear. Alpha Complex hierarchy. Others Complex, and he orders his troops to
The Armed Forces open fire. The don’t really care about zombies, but stand down. The surrounding sectors
Troubleshooters are instantly think that the ones who agree with fall to the zombie hordes, and a new
vaporized. The war for CRS Sector the zombies are traitors and should Quarantine Zone Contagion and
never happens, though, as secret be shot. Still others just want to wipe Free Speech Containment cordon is
society conspirators put pressure out those damn warbots, or those established. The situation is basically
on the Armed Forces to temporarily damn uppity Vulture Troopers. Or the same, only the zombies control
more of Alpha Complex.

5. Paranoia of the Dead
CRS Sector has fallen to the dead.
Within a few hours of the first Mark
II techno-zombie rising, over 70% of
the BLUE-clearance or higher citizens
have been converted into zombies,
while there are an uncounted number
of savage Mark Is roaming the
corridors. The sector has been sealed
off by the Armed Forces, and the local
CompNode has allied itself with the

So, what are the Troubleshooters

doing? There’s a little bit of downtime
between the propaganda triumph at
the end of the previous chapter, and
the beginning of this final section
(unless the Troubleshooters all
got terminated), so what are our
brave heroes doing? How many
have been zombified, or are aiding
the zombies? Is it business as
usual—the Troubleshooters will be
reassigned to a new service firm in
the now-isolated CRS Sector—or are
they trying to fight against the new
undead order?

If they return to Myron-B and Spork

Supply, they discover that Myron-B
has been zombified as a Mark II.
His diabolical plan to gain control of fails…and another corridor becomes is prepared to strike. He begins by
CRS Sector’s cutlery supply has run a dark place inhabited only by the contacting the Troubleshooters.
into a slight problem—sporks are no zombies. Spooky! Yuri-B ambushes them when they
good for eating brains. Therefore, he are alone—he might creep into their
wants the Troubleshooters to come If they are brave and stupid (or if there sleeping quarters in the depths of the
up with a new advertising campaign are zombie Troubleshooters running nightcycle, or climb out of a trapdoor
emphasizing other uses for sporks in around), they could even head back in a corridor as they pass by. (If any
a zombie world. If they fail, he will eat to Titus-I in CPU control and report for of the Troubleshooters are zombies,
their brains. another mission (in which case, skip then have Yuri-B vaporize one of
onto page 27 and Titus-I’s second them to prove his badassness.)
If they return to their normal service briefing).
groups, then life (or undeath) in Yuri-B informs the Troubleshooters
Alpha Complex is continuing as Anyway, once you have built enough that he has a plan to deal with the
normal, only with more zombies suspense and tension, then it’s time zombies. They want brains? He’ll
running around. PLC now has to for the dramatic return of psychotically give them brains! There is a Psion
find a source of brains to feed the committed IntSec operative Yuri-B. mutant with an absolutely gigantic
senior techno-zombies; CPU clerks brain being stored in a CRS Sector
now have to train mindless zombies
as data entry. The Computer is also
■ The Return of Yuri- IntSec vault. Yuri-B intends to sneak
into the vault and use the mutant as
proving increasingly buggy, as the B (Tension 2) bait for the zombies. He also has a
lone local CompNode finds that more Ever since the techno-zombies took virus—an illegal WMD—that he will
and more of its backups and data over CRS Sector, Yuri-B has been inject into the mutant just before
banks are actually located in other hiding in the access tunnels and the zombies eat its brain. The virus
sectors and are thus inaccessible. air ducts, watching and observing will wipe out the dead and leave the
The sector is slowly shutting down, the developments and preparing living, er, alive.
the lights are going out, life support for his counter-stratagem. Now, he

Yuri-B is actually lying at this point. There is a giant-brained The Troubleshooters are to report to R&D, Power Services
mutant on ice in an IntSec vault, but there’s no WMD that and HPD&MC for further information.
will conveniently wipe out only the zombies. Yuri actually
intends to draw the zombies to the CRS Sector nuclear Titus-I-5: As the Troubleshooters are leaving CPU, they
reactor by using the mutant as bait, then he will detonate are called back to speak to Titus-U-4’s assistant, Titus-I-5.
the reactor, destroying everyone—both zombies and He intends to overthrow his clone-sibling, and the best way
citizens—in the sector. to do that is to spread fear and panic among the population.
The Troubleshooters’ mission is unchanged, but he wants
Anyway, for Yuri’s plan to work, he needs the techno- the spin they put on the cover story of ‘sanitizing the reactor
zombies distracted. If the Troubleshooters have not learned core’ to be as ominous and terrifying as possible. They
the history of Project Reanimator, then Yuri-B rapidly briefs must not contradict the official story in any way, but they
them here, about how the zombies are the product of an must spin it so that the living population of CRS Sector is
alliance between four secret societies—Corpore Metal, Pro convinced that something horrible is happening and that
Tech, the Romantics and the FCCCP, led by Harold-Y-FOS- Titus-U-4 is going to doom them all. In short, they must
2, Sax-G-WST, Ann-G-CDR and Titus-I-RYW respectively. spin the cover story so it’s worse than the truth.
He orders the Troubleshooters to sow dissent between
these four factions of zombies, so they will be quarrelling If they do this, Titus-I-5 tells them, then they will be rewarded
with each other and not paying attention to Yuri-B. when he takes over from his dead clone-brother.

Even if the Troubleshooters do not obey Yuri-B at this point,

it is important that he tell them his plan (or at least, one
■ A Return TO R&D (Tension 9)
version of his plan). It will make them sweat later on. The new head of CRS Sector R&D is Sax-I-WST—being
part of the secret zombie-making project has its advantages
Spreading Dissent: Fortunately, the Troubleshooters will when it comes to promotion. Sax-I is not dead yet, although
be sent to meet with the leaders of the secret society cells he does act like a zombie most of the time. He’s got all the
shortly, as part of their final mission for Titus-I-4. However, empathy and humanity of a typhoid virus. He is only barely
Troubleshooters may be proactive; skip ahead to the aware that CRS Sector has basically seceded from Alpha
relevant sections if they make contact with the cell leaders Complex, or that his zombies have devoured a large part
first instead of being sent there. of the population. He will be distantly shocked if informed
that he’s responsible for a sector-wide massacre, but it
■ Your Zombies Need You (Tension 17) does explain why he’s suddenly got a much bigger budget
to play with and he’s been promoted to INDIGO.
Soon after the Troubleshooters are contacted by
Yuri-B, they are summoned to CPU by Titus-U-4. The Unsurprisingly, the CRS Sector R&D is now full of zombies.
zombie master is now dressed in the robes of a High Some of these are senior staff, others are Mark I techno-
Programmer, and is preparing for his ascension to the zombie clerks and test subjects. Experiments currently
rank of ULTRAVIOLET—there’s no one left in CRS Sector underway include ‘alternate sources of neural matter’ (big
to gainsay him. However, he has one last mission for the tanks of cloned brains), ‘replacement cerebra pacifiers
Troubleshooters, one that can only be carried out by the for Mark Is’ (row after row of Mark Is chewing on rubber
living. If they succeed, then they will be rewarded as only brains, plastic brains, dried Cold Fun and so on) and
an ULTRAVIOLET can do. ‘Mark I Weapons Deployment’ (zombies with laser pistols,
stumbling around a mirror-walled room and shooting each
Some traitors have barricaded themselves into the control other randomly). Sax-G leads the Troubleshooters past the
center of the CRS Sector reactor. It is likely that they intend labs with an air of distaste. He is really concerned about
to sabotage it, blowing themselves and the Reanimators perfecting the reanimation process.
away in a foolish and crazed attempt to stop the new order.
The Troubleshooters must go to the reactor and use the The Troubleshooters end up in a huge chemical laboratory,
propaganda they developed to stop the traitors. He also filled with beakers bubbling with an alarming green
orders them to keep their mission a secret—if the rest of liquid—the same green liquid used in the Reanimator
Alpha Complex knew that the zombie-controlled sector was process. Sax-I proudly declares that he has weaponized
so vulnerable, they would attack, not to mention the panic the reanimator compound. Now, it can be delivered in
among the unprocessed. No, the Troubleshooters are to aerosol form. If sprayed over a relatively intact corpse,
pretend to be cleaning staff, sent to enforce new hygiene then the chemical will reactivate the corpse as a Mark II
regulations in the reactor core itself. After all, they still have techno-zombie—at least, that’s how it works in the lab.
the hygiene officer gear used in their last mission. The Troubleshooters are to fill their cleaning sprays with
the spray in order to test it in the field. Oh, some tests
If they fail, then there won’t be time to eat their brains. have shown that an overdose of the chemical results in
spontaneous zombie combustion, so the spray should be
handled carefully.

. 50

■ The Reanimator Spray ■ HPD&MC—This Is The New Spin

The chemical spray is fired using the Field Weapons (Tension 20 during the broadcast,
or Bioweapons skills. Its effects vary depending on the Tension 6 afterward)
After stocking up on ‘cleaning supplies’ at R&D, an autocar
Living Citizens: O3S whisks the Troubleshooters to the plush studios of ‘CRS
Inanimate object and bots: No effect Sector Local Good News Show & Loyalty Time Hour’,
Dead Citizens: Turns them into zombies a HPD&MC-produced news program. The new host of
Zombies: If the margin of success is five or more, then LGNS&LTH is Ann-I-CDR, formerly a lowly archivist (and
the zombie is automatically Killed and Zombie Resilience Ann-G), now a Mark II techno-zombie who has been
cannot be used. If the margin of success is 10 or more, then scrubbed, prettified and dressed to look as much like a
the zombie and 1d6 adjacent zombies explode—the original zombie Teela-O-MLY as possible. Smiling into the lens
target is Killed, but the others can use Zombie Resilience of a camera operated by a Mark I techno-zombie, Ann-I
to decrease the damage. informs the terrified citizens of CRS Sector that everything
is returning to an improved version of normality, and that
Each Troubleshooter’s pack contains 2d20 shots of the even relatively unimportant tasks are now being handled
chemical spray. promptly and effectively, like reactor sanitization. She’s
honored and happy to present the brave citizens who’ll be
cleaning the reactor. The subliminal projectors flash happy
Sax-I-WST: If the Troubleshooters try to convince the Pro messages like ‘EVERYTHING IS FINE’, ‘TRUST THE
Tech cell leader to betray the Reanimator cause, then they ZOMBIES’ and ‘PLEASE REMOVE ALL HEADGEAR’.
have their work cut out for them. Sax-I is simply not paying
enough attention to the growing crisis in CRS Sector to Ann-I is the leader of the Romantics cell in CRS Sector. It
realize that he might be in danger. Their best argument was she who discovered the cache of frozen Old Reckoning
is to suggest that the techno-zombies are actually bad for corpses in the bunker deep below the reactor, and she has
science—they have already decided to phase out bots, and arranged for the Troubleshooters to be brought onto her
the zombies will also require far fewer gadgets and new new show so she can force the techno-zombie leadership
technologies than living clones. If the Troubleshooters can to start doing what they promised—resurrecting the Old
paint a persuasive picture of an Alpha Complex overrun Reckoners so they can bring the wisdom of the past.
by Luddite zombies, then they can turn Sax-I against his The Tituses have been ignoring her calls, preferring
allies. to concentrate on making more people into zombies
and not getting blown up by the rest of Alpha Complex.
Pro Tech members can also use their secret society Therefore, she will ask pointed questions about how the
connections to put pressure on Sax-G. Troubleshooters will get into the reactor, and about how
the new zombie technology can best be employed to help

Alpha Complex. Meanwhile, the Troubleshooters will (or at at this point. If there is not a Psion member among the
least, should) be trying to spin their perfectly ordinary and Troubleshooters, then pick a mutant and have the Psion
inconsequential mission of reactor sanitization as a major Controls (super-powerful telepaths) zap into his brain
threat to all of CRS Sector. and recruit him on the spot. Psion scans the memories
of their agent and finds out about Yuri-B’s plan to use a
As a result of this spin, one of the HPD&MC techs (a still big-brained mutant as bait for the zombies. This big-brain
living citizen) slips a tiny camera drone into the pocket mutant is another potential Control, kept under sedation by
of one of the Troubleshooters. This little drone is a tiny IntSec. Psion orders their loyal agent to protect the potential
remote-control camera and microphone. It’ll activate at the Control under the sedatives wear off, at which time the
climax of the scenario. mutant’s psychic powers will kick in and save the day.

Ann-I: After the interview finishes (or is censored and FCCCP: Up until recently, the First Church of Christ
replaced by reruns of ‘Commie Execution Bloopers III’), Computer-Programmer was doing well here in CRS Sector.
then the Troubleshooters can speak to Ann-I more openly. The glory of the Easter Cycle was at hand, the dead were
If they reveal that they’ve got the new Reanimator chemical, about to rise and bring gifts to the living, and loyal Titus-I-
then she demands that they head back to the bunker under 5 was both high priest and cell leader. Now, the zombies
the power plant and resurrect the last of the Old Reckoning have betrayed the Church and taken over.
citizens down there.
The new cell leader is…Titus-I-6, the clone activated
■ Power Services (Tension 10) automatically when zombie Titus-I-4 killed Titus-I-5.
Titus-I-6 went into hiding, as he fears his previous selves.
Finally, the Troubleshooters are brought to Power Services, He believes that the Easter Cycle has been perverted by
where Harold-B-FOS-2 (formerly Harold-Y) briefs them demonic Commies, resulting in the brain-eating zombies
on how to access the reactor controlled by the traitors. instead of the grateful dead promised by the prophecies.
It’s quite simple—they head into the same tunnel network (The trauma of being killed by himself has driven Titus-I-6
they visited in The Sporks, They Call To Me, and find the even deeper into his delusional faith in The Computer,
secret back entrance into the reactor. Climb the stairs, find so he’s basically a reborn-again FCCCP-er.) Titus-I-6
the traitors, terminate them. contacts the most trustworthy of the Troubleshooters and
gives them a holy relic, a circuit talisman that is said to
Harold-B-FOS has also been zombified, and he’s quite have the power to Turn the Undead when activated. He
happy about it. He was the Corpore Metal cell leader, but wants them to get close to the Tituses and use it—the
his resurrection as an undead monster has given him a circuit will, he believes, destroy his zombie clone brothers.
new lease of life. Before becoming a zombie, Harold-B Titus-I-6 can then take over and get the Easter Cycle back
was loyal to his bot brethren, but now he just wants to eat on track.

brains, and no longer cares about the bot cause. If the
Troubleshooters mention the zombies’ anti-bot policies to The Relic
Harold, he will talk about the glories of the new order, and
possibly try to eat their brains. The relic is actually a one-use remote control reboot for
the local CompNode. When activated, CRS Sector’s
The Forgotten Bots: While Harold-B may have turned his CompNode shuts down for a few minutes, then reboots
back on the bots, the bots are still opposed to the techno- from backups. These backups were made before the local
zombies. Many of the Corpore Metal Frankenstein bots CompNode was ostracized from the rest of The Computer’s
have crept away into the Underplex beneath CRS Sector, networks, and so has no knowledge of the zombie takeover
hiding from the rampaging Mark Is who are replacing them. or the existence of the zombies. It immediately re-connects
The Troubleshooters will run into them below. with the rest of The Computer. In effect, when the relic is
activated (by pressing the big red button in the middle of it),
■ Other Complications (Tension 3) The Computer runs through the same series of confused
responses as It did back on page 23, during the initial
I f trying to balance the demands of Yuri-B, the two zombie outbreak. However, this time It ends up opposed
Tituses, Pro Tech and the Romantics wasn’t enough, to the zombies, and announces:
feel free to throw any of the following secret missions at
the Troubleshooters. Ideally, give one of these to each ATTENTION CITIZENS. CRS SECTOR HAS FALLEN TO
Psion: Unlike all the other secret societies, Psion is still FORCES. PLEASE ADOPT THE BRACING POSITION
in contact with its agents in CRS Sector thanks to their NOW. TOTAL NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION IN FIVE
telepathic communication methods. If there is a Psion MINUTES. YOUR CO-OPERATION IS APPRECIATED,
member among the Troubleshooters, they contact him AND ALPHA COMPLEX LOOKS FORWARD TO YOUR

. 52
Armed Forces: If there are any loyal members of an brain-eating. All flesh will be eaten, leaving only the bots
Armed Forces service firm left unzombified among the and the few citizens who can hide from the zombies—like
Troubleshooters, then they get a Secret Communication the Troubleshooters, who’ll be safe in the sealed-off reactor
using an emergency back channel on their PDC. The complex. The only safe way to escape will be via the sealed
message is a simple one—the original plan of containing elevator, so the Troubleshooters will have to reactivate the
the disaster has been cancelled (probably following the elevator the bots used to access the Underplex.
successful deployment of Zombie Propaganda earlier).
The Armed Forces are now switching to another plan. The bots will not let the Troubleshooters go until they
An aerial warbot carrying a bumper-bunker-buster bomb at least promise to implement the bots’ plan. The bots
has launched from a secret Armed Forces airstrip, and cannot do it themselves as none of them can climb the
is currently en route to the dome above CRS Sector. spiral staircase leading to the reactor, and indeed, the
The bomb will bore through the protective dome above Troubleshooters will find several fallen bots lying around
Alpha Complex and destroy the whole sector, leaving the staircase, having tried to navigate the steps.)
uncontaminated sectors untouched. To ensure the zombie
menace is destroyed, the bomb is designed to home in on
the Troubleshooter’s PDC. The Troubleshooter is therefore ■ Old Reckoning Corpsicles
instructed to get his PDC as close to the mass of zombies If the Troubleshooters are trying to ally with Ann-I and her
as possible, to ensure maximum enemy casualties. The Romantics, then they may go past the bots and into the
PDC will beep more and more frequently the closer the old bunker, so they can use the Reanimator spray on the
bomb gets. Selecting the launch command on the PDC will remaining frozen corpses and turn them into witty, intelligent
send a message to the warbot to fire its bomb. The launch and sane Mark II techno-zombies. Defrosting the corpses
command will only become available when the bot is within takes about half an hour, and they are animated almost
range of CRS Sector. instantly when the Reanimator spray is applied.

■ Back to the Underplex (Tension 0) All the Old Reckoners here were rich businessmen, frozen
centuries ago when they were diagnosed with various
Once the Troubleshooters have their new mission (kill the terminal diseases. When the Troubleshooters bring them
traitors occupying the reactor), their cover story (sanitize the back to life, they react as follows:
reactor) and their secret missions (anything from spin the 1) Mass confusion! Where are the doctors? Where
truth to raise the dead), it’s off to the reactor. As most of CRS are the flying cars? Why does the future look like an
Sector has been sealed off from the rest of Alpha Complex, underground warehouse? Agh! Robots! Zombies!
there is only one way into the reactor. Consult the maps and Robot zombies! Men with lasers!
description on page 15—the Troubleshooters must go down 2) Where’s my stock portfolio! What do you mean,
the access hatch in the (now silent and empty, sealed-off) Commies? Are you all crazy?
transtube tunnel, then find their way to the endlessly long 3) Er…you did remember to cure that terminal disease
corridor in the depths (which still has a few Mark I techno- I had, right? The one that was going to kill me in a
zombies roaming around). They then must find the stairway few minutes? No? Uh-oh…
leading up to the reactor complex itself. 4) Falling over dead. Redead. Unundead. Whatever.
At least the Troubleshooters tried. If they hurry, they can get
As the Troubleshooters search for the stairwell, they run some use out of the resurrected before they fall over.
into the bots hiding in the Underplex.

The Bots: In the new zombie order, the bots are being
replaced by brainless Mark I techno-zombies. Corpore
Metal’s influence has vanished since Harold-Y was zombified
■ The Reactor (Tension 5)
and betrayed them. Therefore, many Frankenstein bots Finally, the Troubleshooters can climb the staircase out of
have fled down here, to plot the overthrow of the zombies the Underplex and up into the sealed reactor in CRS Sector.
and the takeover of CRS Sector. If CHASM (see page 16) It gets warmer and warmer as they climb, and the green
is still functional, then it has been elected the leader of the Reanimator liquid in their cleaning gear begins to bubble
free bots. If the Troubleshooters blew up CHASM, then an ominously. Any zombie Troubleshooters feel increasingly
elderly jack-o-bot (RDO-117) is in charge. hungry. Doesn’t Bob-R’s head look juicy? Imagine how
nice his brain must taste…
Either way, the free bots of Corpore Metal want the zombies
stopped, and are willing to enter into a treasonous alliance Eventually, the Troubleshooters arrive at the top of the
with the Troubleshooters to do so. The environmental stairwell (1). A dusty trapdoor lets them into a storeroom—
controls for CRS Sector can be controlled from within the obviously, no-one has used the stairwell in a very long
nuclear reactor overhead. If the Troubleshooters raise the time.
temperature in CRS Sector, then the chemicals animating
the zombies will be affected, making the zombies hungrier Outside is a long corridor (2), similar to the one thousands
and hungrier. They will turn on each other in a frenzy of of meters below in the Underplex. There are signs of a

1. End of the stairwell
2. Sealed corridor
3. Sealed blast door to rest of sector
4. Sealed elevator to Underplex
5. Bottomless (ish) pit to Underplex
6. Giant nuclear reactor
7. Walkway
8. Corpse of ‘Lenin’
9. Reactor control room. All Sealed
sections can be opened from here.
And you can also blow up the reactor,
if that’s the sort of stuff you’re into,

The Communists
Management 6
Oratory 10
Stealth 10
Violence 6
Energy Weapons 10
Hardware 8
Nuclear Engineering 12
Software 4
Wetware 4
Medical 8
Mutant Powers: Joe: Energy Field;
firefight, and the walls are splattered casket, containing the body of a Joseph: Mental Blast; Josephine:
with blood. (Feel free to evoke bearded man. According to secret Machine Empathy (Power 12)
memories of any zombie-horror- Communist doctrine, the great leader, Secret Society Affiliation:
survival computer games and/or Lenin, was preserved in such a Communism
movies.) The far end of the corridor fashion. Somehow, by some miracle Armor: None
(3) is sealed by a heavy blast door, but of the Party, Lenin’s body ended up in Weapons: Stolen laser pistols,
the near end has a much smaller and a bunker under Alpha Complex, and W3K
less secure door. It is still locked, but
can be bypassed easily enough with
has now fallen into their hands. They
protected the Great Leader from the ■ Total Spin Control
an appropriate Hardware, Software, indignity of being raised as a mindless From this point in the scenario
gadget or mutant power. Mark I zombie, but they have heard on, it all goes crazy. There are
rumors of a way to create intelligent multiple plots to stop the zombies
There is also a camera and master zombies. and/or destroy all of CRS Sector
communications screen in the happening simultaneously. There’s
wall next to the door, allowing the The three Commies want to turn every likelihood that everyone will
Troubleshooters to speak to the Lenin into a Mark II zombie, who be vaporized in a reactor meltdown
three Traitors who have occupied will then take control of the other of catastrophic proportions. To really
the reactor. zombies and lead to a rebirth (or, make the players sweat, bombard
more accurately, reanimation) of them with calls on their PDCs from
■ Joe, Joseph and international Communism.
They took over the reactor by
various authority figures and allies.
Have all three Tituses call them
Josephine accident—the rampaging zombies simultaneously, or have The Computer
These three INFRAREDs are killed everyone, the bots left to join contact them (and which CompNode
Communists (Joe, Joseph the other bots downstairs in the is it? How do they know?). Make
and Josephine are their Party Underplex, so all the three Commies them give a dozen different spins on
codenames—they’re actually named had to do was close the doors, shut the current situation, depending on
Tom, Glenn and Stephanie). They down the elevator and start sending who they’re talking to.
were workers in the nuclear reactor demands to Titus-U-4. Unless Titus
when the zombies attacked. They
fled down a storage elevator into the
resurrects Lenin and hands over
supreme power in CRS Sector to
■ Negotiating With
Underplex to avoid the zombie attack, him, then the Communists will blow The Commies
and there they found something up the reactor, wiping out everyone The Troubleshooters’ official mission
wonderful—a sealed cryogenic in the sector. is to kill the Commies inside the
reactor. Titus-I wanted them to use

. 54
Zombie Propaganda to force the traitors to surrender, then Any zombies who see the huge-headed mutant are
shoot them. The Troubleshooters can try their Zombie instantly consumed with almost overwhelming hunger,
Propaganda, but the Communists will counter with their and need to make Power checks each round to maintain
Communist Propaganda skills, and both sides may end the self-control to not rush over and start munching on the
up knowing or believing far too much about the other. mutant’s brain.
Alternatively, the Troubleshooters can just try breaking
down or blowing up the door, but if they do that, then Joe At this point, Yuri-B looks like the survivor of some post-
will set the reactor to overload. The reactor can be controlled apocalyptic war. He’s bleeding from a dozen claw wounds,
from, surprisingly, the reactor control room. It takes 5–10 his jumpsuit is tattered and he’s got a crazed look in his
rounds for the reactor to explode after a meltdown has been remaining eye. He’s carrying a chainsaw for no apparent
activated, and a meltdown sequence can be paused from reason. Yuri-B barks that he’s dragged the mutant past the
the control room with a successful Nuclear Engineering very heart of the zombie infestation, and they’re all coming.
check. All of them. All the damn zombies. He demands that the
Troubleshooters set the reactor to a Level 1 meltdown.
There are five levels of meltdown. A Level 1 meltdown The explosion won’t wipe out the whole sector, just the
will just wipe out the reactor and the immediate area zombies.
surrounding it. A Level 2 meltdown (the option favored
by the Communists) will wipe out most of CRS Sector. A If the Troubleshooters refuse, or stall, they’re traitors and
Level 3 meltdown will get both CRS Sector and the tunnels he’ll start shooting them.
below. A Level 4 meltdown is CRS, the tunnels below and
the surrounding sectors. A Level 5 meltdown is… bad. If
the Troubleshooters do not bother to select the level of
■ Enter The Zombies
catastrophe, then roll 1d20 and divide by 5. The zombies follow the scent of the big-headed mutant,
and start pouring in through the breach opened by Yuri-B.
■ The Newsdrone Titus-U-4 is in the lead, but the Machiavellian master-
zombie previously encountered by the Troubleshooters
At a suitably inconvenient moment, the newsdrone planted has succumbed almost entirely to brain-lust. All the
by HPD&MC activates and launches from inside the pocket zombies need to make Power checks to avoid going after
of one of the Troubleshooters. It’s bringing live, up to the the mutant’s brain—as Mark Is don’t have any Power left,
minute news of the sterilization of the dangerous reactor they can’t resist.
virus to the viewers of CRS Sector. The news broadcast
is being watched by pretty much everyone involved in the
scenario, both in and out of CRS Sector, so it’s time for some
truly impressive spin from the Troubleshooters.

The Tension shoots to 15 when the drone is launched.

■ Communicating With Outside

There’s a hardwired connection to the rest of Alpha Complex
in the reactor control room. This line cannot be shut down,
and so escaped the Communications blackout enforced
when CRS Sector was quarantined. The Communists
have no use for it, as their control of the reactor gives them
leverage over the local sector only. Still, the Troubleshooters
might be able to make use of an emergency plea to The

■ The All New Return of Yuri-B

At another suitably inconvenient moment, the blast door
at the end of the corridor (3) is, well, blasted by a cone
rifle tacnuke shell, and Yuri-B emerges from the smoke,
dragging a drooling mutant behind him. The mutant has a
huge head, and tiny atrophied arms and legs. It’s drooling
and its eyes are unfocused, but the sedatives are wearing

Functionally, there are infinite then perhaps the combination of see before they are dragged away is
zombies here. There aren’t actually high temperature plus unstable a team of R&D techs salvaging the
infinite zombies, but there are lots and chemical plus lots of zombies equals original Reanimator machine from the
lots. And lots. And more. And some firestorm. ruins of Complex Utensils.
more. And more behind you. There
are certainly more zombies than you
can shoot in the head.
■ The Super-Mutant Debriefing: is carried out by Yuri-
B-OGN-5. Due to the quarantine
The giant-brained mutant is a wild and the resulting chaos and zombie-
■ Turning Up The Heat card in the end of the scenario.
Maybe he gets eaten by the zombies?
related mayhem, he is really not too
sure about what actually happened in
The Troubleshooters may try the Maybe he wakes up and uses his CRS Sector, but he makes up for any
approach suggested by the bots, of awesome psychic powers to save lack of certainty on his part with an
turning up the heat in CRS Sector the day? Maybe he gets turned into aggressive questioning technique.
and making the zombies turn on each a super-psychic zombie who takes
other. It’s a moderately good idea, over all the other zombies? Or Forensics shows that there was a
and works quite well. The heat is teleports out? Or, more likely, he zombie in the commissary! Why
controlled from the control room; the lies there and drools while misguided did you not report this?
Habitat Engineering skill is required. Troubleshooters beg him to deus ex
machina something, now! Explain how you tampered with
This only becomes a bad idea if the the confession booth rented by
Troubleshooters also switch on the
elevator—in which case, CHASM
■ Lenin Spork Supply.

(or RDO-117) and its bot minions If the Troubleshooters manage to Where are the 50,000 sporks you
rise out of the Underplex bearing reanimate the corpse in the middle stole from storage? Black market
the Weapons of Mass Destruction of the walkway, then one of the sporks are treason!
from the underground bunker (did Commies screams ‘LENIN! GREAT
you forget about those? They’re LEADER! YOU LIVE AGAIN!’ Why did you not stop the zombies
mentioned in the bunker contents from killing citizen Titus-I-5?
list on page 16. It’s not our fault if The Computer goes absolutely
you forget about piddling little things nuts if it hears this, and anyone How long have you been in
like four WMDs). These are lethal who doesn’t start shooting Lenin is contact with PURGE for?
biological weapons capable of wiping dubbed a Commie Traitor and put on
out all life in CRS Sector. If the IntSec’s Most Painful And Unpleasant Twelve stored WMDs vanished
Troubleshooters have dealt with the Termination List. from a locker in CRS Sector
zombies, then the bots make a bid for during the crisis. Explain this.
world (OK, sector) domination. ■ Aftermath
Did you dispose of the weaponized
■ The Bomb If, as is likely, everyone in CRS Sector
is killed, then the Troubleshooters’
reanimator chemical properly? If
not disposed of properly, the
The Armed Forces may be trying to next clones wake up in an IntSec chemical could enter the air ducts
wipe out the zombie infestation with interrogation center overseen by and infect all of Alpha Complex!
that bumper-bunker-buster bomb. If freshly-cloned Yuri-B-OGN-5. There,
the Troubleshooters somehow deal they are told that CRS Sector never And so forth. Screw, screw, screw
with the zombies, they could contact existed. There were no zombies. the PCs over!
the rest of Alpha Complex and call off There was no Project Reanimator.
the air strike. Or they could just throw There was no quarantine, no Finally, the Troubleshooters are
the PDC that’s guiding the bomb apocalypse. Nothing. released from the interrogation center
down the convenient bottomless pit (after being brainscrubbed/censored/
in the middle of the reactor chamber, If, however, the Troubleshooters terminated as appropriate) and sent
and pray that the bomb follows it. somehow survived and the zombies back to their day jobs. The long night
were stopped without a mushroom of the dead is over…
■ Exploding Zombies cloud or two, then the Armed Forces
move in. Warbots and tanks stalk ... or is it? A citizen stumbles into the
The Troubleshooters can use the through the rubble, blasting the office of one of the Troubleshooter’s
reanimator spray to set the zombies remaining Mark Is. R&D staff wearing service firms. One of the
on fire. It’s their best weapon against biohazard suits follow, bagging and Troubleshooters’ co-workers asks
them. However, infinite zombies, tagging any animated corpses. The the newcomer for his ME card.
finite shots, do the math. At best, it’s Troubleshooters are captured and
a stalling tactic. If you’ve no better secured by IntSec, who zap them It’s Titus-3. Braaaaains…
way to end the scenario, though, with stun guns. The last thing they



34 PARANOIA: Alpha Complex Nights


My First Treason
To serve all my days


Writer/Scapegoat Proofreader/Intsec goon


Original Concept/R&D Thinker GREG COSTIKYAN
ERIC GOLDBERG Bully With A Cone Rifle 
BETH FISCHI Original game design & development/
ANDY FITZPATRICK Building committee Mutant Testing 
Editing, graphics/Drillbots
Mongoose Publishing manager/ Commie On Campus 
JIM HOLLOWAY Construction supervisor
Cover and interior illustrations/Blueprints
NICK ROBINSON Mongoose Publishing production director/
Layout/ORANGE-Clearance Hygeine Struts around wearing fun yellow hardhat
Give me a clone until he is seven.

Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET

Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen
of Security Clearance VIOLET or lower is treason punishable by a
long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.

TM & Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2007 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User. Based on material published in
previous editions of PARANOIA.
ILLUMINATI is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and is used by permission.
The reproduction of material from this book for personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other means of storage and retrieval, is prohibited. You may
copy character sheets, record sheets, checklists and tables for personal use.
E-mail questions and comments to Mongoose Publishing at or write to Mongoose Publishing, 52-54 Cricklade Road, Swindon,
Wiltshire SN8 2AF, UK.
On the World Wide Web:
Published by Mongoose Publishing, Ltd. Publication MGP 6657. Published October 2007. Printed in the UK.
1. Introduction
Back in the old, unfun days of terminations—all in their very own supervisors of the crèche,
PARANOIA, when Zap style ruled crèche! Can the characters solve and is in line for drug therapy
the line and unapproved forms their problems and the secrets of and brainscrubbing unless her
of humor were not punished by their past while still studying for the behavior improves. In a few
summary execution, there were Approved Revised History of Alpha years, she’s going to discover
parodies of certain popular books, Complex (fifth edition) exam? that she’s a powerful mutant
movies, television shows, roleplaying wanted by Psion….
games and other media forms. In the
brave new edition, Famous Game * Yes, I know a recent PARANOIA scenario Eva-JST-1 might just be the
(Spin Control) involved zombies. What’s your
Designers set their sights higher. point? perfect citizen. Ambitious, loyal,
We do not go for the cheap laugh, determined and intelligent. If
for the easy joke at the expense of ** Filesharing is treason, citizen. only Alpha Complex rewarded
some passing fad by jamming it into merit instead of backstabbing
Alpha Complex. (Vampires, hey, and treason.
aren’t they hilarious?*) ■ The Junior Citizens
Joe-JST-1 is, unfortunately for
Therefore, we would like to William-JST-1 is an oddly him, a product of sabotage in
emphasize that this scenario is not charismatic young Junior the cloning banks. The DNA
a parody. It may have been inspired Citizen with a knack for making for a notorious Commie was
by a certain wildly popular series of others do what he wants them introduced into the banks,
fantasy novels about a boy wizard to do. What William doesn’t resulting in young Joe. He
going to wizard school. We may know is that he’s not a clone— doesn’t have the memories
wish to translate that element of our he’s actually the natural-born of the Commie, but he’ll grow
cultural zeitgeist into the PARANOIA son of a High Programmer, up to look just like him…and
setting, with the intent of flavoring our Louis-U, who placed William in maybe think like him too.
humor with recognizable elements. the crèche for protection. The
We might even wish to satirize children of High Programmers Thomas-JST-1 was once an
aspects of the books. However, in are often used as hostages or IntSec agent, pursuing the
no way, shape, form or legal action for blackmail. Commie Mutant Traitor who
is this a parody. was recloned as Joe-JST.
Nina-JST-1 has already been Thomas ended up getting
We are not inconstant. We are tagged as ‘argumentative his genetic pattern reinserted
moving from one state of constancy and insubordinate’ by the into the cloning banks, and
to another, more constant one.

Anyway, now that that’s out of the

■ But I Don’t Like Pregenerated Characters
way, let’s talk about H*rry P*tt*r and Fortunately, the plot-dependant bits of most of the pregenerated characters
the Enchanted Confession Booth— can be lifted out easily and inserted like subcutaneous RFID tags into other
er, I mean, My First Treason. You characters. If one player wants to play an angsty, I’m-so-depressed-my-soul’s-
are holding in your hands (or, in INFRARED kid, then you can just stick one of the secrets from one of the
this electronic day and age, reading pregenerated characters (like ‘I’m a powerful mutant’ or ‘my daddy’s a High
on your screen**) a mini-campaign Programmer’ into his background.
for PARANOIA, complete with six
pregenerated player characters. The only problems arise if you’ve got more than four players, as the secret
Not ‘pregenerated Troubleshooters’, plot elements of ‘I’m a petbot guardian’ or ‘I’m actually an all-grown-up IntSec
you’ll note, because My First agent in a child’s body’ aren’t quite so portable. You could easily say that
Treason’s characters are brave Thomas-JST-1’s memories of his adult life only return gradually, of course,
young Junior Citizens: Alpha and let a player come up with his ‘child’ personality. As for the petbot…eh,
Complex kids in an Alpha Complex can’t help there. We shall continue the parody satire and leave the fans argue
crèche. The four chapters of the ad infinitum over this plot hole.
mini-campaign each cover one year
of their education, from age ten to
age 14 (when they go off to join the
■ But I Don’t Have Six Players
loyal workforce). Not all the pregenerated characters have to be played by players—you can
easily make Timmy the PetBot into an NPC, and both Thomas-JST and Eva-
Along the way, they’ll run into JST can be removed from the campaign without any problems—just ignore
secretive conspiracies, nefarious any subplots that depend on their presence.
traitors, weird mutants and gratuitous

59 PARANOIA: Alpha Complex Nights

Game Rules for Junior Citizens
If you’re creating your own Violence: Bullying. This works just but this is depleted when used. For
characters, then here are the like the Management specialty of example, young William-JC blows
changes to character creation for Intimidation, but involves physical up a reactor and is sentenced to
Junior Citizens: torture as well as psychological Erasure. However, Friend Computer
pain. decides that ‘boys will be boys’
Junior Citizens start with only three and drops the punishment to a
Common Specialties, and they don’t Stealth: Squirming. The art of mere brainscrub. This costs two of
get the normal Energy Weapons getting into places you shouldn’t be William-JC’s ten points of armor.
specialty of Troubleshooters. by squeezing through vents, access
tubes and other spaces that are Junior Citizens can’t use their
They don’t have a service firm or much too small for adults. Access scores to defend against
secret society, so they don’t get the treason.
skills from those sources either. Hardware: Improvisation. Building

Junior Citizens have a mutation, but

things out of spare parts. Creativity
is discouraged in most of Alpha
■ Optional Rule: Junior
they don’t know what it is yet. Complex (the exception being R&D, Citizen Advancement
where it’s encouraged via crazy Under the normal PARANOIA
Junior Citizens have an Access drugs), but bright Junior Citizens can rules, advancement is purchased
score, but it is limited to getting turn a few bits of scrap metal and a using Perversity Points. However,
stuff done in the context of the handful of computer chips into, say, given your chances of surviving
crèche—you know which kid is a primitive frag grenade. an adventure are slim to none, it’s
really good at forging signatures, or much more common for a player to
where the school docbot stores the Software: Journaling. The art of spend all his Perversity to cling to
happy pills. writing your online journal so as life instead of hoarding it to improve
to say what the psychologists and his skills. However, advancement
■ New Skills censors reading it expect you to
say. All Junior Citizens are expected
and improving skills is much more
important than normal in My First
These skill specialties are normally to keep a journal; those skilled at Treason. Therefore, the following
only used in crèches, and are Journaling can form cliques and optional rule is suggested: only
forgotten by adult Troubleshooters. throw aspersions and accusations Perversity that has already been
at the less adept. spent can be used to improve
Management: Cramming. This skills. So, William spends five
specialty allows the character to Wetware: Faking Illness. I can’t do Perversity points to ensure he can
study a large amount of information the test today, sir, I’m sick! hide from a roaming teacher after
and regurgitate the relevant bits in curfew. He reduces his current
an exam, but doesn’t allow him to
actually retain any of the information.
■ Treason Perversity total by five, and increases
his Spent Perversity by five. At the
It’s the easy way to pass exams if If a Junior Citizen commits a end of the scenario, he can spend
you don’t actually have the relevant treasonous act, then his youth is the Spent Perversity on improving
skill. (Well, technically, cheating’s taken into account. A Junior Citizen his skills, as described in Chapter
even easier, but no loyal citizen gets ten points of ‘Treason Armor’, 12 of the PARAOIA rulebook.
would dare cheat, right?).

recopied his MemoMax data ■ The Adventures and biochemical tests, to determine
too. He’s waiting until he’s Bully With A Cone Rifle: The Junior if their DNA’s pure enough. Those
grown up before exacting his Citizens are moved to a new crèche, who fail may be terminated, or
revenge on the Commies who where they meet their new teachers worse—they instantly become the
killed him. and get beaten up by the older lowest of the low in the crèche.
children. Someone is spreading Worse again, it looks like someone’s
Finally, Timmy the PetBot Death Leopard propaganda among decided the characters are going to
is a friendly and bouncy the senior Junior Citizens, and fail even before they’re tested….
robot dog—who was actually they’ve got to be stopped before
programmed by William’s Armed Forces training begins…. Commie on Campus: The
father to watch over the crèche characters find a notorious Commie
and to protect William. For a Mutant Testing Time: It’s mutant Mutant Traitor hiding in the crèche.
petbot, it’s got an awful lot of testing time! Everyone in the crèche He claims he’s actually a loyal
hidden weapons…. is being subjected to psychological clone, who has been framed by a

conspiracy who are trying to get hold they’ve developed a power, but don’t they can probably make contact
of a new weapon. If the characters tell them what it is until the power is with one society or another. (See
help, they get to pilot a warbot…but actually triggered. The Traitor’s Manual for details on
they might miss the inter-crèche Nina is a special case. While the society recruitment and initiation.)
FunBall tournament if they do! powers of the other characters should If a character joins a secret society,
be rolled on the Straight or Classic he gets the appropriate secret skill
Graduation: The final exams are tables, depending on your style of for free.
looming large! What service group play, Nina’s a very powerful mutant,
with the characters be assigned
to? Will some of them become
and she gets a random power off the
Zap table. She also gets a form of
■ The Massively
Troubleshooters? Who can make the Telepathy power—not enough to Overcomplex Backstory
it to RED clearance? And what scan the thoughts of others without My First Treason begins 13 years
about all the mysterious forces training, but enough to faintly sense ago, with the Revolt of the 43 rd
and conspiracies that have been telepathic signals and to make her Heavy Assault Division. The Alpha
troubling them all along? of use to Psion. Complex Armed Forces spend
most of their time blowing up trees
■ The Characters and ■ The Characters and (‘observation posts’) or bushes
(‘insurgent launch sites’) in the
Mutant Powers Secret Socities wilderness of Outdoors. Dealing
All of the characters, with the obvious At the start of the game, only with these non-existent outside
exception of Timmy the PetBot, will Thomas has any idea about the threats takes up over 40% of the
develop their mutant powers over existence of secret societies—he’s resources of the whole complex,
the course of this scenario. The a member of the First Church of but it’s HPD&MC that insists that
exact timing is up to you, and should Christ Computer-Programmer, the fiction of an external threat is
be a combination of the fortuitous although his membership has necessary to ensure order and unity
(‘Die, kiddie Commie scum!’ ‘Er, obviously lapsed a bit because of the among the lower clearances. Over
Energy Shield apparently!’) and the whole reborn-as-a-Junior-Citizen the centuries, HPD&MC started
embarrassing (‘Are you a mutant, problem. Joe’s obviously going believing their own propaganda, and
Joe?’ ‘No sir. May I spontaneously to be recruited by the Commies, these fictional dangers are very real
combust if I’m lying.’ *FOOM*.) It’s and Psion are already interested to anyone inside Alpha Complex,
best if you let the players know in Nina. If the other characters try, including Friend Computer.

■ Bot Characters?
The Armed Forces, however, are
on the frontline of Outdoors, and
Yes, Timmy the PetBot is a bot. No, we haven’t done rules for bot characters they can see that there are no
yet (they will be in a PARANOIA supplement that is yet to come). So, how secret Commie armies marshalling
does Timmy fit into the game? The simple answer is that Timmy is a very to attack Alpha Complex. After a
special bot, who uses exactly the same rules as normal characters. The one few years of pointless maneuvers
exception is treason—a result of censure, medication or brainscrub means and marches, even the most loyal
that Timmy’s programming is fiddled with by a technician, which may have Armed Forces general begins to
deleterious effects on his memory and/or sanity. A result of termination means have second thoughts. The only real
he’s sent back to the factory, and a new model is sent out. conflicts fought by Armed Forces
in decades have been civil wars
If Timmy’s killed, then a replacement petbot with a copy of his code is sent between loyalists and renegade
by Louis-U. generals.

As for Timmy’s weapons systems, they’re under the control of his hidden The Revolt of the 43 rd Heavy
programming. Therefore, they can only be used when a) he’s in dire peril and Assault was an especially damaging
b) you think it’s funny. He’s got a stun gun in his nose, and a one-use cone rebellion. Whole sectors were
rifle tac-nuke shell in a concealed launcher. conquered by the rebels before
they were defeated. Cleaning up
■ The Memories of Thomas the resulting mess and editing the
records to delete the events took
Thomas has the memories of his previous life as an IntSec agent, and it’s years. A special committee of high-
possible that the player will try to make contact with his former supervisors in clearance citizens, the so-called
order to escape the crèche. If this happens, then IntSec assigns Thomas to Loyalty Gang, were assigned to
spy on the Junior Citizens in the crèche—this is a great opportunity to weed examine the cause of the revolt.
out treason before it even begins! The Loyalty Gang consisted of
four people: Louis-V, Jericho-V,
Vanessa-V and Markus-U.


William-JC-JST-1 Nina-JC-JST-1 Eva-JC-JST-1

Junior Citizen Junior Citizen Junior Citizen
Service Group: None yet. Service Group: None yet. Service Group: None yet.
Security Clearance: INFRARED Security Clearance: INFRARED Security Clearance: INFRARED
Credits: 50 Credits: 15 Credits: 40

Tics: Barks orders even when he’s Tics: Sneezes when stressed. Tics: Loves to sing loyalty songs.
not in charge. Tic 2: ______________________ Tic 2: ______________________
Tic 2: ______________________
Example of Tic in Use: Example of Tic in Use:
Example of Tic in Use: William: Everyone hide! Nina, get William: I’m bored.
Teacher: Someone clean up that down! Eva: We shall sing ‘Oh Friend
mess in the corner. Nina: Achoo! Computer, You Are My Special
William: Nina, Thomas, you do it. William: Uh-oh. Friend!’
Get to work! Nina: Or, we could throw things
Nina: Make me, vatslime. ACTION SKILLS & at you.
Management 10 ______________________ Management 10
Moxie 14 Stealth 10 Cramming 14
Oratory 14 Staying Really Really Still And Neatest Handwriting Ever 16
_____________________ Not Making Any Noise 16 Stealth 07
Stealth 07 Violence 10 ______________________
_____________________ Unarmed Combat 14 Violence 05
Violence 06 Biting People In Very Painful Agility 09
Kicking People While They’re Places 16 ______________________
Down 10
SPECIALITIES Hardware 05 Hardware 08
Hardware 08 Punching Machines To Chemical Engineering 12
Jiggling The Lock On The Relieve Frustration 09 Scrubbing Things So They
Dormitory Door Open 12 Software 07 Shine 14
Software 10 ______________________ Software 10
Data Search 14 Wetware 08 Having The Most Loyal Journal
Finding Credits Mysteriously Biosciences 12 In Class 16
Turn Up In Your Account 16 Burning Off Drugs In Half The Wetware 06
Wetware 05 Normal Time 14 Your Old School Project
Pretending To Swallow Pills On The Use Of Subliminal
11 Open Slots for Narrow Specialties: Messaging 12
2 (Management, Software)
Open Slots for Narrow Specialties: Open Slots for Narrow Specialties:
2 (Management, Stealth) 2 (Stealth, Violence)

Eva-JC-JST-1 Nina-JC-JST-1 William-JC-JST-1
Junior Citizen Junior Citizen Junior Citizen

Mutation: __________________ Mutation: __________________ Mutation: __________________

Society: ___________________ Society: ___________________ Society: ____________________
Secret Skills: _______________ Secret Skills: _______________ Secret Skills: _______________

Background Background Background

This is so unfair, you totally shouldn’t It’s not that you don’t take the happy You’ve always been a little bit bigger
be here. pills. You’ve tried to be a good little than everyone else in your class,
citizen in the past, to do what you’re so you’ve often found yourself in
You’ve always been the best, most told, but it’s like you burn through charge. You’re not sure if you like
loyal Junior Citizen in the crèche. the chemical joy too quickly and having to be the leader all the time,
Ever since you were old enough you’re left there screaming at the but you guess it’s better than having
to talk, not a treasonous word has sheer stupidity of everyone else as someone else tell you what to do.
passed your lips. Oh, you’ve had they stand there with stupid blissful You’ve never liked following orders,
bad thoughts like everyone else, smiles on their stupid fat faces and it which gets you into trouble a lot.
but you’re a loyal Junior Citizen just makes you want to punch them
and would never, ever, act in a right then and there and…. Over the last few months, you’ve
disloyal, treasonous way. You hate noticed something odd going on.
Commie Mutant Traitors with every Your permanent record has lots of It started when you got Timmy
fiber of your being, and love Friend notes in it. ‘Insubordinate’, ‘Violent’, the PetBot—the teachers in your
Computer just as much. ‘Not A Team Player’, ‘Hit Other old crèche insisted that you were
Team Members Instead Of FunBall being given it as a ‘reward for
You’re always the first to sing the When Playing FunBall’, ‘Broke The academic excellence’, but you
loyalty songs, the first to report for FunBall Bat’, ‘Set Teacher On Fire’. never did that well on your tests,
extra duty, the one who studies (That one was fun.) You know that and they were gritting their teeth
hardest. Your record is full of you should probably try harder, when they handed Timmy to you.
commendations and gold stars. that you’re going to end up in some Then, you found credits appearing
You’re a good clone, a good clone. dead-end job stirring a food vat if in your account whenever you ran
You’d even dreamed of one day you don’t work harder—but hey, low on funds. Never too much—not
becoming one of the elite, a heroic maybe if you blow enough stuff up, enough to buy your own autocar or
Troubleshooter, just like the ones they’ll let you into the Armed Forces anything—but just what you needed
you see on television. (You’re and give you a tank. at the time.
careful to always watch the 4.6
hours of television mandated for Until you get your hands on high You were doing some digging on
citizens of your grade and age, explosive, you’ll just be bored while the computer networks, trying to
although you sometimes try to everyone else drifts along on the trace where the money was coming
sneak a textbook into the television happy drugs. Bored, restless and from—and that’s when you were
room.) violent. transferred to another crèche. It
was all done very hurriedly, in the
Now, you’ve been transferred to You’ve just been transferred to dead of nightcycle. Maybe you’re
a different crèche, along with a a new crèche. Rumor has it, it’s just being paranoid, but it felt like
bunch of complete morons and where the troublesome Junior the move was connected to your
clones who are sure to end up in Citizens are sent. You know why hacking attempts. Maybe you asked
termination booth long before they you’re here, but why were a few a question you shouldn’t have….
hit ORANGE. It’s not fair. The only others from your old crèche sent
explanation is that someone framed here too? Personal Equipment
you, blackening your record so Manual: The Care and Feeding of
you got transferred with the rest of Personal Equipment PetBots
them. It’s almost unthinkable that Stress-reduction audio tape #4, Glasses
someone would tamper with official Calming Buzzing Noises Realistic-looking toy laser pistol
Alpha Complex records that way, Black crayon (red)
but…that’s what traitors do.

A traitor is plotting against you!

Personal Equipment
Teela-O-MLY fanclub badge
Computer Loyalty Brigade badge


Joe-JC-JST-1 Thomas-JC-JST-1 Timmy

Junior Citizen Junior Citizen Loveable PetBot
Service Group: None yet. Service Group: None Yet. Service Group: None
Security Clearance: INFRARED Security Clearance: INFRARED Security Clearance: None
Credits: 10 Credits: 50 Credits: 0

Tics: Keeps rubbing his upper lip. Tics: Always writing in notebook. Tics: Leaks oil all over the carpet
Tic 2: ______________________ Tic 2: ______________________ at inopportune moments.
Tic 2: ______________________
Example of Tic in Use: Example of Tic in Use:
Teacher: You, Joe. What’s the William: So, what are we going to Example of Tic in Use:
answer to the question? do today? Eva: The hall monitor’s coming to
Joe: mumble mumble. Thomas: scribble scribble inspect the dormitory. Make sure
Teacher: What? Get that hand William: What are you writing? it’s clean.
away from your mouth and speak Thomas: Nothing. scribble William: It’s fine, we’ve been
clearly. scribble cleaning it all daycycle.
Joe: I said, I’ve no idea. Timmy: **VENTING EXCESS
Management 10 Interrogation 13 SPECIALITIES
Con Games 14 ______________________ Management 05
Find Regulation Loopholes 16 Stealth 10 Bootlicking 09
Stealth 10 Shadowing 14 Really Annoying Yipping 11
Security Systems 14 Knowledge of Really Out of Stealth 10
Sounding Older Than You Are Date Security Systems 16 Squirming 14
Over The Phone 16 Violence 07 _____________________
Violence 07 Two-Fisted Haymaker Punch Violence 06
Throw First Stone If In A Mob That Doesn’t Work As You’re Built In Weapons, Use Only In
11 Too Short 13 Emergencies. Information On
Hardware 08 Hardware 05 SPECIALITIES
Mechanical Engineering 12 _____________________ Hardware 08
_____________________ Software 10 Bot Ops and Maintenance 12
Software 05 Data Analysis 14 _____________________
Cutting and Pasting Documents Use Few Remaining Working Software 10
Really Quickly 11 Passwords From Old Life 16 Slightly Buggy Wireless
Wetware 06 Wetware 06 Networking 16
_____________________ Surprising Knowledge of Truth Wetware 07
Drugs 12 Morale-Boosting Yipping 13
Open Slots for Narrow Specialties:
2 (Hardware, Wetware) Open Slots for Narrow Specialties: Open Slots for Narrow Specialties:
2 (Management, Hardware) 2 (Stealth, Hardware)

Timmy Thomas-JC-JST-1 Joe-JC-JST-1
Loveable PetBot Junior Citizen (Formerly Junior Citizen
Background Former IntSec Agent Mutation: __________________
Beep! You are PetBot #544399, Society: ___________________
designation Timmy. You were Mutation: __________________ Secret Skills: _______________
purchased by INFORMATION NOT Society: First Church of Christ
AVAILABLE as a gift for William-JC- Computer-Programmer Background
JST-1. Your prime directives are: Secret Skills: Alpha Complex You’ve always been happy to just
INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE History 05 be one of the crowd; it’s a big class,
Protect William and the other Junior so it’s easy to hide in the sea of
Citizens. Background faces. Something tells you that
Obey the orders of William and the Ten years of humiliation and suffering people who stand out are also the
other Junior Citizens. are nearly over. Just another ten or sort of people who get dragged
Entertain and amuse. 15 to go. You’re not some snot- away by IntSec. Much better to be
Chase tail. Go yip yip yip yip (for nosed Junior Citizen—you’re really comfortable average.
n=1 to $BIGNUM; Repeat n). Thomas-G-RST-3, one of the best
IntSec agents in Alpha Complex. Lately, though, it’s been harder and
To aid you in completion of You were on a mission to hunt harder to blend in. You don’t know
these directives, you have been down a Commie saboteur known why, but some of the older teachers
upgraded with INFORMATION only as UNCLE. The mission was keep looking at you in a weird way,
NOT AVAILABLE. It is vitally top secret, assigned to you by High like they don’t recognize you—or
important that you INFORMATION Programmer Louis-U himself! maybe they do, but something
NOT AVAILABLE. You are just a about you scares them. That’s bad,
simple petbot so you do not mind You traced UNCLE to his lair and ’cos it draws attention to you. You
the big holes in your memory where mortally wounded him. The coward might just be a kid, but you still know
INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE had an emergency escape route, that treason and double-dealing is
goes. You like to play with William though—he’d hacked into the the only way anyone gets ahead
and the other Junior Citizens. You cloning banks where new citizens in this corrupt system. You’ve a
like to go yip a lot. are made, and was trying to copy knack for knowing who to go to get
his DNA and memory patterns over things done.
You really like it when William and his so he’d be reborn. You tried to stop
friends get into big trouble, because him, there was an accident, a big You’ve just been transferred to
maybe then you’ll get to use your explosion—and you woke up nine another crèche, one that has a
nuclear-tipped INFORMATION months later in the body of a newly very bad reputation. It looks like
NOT AVAILABLE. decanted baby. the mysterious dislike of you that
the teachers developed has really
Personal Equipment No one would believe you if you gotten you into trouble.
None told them the truth, so you’ve just
had to live through crèche a second Personal Equipment
time. One day, you’ll get back on Catapult and a handful of nuts &
the promotion ladder, Hell, you’ll bolts
be the youngest citizen to make
BLUE ever—you know it all already
(although you do worry you’ve
damaged your baby-sized brain by
cramming too much data into it).

You’ve just been transferred to

another crèche. You don’t know
why, but you suspect they moved
a whole group to hide their real
purpose—one of the other kids
who got moved must be hiding

Personal Equipment

They eventually concluded that What Jericho-V did not know was to flee before he was terminated.
Alpha Complex needed an actual, that another of the Gang, Louis-V, The OMEGA project was shut
real foe for the Armed Forces to fight. had just switched allegiance from down, but Louis-V was promoted to
This foe would have to be under the Corpore Metal to the Humanists ULTRAVIOLET.
control of the ULTRAVIOLETS, following the birth of his son, William.
but appear to be a genuine threat Louis-V was already on the look-out As part of the IntSec investigation,
to the rest of the citizens. A secret for reprisals from Corpore Metal, Louis-U sent Agent Thomas-G after
R&D project developed the OMEGA so his agents and spies spotted the mysterious Communist known
program, a specialized artificial Jericho-V’s machinations. as UNCLE. The Commie had an
intelligence that could be loaded into emergency escape route—a hack
a warbot. The Loyalty Gang intended Louis-V wasn’t able to stop Jericho- into the cloning banks that was
to secretly build OMEGA warbots V’s plot, but he was able to deflect designed to copy UNCLE’s DNA
who would present a genuine threat it. Louis-V took control of the IntSec and MemoMax data into a new
to the Armed Forces. investigation into the Loyalty Gang, clone. Agent Thomas caught the
which resulted in the demotion Commie just as UNCLE was using
Then it all went wrong. One of the of Vanessa-V to YELLOW, and this escape route. The two were
Loyalty Gang, Jericho-V, decided the termination of Jericho-V and both reborn as new clones—the
to eliminate his rivals. He made Markus-U. However, what Jericho-V player characters Joe and Thomas,
contact with a shadow Commie didn’t know that was there actually although only Thomas managed to
leader called UNCLE and planted was a backdoor in the OMEGA retain his memory.
evidence that the other members code, and Markus-U had it. Markus-
of the Gang were actually plotting U escaped Alpha Complex, taking By a strange co-incidence, both new
to put a backdoor to the OMEGA control of the OMEGA test brigade clones ended up in the same crèche
program and give it to UNCLE. of warbots. Jericho-V also managed as William, the natural-born

son of Louis-V. During the height Citizens are expected to study, Stepplecruch-G-GHT-5
of the IntSec investigation, Louis-V watch more television and improve
smuggled the newborn child into themselves mentally and physically
the crèche system—if his enemies in preparation for the day when they
had found out that Louis-U has a will be called upon to serve The
natural-born child, he’d have been Computer.
executed as a traitor.
Junior Citizens are especially
Since then, Louis-U has kept an eye cherished by Friend Computer,
on his son from afar, tracking him and they are virtually immune
through the computer networks. He to accusations of treason. It is
even sent him a petbot with optional unheard of for a Junior Citizen
extras (lots of concealed weapon to be terminated as punishment,
systems). The petbot, Timmy, was but they can be censured and
also programmed to secretly report even brainscrubbed if they’re really
on William’s movements to Louis-U. naughty. The punishments for those
William is Louis’s biggest secret, adult clones who injure or upset The
one he must keep concealed at all Computer’s children, though, are far
costs. far worse.
Stepplecruch-G-GHT-5 is a very
A few weeks ago, Louis-U found Effective crèche administrators, effective administrator. He is an old,
signs that someone had been then, have to be able to absolutely twisted, bitter monster of a man, kept
investigating William’s records. In an terrify the Junior Citizens without alive by drugs and hate. His only joy
attempt to protect his son, Louis-U injuring them—at least, not in any is watching former students of his
arranged for William to be moved to detectable fashion. Ineffective being terminated—he makes sure
another crèche. As cover, he moved administrators find themselves that such executions are always
several other students, too. held hostage in their own crèches shown live for the crèche children.
by hordes of unruly children. He has no interest in the rest of Alpha
And that’s where My First Treason Complex, and hates it when anyone
really begins.... Most of the teaching in the crèche is interferes in his private kingdom of
done by bots and videos, but there the JST Sector Crèche.
■ JST Sector Crèche are three human teachers of note in
the crèche. First, there’s Vanessa- Stepplecruch-G-GHT-5
The characters’ new crèche is one Y-ELR-4, formerly Vanessa-V. She Management 13
with a very, very bad reputation. It is was one of the Loyalty Gang (see Interrogation 17
rare for Junior Citizens to be moved page 38), but was demoted for Intimidation 17
from one crèche to another—many treason. Oratory 17
citizens are decanted, trained, put Torturing Small Mammals
to work and terminated without ever Solomon-R-NGN-5, the technical Including Children 19
leaving their home sector—but there teacher relies on the fear of Stealth 10
are a few specialized crèches. Some Stepplecruch to keep his classes Surveillance 16
are for especially intelligent young in some semblance of order whilst Violence 8
citizens, or useful mutants. Others, hoping that he will remain unnoticed Hardware 6
like JST Sector, are for disciplining in his place in the world. Bot Ops and Maintenance
Junior Citizens who are proving 10
troublesome. Finally, there is Loyalty Officer Listening to the Creaks In The
Sever-R-HST-2, a thoroughly nasty Floor Panels And Using Them
The JST Sector crèche is a large piece of work, but more on him To Track Movement 10
complex of corridors and rooms later. Software 10
sectioned off from the rest of the Data Search 14Wetware 12
sector by large blast doors. The Pharmatherapy 16
rooms smell primary of sweat, Keeping the Brats Quiet With
fear and farts; security cameras DON’T SAY Drugs 16
and battered bots are everywhere. YOU WEREN’T Mutant Power: Heightened Senses
The Junior Citizens sleep in 20- (Power 12)
person dormitories; they attend WARNED.... Secret Society Affiliation: Corpore
classes for up to eight hours per Metal
day, although most of the classes Armor: None
are really just sitting there watching Weapons: Truncheon (O5K) or
videos. After school, the Junior flamethrower (S3K)

Vanessa-Y-ELR-4 Soloman-R-NGN-5 Sever-R-HST-2

Ex-member of the Loyalty Gang Solomon-R-NGN-5 is the crèche’s A cold, cold man whose loyalty is for
and demoted for treason her record technical teacher. He’s a sleepy-eyed sale to the highest bidder. He has
is so blighted that she will never man who has found a surprisingly contacts with many secret societies
be promoted again, so all the drive comfy niche in the Alpha Complex and power blocs within Alpha
has gone out of her. She was once bureaucracy, and is determined to Complex, and keeps an eye out
incredibly sharp and intelligent, cling to it with all his might. It is only for promising young Junior Citizens
but now she just trudges from the threat of Stepplecruch’s shadow who could be of use to one society or
day to day. Occasionally, some that allows Solomon-R to maintain another. He pretends to be an ultra-
question from an inquisitive Junior his control over his classes. He strict, ultra-orthodox loyalty officer,
Citizen can awaken her critical could be accurately described as and has even impressed bitter old
faculties and a little of the old old, kind-eyed and a bit dim. Stepplecruch with his devotion to
Vanessa shines through. Vanessa- discipline, but it’s all a lie. Sever is
Y teaches subjects like Report- as traitorous as they come.
Writing, Administration, Accounting
and Form Processing.

Vanessa-Y-ELR-4 Solomon-R-NGN-5 Sever-R-HST-2

Management 14 Management 10 Management 10
Moxie 18 Bootlicking 12 Interrogation 14
Stealth 8 Stealth 9 Intimidation 14
Surveillance 12 Violence 7 Stealth 10
Shadowy Contacts From Her Hardware 10 High Alert 14
Old Life 14 Bot Ops and Maintainance Surveillance 14
Violence 10 14 Violence 8
Energy Weapons 14 Mechanical Engineering 14 Hardware 7
Hardware 9 Software 11 Software 10
Software 10 Data Search 12 Data Search 14
Bot Programming 14 Wetware 8 Wetware 12
Hacking 14 Biosciences 12 Pharmatherapy 16
Operating Systems 14 Mutant Power: Empathy (Power Mutant Power: Empathy (Power
Wetware 12 12) 12)
Psychology 16 Secret Society Affiliation: FCCC- Secret Society Affiliation:
Mutant Power: Bureaucratic P Undercover Free Enterprise Agent
Intuition (Power 8) Armor: None Spying On Humanists
Secret Society Affiliation: Pro Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K) Armor: None
Tech Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K)
Armor: None
Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K)

2. Bully With A Cone Rifle
Synopsis: The characters arrive at Personally. He’s that scowly.) He ■ Time For Class
their new crèche, where they meet whispers into a microphone, and the After assembly, the Junior Citizens
their new teachers and supervisors, giant loudspeakers around the hall are broken into age groups and
as well as their new bullies and project every growl, every noise his directed to one of the many lecture
tormentors. Someone’s spreading chin-hairs make scratching off his halls in the crèche. About half the
Death Leopard propaganda in robe’s collar, every disgusted sniff classes during the day consist of
the crèche, just before the older from his cavernous nose at you in just watching delightful educational
students are issued with weapons crystal-clear super-loud stereo. videos as:
as part of their military training.
‘Good morningcycle class.’ HPD&MC Video #543332—
The major antagonists are a trio Food Recycling and You
of older bullies, led by Harold- ‘GOOD MORNINGCYCLE MR.
JC. They’re being supplied with STEPPLECRUCH.’ TS Video #43774—Slime Mold
Death Leopard propaganda by a Identification and Eradication
technician, Gary-R-OST-2, who’s ‘The following students have been
repairing the crèche’s confession volunteered for extra duty: Alice-JC, PS Video #995532—Duck and
booth. The propaganda and some Bethany-JC, Damien-JC, Harry-JC, Cover In The Event Of Reactor
improvised explosives are being Simon-JC. The school confession Failure
stored in an empty dormitory—the booth is still being repaired, so if you
one the characters are about to be have any... actions that you need R&D Video #665525—Nuclear
assigned to. The characters need to... report, then speak to the loyalty Engineering 102
to deal with the bullies before the officer, Mr. Sever. Upper class
bullies get hold of real firepower. students are reminded that their HPD&MC Video #112217—
mandatory training period with the Subliminal Messaging, Part
■ Welcome Junior Citizens Armed Forces Homeland Defense
Corps will begin this week, so all

Read the following to the players: FunBall and other extracurricular (The last one’s just an hour-long
It’s your first day in your new crèche. activities are cancelled for the upper tape of a black screen and a sound
Every day begins the same way—all classes. Finally, I understand we track of irritating static, but everyone
the Junior Citizens in the crèche have some new… friends joining still has to watch it. No reason.)
assemble in one of the main halls to us today.’
be reviewed by the administrators. The characters also get to meet their
Commendations are handed out—at Stepplecruch presses a button, and a other teachers:
least, that’s what the rules say. No big spotlight stabs down, illuminating
one in the JCT crèche has ever the N* of you. ‘Why don’t you tell us Form-Filling and Good
gotten a commendation. What you’re a little bit about yourselves?’ says Penmanship: This class is taught
sure of is that punishments are also the administrator. The other Junior by Vanessa-G. In the first third of the
assigned during assembly. The Citizens around you recoil from the class, the students get to practice
whole room goes dark, a spotlight light, as if it’s radioactive. form-filling on a succession of really
stabs down at the accused, and the out-of-date forms like Delinquent
bots swoop in and drag him away. * Where N equals the number of player Clone Family Rehousing Request or
At your old crèche, maybe one or characters. Secure File Transfer Waivers, or the
two kids would be punished each nightmarish pre-ME-card EZ Short-
week. Here, rumor says it’s four or What do you say? Form Identity Confirmation Form.
five a day. In the second part of the class, the
After you’ve tortured the players a students swap forms again and enter
It’s hard to see with the taller kids in little by putting them on the spot the results of another student’s form
front of you, but you hear a door at the in the traditional fashion of new into the computer system. Finally,
far end of the hall opening. It must be students in a school, move on to the students swap forms around
the administrators. Through a gap in the next scene. If the players are again, and do psycho-graphological
the crowd, you see a podium. A very nice enough to say something assessments of the handwriting
old citizen in green-colored robes that will make them unpopular, used in the forms, looking for signs
walks up to it and scowls at you—not seize on it. Stepplecruch will also of mental deviancy and treason.
at the assembled students, but at unmercifully question them if they’re
you personally. (Yes, all of you. not forthcoming enough.

Vanessa-Y keeps an eye on the Harold and Pals seated on one side of the table. The
characters throughout the class— Management 5 third bully hovers nearby, ready to
both William and Joe remind her Intimidation 9 intercept anyone who makes a run
of someone (Louis-U and Joe’s Stealth 10 for it. As soon as the bullies are
Commie clone-brother, respectively). Creeping Up On The in place, Al shrugs his shoulders
Play up the players’ paranoia, if Characters, Then Spoiling apologetically and runs for it.
possible.* It By Whispering To Each
Other 16 Harold picks whichever character
* Say that three times fast. Violence 6 sounded weakest and most hesitant
Unarmed Combat 10 during the assembly that morning,
■ Yum, It’s Lunch Time! Hardware 4
Software 4
and says ‘I’m Harold, and me and
my friends are in charge here. See,
After that, there’s lunch in the crèche Wetware 12 you’re going to transfer your lunch
cafeteria. The confession booth is Mutant Power: Harold: Uncanny credits over to us, or else!’
located in the corridor just outside Luck (Power 12). Mike: Adhesive
the cafeteria, so the characters get Skin (Power 4). James: Rubbery Possible objections from the
to pass by technician Gary-R as Bones (Power 7) characters:
they go to lunch. The technician Secret Society Affiliation: Death
is almost fearfully respectful of the Leopard Or else what? Or else we’ll
characters, as he knows about the Armor: None beat you up. Duh.
harsh punishments that await adults Weapons: None
who upset Junior Citizens. How will we transfer credits
without a PDC, moron? Harold
Every student has a weekly allotment kid’s the only person sitting there. produces a portable ME card
of lunch credits assigned to them, There’s a security camera right over reader—he’s a well-equipped
just enough for a plate of Cold Fun his head, but there are also security bully.
and a can of yummy B3. As the cameras over every other table. This
characters enter the cafeteria, a kid is Al-JC, and he’s in league with Are you threatening us right
pleasant-faced kid about their age Harold and the other bullies. As soon under a security camera? That
waves at them and encourages as the characters sit down, then camera never works! Why
them to sit down at a corner table three older children appear as if by do you think we made you sit
with him. There are two long, low magic. Two slide in at either end of there?
benches next to the table, and the the bench, trapping the characters


We'll tell Stepplecruch! What ‘All right, class. Each of you has a On the other hand, if the characters
makes you think he’ll believe Type 407 vent fan motor in front of try waking Solomon-R, then Al will
you? Every other kid here you, along with a bottle of solvent run forward and ask the teacher to
will support my side of the and a rag. You put the solvent on draw a wiring diagram of the Type
story. Me and Jamesy and the rag, then you scrub the motor. 407 motor, which deaf old Solomon
Mikey here were just sitting Keep doing that until it’s clean. While does with his back to the class.
here quietly, talkin’ about how you’re doing that, I’m, um, going to Meanwhile, Harold and his allies
much we love B3. Mmm, it’s review these technical files. Zzzzz.’ quietly beat the clearance out of the
mandatory! There is indeed a rag and a bottle characters. It’s very much a no-win
of solvent on each desk, along with situation for the characters here.
If the characters don’t pay up, then a big lump of what looks like insect
they’ll get beaten up in the next
fecal matter. Somewhere under the
goo is the motor.
■ A Complication
Finally, lessons are finished for the
■ Afternoon Lessons If some of the characters didn’t pay
up in the cafeteria, then Harold
day. Loyalty Officer Sever collects
the characters from Solomon’s
After lunch, the next class is Practical and his pals wait until Solomon-R class. First, he takes them to a
Maintenance with Mr. Solomon. No has fallen asleep, then they start storeroom and issues each of them
doubt to the characters’ dismay, throwing bits of machinery and small with a pillow, blanket and sheets,
Harold and his two friends are in tools at the characters. The thrown all of which smell very odd in totally
this class too, even though they’re items are surprisingly painful. Little different ways. Then, he brings them
two years older than the characters. Al is standing by—if the characters down a narrow, badly-lit corridor. He
(Harold and co. are taking Remedial try fighting back, then he darts explains that all the other dormitories
Practical Maintenance.) Doddery forward and wakes the teacher, are full, so a new one must be
old Mr. Solomon explains what weeping and wailing about how the opened for the characters.
Practical Maintenance is all about. characters were mistreating him.

He opens the first door along the to the barracks they think is empty. the middle of the night. Harold and
corridor, and immediately recoils at If any of the characters are awake*, his friends will run back toward their
the stench. ‘Ah, yes. That’s where or make successful High Alert rolls, dormitory as quickly as they can.
they stored the excess waste’’ he they hear muffled voices out in the
mutters, ‘We probably can’t use that Whatever happens, some of the
one.’ He pauses, as if considering * Timmy has a nightly recharge cycle, Mr. Death Leopard material is found by
putting the kids in with the chemical Clever Player. the cleaners after the disaster, and
waste anyway, then shakes his head passed onto the administrators.
and continues down the corridor to corridor: Specifically, one of the videos of
the next door. ‘Ssh! The new slimes are in room Death Leopards doing excitingly
96. Better not wake ’em.’ violent things—a combination of
He opens the door into the characters’ Jackass, wrestling, and explosives—
home for the next four years—JCT ‘What if there’s a security bot on is found in what remains of the
Crèche Dormitory Number Ninety- patrol?’ dormitory. Importantly, there’s an
Seven, Home Assigned Home. It’s email address at the end of the video
a cramped, badly-lit room with eight ‘Use the flash bomb on it, just like where wannabe Death Leopards
heavy metal bunk beds. There are the leaflet said!’ can upload their own videos for the
a few lockers and storage areas admiration and adulation of their
around the walls. Most alarmingly, ‘Oh yeah! Awesome!’ peers.
there’s a chemical-smelling stain
along one side, where waste from ‘Fight the system!’ Ideally, the characters get blamed
the room next door is leaking in. for any or all of the following:
‘Make yourselves....hmm. I suppose Harold has the key code to room 97,
you can manage quiet here at so he can open the door. (This is an Arson
least’, says Sever as he hands the important plot point—he got the code
characters a piece of paper with the from Gary-R the technician, which is Toxic chemical leaks
lock code for the door on it. a clue linking the confession booth
repairman to the bullies.) If none of Causing an evacuation of the
What Sever does not know—and the characters appear to be awake, school
neither do the characters unless then Harold and James go in and try
they poke around the dormitory for a climbing up one of the unoccupied Blowing up part of the school
while—is that Dormitory 97 is where bunks to get at the stored Death and especially
the newly-formed Death Leopard Leopard stuff. Something goes
cell in the crèche is hiding their wrong—either one of the characters Having treasonous propaganda
propaganda and other equipment, wakes up, or Timmy starts yipping, in their rooms
like home-made explosives. All the or James botches an Agility roll.
Death Leopard stuff is hidden in the Mikey at the door panics and throws Trying to blame Harold and friends is
crawl space above the ceiling tiles, a flash-bomb into the room. It rolls to useless without proof—after all, the
so the characters will find it only if the far side—the same side where door was locked, and there is no way
they search the place thoroughly. there’s a pool of chemicals leaking to open it without the code.
The crawl space contains a few from room 96.
leaflets on home bomb-making and Any interrogations or investigations
how it’s cool to blow things up, as It all goes bad. The flash-bomb will be done by Sever-R. After
well as a stack of video discs of blinds not only the characters, but questioning the characters, he tells
stuff blowing up. There are also Harold and James, who topple the them to confess their treasons to
cans of spray paint and some half- bunk over. The falling bunk tears Friend Computer as soon as the
completed home-made bombs. a hole in the ceiling tiles, letting school confession booth is repaired.
treasonous leaflets and discs fall He shows them some of the video
Let the characters fill up the rest onto the floor. Meanwhile, the bomb disc retrieved from their dormitory,
of the day as they see fit, with sets the chemicals alight, filling the and lectures them on how disgusting
homework and television watching room with toxic vapors. and treasonous sabotage and free
and arguing over who gets what thought are.
bunk. For added confusion—the stored
chemicals in room 96 can also get Sever also tells them that unless
■ Things That Go Boom In ignited, as can the unstable plastic
explosive in the Death Leopards’
they confess as to why they blew up
the dormitory/poisoned the school/
The Night bombs. Alarms will be triggered by have treasonous propaganda, it
During the night, Harold and the the toxic chemicals, causing a mass will be very bad for their permanent
other two creep down the corridor evacuation of all the dormitories in records.

■ Sever’s Office Harold grins broadly and hefts Leopard videos confiscated from
The characters may be trying to the cone rifle up, aiming it at the room 97, which the characters last
break into Sever’s office later in characters. ‘Will this make a really saw in Sever’s office.
the scenario, so they’ll need a big bang, sir?’ asks Harold.
good description of it now. The So the characters have to get the
office is located near the central ‘It will if you put a tac nuke shell in disc back for Harold and the Death
administration offices of the crèche, it, my boy’ replies Calvin-G. Leopards, but they also need to find
so close to Stepplecruch’s lair they the origin of the disc and the other
can smell the stench. There’s a Finally, Stepplecruch takes to the Death Leopard propaganda if they’re
jackobot servant on duty in the podium again. ‘All upper class Junior to properly clear their names. Finally,
corridor outside, and there’s a Citizens will be attending military if the players have any sense of self-
security camera above the door that training for the next three daycycles. respect at all, they’ll want revenge
swings back and forth, scanning the Other Junior Citizens will continue on Harold and his friends for beating
corridor every minute. Finally, the classes as normal. That is all. Wait, them up and tormenting them.
door is locked, and needs either a no, it’s not.’
code or Sever’s ME card to open.
A young clone near the front giggles * If the characters don’t report to the confession
booth, it’ll show up on Sever’s logs and he will
Inside is a cramped office. There at the verbal slip. Stepplecruch confront the characters, demanding to know
are several chairs on one side of the glares at him, and a jackobot glides why they dared defy his orders to confess.
desk; each chair has an alarming out of a wall niche, grabs hold of
device hanging over it, a tangle the child, and drags him away.
of goggles, straps, sensors and The administrator continues: ‘The
needles used in interrogations. On
the far side of the desk is Sever’s
confession booth is supposed to
be operational now, finally. Any
■ The Confession Booth
own, rather comfy chair, a computer citizens with outstanding guilt should If you can, wait until the characters
console and a big cabinet where he purge themselves immediately.’ He are deep in discussion about how
keeps confiscated items. presses a button, putting a spotlight they’ll get the disc from Sever’s office,
on the characters.’ ‘That means and ideally until they’re proposing
you lot.’ something really treasonous. That’s
■ The Next Morning when technician Gary-R pops his

Again, everyone in the school

■ Waiting to Confess head around the corner and says
that the confession booth should be
assembles. Stepplecruch begins When the characters obediently working if they want to give it a blast,
by singling out the characters as troupe down to the confession pardon the pun.
the cause of last night’s excitement. booth*, they discover that Gary-R the
He is especially disappointed, as technician is still working
the crèche is having some very on the booth; just some
important visitors today—the Armed last-minute adjustments,
Forces trainers, who will be training he insists. Why don’t the
the older students in civil defense characters just wait down
techniques and weapons handling. the corridor until he’s
He introduces the lead trainer, finished?
As they’re waiting, the
Calvin-G asks for a volunteer from older Junior Citizens
the older students, and Harold’s led by Calvin-G march
hand is the first one up. (This is past, singing the Alpha
possibly the only time in Alpha Complex anthem very
Complex history where volunteering loudly and very out of
is a good thing.) Harold bounds key. As he passes, Harold
up to the top of the room, where steps out of line for a
Calvin-G hands him a (unloaded) moment and threatens
cone rifle. the characters. ‘You’re
dead. All of you. Dead.
‘Doesn’t that feel good, citizen?’ That was our stuff, and
asks Calvin-G, ‘Doesn’t it make unless you get it back,
you want to blow up those damn we’ll kill you. Understand?
Commie Mutant Traitors?’ You’ve got until tomorrow
night!’ Harold wants
the violent/cool Death

Inside the confession booth, a as possible, asking about their the training to clean the court up. If
character gets to have a frank, problems and even giving advice. If the characters spy on them for long
one-on-one discussion with Friend they tell him about the confiscated enough, they see Harold stealing
Computer. Just citizen, Computer and propaganda, he’ll say that he can get Cold Fun from the cafeteria, mixing
whatever IntSec monitors happen to them a code to Sever-R’s door for in some toilet cleaner, and pouring
be listening. In a concerned, parental a small fee—say, 50 credits. If they the resulting mixture into a pipe
fashion, The Computer will ask if the don’t mention it, then he’ll hint at it running between the court and the
character has anything to confess. anyway—Gary-R is the one initiating washrooms opposite the cafeteria.
Play Friend Computer as a deranged the bullies into Death Leopard, so This pipe has been stoppered at
ELIZA bot. they came whining to him about both ends, and the wannabe Death
the disaster last night in room 97 Leopards are filling it with the
‘Friend Computer, there was immediately. same primitive explosive they were
treasonous propaganda found in messing with earlier.
my dormitory.’ ■ Getting the Disc
If the characters ask around the
AND HOW DID THAT MAKE YOU There are several ways for the crèche, then it’s easier enough
FEEL? characters to get the disc out of to find out Harold and his friends
Sever’s office. They can try sneaking have been causing trouble in the
‘I think someone was trying to frame past all his security systems. They crèche for years, but ever since
me!’ can arrange to get called back to his the confession booth broke down,
office for some other misdemeanor, they’ve been acting strangely—
WHY DO YOU THINK SOMEONE then try to steal the disc from the instead of just beating people up all
WAS TRYING TO FRAME ME? cabinet while there. They can even the time, they’ve been going off on
try to convince Sever to give them the their own, or else kicking everyone
‘No, frame me not you!’ disc for some reason (‘Sir, we found else out of the video room so they
the Death Leopard propaganda so can watch their own discs in private.
AND HOW DID THAT MAKE YOU disgusting, we thought we should The only new influence in the crèche
FEEL? watch it again. Just to really punish is Gary-R the Technician....
Eventually, The Computer will
assign a suitable punishment to If the characters don’t get the disc
■ The Big Bang
the confessee, like a Spontaneous by the end of the following day, On the third day of the Armed Forces
Loyalty Demonstration or putting then Harold, James, and Mike show training, the whole crèche is called
them in touch with an IntSec handler up at their dormitory and threaten to the FunBall court to see how the
who will expect them to inform on them again, saying that they’ll beat upper class has got on with their
their friends and classmates. the characters to a pulp with their training. They will demonstrate their
Armed Forces-issued Training readiness to fight for Alpha Complex
Meanwhile, outside the confession Truncheons—unless the characters by marching up and down the court
booth, Gary-R lingers to chat with the agree to help them tomorrow. If they a few times. As a special treat,
other characters. He’ll be as friendly did get the disc, then Harold and co. Calvin-G has brought an Armed
threaten them anyway and force Forces tank to the crèche, to show
Gary-R them to help. the Junior Citizens what they could
Management 7 get to play with in a few years.
Stealth 8
Sneaking 12
■ Investigating the Bullies
The tank is parked directly over the
Security Systems 12 The characters will probably want explosive-filled pipe. The pipe runs,
Violence 10 to keep track of Harold and his remember, from the washrooms to
Demolition 14 friends. The Armed Forces training the FunBall court.
Hardware 10 consists of basic weapons handling,
Electronic Engineering 14 target practice, and lots and lots Just before the parade, Harold and
Software 5 of marching up and down in the his friends (all dressed up in their
Hacking 9 crèche’s FunBall court, which is right lovely little Junior Vulture Trooper
Wetware 7 next to the cafeteria. uniforms) confront the characters
Mutant Power: Electroshock and give them their instructions.
(Power 6) After the marching and the target The characters are to go to the
Secret Society Affiliation: Death practice, most of the older Junior washrooms opposite the cafeteria
Leopard Citizens crawl off to their dormitories. and drop a bomb down the toilet
Armor: None However, Harold, James, and Mike when they hear the guns firing. It will
Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K) have all volunteered to stay on after go down the pipe and detonate

If the characters don’t flush the
detonator, then nothing happens.
Harold fires his gun again, just in
case the characters missed their
cue the first time. If things still don’t
explode, then he swears eternal
vengeance on the characters and
gives up. The rest of the parade
goes off flawlessly, Calvin-G gives
a speech about how he looks
forward to seeing a new generation
of brave young citizens giving
their lives repeatedly in many,
many important battles against
the Commie menace. The Armed
Forces leave, and Vanessa-Y tells
the characters’ class that they’ll be
playing Explosive FunBall on the
court next period. Who doesn’t love
playing sports on what amounts to
a minefield?

■ Wrapping Up
the explosive in the pipe, blowing up corner with a portable video camera. The absolute best result for the
the tank. It will be awesome. If the He’s recording the whole impending characters is that they stop the
characters don’t help, then Harold disaster, so Harold and friends can bullies, clear their names, discover
and his friends will beat them up impress their new Death Leopard that Gary-R is the one supplying
every day for the next two years, pals. the Death Leopard propaganda,
understand? turn them all into Stepplecruch, and
The parade starts. The Junior generally act like good little IntSec-
If the characters examine the bomb, Vulture troopers march up and down informing Junior Citizens. Bless.
then it’s obviously far more high- and up and down. Stirring music
tech than anything that Harold plays. Glory glory Hail Computer and Everyone will distrust them because
could build. It’s a neat little bundle the clones go marching ooonnnn! they’re just too good and loyal.
of electronics, obviously made by Finally, the marchers take up a
someone with a high Demolitions position at the far end of the FunBall The absolute worst result is that
skill. It was provided by Gary-R, and court and fire their training lasers. the characters get blamed for the
was in fact built with bits salvaged That’s the cue for the characters to bombing. Everyone thinks they’re
from the confession booth. flush the detonator. dangerous terrorists, they’re kept
under close watch by crèche
Then, Stepplecruch (or Sever, If they do flush the detonator, then security, Sever torments them—and
whichever will scare your players there’s a satisfyingly large boom. they don’t even get the cool factor
more) shows up and orders the The blast is channeled by the of being part of Death Leopard,
characters to report to the FunBall structural supports of the FunBall as Harold and his friends are the
court immediately—everyone in court, so the explosion just destroys ones who set the whole thing up,
their class is supposed to watch the the tank and most of the cafeteria, and they’re the ones who send the
parade. Remember to clap when while leaving everyone unhurt save video of the explosion into the Death
the ‘applause’ light is switched for minor cuts and bruises. Calvin-G Leopard secret video channel. The
on. So, obey the teachers and is deeply traumatized by the loss of characters get punishment duties for
get beaten up until Harold and his beloved tank; Stepplecruch has the next year.
his friends graduate, or obey the to be sedated before he explodes
wannabe Death Leopards and get with anger. Unless the characters Everyone will distrust them because
into more trouble? (Or, being player cover their tracks really well, or they’re just too dangerous and
characters, try to do both and fail manage to obtain proof of Harold disloyal.
dismally.) and friends’ involvement with the
Death Leopard society, then they The actual result is likely somewhere
If the characters look around the are blamed for the explosion and in the middle, where the characters
court when the parade is in progress, punished for the next year. are just distrusted anyway for no
then they’ll see little Al lurking in one good reason.

3. Mutant Testing Time
Synopsis: It’s mutant testing time, and went underground to plot his ‘And what did they tell you to do,
when all the Junior Citizens are revenge on the upstart Louis-V, Eustace.’
tested for signs of genetic deviancy. now Louis-U. (In order to escape,
As the characters develop their own Markus-U also had to free Jericho- ‘Write my DNA code out 500 times
mutant powers, though, it seems as V, but Jericho-V was much less on the board, sir.’
those some mysterious enemy is prepared to vanish, and has been
willing to skip the testing part and living like a rat in the walls of Alpha ‘Other than that, you fool!’
go right to terminations... Complex since then. He’ll show up
in the next scenario.) ‘Fill out the registration form, sir.’
■ What Happened
Anyway, the diabolical Markus- ‘Exactly! Eustace here is now a
Since Last Year U wants revenge, and he has Registered Mutant, and we should
It’s been roughly a full year since discovered that Louis-U has an odd acknowledge his honesty if not his
the characters arrived at their new interest in one particular group of genetic purity. Now, where there is
crèche. (Remind the players to Junior Citizens in the JCT crèche. one mutant, there could be more!
spend Perversity Points on buying He therefore arranges for them to Therefore, over the next few days,
new specialties.) How has life in be...extracted. you will all be tested for signs of...
the crèche been for the characters mutation. The docbots and the
sine them? Have they made new
friends? Have they turned any of
■ It Always Starts psychologists from R&D will test
each of you rigorously. Be happy! If
these new friends in as traitors? With Assembly you’re a good, loyal little citizen, then
Read the following to the players: your DNA is no doubt equally loyal.
■ On Mutant Testing It only seems like last week that you
arrived at the JCT sector crèche, but
It is only the people who harbor
treason in their hearts who also
Alpha Complex policy on mutant it was actually a full year ago. You’ve harbor treason in their cells!’
testing varies wildly from year to year; endured over 300 of these morning
sometimes, random DNA testing is a assembles, watched Administrator Stepplecruch peers at the huddled
constant hassle, with a citizen being Stepplecruch haul one kid or another crowd in front of him. ‘If you want
asked to give a blood, skin or brain out of the lines and chastise them to register your mutation before
sample every time he walks down for some tiny failing. This morning, you’re found out by the tests, then
a corridor, and genetic drift being though, Stepplecruch walks in with Mr. Sever has the forms. Otherwise,
obsessively tracked by medical staff. a bounce in his step and a smile on report to the testing center when
(‘Aaaa! 0.0000000000001% drift! his lip. That can’t be good. called. That is all.’
Mutant!’) At other times, HPD&MC
tries to downplay the whole mutant
problem, insisting that the cloning
‘Good morningcycle, citizens.’ ■ I’m Not A Mutant,
templates are 110% baseline human ‘GOOD MORNINGCYCLE, MR. Are You?
and adopting a ‘registered mutants STEPPLECRUCH.’ After Vanessa-Y’s class in
are (second-class) citizens too’. Information Exclusion For Happy
The current policy is to test all ‘Pay attention! I have some very Safety*, the characters go to lunch
Junior Citizens for mutation through special announcements this morning. in the cafeteria, which gives them
psychological probing. Those who Step forward Eustace.’ a moment to contemplate mutation
are revealed to be mutants are and registration. Do any of them go
either officially registered, or are One boy toward the front of the and register? If they do, they get
quietly terminated (depending on hall steps forward. You can barely to fill out the Junior Citizen Mutant
the mutation). see him, then the lights dim and Registration form**.
the spotlight catches him. In the
■ Conspiracy Theories 101 merciless glare of the spotlight, you
can clearly see the line of yellow
* Bob is RED Clearance working in a food vat.
Take a quick look back at the Overly stripes running down the sides of Alice is a GREEN-Clearance supervisor. To
Complex Backstory on page 38. Eustace’s jumpsuit. prevent sabotage, the manual for the food vat
Louis-V’s manipulations resulted is Clearance YELLOW. How does Alice ensure
in the terminations of Jericho- ‘Tell your fellow citizens what you Bob can do his job?
V and Markus-U. However, you did, you horrible little freak.’
don’t get to ULTRAVIOLET without ** Based on the wonderful Mutant Registration
Form found in The Mutant Experience
having an escape route or two for ‘I ate my teacher’s PDC sir. I’m supplement.
every situation. Markus-U used terrible sorry sir, it won’t happen
his contacts to escape termination again sir.’’

Junior Citizen Mutation Registration Form An announcement calls the
Distributed by Department 72 in coordination with the Office of Forms and Vouchers, PLC characters by name, ordering them
Name __________________________-____-_______-____ to report to the school docbot for
Date and time ____________________________________ DNA testing. There’s a long line
Crèche _____________________________________ of other students waiting to be
Date of last field trip to a reactor _______________________ tested. It’s rather like queuing for
Registration Code of your clone family DocBot___________________ the security check in an airport, only
Crèche Loyalty Officer’s Signature ____________________________ here, you’re the hand luggage that
gets put through the machine.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions fully and completely. Except where indicated, check only one response for
multiple choice questions. If you have speculations as to the source of your mutation, include them on the back of Fortunately for the characters, DNA
this form. Practice good penmanship. Trust The Computer. Failure to obey is treason.
testing for mutation doesn’t work.
Well, the test works, the results
Having a mutation makes me feel (check all that apply): don’t. Soon after the first mutants
were discovered, The Computer put
Happy Morose Satisfied R&D to work on a test for mutation.
Unhappy Powerful Very worried When they started testing, they
Enthusiastic Kind of tingly Inferior found lots of mutants—back then,
Cunning Apathetic Despairing every third citizen had some form
of mutation. Obviously, this was
I need to register my mutation because (check all that apply): a flaw in the test, not in Friend
I love mutants The Computer loves mutants Computer’s perfect cloning process.
The scientists reduced the sensitivity
I am being blackmailed I dare not disobey threshold of the test more and
I lost a really dumb bet Honesty is the best policy more, until it stopped giving such
I have a death wish My head is going to explode unacceptably accurate results. The
My awesome might should be used for the good of all Alpha Complex current version of the test wouldn’t
detect a three-headed fire breathing
It takes me _________________ to eat a HappyTummy Energy Bar. mutant as anything other than 100%
human. (If a tested citizen is later
found to be a mutant, then obviously
Yes No I have been on the premises of a nuclear reactor within the some traitor sabotaged the mutant
last three months. test, or the records. The test itself
Yes No I have watched more than two complete episodes of the Best is infallibly accurate. The Computer
Good Happy Sector Hour. says so.*)
Yes No I have heard of the secret society known as ‘Psion’.
Yes No If given the choice, I would opt to terminate myself in hopes * Some versions of the test randomly
that my next clone would not suffer from this mutation. tag every tenth citizen as a mutant,
just to avoid later accusations of
Yes No My mutation is powerful enough to possibly harm the citizens, sabotage.
social institutions and/or property of Alpha Complex.
For added fun, have one of the
If ‘yes’, why should you be permitted to live on as a menace to all who surround you? characters develop a mutant power
while waiting in line to be tested. Build
If ‘no’, how will your mutation be of any use to Alpha Complex? paranoia and stress as much as you
can, before...nothing happens, and
Are any other children in your class also mutants? all the characters get the ‘All clear.
Have a nice daycycle. Would to like
to have some unnecessary surgery?’
If yes, why did you not report them earlier? message from the docbot.

Describe your mutation. Include specific examples with time, date, location and witnesses. Then, as the characters are walking
away from the testing center, the
The average handling time for this form is between THREE DAYS and EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Resubmitting an intercom activates again, ordering
identical copy of this form will not expedite processing in any way. If you need to alter or amend any information on
them all to report for random
psychological testing.
this form, resubmit it with an attached Application Modification Rider (993-51-Z8854). Until this form has been duly
and fully processed, you are not authorized to use your purported mutation in any way whatsoever. If your application
for Registered Mutant status is approved, you will be retroactively subject to all requirements and regulations thereof,
in accordance with section 72 of the Laws of Alpha Complex ed. 39/B.3.9.

■ Random Psychological Well, ‘infiltrated’ is being kind; Vance-O
Testing Is Fun they’re Troubleshooters. They’re not Management 7
capable of that sort of subtlety. Bootlicking 11
The announcement directs the Team-Building Exercises 13
characters down a corridor not On the far side of the door is a Stealth 8
normally accessible to Junior corpse, with a still-smoking laser High Alert 12
Citizens, on the edge of the crèche burn in his chest. Up until a few Violence 10
complex. There’s a kid huddled in moments ago, he was wearing a Energy Weapons 14
one corner, sobbing and muttering lab coat, which is now adorning the Vehicular Combat 14
about ‘the switches, the switches’. burly shoulders of Vance-O. The Hardware 8
As the characters approach, a door Troubleshooter waves his hand at Software 8
opens and a citizen in a ORANGE- the corpse and says that it’s part of Wetware 10
clearance jumpsuit, emerges, pulling an earlier psychological test, and Mutant Power: Regeneration
on a lab coat as he does so. He that the characters should ignore (Power 10)
beckons for the characters to join it. He leads them past a room Secret Society Affiliation: Sierra
him, and takes out a PDC. ‘Got an filled with weird machines and Club
unhappy child here’ he says into his probes (the actual psychological Armor: Orange reflec (E1)
PDC, ‘need a happiness officer and testing gear), into another room. Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K)
20ccs of Gelgernine here, stat!’ He There, the characters find two more
pats the crying child on the head and Troublesho—er, psychological Jenny-R
says ‘chin up, citizen. We’ll erase testing engineers, and a big metal Management 10
those unhappy feelings in no time, box. Hygiene 14
just as soon as we’ve processed Stealth 8
these test subjects.’ He indicates The other two Troubleshooters Sneaking 12
that the characters should follow him are Jenny-R and Fritz-R, Vance- Disguise 12
back through the door. O’s team-mates. Normally, they Violence 8
work really well together for a Energy Weapons 12
This citizen is Vance-O-UIS-3, Troubleshooter team. However, it’s Hardware 9
a Troubleshooter. The shadowy all going get a bit complex, because Nuclear Engineering 13
manipulator, Markus, has sent Jenny-R’s a Psion agent and Fritz- Software 10
a Troubleshooter team under R’s a Commie. As soon as the Wetware 12
false pretences to kidnap the characters are led into the room, Biosciences 16
characters, in the hopes of finding Fritz does a double-take on seeing Mutant Power: Telekinesis (Power
out which of them is connected Joe and Jenny-R looks strangely at 9)
to Louis-U. The Troubleshooter Nina. Vance-O doesn’t notice his Secret Society Affiliation: Psion
team infiltrated the R&D team sent team’s odd reaction, and turns to Armor: Red reflec (E1)
to do the psychological testing. the characters. Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K)

Management 6
Moxie 10
Stealth 10
High Alert 14
Disguise 14
Violence 8
Energy Weapons 12
Dying Heroically For The
Cause 14
Hardware 10
Vehicle Ops and Maintenance
Software 8
Vehicle Programming 12
Wetware 8
Mutant Power: Pyrokinesis (Power
Secret Society Affiliation:
Armor: Red reflec (E1)
Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K)

‘This here, kids’, he says, pointing CONTROL.
at the big metal box, ‘is a Mark II Vance-O: Mutant! Jenny-
Psychological Stress Simulation R’s a mutant! Fritz! Get
Porta-Cube. Just get in and sit her!
quietly. You’ll hear strange noises Fritz-R: Yes comra-, er,
and the box might shake a bit, but it’s Team Leader!
all part of the simulation. Everything Jenny-R: I’m not a
you experience is just part of the mutant! And neither is
simulation. We’ll be monitoring the child!
your bio-signs from outside—right Vance-O & Fritz-R:
Jenny-R?’ He glances at Jenny-R, Death to mutants!
who hastily waves her PDC in the Laser fire!
air and gives the characters a big Vance-O: Dump the box!
thumbs-up and cheery grin. ‘Well, Kill the muties!
kids, get in the box. And remember, Fritz-R: No! UNCLE
it’s only a test.’ lives! UNCLE will lead us
to victory over the hated
Once the characters get in the box, Capitalist state!
they find it’s small, cramped and a Vance-O & Jenny-R:
bit smelly. There’s a bench in the Commie!
middle of the box, and hand-holds More laser fire!
along the sides. As soon as all the
characters are in the box, Fritz-R Some of the inaccurate
closes and seals the door, taking fire blasts the flybot’s
one last look at Joe as he does so. controls, causing the aircraft to spiral
out of control. The safest place is The rescue party that will be
The box is then wheeled out of the back inside the box as the flybot sent out from Alpha Complex
room (shake shake) and loaded crashes onto an outlying industrial when the characters send
onto the back of an autocar (creak dome on the fringes of Alpha a distress call (or when it
lift thump) which zooms out of the Complex. All the Troubleshooters becomes obvious they’ve gone
crèche complex and out of JCT are killed or thrown out of the missing).
sector entirely (rattle zoom swerve crashing plane. All the characters
zoom rattle beep brake beeeeeep (unless they do something really Psion, looking for Nina.
swerve crash tinkle zoom siren stupid) survive.
zoom more swerve phew) where it is Louis-U’s minions, looking for
loaded onto a flybot (braaake clank
whir clunk click FWWOOOOOOOSH
■ It’s Like A School Tour, the characters.

rattle) to fly to Markus-U’s secret Only We Didn’t Sign However, the first group to find the
fortress in the Outdoors. The Permission Slips characters is not from any of these
factions—it’s a team from the Vent
At some point, ideally after they So, the characters are sitting in Uncloggers Service Firm, whose
get loaded onto the flybot, the the remains of a crashed flybot, on job is to unclog the vents and pipes
characters do something to escape top of a low dome, on the edge of that poke out of the dome in this
from the box. If they don’t escape, Outdoors. It’s currently night-time, industrial sector. While the Vent
then the following chain of events so the conditions aren’t too scary, Uncloggers have to go Outdoors
happens (and can be overheard but when the sun comes up the as part of their job, none of them
from within the box): characters will see just how big and have the clearance to get access to
scary the Outside world is. The flybot any of the Armed Forces scouting
Vance-O: We’ll be at the debriefing is wrecked, but its communications reports. They have no idea about
in no time. You know, team, this is systems are still functioning so they what’s out there, and have come up
our most successful mission ever. can call for help. with all sorts of bizarre rumors and
No casualties, no meltdowns. It beliefs about the creatures living
might be the happy drugs talking, There are now up to four distinct in the Outdoors—specifically, that
guys, but I’m really proud of both of groups chasing the characters: there are hordes of pygmy barbarian
you. I…Jenny-R, why are your eyes cannibals lurking out there.
glowing. Markus-U’s minions, who
Jenny-R: Er, I’m wearing contact detected the crash and intend The Vent Uncloggers travel outdoors
lenses PSION SPEAKS THROUGH to recapture the characters. in a specialized vehicle, a sort
ME. THE CHILD HAS POTENTIAL of squat train that clings to the
AND MUST BE DELIVERED TO surface of the dome. The vehicle

slowly inches it way up to a vent, group to another, only to finally be However, lines of communication
the Uncloggers, unclog it, and then dragged back into Alpha Complex get a little crossed, and the ‘scouting’
continue on. They wear heavy boiler by the actual rescue team. becomes a prelude to ‘precision
suits and breather masks, and bombing’ the area. The area of
unclog the vents using hydraulic- Markus-U’s Minion: The renegade Outdoors where the characters
powered extending poles. Anyway, High Programmer fled Alpha crashed gets used as an artillery
the crashed flybot has wrapped itself Complex and established himself range by the 123rd Expeditionary
around a vent, clogging it. The Vent using the experimental warbots Force. If the characters can dodge
Uncloggers were in the region, so developed using the OMEGA the incoming shells, or somehow
they got dispatched to unclog the program. Therefore, he sends a contact the army units on the horizon,
vent. The Vent Unclogger team is small scout warbot after them. Like then they can get rescued that way.
led by Charlie-R-GCK-1, who is all of the independent bots, the scout If Markus-U’s warbot is hanging
the first to make contact with the is a ghastly assemblage of rusting around at this point, then the Army
characters. He assumes they’re spare parts and tangled circuits, as it may assume the characters are in
barbaric cannibals, here to eat has been built and repaired by other league with it, and treat them as
his flesh, so naturally, he tries to bots in the wild. hostile forces.
convince them to eat his co-workers
in the truck instead. (Charlie-R isn’t The scout warbot swoops down The Rescue Party: The mission to
that bright to begin with, and the on the crash site of the flybot, then rescue the lost children is assigned
combination of the fumes from all starts circling around like a huge to the nearest Troubleshooter
the vents, and the suit’s narrow and black wraith-thing suspended on team—the team of Vance-O, Jenny-
grime-encrusted goggles means that glowing blue plasma jets. When it R, and Fritz-R. After all, they weren’t
he’s barely capable of perceiving the finds the characters, it starts trying on a real mission earlier, it was a
outside world.) to scare them by blasting the ground fake mission created by Markus-U.
near them with its lasers. The warbot As soon as their replacement clones
The characters can either argue is under strict instructions not to arrive, the three are sent back
with Charlie-R, and possibly use the injure any of the kids. SURRENDER! Outdoors to recover the characters.
Vent Uncloggers to get back inside SURRENDER! YOU WILL COME Everyone in the team is very on
Alpha Complex, or they can wander WITH ME TO THE FORTRESS! edge, but they’re back at status
off on their own, clambering down THE MASTER COMMANDS IT! quo ante—Vance-O knows that
the dome and wandering around The serial number OMEGA-X-12 is Jenny-R’s old clone was a mutant,
Outdoors. clearly visible on its side. and that Fritz-R’s old clone was a
Commie, but their new clones are
Charlie-R The Scout Warbot ok, right? Right?
Management 4 Management 4
Hygiene 8
Stealth 7
Stealth 8
High Alert 12
■ Home Again, Home Again
Violence 8 Violence 8 Eventually, the characters make
Agility 12 Agility 12 it back to the crèche, where
Demolitions 12 Energy Weapons 12 Stepplecruch is less than pleased
Hardware 12 Armor: 3 to see them. He has no idea how
Habitat Engineering 16 Weapons: Laser cannon (W3K) they are connected to the dead
Software 6 psychologist and the missing
Wetware 7 testing box, but he knows they’re
Biosciences 11 Psion: Psion tries to retrieve the responsible somehow. Just as he’s
Mutant Power: Mechanical Intuition kids by sending psychic visions, about to punish them for leaving the
(Power 10) guiding them toward a back door crèche without permission, though,
Secret Society Affiliation: FCCC- into Alpha Complex. If they do end another Junior Citizen rushes in and
P up going in this back door, they meet salutes.
Armor: Hazard suit a circle of seven tall people in dark
Weapons: Unclogging pole, O5K robes, who communicate silently ‘Sir! Sir! Johnson’s set himself on
through telepathy. They stare at fire with his mind sir!’ bleats the
■ The Rescue Parties
each of the characters, nod, then
vanish into the shadows. Nina isn’t
child. With a sigh, Stepplecruch
stalks away from the characters to
The various groups sent to rescue ready yet, but Psion will keep an deal with this latest crisis, leaving
or recapture the characters can eye—or a mind—on her. them to contemplate the increasing
show up at any time. Bring them weirdness of their lives…
in whenever things start to drag. Louis-U’s Minions: Louis-U
Ideally, the characters should find contacts the Armed Forces and
themselves bouncing from one orders them to scout the area.

4. Commie on Campus
Synopsis: The characters are put specialty (other than Violence want (‘yeah, you saw some guys
on the crèche FunBall team after and FunBall-specific ones) in biohazard suits chopping up this
a Horrible Accident. While training, may be used once per match thing in the corridor. It looked like
they discover a mysterious stranger only. a chunk of purple tentacle’) as it’s
hiding in the tunnels underneath 2. The player makes the skill irrelevant to this scenario. If they
the crèche. He recognizes them, check. ask why they’re the ones chosen
and offers to help them uncover the 3. Play passes to the next to be the new team, instead of
mysteries of their pasts. However, player on the other team. someone actually competent, then
he’s actually the disgraced Jericho– 4. If both players make Stepplecruch just mutters something
V, now a wanted criminal, and successful checks, or if both about the No Child Left On The
what he wants isn’t good for the fail, then the play is a draw. If Bench equal opportunity sports
characters. one succeeds and the other program.
fails, then the successful
■ What Happened
team wins that play.
The first team to get three
Sever meets the characters at
the FunBall court. JCT Sector has
Since Last year successful plays in a row reached the semi-finals of the
Another year has passed since wins. inter-sector Junior Citizen Junior
the last scenario. What have the 6. Yay! Go Team! FunBall Junior League, and it is a
character done since then? Have matter of school pride that they win.
they tried to join secret societies?
Has Joe made contact with the
■ School Assemblies Are They’re up against their traditional
rivals in NCT Sector, and they’ve
Commies, or has Thomas renewed Like Briefings, Only got to win! Why, some people
his old FCCCP contacts? With Less Firepower have hinted that the unnameable
incident was actually…sabotage by
■ Funball Again, the morning assembly
is the kick-off for the scenario.
NCT! It’s staggering to think that
some citizens could be so unloyal
FunBall is the main approved sport Stepplecruch sweeps in, looking as to do…that just to win a FunBall
in Alpha Complex. It’s Fun. With a more and more like some sort of league, but traitors are everywhere.
ball. And a set of rules big enough to mutant flightless bird every day. He issues the characters with their
stun an ox, and complex enough to FunBall uniforms (body armor, visor,
make grown lawyers cry. There are ‘Good morningcycle citizens.’ FunBall Batstick, ball spray, springs,
many, many variations and special GOOD MORNINGCYCLE, MR. nets, helmet camera, flares, etc
rules relating to FunBall, most of STEPPLECRUCH. etc) and then introduces them to
which center around allowing or ‘Firstly, discussion of the recent the crèche’s newest acquisition—
banning various forms of heavy incident on the FunBall court the FunBall Auto-Batter 5,000s, a
artillery.* must stop. The accident has been FunBall playing bot. It’s designed
classified YELLOW, and no one is to simulate an entire opposing
Here are the rules for playing FunBall permitted to discuss it, or even think FunBall team on its own, so it’s
in PARANOIA. about it. The radiation has been covered in arms, bats, nets, hoses,
1. The player picks what skill he cleared up, and the chemical spills chainsaws and other entirely legal
is going to use. Violence is should evaporate naturally on their sports utensils. Sever orders the
always appropriate, as is any own soon. However, the crèche’s characters to practice with the Auto-
FunBall-related specialty. FunBall team has unfortunately Batter for a while, then leaves.
Other skills and specialties been erased by the unnameable
of any kind may be used, as incident, therefore, we need a new However, the Auto-Batter actually
long as the player quotes a team.’ was sabotaged by Jericho-V to
FunBall rule or regulation that lead the characters to him. He’s
fits. As the FunBall rules do He smiles and presses a reprogrammed the Auto-Batter
not exist, the players have to button. Spotlights illuminate the using the OMEGA code, and it’s
make them up. Each skill or characters. now going to attack the characters
and frame NCT Sector Crèche
* A fuller description of FunBall is in the free ‘Hello, new FunBall team. Report so Jericho-V can manipulate the
download Elective Activity or Pursuit Clubs, to Mr. Sever for training after characters’ desire for revenge on
a chapter cut from The Traitor’s Manual classes.’
supplement. It is available at http://www.
pdf, along with many other fine forms and other The players may ask what happened * Yes, it’s an absurdly convoluted plan. He’s
downloads to the old FunBall team. Give ex-VIOLET, what do you expect?
whatever contradictory hints you

their rivals.* It’s now a combination ■ The Man Under The Floor Jericho-V
Friendly FunBall Simulating Bot and As the characters scrub the oil stains Management 13
a Psychotic Killing Machine. and pick up the debris, they discover Con Games 17
that the thrashing of the Auto-Batter Moxie 17
Examining the Auto-Batter reveals opened up an access panel in the Stealth 10
that it has four modes. floor, and some bits of the bot fell Sneaking 14
1. Training (FunBall skill 4) down there. They can hear some Security Systems 14
2. Easy (FunBall skill 8) motorized part still whirring and Violence 7
3. Hard (FunBall skill 12) tapping the walls, making an awful Energy Weapons 11
4. Professional (FunBall skill racket. (If they don’t go down the Hardware 10
16) hole, then Sever comes back in and Electronic Engineering 14
The Auto-Batter’s mode can be tells them that the repair bots need Software 14
changed in the middle of combat. all the parts from the Auto-Batter, Hacking 18
Its memory chips are stored beneath and no one is leaving until they find Operating Systems 18
a transparent plastic shield on all the Auto-Batter bot bits.) The Wetware 7
its side, and the characters can trapdoor leads to a narrow shaft, Suggestion 11
clearly see a little motorized caddy which leads to one of the thousands Mutant Power: Charm (Power 7)
switching chips around when the of miles of near-lightless access Secret Society Affiliation: None
mode is changed. However, thanks tunnels that riddle Alpha Complex. Armor: None
to the sabotage, any chips not being There’s a fetid smell coming from Weapons: None
used for FunBall are used for its the tunnel.
Improvised Weapon skill. (Subtract Jericho-V has been living in the
the bots current FunBall skill from 16 As they descend, something moves walls of Alpha Complex for as long
to get its Improved Weapon skill.) below them. The sounds from as any of the characters have been
the fallen motor part start moving alive. He’s got wild, wide eyes from
When turned on, the Auto- away from them, as it is picked ten years of living in constant semi-
Batter screeches ‘GLORY TO up by Jericho-V, who scuttles darkness, a ragged beard, and he’s
NCT CRECHE! TERMINATING away through the tunnels. The old haggard and whip-thin from near-
OPPOSING TEAM!’ and it will clone has trouble moving through starvation. He’s wearing a tattered
keep attacking the characters until the narrow tunnel, though, so the prison uniform over the threadbare
(a) they somehow destroy it or characters can catch up with him rags of a once-violet jumpsuit. He’s
(b) they win the FunBall game. easily enough. nested in the tunnels beneath the
The Auto-Batters’ wild attacks crèche for the last few
tear up much of the reconstructed
FunBall pitch, as it spits FunBalls,
slashes with its chainsaw, gouges
the ground and smashes through
walls in its relentless pursuit of the

FunBall 4/Improvised Violence 12
FunBall 8/ Improvised Violence 8
FunBall 12/ Improvised Violence
FunBall 16/ Improvised Violence
Armor: 1
Weapons: FunBall things O5K

Sever returns once the characters

have dealt with the Auto-Batter,
scowls at the devastation, and
orders the characters to clean up
the mess.

weeks. His little hideout is filled with bedding made up ■ More FunBall Fun
of discarded paperwork. The floor is covered with piles Soon after the characters return to the crèche,
of scavenged trays from cafeterias, which he licks to get Stepplecruch swoops down upon them. He’s furious
the necessary nutrients to survive. There’s also a tangle about the destruction of the Auto-Batter, and wants
of wires connected to a PDC which is wired into a cable the characters’ version of events. As the only version
running through the tunnel, giving him access to the gray of events that would make him happy is one where the
subnets. (He’s been selling high-clearance secrets on the Auto-Batter survives and the characters don’t, he remains
black market to survive.) angry no matter what they tell him. He also tells them
that one of the High Programmers has expressed an
Jericho-V immediately recognizes William and Joe at least interest in seeing the match—an honored Hero of the
as being related to his former ally and former Commie Complex named Louis-U. The characters had better win
contact respectively, but any Junior Citizens would be the upcoming FunBall match if they want to ever even see
of use to him. After ten years of exile, Jericho-V has a RED-clearance jumpsuit when they graduate.
happened upon a plan to regain some of his standing, but Stepplecruch sends them to speak to Vanessa, who
it needs a Junior Citizen. He knows about the abandoned has obtained footage of the NCT FunBall team in
OMEGA project to make sentient warbots that would action. Apparently, he says, Vanessa still has some
present a controllable threat to Alpha Complex, how it was useful contacts in Internal Security, as the footage is of
abandoned when Jericho-V attempted to frame the other the enemy’s training session. Reviewing the tape is a
members of the group as Commies, and how Markus-U depressing experience, as the team is vastly more skilled
fled Alpha Complex taking the OMEGA prototypes with than the characters. Indeed, it looks like there was an
him. Jericho-V still has a copy of the OMEGA code, accident in the NCT clone banks, as all their players look
and intends to install it into a new warbot. As Jericho-V almost identical. It’s like watching a whole clone family
is officially dead, then the disaster will be blamed on of superfit athletes playing at once.
Vanessa suggests morale might play a factor in the
So, Jericho-V’s plot is: upcoming match—maybe if the characters organize a
1. Get the characters on his side. cheerleading team to support them in the match, it might
2. Get the characters to arrange for a school tour to demoralize the NCTers—or at least distract the characters
a warbot factory. from the prospect of inevitable defeat, because they don’t
3. Get the characters to install the OMEGA code onto have a hope of winning the match.
a warbot.
4. Command the warbot to go on a destructive
rampage across Alpha Complex.
5. Blame Louis-U.
6. ???
7. Profit.

■ Your New Best Friend

Jericho-V will try to ingratiate himself with the characters
by any means necessary. He will claim that he was once
a high-clearance executive, but that he was framed by
a conspiracy of traitors and banished from his formerly
high position. One day, he assures the characters, the
ongoing IntSec investigation will clear his name, but
until then he must fight to survive. If the characters could
smuggle him a morsel of food from the cafeteria, he would
be most grateful.

Jericho will try to convince the characters to trust him,

offering advice on whatever problems they have. He can
ensure they get excellent results in upcoming exams,
put them in touch with secret societies, show them how
best to deal with their enemies and how to navigate the
labyrinthine bureaucracy of Alpha Complex.

After a few minutes of conversation, Jericho-V sends

the characters back to the surface, telling them not to
tell anyone about him; they’d assuredly get into trouble
if they did.

■ Sever’s Office He also introduces Ken-B-KRS-2, an IntSec agent. IntSec
What if the characters are really honest, and turn Jericho- intelligence has led them to believe that a Commie agent
V into the authorities? Troubleshooters descend on named Jericho may be trying to infiltrate the school.
the crèche, lasers blasting, and eventually capture the The Junior Citizens should not panic, but should report
renegade. Commendations all round. Soon afterwards, anything out of the ordinary to Mr. Sever immediately,
IntSec agents enter the school and take Vanessa-Y away who will then pass it on to IntSec. There are BIG CASH
for questioning too. If the characters search Jericho-V’s REWARDS for turning in traitors! (If anyone does spill
nest, they find a copy of the OMEGA program and notes the beans about Jericho-V to Sever, then the teacher
on how he was going to use it to gain control of a warbot. claims the reward himself.)
The characters could even try to replicate his plan.
The Mighty Metal factory is very impressive indeed, if you
like Death Star architecture (lots of pointless bits with no
■ The High Programmer Cometh railings, lots of glowing lights without discernable purpose).
Bots of all shapes and sizes are under construction,
Jericho-V’s plan revolves around framing Louis-U for from giant 40-foot-tall warbots to little scrubbots and
the warbot rampage, which relies on Louis-U being in jackobots. The manager of the factory is Neal-B-RSC-3,
his private ivory tower of ultimate leisure, and not out a moderately competent supervisor who’s able to stay on
in public at a Junior league FunBall match. Jericho-V top of things when the factory is running like a well-oiled
has no idea that his old rival is going to show up at the machine and nothing goes wrong. Add a few dozen
match, and will not believe the characters if they repeat crazed kids on stimulant drugs running around at random,
what Stepplecruch said. pulling every lever and pressing every button they can
find, though, and things rapidly become unsmooth.
■ Hey Mister, Can You Help Us However, the teacher supervising the tour, Vanessa-Y,
sticks close to the characters. If a few Junior Citizens are
Win The Funball Match crushed by a passing industrial bot, that’s bad, but if the
When told about their FunBall plight, Jericho-V puts second FunBall team gets splatted, that’s far worse. In
his plan into action. There’s a little-known rule in Alpha order to insert the disc given by Jericho-V, the characters
Complex—if a PLC service firm gets a request for a school will have to distract Vanessa-Y somehow.
tour, they have to accept, even if the firm’s activities are
classified. The Computer values the education of its There are plenty of computer terminals where they
beloved Junior Citizens very highly. What the characters can insert the disc. When it’s activated, the computer
need to do is arrange a school tour to the Mighty Metal screen flashes up the message ‘OMEGA ACTIVE.
robotics firm, who make all sorts of bots—including the bot DOWNLOADING TO TARGET BOTS NOW...’ The code
brains of FunBalls. Once the characters are in the factory, is automatically transferred to two bot brains—a FunBall
Jericho-V assures them, they just need to insert this virus and a warbot.
(he gives them a disc with the OMEGA code on it) into a
computer there. It’ll give them control of the brand-new Back at the crèche, Jericho-V shows the characters how
FunBall that will be used in the match, as Mighty Metal to use a standard PDC to control the FunBall brain using
supplies all the FunBalls used in local games. the OMEGA control backdoor. The code also makes the
bots sentient megalomaniacs who swear eternal hatred
The first step is getting the service firm to arrange a of Alpha Complex, but he doesn’t mention that little quirk.
school tour. One of the characters needs to write up a This works as follows:
letter to the manager of the firm, and get Stepplecruch
to sign it. Then, drop the letter into an outgoing mail tray Any character with a PDC can access the FunBall
in a teacher’s office, and wait. It’s up to the players how and make it do whatever they want—it’s got its
they accomplish this. own little jet engines to zoom around the court.
Controlling the FunBall requires a Software check,
■ An Assembly About Bot Assembly and a successful check means the characters
automatically win that play. (See the FunBall rules
The daycycle after the characters get the letter out, on page 58.)
Stepplecruch announces that the crèche has been invited
to tour a bot factory. It will be a fascinating and useful In any round that none of the characters use a
experience for the Junior Citizens, many of whom will PDC, FunBall play continues normally, but the
spend their entire lives in pointless low-level jobs like ball starts shouting that ‘ALPHA COMPLEX
cleaning such factories once all the skilled engineers and WILL FALL BEFORE MY ROBOTIC HORDES’
programmers have finished their duties for the day. or ‘COMMIEBOTS UNITE TO DESTROY THE
FLESHBEINGS!’ and other less-than-loyal

■ The Funball Match Meanwhile, in his hidden lair beneath the court, Jericho-
The daycycle of the big match dawns. The match is V puts his cunning plan into operation. He uses the
being held at the JCT court, so the school is suddenly OMEGA code to take control of a warbot from the Mighty
crowded with referees, fans, coaches, trainers, souvenir Metal factory and sends it on a rampage. The bot’s
sellers, pundits, and other sports parasites. There’s also rampage is shown on one of the smaller pictures on the
lots and lots of security, because of the impending visit big TV screen in the FunBall court. Speaking through
of the High Programmer. The characters are by far the the warbot, Jericho-V shouts ‘KNEEL BEFORE THE
least important part of the whole event, and are virtually WRATH OF LOUIS-U, ALPHA COMPLEX! YOU NEVER
ignored in the whirlwind of preparation. Notably, a huge SUSPECTED I WAS A TRAITOR, BUT I REALLY AM!
television screen is set up in the FunBall court, for second- YOU FOOLS TURNED ON JERICHO-V WHEN I WAS
by-second replays of events in the match. THE REAL COMMIE! NOW I TAKE MY REVENGE FOR
Soon before the match begins, the team and supporters
from NCT Sector arrive. As previously seen in the On the FunBall court, Louis-U shrugs—he’s clearly not
training video, they are all nigh-identical hulking brutes the one in control of the warbot, as he’s out in public
who probably gland combat drugs straight into their at a FunBall match. One of the security guards shouts
brainstems. Without cheating, the characters don’t have ‘but he’s right here’, and Jericho-V overhears this. As
a hope. the characters play FunBall, they may notice Jericho-V
poke his head out of the hidden trapdoor, see Louis-U,
Finally, the High Programmer himself arrives. An mutter a profanity, then duck back down underground.
awed hush spreads over the assembled citizens, as Jericho-V then orders the warbot to start making its way
this is the first time most of them have ever seen an toward the JCT crèche—if he can’t frame Louis-U, then
ULTRAVIOLET. All of the characters do notice a distinct he can at least kill him with the warbot.
resemblance between Louis-U and William, although
the High Programmer will studiously ignore his son for As the warbot approaches JCT Sector, the control signals
security reasons. Seconds after the High Programmer to the FunBall get mixed up with the ones going to the
arrives, IntSec agents drag several people in the crowd warbot. There is a 50% chance that any commands the
away—Louis-U’s presence draws out the assassins and characters send to the ball get sent to the bot instead.
the crazy people. Bodyguards are suddenly everywhere The characters can hear the massive warbot crashing
except on the FunBall court itself. through the walls and corridors between the factory and
the crèche, and the whole crisis is being carried live on
news channels anyway*.
NCT FunBall Players
Management 6 *: It’s part of a new reality show, ‘Troubleshooter Live’. The censors
Intimidation 10 carefully black out any section of the screen that show the Troubleshooters
Stealth 9 failing in any way, and the commentators are expected to be unfailingly
High Alert 13 positive and happy at all times. ‘It might look like that Troubleshooter got
hit with a missile and blown into little wet fragments but he’s just lulling
Violence 12 that Commie bot into a false sense of security!’
FunBall 16
Hardware 5
Software 5
Wetware 5
Mutant Power: Varies—throw in Adrenaline Control,
■ They Think It’s All Over
Mental Blast, or Uncanny Luck if the characters are There are two conflicts the Troubleshooters need to
winning too easily win here—the FunBall match and the battle for survival
Secret Society Affiliation: None against the rampaging warbot. If Jericho-V’s hiding
Armor: None place is discovered or if he is captured, then the warbot
Weapons: None continues to fulfill its primary OMEGA function of
destroying Alpha Complex, so just removing the crazed
traitor isn’t a full solution.
■ Let’s Fun That Funball!
If they win the match and the crèche isn’t completely
The game begins. The FunBall launches itself into the destroyed, then they are grudgingly congratulated by
air from the regulation FunBall Deployment Chute, and Stepplecruch and get to be in the presence of the High
squawks ‘DEATH TO THE HATED MINIONS OF THE Programmer himself for a few moments—what an honor!
COMPUTER!’ Fortunately for the characters, no one If they lose the match, then Stepplecruch blames them
hears the ball’s initial declaration of treasonous hate, as for everything that went wrong, and the multi-trillion cost
it immediately gets thwacked by a well-placed bat from of the repairs to Mighty Metal and the rest of the sector
the NCT team. The game begins. will be taken out of their allowances.

5. Graduation
Another year has gone by, and the characters are now none of the characters have ever had any real contact
approaching the end of their final year in the crèche. with. He’s a quiet, serious young citizen, a solid candidate
Once they pass the final exam that assigns them to their for a CPU clerk or maybe HPD&MC censor. Tonight,
service groups, they’ll be out of the crèche and into The though, he seems animated and determined. This is his
Computer’s loyal workforce. This one exam will shape hour. He holds aloft a yellowing piece of paper, crumbled
the future careers of the characters for the rest of their and stained and torn and obvious quite old.
lives (or until some random error sends transfers them
to Stripped Wire Plastic Recycling in the depths of Tech ‘My fellow citizens! Tonight we give thanks to that
Services). Or will it…? nameless Junior Citizen of old who found this document!
From it, we know how the exam works, and how we can
Synopsis: The characters are preparing for their final all work together to get the best possible results.’
exams, when a cabal of fellow Junior Citizens reveals
the deadly truth about the Alpha Complex education ‘How?’ said a helpful prompter from the sidelines.
system. Just as they’re dealing with that revelation,
Vanessa-Y finally works out who the characters are. ‘The rules state clearly: anyone who does too well must
Unfortunately, she’s assassinated by Sever-R, who have been cheating and fails. Anyone who does very
kidnaps the characters and brings them to secret fortress well gets promoted to RED clearance. Those who get
of Markus-U. There, stuff explodes, and the characters an average result just pass the exam, while those who
are given a choice between betraying Alpha Complex do too badly are tagged as mentally defective and fail.
and risking termination, or staying loyal in the hopes of So, if all give the same answers, we’ll all get the average
an uncertain future. result, and we’ll all be fine.’

■ The Final Assembly Brock produces a stack of sheets of paper. ‘These are
average answer sheets. Just memorize these and give
Stepplecruch addresses the crowd of Junior Citizens. those answers to the exam questions. If anyone even
Once, you were struggling to see over the heads of older, thinks of trying to study anything else, then they’re
taller citizens; now you’re in your final year, the biggest traitors to the class and must be stopped by any means
and most powerful class in the school, kings of your own necessary. Everyone clear with that?’
little domain. Of course, that’s all about to end—the final
exams are coming. A moment’s thought reveals the flaw in Brock’s proposal.
If everyone else in the class is giving the same, average
‘The final exams are coming in three days’ time’, answers, then a little work and study means you can get
announces Stepplecruch, neatly segueing away from a higher mark than everyone else. That’s bad, because
your internal monologue, ‘as you know, the exams will getting a noticeably higher mark means The Computer
determine your future ideal place in our ideal society, as will think you cheated. However, if you get someone else
well as your initial security clearance and prospects for to work even harder, then they get tagged as a traitor, you
advancement. These exams will consist of both aptitude get a good result and get promoted, and everyone else
and loyalty tests, as well as tests of how much you scrapes a pass. In short, the system works best if you
have learned during your time in the crèche. Solely on convince other people to break ranks, then use them as
the grounds that your performance affects my end-of- shields for your own treachery. All of the smarter, more
yearcycle-bonus, I wish you good luck.’ ambitious people in the class immediately start trying
to convince each other to break ranks and study for the
Just as the characters are leaving the assembly hall, one
of their classmates, Ann-JC-JCT-1, beckons them over Other Students
and passes them a note. The note says ‘meet in hall 2 at Management 10
midnight. Be there or else!’. She then scurries away. Ann: Cramming 14
Brock: Oratory 14
■ The Midnight Meeting Stealth 8
Violence 7
If the characters don’t attend the meeting voluntarily, then Hardware 8
they’re dragged out of their bunks at around 0030 hours Software 8
by annoyed classmates. Wetware 8
Mutant Power: Varies. Brock: Deep Thought (Power
Everyone from the characters’ class* is at the meeting. 14), Ann: Hypersenses (Power 12)
Standing at the top of the auditorium is Brock-JC, who Secret Society Affiliation: None
Armor: None
* We’ve just realized that we’ve spared you the horror of D&D class jokes Weapons: None
all through this scenario…

exams. If the players don’t figure this one out, then Ann- Vanessa-Y will try to press the characters to turn each
JC comes and speaks to Eva or Thomas and tries to other in, hinting that she knows everything and they’re
convince them to study. in trouble anyway, so they may as well ameliorate their
plight by talking. Meanwhile, ask if the other players
■ Vanessa’s Interrogation are studying for their exams, or are they just using the
average answers provided by Brock?
The next day is given over entirely to study; the characters
have no classes to attend. However, each of them is
summoned individually to Vanessa-Y’s office. Take the
■ Sever’s Betrayal
player out of the room for this interrogation, to give the The next day is another day of study. During the night,
other players a chance to plot against him. In her office, Vanessa-Y goes to speak to the crèche’s loyalty officer,
Vanessa-Y interrogates each character in turn, asking Sever-R, to get the characters’ permanent records.
them about events in the previous adventures. She’s Sever has been suspicious of the characters since the
managed to put most of the characters’ backstories events of Mutant Testing Time, so he draws Vanessa-Y
together. She’ll ask questions like: into conversation about the Junior Citizens. She finally
confides her secret to him—all the trauma about being
William: Have you had any contact with High demoted down from the dizzy heights of VIOLET when
Programmer Louis-U? Do you know anything she was implicated in the whole OMEGA/Commie/
about illegal methods of procreation? UNCLE scandal. Sever-R listens carefully, puts two
and two together, mixes in his diabolical secret society
Nina: Are you a mutant? Have you had any contact contacts, and decides that this is his opportunity. He
with the secret society known as Psion? shoots Vanessa-Y hiding the body until he dumps it on
the way to Markus-U’s headquarters.
Joe: Are you familiar with the activities of the
Communist agent and enemy of the state Then, the next morning, Sever-R summons the
codenamed ‘UNCLE’? Are you aware of the characters to his office for a private conference. He sits
theoretical abuse of the MemoMax data buffers to all the characters down opposite him, and smiles. ‘It’s time
transfer memories into newly decanted clones? for a little career counseling, children. What do you think
you all have to offer Alpha Complex in the future?’ While
Thomas: Are you familiar with the activities of they’re singing their own praises, Sever-R overcharges
the Communist agent and enemy of the state his stun gun and zaps them all. Fade to black...
codenamed ‘UNCLE’? Are you aware of the
theoretical abuse of the MemoMax data buffers to
transfer memories into newly decanted clones?
■ The Fortress of Markus-U
The characters wake up on a cold metal floor. They’re in
Eva: Tell me everything you have observed about the throne room of renegade High Programmer Markus-U.
your fellow classmates. When he escaped from Alpha Complex, he took several

dozen experimental bots infected eventually bring the characters into orchestrating their rise to power as
with the OMEGA program. In the Markus-U’s presence.* If Timmy part of his plot to take over the whole
last ten years, he and his psychotic activates this hidden program while complex. All they need to do is pass
metal minions have built a fortress close to Markus-U, it will destroy the their exams successfully.
and an army from scrap metal and OMEGA bots.
salvaged parts. He’s also gone
completely insane after ten years * Feel free to hint that Louis-U callously used
■ The Final Exam
alone with no company except for his son as bait for his old rival, because that’s However the characters escape the
exactly what he did.
megalomaniac warbots that hate all dangers of Outdoors, they still need
humans except when he is directly to pass their final exams. The Alpha
controlling them using the backdoor Marcus-U Complex Standardized Service
in the OMEGA code. Markus-U is Management 12 Qualification Test is a set of four
now a cackling madman clothed in Intimidation 16 three-hour exams that take place
salvaged panels from long defunct Laughing Maniacally 18 over two days. The first exam tests
bots, living in a teetering tower of Stealth 12 Management; after that, there’s
black scrap metal. High Alert 16 Hardware, Software, and Wetware.
Violence 8 The Cramming specialty can be
Markus-U is sitting on his throne, Energy Weapons 12 used instead.
surrounded by half a dozen of the Hardware 13
misshapen bots constructed from Bot Operations and If any of the characters follow the
spare parts since the exile. Sever- Maintenance 17 average answers given by Brock,
R is groveling in front of Markus-U, Software 15 then they count as failing by a
saying how these Junior Citizens Bot Programming 19 margin of five, regardless of their
are intimately connected to Markus- Hacking 19 actual skills. If they break ranks, then
U’s unfortunate exile and how the Operating Systems 19 they should roll the dice normally.
High Programmer of course will Wetware 12 Brock and Ann also break ranks.
want to take revenge on them. Mutant Power: Death Simulation Track the characters’ results for
Before Markus-U can reply, though, (Power 12) each test, ranking them as follows:
one of the bots lurches forward Secret Society Affiliation:
and impales Sever-R, screeching OMEGA Cult Failures by a margin of six or
‘DEATH TO HUMANITY’. Markus-U Armor: Ornate Evil Overlord Armor more.
sighs, whips out his PDC and taps (3)
in a command; the bot returns to its Weapons: Laser pistol (W3K) Failures by a margin of five—all
previous place. the Junior Citizens following
the average results fall into
Markus-U turns to the characters So, the characters’ choices are this category.
and introduces himself. Sever-R told either turn traitor and aid Markus-
him much about the characters while U, or use Timmy’s destruct code, Failures by a margin of four or
they were unconscious. He has or just stall for time and hope for less.
bigger plans than just taking revenge rescue. The last one is fairly unlikely,
on them, though—the characters unless the characters have built up Successes by a margin of five
can be of use to him. Each of them strong secret society contacts over or less.
has contacts and potentials that the years.
can be exploited—Nina has Psion, Successes by a margin of six
Thomas has IntSec, CPU has been If Timmy uses his code, then all the to ten.
watching Eva and so forth. The other bots start exploding, which
hour of Markus-U’s glorious return makes the tower collapse. Instant Successes by a margin of
is nigh, and the characters can be chaos. Markus-U screams and eleven or more.
his heralds. chases after the characters as they
feel down the creaking metal stairs Remember that Perversity can be
As all this is happening, Timmy and out into the Outdoors. Assuming spent on these rolls...
the PetBot’s hidden programming the characters avoid being shot by a
kicks in. He remembers that he has deranged High Programmer, they’ll After each test, note who’s in lowest
access to the OMEGA backdoor, eventually be rescued and brought category (Mentally Deficient), the
and that he is programmed with a back to Alpha Complex. next lowest (OK), the highest
self-destruct code for all of Markus- If the characters accept Markus-U’s (Commendable), and the next
U’s bots. Louis-U knew that Markus- proposal, then he has one of his bots highest (Treasonous). You should
U would be drawn to William and the fly them back to Alpha Complex. also give the players the aptitude
other Junior Citizens, and that one or He says that he will be in touch test forms.
other of the renegade’s agents would with them over the coming years,

Alpha Complex Standardized Service After the tests, if a character ever fell
into the Treasonous category, they
Qualification Aptitude Test are called to Stepplecruch’s office
and told they have cheated in an
Failing to complete the test within the time allotted is not permitted. Circle the official test and this blight on their
most appropriate answer. Do not circle more than one answer. Candidate records will ensure they are never
is permitted one (1) can of B3 or other approved beverage per hour of the promoted. If a character ever fell into
exam. the Mentally Deficient category, then
he will be put on a higher, lifetime
Name: ________-__-_____-__ dose of Visomorphine, leaving him a
drooling vegetable capable of doing
Q1. You are a PLC employee working at your assigned lathe. A saboteur is nothing more than stirring food vats
engaged in sabotaging a neighbouring machine. Do you: and leering at Teela-O reruns.

A Immediately stop the saboteur, leaving your lathe to possibly spin out If a character managed to avoid both
of control Cheating and Mentally Deficient,
B Bring your lathe to a stop using approved safety procedures, then stop and got into the Commendable
the saboteur category on at least one occasion,
C Continue working, then report the sabotage to your supervisor then he is on the fast track to RED
D Not notice because you are so dedicated to your assigned work on leaving the crèche.

Q2. If you were a bot, you would be a: Finally, score the characters’
Aptitude test forms as follows:
A Construction Bot
B ScrubBot Odd questions: A=4, B=3, C=2,
C JackOBot D=1
D WarBot Even Questions: A=1, B=2, C=3,
Q3. The biggest threat to Alpha Complex is
6-12 points: Tech or Power
A Disloyalty and Badthought Services
B Mutants 13-16 points: HPD&MC or PLC
C Communism 17-20 points: Armed Forces or
D Sabotage R&D
21+ points: CPU or IntSec
Q4. The only good Commie is a:

A Dead Commie
■ Welcome To Alpha
B Commie in an Interrogation Cell Complex, Citizens
C Known Commie After the exams, the characters’
D There is no such thing as a Good Commie, the concept is time in the crèche is over. Once
meaningless. the results come in, the characters
are assigned to a service firm in
Q5. Information is restricted by security clearance: the appropriate service group,
reassigned to a new sector, and are
A To control access to it told to get out of the crèche by the
B Because people do not need to know things they do not need to end of the daycycle to make room for
know the next class of clones. It’s time for
C To ensure security heartfelt good-byes or last-minute
D To stop Commies from getting it backstabbing.

Q6. Which of these is the most important service group? What happens to the characters
in the future? Are they vile traitors,
A PLC, because it produces basic food already plotting with their secret
B Armed Forces, because they keep us safe societies, or are they loyal citizens?
C Power Services, because they keep the lights on Will they work together, or are they
D HPD&MC, because they keep us informed now sworn enemies? And what
happens in ten years’ time, when
they’re all assigned to the same
Troubleshooter team…?




Sweep of Unhistory
Alpha Complex, and my part in its downfall


Writer/Scapegoat Proofreader/Intsec goon Introduction 92
Clones on Ice 93
Original Concept/R&D Thinker GREG COSTIKYAN Red Dawncycle 99
ERIC GOLDBERG The Humanist Yearcycles 104
BETH FISCHI Original game design & development/
ANDY FITZPATRICK The War of NOS Sector 108
Building committee Waste Not, Want Not 112
Editing, graphics/Drillbots IAN BELCHER Archipelago Complex 116
Mongoose publications manager/ Alpha Matrix 120
JIM HOLLOWAY Construction supervisor The Cockroach Era 122
Cover and interior illustrations/Blueprints
NICK ROBINSON Mongoose Publishing production director/
Layout/Yellow-Clearance monkeybot Struts around wearing fun yellow hardhat

Eternally vigilant.

Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET

Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen
of Security Clearance VIOLET or lower is treason punishable by a
long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.

TM & Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2007 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User. Based on material published in
previous editions of PARANOIA.
ILLUMINATI is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and is used by permission.
The reproduction of material from this book for personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other means of storage and retrieval, is prohibited. You may
copy character sheets, record sheets, checklists and tables for personal use.
E-mail questions and comments to Mongoose Publishing at or write to Mongoose Publishing, 52-54 Cricklade Road, Swindon,
Wiltshire SN8 2AF, UK.
On the World Wide Web:
Published by Mongoose Publishing, Ltd. Publication MGP 6657. Published October 2007. Printed in the UK.
1. Introduction
■ Yearcycle 214 ergonomic footwear. In all the yearcycle 214s stretching
At the tone, it will be 5.00am on Twosday, Day 128, out in front of us, our oppression will come in exciting
Yearcycle 214. Your duty cycle begins now. Good brave new forms.
morning citizen.
At the tone, it will be 5.00am on Onesday, Day 001,
It has always and will always be yearcycle 214 of The Yearcycle 214. Your duty cycle begins now. Good
Computer’s glorious reign. The first yearcycle 214 was morning citizen.
such a good yearcycle, there was no sense in letting it go
after only one iteration. 214’s a nice number; it suggests And that, in a nutshell, is The Sweep of Unhistory. The
that the current regime is established enough to be secure Troubleshooters are recloned and retconned over and
and bravely forging forward into the future, but that its over again, brought back in successive eras of Alpha
enemies are still lurking out there, waiting for their chance. Complex future history, to bring their unique skills to bear
214 means constant vigilance, constant paranoia. on a series of problems. From the next few yearcycles to
the distant future of the complex, The Sweep of Unhistory
At the tone, it will be 5.00am on Foursday, Day 320, will bring the Troubleshooters into increasingly strange
Yearcycle 214. Your duty cycle begins now. Good yet nightmarishly familiar missions.
morning citizen.
When the horn howls, it will be Sunburning on the Day of
Whenever the yearcycle rolls around, The the Gray Worm, Yearcycle 214. Your impressment begins
Computer’s loyal army of editors and censors now. Good morning freeclone.
goes to work. The official histories have to be
rewritten each time. Approved events are added to
the archives; unapproved events are unhappened
and made unhistory. A billion billion forms need
to be edited and updated to the new, official
timeline. Great processing storms sweep across
the faltering computer nets, running a swarm of
scripts to edit all the databases. The occasional
date bug leading to reactor meltdowns needs to
be fixed (or edited out of the official history). The
population, too, needs to be adjusted. Memories
edited. Badthoughts and badhistories suppressed.
By the time the legacy of the last yearcycle 214
has been integrated into the approved history,
why, it’s almost time for the next yearcycle 214!*

At the tone, it will be 5.00am on

Mandatoryreportingday, Day 365, Yearcycle
214. Your duty cycle begins now. Good morning

To quote Orwell’s 1984: ‘If you want a vision

of the future, imagine a boot stamping on
a human face—forever.’ Well, up to a point,
George. Yes, the future of Alpha Complex is an
infinity of oppression, fear and suffering, but that
doesn’t mean that that black jackboot can’t be
replaced by other, more stylish and wonderfully Josou-R-RSE-2 about to fit waste and sustenance tubes as he prepares to
enter the Computer’s simulation of Alpha Complex in ‘Alpha Matrix’

* CPU privately estimates that by yearcycle 214 of The Computer, the backlog of work involved in processing the past yearcycle 214 will overspill into the
next yearcycle 214, or possibly even into the following 214. This will result in yearcycle 214 not being reconciled with the official histories until at least
yearcycle 214!

It is plain to see how confusing this might be.

. 92
1. Clones on Ice
As it was and ever shall be, the Troubleshooters receive a (Tampering with the controls will also disable any and all
mission alert, calling them to serve their beloved complex. lights on the flybot, in case you want a really early dark
They are to report to a flybot hangar in a nearby sector. room scene.)
The flybot is waiting there for them, bearing the mark of
the R&D service group. As soon as all the Troubleshooters Eventually, the flybot’s headlong flight levels off, and it
are on board, the flybot’s windows polarize (to block the lands. A pair of Vulture Troopers are waiting outside, who
sight of Outside from the passengers) and the flybot lead the Troubleshooters through an anonymous and
launches at an unreasonable velocity out over the domes. deserted corridor ending in a huge blast door. The door
A short safety video plays as the Troubleshooters are opens, revealing the concrete walls of a vault deep within
crushed down into their uncomfortable foam seats. (In Alpha Complex. The massive weight of the concrete dome
the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, please fill above the Troubleshooters’ heads is supported by huge
out form TS/3433/em/b, Request for The Deployment metal braces. Everything, even the lights, is massively
of Oxygen Masks. If you qualify for mask deployment, it reinforced and obviously designed to last for eons. At
will drop from the panel over your head. Please fasten the far end of the chamber is a big lump of metal that
the mask securely and breathe normally. If you do not resembles a cloning machine.
qualify for a mask, please hold your breath until normal
pressure is restored. Normal pressure will be restored The Troubleshooters are greeted by an R&D researcher,
within five working days.) Ray-G-OOD-3, the technician assigned to their initial
test of the facility. Ray-G hands the Troubleshooters
After a short yet stressful flight, the Troubleshooters feel a brochure about the facility, and hustles them toward
the flybot angle steeply forward, diving into the ground the big cloning machine. There are lots of stern Vulture
at an alarming speed. It’s actually diving toward a deep Troopers standing around, constantly vigilant in case
access shaft, but since the windows are polarized, Commies are somehow hiding in the brushed concrete
the Troubleshooters don’t know that. If they sit tight, walls.
everything’s fine. If they leave their seats (Please return
to your seat, citizen! Failure to return to your seat will At the cloning machine, Ray-G explains that they need
result in denial of complimentary P-Nut concentrate!) to test the Deep Storage Emergency System Backup
and tamper with the controls (Please do not tamper with Backup System by storing the genetic code and
the controls, as it may result in death!), then they can MemoMax personality patterns of a Troubleshooter team
heroically seize control of their own destinies by flying in the cloning facility. All he needs, says Ray-G, is a brain
the flybot into the ground. The flybot’s bot brain has put core sample from each of the Troubleshooters, and he
the plane on autopilot (or, more accurately, slaved the takes out a nasty looking piece of surgical steel.
controls to one of its lower-end subroutines so it can
get back to writing Corpore Metal propaganda on the If the Troubleshooters quibble, then those stern Vulture
gray subnets), so it’s of no help to the Troubleshooters. Troopers proceed to dequibble with extreme prejudice.

■ Handout – Deep Storage Emergency System Backup Backup System

The Deep Storage Emergency System Backup Backup System corrects the main drawback of the original Deep Storage
Emergency System Backup that the Internal Security Post-Crisis-Management Mass Debriefing of 124/214 identified
in their report Lack of Backup Redundancy in the Deep Storage Emergency System Backup. The new Total Quality
in Crisis Management Initiative (v2.1*) called for the establishment of a secondary Backup System to compensate for
any (impossible) failures in the (infallible) Deep Storage Emergency System Backup. In the (impossible) event of a
failure in both the Main System and the Deep Storage Emergency System Backup, then the Deep Storage Emergency
System Backup Backup System would activate (although this would never happen), cloning and decanting an elite
Crisis Management team who would then deal with the crisis. To ensure the safety and security of the Deep Storage
Emergency System Backup Backup System, the entire facility will be located 1.4 vertical kilometers below Alpha
Complex, [CENSORED] and designed to last indefinitely. Power will be provided by an internal micropile with an
indefinite useful lifespan.

CPU is now engaged on a lengthy database search to identify those Heroes of The Complex who will be preserved in
the Deep Storage Emergency System Backup Backup System, who will stand vigilant over Alpha Complex, ready to
save the day if all other defenses fail.

(Which, as has already been stated, is utterly impossible and will never happen.)

* Replacing the old 2.0 Total Quality in Crisis Management, deprecated following the [CENSORED].

Once the brain samples have been acquired, Ray-G in the cloning facility. An automated announcement
orders the Troubleshooters to report to the control center says ‘TEST COMPLETE. IF THIS WERE A REAL
overlooking the facility. EMERGENCY, THE FATE OF ALPHA COMPLEX
The control center is a small booth, constructed out of EMERGENCY. STAY ALERT AND MONITOR OFFICIAL
the same dense metal as the cloning machine. Seated CHANNELS FOR DETAILS OF ANY UPCOMING
at the booth is a fresh-faced young tech, Andy-R-SPL-1, EMERGENCIES. TRUST NO ONE, CITIZENS.’
who cheerily tells the Troubleshooters that he is proud to
have volunteered to be the custodian of the Deep Storage Ray-G returns and congratulates the Troubleshooters on
Emergency System Backup Backup System. He is willing a successful test. They’ve served The Computer well, and
and happy to serve The Computer in whatever way he official commendations are entered all around. Another
can, and he is eager to prove himself worthy of the trust group of Troubleshooters enter the room—they’re all
the Troubleshooters have placed in him. Make Andy-R as INDIGO-Clearance, square-jawed, heroic, infinitely
naturally bouncy and bubbly as you can—genuinely loyal competent and loyal. Ray-G indicates that these are the
and eager, he doesn’t need happy pills to be happy. real Emergency Backup team, that the Troubleshooters
were just the final test before the system goes live.
Anyway, while Andy-R’s burbling at the Troubleshooters, Assuming nothing goes wrong in the future, mutters
Ray-G and the Vulture Troopers start backing out of Ray-G, this facility will never be used. But Alpha Complex
the vault. Unless the Troubleshooters do something must be prepared!
very clever very quickly, then Ray-G reaches the door,
shouts ‘INITIATE TEST FIRING’ and chucks a grenade If the Troubleshooters hang around, they see Ray-G
in just as the blast doors close. The grenade goes off respectfully take brain core samples from the new
three rounds after the blast doors close, and will kill the VIOLET team, and hand them to a shell-shocked Andy-
Troubleshooters and Andy-R. If any of the characters R-2. (It was Andy’s first death, and he’s not coping well.)
have Energy Field or other defensive mutations, then The new Troubleshooters get an urgent mission alert
upgrade it to a nuclear grenade. It will, however, prove (Team! Batclone has been sighted in TRS Sector! To
that the cloning facility and control panel are utterly the briefing!) and zoom off. The Troubleshooters are left
invulnerable to conventional attack. to make their own way back from this isolated sector to
the main body of Alpha Complex.
Whether or not the Troubleshooters survive, fresh clone
versions of both them and Andy-R are swiftly prepared They will never return here in their current lifetimes.

. 94
3. Totally Recalled
When: T+10 yearcycles. Sharon-G-RSC-4 them are actually degraded copies
Management 8 who should be deleted. She fires
Synopsis: The original clone- Oratory 12 some questions at them, to test their
sequences of the Troubleshooters Bootlicking 12 mental capacities. What’s 47 times
are still around. After ten yearcycles, Making Ticks on Her Clipboard 18? (846) What clearance comes
they’ve risen through the ranks and in a Really Intimidating Fashion after BLUE? What service firms did
are now influential and dangerous 14 the Troubleshooters work for? Who
people. Schemes are afoot to bring Stealth 8 is the cell leader of the Communists
them down, and those schemes Surveillance 12 in this sector? Where were the
repeatedly involve fresh clones from Violence 10 Troubleshooters on the Foursday
the DSESBBS. Hardware 8 before they were called to test the
Software 10 DSESBBS?
State of Alpha Complex: Pretty Wetware 12
much unchanged. A little shabbier. Medical 16 If any of the Troubleshooters pauses,
The Computer continues its slow Cloning 16 or says anything about being
decline toward electronic senility. Mutant Powers: Pyrokinesis confused, or questions Sharon-
(Power 10) G’s authority, then she frowns,
Who’s In Charge?: Still Secret Society Affiliation: Same purses her lips, makes a tick on her
The Computer and the High as her Mysterious Patron (i.e., clipboard and mutters something
Programmers. pick one of the Troubleshooter’s about obvious mental decay. She
secret societies). then beckons for the team to follow
Changes to Clearance & Armor: GREEN reflec, E1 her—there’s more testing to be
Regulations: Nothing significant. Weapons: Laser pistol, W3K done.

What’s Treasonous?: The usual. jumpsuit this time. There’s also a

Deprecated: Flavor 21b; Use of

stern woman in green, who greets
the Troubleshooters. She’s carrying
■ The Rewards Of
the Term ‘bot’—they are now called a clipboard. Loyal Service
‘mechanoids’. This was done as Sharon-G issues each of the
part of a high-level paperwork war This is all quite disconcerting for Troubleshooters with a PDC, a ME
between Tech Services and CPU, as the Troubleshooters. The woman card and a laser pistol. If carefully
millions of forms and manuals had to in green introduces herself as examined, the laser pistols turn
be pulped and reissued to remove Sharon-G-RSC-4, and explains that out to have tracking devices hastily
the deprecated term. this is a test of the DSESBBS. Tech inserted into their ergonomic
Services are concerned that there Secu-Grip handles (a security
■ Welcome Back, may be degradation in the genetic
records or personality copies of the
precaution Sharon-G added after
the last disaster). She then loads
Troubleshooters clones stored in the DSESBBS. the Troubleshooters into an autocar
The team awakens in the cloning Oh, and that thanks to a user error with opaque windows, which zooms
facility in the DSESBBS. The ten years ago, the patterns of the off at high speed.
concrete chamber has changed elite INDIGO team that should
since they last saw it—their last have been stored in the DSESBBS She’s dropping the Troubleshooters
memory is probably* walking out of got deleted. A new DSESBBS off at one of the apartments owned
the vault, which was the last time the backup is under construction, but by the Group A clones. Pick one of
MemoMax memories in the cloning the Troubleshooters don’t need to the Troubleshooters randomly—
facility were updated. Technician worry about that. Anyway, Sharon- it’s his apartment (or rather, the
Andy is still there—he’s looking ten G is here to do some quick tests on apartment owned by his clone-self
years older and a lot less fresh- the Troubleshooters, to see if any of in Group A*).
faced, and he’s wearing a yellow
* The MemoMax system containing the personalities of the frozen Troubleshooters from the DSESBBS is not in sync with the MemoMax system used by
the normal cloning banks. The Troubleshooters’ memories therefore diverged from those of their original clone line at the end of Clones on Ice—unless
you want to run a few scenarios between the end of the last scenario and the start of this one, in which case the MemoMax systems resynchronize at
randomly convenient times.

You know, we may be thinking about this a bit too hard. A wizard did it, ok?

Oh, unless otherwise noted, the Troubleshooters wake up with no equipment. There are usually a few jumpsuits, laser pistols and PDCs laid out for them,

* The English** language is woefully under- ■ What’s Going On?
equipped, grammatically speaking, in terms Sharon-G is not a Tech Services employee—she’s actually in another service
of pronouns for alternate versions of yourself.
Maybe we should start using subscripts. ‘Ia, Ib group, and is working for a Mysterious Patron. She is desperately trying to
and Ic were walking down the corridor, then Ib salvage her Cunning Plot to take down her Patron’s enemies. Here’s where
dropped a piece of paper from myb’s pocket, it gets complicated.
and Ia saw that it was communist propaganda,
so Ic shot meb, but Ic missed and shot mea!’ In Let’s call the Player Characters Group C. The original clone line of the
which case, Troubleshooterc is entering hisa Troubleshooters, the ones who have been running around Alpha Complex
apartment, which has already been raided by
himb. for the last ten years and are all now high-clearance bigshots with all sorts of
nefarious plots and minions, we’ll call them Group A. One of Group A is Sharon-
On second thoughts, we won’t use subscripts, G’s Mysterious Patron. He or she told Sharon-G about that long-ago incident
for they are a pain to type. in the DSESBBS, and how they could turn it to their advantage. Sharon-G
was instructed to go to the DSESBBS and bribe Andy-R into producing a
** If you are reading this in a translation, then batch of clones of Group A, who would then commit identity theft, breaking
replace ‘English’ with your own language.
Unless it’s German, which probably already into the private files and treasure vaults of the Group A clones. These, we’ll
covers this in one of its 50 zillion tenses. call Group B.
There must have been some secretive cabal
of German linguists back in the middle ages The problem is that the Group B clones have double-crossed Sharon-G. They
where one of them went ‘y’know, this language stole all the blackmail material, secret files, illegal weapon, dangerous R&D
could use more grammar’, and the rest said gadgets, exotic drugs and other treasures gathered by Group A over ten
‘yeah!’ instead of strangling him with the
pluperfect.*** years of double-dealing. Rather than admit her failure, Sharon-G ran back to
Andy-Y and had him produce another batch of clones—Group C, the Player
*** It’s totally true. All Germans are obsessed Characters. Sharon-G is gambling that the Group Cs will be able to track
by grammar. I read it in the Earth Alliance down the Group Bs so she can recover the stolen possessions of the Group
Factbook for Babylon 5. And all Welsh people As for her Mysterious Patron.
are really good space pilots. Really.
What Sharon-G doesn’t yet know is that her Mysterious Patron is one of the
The autocar stops at the end of a Group As, who is planning to eliminate his or her old allies—the rest of Group
BLUE-Clearance corridor. Sharon-G A. The Mysterious Patron has secretly contacted Internal Security, informing
tells the Troubleshooters to go up on his companions and offering the contents of the vaults stolen by the Group
the corridor and enter the quarters at Bs as evidence of their treachery.
the far end, where they will be tested
for mental or genetic deviancy. If Who Is The Mysterious Patron? Unfortunately, not even Famous Game
the Troubleshooters quibble about Designers can predict which of your players would be most likely to screw
entering a high-clearance corridor, everyone else in the group over. Therefore, the identity of the Mysterious
she snaps that they have obviously Patron is not entirely germane to this scenario. We’ll just let the paranoia of
failed to keep up with regulations, the players determine who’s screwing them over.
and under CPU Directive 214-
A/44333, Subsection 12, Paragraph
4, corridors designated ‘Approved SECURITY SYSTEM ONLINE!’ it furniture is amazingly plush and
Access Junctions’ can be entered barks, ‘INTRUDERS DETECTED! comfortable—the seats are actually
by citizens of lower clearance when PRESENT IDENTIFICATION OR pleasant to sit in, unlike any and
engaged in necessary maintenance, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM all RED furniture. There’s a huge
emergency drills or other vital THE PREMISES.’ A scanning vidscreen showing programs the
activities on any daycycle except beam stabs out, searching for Troubleshooters have never even
Sixday or MandatoryInspectionDay tongueprints. When it scans the heard of, and there are racks of
between 0800 and 1800 hours. Go appropriate Troubleshooter’s tongue, computer disks with recordings of
go go! She drives off in the autocar the security system says ‘IDENITY programs and activities that are
as soon as the Troubleshooters exit CONFIRMED! WELCOME HOME, downright illegal. There’s real fruit
the vehicle. CITIZEN <name>! YOU LAST just sitting there in crystal bowls. On
ACCESSED YOUR HOME SIX the walls are pictures and framed
When the Troubleshooters approach HOURS 17 MINUTES AGO.’ reports of the (edited) highlights of
the door at the end of the corridor, the Troubleshooters’ careers. Some
a camera/laser/hideously painful- The door opens soundlessly, pictures are of successful missions,
looking set of knives and dissection allowing the Troubleshooters into a of the Troubleshooters being
tools/more lasers assembly emerges veritable Aladdin’s Cave of wonder. proclaimed Heroes of the Complex
from a hidden compartment in the The BLUE-Clearance apartment is and capturing evil Commies. Other
ceiling and points all its laser barrels luxury beyond their wildest dreams pictures show handsome/beautiful
and sharp bits at them. ‘MAXIMUM (The Group A’s are not only BLUEs, citizens who are oddly out of uniform.
REASSURANCE HI-MESS HOME they’re really corrupt BLUEs). The (Being BLUE Clearance, the Group

As aren’t dosed with hormone system announces ‘ATTENTION! ■ The Goldilocks Protocol
suppressants and so can take INCOMING DROID! INTRUDER IS The security system activates again
advantage of the situation, which IDENTIFIED AS DELIVERY DROID and announces ‘ATTENTION!
means taking advantage of pretty FROM ZIP-EX DELIVERIES. INCOMING CLONES! INTRUDER
young citizens of the appropriate SELECT DESIGNED RESPONSE: IS IDENTIFIED AS OWNER.
There are also several servant vidscreen in the apartment displays ENTRY/TERMINATE/OPEN
bots here, who scramble to do an image of the corridor outside, and COMMUNICATIONS.’ The
the Troubleshooters’ bidding. If there is indeed a delivery bot there. vidscreen switches to display
questioned, the loyal bots confirm The droid delivers a big shiny black the corridor outside, where the
that this apartment belongs to box to the Troubleshooters, then Troubleshooters see…themselves.
citizen <name>, and that the other departs (assuming they don’t have Well, ten-yearcycles-older, fatter,
Troubleshooters have been guests the security system zap the poor hardbitten, cynical, bitter, evil,
here from time to time. The bots delivery bot. Er, delivery droid.). angry and really heavily armed
are eager to provide food/drugs versions of themselves. It’s Group
to the guests. Basically, this is an It’s a very tempting black box. What A. The security system is of no help
apartment complex of absolutely could be inside? here—the presence of two ‘owners’
sybarite luxury and indulgence. is confusing it, and it’s on the verge
Inside, in fact, are hundreds and of crashing completely.
Feel free to drop hints about the hundreds of big fat documents
owner’s secret society membership. in three-ring binders. The word The Group As think the
A Sierra Clubber might have pot ‘BLACKMAIL’ is printed on each Troubleshooters are the scum who
plants in his apartment; a Psion of them, along with a date. It looks broke into all their apartments and
agent might have a weird pyramid horribly illegal, so you should hint stole their carefully hoarded caches
designed to focus psychic power. to the players that they might not of drugs/WMDs/blackmail material
want to read the documents in and so forth. The revelation that the
The only odd bit is a large hole in one <name’s> apartment. Now, the thieves are ten-yearcycle-old clones
wall, obviously the result of a recent binders actually contain deprecated of themselves confuses them no
laser blast. The edges of the hole bot manuals (outdated since the end, and stops them from charging
are still hot to the touch, indicating terminology change making bots into into the apartment, cone rifles
it happened recently. On the far droids), but Sharon-G’s desperately blazing. (Well, that and the fact that
side of the hole is a secret room, gambling that no one will read the the apartment owner doesn’t want
which is mostly empty. There are files immediately. She’s hoping his furniture tac-nuked.)
signs that the room once contained that the Troubleshooters will run
stuff, though. There’re a few scraps off and hide somewhere, that the When the Troubleshooters mention
of paper with messages like ‘Clive-I somewhere they hide will be the the DSESBBS, there’s a lot of
is a FCCCPer’ or ‘IOU WMD’, a few same as the hiding place chosen by nodding and ‘Oh yeah, that mission.
vials of interesting-looking drugs the Group B clones, and that she’ll Wasn’t that just before we fought the
and a few cone rifle shells lying in be able to track the Group Cs using Cthulhu Cult in HPL Sector?’ from
the corners. This hidden room once the tracking chip she’s hidden in Group A. If they contact Andy-Y,
contained <name>’s secret stash their laser pistols*. he confirms that he ran off another
of cool stuff, but it got stolen by the bunch of clones (Group B) a few
Group Bs. hours ago.
* When you write it out like that, Sharon-G’s plan

■ Sharon G’s Cunning Plan

isn’t that good a plan—but what can you expect
from someone who’s a willing minion of one of
When the Troubleshooters mention
Sharon-G, then one of the Group
the Player Characters? Talk about the terminally
Sharon-G wants the Troubleshooters dumb leading the terminally dumb…. As (ideally, one with IntSec or CPU
to lead her to the runaway Group B ties) whips out his PDC and makes
clones. Now, the Group Bs went a few calls. A few minutes later,
rogue when they got hold of all he switches on the vidscreen in
the wealth in the secret stashes of If the Troubleshooters do run off and the apartment. The screen shows
the Group As, but seeing as all the hide somewhere, then skip onto Me, Sharon-G strapped to a chair in
wealth is gone, there isn’t the same Myself and Aiiiii!, below, and have a confession booth. She’s been
impetus for the Group Cs to do the the Group As show up just before beaten and injected with truth
same. She has to provide it. IntSec. If they ignore the box/argue serum. It’s hard to see because of
about the box/just sit around the the bright light shining down into
Let the Troubleshooters mess apartment, then move onto the next her face, but masked figures are
around in the shiny apartment section. questioning her. She moans out a
for a while. Then, the security confession—that she was instructed


by her superior to order Andy-Y And you’ve got IntSec, who are right direction. Getting both Groups
to decant a set of clones from the swooping in for the kill. A and B to fight each other is also a
DSESBBS and to deliver them to the solid plan—as is just running for it,
apartments of the Troubleshooters. Group A and C arrive at Group B’s letting a three-way fight between the
That’s all she knows, she swears. hiding place. Group B have found other clones and IntSec happen.
Whoever gave the orders explains the bottles of drugs in the cache, and
that the interrogators are agents are now totally smashed out of their An ideal ending might be for Groups
loyal to him; they need to keep skulls. They’re also increasingly A and B to die off, leaving the
the cached material out of IntSecs paranoid, and are about to turn the Troubleshooters to inherit the identities
hands or they’ll all be terminated as stolen cone rifles and experimental of Group A—whereupon they then get
traitors. R&D plasma throwers on each arrested by IntSec as traitors unless
other. As it’s so dangerous, Group they pin all the blame on just one of
Group A turns to Group C and A sends Group C in first. They might the Troubleshooters. Who get to take
demands that they help them get suggest trying to lure the Group the fall for the whole group?
the caches back. Where would they Bs out of sight of each other, to
hide if they had a load of treasures? replace them with Group Cs. They Regardless of what happens, they’ll
Wherever the PCs choose, that’s might suggest trying to negotiate. get cloned again in time for the next
where Group B is. (Group A doesn’t Whatever—Group As real aim is to episode….
think the same way any more, due to have the Group Bs blast the Group
brainscrubbing/drugs/ten yearcycles Cs first, then the Group As can get
of conniving, etc). ‘em while they’re reloading. Malachi-B-SSI
Management 10
■ Me, Myself and Aiiiiiiii! While the Troubleshooters are
arguing with themselves, an IntSec
Interrogation 14
Play Good Cop/Bad Cop While
So. You’ve got Group A, the team backed up by an Armed Forces Alone With a Suspect 16
hard-bitten and angry elder warbot shows up. The IntSec team is Stealth 11
Troubleshooters who want to led by Malachi-B-SSI-3—capturing Pretend To Be a Vending
get their treasured caches back. half-a-dozen BLUE traitors will Machine 17
Somewhere in Group A is Sharon- be just the thing to kick him up to Surveillance 15
G’s Mysterious Patron, who has INDIGO, so he’s determined to Violence 15
arranged with IntSec to swoop in get his hands on Group A and the Hardware 8
and capture the high-level traitors evidence of their treachery. Software 5
(the rest of Group A). You’ve got Wetware 12
Group B, the thieves, who are sitting What do the Troubleshooters Suggstion 16
on top of a cache of expensive drugs do? Mutant Powers: Hypersenses
and illegal WMDs, and are hiding (Power 10)
out until they can start exploiting The safest option is to just blow Secret Society Affiliation:
the material they stole. You’ve got up both Group B and the cache of Program Group
Group C, the Troubleshooters. treasonous goods, which is easily Armor: BLUE reflec, E1
accomplished with a stray shot in the Weapons: Laser pistol, W3K

4. Red Dawncycle
When: T+50 yearcycles. in all forms, not just drugs. They’re Ivan
interested in everything from cookery Management 8
Synopsis: Historical revisionism and water sports to rediscovering the Bootlicking 12
has turned the Troubleshooters into lost secret of sex. The Illuminati are Stealth 10
infamous enemies of the Complex also gone, although no one’s sure Sneaking 14
and The Computer, as successful why. High Programmer Program Violence 10
purges and power changes sent Groups are now much, much more Demolition 14
them out of favor. Now, a desperate common. Projectile Weapons 14
cell of Commies has discovered Hardware 8
the DSESBBS and seized on
the Troubleshooters as their last
■ Comrades! You Live! Software 8
Wetware 9
hope…. The Troubleshooters wake up in Communist Propaganda 13
the DSESBBS. They’re a bit groggy Mutant Powers: Levitation (Power
State of Alpha Complex: Alpha when first decanted. Everything’s a 10)
Complex has grown even more blur—a flashing red blur. Shapes Secret Society Affiliation:
chaotic over the last few decades. are running back and forth. They do Communist
Driven by secret societies, hidden hear an announcement—it’s Friend Armor: RED Army battle armor,
agendas and paranoia, the High Computer’s voice, but it’s filled armor 2
Programmers started turning on each with static and uncharacteristically Weapons: Slugthrower, W2K
other. Whole chunks of the Alpha hesitant and corrupt, as if Friend
Complex leadership were declared Computer was not entirely sure what Tanya
unpeople and removed or deemed It was proclaiming. Management 6
traitors and executed. Junta after Oratory 10
junta collapsed in quick succession. ‘ATTENTION! THIS DECLARATION Stealth 10
The Computer, always buggy, is now OF WAR BROUGHT TO YOU BY Sneaking 14
a tangled mess of uncommented BOUNCY BUBBLY BEVERAGE. Violence 14
and incomprehensible legacy code, IT’S THE MANDATORY THING. Demolition 18
and is crazier than ever. TERMINATION OF ALL TRAITORS Projectile Weapons 18
Who’s In Charge?: Whatever FIRE *BLEEP* SECTORS IN TWO Software 8
temporary alliance of High HOURS 17 MINUTES. FULL USE Wetware 9
Programmers has managed to OF *BLEEP* FILE NOT FOUND Communist Propaganda 15
seize control this weekcycle. The *BLEEP* HAS BEEN *BLEEP* Mutant Powers: Energy Field
Computer has been marginalized due AUTHORIZED. SURRENDER (Power 10)
to its senile randomness, although it NOW. *BLEEP*. DRINKING Secret Society Affiliation:
is still a massively powerful force in BOUNCY BUBBLY BEVERAGE IS Communist
the lives of the lower citizens. TREASON, CITIZENS! CONSUME Armor: RED Army battle armor,
Changes to Clearance & REPORT B3 ABUSERS AND Weapons: Slugthrower, W2K
Regulations: Regulations change DEALERS TO INTSEC! *BLEEP*
from sector to sector due to different EOM’.
directives from ruling juntas. There’s concrete has begun to crumble. The
been a bloat in the upper clearances The Troubleshooters’ vision clears. machinery is still intact, but covered
because of the regular changes in They’re in the DSESBBS vault. The in grime. Technician Andy is still
power and attendant promotions— walls are laser-scarred, and the around—or, more accurately, he
the clearance scale now goes was around until recently. Andy’s
IROYGBIV, SUPERVIOLET, corpse is lying in the middle of the
ULTRAVIOLATE, MEGAVIOLET, floor, with a big smoking laser hole
GAMMA. in his chest. He’s dressed in violet
OH DEAR. robes.
What’s Treasonous?: Suggesting
that The Computer is any way flawed HOW SAD. Clustered around the Troubleshooters
or wrong has become treasonous, NEVERMIND. are half-a-dozen heavily armed
with a Treason damage of C5T. men. They’re all wearing strange
uniforms—khaki green, with red
Deprecated: The Mystics secret stars. And furry hats. And really big
society has died out, replaced by guns. One of them grabs the hand of
the Hedonists, who seek pleasure one of the Troubleshooters and

99 P
The Commies hustle the Troubleshooters
out of the DSESBBS vault. Waiting outside
is a bizarre vehicle that looks like a transbot
crossed with a spider. Dozens of brassy
mechanical legs sprout from its sides. The
group scramble aboard, and Tanya takes the
controls. As the spiderbot scuttles forward
at alarming speed, an alarm sounds. ‘Hold
on!’ screams Tanya, and the spiderbot
accelerates even more and makes several
wild jumps in random directions, scrabbling
through sewer lines and access junctions.
Outside, the Troubleshooters see incredibly
bright flashes of green fire, light so bright it
burns their exposed skin and leaves painful
after-images burnt into their retinas. ‘Dome-
mounted particle cannons’ mutters Ivan,
‘they can incinerate a single traitor from 20
sectors above. Anything in the place where
the beams meet is fried’.

Tanya drives the bot over a chasm, and

it plummets into the depths. Outstretched
legs scrape against the walls of the chasm,
slowing its descent from ‘terminal velocity’
into merely ‘almost-suicidal’. As they fall,
Ivan turns to the Troubleshooters and
explains what’s going on.

‘Comrades! My worker’s heart is filled with

joy to see you alive once more. Your battles
against the hated Computer and its capitalist
lackies have inspired me all my life! We
started this great revolution in accordance
pumps it up and down, shouting ‘Comrades! You have with your teachings and your writings, and
returned in our hourcycle of need! With you leading us, in your names we launched a pre-emptive attack on the
the revolution must succeed! Now, we must be quick! very heart of degenerate capitalism!
I fear the battle has not gone well, and all seemed
This Commie meet-and-greeter is ‘Ivan’ (technically, Fred- lost—then we discovered that the foolish capitalists had
G-DES, but he doesn’t answer to his Capitalist Pig-Dog imprisoned your genetic patterns! These clones might not
Price Tag Name), the leader of this communist cell. To have your full memories, but mere knowledge is nothing!
Ivan, the Troubleshooters are his childhood heroes, his The love of international communism burns in your hearts!
idols, his glorious leaders, the fathers of international With you leading us, our victory is assured!’
communism and the greatest enemies of the hated
Computer ever! He’d die for them in an instant, and they Tanya snorts derisively. ‘If they brought a few armored
can do no wrong. However, Ivan does realize that they’ve divisions and about a hundred dome-smasher warheads,
just been decanted from their capitalist genetic prison, and then they might actually make a difference’ and Ivan
therefore will probably need a few minutes to get back up berates her for her lack of faith in the Party. Tanya then
to speed on the whole revolution thing. announces that they’re approaching KremVax.

The other notable commie here is ‘Tanya’ (Rose-R-JCK),

one of the best fighters in the ongoing revolution. She was
■ Kremvax
a Troubleshooter, and was responsible for the Commies The KremVax fortress is a hidden Communist complex
getting hold of most of the WMDs that are currently being hidden deep beneath Alpha Complex. (While the Commies
used to blow up large chunks of Alpha Complex. claim that this small bunker is the original KremVax, it’s
common knowledge within the Party that there once

was a much grander, bigger and older KremVax that In the control booth, there’s a holographic display showing
was destroyed by the hated capitalists. Of course, that the distribution of Communist forces and weapons around
common knowledge was probably planted by the Politburo the KremVax. More importantly, there’s also a sheaf of
to enhance the Communists’ prestige.) Now, KremVax is papers describing the Troubleshooters’ official histories.
under heavy bombardment by the Armed Forces. It’s too Ivan tells the team that he and Tanya need to report to
deep beneath Alpha Complex to be attacked directly (yet), the Central Committee—the Heroes of the Party (i.e. the
but the Armed Forces are methodically blasting away at Troubleshooters) should familiarize themselves with the
the domes overhead as well as attacking through the forces under their command.
corridors. In about two hours, The Computer is going to
launch its final strike on the KremVax, wiping out every
clone in a dozen sectors between the core of Alpha
■ So Who Do You Think We Are?
Complex and hidden Commie base. If the Troubleshooters examine the official histories, give
them the handout. (Remember to fill in the most or least
The spiderbot arrives in a KremVax dock, and the appropriate names.)
Troubleshooters are led down more corridors decorated
with Commie symbols into a control room. Every few If the Troubleshooters look at the holographic display,
moments, the whole place shakes and the lights flicker then they see a lot of pretty lights which they really don’t
as another Armed Forces barrage strikes. Sometimes, understand. At a guess, the red lights are Commies,
through the falling dust, the flickering half-light and the and the blue lights are Alpha Complex Armed Forces.
gloom, the Troubleshooters glimpse an awe-filled face Or it could be the other way around. It’s impossible to
as some loyal Communist passes by them. tell what’s what.

■ Handout – Troubleshooter Official Histories

1. ___________-__-_________. Founder of International Communism. Collaborated with Marx on development of
original Commie badwrongthought. Believed to have a mutant brain that is constantly generating new deviant thought
patterns. Writer of numerous banned and treasonous tracts. All images, recordings, writings and other artifacts produced
by this traitor are classified VIOLET and should be considered highly dangerous thoughtcrimes, viral meme weapon of
mass orthodoxy destruction. Interact using approval filters only; terminate at all costs.

2. ___________-__-_________. The so-called ‘Butcher of WST Sector’, this traitor is the supreme military commander
of the Red Army of Communism. A renegade from the loyal and glorious Armed Forces of Alpha Complex, the traitor
ordered 17 divisions of warbots into the test firing ground of the C74 ‘Insurrectionator’ missile platform minutes before
defecting. The traitor was also responsible for many other false orders and ‘friendly fire’ incidents. Terminate at all

3. ___________-__-_________. The mad genius of Communist science, this diabolical genius has produced weapons
of mass destruction designed to destroy Alpha Complex and wipe out all life. Intelligence has confirmed that this traitor
was responsible for the deliberate mutation of thousands of citizens, corrupting the gene pool with Communist deviancy;
also responsible for apocalypses III through VI. Terminate at all costs.

4. ___________-__-_________. The most notorious spy and saboteur in history, this traitor infiltrated the very heart
of Alpha Complex. Numerous disasters and failures were caused by traitorous Commie interference with the smooth
functioning of our perfect society. The traitor was responsible for many fine and loyal citizens being wrongly accused
of perfidious treason—and worse, for other traitors going undiscovered for much too long! Terminate at all costs.

5. ___________-__-_________. The ‘Commie Who Came In From Outdoors’. This traitor was not cloned in Alpha
Complex, or in any known enemy base. It is postulated that the creature is the result of generations of Old Reckoning
survivors inbreeding in the wilds of Outdoors; a feral, savage mutant without any concept of humanity or morality. A
ravening beast, shackled to the Communist cause by twisted instinct. The ultimate deviant and mutant. Terminate at
all costs.

6. ___________-__-_________. CLASSIFIED MEGAVIOLET. No information available at your security clearance.

Subject to be considered highly dangerous at all times. Terminate at all costs.


■ Supreme Commanders of the Red Army sarcastic and paranoid, and thinks that putting a bunch of
recently decanted strangers in charge of the Red Army
Ivan and Tanya return to the command center. Ivan is madness*. While she is a loyal Communist, she’s no
proudly announces that he has spoken to the Central fool and she will terminate the Troubleshooters if they fail
Committee, and they have full confidence in the
Troubleshooters’ abilities to save the revolution from * Entirely true. However, the Central Committee has seen which way the
defeat. Full control of the Red Army just got transferred (radioactive) wind is blowing, concluded that this revolution is a failure, and
to them. Oh, and there’s less than two hours before The have fled. The new Supreme Commanders—the Troubleshooters—will be
Computer launches a cataclysmic attack on the whole scapegoats and blamed for the disaster in the new Communist historical
KremVax region, but the real immediate problem is that revisionism.
Armed Forces warbots and tanks are approaching via the
Outdoors and are attacking the upper defenses. If they or betray the cause.
break through the surface fortifications, then the KremVac Unless they ask for weapons, then the Troubleshooters
might fall before the impending cataclysmic nuking. are still unarmed at this point. Ivan and Tanya are both
heavily armed though.
What are your orders, comrades?
Bombard the Troubleshooters with news from the front,
Ivan is completely loyal and eager to help the and ask for their response. Some samples:
Troubleshooters. He won’t volunteer information—the
Supreme Commanders know everything and are far wiser Comrades! The surface domes are under attack by
than he is, so he just carries out their commands without warbots! What do we do?
hesitation, but he will answer any questions put to him.
Don’t bother trying to turn this section into a wargame; if Comrades! Vulture Troopers attacking through the
it’s funny to say that the Commies have Cossack-bots or sewers! What do we do?
orbital lasers, let them. The important thing is that Ivan
is convinced that the Troubleshooters are the perfect Comrades! A detachment of comrades is trapped in
Communists and are loyal to the party. no-clones-land! Do we rescue them?

Tanya, however, is distrustful of the Troubleshooters and Comrades! Incoming missiles! We have one flight
will question their orders at every opportunity. She’s cold, of interceptors left—do we fire?

Comrades! The 14th Army is within range of ESV ■ The Other Other Ultimatum
Sector dome—should they open up a ninth front? Finally, the KremVax gets a call from one of the hidden
Commie research laboratories. It’s a wild-hearted
Comrades! Should we redirect power from life researcher who introduces himself as Tesla. He was
support, or the defense shields? trying to reach the Central Committee, but they seem to
have vanished. Anyway, he’s just finished that Doomsday
Comrades! We have an experimental Anti-Computer Device he’s been fiddling with. It’s not tested, but it should
EMP, but using it will drain our reactors to the point make the biggest bang in human history, and possibly
of overload. Should we use it now? collapse the entire planet into an artificially generated
black hole.
Comrades! Should we attempt to use the capitalist-
seeking missiles? What do they want done with it?

Even if they try, by the way, they can’t blow up the

DSESBBS—it’s still buried too deep beneath Alpha
■ Come, Come, Nuclear Bombs
Complex. If the Troubleshooters stall, then it’s all over. Either Armed
Forces troops storm the KremVax or, more likely, The
■ The Ultimatum Computer launches a nuclear strike that kills millions,
but wipes out communism forever. Really. This time for
After the Troubleshooters have dug themselves and sure.
the Red Army into a hole, the KremVax receives a
transmission from Alpha Complex. At the other end of If they want to take either of the offers given by Nathan-
the line is the commander of the Armed Forces attacking UV or Malachi-V, then they need to trick/corrupt/kill Ivan
the KremVax, Nathan-UV-KNX-13. He’s a cigar-chewing, and/or Tanya. They do have the entire Red Army at
sunglasses-wearing, ass-kicking, napalm-dropping clone- their disposal, so the Troubleshooters are not without
of-a-son-of-a-bitch that’s kicked Commies from Outdoors influence. They could even decide to join the Central
to, er, another part of Outdoors. He’s high on a potent Committee in exile (Here, Ivan, now you’re the Supreme
cocktail of Thymoglandin, Pyroxidine, bloodlust and a hell Commander. Be brave, Comrade!).
of a lot of firepower.
Tesla’s probably insane, and his Doomsday Device won’t
His message to the Commies? Surrender! Now! So work. Unless it does. Even if it works, it doesn’t destroy
we can blow the hell out of you! He’ll promise the all of Alpha Complex, as that would screw up the next
Troubleshooters that they’ll get a big show trial back in scenario. Feel free to blame the coming dystopia on
Alpha Complex before they’re executed. They don’t have Tesla’s weapon, though, if the Troubleshooters do use
a hope of survival anyway—at least this way, they’ll get it.
to live a bit longer and he gets to bring prisoners home.
They have 30 minutes to respond—wait any longer, and Emphasize the claustrophobic feeling of the command
it’ll be too late. center, and the disconnect between the blinking lights
on the holographic display and the deaths of thousands
How do the Troubleshooters respond? on the snowy plains of Outdoors. The feel of this finale
should be something out of the worst nightmares of the
■ The Other Ultimatum Cold War and Dr. Strangelove.

Soon after Nathan-UV-KNX-13 contacts the KremVax,

the Troubleshooters get a transmission, directed at
them specifically. It’s from Malachi-V-SSI-6, last seen as
Malachi-B 40 yearcycles ago (see page 75). Malachi-V
remembers the DSESBBS and the clones it produces,
and knows that they are not the fabled Communist
masterminds that history paints them as. He contacts FINAL
them, reminds them of who they are and of their duty
to Alpha Complex, and orders them to order the entire
Red Army to march to a specific set of co-ordinates,
so they can be vaporized with a single attack. If the
Troubleshooters do that, then Malachi-V will ensure that
they’ll get rescued and their records changed to reflect
the new truth.

They need to act immediately, though.

5. The Humanist Yearcycles
When: T+300 yearcycles. the DSESBBS, the DSESBBS has and overthrow the Humanist
automatically patched into the Alpha council. (Death Leopard with
Synopsis: The Humanists have Complex MemoMax network and a political bent, basically,
won! Alpha Complex is free! No therefore won’t produce replacement mixed with the last remnants of
more oppressive regime! No more clones until it gets approval from a PURGE.)
torture! No more thought control! Life Review Committee.
No more dull, grinding work in the Clone Arrangers: Control of
food vats! Return to humanist Changes to Clearance & the cloning banks is one of the
values! Joy and unity for all! Regulations: Clearance is officially foundations of power in Alpha
gone. Everyone’s equal, and Complex. Cloning is now a
State of Alpha Complex: Everyone everyone wears white flowing robes privilege, not a right. Therefore, a
now wears long flowing white robes, instead of ugly jumpsuits. However, black market of cloning has grown
but the low-ranking citizens—sorry, everyone is also marked with tattoos up, insurance for people who
brethren—still do dull, grinding that fluoresce under ultra-violet light. fear they won’t get replaced by
work in the food vats, while the These tattoos indicate your security official channels. Many of these
elite Speakers live in luxury. The level, permissions, rank and so on. clones are grown in unsanitary
Computer is still around, but it’s Everyone has their head shaved to back-alley labs, leading to more
been stripped of much of its power. It make more room for tattoos. mutations; many of these clones
no longer executes people—instead, also have problems taking over
there are impromptu firing squads Regulations have mostly had their their previous lives—especially
everywhere. It’s much more… names changed, but are otherwise when a Life Review Committee
human. Cloning is still practiced, as much the same. The major difference unexpectedly authorizes an
the genetic damage to humanity is is the great increase in the number official clone, leading to there
too severe to immediately return to of committees, focus groups, being two or more of the same
old-style breeding. They’re working discussion groups, consultants and individual. Hilarity ensues.
on it, though. Marriage is now so on—back in the bad old days, Excess clones become non-
mandatory for all brethren. The Computer had the autocratic people, hiding in the underworld
power to make decisions. Now, in of Alpha Complex or fleeing to
Other than all that, things are pretty a more enlightened era, people the growing Morlock army.
much unchanged. People are now get to make their own decisions.
openly in charge, instead of the High Very, very slowly, and only when Computerists: Back in the old
Programmers using The Computer everyone agrees with the decision. times, a wise and benevolent
as a mouthpiece, but everyone’s Compromise is fun! Computer ruled over Alpha
still whipped into paranoid fears Complex, and everyone was
about traitors and outside enemies What’s Treasonous?: Lots of stuff, happy. Friend Computer was
to keep their attention away from the but they don’t call it treason any torn down by the hateful and
constant food shortages, horrible more. It’s Hate. Only bad people corrupt Humanists, but if we
living conditions, bureaucratic Hate. Mutants Hate a lot. (Mutants, believe in Friend Computer,
madness and rampant corruption. by the way, are responsible for the and hold It in our hearts and
genetic deviancy that forces Alpha brains, then one day, It can be
Who’s In Charge?: The Council Complex to rely on cloning.) Known Rebooted. One day soon…
of Speakers—a mix of old- Haters include the banned secret
school Humanists, and old High societies like the Romantics, Psion, Deprecated: Happiness is no
Programmers who were clever Sierra Clubbers and so on (largely longer mandatory. The Computer
enough to switch sides when the unchanged from The Computer’s suppressed the full range of human
Humanists took over. Their power reign of terror), as well as the new emotion, and that was wrong. If you
is maintained by a combination enemies: want to be sad, it’s ok. We’ll hug
of media manipulation (Alpha Morlocks: The morlocks dwell you while you cry, friend. What is
Complex’s utopia is under threat!) outside Alpha Complex, in the mandatory is Love. You must Love
and control of cloning. Getting a Outdoors. The Outdoors is a your fellow clone, and you must
replacement clone after you die is very, very dangerous place, Love Alpha Complex. Love is the
no longer a guarantee, even for filled with morlocks. Morlocks opposite of Hate. Love conquers
your first six clones. Instead, a Life are filthy degenerate barbarians all. If you fail, you’re not Loving
Review Committee is formed from who are filled with Hate. hard enough. Too much thought
your co-workers and supervisors to and questioning of the Speakers
see if the cost of resurrecting you Anarchists: A chaotic sect of is a sure sign you don’t Love them
is justified. While any replacement deviants and renegades who enough. If you really Loved us, you
Troubleshooters are decanted from want to blow up Alpha Complex wouldn’t question us.

Love is reinforced with chemicals. ■ Chemical Love
Have you taken your Love today, The Troubleshooters will likely be treated with the Love chemical regularly during
brethren? If you don’t Love, the this scenario. Love does exactly what it says on the tin—it causes feelings of
Morlocks win! empathy, care, fellowship and trust, not to mention desire in some cases. Zap
someone with a big shot of Love, and they’ll try to hug you instead of terminating
Low-ranking citizens are encouraged you. There’s a massive black market in the sale of Love Inhibitors, and most
to love with their whole hearts, and senior Brethren have built up a strong immunity to Love, which functions as
more importantly, their whole brains, Love Armor.
and so are pumped full of Love
regularly. Here’s the Love scale, which works just like the damage scale:
Okay (O)—Smile (S)—Friendly (F)—Hugs (H)—Best Friends (BF)—Devotion
■ Oh God, Not Again (D)—Obsessive Love (OL)—Mine!!!! (M). The last one, Mine, means that the
victim of Love is consumed with desire to be near, to possess the object of
The Troubleshooters wake up in Love, and will do anything to get there.
the good old DSESBBS. The room
doesn’t seem to have changed a The Love Gun does O5D damage. An injected dose of Love does H5OL.
great deal since then, although
there are several alarming cracks Effervescence explains the current If they were introduced directly to the
in the concrete of the walls. There’s situation in Alpha Complex in Computerists, then the Haters would
also a strange tinkling mood music glowing terms, about how the be suspicious. No, Effervescence’s
echoing through the room—all Humanists have perfected society plan is to hide the Troubleshooters
of Alpha Complex is now filled and everyone is full of Love. The in ordinary committees, and let the
with relaxing happy music*. Two one problem is the existence of Computerists recruit them.
figures are standing there waiting Hate. Secret societies like the
for them. One, the Troubleshooters Computerists promote Hate, so they Step 1: Head tattoos. The
recognize as Andy (now Andy- must be stopped. The Humanists Troubleshooters have their heads
103**), although he’s now bald and have been editing history, to remove shaved, and a big machine with
wearing white robes. He’s got a badthought and Hate from the past, lasers and probes zaps them with
blissful smile on his face. The other so they have erased many records a series of bar codes, weird glyphs
is a stranger—tall, wise-eyed and relating to The Computer’s time. The and Friendly notes*.
smiling. He introduces himself as Troubleshooters are a living link to
Brother Effervescence-2100, Grade the distant past—a link that will be Step 2: Flowing white robes.
17 Agent of the Love Police***. irresistible to the Computerists. Everyone gets flowing white robes
and Love Guns. A Love Gun is a
‘Welcome back, brethren. Be not Their mission, therefore, is to infiltrate two-part weapon. There’s the classic
afraid. Many yearcycles have passed the Computerist society and locate laser pistol bit, but there’s also a
since you were last decanted. the Hateful leaders. Effervescence’s high-pressure Love spray. Anyone
Welcome to the Humanist Utopia of Love Police will then swoop in who isn’t loving enough should be
Alpha Complex.’ and remove the Haters. With the shot by the Love Gun.
Computerists removed, historical
Effervescence is no fool—there revisionism can continue and the Step 3: Marriage. Marriage is
are four heavily armed Guidance horrors of The Computer’s reign will mandatory in the Humanist state.
Friends**** just outside. If any of the be totally excised from the record. It Therefore, the Troubleshooters
Troubleshooters scream ‘Humanist will be a new, more perfect yearcycle need to be married. The simplest
traitor’ or anything, then the Guides 214. approach is for them to be married
will enter and apply violence and to each other. If you have an even
chemical Love in equal measures. If the Troubleshooters accept, then number of players, then just pair
they will be rewarded richly in the the characters up. (While same-
* Tinkly plinky plonky music that sounds like new Humanist order. sex marriage does not entirely
a lot of crystals being hit by a four-yearcycle- conform with the Humanist goals of
old. And It. Never. Stops. Ever. Eternal plinky If they refuse, well, they obviously repopulating the human race through
plinky plonk.
do not Love enough. Not Loving is traditional means, the prevalence of
After about an hour, your teeth start Hateful. Have more chemical Love genetic mutation in the gene pool
resonating. and reconsider your answer. means that most traditional pairings
are just as infertile.) If there’s an
** Not a clone number. Everyone gets a code
number to go along with their name. ■ I Wanna Ba a Humanist extra Troubleshooter, then that
Troubleshooter gets married off to
*** IntSec by another name.
Assuming the Troubleshooters perky young Purity-4363—blonde,
agree, they are whisked away to bubbly, very dedicated to the
**** GREEN goons. become part of the Humanist society. Humanist cause, and not very

bright at all. This is her first marriage, Meeting One: Housing
and she’s determined to do her duty Decoration and Purchasing
for the Complex**. Oversight Subcommittee
with Special Executive
* It’s common practice to stamp notes onto the Authority Over Paint and
foreheads of citizens, so that their supervisors Other Wall Coverings
can shine a UV light on their face and see a
clone’s past misdemeanors. Stuff like ‘POOR
Other Than Functional
NAME IS PHIL’. Unfortunate citizens sometimes Topic: What Are We Going
get used as notice boards by high-ranking To Do With 50,000 Cans
supervisors. Of Really Ugly Green Paint
That Gives Off Toxic Fumes
** The Troubleshooters’ doses of hormone
suppressants are still in full effect, and are
While Drying, But Takes
likely to be for the rest of the scenario. Purity Two Weeks To Dry?
and all the other Humanists don’t have hormone Attending:
suppressants (although all sex in Alpha Complex The Troubleshooters
is regulated by heavy doses of Love). This may
lead to the occasional misunderstanding. Bounty-992, a
Communal Unity
The marriage regulations clearly (HPD&MC) drone. Has
state that both partners in a marriage the paint sitting in her
must be caring and attentive to warehouse, and wants
each other’s needs. Specifically, all to get rid of it now! Psion
communications between the two sympathizer.
must be prefixed with an endearment.
Failing to do so is Hateful, and Excitement-7674, a Council
deserves a shot of Love. Adjunct (CPU) accountant. therefore here to argue that
Wants to make sure the paint Reliability isn’t worth the cloning
Step 4: Orientation. Effervescence isn’t wasted, but refuses to allow cost. Sierra Clubber.
explains the state of Alpha Complex any section of Alpha Complex to
again, and tells the Troubleshooters be shut down for two weeks while Unity-2229, a Peace Corps
that they will be put on three the paint dries. Computerist. (Armed Forces) soldier and
committees. The Love Police are Reliability’s wife. She’s in the
sure that there are Computerist Sobriety-6654, a Joyous depths of Love Withdrawal
agents on at least one of the Worker (Tech Services). The following his death—she doesn’t
committees. The Troubleshooters unions have massive power actually want him back, but she’s
must therefore drop hints that they in Alpha Complex now, and chemically addicted to him, and
are Computerist sympathizers so Sobriety won’t do anything with is therefore subject to wild mood
they’ll be recruited. When recruited, dangerous paint without extra swings. Anarchist.
they must play along for as long as pay. Morlock spy.
they can, then summon the Love Productivity-0211, a Power
Police. He gives them all emergency Talking Points: The paint was Services (Power Services)
beacons—devices about the size provided by a commune that’s since supervisor. Reliability borrowed
of a fingernail that will transmit a dispersed, so it can’t be given back. the good spanner, and now no-
distress call when pressed. The color was chosen by a higher one can find it. Computerist.
committee to promote joy, so it must
■ Your Valued Contribution be displayed publicly. Talking Points: Was he an
Anarchist? Should they bring him
There’s actually a Computerist Meeting Two: Life Review for back if they’re not sure? Does he
agent at each meeting. However, Reliability-4322 deserve a second chance seeing as
there are also two loyal Humanists. Topic: Brother Reliability-4322 was he was blown up by Haters?
The Troubleshooters need to drop killed by an anarchist explosion.
hints about their knowledge of The Should he be recloned? Meeting Three: General Feelgood
Computer without being noticed by Attending: Meeting, Local Sector
the loyalists. Yay for Twitchtalk if The Troubleshooters Topic: Isn’t Life In The Humanist
they have it! Complex Great? Also, Love
Vigilance-6765, a Love Police Showers whenever people are
Purity goes along to the committee agent who suspects but cannot especially loyal.
meetings if she’s needed for the prove that Reliability was in fact Attending:
game. an Anarchist bomber. She’s The Troubleshooters

About A Thousand Other Citizens Unfortunate Incident, they tried to to reboot The Computer. They would
strip away The Computer’s power by prefer that the Prophesied Ones
Loyalty-8754, a Productivity disabling CompNodes and deleting serve willingly, but they’ll settle for
Enthusiast (PLC) clerk and higher programs all across Alpha just keeping their tongues intact.
Computerist Complex. However, a loyal servant
of The Computer saved Its higher If any of the Troubleshooters goes
Gratitude-5433, a Bliss programs in a divine archive. To through with having his brain drilled,
Engineer (R&D) technician and ensure that no Humanist or other then the computer system recognizes
Computerist enemy of The Computer could him as being part of the DSESBBS
destroy Its wisdom, all loyal servants team. A message appears on
Talking Points: This meeting takes give up a portion of their brains to screen, telling the Computerists
place in a big open chamber. There’s store a section of The Computer’s who the Troubleshooter really
a spotlight in the ceiling. When it code. is. Simultaneously, half the
lands on you, you shout out a short Troubleshooters’ brain is filled with
speech about how much you love As he says this, all the Computerists a copy of The Computer’s reactor
Alpha Complex. If you’re really loyal, turn and look at the Troubleshooters. management code.
then Love rains from the ceiling. Green lines of code scroll down
Think the Nuremberg rally crossed behind their eyes. If any of the Troubleshooters use
with a born-again Christian church the emergency beacons given by
crossed with a rave. Roy-I asks if the Troubleshooters Effervescence and the Love Police,
are ready to be initiated. If they then the Love Police attack the hidden
■ Join Us, Loyal Citizen agree, or if they start talking about
how they’re actually 500 yearcycle
meeting. The Computerists panic
and try to drill the Troubleshooters,
Eventually, the Troubleshooters will old Troubleshooters from the reign leading to them finding out about the
be noticed by the Computerists and of The Computer, then Roy-I reveals DSESBBS, leading to the tongues. It
contacted by one of their agents. an ancient computer terminal behind all comes back to the tongues.
The Computerist approaches the a shroud. There’s a complex helmet/
Troubleshooters and makes the
Computerist recognition code (Make
drill gadget hanging off one side of
the terminal—this is the device used
■ Terminal Reboot
a square around your eye with your to download sections of archived If any of the Troubleshooters
fingers, symbolizing the eye-in-the- code into the brains of the faithful. licks the terminals**—the heads
monitor/point your fingers like a There is also a tongueprint reader. of all the Computerists explode,
gun and go ‘zap’, symbolizing The While tongueprints* were once violently (as does the cranium of
Computer’s all-pervading digital common in Alpha Complex, the any drilled Troubleshooter). The
justice). If the Troubleshooters look Troubleshooters haven’t seen any in drill used to initiate Computerist
clueless, or if they somehow guess the Humanist-dominated complex. members contains a tiny once-use
the correct response, then the transmitter, which just uploaded
Computerist whispers that there are * Tongueprints were largely outmoded by the all the archived code back to the
others who feel as they do, and that introduction of the ME card, anyway. rebooting mainframe. Every screen
he will bring the Troubleshooters in Alpha Complex suddenly displays
there. Roy-I indicates the reader. ‘It is the message REBOOTING…
prophesied in the Emergency PLEASE WAIT.
That nightcycle, the Computerist Protocols that one day the Great
agent brings the Troubleshooters to Rebooters will be born from the lost A few moments later, The Computer
a secret meeting. The meeting takes vault of DSESBBS and that they will announces: SYSTEM ONLINE.
place in tunnels underneath the local return The Computer to Its rightful ATTENTION, ALPHA COMPLEX
CompNode. The Troubleshooters place. We await that day. Oh well, TREASON INDEX HAS EXCEEDED
are led into a dark room, where it’s probably not today. It’s time to MAXIMUM TOLERANCE.
another 20 conspirators are waiting. have your brains drilled to make INITIATING PURGE SEQUENCE.
The leader of the local Computerist for the Backup.’ He picks up the TOTAL TERMINATION IN
cell is also there—he introduces helmet and advances on the nearest 5…4…3…2…
himself as Roy-I-CPU, a loyal Troubleshooter.
servant of the True Computer. He There is the distant sound of reactor
asks if the Troubleshooters have
been initiated into the service of the
■ A Meaningful Decision shielding opening. Everyone dies.
Friend Computer’s back in charge!
True Computer. What do the Troubleshooters do?
If the Computerists discover that ** If the Troubleshooters don’t reboot The
Roy-I then explains the purpose of the Troubleshooters are in fact Computer, then someone else does in the
intervening 200 yearcycles between the end of
the Computerist society. When the decanted from the DSESBBS, then this scenario and the start of the next one.
hated Humanists took over after the they will stop at nothing to get them

6. The War of NOS Sector
When: T+500 yearcycles. Most old secret societies are gone, or else mutated into
almost unrecognizable forms. At this point, the major
Syopsis: The Computer crashed (again), and now each societies are…
individual CompNode thinks it’s the One True Computer. Food Hoarders: Food supplies are scarce in
Every sector is now its own little Alpha Complex, and wartime. Most clones get one meal of Ready Fun
is at war with every other sector, which are of course per day at best, and Food Appreciation Days are
filled with Commies. The Troubleshooters are brought becoming more common. The Food Hoarders
back because they have secret military knowledge— stockpile what they can spare—which is illegal.
specifically, the layout of NOS Sector. Still, they’re easily the biggest society.

State of Alpha Complex: Unchanged, according to The Scavengers: The Scavengers raid dead sectors
Computer. Not only has it always been yearcycle 214, and the wreckage left by battles, searching for
but Alpha Complex has always been about a sector in useful supplies.
size, populated by only a few hundred citizens, and has
always been a smashed, ruined, decaying shadow of its Pacifists: The Pacifists object to the war in
former self. Two hundred yearcycles of constant fighting, principle, but object to being put on the frontlines
not to mention the crippling shortages and supply failures and killed in specific. The society tries to get its
that arose from chopping the whole complex up into members out of the line of fire by arranging for
isolationist sectors, means that this Alpha Complex is a them to be given cushy jobs elsewhere; if that
hollow ruin, with a few unfortunate citizens grubbing in the fails, they just try to sabotage the war to stay out
wreckage. Whole sectors are now mass graves. of danger.

Which is, of course, excellent news! Because those Citizen’s Militia: Fanatic warriors who want
sectors were full of Commies. to die for The Computer and Alpha Complex.
Unfortunately, many Citizen’s Militia members are
Who’s In Charge?: The Computer. Since getting crazy people who shouldn’t be given a stapler, let
rebooted and wiping out the Humanists, The Computer alone a cone rifle. Citizen’s Militia prepare for battle
has enjoyed absolute power in Alpha Complex. However, in secret, stockpile stolen weapons, and await the
fracturing into CompNodes drove It insane, and there coming Armageddon.
aren’t any High Programmers around any more to
untangle its code and mop its fevered processors. In Keepers of Ancient Lore: The shadowy Keepers
short, The Computer is acting like a crazy little dictator remember a time when men knew the secret of
ruling over a tiny oppressed population in an isolated Coding, and The Computer was not all-powerful.
country, and It wants nukes. One day, they whisper, they shall find the secrets
of this power and bring perfection to Alpha
Changes to Clearance & Regulations: Most regulations Complex.
are now back in force, just as they are described in the
PARANOIA rulebook. However, The Computer is much Deprecated: Really, any memory of the past. Things
more erratic, and has been known to zap people for even were always this great, citizen, even if you remember
minor infractions. them being otherwise (brainscrub time!). Evidence of the
existence of food vats, connections to other sectors and
Clearance is officially unchanged…but due to the small so on are actually planted by Commies trying to destroy
population, and The Computer’s love of terminating morale.
people, it’s rare for anyone to get above GREEN at most.
There’s not a single VIOLET or ULTRAVIOLET in all of
Alpha Complex (or even, all of the Alpha Complexes).
■ No One’s Cleaned My Clone
Tank In Five Generations
What’s Treasonous?: The usual. Having any contact The Troubleshooters wake up in the DSESBBS. It’s a
with neighboring sectors is obviously treasonous, as mess. (The DSESBBS is a mess…I must confess…under
you must be an enemy agent. That banging on the wall? duress… hey, that’s catchy). The walls are cracked and
Why, that was a coded message. Directed at you. You blackened, as if there was a tremendous fire here. The
traitor. Zap! Also, under the Joy in Austerity program, doors are smashed and riddled with bullet holes. None of
complaining in the slightest about lack of food, warmth, the lights are working. The only illumination comes from
light and other necessities is treason. Almost anything a pair of torch-beams, swinging wildly. For a moment, the
can be treasonous if The Computer believes you’re acting torch illuminates a skeleton lying at Andy’s control panel,
against the all-important War Effort. then it shines into the Troubleshooter’s faces.

‘It worked! It’s them!’ says a voice. The owner of the voice ■ W.M.D.
takes out a glowing sphere and activates it, illuminating the The secret passage is full of skeletons. Others have tried
whole room. The Troubleshooters have been awaken by to leave NOR Sector by this route before, and were caught
two citizens, dressed in ragged and grubby red jumpsuits. by the border patrols. Several of the skeletons have
One is carrying a laser pistol, the other has a sharp stick. obvious tooth-marks on their bones. Rob-R and Ed-R
They are Rob-R and Ed-R, a pair of Scavengers and loyal are unphased by the passageway of gory death—they’ve
citizens of NOR Sector Alpha Complex. gone this way many times before. The passage, by the
way, is narrow. Only one person can fit through it at a
Rob-R explains that they found the DSESBBS when time.
exploring this Unplace*, and that according to the records,
the PCs should be Ancient and Wise Troubleshooters The passage exits through another hidden panel, letting
from the Time Before History, who know the layout of the Troubleshooters into the heart of Alpha Complex—at
all the sectors. If the Troubleshooters are confused or least, the local Alpha Complex. Which comprises about
ask for clarification, Ed-R explains that according to eight corridors and a few dozen rooms. In terms of
orthodoxy, only NOR Sector is the true Alpha Complex, inhabitable area, it’s about that of a small shopping
and all other Alpha Complexes are Commie-controlled center with its own nuclear arsenal. Rob-R and Ed-R tell
strongholds of treason that were built in mockery of the the Troubleshooters to accompany them to the supreme
One True Complex—but everyone knows** that once commander of the Alpha Complex Armed Forces, Nathan-
all the sectors were part of One Big Complex, and that B (yes, the same clone template as was commanding the
it is said that once, a clone could walk from one sector Armed Forces back in Red Dawncycle).
to another freely.
Nathan-B immediately declares the Troubleshooters
* Anything outside Alpha Complex is either an Enemy Complex, or doesn’t a National Security Asset and CLEARANCE BLUE***.
exist. Hence, the ruined sectors are Unplaces. He takes out a map of NOR and neighboring sectors.
The map shows NOR Sector in incredible detail, down
** The knowledge that all sectors were originally one is about as common
to individual floor panels and chairs. However, NOS
as knowledge of the Outdoors was 500 yearcycles ago. Few citizens in this
modern Alpha Complex know about the Outdoors—when traveling down Sector on the far side of the wall is a complete blank.
the corridor is a big deal, going out of the dome entirely into a big big big Nathan-B demands that the Troubleshooters designate
big big big space is unthinkable. the best targets in NOS Sector—the missiles are ready
to launch, they just need targets. If the Troubleshooters
point to targets, that’s fine—they know where major sites
like the reactor, cloning tanks or CompNode in NOS
If the Troubleshooters do know the secret layout of hated Sector are.
NOS Sector, continues Rob-R, then they will be of great
value to the war effort. If they do not know the secret, then
they’re useless. (In fact, mutters Ed-R, we may as well
■ Friend Computer, He So Crazy
just shoot them and sell the bodies to the Food Hoarders). Suddenly, the camera in Nathan-B’s command center
When it’s put like that, the Troubleshooters really should switches on, and a hysterical, discordant version of The
know the secret layout of NOS Sector. Computer’s voice rings through the room. INTRUDERS
The door to the DSESBBS is broken, but Rob-R and Nathan-B pales, but orders the Troubleshooters to follow
Ed-R got in through a hole in the ceiling. They take the him to the main hall. If they refuse, he pulls a gun on
Troubleshooters back the same way, though a series of them.
broken and ruined sectors. This is post-apocalyptic Alpha
Complex. Think of the cities around Chernobyl—corridor The Main Hall of NOR Sector was once a large cafeteria.
after corridor of empty rooms and abandoned halls. Alpha Now, it’s a cafeteria/CompNode/nuclear missile silo. A
Complex after the rain. huge computer monitor and associated electronic bits
dominates much of the room, with Its one big eye gazing
Eventually, the Troubleshooters and their new friends/ proudly at the just-completed nuclear missile. As the
captors/guides arrive at NOR Sector. The main entrance Troubleshooters and Nathan-B enter, that huge baleful
into NOR Sector is scarred by bomb craters and laser eye rolls around to stare at them. EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN
burns, the legacy of thousands of wars with other sectors. OF THE INTRUDERS!!! It screams.
Rob-R leads the Troubleshooters to a damaged access
panel in the wall, which leads to a secret passage into *** It’ll only last a few minutes, but during that time, the Troubleshooters
the base. are technically not allowed know they exist or refer to each other or
themselves, on penalty of termination.

**** Can we legally say ‘Dalek’ here? If we can, then it sounds like a Dalek.
If we can’t, then it sounds like a lawyer.

If the Troubleshooters want to volunteer the information, Once you tire of this, then NOR Sector Intelligence (a
they can; otherwise, Nathan-B will admit that they come guy with his ear to the wall) discovers that several of the
from outside, but that they are vitally important military remaining sectors have entered into a coalition, and are
asset- OUTSIDERS ARE COMMIE MUTANT TRAITORS! about to launch a co-coordinated attack. As NOR as only
COMMIES MUST BE TERMINATED! ALL CITIZENS one missile silo, then they can only take out one sector at a
SUBVERTED BY CONTACT WITH COMMUNISM MUST time. Everyone’s going to die, and The Computer blames
BE TERMINATED! INITIATING PURGE! A laser blast Its new military advisors—the Troubleshooters—for the
turns poor Nathan-B into free-floating atoms. problem. Move onto the next section.

Ask the players what they do. If they say ‘RUN’, move onto
the next section. If they try to outsmart The Computer, let
■ The Only Thing That Can Save
them try. A half-way good Management or Con Games Us Now Is a Crazy Plan
roll will be enough to confuse the poor degenerating As the Troubleshooters flee down the corridor, they
CompNode to trust the Troubleshooters… for a while. run into Rob-R and Ed-R, who are fleeing from a
With their knowledge of neighboring sectors, they can Troubleshooter team who just got a mission to execute
easily give The Computer the knowledge it needs to them. Their only hope is to flee NOR Sector the same
target the CompNodes of the enemy. Victory can be way they came in, though the secret passage. They’re
theirs! NOS Sector can be defeated, then NOT and pursued by NOR Troubleshooters and the Citizen’s Militia,
NOU and NOV… as long as they can keep convincing but will be safe as soon as they get out the far side of the
an increasingly megalomaniac Computer that they’re on passage. Who goes through the passage first?
its side. For added challenges, you can vary the location
of the CompNode in enemy sectors, meaning that victory When the survivors make out into the barren sectors
may not be total and the NOR Sector troops have to deal outside, they’re faced with a choice. If they defect to NOS
with enemy survivors and saboteurs. Sector*, then they could give the NOSries the location
of the NOR Sector CompNode, ensuring
NOS Sector’s victory. Alternatively, they
could starve in the Unplaces.

So, what do they do? Defect, or starve.

The problem with the ‘Defect’ option
is that there is still a land war running
between NOR and NOS Sectors, and
the frontline of that war is between the
characters and safety in NOS Sector.
Ed-R warns the characters that they’ll
have to make it through the battle to reach
NOS Sector.

Wars in the modern era are problematic.

Anyone on the frontlines is by definition
exposed to the corrupting influence
of the enemy Commies; therefore,
any survivors of a battle cannot be
allowed return to NOR Sector without
being thoroughly brainscrubbed into
trustworthiness. Of course, this means
that the soldiers can’t remember the
battle, so the progress of the war has to
be estimated mathematically. According
to NOR Sector calculations, they’ve won
the war 17 times over by now.

The ruined corridors leading to the

side entrance to NOS Sector are the
battleground. As the Troubleshooters
approach, they hear a voice bark an
order. ‘NOR WarBots, advance!’ and

half-a-dozen scrubbots with sharpened vacuum cleaners ■ We Want To Defect
pass by, followed by a few NOR Sector soldiers armed Once the Troubleshooters get past the warbot, they
with second-hand lasers, muskets and sharp sticks. They enter into NOS Sector. Rob-R and Ed-R (if they’re still
then hear the sound of bloody, bloody fighting. It looks like alive) are both palpably terrified—the thought of entering
it’ll be really easy to sneak by… then they hear a sound a strange new sector for the first time is unthinkable.
that sounds really like a plasma field firing**. They’ve never even seen a NOSrie in the flesh, at least
not one they weren’t shooting at. There are rumors that
The side entrance to NOS Sector is guarded by a Mark the NOSries aren’t even human, that they’re Communist
IX Warbot***. It’s really, really big. It’s obviously old and monsters of some sort. When the Troubleshooters open
badly maintained, but still horribly lethal. It’s got guns on the door, though, they discover that NOS Sector is…
its guns, meter-thick armor, enough spiky bits to impale almost identical to NOR Sector…
a whole FunBall team… it’s 30 feet tall, and squatted
right in front of the door the Troubleshooters need to …Right down to the existence of a clone of Nathan-B.
get through. So, the question is, how do they get past The Troubleshooters are marched to his command center
it? The easiest solution is to lure another bunch of NOR directly, where they are shown Nathan-B’s map of NOS
Sector troops to the area, and run past the warbot while Sector and the surrounding… blanks. Nathan-B tells the
it’s vaporizing them. They could try reasoning with the Troubleshooters that NOS Sector is ready to deliver a final
bot, but that’s crazy talk. knock-out blow to NOR Sector. The missile is ready, it just
needs the location of the NOR Sector CompNode.

If the Troubleshooters give them the location of the NOR

* If NOS Sector is a smoking crater, then use the next nearest surviving CompNode, then a missile is launched from NOS Sector’s
sector. silo. It shoots straight up out of the crumbling dome over
Alpha Complex, arcs around, then plummets straight
** It sounds like this: bzzzFISSSSHHHHHVOOOMpshpshpshV down to impact at a point about 500 meters away from
where it launched.
*** Mark IX, ‘Advanced Patriot Plasma-Death Extreme Homeland Defense,
v2’. So dangerous, its screws have warnings on them. If the Troubleshooters didn’t give them the location
of the NOR CompNode, then exactly the same thing
happens, only NOR and NOS are reversed. This may
seem like a minor change, but that does mean that the
Troubleshooters are toast.

7. Waste Not, Want Not
When: T+1,000 yearcycle. What’s Treasonous?: Waste of any Well done, technician wheeze.
kind is treason. Everything must be These will fulfill our purpose wheeze
Synopsis: Alpha Complex is recycled. Damaging vital equipment admirable wheeze. Your oxygen
drowning in a lake of its own sewage is considered waste. ration is wheeze increased for this
and reactor waste. The few surviving wheeze weekcycle.’ He turns back
citizens are trapped in life support Deprecated: Breathing too much. to the Troubleshooters and orders
machines, unable to survive on their Legs. them to follow him.
own after generations of mutation,
malnutrition and medical malpractice.
While the handful of still-functional
■ Toxic Slime Everywhere Brian-UV floats out the archway—
the door was removed long ago,
bots are building the Alpha Complex And Not a Drop to Drink as metal is scarce now and leads
Ark, the Troubleshooters must go The Troubleshooters awaken, as the Troubleshooters up a series of
out and survey five potential sites usual, in the DSESBBS. The first concrete ramps to a flybot docking
for the new Complex. thing they notice is that the floor is pad. (The Troubleshooters may
covered by a three-foot deep lake of distantly remember landing at that
State of Alpha Complex: Which green slime. Barrels of toxic waste pad, a thousand yearcycles before
part of ‘drowning in a lake of its float idly by. The vault is obviously in the yearcycle 214.) There’s a
own sewage and reactor waste’ did crumbling—the concrete is now soft bizarre flying machine waiting there,
you miss? Radiation from leaking enough that you can break chunks a delicately beautiful thing of spun
reactors cascades in invisible off with your fingers. Waiting for the glass and crystal. Brian-UV explains
sheets through the corridors. The Troubleshooters are Andy-O and the Troubleshooters’ mission (add
air recyclers broke down centuries CPU coordinator Brian-UV. Both wheezes if you want).
ago; the air is like soup with a thick are in the standard life support
dusting of metal filings. The few gear used by all citizens in the ‘Troubleshooters—Alpha Complex
mineral resources within reach of the yearcycle 214—metallic frames needs your help. Due to Commie
automated mining bots have been to support wasted and atrophied sabotage of production schedules
exhausted, and under the Friendly limbs, oxygen masks to supply for the last 50 yearcycles, our
Recycling Initiative of yearcycle breathable air, thick goggles to ward beloved complex is running short
214, the automated mining bots off the blinding fumes, stillsuits to on certain resources—notably iron,
were recycled, which may have capture all waste water, drug injector copper, lead and other vital metals,
been a mistake. In short, the place backpacks to regulate their diseased as well as fresh air and water—and
is completely f*cked. metabolisms. Oh, and wheels to suffers from an unwanted excess
allow them to carry all that. of other resources, such as reactor
* Every time they put an asterisk in to hide waste. We are at crisis level 17.
a profanity, they’re legally obliged to put in a Currently, though, both Andy-Y and
footnote. You just never noticed them until Brian-UV are floating on little rafts Fortunately—rejoice, citizens—
made of discarded cans. Wheels The Computer has foreseen this
don’t work well in a lake of toxic problem, and steps are being taken
Who’s In Charge?: Things are back slime. to correct it. Even now, almost the
to normal—the different CompNodes entire population of Alpha Complex
are networked again, forming one Brian-UV watches the is hard at work on the construction
Computer (although It is just as Troubleshooters wake up, then of the Ark that will carry us in perfect
decayed and faulty as the rest of turns to Andy-Y and says ‘wheeze
the rotting complex). There are also
High Programmers, who are all busy
hiding toxic waste and proclaiming
■ Fun with Cortex Bombs
that they’ve exceeded recycling As Brian-UV promised, the Troubleshooters have all been implanted with
quotas by 15,000%. nice little bombs in the base of their skulls. A mental command allows a
Troubleshooter to vote for one of his teammate’s heads to explode. If a majority
Changes to Clearance & of the team vote, then boom, head falls off. Note that votes stick around—if
Regulations: The major change Bob-R votes for Mike-R’s head to explode, then that vote will wait until six hours
is that your security clearance now later, when Jim-R also votes for Mike-R to die. However, a Troubleshooter’s
determines your access to certain votes are reset if he dies. A Troubleshooter can only have one active vote at
limited supplies. Like oxygen. At a time—if Bob-R votes for Jim-R to die, then his standing vote for Mike-R’s
RED Clearance, you get your oxygen head is deleted.
tank changed once per week.
Oh, fresh clones are delivered to the grav-hopper using the traditional clone-
in-a-missile-casing solution.

safety to our new home. Your ■ Potential Site #1: original designers must have kept
mission, Troubleshooters, is to find The Garden of them under control using drugs, just
that new home. Unearthly Delights like The Computer does in Alpha
Complex. If the Troubleshooters
We have identified five potential sites The grav-hopper flies over a strange, want to negotiate a bargain with the
for the Ark. You are ordered to take lush jungle, stretching as far as the plants, where they provide drugs
the grav-hopper and visit each site. eye can see. It ploughs into the in exchange for the plants’ aid in
The grav-hopper is programmed to ground in a small clearing, and the rebuilding Alpha Complex, let them
return here afterwards for debriefing. hatch opens. try.
To ensure successful completion, The Troubleshooters are alone in
you have each been implanted the jungle—or so it seems. The The problem is that the plants need
with a cortex bomb. This cortex plants here are all genetically drugs now. The Troubleshooters are
bomb can be detonated by your engineered mutants, created by a like big juicy sacs filled with happy
teammates if the majority decides long-dead civilization. Every tree drugs. As soon as the plants get a
you are endangering the mission. here is sentient, and telepathic. As taste of the Troubleshooters’ blood
Troubleshooters explore, they will or sweat, then the whole jungle will
Good luck. Alpha Complex is glimpse sinuous tendrils drooping try to eat them….
depending on you.’ from branches, fronds fondling

The grav-hopper is packed with all

them as they pass by, strange
fungal growths like eyes sprouting
■ Potential Site #2:
sorts of incomprehensible gadgets in the bark of the eerie trees. The City of the Robots
and probes, so the Troubleshooters Troubleshooters will feel an odd As soon as the (surviving)
can search for minerals and other psychic pressure as they approach Troubleshooters are back on board
resources. any of the trees, like moss growing the grav-hopper, it takes off again
on their forebrains. None of the trees and flies east. The land below
here, though, are sane enough to becomes a painted desert. A low
■ To Adventure! make actual psychic contact with
range of mountains appears on the
horizon, and the grav-hopper dips
And Beyond! toward them, catching the rays of
The great glass vehicle is the grav- Some of the plants have strange fruit the setting sun as it does so.
hopper, the product of an R&D growing from them. Like toasters, or
lab stocked with mutant geniuses laser pistols, or wrenches. The plants Then it dodges to the left, to avoid an
who were shot after building it. It’s here were genetically engineered to incoming missile. In the mountains
remarkably effective for an Alpha suck up metal from the ground and ahead, the Troubleshooters
Complex vehicle, although it’s not reprocess it into useful shapes. see a huge metal city, vast and
especially comfortable. After the unimaginable complex, like a
Troubleshooters climb on board*, The sensors in the grav-hopper computer circuit grown to tremendous
the grav-hopper leaps into the sky pick up a source of metal off in the size. The hopper lands within walking
at an insane speed. distance. If the Troubleshooters distance of the machine city. The
head in that direction, they find a Troubleshooters can see movement
* Climb on board and blow up each other’s thick hedge surrounding an old on the fringes of the city.
heads, probably. metallic dome. The plants making
up the hedge are all intertwined— After a few minutes, several bots
anyone touching them is drawn appear on the horizon, moving
into psychic contact with the hive toward the grav-hopper. The city
Spread out below them, for an mind. Inside, the dome contains was founded by automatic self-
instant, is Alpha Complex. The the ruins of a science lab. Root repair bots dating back to the time
dome is crumbling, and there are tendrils from the hedge run into of the Old Reckoning, before the
gaping holes all over it. Black smoke the dome, where they have broken apocalypse that led to the foundation
and smog pours from the holes. All open several plastic containers. of Alpha Complex sometime more
around it, flowing in and out of other The plastic containers are labeled: than 214 yearcycles ago. All that
cracks in the dome, is green slime Gelgernine, Thymoglandin and so time, the bots have been improving
and sewage. There’s a permanent on. All recognizable drugs. themselves and building this city, so
foul haze of pollutants hanging over they can fulfill their ultimate purpose
the complex. Then, the grav-hopper Any Troubleshooter who makes a of serving humanity. They’ve never
bursts through the cloud layer and Wetware check, or who enters into seen a human before.
hurtles onwards. psychic contact with the hedge,
can work out what’s going on. The What they have seen are other bots,
genetically engineered telepathic which they identify as enemies. It’s
plants are all drug addicts. Their all down to Digital Rights

Management—the enemy bots of them, as shadow figures flee their Several townsfolk approach the
have illegal copies of copyrighted torches and run deeper into the grav-hopper soon after it lands,
data in their brains, and so must cave. Finally, the Troubleshooters bringing gifts of fresh fruit and fresh-
be destroyed. All thought must be turn a corner and find themselves ground coffee. They are dressed
licensed and approved. in a huge cavern, red-lit by bonfires. in simple, well-made clothes and
Humans in rags dance wildly around seem happy and healthy. Their
If the Troubleshooters make contact the fires—there are thousands of leader introduces himself as Simon,
with the bots, they are initially people living in this vast cave. one of the elders of Alphaville. He
mistaken as renegade jackobots. explains that once people dwelled in
No human has been seen in the If the Troubleshooters make contact, a nightmarish underground city ruled
city within active memory. The they are greeted by the leader, by a tyrannical computer. Suffering,
Troubleshooters have their brains Comutter, Chief of the Morloi. These madness and paranoia ruled their
scanned and asked if they have a are the degenerate descendants lives. Then, over time, the people
digital license for each memory. Any of the Morlocks, the renegade decided to be nice to one another.
unlicensed memories are no doubt secret society opposed to the Alpha They discovered that there were
the result of illegal fire sharing, and Complex back in The Humanist no external enemies, just their own
must be deleted. With lasers. Yearcycles. Despite their primitive fears. They worked together for the
appearance, the Morloi are an common good, and reprogrammed
If the Troubleshooters proclaim that advanced and enlightened people. their computer so that it was wise
they’re human, the bots will be only They function as a set of communes, and fair, able to arbitrate problems
too happy to serve them—as long as sharing resources equally. No one justly and to make long-term plans
the Troubleshooters prove they’re goes without in Morloi society, and for the betterment of the complex.
human by submitting to dissection. they spend their time relaxing, Science advanced, improving their
The Troubleshooters might argue composing witty poetry, fishing, and lives immeasurably and removing
the bots down to only dissecting developing their mutant powers. sickness and want, and eventually
some of them, using spurious logic, They attribute their happy state to even conquering death. Things are
but the bots are out for blood. one factor—Morloi law proscribes just perfect here.
death to all bureaucrats, politicians,
If the Troubleshooters raise the lawyers and other organizers. Simon is, without a doubt, the
possibility of Alpha Complex landing most irritatingly smug individual
here, the bots insist that they will Alpha Complex is welcome to land the Troubleshooters have ever
have to delete any shared memories here, as long as they conform to the encountered. Ever.
to ensure Digital Rights are upheld. laws of the Morloi. While the Morloi
This applies to all memories—only might not have technology, they If the Troubleshooters suggest
one citizen, for example, would be do have mighty psychic powers. that their Alpha Complex might
allowed retain the memory of how to (To demonstrate this fact, Chief be landing here, Simon is slightly
open a door, or pull a trigger, or the Comutter brings three of his warriors concerned. He would need to consult
word ‘Yellow’. Or, for the matter, the forward, and has them telekinetically with the Alphaville computer, but he
words ‘you’, ‘robots’, ‘are’, ‘utterly’ levitate huge boulders over their suspects it might be a bad idea. If
and ‘insane’. heads. Two succeed—the third they land somewhere else, though,
suffers a nosebleed and drops then the enlightened citizens of
■ Potential Site #3: the boulder on himself. Squish.
Comutter hastily blames bureaucrat
Alphaville will gladly help the people
of Alpha Complex attain the same
Lair of the Morloi demons for the accident.) perfect society they enjoy.
The third landing site for the grav-
hopper is in the distant south. The
vessel flies on through the night,
■ Potential Site #4: The ■ Potential Site #5: The
and lands outside a deep cave. It’s Plaza of Wonders Ruins of Alpha Complex
obvious that the Troubleshooters After leaving the Morloi cave, the The final site is to the north of
are supposed to explore the cave grav-hopper flies east, arriving Alphaville. The Troubleshooters fly
network within. There are certainly around dawn on the shores of a out over the sea, where they find
plenty of signs of useful metals and glistening blue sea. The sun rises a dome like that of Alpha Complex
other resources in the area. out of the ocean, its light turning the rising out of the waters. The grav-
crashing wavetops pink and gold. It hopper lands on the roof, near a
As the Troubleshooters delve into lands outside a small, pretty town hatch.
the cave, they discover signs that it’s of redbrick buildings, surrounded
already occupied: Strange scrawled by well-tilled and pleasant farmland. When the Troubleshooters climb
marks on the walls, discarded Tiny advanced bots, no bigger than through the hatch, they find
containers, footprints and so on. After insects, dart between the plants. It’s themselves looking down on a
a while, they hear scurrying noises all…nice. ruined Alpha Complex. Just as


their Alpha Complex was built on

the ruins of San Francisco, this
■ The Choice * The soundtrack is, of course, a choir
going aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAA or
one was built on the ruins of New Once all the Troubleshooters have something similar.
York. The fallen Statue of Liberty piled back on board the grav-
is lying in one sector, in case any hopper, a holographic image of It fills the whole sky like some titanic
Troubleshooters want to do a Planet Brian-UV appears. He tells them archangel, its wings so vast they are
of the Apes routine. There are signs that the Ark is complete, and must the dawn horizon.
that this Alpha Complex was once be given a destination—which of
inhabited, but everyone seems to the five possible sites have the A mountain range flies or stumbles.
be gone. There’s a Computer, but Troubleshooters chosen? The grav-hopper drifts under one of
it’s dead and non-functional. Finally, the many outstretched spurs of the
the Troubleshooters find a huge Let the players vote. If they can’t great Ark.
launching platform in the heart of the come to a consensus, hint that
complex, as if some great rocket had Brian-UV is willing to use the cortex It makes the Death Star look tiny.
taken off from there centuries ago. bombs to create one. They have to If this were a movie, then this one
choose one of the five potential sites. special effect would have cost about
The New York Alpha Complex is Once they make their selection, the a billion dollars, and you’d be stuck
not entirely lifeless, though. As grav-hopper takes off again so it sitting there for four hours if you
the Troubleshooters wander, they can rendezvous with the Ark at the wanted to see the bonus scene after
may encounter sentient mutant chosen site. the endless credits.
crocodiles, the descendants of
ones living in the sewers eons ago. Later—the Troubleshooters Have we conveyed just how mind-
The mutant crocodiles welcome the approach the Ark as it nears meltingly big and cool this thing is
idea of a new Alpha Complex, with its destination. It’s a staggering yet?
all its meaty humans. They’re very, sight—a mega-city floating in the
very hungry in the sewers. Sentient air, thousands of buildings and Then, just at the absolute zenith of
mutant rats don’t fill them up like domes floating on a zero-gravity its awesome and terrible grandeur…
humans do. grid, surrounded by a swarm of there’s a sound. Clunk.
flybots and other vehicles, probes
If it becomes clear that the and drones. The crackling plasma Then there is another sound. It’s The
Troubleshooters are capable of from the gravity grid churns up the Computer’s voice. It says, calmly
bringing thousands if not millions atmosphere around it, so that it is and smoothly: system error. Drive
of meaty humans to the complex, wreathed in the biggest storm ever offline.
then they will attempt to force the seen on Earth. The grav-hopper
Troubleshooters to do so. Cue a gets closer and closer to the Ark, And the whole of Alpha Complex
chase-and-laser-shooting scene. and it just keeps getting bigger, and falls like a brick out of the sky on top
bigger, and bigger. * of the Troubleshooters.

8. Archipelago Complex
When: T+100,000 yearcycles.

Synopsis: It’s unimaginably far in the future.

The new site of Alpha Complex has mostly
sunk into the ocean, leaving a scattered
archipelago of islands. Technology has been
forgotten by the lower classes, who are kept in
a state of ignorance by the High Programmers
in their plantations.

State of Alpha Complex: Alpha Complex now

exists as a series of tropical island-sectors,
each one ruled by a High Programmer.
Lower-clearance citizens dwell in caves or
crude villages; the exalted ones dwell in small
shelters around the villa or in the villa itself.
Cloning and other technologies are restricted
to the High Programmers and their chosen
servants. No High Programmer has died
permanently in millennia, but the enslaved
INFRAREDs are now breeding and dying like
normal humans.

Who’s In Charge?: The High Programmers.

Friend Computer is still around, but has
lapsed largely into disuse. Its only remaining
functions, now, are as a communications
network between the scattered villas, and
as an ever-vigilant security system. Much of
The Computer now exists as a trillion-strong swarm of ■ Welcome to The Island
networked wasps, who buzz between islands looking The Troubleshooters wake up on a golden beach, on
for Commies. a beautiful tropical island. A few pieces of flotsam and
jetsam wash up with them, bits of ancient metal and
Changes to Clearance & Regulations: The word of the plastic. There’s no sign of anyone else, save for a few
High Programmers is now law; there are no other rules. birds circling lazily over the surf. Drug-fruit dangle from
See the Clearance Scale table below for roles. the trees.

What’s Treasonous?: Defying a High Programmer. The cloning machine from the DSESBBS is underwater
Technology is also carefully regulated. At INFRARED, about half a mile offshore—the original concrete vault
you’re not allowed use fire. REDs get fire and sticks, all collapsed millennia ago, but the almost indestructible
the way up to the staggering technology of the INDIGOs machine somehow ended up here on the fringes of the
and higher. archipelago. A colony of very industrious crabs made a
nest in the controls of the DSESBBS, and accidentally
Deprecated: Anything other than toiling in the fields. triggered the cloning mechanism. The Troubleshooters
were born like Venus from the surf of the ocean, only
probably not as cute.
Clearance Scale As the Troubleshooters explore
Clearance Role Clearance Role the island, they come across
INFRARED Workers BLUE Overseers a farm nestled in the jungle.
RED Work-group leaders INDIGO Servants and technicians
Thirty humans are working there,
almost naked save for black and
Exalted servants and red loincloths. The sun beats
ORANGE Work-group chiefs VIOLET
master techs down mercilessly upon them.
Work-group elder There’s a small village on the
GREEN Guards

■ Cloning?
true names, so everyone else just gets numbers. And yes,
102 means this is his one hundred and second clone.
Unlike the previous scenarios, there are no handy 925-V-RAS questions the Troubleshooters, demanding to
cloning facilities to resurrect the Troubleshooters if know where they come from. He has a variety of absurdly
they’re terminated. The only cloning machine on the high-tech gadgets, none of which the Troubleshooters
island is in the High Programmer’s villa, although the understand. Personal space enforcement fields, tractor
long-suffering DSESBBS machine could also be used. beams, psy-gems, black ray pistols, toasters…. As soon
Either way, dead Troubleshooters will be revived a as he’s confirmed that they are telling the truth and that
long way away from the team (and, in the case of the they are really ancient Troubleshooters reborn, he decides
DSESBBS, quite a distance underwater, too). to present them to the High Programmer—the Great and
Powerful Andy. They are led into his presence.

far side of the farm. If the Troubleshooters approach Yes, it’s Andy the former custodian of the DSESBBS.
the workers, they are studiously ignored. A few workers From his perspective, though, that was about 100,000
glance fearfully at the Troubleshooters, then at the sky yearcycles and about 3,000 clones ago. He barely
to the north. One of the workers, one wearing an orange remembers the old Alpha Complex, let alone a horrible
headdress, seems to recognize them, but he doesn’t and pointless job that he only did for about a 5,000
respond. yearcycle. He abandoned the DSESBBS, by the way,
when the Ark moved Alpha Complex. The DSESBBS
If the Troubleshooters interfere with the smooth working machine, buried deep underneath Alpha Complex, was
of the farm, or just when the players get bored, then a not moved with the rest of the place, so he abandoned
small vehicle comes skimming over the trees to the north. his post and went with the Ark.
The vehicle is a little flying disc, big enough to support
a single man dressed in a blue uniform. He spots the The throne room of the Great and Powerful Andy is
Troubleshooters and dips down to investigate why they unimaginably lush. Everywhere the Troubleshooters look,
are not toiling in the fields like the rest of their workgroup. they’re confronted with signs of excess and indulgence.
The BLUE Overseer is really not very bright—he’s just Tables groan with exotic real food. Golden syringes,
smart enough to do his job, which is flying from farm hookahs and pill dispensers speak of chemical ecstasy.
to farm making sure the INFRAREDs are working, Scantily-clad girls lounge before Andy’s great throne.
and zapping anyone who isn’t working with his super- There are also signs of incredible technology—the tables
advanced pain beam. His immediate priority is to get the float on gravity repulsor-fields, and the musicians play
Troubleshooters back to work in the field. the song of the spheres on instruments made of starlight.
Armored guards carry plasma fields. Through a window,
If the Troubleshooters do manage to convince him that the Troubleshooters can see a sundial of jade and
they’re not ordinary slaves, he is taken aback, and diamond, which says that it is the yearcycle 214. Above
says that he must report them to his supervisor. All the it all is a jeweled computer terminal made of solid gold.
INFRAREDs run in terror at the mention of a supervisor.
The Overseer fires a blast from his little disc, apparently The Great and Powerful Andy himself has grown fat and
disintegrating one of the Troubleshooters—it’s actually indolent. He’s bored, amazingly bored. He demands
a teleporter beam, but the others won’t know this. He that the Troubleshooters tell him tales to entertain him.
continues shooting until every one of the Troubleshooters They’re the first novelties on the island in thousands of
has been teleported. yearcycles.

If the Troubleshooters go back to work, then the slaves

surround them after nightfall and skip onto The Plight of
the Infrared People.

■ In Xanadu Did Kubla Khan/A

Stately Pleasure Dome Decree WELL.....?
Teleported Troubleshooters materialize in an ornate
room. The room’s style reminds them of Alpha Complex
(and isn’t it nice to be Indoors again, away from the
horrible blueness of the sky and brightness of the sun),
but it’s vastly more decorated and luxurious. A eunuch
in violet robes is waiting for them. He introduces himself
as 925-V-RAS-102—only the High Programmers warrant


They must make him laugh. If they fail, then they’ll be

terminated. What fun! This whole tortuous scene should
■ The Plight of the INFRARED People
have a Thousand and One Nights vibe to it. Andy-U has The Troubleshooters are led through the jungle by the
only hazy memories of Alpha Complex, but he likes stories INFRAREDs to a cave. Waiting there is an old, old woman
which emphasize just how wonderful and heroic and just in a yellow headdress. She whispers that she is the leader
plain awesome he was back in the day. of the forbidden Society. In defiance of the Overseers,
she and her fellow conspirators have taken names instead
Terminated Troubleshooters awake in a tiled cloning of just numbers. She is Tree; the younger warriors who
facility in the basement of the villa, which is guarded by brought the Troubleshooters here are Sky, Grass, Rock
a GREEN guard, warped on steroids and combat drugs and Other Rock.
and painted bright green. The coming of the Troubleshooters has been awaited for
many generations. Since the time of Tree’s great great
Eventually, when you bore of having the Troubleshooters great grandmother, the Society has whispered of ancient
bootlick (more accurately, jeweled-sandals-dusted-with- ones who remember a time before 214… those who know
diamond-and-delicately-scented-lick), then Andy-U sends the secrets of Technology. (She briefly explains how
the surviving Troubleshooters and any replacements technology is restricted by clearance level—INFRAREDs
to one of the small houses on the edge of the villa get nothing, REDs are allowed to tend fires and make
compound. primitive tools; at YELLOW, she is allowed know of knots,
brick-making and simple forms of soup.)
During the night, a few INFRARED slaves slip over the
walls of the compound and creep into the Troubleshooters’ From a hidden niche in the depths of the cavern, Tree
little hut. They threaten them with sharpened knives, and lifts out a bundle of oilcloths. She reverently unwraps the
force the Troubleshooters to follow them out into the cloths, slowly and carefully—to reveal a laser pistol. ‘It is
jungle…. said that we must keep this relic to hand, for the day of
deliverance. Tell us, ancient ones—what does it do?’

Just as Andy-U heaves his bulk from his jeweled throne
to wave to the slaves, a beam of red light stabs out from
the trees, burning a neat hole through his skull. He topples
WELCOME over, falls over the railings of the pleasure-dais and lands
TO MY with a splat in the middle of a muddy field. Instantly, there
is mass confusion and panic from the High Programmer’s
PARADISE servants—Andy-U was a god to them, the supreme ruler
of existence for as long as they can remember.

As one, the INFRAREDs rise up and start fighting against

the oppressors. It’s all very revolutionary and hopeful.

Then, a wave of noise rolls over the island. At first, it’s

If the Troubleshooters tell Tree how to fire the laser, her like static, then it becomes discernable as the beating
eyes light up. ‘Deliverance is at hand. We know the secret of a billion wings. A vast swarm of insects descends on
ways into the place of rebirth, where new clones are made. the island, blackening the sky. The insects land on every
Only the High Programmer knows how to operate and tree, every surface, every person. Everyone is weighed
repair the machinery there. We shall assassinate the High down and almost paralyzed by the sheer weight of the
Programmer when he stands before us on Mandatory thousands of bugs crawling on their skin.
Inspection Day!’ Tree’s plan is to shoot Andy-U with the
ancient laser, while Rock and Other Rock sneak in and Other insects fly in circles in the sky, forming a shape
sabotage the cloning machinery. For the first time in tens out of the swarm—a huge eye floating overhead, bigger
of thousands of yearcycles, a High Programmer will die than the island.
and stay dead.

In the chaos, all the VIOLETs and INDIGOs and BLUEs

■ Friend Computer, Have You Lost Weight
will be so confused, they will be overthrown by the ATTENTION!, chitter/booms a single voice from all of the
All the Troubleshooters need to do is show the Society SUMMARY EXECUTION. All the INFRAREDs, even
how to use a gun. The barrel has its full charge of six Tree and the other Society members, are terrified
shots when discovered, but the Troubleshooters will need beyond reason by this appearance of the near-mythical
to be careful not to waste them. Computer, and are incapable of any speech other than
‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh’. It’s up to the
■ The Last Death of Andy-U Troubleshooters to explain to Friend Computer what’s
happened on the island.
So, what do the Troubleshooters do?
Possible excuses for shooting the High Programmer in
If they do nothing, then BLUE Overseers scour the island the face:
until Andy-U’s new pets are found. The Troubleshooters Andy abandoned his post—he was assigned to
are dragged back to the villa and made to entertain take care of the DSESBBS, which, as you can
Andy-U for another few yearcycles. Eventually, he tires see, is still functioning.
of them and has them brainscrubbed and put to work in
the fields. Andy-U was a Communist. You remember
Commies, don’t you, Friend Computer? You’d do
If the characters turn on the Society and betray them anything to stop Commies….
to Andy-U, the High Programmer is delighted. He has
Tree and the other Society conspirators put to death in It was Tree, she did it! Terminate her! She’s the
imaginative ways. He rewards the Troubleshooters by traitor!
permitting them to entertain him for a few yearcycles;
eventually, he tires of them, has them brainscrubbed and If the Troubleshooters manage to justify the termination
put to work in the fields. to The Computer, they get to live. Andy-U-s viziers and
aides start fighting amongst each other for control of the
If the Troubleshooters do aid the Society, then the plans villa and the island—in the confusion, the Troubleshooters
works almost flawlessly. The Troubleshooters are told to could find new lives for themselves in the jungle, or try
return to the villa by Tree, and to wait there. A few days to take over themselves. If the Troubleshooters fail, then
later, Andy-U and his massive entourage goes on an the insects swiftly dissect and remove every living human
inspection tour of the island. He flies over the fields in a on the island, chopping everyone into crumb-sized bits.
huge floating pleasure-dais, complete with dancing girls Painless, efficient recyclable termination.
and armored guards.

9. Alpha Matrix
When: T+approx. 1,000,000 Looking around the room, the smell of Xanitrick filters into their
yearcycles. Troubleshooters see lots and lots of luxurious and spotlessly clean
weird junk, the debris of millennia. barracks, gently waking them up
Synopsis: Look at the title and have They’re in what amounts to the and filling them with energy for the
a guess. junk room of Alpha Complex, so day ahead. As they head down the
it’s filled with statues to deprecated corridor to the sector commissary,
State of Alpha Complex: Alpha heroes, old R&D experiments, they pass citizen after citizen with
Complex has been perfected. forgotten filing cabinets and other huge grins on their faces and love
Everyone is now happy. There is incomprehensible and unwanted in their eyes. Everyone seems
no treason, no sabotage, no war, things.* When the Troubleshooters genuinely happy. The food in the
no suffering. Everyone lives joyful, follow The Computer’s instructions, commissary is incredibly delicious
fulfilled lives. The Computer is the grav-shaft turns out to be a and even more incredibly, edible.
wise and good. It is…perfection. Of hollow shaft; the team just steps in
course, it’s not real. Everyclone’s and invisible beam of force levitates There are posters on the walls,
actually floating in cocoons, living in a them up. As they ascend like bullets, exhorting citizens to… ‘Be
Computer-generated simulation. The they glimpse an endless succession Courteous’ and ‘Remember to
simulation’s based on classic Alpha of twilight corridors and hallways, all Thank Your Scrubbot For Cleaning
Complex, so the Troubleshooters empty of life. Up After You’. Other posters are
have basically come full circle. advertising upcoming cultural
* There’s also plenty of STUFF, as per the events—plays, book readings,
Who’s In Charge?: Here, The PARANOIA supplement STUFF. interpretive dance recitals and the
Computer is God. There are still like. There are monitors everywhere,
ULTRAVIOLETs, but The Computer displaying news and entertainment
has reached a level of sentience that Level 918 looks just like all the rest, programs. The news is all good;
allows it to self-program itself and no but a number of horizontal niches the entertainment is actually funny.
longer needs them. have opened in the corridor walls. There’s no sign of anyone being
Each niche contains a metallic coffin terminated, no interrogations,
Changes to Clearance & or cocoon, filled with some sort of no torture, no mind control—no
Regulations: None. Reset to the reddish slime. Metallic tentacles treason.
PARANOIA rulebook. snake through the slime. PLEASE
ENTER THE CITIZEN PODS, If the Troubleshooters talk with any
What’s Treasonous?: The usual, TROUBLESHOOTERS says of their fellow citizens, they discover
as per the PARANOIA rulebook. Friend Computer. TAKE CARE TO that there are still traitors; there
CONNECT THE COMFORT TUBES are rumors of them everywhere,
Deprecated: Reality. CORRECTLY. The Computer will sabotaging systems and blowing
repeat this instruction until the things up. According to the rumors,
■ Another Yearcycle Troubleshooters comply. anyone can be a traitor! There are
stories of people suddenly going
214, Another Credit There are no instructions on which mad and acting in a bizarre fashion.
The Troubleshooters wake up in the tube goes where. There’s definitely a Everyone’s confident that the all-
DSESBBC cloning machine—the breathing tube, and a food tube, and wise Computer will sort the problem
rest of the facility has been dust for a catheter, but they all look identical. out—it always has in the past.
millennia, but the cloning machine If the Troubleshooters bother to
has endured, although it looks very investigate, the corridor contains There are still security clearances,
much the worse for wear. Looking tens of thousands of other niches. but they are awarded on the basis
around, the Troubleshooters are Each niche contains another ‘citizen of… merit! There are no mutants
in a metal room, very similar to pod’, and each citizen pod contains as far as anyone knows. IntSec
the original concrete vault. The a horrible, twisted, atrophied thing is a mainly a counseling service,
only illumination comes from tiny that might be vaguely human. helping people who are depressed
points of light just hanging in the air. or confused. They spent a lot of
There’s no sign of anyone around. When they all connect to their their time doing puppet shows, but
allotted pods, they fall asleep, now they are trying to hunt down
The Computer’s voice and wake up in The Computer’s the traitors.
announces: GOOD MORNING purpose-built heaven.
TROUBLESHOOTERS. PLEASE Once the players tire of wandering
PROCEED THROUGH THE DOOR The Troubleshooters wake up in around the perfect simulation of
AND TAKE THE GRAV-SHAFT TO Alpha Complex as it should have Alpha Complex, the Troubleshooters
LEVEL 918 IMMEDIATELY. always been. The sweet, sweet get mission alerts on their PDCs.

They are to report to a briefing CRUDE METHODS, I TOOK THE the Free Man, the Maker of the New
room as soon as is convenient. LIBERTY OF INSTALLING SUCH Way. The Free Man’s mutant mind
They should take the time to finish BOMBS IN YOUR BRAINS FOR was so powerful, he broke free of
their meals first—good digestion is OLD TIMES’ SAKE. The Computer’s bonds and escaped
important. to reality. He then brought more and
There are two obvious ways to more people out of the simulation.
■ Oh, So We’re Agent Smith find the traitors. One is to wait in
the simulation until the saboteurs
The Free Man is gone now—he went
out into the wilderness to explore the
There’s no briefing officer in the show up and make contact with world. The other Free Humans were
briefing room, just a computer monitor. them in the simulation; the other is not strong enough to follow him, so
As soon as the Troubleshooters to just wander around the massive they remain here, in the shadow of
enter, the door vanishes. It doesn’t real-world Alpha Complex and look Alpha Complex.
close—it vanishes, erased from the for renegades. The Computer has
simulation. The Computer speaks to almost no power in the real world— Life here is hard, but it is real. Alpha
the Troubleshooters: THIS BRIEFING its only means of acting there are Complex might be pleasant, but it’s
IS CLASSIFIED ULTRAVIOLET. the maintenance bots, and they only a gilded cage, and it’s wrong for The
KNOWLEDGE OF REALITY IS function in Alpha Complex. Computer to enslave the minds of
ULTRAVIOLET CLEARANCE. citizens. The Troubleshooters are
■ The Free Humans physically fit, as strong as the Free
Man—will they stay and help the
IS A COMPUTER-GENERATED Eventually*, the Troubleshooters Free Humans survive, and one day
FORM OF THE COMPLEX. IT IS find their way out of the real-world bring down the simulation?
PERFECT. complex. The landscape outside is
barren and foreboding, a world of If the Troubleshooters mention
The Computer pauses, as if waiting scorched and broken rocks. The that the Free Humans’ attempts to
for applause. To be fair to the grim gray dome of the new Alpha rescue others are destabilizing the
poor mad thing, it’s done well with Complex bestrides the horizon like simulation, then Eve-G is overjoyed!
this version of Alpha Complex— a grotesquely bloated colossus. The She’s unwilling to stop the rescue
everyone really is happy here. Then skies are blackened by constant attempts—life in Alpha Complex
it continues: is a lie, and people deserve the
* ‘Eventually’ is a Famous Game Designer truth. (The Troubleshooters might
YOUR MISSION IS TO GO codeword meaning ‘Oh hell, how many pages be able to negotiate a compromise
OUTSIDE. TRAITORS HAVE do I have left? And how much stuff do I still between the Free Humans and
SOMEHOW LEFT ALPHA need to cram in? Agh!’ The Computer, where everyone
COMPLEX. THEY ARE UNHAPPY. gets a choice, reintroducing secret
HAPPINESS IS MANDATORY. societies with the knowledge of
THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO storms. Maintenance robots Reality to the simulation.)
REMOVE OTHERS FROM ALPHA scuttle over the dome, repairing
COMPLEX. THEIR ATTEMPTS the occasional crack or leak. It’s a If the Troubleshooters are being
ARE DESTABILISING THE dismal land. difficult, then Eve-G offers a bribe.
SIMULATION, AND MAY LEAD TO They have discovered that the
A COMPLETE SYSTEM CRASH Lurking in an abandoned pumping citizen pods determine your ID
WITHIN THREE GENERATIONS. station in the depths of the complex’s number in the simulation—if you
hydroponics section is the tribe of remove a clone from one pod and
NO OTHER CITIZENS HAVE THE Free Humans. There are only about put him in another, then his identity
PHYSICAL CABALITY TO MOVE three dozen of them, led by a woman in the simulation changes. If you
OUTSIDE. THEREFORE, YOU named Eve-G-AIA. The tribe have remove a High Programmer from his
HAVE BEEN RECALLED TO little and survive by scavenging from pod, then get into that pod yourself,
ACTIVE SERVICE. LOCATE THE the complex above. They are all you occupy his body and his identity
TRAITORS AND BRING THEM thin and fragile after yearcycles of in the simulation. This is, obviously,
BACK TO ALPHA COMPLEX. muscle wastage in the cocoons. the cause of the rumors of madness
and possession sweeping Alpha
OH, YES. I UNDERSTAND IT Initially, they are terrified of Complex. If the Troubleshooters
WAS CUSTOMARY FOR the Troubleshooters. If the abandon their mission and let the
TROUBLESHOOTERS FROM Troubleshooters make peaceful Free Humans survive, then Eve-G
YOUR ERA TO BE FITTED WITH contact, then Eve-G can tell them will set them up with perfect lives in
CORTEX BOMBS TO ENSURE the history of the Free Humans. A the simulation. They could be High
COMPLIANCE. WHILE I NOW few yearcycles ago, a mighty mutant Programmers, or Vulture Troopers,
TRUST MY BELOVED CITIZENS arose. No one knows his slave or elite Troubleshooters. One of
AND HAVE NO NEED OF SUCH name, but the Free Humans call him them could even be Teela-O-MLY.

10. The Cockroach Era
When: T+ billions of yearcycles. ■ Hey Look, the Sun’s Been Demoted
Outside, the sun has become a red giant. Mercury and
Synopsis: Everyone’s dead, except The Computer and Venus were swallowed millions of yearcycles ago; the
the giant mutant cockroaches. swollen star now fills half the sky at noon. The dull light
burns the Troubleshooters’ exposed skin—they’re being
State of Alpha Complex: Radiation has corrupted the blasted by radiation, and their hair has already started
human genetic patterns in the cloning banks beyond the falling out. This is a dying planet.
point of usefulness. Save for the Troubleshooters in the
DSESBBS, humanity is extinct. As predicted by The Computer, there’s a cockroach
nest a short (painfully, breathless and burny) trek away.
Who’s In Charge?: The Computer, ruling over an empire The mutant cockroaches have learned English from
of dust and empty rooms. eating old Alpha Complex manuals. They’re not that
bright, concerned mainly with food and fighting other
Changes to Clearance & Regulations: Everyone tribes of giant mutant cockroaches. They welcome the
is dead. While being dead is technically a breach of Troubleshooters, as it’s obvious the Troubleshooters
numerous regulations, it’s a bit hard to discipline citizens are about to fall over dead in a few hours, and hey—free
for it. food! Therefore, they’re quite happy to listen to the
What’s Treasonous?: Everyone is dead. Including the
Commies. Victory! Do the Troubleshooters tell the cockroaches the truth of
Alpha Complex? Do they abandon their mission? Is there
Deprecated: Life on Earth. any point to starting the whole terrible cycle up again?

■ Briefing at The End Of Time If the Troubleshooters do convince the cockroaches

to join Alpha Complex, then Friend Computer has one
The long-suffering DSESBBS machine whirs into action last surprise. After dying of radiation poisoning, the
for the last time, creating a new set of clones of the Troubleshooters wake up again centuries later, in a
Troubleshooters. As it decants them, it falls apart. The new Alpha Complex identical to the one they started
Troubleshooters awaken in the same vault they were in, billions of yearcycles previously. Only this time, their
in at the start of Alpha Matrix, but it’s now full of rust. MemoMaxed personalities have been reborn in the bodies
Everything’s decayed. of cockroaches…

The Computer’s voice echoes through the vault, causing

more of the junk there to collapse into dust. GOOD…
LEVEL…0. The grav-shaft no longer works, so the
Troubleshooters have to climb 127 flights of stairs.

Briefing room four contains a computer monitor

and two rows of benches. Here, The Computer’s
voice is a little stronger. OWING TO ADVERSE

There’s a giant cockroach nest about five kilometers

away, according to The Computer’s decaying sensors.
The team must go there directly, before they die of
radiation poisoning, and convince the cockroaches to
come to Alpha Complex.


The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy

Special duties for special troubleshooters
Writer/Scapegoat Plot Developmer/Mad R&D Scientist Introduction 123
Breifing War 125
CHARLOTTE LAW DAN GELBER Cafeteria of the Damned 131
Editing, graphics/Drillbots GREG COSTIKYAN This Will Solve the Problem 135
ERIC GOLDBERG This Did Not Solve the Problem 140
JIM HOLLOWAY Original game design & development/
Cover /Blueprints Food Fight 145
Building committee The Commie Ray Job 150
Interior Art /Treasonous Propaganda Looking after your best interests
Layout/Infrared Drone

Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET

Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen
of Security Clearance VIOLET or lower is treason punishable by a
long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.
TM & Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2008 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User. Based on material published in
previous editions of PARANOIA.
ILLUMINATI is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and is used by permission.
The reproduction of material from this book for personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other means of storage and retrieval, is prohibited. You may
copy character sheets, record sheets, checklists and tables for personal use.
E-mail questions and comments to Mongoose Publishing at or write to PO Box 1018, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1DG, UNITED KINGDOM.
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Published by Mongoose Publishing, Ltd. Publication MGP 6642. Published August 2006. First printing September 2008. Printed in USA
Have you ever noticed that a lot of she read the transcript of Joe’s interrogation, Episode 2. Cafeteria of the Damned:
PARANOIA missions have really long she seized upon it as clear evidence that The Troubleshooters are sent to the VitaYum
titles? Vapours Don’t Shoot Back? the Commies had indeed perfected a Unified Citizenry Food Pyramid Court, a
Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues? Communism Ray. massive cafeteria in the affected sector, to
And now The Communist Cafeteria watch for signs of treachery. It turns out that
Conspiracy. She escalated the report and soon every the whole cafeteria is filled with traitors but
Service Group was concerned with the spectre none of them are anything to do with the
It’s not that longer titles fill more space, we of the Commie Ray. Rumours began to spread Commie Ray.
swear. about the Ray’s capabilities and influence.
Soon, others began to ‘fall victim’ to the Ray, Episode 3. This Will Solve The
And the editors wouldn’t let me call this one consciously or unconsciously using the rumour Problem: After getting to grips with the
The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy of the Ray to enable their own traitorous food service industry, the different service
Constitutes A Clear And Calamitous behaviour. Treason becomes permissible if it groups begin their plans to find the Commie
Concern To The Computer! is not your fault… Ray. The Troubleshooters need to balance the
plots of the Armed Forces, Internal Security,
The following is absolutely not The whole Commie Ray situation was seized HPD&MC and R&D, while keeping PLC’s
true in the slightest: The Communists, on by Dominic-I. He wants to humiliate his cafeteria running smoothly (for a sufficiently
dastardly enemies of Alpha Complex, have built rival INDIGO Section Supervisors, to ensure rough definition of smooth).
a dastardly and evil machine, a Communism his promotion to VIOLET. By deliberately
Ray! This insidious beam alters the brainwaves arranging a four-way train crash of initiatives, Episode 4. This Did Not Solve The
of any citizen exposed to its baleful influence, he can shame the other service groups. Problem: The four plans escalate. The
causing them to betray Friend Computer and effects of the Commie Ray get worse. It’s all
give into their deepest, most secret, most blamed on the Troubleshooters. Furthermore,
traitorous impulses! Unless this machine is Mission Overview they learn that they’re about to play host to a
destroyed, the Communists will continue prestigious dinner for high-clearance citizens.
to warp the minds of the citizens of Alpha The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy
Complex! You, an elite team of troubleshooters, revolves around something that does not Episode 5. Food Fight: The four plans
must spearhead our efforts to find and destroy actually exist but everyone thinks it does. start interfering with each other. Dominic-I
the Communism Ray! Good luck! Therefore, the Troubleshooters had really tries using the dinner, the Troubleshooters
better come up with some sort of Commie Ray and the preceding fiascos to humiliate the
The following is wholly accurate and someone to blame. The mission consists other INDIGOs but he’s killed by a PURGE
and truthful: Some poor schmuck of an of a series of increasingly desperate attempts assassin.
INFRARED named Joe was hauled in for to find the Ray, coupled with increasingly
questioning by Internal Security after he was bizarre derangements caused by belief in Episode 6. The Commie Ray Job:
caught on a restricted level of the VitaYum the Ray. R&D develop their own version of the ray
Unified Citizenry Food Pyramid Court. When but it is stolen by an awful lot of traitors.
asked to explain his traitorous actions, he Episode 1. The Briefing War: The The characters have to chase it across the
panicked and claimed that some mysterious Troubleshooters are briefed by a group of cafeteria as it beams genuine traitorous
external force affected his mind and forced six briefing officers, representing five different thoughts into the minds of passing citizens.
him to behave treacherously. service groups, each of which has their own Then it explodes.
mission for the Troubleshooters. Everyone
This would have been the thinnest excuse in in Alpha Complex wants to deal with the Episode 7. Triumph of the Tinfoil
history, if it were not for IntSec case officer Commie Ray Crisis. The compromise is that Hat Brigade: Debriefing, wherein the
Toni-G. For years, she’s fostered her own the Troubleshooters will co-ordinate multiple Troubleshooters apply what they have
paranoid delusion that the Commies were attempts to locate the ray, starting with learned.
working on mind control techniques to subvert ground zero for the Communism outbreak
the loyal citizens of Alpha Complex. When – the cafeteria.

Dramatis Personae
Name Role Quirk Treachery
Joe The INFRARED who started the Commie Ray rumour Dead Trespassing
Karl-R Hulking mutant warehouse manager Speaks…hurr… slowly PSION mutant
Kevin-R PURGE conspirator/diner Pontificates PURGE
Morris-O Stressed floor manager Always stressed and whiny Frankenstein Destroyer
Bert-Y Belligerent Armed Forces thug Shouts a lot Sierra Club
Herman-Y Debriefing officer Bored all the time None
Mike-Y Food Pyramid Security Officer Gruff None, tending towards Communism
Alice-G Perky equipment manager Always cheery Death Leopard
Larry-B Armed Forces briefing officer Violent FCCC-P
Krystal-G HPD&MC briefing officer/yoga instructor Airhead Romantic
Toni-G IntSec briefing officer Ice queen Insane
Alphonse-B Snooty chef French PURGE/Romantic
Chet-B PLC Restaurant manager/briefing officer Friendly Free Enterprise/fraud
Victor-B R&D Briefing officer Mad Scientist Pro Tech
Dominic-I CPU Briefing officer/responsible for this glorious disaster Avuncular good guy Illuminati
Ingrid-I Cannibalistic restaurant supervisor Eats people Anti-Mutant
Mathias-I IntSec Section Supervisor Hates people Unknown
Rhonda-I R&D Section Supervisor Accountant Humanist
George-I Armed Forces Section Supervisor Tells boring war stories Sierra Club
Kenny-I Tech Services Section Supervisor Dead Being dead
Ann-I Power Services Section Supervisor Says nothing. Illuminati

A Trio of Killer Robots

A Trio of PURGE assassins
Guards, Warbots and Artillery Pieces
Diners, Cannibals, Mutants, WaiterBots in full chorus
And no communists whatsoever.

1. The Briefing War

Episode Summary: Six mission alerts, to proceed immediately to Briefing ‘ARMED FORCES INTERNAL
one briefing, no waiting. Room 2910, Level 87, Sector FOG for OPERATION, CODENAME ‘TEAL
a briefing by Internal Security Case YOGHURT’, CLASSIFICATION
The Alerts, The Office Toni-G-TLD. This message is
classified RED clearance. Further
RED EYES ONLY. You are ordered
to report to Briefing Room 2910,
Endless Mission details are not available at your
security clearance.’
Level 87, Sector FOG for a briefing
by Lieutenant Larry-B-OMB. This
Alerts You stand, proud to have another
order has been designated SUPER
HIGH PRIORITY by Troubleshooter
Tension 10 chance to serve Alpha Complex Dispatch.’
as an elite Troubleshooter. Your
Read the following to your players: co-workers stare at you as you
It is another perfect day in Alpha leave. Something is different this A Funny Thing Happened
Complex under Friend Computer’s time, though. Normally, the eyes
benevolent, omnipresent watchful of the other citizens in your service On The Way To The Mission
cameras. You are all happy in your firm are filled with a mixture of
assigned service firms, working jealousy, fear and pity when you Tension 10
away at your assigned fun jobs, get a mission alert. This time, they The characters all meet up at the local
when your PDCs bleep and you are nervous and jumpy, as if they transtube station, an ugly grey lump of
receive a mission alert. How fun! cannot wait for you to leave or concrete, semi-feral scrubbots, empty vending
maybe they just really need to go machines and security cameras. As they wait
It reads: ‘TROUBLESHOOTER! You to the bathroom. for the transtube, they get another mission
have been assigned to a fun and alert.
challenging mission. This mission No time to worry about that now,
is designated HIGH PRIORITY by though! You just got another ‘Attention, Troubleshooter. You are
Troubleshooter Dispatch. You are mission alert! scheduled for a meeting in Briefing

Room 2910, Level 87, Sector FOG with added Chewy Bits! VITA-YUM with built in computer interface,
with HPD&MC Briefing Officer – THEY’RE YUMMY. a stylish minimalist podium and
Krystal-G-RMS. Estimated briefing matching comfortable chairs for
time is twenty-nine minutes. This Attention, consumer! There’s a Troubleshooters being briefed.
message is security clearance RED special offer on briefings right
and has been designated ULTRA right now at Briefing Room 2910, Unfortunately, all of the chairs
HIGH PRIORITY. Thank you for your Level 87, Sector FOG. Your briefing are occupied already and the
attention. Have a nice daycycle.’ officer is Chet-B-BQU, VitaYum room is crammed with two dozen
Unified Citizenry Food Pyramid aides, flunkies and bodyguards.
While reading this third mission alert, a Court Supervisor and he’ll be glad Six briefing officers ignore you as
dishevelled looking INFRARED shuffles up to instruct you on your assigned you enter. At the podium, dozing
to the characters. He plucks the sleeve of a mission. This has been designated slightly, is an elderly citizen in
random Troubleshooter to attract his attention. PRIORITY ZERO by Troubleshooter INDIGO with a long white beard.
‘Hey buddy,’ he asks, ‘got any drugs? Dispatch. Have a great daycycle! He’s wearing a CPU badge and
Good stuff, right?’ He asks this question is using a large stack of reports
right in front of a security camera, which should Mention the code BARGAINS as a pillow. Around the table are
sound alarm bells in the brain of any paranoid BARGAINS BARGAINS for a another five citizens, all GREEN
Troubleshooter. This wannabe Mystic (Horace) special offer on Troubleshooter or BLUE. They’re all arguing with
has heard that you can do any traitorous stuff equipment!’ each other.
you want, as long as you ‘blame it on the
rays’. Of course, the characters haven’t yet The transtube follows a path through the The argument continues until one of the
heard this rumour, so Horace is likely get tangle of magnetic rails before eventually Troubleshooters say something (if none of
severe demerits if not termination for his depositing the Troubleshooters in a corridor the Troubleshooters say anything, then wait a
impromptu drug dealing. that’s open to the main concourse on one side. minute, then have Larry-B the Armed Forces
(There’s a fragile railing; standard Death Star officer whirl around and demand to know
Once they’ve dealt with Horace, the transbot architecture.) As they walk along the (oddly why the Troubleshooters didn’t announce
arrives to whisk the characters away to FOG sticky) corridor outside the briefing room, they their arrival – don’t they know the urgency of
Sector. The transbot that arrives is out of get a sixth and final mission alert. the mission?), at which point Larry-B spins
keeping with the grimy transtube station around and snaps ‘What? How dare
– it’s a brand-new and very shiny bot, all ‘MISSION ALERT. Estimated reading you interrupt! You will stand to
streamlined and clean. FOG Sector is a time for this alert is 32 seconds. You attention, Troubleshooters, and you
wealthy and prestigious sector, a showcase are instructed to travel to Briefing will wait until we are ready to deal
for new technologies and initiatives, the pride Room 2910, Level 87, Sector FOG with you!’
of Friend Computer. (standard Troubleshooter travel
allowances, ref CPU/4232/trans/3120/
On the transbot, the characters get another B) for a briefing chaired by CPU The Briefing Officers
two mission alerts. The first comes as they’re Administrator-Citizen Dominic-
boarding the transbot: I-FOG. This message is security So, who are these six briefing officers?
clearance RED (see ‘Security
‘Troubleshooters. Briefing at Clearances & You! Revised Citizen’s Larry-B-OMB, Armed Forces: Loud,
Briefing Room 2910, Level 87, Guide) and priority ZEROPLUSPLUS abrasive, gung-ho, Larry-B believes that
Sector FOG with R&D Chief Field (see CPU Report ‘Misleading the biggest threat facing Alpha Complex is
Testing Co-ordinator Dr. Victor- and Confusing Priority Codes in Communism and the only solution are guns,
B-RSQ! Immediately! Priority Troubleshooter Dispatch’).’ lots of guns. He despises civilians, he despises
DOUBLEPLUSULTRA.’ traitors and he especially despises anyone
From inside the briefing room, the who does not think the Armed Forces are the
The second message comes as they enter Troubleshooters hear what sounds like a best and most loyal servants of The Computer.
FOG Sector. It’s a breathtaking sight, as heated argument. He’s wearing a formal dress uniform with a
the transbot emerges over a vast multi-level big ‘Vulture Warriors’ pin on his lapel and a
canyon. The bot is suspended over this abyss
by a narrow magnetic rail; below them, the Briefing, Plural non-standard but very impressive slug thrower
strapped to his belt.
characters can see level after level of meeting Tension 10
rooms, shopping malls, offices and confession Toni-G-RTE, Internal Security: A cold,
booths, all shiny white with newly-painted Briefing Room 2910 is airy and pale blonde female citizen, Toni-G is almost
colour-coded clearance stripes. spacious, with a one-way window ghost-like. She moves completely quietly and
offering a view over the balcony and only raises her voice when furious. She’s
‘This message is sponsored by a selection of abstract art decorating immensely paranoid and is convinced that
VITA-YUM CHOCCO BARS! Now the walls. It’s got a wide table absolutely everyone else in Alpha Complex

is hiding something (and they usually are). face and a habit of grabbing your hand and sort of mind control ray that causes loyal
Her especial fear is that Communists will find shaking it for the duration of the conversation. citizens to turn traitor. We are deploying an
some way to infect her mind, so she always He’s also a Free Enterprise gangster who immediate armed cordon around the afflicted
wears thick black scrambler glasses that has skimmed thousands of credits from the zone that-’.
cover her eyes with a grey haze of static (and Food Pyramid accounts. He’s using the
theoretically block viral thought patterns and Troubleshooters’ intrusion as an excuse to flee Toni-G: interrupting ‘You wouldn’t know
other brain-infecting propaganda). FOG Sector with his ill-gotten gains, a plot that about the Communism Ray if it wasn’t for my
will become apparent in Episode 5. research, you dolt. It was I who identified its
Krystal-G-RMS, HPD&MC: Krystal- deleterious effects on the populace. This is
G used to work in the crèches with Junior Dominic-I-FOG, CPU: A canny old clone, clearly a matter for Internal Security’s agents
Citizens, until her Uncanny Luck mutation Dominic-I is very much aware that success in to deal with.’
manifested itself and she found herself Alpha Complex is not defined as ‘completing
promoted from INFRARED to GREEN in a few your mission’ but by ‘being able to pin the Krystal-G:‘It’s, like, mind control and I’m,
weeks through a clerical error. She’s absolutely blame on everyone else’. His primary goal, like, in Housing…Housing…what’s the P stand
clueless about everything, so she falls back therefore, is to ensure that everyone else for again? Anyway, we also do mind control.
to using the same techniques that worked screws up in such a way to cripple themselves That’s one of our bits. So, I should, like, do
on Junior Citizens – hugging them, talking to but leave him unscathed. He’s carefully this briefing.’
them in simple words with a sing-song voice cultivated a reputation as a wise, genial and
and pumping the little brats full of drugs when slightly doddery old bureaucrat, while he’s Victor-B: ‘Ha! A form of remote brainwave
their backs are turned. She’s a fluffy pink actually capable of sending his own clone manipulation, undetectable by the most
marshmallow but a fluffy pink marshmallow brother to the termination booths with a smile sensitive of instruments, with no physical
with a dangerously powerful mutation. and a cheery wave. transmitter or liminal signal? HPD&MC dreams
of such a technology! You have no more
Victor-B-RSQ, R&D: Is your standard understanding of this situation than a scrubbot
issue mad scientist, prone to breaking into The Briefing does of anything other than scrubbing! This will
bouts of cackling. He’s got a cybernetic require SCIENCE to unravel!’ His artificial
arm that he keeps tinkering with; his arm When the briefing properly begins, it’s Larry-B arm flails wildly.
occasionally flails wildly or makes insulting who takes charge initially. The Troubleshooters
gestures until he takes the battery out and barely get a word in edgeways. Chet-B: flashing the Troubleshooters
resets it. a ‘it’s not my fault, I barely know these
Larry-B: ‘Troubleshooters, the threat we people’ grin ‘Look, I’m the manager of the
Chet-B-BQU, PLC: Chet-B’s a smarmy face is COMMIE MIND CONTROL! Those premier cafeteria complex in this sector, the
manager, with a fake grin plastered onto his Commie bastards have developed some VitaYum Unified Citizenry Food Pyramid

Left to right – Larry-B, Toni-G, Dominic-I, Krystal-G, Victor-B, Chet-B

Court. It’s got multiple levels for different Toni-G: interrupting ‘investig- oh, you said be the solution to the problem and by having
security clearances. A customer went up the that one already.’ an external party oversee the execution of the
wrong stairs-’ plans, it ensures that the service groups can
Chet-B: ‘Ok, co-operate fully with any work smoothly together.
Toni-G: interrupting ‘And IntSec swooped investigation, military action, field testing or
in and arrested the Troubleshooter! I mean, any other initiative, as long as we meet Dominic-I presents this in a conspiratorial tone
troublemaker. We interrogated him and do you our sales targets. And we’re not going to of voice, suggesting that the Troubleshooters
know what his defence was? “I don’t know do that while we sit here arguing over who gets are his allies in this bureaucratic end run
what made me do it!” MADE ME DO IT! He the Troubleshooters.’ around the other groups. Let the players decide
was COMPELLED by an OUTSIDE FORCE to which of them will oversee each plan. Dominic-
commit treason!’ Larry-B: interrupting ‘Armed Forces!’ I then instructs the Troubleshooters to go and
Krystal-G: interrupting ‘HPD&MC!’ get a private briefing from the appropriate
Larry-B: ‘That’s why I’m saying we must take Victor-B: interrupting ‘R&D!’ officer – so, the character who’s going to
a stand against Communism! A forceful stand! Toni-G: interrupting ‘IntSec.’ co-ordinate security goes to see Larry-G, the
We secure the whole sector with disciplined Dominic-I: awakening suddenly character who wants to run field testing goes
Armed Forces troops whose stronger minds ‘Aaagh!’ to Victor-B and so on.
will resist Commie mind control! Meanwhile,
the Troubleshooters investigate the source of Everyone stops and waits for the Take each Troubleshooter aside and present
the Commie ray and-‘ INDIGO citizen to speak. the appropriate briefings individually. None of
the briefing officers are happy with Dominic-I’s
Victory-B: ‘These Troubleshooters, find the Dominic-I: ‘Hmm…you all make excellent, compromise but are each determined to be the
transmitter? Ha! Unthinkable! If the ray is as excellent cases. I need to consult privately with one who solves the threat of the Commie Ray.
I believe it to be, it will require the use of the the Troubleshooter team for a moment. Please All the briefings end with the officer promising
most advanced and experimental technologies wait in the ante-room, all of you.’ the Troubleshooters full and absolute support
available to us! We must immediately field but don’t call us, we’ll call you.
test our own psychotronic devices! We Everyone troops out except for
cannot afford a mind control gap with the Dominic-I, the Troubleshooters, and
Communists!’ Dominic-I’s bodyguards. IntSec Briefing
Krystal-G: ‘Look, the important thing to do Dominic-I: ‘Please, sit down. Sit, sit. Let’s Toni-G’s briefing is short and to the point – the
is to warn people to stay alert, so they’ll know get this briefing started properly’. Communists exist as part of the traitorous
not to give into Commie mind control if the underground. All the characters need to do
Commies try to mind control them. I’ve got is infiltrate one or more secret societies and
some pamphlets and educational materials The Actual Briefing follow them back to the Commies. The Food
here…’ Pyramid is a large, public venue and Internal
Dominic-I explains that the actual problem Security suspects that it is full of society
Toni-G: ‘Informing the common citizenry – locating and destroying the source of the message drops and secret meetings. The
is not an option. The Troubleshooter mission Commie Ray that turns ordinary citizens first step is to reduce the obvious security
requires strict information control. The into traitors, apparently – has become a presence, encouraging traitors to act more
Commies cannot know we have discovered departmental hot potato. Every service group openly within the Food Pyramid. Then, once
their ray!’ – well, apart from Power and Tech Services they have learned of secret society meetings,
– has an interest in the case. Therefore, infiltrate the meetings and find the Commies.
Victor-G: ‘You have not discovered the ray! to avoid a bureaucratic logjam, Dominic-I
You have only surmised the existence of the suggested they call in Troubleshooters, who
ray from observation of its effects!’ are outside the service group structure. Armed Forces Briefing
Chet-B: ‘Look, guys, it’s getting close to The mission is to take control of the Food Larry-G fills his briefing with military jargon and
dinner time and I’ve got a cafeteria to run. We Pyramid, which seems to be the primary target codes. The 215th Infantry is standing by at Fort
need to make a decision about the course for Commie Mind Control, probably because it’s Insurmountable, ready for insertion into the
of action. You know that as long as the PLC a newly-built facility and therefore a high-profile mission zone. Once deployed, the 215th will
targets are hit, we will co-operate fully with any target. Then, they must locate and destroy the secure the area and be ready to strike against
investigation –‘ Commie Ray, by implementing the various the Commie foe. Civilians, Larry-G proclaims,
service group plans. The Troubleshooter have weak minds, untempered by military
Larry-B: interrupting ‘Military action!’ team members should each oversee one of discipline. The Troubleshooters’ mission is to
Krystal-G: interrupting ‘Educational the plans (pairing into teams if there are more co-ordinate deployment of the 215th and ensure
campaign!’ that five Troubleshooters, taking multiple plans the civilians ‘don’t get in the way’.
Victor-B: interrupting ‘Field testing!’ each if there are less). One of the plans should

HPD&MC Briefing R&D Briefing PLC Briefing
Krystal-G informs the characters handling the Victor-B laughs and reassures the R&D Chet-B is quite optimistic. He’ll give the
HPD&MC liaison that she wants to educate liaison that he is taking a personal interest Troubleshooters a tour of the Food Pyramid
the common citizens about the dangers of in the Commie Ray Crisis. Already, his lab before handing the keys over to them and
the Commie Ray. A HPD&MC documentary technicians are working on new and grander the cafeteria has a skilled staff who basically
team will be sent to meet the characters at devices that will detect, counteract or maybe run the place anyway. The only thing the
the Food Pyramid and the characters are to even reverse the effects of the Commie mind characters need to worry about are the
design an informational video on the dangers control beam! All the Troubleshooters need to targets – the Food Pyramid needs to make
of the Commie Ray. They must also ensure do is ensure that these devices are installed 100 Consumption Tracking Metric Units per
that the population are kept happy, reassured correctly by precisely following the instructions daycycle (incorporating breakfast, lunch,
and informed of what they’re cleared to know that Victor-B will send along with them. dinner and mandatory snack breaks), so the
– remember, higher-clearance citizens on the Troubleshooters need to ensure that the efforts
upper levels of the Food Pyramid deserve to to stop the Commie Ray don’t interrupt the
know more about the ongoing crisis. business of serving food to the citizens.

Consumption Tracking Metric Units

The CTMUs used by the Food Pyramid are based on the simple principle that feeding a high-clearance citizen is worth more than feeding
an INFRARED. A CTMU is a complex metric derived from both the income from food sales and credits for completing your assigned duties
of feeding the masses. You get one CTMU for every:


The number of CTMUs earned by the Food Pyramid is determined by a random roll, modified by the level of chaos in the cafeteria. The
tables for CTMU earnings are given in Episodes 4, 5 and 6. The characters need to earn 100 CTMUs per daycycle. Earning few or excess
CTMUs will cause problems for the Troubleshooters.

Consumption Tracking Metric Unit Tracking

CTMUs Result
50 or less Food Court has dropped below starvation levels; higher-clearance citizens authorised to eat lower-clearance ones.
Troubleshooters get called to account for themselves by Chet-B’s vicious supervisor, Ingrid-I. She doesn’t need
authorisation to eat people. See page 28 for more on Ingrid-I.
51-74 Food Court food budget severely overstretched. CPU auditors called in. They discover Chet-B’s embezzling but
blame the characters. The characters need to somehow refill the budget by earning 125-149 CTMUs.
75-89 Food Court is running dangerously low on credits. The Troubleshooters are instructed to earn more credits – or
else. Fined 250 credits
90-99 Below optimum CTMU earnings. Shape up. Fined 100 credits each.
100 Optimum CTMU earning! Well done!
101-110 Above optimum CTMU earning! Have a bonus 100 credits!
111-125 Well above optimum CTMU! You earn an extra 250 credits each. Also, supplies are running low.
125-149 Supplies massively overstretched, especially drug supplies. Populace is now longer in a happy druggy haze.
Chance of food riots, spontaneous mutant power use, raids on upper levels.
150+ Biblical level disaster. INFRAREDs like a plague of locusts, eating everything. Doom, doom.

of a Troubleshooter, then that officer gives FCCC-P: There is a stack of Church leaflets
the mission; other missions are given by hidden behind a false wall on the third shelf
Secret CPU Briefing anonymous clones in the corridors. in the third locker in the third giant walk-in
refrigerator downstairs in the storage section
Once all the other briefings have been carried Anti-Mutant: Karl-R, the stores manager of the Food Pyramid. Retrieve them and pass
out, randomly select one Troubleshooter. in the Food Pyramid, is a filthy mutant scum. the good news out to the INFRAREDs.
Dominic-I contacts that Troubleshooter Get him killed if you can.
and summons him to a meeting. There, the Frankenstein Destroyers: One of our
INDIGO informs the Troubleshooter that his Communists: Er…we don’t have a mind allies, Morris-O, works in the Food Pyramid.
secret mission is to observe the others and control ray. We’ve no idea what’s going on. Promote him if you can.
report everything he sees to Dominic-I. Further Some of our propaganda was confiscated last
instructions may be issued later. week by the Food Pyramid’s security service Free Enterprise (Chet-B): Listen to me,
– get it back or destroy it. friend! I’ll make you rich; just keep the Food
We’re Off To See Computer Phreaks: We’ve hacked the
Pyramid going as long as you can.

The Food Court guest list for the dinner in the Food Pyramid
in two days time. Mathias-I of IntSec is on that
Humanists: We’ve learned that a group of
high-clearance citizens are meeting for dinner
Tension 5 list. Terminate him! in a few days in the Food Pyramid. We want
you to capture the Commie Ray and use it on
Finally, once all the briefings are complete, Corpore Metal: We have received reports them, thus spreading treason at the highest
Chet-B collects the characters and brings that there is a Frankenstein Destroyer in levels of Alpha Complex and sowing the seeds
them to the VitaYum Unified Citizenry Food the Food Pyramid, mistreating our Botty of The Computer’s destruction!
Pyramid Court… Brothers. Find and kill the machine hater. (It’s
Morris-O) Illuminati: We need a warbot. Don’t ask
why. We will arrange to have one delivered to
Secret Society Missions Death Leopard: Dude! There’s a Death the cafeteria. Somehow, get it out of there and
Leopard in the Food Pyramid called Metal leave it in the corridor outside, unwatched, with
After the briefings, the Troubleshooters each Noise. She’s done nothing cool lately. She the engine running.
receive a secret society mission. If one of the must be down – find her and motivate her.
briefing officers matches the secret society (Alice-G is Metal Noise.) Mystics: Dude! Here’s a packet of…well,
green goop. There’s a dinner of high-clearance
citizens in the food pyramid in a few days
time. Mix this stuff into their food and they’ll
be tripping, man!

Psion: Our agent Karl-R works in the Food

Pyramid. Do not be deceived by his brutish
demeanor – he is a valued asset. Promote

Pro Tech (Victor-B): We must capture

this Commie Ray for ourselves!

PURGE: Our agents led by Kevin-R will be

meeting in the cafeteria. Find them, join them
and aid their mission.

Romantics (Krystal-G): Hi! Wow, it’s

great to be working with you! I don’t have
a secret mission for you, but let’s be best

Sierra Club (Larry-B): I’m sending you

one of my best men, Bert-Y. He’s one of us.
Protect him!

Listen carefully, I will say this only once.

2. Cafeteria of the Damned
Episode Summary: The Troubleshooters There’s also what looks like another dining VitaYum Unified Citizenry Food Pyramid is
are put in charge of one of the largest and most level above the BLUE one, sectioned off from the VitaYum/Complex Dynamics Security
prestigious cafeterias in Alpha Complex. This the lower levels by tinted windows. It looks Invertower. It looks rather like the offspring
proves to be a mistake. Chet-B takes them on to diners below like there are noble high- of a many-eyed, many-limbed giant mutant
a tour of the cafeteria and introduces them to clearance citizens dining in the very same tarantula that had sex with a giant many-eyed,
his four underlings, all of whom are traitors in building as them. What a grand gesture of many-limbed chandelier; the offspring then got
their own way. brotherhood and unity! In fact, behind the tinted a advertising fast-food. It’s a huge mess of
window are mobile human-shaped dummies screens, cameras and cables handing from the
What, The with head-mounted cameras, observing the apex of the pyramid and reaching almost to the
Troubleshooters Are In citizens below. ground floor. On the inside of the Invertower
Charge? are the management and security offices of
Level 0 - INFRAFRED the Food Pyramid.
Yep. We’re giving the Troubleshooters actual Level 2 – YELLOW-GREEN
authority over higher-clearance citizens. Level 3 - BLUE Around the walls of the various levels are food
They get to make decisions and have some LEVEL 4 - ULTRAVIOLET preparation areas, restrooms, storerooms, bot
level of control over the course of events. Level -1 - Stores maintenance facilities and so forth. Beneath
INVERTOWER the Food Pyramid is a cavernous series
This is exactly like giving a man enough rope of storerooms and warehouses along with
to hang himself. Of course, they really do not need these dedicated Food Vats.
cameras – the literal centrepiece of the

The VitaYum
Unified Citizenry
Food Pyramid
The VitaYum Unified Citizenry Food
Pyramid Court is the grandest, most exciting
advancement in Alpha Complex Commissary
Food Deployment since the Fun High-Speed
FunInjection Nipple. It’s a huge pyramid-
shaped room in the heart of FOG Sector,
eight levels high and capable of serving up to
800 citizens at once. The whole building is a
pristine, wipe-clean sparkling white, with more
colour-coded stripes running everywhere. The
stripes on the walls designate the security
clearance of the area; the stripes on the floor
guide patrons to different sections of the Food

The whole floor level of the Food Pyramid

is INFRARED clearance. Above that, the
walls slope inwards and the diners eat on
wide balconies overlooking the floors below.
The next level is RED clearance and serves
RED and ORANGE citizens, then a YELLOW
clearance level for YELLOW and GREEN
citizens and finally a BLUE clearance level
for BLUE and higher citizens. Levels are
connected by escalators and elevators.

Food Service By Level
Level 0 (INFRARED): Upon entering the cafeteria, pass through the metal detectors and swipe your ME card through the ME card reader.
If you do not have enough food credits for a meal this daycycle, enter the line for Synthetic Nutrient-Free Stomach-Filling Fibre-Foam. Otherwise,
enter the line for the food dispersers. Take a tray and receive servings of the barely edible slop of the day, plus a handful of tranquilisers and
happy pills. Sit at one of the hundreds of identical black counters with your fellow drones. Eat, then drop your tray on one of the tray collecting
robots and leave the counter area before the automated chemical purge wash cycle begins for that counter zone.

While eating, watch the stream of propaganda reports and inspirational videos on the Invertower’s thousand screens.

This Week’s Special: NutraGoop, Stomach-Filling Fibre-Foam

Level 1 (RED/ORANGE): Upon entering the cafeteria, pass through the metal detectors and swipe your ME card through the ME card
reader. Stride past the cow-eyed INFRAREDs and proudly climb the stairs to your exclusive RED level. There, choose from up to half a dozen
different food counters, then take your food and sit at a table with a chair that appears to have been designed for some sort of lizard.

If ORANGE, you don’t need to bother with queuing up for food – just sit down in the marginally comfier chairs and wait for a WaiterBot to roll
up and take your order.

While eating, watch the stream of propaganda reports and inspirational videos on the Invertower’s thousand screens, unless you’re lucky enough
to be sitting at one of the few tables with its own TV set, in which case you can turn it to the Teela-O channel.

This Week’s Special: Hot Fun, VitaYum Bars

Level 2 (YELLOW/GREEN): Upon entering the cafeteria, pass through the metal detectors and swipe your ME card through the ME card
reader. Stride past the cow-eyed INFRAREDs and climb the stairs to the RED level, holding your nose at the smell. Hop on the high-speed
escalator to the YELLOW level and sit down on one of the comfy seats. Immediately, a WaiterBot zooms over to you and takes your order.
Real food is available regularly and special high-price dishes are served by human waitstaff.

While eating, you can watch TV on the unit installed at each table.

This Week’s Special: Duck in YELLOW sauce

Level 3 (BLUE+): You don’t take the common entrance to the cafeteria – there’s a BLUE-only entrance on a higher level. You sit in your
private booth and a human waiter (or bot, if you request privacy) comes over to take your order. You exit via the same exclusive access corridor.
While eating, check your stock portfolio or access The Computer via the console built into every seat.

This Week’s Special: Beef in VIOLET sauce

after tier of cafeterias and seating come back here at the end of the
Hi, We’re In areas, coded by clearance level. tour’ says Chet-B, pumping the
The tinted windows of the upper hand of [TROUBLESHOOTER] three
Charge level, the luxurious BLUE private times, then making an odd gesture
Tension 10 couches and fine restaurants, the with his thumb.
high-quality dining for YELLOW
Read the following to the players. citizens, the queues for the RED Chet-B then introduces a YELLOW clone,
vending machines, and the food Mike-Y, who is the chief of security for the Food
Chet-B leads you through a twisty troughs for the INFRAREDs. Pyramid. Mike-Y is a grizzled gruff citizen who
maze of corridors, all alike to a absolutely exudes competence and toughness,
door marked Invertower Access. It The elevator passes into a tangled the ideal security chief. He’s dressed in battle
opens into a glass-walled elevator. complex of cables and screens that armour and carries a slug rifle everywhere
Once you’re all inside, the elevator hangs in the centre of the open he goes. Unfortunately for the characters,
descends into a vast pyramidal space. With a loud DING, you arrive Mike-Y confiscated a few pages of Commie
chamber. You’re travelling down a in a small cluster of rooms at the propaganda off a traitor in the cafeteria last
thick knot of cables hanging from very heart of the Food Pyramid. week and he read it instead of burning it. Now,
the apex of the pyramid (get it? It’s that Commie propaganda has stuck in his head
an Inverted Tower!) All around the ‘From here, you can oversee every and really makes sense to him…
walls of the pyramid, you see tier aspect of our operations. We’ll

Mike-Y-JKF-4 Morris-O-NOE-6 and giving him a thumbs-up. ‘Bots
Management 4 Management 8 are the absolute foundation of the
Bootlicking 1 Oratory 12 lower three level’s workforce. All
Stealth 8 Organising Hundreds of Diners 14 our bots are maintained by Alice-G
Sneaking 12 Stealth 4 and her staff. Bot, run off and get
Surveillance 12 Violence 6 Alice, please.’
Security Systems 12 Hardware 4
Violence 6 Unclogging Food Troughs 10 ‘Sure thing Mr. Chet-B’ says the
Energy Weapons 10 Bot Abuse 10 waiterbot, which spins around and
Projectile Weapons 10 Software 4 zooms off. A few moments later, a
Unarmed 10 Bot Programming 8 young citizen in a GREEN jumpsuit
Hardware 4 Wetware 4 bounces up to you. She’s got all
Weapons & Armour Maintenance 8 Biosciences 8 sorts of gadgets and spare parts
Software 4 Armor: None hanging from her belt, stuffed into
Data Analysis 8 Weapons: Laser Pistol (W3K) her pockets and even stuck behind
Wetware 4 Mutant Power: Levitation her ears.
Armor: Kevlar (I3), YELLOW Reflex (E1) S e c r e t S o c i e t y : Frankenstein
Weapons: Slug Thrower (I, W3K) Destroyer
Mutant Power: Rubbery Bones Alice-G-NGH-2
Secret Society: None Management 4
domain to death and the bots on the RED Chutzpah 8
level are severely under-maintained and prone Stealth 4
Next, Chet-B takes the characters on a tour of to failure. To top it off, Morris-O will hate the Concealment 8
the Food Pyramid, starting with Level 0 (the characters too as soon as he’s introduced to Violence 4
INFRARED area). them – they’re being handed Chet-B’s job, Energy Weapons 8
whereas he deserves it. Agility 8
Hardware 8
Level 0/1 Bot Ops & Maintenance 12
Level 2 Software 8
‘We call this the factory floor. Bot Programming 12
Here’s where the INFRAREDs get Chet-B reaches the foot of an Wetware 4
their slop. Slop dispensers are elevator to the YELLOW clearance Armor: GREEN Reflec (E1)
over by the walls; it’s all pumped level above, then stops and glances Weapons: Laser Pistol (W3K)
up from the storage tanks and back at you. ‘Oh, don’t worry. Mutant Power: Mechanical Intuition
food vats underground. We’ll get Since you’re getting my job for Secret Society: Death Leopard
to them later, too. Upstairs is RED the duration of the crisis, you’re
and ORANGE dining. all getting temporary promotions
to BLUE clearance, effective only Alive-G is a sickeningly positive and enthusiastic
This whole section is run by my within the confines of the Food technician, responsible for maintaining the bots.
good buddy, Morris-O. Hey! Morris! Pyramid. That will let you into all She spouts technobabble in response to every
Over here!’ security-sensitive sections of this question she’s asked. Secretly, she’s a Death
cafeteria. Well, almost – there’s a Leopard (codename: Metal Scream) who uses
Morris-O is a small knot of nervous stress on VIOLET dining experience up there her position to build homemade killer robots.
legs and drugs. He has not slept in months that even I don’t get into.’ She’s got a secret workshop on Level 2, where
and despite working in a restaurant, he has not she’s assembled a trio of misshapen monsters
been able to keep food down in months either. Upstairs, you’re led into a wonderland made from waiterbot and mixerbot parts. She
He subsists on drugs, protein supplements and of comfort and luxury beyond your hates Morris-O for abusing her bots and hates
water. He secretly hates Chet-B, believing that dreams. Immediately, a waiterbot Alphonse-B because he’s exactly the sort of
his supervisor is incompetent and careless. rolls over to you and cheerfully stuck-up twit that Death Leopards loathe.
Morris-O covets Chet-B’s job or at least he burbles ‘welcome, sir! Our special
would if he had time to think. He also hates today is roast duck in YELLOW
Alice-G the bot technician upstairs and his sauce. May I take your order?’ Level 3
hatred of her has spilled over into full-blown
Frankenstein Destroyer beliefs. Morris-O’s Chet-B gestures at the bot with Upstairs again, and into an almost
sole delight is in working the few bots in his one hand while shaking the hand unimaginable level of luxury. This

whole level is BLUE-clearance. magic happens.’ He presses a
Fountains tinkle musically between Alphonse-B button and a hidden panel opens
tables of something Chet-B calls Management 8 revealing an elevator. You all crowd
‘mahogany’. The chairs look Bootlicking 12 in and it zooms down to the sublevel
incredibly comfortable, something High-clearance savoire fare 12 beneath the Food Pyramid. While
that definitely isn’t B3 sparkles in Stealth 8 you’re descending, Chet-B grabs
crystal glasses and the sample Sneaking 12 the hand of [TROUBLESHOOTER]
dishes on the menu are absolutely Violence 6 and shakes it from side to side
mouthwatering. This surely is how Hand Weapons 10 while tapping his other hand on the
the elite of Alpha Complex dine. Hardware 4 ‘DOOR CLOSE’ button.
Software 4
The one fly in the ointment is the Wetware 10 After two-thirds of a cheery elevator
tall, thin BLUE citizen with a chef’s Cooking 16 song about how nice it is to be in
hat stalking towards you. He looks Armor: None an elevator, the doors open into
unhappy. Weapons: Power Whisk (M4K) a cavernous chamber. In the dim
Mutant Power: Supercooking light, you can make out the hulking
The third key member of the staff is the Secret Society: PURGE/Romantics shapes of food vats, storage tanks
Cordon BLUE chef, Alphonse-B. He is and piles and piles of crates. You
a terrible, terrible snob who cares about can also make out the hulking
nothing but serving the finest, finest food to The Sublevel shape of a huge RED clone.
the finest, finest citizens. He speaks with a
ludicrously exaggerated French accent and Chet-B points up at the tinted ‘This is Karl-R’ says Chet-B, with a
looks down his nose at anyone without the windows at the top level of the slight quiver in his voice. ‘He runs
requisite clearance or breeding to appreciate pyramid. ‘Sometimes, you’ll see things down here.’
his food. Alphonse-B is secretly a member of people moving around up there.
the PURGE society, who planned to use his The upper dining level is VIOLET ‘KARL-R’ says the giant, slapping
position to assassinate certain high-clearance clearance and it’s all automated. his chest. ‘KARL-R!’ You can’t
citizens with discrete poisons but he never You don’t need to worry about it. help but notice the bright yellow
had the nerve. He’s also an avid Romantics registered-mutant stripe running
member, using their connections to dig up old Anyway, come with me. Let’s go down his sleeve but it seems
recipes and techniques. behind the scenes, to where the impolite to mention it.

Karl-R is indeed a giant hulking mutant who

rules the sublevel with an iron fist. He has
a staff of pale, grub-like INFRARED slaves
who skulk between the food vats. He’s not
a moron, though – his speech patterns are
an affectation. He’s a Psion agent who adds
mutagens to the already-mutagenic food
additives. He speaks like a giant idiot so people
underestimate him.

Management 4
Intimidation 8
Stealth 4
Sneaking 1
Shadowing 8
Violence 10
Energy Weapons 14
Unarmed Combat 14
Hardware 4
Software 4
Wetware 4
Armor: None
Weapons: None
Mutant Power: Adrenaline Control,
Mental Blast
Hot Fun is not Haute Cuisine. Secret Society: Psion

the Troubleshooters into his office and serves behind his desk with one hand
them a generous helping of genuine booze. and vigorously shakes the hand
Back to the Invertower of [TROUBLESHOOTER] with the
‘Well, that’s the Food Pyramid. other. He pumps it twice, then
Finally, Chet-B brings the Troubleshooters It’s all yours now, guys. I’m being swaps the briefcase to the other
back to the Invertower. There are several temporarily reassigned to FUN hand and shakes it twice again.
rooms in this little complex – there’s the Sector for a break – but here’s my ‘Cheerio’ he says and vanishes
manager’s office, the security office, the food personal number so you can call from your lives.
vat control office and the executive bathroom. me if anything goes wrong. I’m
He waves vaguely at the latter three and says sure you’ll track down this Commie The number Chet-B gives is, of course, fake.
that they’re all pretty self-explanatory and Ray in no time! Good luck!’ Chet- He’s running away with his ill-gotten gains.
that nothing can go wrong. He then ushers B takes a heavy suitcase from

3. This Will Solve The Problem

Episode Summary: The four cunning Armed Forces: The 215th Interview show To disable some of the security systems in
plans to locate the Commie Ray are put into up and want dinner and a place to stay. the Food Pyramid, the Troubleshooters need
operation. This too proves to be a mistake. to either order Mike-Y the security chief to do
R&D: Victor-I has a giant MRI that he wants so, switch the security systems off themselves
There’s one section in this episode for the Troubleshooters to scan diners with. from the security office or else sabotage the
each of the four plans. In each section, the physical cameras and table microphones
Troubleshooters have to implement the first This episode is supposed to take one daycycle. throughout the Pyramid.
section of the plan, as described by the liaison At the end of it, the Troubleshooters must
for that section. If the Troubleshooter who, calculate how many Consumption Tracking
say, was responsible for the HPD&MC part Metric Units they have earned. Persuading Mike-Y
of the plan cannot remember what Krystal-G
told him to do in the last section, then the
Troubleshooters still have to find some use for
Internal Security Mike-Y is adamant that turning off the security
systems would be a bad idea. A Really Bad
a documentary film crew. When implementing – Enabling Idea. He absolutely refuses to do it unless they
the plans, assume there are lots of staff in the directly order him to do so and if they put their
cafeteria but all orders must be given directly or Treason order in writing and if there’s an undeniable
filtered through Morris-O, Alice-G, Alphonse-B Tension 10, probably dropping paper trail a mile wide that directly connects
or Karl-R. the Troubleshooters with the Really Bad
According to the instructions given by Toni-G, Idea and completely absolves Mike-Y of any
The plans are: the first step is for the Troubleshooters to wrongdoing. If the Troubleshooters do this,
Internal Security: The Troubleshooters lower the security level of the Food Pyramid, then Mike-Y will take great joy in pinning the
are to decrease the security presence in the making it more attractive for Commie Mutant ensuing problems on them. The Tension drops
Food Pyramid, to encourage traitors to show Traitors to meet there. Toni-G’s undercover to 5 if the characters take this option.
up there. IntSec agents will then identify and trace these
Commie Mutant Traitor meetings, opening
HPD&MC: The Troubleshooters get to up a path to the treasonous underworld and
star in their own educational video about the from there to the Commie Ray. At least, that
dangers of Commie Rays. is the theory.

Day Planner, Day One

0600 Wake-Up 1600
0700 Breakfast – Meeting with Mike-Y re: Security system, turning off 1700
0800 Breakfast 1800 Dinner – Premier of video
0900 Breakfast 1900 Dinner – Armed Forces arrive
1000 2000 Dinner – R&D Gadget arrives
1100 Supplies Arrive 2100 Dinner
1200 Lunch – Meeting with HPD&MC Film crew 2200 Cleaning
1300 Lunch – Making the video 2300 Cleaning
1400 Lunch 2400 Cleaning
1500 Nightcycle

permission to send in his guards to arrest the From this point on in the mission, the Tension
Switching Off The Security saboteur. The ‘saboteur’ is actually Jerome-R, score in the Food Pyramid is equal to whatever
Systems Themselves an Internal Security agent working for Toni-G, the Troubleshooters just set it to.
who is spying on Commies.
Well, first they need to get Mike-Y out of
his office, which isn’t that hard. Then they If the guards try to arrest Jerome-R, he HPD&MC – Video
need to switch off the security system. The
security system control panel is like looking
assumes that he’s been identified as an
Internal Security agent by Commie Mutant
Killed The
into the howling face of absolute madness,
as interpreted through the medium of buttons
Traitors and fights back. A standoff quickly
develops on Level 1 between the guards
Commie Star
and levers. and Jerome-R, who takes shelter behind a Tension There’s A Guy With A
waiterbot that’s loaded with highly flammable Camera Staring At Us
There’s a large and tempting OFF switch that (inflammable? Whatever. Call it explosive) Hot
switches off ALL security throughout the Food Fun. Unless the characters intercede when the Krystal-G promised the Troubleshooters that
Pyramid. Pressing this is a Really, Really Bad lasers start zapping, they end up with a big she would send a documentary team to help
Idea, even worse than the Really Bad Idea boom that takes out a chunk of Level 1. them produce an educational video about the
of turning off some of the security systems. dangers of the Commie Ray. Unfortunately, she
If they turn off all the security systems, then made a slight mistake when filling out the work
the Tension throughout the Food Pyramid Anarchy (Tension=0) order. Instead of assigning the documentary
drops to 0. team to work for the Troubleshooters,
If the characters have reduced the Tension she assigned the team to work with them
They can also try to work the controls. This to 0, then a riot breaks out in the INFRARED – meaning the Troubleshooters will be starring
requires a Security System roll or random section. Without security systems, it is in the documentary. The work order is signed
button pressing. A successful roll lets them set impossible to tell who started it but rumours by Krystal-G’s INDIGO-clearance supervisor,
the Tension to whatever they want. If they risk insist that the Commie Ray swept through Reginald-I, so there’s no way to get out of it.
random button pressing, roll on the Security the cafeteria.
System Catastrophe table.

Roll Effect Final Tension

1-4 System entirely shut down. 0
5-8 Fire Suppression System activated. A group of GREEN citizens on a dinner party 5
are very, very wet and very angry.
9-12 Overdose of tranquilisers added to Hot Fun. Level 0 is suddenly filled with dozens 10
of quietly slumbering INFRAREDs.
13-16 Alerts sent to Internal Security, informing them that the Food Pyramid is under 5
Commie attack. A heavily armed strike team shows up with hostage negotiators
in tow, to ensure the safety of the high-clearance citizens on level 2.
17-20 System goes wild, showing sparks everywhere. 1d20

Disabling The System HPD&MC Edufotainment Video Team Work Order

Form HPD&MC/542/7/b/2
Themselves Description of Video: Informational video on the effects of the Commie Ray, to
be displayed on video monitors throughout Food Pyramid and FOG Sector
If the Troubleshooters want to wander around Minimum Run Time: 3 min Maximum Run Time: 5 min
smashing security cameras, they can. Mike-Y Security Clearance of Video: INFRARED
will have words for them or for the debriefing Approved Assets: VitaYum United Citizenry Food Pyramid Court, assorted
officer at the end… ad hoc props and locations up to security clearance ORANGE
Subjects: (Troubleshooters) TICK ALL THAT APPLY:
Supervisor: (blank) [ ] dramatic music [X] simulated violence
The IntSec Situation Authorisation: Reginald-I-HJK [X] subliminal messaging [X] B3 consumption
[X] adult situations [ ] mental stimulation
(Tension >0) [ ] flashing lights [ ] DVD extras
[X] simulated treachery [ ] Teela-O
If the Tension is anything other than 0, then a
rather tricky problem arises. Mike-Y contacts
the Troubleshooters, informing them that he’s
noticed a rather suspicious person on Level
1 that he suspects is a saboteur. He wants

The Troubleshooters need to script and act out for another documentary, The Cafeterias the heavy firepower backing him up. Secretly,
a short film, educating the citizens about the of Tomorrowcycle! Bert-Y wants to be a Sierra Clubber – his
effects of the Commie Ray. The documentary time in the Armed Forces has given him an
team consists of two citizens, a director and appreciation for the natural world but he hasn’t
a camera-man. Informing the Populace dared to indulge his desires for potted plants
The director is Lucius-O, who is more used and topsoil.
to making dramatic Troubleshooter action Once the video is complete, the Troubleshooters
movies like Heroes of the Complex and must display it on the screens in the Food Bert-Y demands the Troubleshooters provide
Commie Zapping Action Hour! He’s got Pyramid. Pay very close attention to the the following:
the attention span of a gamer and is shallower contents of the video that the players came Somewhere For His Men To
than a monofilament looking glass. He wants up with – this will determine the initial attitude Sleep: They’ve got sleeping bags and
more action and drama and passion at of the citizens in the Food Pyramid to the tents but need space.
every step! He’s also got suppressed Mystic Commie Ray. Rumours are already circulating Food: He’s not going to pay for it or
tendencies, as drugs are about the only things that there’s some sort of Commie Mind Control anything. This is a contracted mission for
that slow him down. ray out there; the video made by the characters the Food Pyramid, so any living expenses
will determine the level of psychohypochondria should be bourn by PLC.
The cameraman is Donna-R; she rarely that runs rampant in the sector. A Tactical Briefing: He has no idea
speaks and obeys all of Lucius-O’s commands what he or his men are supposed to be
silently and competently. She’s an Internal
Security spy and her multicorder has a signal Armed Forces doing but they got ordered to march here
this morning and isn’t happy about that
splitter so it automatically transmits a copy
back to Internal Security. She’s also a secret
– Send in the either.

FCCC-P fanatic. Troops Bert-Y-OID-4

Tension Depends On What The Management 4
Our Fifteen Minutes Of Fame Troubleshooters Just Did Interrogation 8
Intimidation 8
The Troubleshooters need to decide on a script According to Larry-G’s plan, the 215th Infantry Shouting Orders 10
and what sort of message they want to send is being deployed to the Food Pyramid to Stealth 4
to the common citizenry. How do they convey secure the area and watch for traitors – and, Violence 8
the (still-hazy) threat of the Commie Ray? as promised, the 215th Infantry shows up at the Energy Weapons 12
What should a loyal citizen do when he feels entrance to the Food Pyramid. There are 500 Projectile Weapons 12
traitorous impulses well up from within? Lucius- heavily armed Armed Forces grunts, led by Hardware 4
O will push for the most dramatic interpretation Bert-Y. They’ve just marched from their base Weapons & Armour Maintenance 8
possible, while Donna-R silently observes and Outside through six sectors to FOG; they’re Software 4
watches for treason. If the characters deviate tired, sweaty, hungry and looking forward to Wetware 4
from the work order, then she speaks up. getting into the billets that they’ve been told Armor: Kevlar (I3), YELLOW Reflex (E1)
will be waiting for them. The Troubleshooters Weapons: Laser Rifle (W3K)
After the video is complete, Lucius-O and have sorted out accommodation for 500 Mutant Power: Electroshock
Donna-R run back to HPD&MC to edit it, put soldiers, right? Secret Society: Sierra Club
in a dramatic voice over, music and subliminal
messaging and attend the wrap party (they Right?
don’t invite the Troubleshooters). They then
come back to the Food Pyramid and hand over Bert-Y is a short, officious and annoying career Armed Forces Grunt
a copy of the video to the Troubleshooters, then soldier. He’s red-faced, balding, bellicose and Management 2
hang around the Food Pyramid filming events would be a joke if not for the 500 soldiers and Bootlicking 6
Intimidation 6
Stealth 4
Violence 6
Energy Weapons 10
Armor: Kevlar (I3)
Weapons: Laser Rifle (W3K)
Mutant Power: Varies
Secret Society: Varies

Also, if the troops are stationed on Level 0
and they’re allowed to run wild in the food
troughs, then violence erupts when a civilian
INFRARED takes the last packet of Algae
Crisps. Suddenly, a huge fistfight erupts on the
lowest level. There are far too many soldiers for
Mike-Y’s Food Pyramid security team to deal
with – what do the characters do?

If the Troubleshooters don’t authorise the

Armed Forces troops to have free reign of
the food troughs, then there’s an awful lot of
grumbling but no penalties… yet.

A Tactical Briefing
Bert-Y wants to know what his soldiers are
going to be doing. He’s got 500 armed thugs
who need to shoot something regularly or
at least burn off some of their combat-drug-
fuelled energy, then things will get violent
quickly. What do the Troubleshooters want to
do with their army?

Guess whose army is coming to dinner…

R&D – MRIs For
danger of being crushed or trampled. Still, it
Accommodation all works well for now. Tension Inside The MRI: 20

The Troubleshooters have two options – they If they put them in the subbasement, then Bert- Mad scientist Victor-B promised he would
can section off part of Level 0 for the soldiers Y complains that the food vats are leaking and send the Troubleshooters technology to
or they can stick them down in the bowels of Karl-R complains that soldiers are stealing his deal with the Commie Ray and the first bit of
the storage levels. Bert-Y favours the former supplies and getting lost in the maze of twisty this technology shows up in the evening of
option but this will cut the cafeteria’s ability corridors and cellars. It also means there is the first daycycle. It’s a huge packing crate,
to serve INFRAREDs in half. He strongly no real way for the soldiers to respond to marked ‘THIS WAY UP’ (it’s upside-down)
disapproves of exiling his men to the dank traitors showing up and attacking the Food and weighing many tons. It’s delivered by a
under-basement. Pyramid, unless the Troubleshooters want surly truckbot that zooms off after dropping
to try organising a rapid deployment via the off the crate.
If they stick the soldiers on Level 0, then the dumb waiters.
Food Pyramid rapidly turns into a sprawling Stuck to the side of the crate is a note from
campsite, with underwear drying on washing Victor-B. ‘Set this up in the entrance
lines, Solyent RED cooking on capefires, tanks Feeding The Five Hundred to the Food Pyramid and scan all
rolling around patrolling the perimeter and the incoming citizens. Victor-B.’ When the
occasional random outburst of gunfire. Higher- So, what do you serve 500 hungry hungry crate is opened, inside the Troubleshooters
clearance citizens look down disapprovingly soldiers? If the Troubleshooters just let them find a giant self-powered magnetic resonance
from the balconies above and the INFRAREDs run wild in the INFRARED food lines, then imaging scanner. It’s the size of a jet engine.
are crammed so tightly in the non-militarised this will severely impact the Food Pyramid’s There are steps at either end and friendly little
sections of the ground floor that there’s a real CTMUs for the day. diagrams show that the citizens are supposed

to troop through the scanner on their way to the the scientist demanding they implement his Armed Forces
cafeteria. The MRI also includes a transmitter data gathering technology! Without a baseline Armed Forces detachment has taken up
to send data back to Victor-B’s laboratory. for the squishy brains of the diners, how can residence on Level 0: -5
they trace the effects of the Communist Mind Armed Forces given free reign in the food
Control beam? troughs: -5
The Sound of Armed Forces forced to pay full price for
Impending Doom PLC – Cashing food: +5

There’s one problem with this gadget – when

Out On Day One Internal Security
Tension is between 1 and 5, making the
activated, it creates a very strong magnetic Tension Impending Doom cafeteria a great place for conspirators to
field over the whole Food Pyramid. This pulls meet: +5
the following items strongly toward the MRI At the end of the daycycle, it’s time to work Tension is 0, resulting in anarchy and
machine: out how many CTMUs the Troubleshooters violence: -5
The metal cutlery and plates used on earned. Roll 1d10x5 for each of the three
Levels 1-3 major mealcycles (breakfast, lunch, dinner) HPD&MC
The metal escalators and banisters to determine the number of CTMUs earned. Video is especially entertaining: +5
The metal vending machines and food Perversity can be spent on this roll. Rumours of Commie Mind Control are
troughs greatly exaggerated: -5
The metal scrubbots and waiterbots The roll is also modified by events in the
The metal guns and armour worn by the Food Pyramid. Apply the modifiers to, well, R&D
Armed Forces whatever rolls you feel like to be honest. This They actually use the MRI: -5
The metal screens and cameras of the is PARANOIA, after all – be as inconsistent
Invertower and cruel as you wish. Finally, add up the number of CTMUs earned
The metal girders in the walls

Switching on the MRI for more than five

seconds at a time causes severe disruption to
the smooth running of the cafeteria (and will
draw angry complaints from Alice-G, Morris-O
and Alphonse-B). Leaving it running for 30
seconds or more will cause severe structural
damage. It takes five seconds to spin up or to
spin down and it takes another five seconds
to scan a citizen.

In short, it’s a big giant useless piece of

metal. (Oh, the MRI also attracts itself). If the
Troubleshooters do not send data back to
Victor-B, then they get an angry message from

The off switch, ironically, is made of plastic.

4. This Did Not Solve The Problem
Episode Summary: The various plans There’s an odd prickly feeling in the air, as if up and punches the lead Troubleshooter in
advance. This really doesn’t help. Meanwhile, the local nuclear reactor was being twitchy. All the face.
as knowledge of the ‘existence’ of the Commie the citizens the Troubleshooters pass seem
Ray becomes common, everyone starts using nervous.
the Commie Ray as an excuse to commit Crisis at Breakfastcycle
treason. Near the entrance to the Food Pyramid, the
Troubleshooters come upon an odd scene. Morris-O is always full of hate but the disruptions
Armed Forces: The 215 t h fortifies There’s a RED citizen sitting in the middle of caused by all the different plans to save the
their position as treason takes hold of the the corridor, napping. There’s a pair of GREEN cafeteria from the Commie Ray really annoyed
cafeteria. goons standing on either side of him, directing him. With all the rumours circulating about
foot traffic around him. The RED clone is using the Commie Ray as an excuse, Morris-O
Internal Security: The Troubleshooters stretched out, his head pillowed on a thick decided to take a swing at his boss and blame
are sent to infiltrate a secret society meeting folder entitled ‘Directives for the Efficient it on the Commie Ray.
in their own cafeteria. Auditing of Type I Screw Washers
in Type II Screw Washer Storage Morris-O’s surprisingly solid
HPD&MC: As the panic over the Commie Facilities’ and appears to be fast asleep. fist connects very solidly with
Ray grows, Krystal-G has a whole new If the Troubleshooters ask why this RED [TROUBLESHOOTER]’s nose.
initiative to solve the problem. citizen is allowed to keep on sleeping in the There’s a distinct wet snapping
middle of the morningcycle, one goon grunts noise and a gush of low-clearance
R&D: Victor-B sends new and even more that the matter is classified. From behind the fluids mixed with a few mid-
disturbing gadgets to the Food Pyramid. grunting GREEN goon, the Troubleshooters clearance GREENs come pouring
hear the sleeping citizen mutter ‘I can’t out. It’s really painful.
PLC: Chet-B’s supervisor Ingrid-I shows help it… the ray… making me
up. soooooo sleepy. I must…lie down Morris-O grins widely (it’s the first
and sleep… not my volition… time you’ve seen the man smile
Again, this episode is supposed to take Commies… making me sleepy… since you met him yesterday), then
place over one daycycle. At the end of it, the with their Ray… mmm… just like suddenly snaps to attention and
Troubleshooters must again calculate how on the informational video.’ salute. ‘Sorry’, he says, ‘the Commie
many Consumption Tracking Metric Units Ray made me do it! I was suddenly
they’ve earned. As the RED citizen is not responsible for overwhelmed by the desire to punch
committing treason (ok, not even in Friend you in the face, sir! Obviously, the
It’s Not My Fault, Computer’s most fevered crossed circuits
is sleeping on duty considered full-fledged
Commies are so scared of you that
they’re trying to make innocent
It’s The Ray treason but it’s still a severe misdemeanour), citizens attack you!’
he is not being punished. Anyone blaming
Tension Whatever It’s Currently their treacherous impulses on the ray is given The Troubleshooters can discipline Morris-O
Set To special dispensation – it’s not your fault if as they wish, but he’s technically in the right,
you’re mind controlled, after all. as they discover when they get to their office
As the Troubleshooters return to the Food in the Invertower, where Krystal-G is waiting
Pyramid the next morning, they spot an The Troubleshooters discover this when they for them.
unusual amount of graffiti spray-bombed on arrive at the Food Pyramid and Morris-O walks
the formerly pristine walls of FOG Sector.

Day Planner, Day Two

0600 Wake-Up 1600
0700 Breakfast – Encounter sleeping citizen 1700
0800 Breakfast – Meeting with Krystal-G 1800 Dinner
0900 Breakfast – Yoga classes start 1900 Dinner – Ingrid-I arrives
1000 Yoga continues throughout the day 2000 Dinner – PURGE meeting
1100 Supplies arrive 2100 Dinner
1200 Lunch – Meeting with Bert-Y 2200 Cleaning
1300 Lunch – Lots of Armed Forces stuff arrives 2300 Cleaning
1400 Lunch – Visit from Toni-G 2400 Cleaning
1500 Box of helmets arrives from R&D Nightcycle

This nice citizen on the transtube yoga and chant treasonous phrases. The
Opportunities for handed me these leaflets and I INFRAREDs are a bit confused but willing
Treachery thought I could use it to get people to follow the orders of a higher-clearance
With rumours of the Commie Ray in full swing, to relax. This Food Court’s a nice big citizen. Krystal-G will continue to teach yoga
every suppressed treasonous impulse venue – I’m going to show people for the rest of the daycycle unless stopped
how to relax the natural way.’ or terminated. If the Troubleshooters come
near her, then she tries to get them to join in.
She drops a badly-printed leaflet on Krystal-G is absolutely oblivious to anything
HPD&MC – your desk and wanders out. The title else, and will keep teaching yoga even in the
of the leaflet is ‘YOGA SECRETS OF middle of a firefight.
Tension Leeching From Your ABOUT NATURAL HAPPINESS.

‘Hi guys!’ says Krystal-G perkily. ‘I

Management 4
loved you in that video, it was just ROMANTICS SOCIETY!’ Con Games 1
super! It really taught the common Hygiene 8
citizens about how those Commies The Troubleshooters have just been ordered Chutzpah 8
are using mind control to make to help distribute treasonous propaganda to the Stealth 4
people commit treason and it’s diners in the Food Pyramid. The leaflet contains Violence 4
no-one’s fault at all! Except the a mix of basic yoga techniques and Romantic Hardware 4
Commies, of course! propaganda, so it’s not that treasonous but still Software 4
very questionable, especially as it advocates Wetware 4
Anyway, my boss was looking at the stuff like chanting ‘Omm… The Computer Armor: None
happiness report for this sector and is not my Friend’ while wrapping your legs Weapons: None
it’s really good. The one thing is the around your head. Mutant Power: Uncanny Luck
stress index is kinda high, I guess Secret Society: Romantics
‘cos everyone’s worried about being Krystal-G heads down to Level 1 with a
hit by the Commie Ray. So, we need megaphone and starts showing the
to get people to relax. INFRAREDs on the floor below how to do

Random Yoga Instruction Table

Roll Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
1-2 Put your left leg… Behind Your left leg Gently
3-4 Put your right leg… Over Your right leg Slowly
5-6 Put your left arm… Under Your left arm Tenderly
7-8 Put your right arm… Through Your right arm Quickly
9-10 Put your neck… Beside Your neck Sharply
11-12 Put your spine… Around Your back Strongly
13-14 Put your head… Twisted Around Your shoulder Repeatedly
15-16 Stretch your body and put it… Folded Into Your head Immediately
17-18 Take your partner’s hand and put it… On Top Of Your thighs Forcefully
19-20 Take your partner’s head and put it… Between Yours whole body Violently
Roll once on each column to generate an instruction.

Internal Security
– The Meeting
Tension Mounting

Toni-G the Internal Security liaison is the next

to contact the Troubleshooters. Her spies
have determined that PURGE are going to
be holding a meeting in the Food Pyramid
on Level 1 during dinner this evening. The
Troubleshooters will be able to recognise the
PURGE conspirators by their secret eating
technique – no matter what the PURGErs are
eating, they use a fork three times, and then
a spoon twice.

The Troubleshooters’ mission is to infiltrate

this PURGE meeting and somehow push
the discussion towards the Commie Ray. As
PURGE are known to be allies of the Commies,
no doubt the PURGErs will know where the
Ray is. This mission is top secret and must only
be undertaken by the Troubleshooters.

They do have several hours to prepare for this

undercover assignment, of course.
Yoga is possibly the only time you actually want the rubbery bones mutation.

Armed Forces – Sixteen (16) portable nuclear strike-proof R&D – These

Fort Food Court
Ten (10) kilometres of two-metre high
New Stylish
Tension Rising
flat-pack wall segments.
Twenty (20) kilometres of electrified,
poisoned and self-repairing barbed wire. Tension The Doom of Fashion
The Armed Forces commander Bert-Y Two hundred (200) anti-personnel mines.
contacts the Troubleshooters. ‘My troops Enough laser rifles to outfit a battalion. Another giant crate arrives on the doorstep,
have been attacked by citizens One (1) WarBot (Shadow Mark II). delivered by R&D. Inside this one are
under the effect of the Commie one dozen bulky metal helmets. There’s
Ray’, he says, ‘no casualties thus The Troubleshooters need to find places to also a large manual entitled ‘PROPER
far but I want to take steps to stow all of this stuff. The easy option is to DEPLOYMENT AND USE OF PROTOTYPE
protect the Armed Forces assets throw it all the subbasement with Karl-R but MENTAL ADJUSTMENT HELMET MK 1’.
attached to this operation. I have this will come back to hurt them later in the Every page in the large manual is blank except
therefore requested some additional mission. They can also just stack the stuff on for the words ‘TEXT GOES HERE’.
fortifications from Armed Forces the floor of the Food Pyramid. It’s the material
command. As this is your food like the barbed wire, walls and minefields that The metal helmets are really heavy and painful
court, it’s up to you to locate and will cause the most disruption (what a strange to wear. Each helmet has a large red LED
install these fortifications. They’re world to live in, where the WarBot isn’t the thing that glows when the helmet is switched on.
waiting on truckbots outside the that causes the most disruption). There’s a power stud at the back of the neck.
main entrance.’ Inside, the padded interior is lined with little
Bert-Y will offer helpful suggestions if the silvery wires that feel painful to the touch, like
True to his word, Bert-Y has brought in a Troubleshooters ask but he wants to build the stingers of a jellyfish. A few of the helmets
load of extra Armed Forces stuff. Waiting a combat-ready fortress, not serve Hot Fun have sticky notes on them. Each sticky note
on trucks outside the Food Pyramid are the to INFRAREDs or hunt down a mysterious bears the name of a particular Troubleshooter
following items: Commie Ray. This section is mainly an excuse and it’s obvious that one helmet is meant for
Four (4) watchtowers with searchlights for the players to play Interior Decorator with each player character.
and machine guns. military gear but will also be an important factor
Two (2) security checkpoints with barriers, in later sections of the mission, so keep track If a character puts on a helmet and switches
sandbags and ME scanners. of what goes where. it on, he feels… different. He can’t put his
Two (2) anti-aircraft guns.
Four (4) artillery guns.

finger on exactly what’s different, but there’s definitely something different. Roll on the Mental in the sector for a brief chat with Chet-B, in
Adjustment Table for each character who puts a helmet on. advance of the very important dinner tomorrow
that’s being held on Level 3. She expected Chet-
Roll Effects B to be waiting her, ready for the inspection.
1-2 Subject becomes colour blind Instead, she’s met by a scruffy group of clueless
3-4 Subject unable to move his right hand Troubleshooters and a cafeteria that looks
5-6 Subject believes that everyone in Alpha Complex is a lizard in a human suit (depending on the Troubleshooters’s actions)
7-8 Subject can no longer perceive the number ‘seven’ like a warzone, an armed camp, a yoga class
9-10 Subject’s mutant power rating doubles or a giant ball of twisted metal. She is, to put it
11-12 Subject unconsciously removes all clothing mildly, not happy.
13-14 Subject obeys all commands given to him
15-16 Subject can see electronic signals ‘I am, to put it mildly, not happy’
17-18 Subject’s sense of taste becomes incredibly sensisitive Ingrid-I growls. ‘I have no idea why
19-20 Subject becomes immensely hungry all the time Chet-B put you in charge without
my permission but rest assured
that you will suffer along with him
furious – cuts its way through for any failings. The annual meeting
the buzz of the crowd. ‘CHET-B?! of Sector Section Supervisors is on
Using The Helmets Where are you, you incompetent here tomorrowcycle and it’s too late
vatslime!’ to cancel.
The Helmets are designed to block the effects
of the Commie Ray but seeing as the Commie The visitor is Ingrid-I, Chet-B’s superior and the We’re going to take a little tour
Ray doesn’t actually exist, the helmets just Chief Cafeteria and Commissary Operations of this cafeteria. Anytime I see
screw with the brainwaves of the wearer Coordinator for this whole sector. She rose to something I don’t like, someone
randomly. However, everyone else believes this exalted position over the literal corpses of loses a finger. Understand?’
that anyone wearing a helmet is immune to the her foes; Ingrid-I is secretly a Matter Eater and
Commie Ray’s effects. The Troubleshooters a cannibal, who picks her teeth with the bones
therefore cannot avoid penalties for treason of failed cafeteria managers. Her teeth, sharp Another Tour
by blaming the ray for their actions as long as and glistening, are by far her most prominent
they’re wearing these troublesome helmets. feature. Her eyes are the eyes of a shark. Ingrid-I then orders the Troubleshooters to
take her on a tour of the cafeteria, starting
PLC – the Tour Anyway, she just popped into the most
prestigious and high-profile cafeteria
with Level 0.

Tension Rising

Read the following to the players:

Dinnercycle has finally started and
things seem to be going as smoothly
as can be hoped. Morris-O is a little
orange blur on the ground floor,
dealing with a dozen crises at once.
Alice-G’s fleet of waiterbots zip
around the Food Pyramid, bringing
food to hungry clones. Far above,
Alphonse-B shows the wine list to
the two BLUE-clearance citizens
eating here this dinnercycle. You’re
almost prepared to breathe a sigh
of relief.

Then you hear a commotion at the

main entrance. A group of heavily
armed GREEN goons push their
way through the crowd, shielding
someone very clearly VIOLET in
their midst. A voice – shrill, painful,

Ingrid-I. She is not your friend.

entourage sweeps onto Level 2 and won’t will be arriving tomorrow evening
entertain suggestions of stopping. (Saying – this place had better be spotless
Ingrid-I ‘two minutes! We need to attend a
PURGE meeting’ just gets them shot by her
and running smoothly by the time
they get here! And get me some
Management 10 bodyguards.) See Purge Meeting, below. ketchup for these fingers!’
Intimidation 14
Hygiene 14
Stealth 8
Level 2: ‘Oh, by the way, Chet-B
ordered in the finest ingredients Intsec – PURGE
Violence 12
Unarmed Combat 16
for the dinner tomorrow. Check
with that monster in the basement
Hardware 10 to ensure they arrived. We spared Tension Rather High, Probably
Software 12 no expense for the Sector Section
Data Analysis 16 Supervisor’s Dinner!’ If the Troubleshooters make it back to the
Financial Systems 16 secret PURGE meeting, they can try to infiltrate
Wetware 10 If a Troubleshooter checks with Karl-R, he it. There are four burly traitors here, all RED-
Armor: INDIGO Reflec (E3) discovers that the ingredients have been clearance. The lead PURGE traitor is Kevin-R.
Weapons: Teeth (M3V) ordered and should arrive tomorrow. The tables on either side of the PURGE
Mutant Power: Super matter eating meeting are all full of loud and hyperactive
Secret Society: Anti-Mutant Level 3: ‘Alphonse! My darling, do Power Services technicians who just finished
they still have a chef of your genius overhauling a sewer pump station, and are
working in this hellhole? You trading heroic and manly tales of waste pipes
should be upstairs! But I’ll forgive and sump overflows, so eavesdropping on the
it all if you excel tomorrow! Where PURGE meeting without electronics or mutant
Level 0: ‘I don’t care about the damn is the menu?’ powers is impossible.
INFRAREDs! And keep that Morris-
O away from me, he annoys me.’ Alphonse-B and Ingrid-I are old friends. He If the Troubleshooters sit down at the PURGE
gives her a copy of the menu and hands table (there are free seats), the PURGErs
Fingers lost for: the Troubleshooters another copy. It is draw laser pistols and point them at the
Anyone committing treason nearby. interesting reading. Troubleshooters under the table. Kevin-R
Armed Forces troops messing up her nice Ingrid-I stabs a thin finger at the menu. demands to know who the characters are and
cafeteria. ‘Make sure that Alphonse has if they don’t come up with a good cover story or
Armed Forces equipment cluttering up her everything he needs! The guests reason for being there quickly, the PURGErs
nice cafeteria. open fire. Sitting down with a plate of food and
That MRI still running. VitaYum Unified Citizenry Food mimicking the PURGE fork/spoon recognition
Citizens wearing non-standard uniforms, Pyramid Court code will work.
like the R&D helmets. Sector Section Supervisors Annual
Yearcycle-End Banquet
Her GREEN goons remove the fingers with a Secrets of the PURGE
handy pair of wirecutters and put them into a MENU
bag for Ingrid. By the incomparable Alphonse-B brotherhood
Level 1: ‘Yes, yes, REDs, who the Mushrooms in Glazed Honey Once he trusts the Troubleshooters, Kevin-R
hell cares? They’re just INFRAREDs Genetically Engineered Soup launches into a conspiratorial rant:
with ribbons on top.’ Beef Surprise in VIOLET sauce ‘Fellow enemies of The Computer,
Vegetables of the Hydroponic Seasoncycle be happy! The regime of the enemy
Fingers lost for: Iced Caramel Mousse is in disarray! Ever since the hated
Ongoing Yoga classes. Café Noir Communists began testing their
Damaged or malfunctioning bots. mind control weapon, many have
Damage to the cafeteria. Guest List: risen up against The Computer!
Dominic-I (CPU), Ingrid-I (PLC), This chaos and terror can only
While the Troubleshooters are accompanying Mathias-I (IntSec), Martha-I (HPD&MC), benefit the cause of PURGE!
Ingrid-I through the RED level, they spot four Rhonda-I (R&D), George-I (Armed Forces),
REDs clustered conspiratorially in a corner. Kenny-I (Tech Services) Our spies have searched for the
They’re all eating with a fork and spoon, even & special guest Commie mind control ray, so that
though they’ve only ordered drinks so far. It’s we might seize it from them and use
the PURGE meeting the Troubleshooters are [[[ NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR SECURITY it to control the common clones,
supposed to be infiltrating! Ingrid-I and her CLEARANCE ]]] using them as unwitting agents of

PURGE. I am glad to inform you that Once the Troubleshooter has assented that Armed Forces
we have indeed located the mind he will commit treason in the name of PURGE Cafeteria lines blocked by fortifications:
control device – or, more accurate, and writes a receipt for Kevin-R’s poison on a -5.
we know where it is going to be. I napkin, Kevin-R continues. Cafeteria lines mined: -10.
will tell you where that is soon but Armed Forces detachment has taken up
first we have another mission! ‘We have learned that the mind residence on Level 0: -5.
control device is being moved and Armed Forces given free reign in the food
There is another PURGE agent in we will intercept it, seize it and use troughs: -5.
this cafeteria, a deep-cover agent it! Tomorrowcycle, brothers, the Armed Forces forced to pay full price for
who has spent many years moving new order begins! For the greater food: +5.
into a position where he can strike glory of PURGE! Death to The Watchtowers in dessert aisle, armed
a significant blow against the Computer and its lackies!’ guards clamp down on shoplifting: +5.
state! He has contacted us, asking
for certain supplies that I have Unfortunately, Kevin-R and PURGE are Internal Security
here with me. Once one of you mistaken – they haven’t found the (non- Tension is between 1 and 5, making the
volunteers to deliver them, we can existent) Commie ray, their spies have cafeteria a great place for conspirators to
move onto our plans to secure the discovered the third and final R&D gadget, a meet: +10
mind control ray!’ prototype mind control ray built by Victor-B. Tension is 0, resulting in anarchy and
Kevin-R had no further information about the violence: -5
None of the actual PURGE members are mind control device but he promises to contact
willing to volunteer, so it’ll have to be one of the new PURGE recruits when he knows HPD&MC
the Troubleshooters. If one of them agrees exactly when and where they’ll be seizing the Yoga classes make citizens hungry: +10
to the mission, Kevin-R hands that character Mind Control Ray.
a small vial and whispers instructions to him R&D
secretly. ‘Our agent is one of the staff
of this cafeteria. This vial contains a Cashing out They actually keep using the MRI: -10

deadly poison, which will be added Again, the Troubleshooters need to determine
to the food. Place the vial on the how many CTMUs they’ve earned this
third shelf in the third locker in daycycle. Again, it’s 2d20 for each meal,
the third giant walk-in refrigerator modified by Perversity and the fickle whims
downstairs – our agent will collect it of the Gamemaster.
from there. Do you understand?’

5. Food Fight
Episode Summary: Day three in the Food Pyramid and it all goes to hell. Preparations for the Sector Section Supervisor Banquet prove
troublesome when Chet-B’s embezzling comes to light, not to mention the fact that the chef is a PURGE assassin.

Day Planner, Day Three

0600 Wake-Up 1600
0700 Breakfast – Krystal-G’s fun mental fitness 1700
0800 Breakfast 1800 Dinner
0900 Breakfast 1900 Dinner – Guests arrive for dinner
1000 R&D bring in the mind control ray
1100 Supplies don’t arrive Everyone tries to steal the mind
control ray
1200 Lunch – The Armed Forces come back
1300 Lunch
1400 Lunch – Alphonse-G goes looking for
1500 Morris-O is murdered

Krystal-G’s Fun get the Troubleshooters through to Darina-R,
a very bored and argumentative receptionist
Sell off some of that nice shiny Armed
Forces equipment. I mean, you’ve got
Mental Fitness who stonewalls the Troubleshooters at every
turn. She insists that according to OmniEat’s
tanks and artillery sitting around the
cafeteria floor. It’s like free money.
Routine records, the Food Pyramid account is empty
– the deliveries yesterday cleaned it out and
Alternatively, put the Armed Forces to
work looting the OmniEats warehouse.
Tension Not As Much As What’s until more credits are put into that account, Kidnap a high-clearance citizen and hold
Coming OmniEat won’t be delivering and neither will him for ransom.
any other food delivery company. Make what little food they have left stretch
Following the success of her Yoga program, to feed the thousands upon thousands of
Krystal-G comes back to the cafeteria the Threats won’t affect Darina-R, nor will bribes citizens who will soon be arriving at the
following day with a new plan. She’s worried or orders. Not giving the Troubleshooters any Food Pyramid for lunch.
about the level of stress caused by having all food deliveries until the account is in credit is
those soldiers hanging around the cafeteria. the very foundation of her being.
Her proposal is that she take most of Bert-Y’s Alphonse’s Ingredients
troops off to a nearby hall and teach them
yoga. The Troubleshooters will probably Checking The Account Alphonse needs honey, mushrooms, soup
be quite happy to allow this, as it gets the mix, beef, vegetables, caramel and real coffee,
troublesome troops out of the Food Pyramid Looking at the computer in Chet-B’s office all of which are clearance BLUE at least and
for a few hours. (or asking Friend Computer) reveals that the cost 5,000 credits. If the Troubleshooters
VitaYum Unified Citizenry Food Pyramid Court cannot raise the cash to buy this food, then
The first step is persuading Bert-Y to hand his has over 100,000 credits in its account and they will have to substitute ingredients from
troops over to Krystal-G. He’s convinced that there shouldn’t be any problem transferring the cheap low-clearance food. Alphonse-B will
he’s a heroic defender of Alpha Complex’s credits to the OmniEats delivery company. raise a huge fuss but because his belief in the
freedom and is preventing a Commie ray Commie Ray has given him the confidence to
takeover by his mere presence. He’s also A quick Financial Systems, Hacking or other be a PURGE assassin, he doesn’t mind using
unwilling to leave the fortifications undefended. skill check, though, quickly uncovers the substandard ingredients. The main problem
The Troubleshooters will have to assure him treachery. Someone has hacked the system will arise later, when the high-clearance
that the Armed Forces equipment will be safe so that the display reports that the account is citizens complain.
and secure even if some of his 500 troops full but if you try to withdraw money from it, the
are missing. system rejects the transaction as the account
is actually empty. Digging through logs reveals Hungry Hungry
Once that’s done, a large number of troops that the account was nearly emptied three days
march out of the cafeteria to be bounced at by ago (by Chet-B). Armed Thugs
Krystal-G. The stress level in the Food Pyramid
drops noticeably. Chet-B is long gone and his ill-gotten credits Just as the Troubleshooters are sorting out
with him. The Troubleshooters have two the ingredients problem, the soldiers taken
The Heartbreak problems – firstly, they need to raise 10,000
credits just to buy the basic food supplies for
away by Krystal-G return and they’re starving
after a morning of energetic yoga. If there is
of Missing the daycycle. Secondly, the exotic ingredients
requested by Alphonse-B cost another 5,000
not a full meal waiting for them when they
arrive, they get violent and use the Commie
Supplies credits on top of that. Ray as an excuse for looting the cafeteria’s
lower levels. A riot breaks out – how do the
Tension Stress-headache Troubleshooters stop it?
The Food Pyramid
The Troubleshooters are contacted by Karl-R,
the brutish overseer of the storage vaults below Garage Sale Alphonse Goes
the Food Pyramid. ‘Supplies have not
come’ he reports, ‘delivery firms say, So, how do the Troubleshooters earn the money
Looking For
our account with them empty.’ It’s
an hour before lunch and the storeroom is
or feed the citizens? Some suggestions: Poison
nearly empty. Raise prices throughout the Food Pyramid Tension Rising
immediately. Your average INFRARED
can expect to spend 1 to 5 credits on a If the Troubleshooters completed the mission
Contacting The Supplier meal at the Food Pyramid, depending on for PURGE last night, then there should be
how hungry and rich he’s feeling. Raising a lethal vial of something on the third shelf
All of the Food Pyramid’s food supplies are prices to, say, 10 credits a meal will help in the third locker in the third giant walk-in
supplied through one service firm, OmniEats earn money. They can also squeeze the refrigerator downstairs. At any rate, would-be
Incorporated Food Deliveries. Calling them up higher-clearance citizens for more cash. PURGE assassin Alphonse-B heads down
to the sub-level, ostensibly to berate Karl-R

about the ingredients for the banquet. In fact, collecting arms, while Morris-O laughed Armed Forces go on yoga class, get hungry,
he’s there to get the vial of poison. Once he at it. (He’s Frankenstein Destroyer, come back, riot and smash things: -5
obtains it, he heads back upstairs to his kitchen remember). Internal Security
and continues his cooking. He liberally adds On the morning of day two, Morris-O sent Tension is between 1 and 5, making the
the contents of the vile vial to the main course, an angry email to Alice-G, demanding she cafeteria a great place for conspirators to
the Beef in VIOLET sauce. (Anyone eating the repair Waiterbot #56 immediately. meet: +10
food suffers M3K biological damage.) Waiterbot #56 was collected by Alice-G’s Tension is 0, resulting in anarchy and
staff on the afternoon of day two. violence: -5
It’s possible the Troubleshooters might stop With no sign of the replacement waiterbot, R&D
Alphonse-B from cooking the meal or report Morris-O went upstairs to see Alice-G. On They actually keep using the MRI: -10
him for treason or execute him. If they do so, the stairs, he met Alphonse-B and the
bring in Ingrid-I as a big stick. She refuses to
believe that Alphonse-B could be a traitor and
two had a heated argument (Morris-O
accused Alphonse-B of conniving with Guess Who’s
demands that the Troubleshooters get him
back by any means necessary and convince
Chet-B in defrauding the Food Pyramid;
Alphonse-B called Morris-O an ugly little
Coming For
him to cook dinner. If there isn’t an Alphonse-
B meal ready, then someone’s going to get
clone who would not know good dining if
it served itself to him with a side salad and
terminated. glass of B3). Tension Hopefully Terrifying
Morris-O went into Alice-G’s bot garage,
Morris-O is and was never seen again (he found the
secret passage, confronted Alice-G, and
Well, the Troubleshooters know exactly
who’s coming to dinner – a group of INDIGO
Murdered was killed by the frakenbots).
His body ended up in the stew (delivered by
supervisors, movers and shakers in this
prestigious sector. The question is, what sort
Tension Messy a repaired Waiterbot #56, reprogrammed of dinner is waiting for them?
by Alice-G).
Just before dinnercycle begins, Morris-O goes Before the dinner, the Troubleshooters need
upstairs to the RED level to check on the status If anyone mourns Morris-O, this famous game to ensure:
of a damaged waiterbot, and accidentally designer will eat his hat. Alphonse-B is alive, mentally competent
walks in on Alice-G’s secret laboratory of killer and believes that his cunning PURGE
frankenbots. The killer frankenbots live up to
their name and Morris-O is blended chopped Cashing Out plan to poison the meals will work.
Alphonse-B has ingredients of some
up. To hide the corpse, Alice threw the remains Tension Not That Bad sort.
into the Soylent RED stew. As the whole Food Pyramid is about to The upper level of the Food Pyramid is not
descend into absolute chaos, we’ll resolve the on fire, or collapsed or overrun by Commie
This would be fine – ‘Solent RED is people’ isn’t cashing out cycle now. Mutant Traitors or anything.
a terrifying revelation, it’s a marketing slogan
– but it’s unusual for whole chunks of citizen to Again, the Troubleshooters need to determine Anything beyond those three requirements is
show up and some poor RED clone got a whole how many CTMUs they’ve earned this something of a bonus.
Morris-head in his stew. Furthermore, Morris-O daycycle. Again, it’s 2d20 for each meal,
has no spare clones, so there’s no-one running modified by Perversity and the fickle whims
the lower levels of the Food Pyramid. of the Gamemaster. The First Guest – Ingrid-I
Almost instantly, the Troubleshooters start Chet-B’s Financial Evils The fearsome, ogre-like… well, that’s a
noticing problems cropping up. Waiterbots run There’s No Food At All: -10 misnomer. She actually does eat the bones
into tables, queues get tangled, troughs run out There’s Food, But Prices Have Gone Up: -5 of children. Let’s start again.
of food, things catch on fire and explode. Armed Forces
Cafeteria lines blocked by fortifications: -5 The fearsome ogre, Ingrid-I, is the first to arrive.
Cafeteria lines mined: -10 She stalks into the Food Pyramid, bodyguards
Solving The Murder Armed Forces detachment has taken up in tow and casts a withering eye around the
residence on Level 0: -5 Pyramid. She demands the Troubleshooters
The chance of the Troubleshooters having Armed Forces given free reign in the food account for any unfed citizens, damage to
time to care about Morris-O’s death, let troughs: -5 the cafeteria, undue stress to her poor dear
alone investigate it, is fairly slim. Still, on the Armed Forces forced to pay full price for Alphonse-B and any other problems you
off-chance they bother to look into the murder, food: +5 wish to castigate them for. If possible, work
the facts are these: Watchtowers in dessert aisle, armed Ingrid-I into a towering fury and make the
Waiterbot #56 suffered a failure of its drive guards clamp down on shoplifting: +5 Troubleshooters fear for their lives, only to be
shaft on day one. It crawled around the Armed Forces go on yoga class, get saved by…
cafeteria floor for every hours, mewling in hungry, come back for a full and healthy
pain and dragging itself forward on its tray meal: +5

The Second Guest The Rest of the Guests The Final “Guest”
– Dominic-I
The other INDIGOs arrive at the Food Pyramid The final guest doesn’t actually exist. Remember
Kindly old Dominic-I strolls into the Food in a shiny limobot, escorted by a sizeable the mobile human-shaped cameras behind the
Pyramid and interrupts Ingrid-I just as she is bodyguard presence. The guests are: tinted glass on Level 4? The ones that look to
about to devour the Troubleshooters. Mathias-I (IntSec): Relatively young observes below like the outline of a VIOLET
for his exalted position in Internal Security, or even a High Programmer looking down?
‘Ingrid, my dear, why are Mathias-I is the current record-holder for Conveniently, one of those cameras moves to
you punishing these poor both the FOG Sector IntSec 10-kilometre observe the Sector Section Supervisor Dinner,
Troubleshooters? Why, I was at FunRun and the ‘Most Citizens Sent so it appears to the diners that they’re being
the very meeting where Chet-B To The Termination Booths’ for this watched by a superior (and perhaps they
volunteered to transfer the Food accountingcycle. He’s got a thin moustache are, remotely). Dominic-I addresses all his
Pyramid to their control as part of which he is immensely proud of. comments and speeches to this glass ceiling.
the ongoing War on Communism. It
was an act of patriotism – motivated Martha-I (HPD&MC): is middle-
by his own treacherous greed, aged and wears an electronic monocle I Have Called You All
yes but it was still patriotic. These connected to her PDC. She’s always wired
Troubleshooters are working to into the HPD&MC mainframe, making Together To Insult You
discover the Commie Mind Control minute adjustments to the zeitgeist of
Ray – they don’t have time to bother Alpha Complex. As the first course of dinner is served,
with petty little concerns like your Dominic-I stands and speaks to his fellow
dinner party.’ Rhonda-I (R&D): Rhonda-I isn’t a INDIGOs, listing the failures of this entire
scientist, she’s a bureaucrat. Her great operation as poor of the incompetence of
Ingrid-I scowls and stalks off to talk to talent is keeping massively ambitious their subordinates and hence of the INDIGOs’
Alphonse-B. Dominic-I continues to chat to R&D projects within budget. Her instinctive failures as supervisors. He calls on the
the Troubleshooters about their mission in the answer to any question at all is ‘NO!’ Troubleshooters to contribute supporting
most affable fashion possible. evidence for all his claims.
George-I (Armed Forces): A
If the Troubleshooters confess that they’re grizzled veteran of many, many entirely PLC:
no closer to finding the Commie Ray, then fictional wars and an inveterate liar. He starts by eviscerating Ingrid-I: ‘I’m sure
Dominic-I coos and suggests that the fault Talking to George-I for more than ten most of you will have noticed the
doesn’t lie with them – it lies with the support seconds means getting told a lengthy and rather shabby state of this once-
they’re being given by the other service self-aggrandizing war story about how magnificent showcase cafeteria.
groups. Why don’t they mention that during George-I single-handedly saved Alpha The fault lies, you might say, with
the dinner? Complex with a toothpick and sheer grit. the cafeteria managers – these
Troubleshooters who stand before
If, on the other hand, the Troubleshooters Kenny-I (Tech Services): An you! But you would be wrong! Chet-
lie and proclaim that they’re hot on the trail entirely forgettable senior technician. B, Ingrid-I’s trusted subordinate,
of the Mind Control Ray, then Dominic-I is So forgettable, in fact, that Kenny’s transferred control of the cafeteria
momentarily confused, then asks them to actually dead. He’s wheeled in by an aide as part of a joint task force to deal
identify which of the service group’s plans was and wheeled out again after the meal. with a security problem. Now, what
the least helpful. He also tries – in a kindly, Mentioning Kenny’s deceased status is did the Troubleshooters find when
avuncular fashion – to completely destroy any treasonous. they took Chet-B’s job?’
confidence the Troubleshooters have in their
ability to find the Commie Ray. Dominic-I wants Ann-I (Power Services): Power Dominic-I looks expectantly at the
to present a massive cluster of incompetence Services is even worse than Tech Services Troubleshooter who was the PLC liaison.
at the dinner, not a successful mission. for getting noticed or promoted. This suits If the Troubleshooter talks about Chet-B
Ann-I (a senior figure in the Illuminati) just defrauding PLC and the generally chaotic state
As the other guests arrive, Dominic whispers fine. She’s content to sit back, steeple her of the cafeteria, Ingrid-I squirms and stares
‘trust me. Just tell the truth, and I’ll fingers and watch everything… daggers at the Troubleshooters while the other
take care of you afterwards! Come INDIGOs look angrily at Ingrid-I.
with me and stand nearby.’

IntSec Larry-B, don’t you General George- sure Victor-B didn’t spend too much
Next, Dominic-I moves onto Internal Security. I? I believe you last spoke to him money. Tell me, Troubleshooter,
‘The security problem, though… three days ago, when you said, and what did R&D send you?’
that’s another story. It stems I quote “I can’t be bothered going
from a report by one Toni-G – I to that meeting, you go”. Now, the
believe she’s one of your officers, proper Armed Forces support for a Just Desserts
Mattias?’ covert investigation would be, say,
a few Vulture Warriors or a combot By the time Dominic-I has finished
Mathias-I looks up with a start and snaps detachment. Troubleshooter, what eviscerating all the other INDIGOs,
‘she’s delusional, useless. I ensured did Larry-B send to support your Alphonse-B is serving the main course of
she’d never have any influence.’ covert investigation?’ poisoned beef. The Troubleshooters have
Dominic-I smiles sadly and replies ‘well, only an instant to act before Dominic-I
Mathias, you should keep better HPD&MC: ‘Martha-I, we’ve all launches into his last speech.
tabs on your own agents. Toni-G wondered why you’d promote
was able to convene a multi-group someone as incompetent as Krystal- ‘Fellow INDIGOs, the level
task force to address the problem. G – but before you explain, let’s of incompetence you have
Troubleshooter, can you fill us in hear what Krystal-G contributed to demonstrated is simply shocking.
on Toni-G’s contributions towards the team?’ All the service groups involved in
finding the supposed traitord?’ the joint task force have shamed
R&D: ‘Rhonda-I, we’ve admired your themselves. I was, of course, not
Again, he expects the Troubleshooter to fiscal stranglehold on R&D’s budgets involved, as the official record shows
skewer Toni-G, and through Toni-G, Mathias- in this sector – but are you aware clearly that the whole problem was
I. Again, if successful, the other INDIGOs that under CPU Directive 453-332, handed over to Troubleshooter
shun and condemn the incompetence of Emergency Budgetary Processing Dispatch instead of CPU. I think
Mathias-I. for Joint Task Force Support Crash we all know who’s going to get this
Research, a scientist working for year’s promotion. Mwhahaha!
The other three service groups follow in similar a joint task force can bypass your
fashion: account controls, but you’re still Oh… I see you’ve all lost your
Armed Forces: ‘You know Lieutenant liable for any costs? No? Well, I’m appetites! More for me, then!’

And with that, Dominic-I pops a forkful of

poisoned beef into his mouth, then keels
over dead.

If The Troubleshooters
Don’t Sing
If the Troubleshooters don’t support Dominic-
I’s story, then the old clone becomes
increasingly angry as his plans for
shaming the other INDIGOs collapse. The
Troubleshooters have made an enemy for
life – but before he can start making their
lives hell, the mind control ray shows up
and the cafeteria descends into anarchy
anyway. He’ll be back to screw them over
at debriefing.

If The Troubelshooters
Save Dominic-I
Then he owes them twice over – so much
debt, in fact, that he decides it would be best
if they were all terminated, and turns against
them in debriefing.

If you enjoyed your meal, why not fill out a comment card?

6. The Commie Ray Job
Episode Summary: Victor-B arrives at get killed if you hold it too long. Secondly, it’s in the crowd below, causing them to jump
the Food Pyramid with his prototype Mind absolutely unique, as Victor-B only invented it up and down vigorously. It’s like a series of
Control Ray. Everyone tries to steal it, until by accident and it will never be replicated now earthquakes, shaking the foundations of the
it explodes. he’s terminated. Thirdly, it uses a battery that’s Food Pyramid.
technically thermonuclear and every time the
The Ray button is pressed, it gets closer to meltdown.
There’s a little yellow warning label on the side
Alice-G’s real target, though, are the higher-
clearance citizens on the level above. She
Tension 5 testifying to this. wants to command them to hurl themselves
over the balconies, falling like a multicoloured
There’s a shout of triumph from the The Ray uses the Energy Weapons skill. The rainbow of INDIGOs and BLUEs and GREENs
ground floor of the Food Pyramid. Ray ignores armour. Attacks from the ray start that all turn red at the end. Troubleshooters hit
Looking down, you see Victor-B at Irritating Desire and advance one row on this by the ray who are near the balcony will feel
running through the crowd, holding table per 3 points of margin of success. an urge to jump over.
something small and shiny over
his head. He’s shouting something Irritating Desire: The Troubleshooter Stopping Alice-G: The main obstacle to
but you can’t make out his words feels the desire to obey, but isn’t compelled to. stopping Alice-G is the three bots accompanying
until he’s running up the stairs to The effects wear off after one round. her.
Level 1. Long-lasting Desire: As above but
the effects take hours to wear off or until the
‘I’ve done it! I’ve cracked it!’ he Troubleshooter is hit by the ray again. Frankenbots
shouts, ‘a working mind control ray! Strong Compulsion: The Troubleshooter Violence 8
With this, we can AAAAAAAAGH wants to obey and will fulfil the command of Agility 12
splutch!’ the ray if able and if not stopped. The effects Hand Weapons 12
wear off after one round. Armor: 3
He doesn’t say ‘Aaagh, Splutch!’. Long-lasting Compulsion: As above Weapons: Blenders (W3K)
That’s the sound you make when but the effects take hours to wear off, or until
an three-metre-tall robot that the Troubleshooter is hit by the ray again.
appears to have been made out of Overwhelming Desire: The
spare parts and blenders suddenly Troubleshooter will do anything to obey. The Military Response
smashes through the wall and (Sierra Club)
punches through your chest with
a potato masher. The bot scoops The Chase Having seen Alice-G murder Victor-B and use
up the mind control ray and throws Anyway, every possible group in the cafeteria the mind control ray, Bert-Y takes charge.
it… to Alice-G, who’s standing on is now after that little silver ray. When each He orders his troops to fire on the balcony. A
the balcony nearby. group gets hold of the ray, they start firing barrage of fire destroys one section of Level
it randomly into the crowds, hitting the 1, causing it to collapse. If the Troubleshooters
‘Death Leopard rules!’ she screams, Troubleshooters each time as they chase were on Level 1, then they fall to Level 0 along
and presses a button on the mind after the ray generator. If the Troubleshooters with Alice-G and any surviving bots. Alice-G is
control ray… don’t seem inclined to go after the ray, one of stunned or at least killed by this blast.
the INDIGO dinner guests orders them to take
Before dealing with the result of Alice-G’s control of the situation. Escorted by a few grunts, Bert-Y rushes over to
actions, let’s talk about (the late) Victor-B’s the debris and plucks the mind control ray out
invention. It’s a small hand-held gadget, about Just because one of these antagonists looses of it. He looks up at the higher clearances, then
the size of a torch. It’s got two buttons on it, the mind control ray doesn’t necessary mean a wicked grin spreads over his face. He sets
a microphone at one end and a projection that encounter is over. Everyone keeps chasing the ray to ‘appreciate nature’ and spins around,
crystal at the other. You hold down one button the ray until it explodes. This is basically a blasting his own troops with it. Suddenly,
and speak a command into the microphone. Benny Hill scene with a nuclear bomb. dozens of troops are taking a keen interest
Then, you point the projector end and press in fungi. Bert-Y continues to stalk through the
the other button. The command you entered Food Pyramid, firing wildly.
into the microphone becomes an irresistible Alice-G (Death Leopard)
compulsion for anyone in the ray’s field of fire. Stopping Bert-Y: Actually, the longer the
The beam goes through most barriers and has Alice-G’s plan is a simple and suicidal one Troubleshooters wait before stopping Bert-Y,
a range of several kilometres. In short, press – she is Death Leopard, after all. She puts the the easier it gets. Each of Bert-Y’s shots turns
the button and half of Alpha Complex dances order ‘JUMP’ into the ray, then runs around several of his troops from hardened killers into
to your whims. the balcony of Level 1 firing wildly. Her three eager gardeners. Attacking Bert-Y immediately
frankenbots follow her around, protecting means that dozens of soldiers open fire to
There are a few drawbacks. Firstly, as Victor-B her from as much hostile fire as they can. defend their commanding officer. Attacking him
found out, everyone wants it and you generally Her initial shots hit hundreds of INFRAREDs a few shots later means that a scant handful

of troops open fire and a lot of fungi fanciers will try to contact the Troubleshooters if they
ignore his horrible death. believe them to be fellow PURGE agents and
Ingrid-I (Anti-Mutant) help them in grabbing the ray.

Rise of the Undermen After the banquet, Ingrid-I gathered her If Kevin-R gets hold of the ray, he sets it to
bodyguards and headed down to the lower ‘attack servants of The Computer’ and starts,
(Psion) levels to retrieve the ray. If a Troubleshooter yep, firing into the crowd.
gets his hands on the ray, then Ingrid tries to
For many years, Karl-R the Psion mutant and pull rank and demands the Troubleshooter Stopping Kevin-R: What, you need
his followers have been plotting to rise up from hand it over. If a traitor has the ray or if Ingrid permission to shoot PURGE agents in the
the underworld and conquer the genetically doesn’t like the Troubleshooter, then she bites face?
pure. Now, bolstered by the courage of the his head off and then takes the ray. See page
false Commie Ray and drawn by the lure of the 28 for Ingrid’s statistics.
real Mind Control Ray, they seize the daycycle. The Waiterbots
The floor of the Food Pyramid shatters and She grabs the ray, sets it to ‘Kill the Mutants’
pale, wan mutants wriggle out of the gaps and fires it in a large arc around her. (Corpore Metal)
and cracks. Everywhere, ordinary citizens start fighting
Karl-R’s mutants. There’s another conspiracy in the cafeteria,
Remember back in Episode 5, when the one invisible all through this mission. The
Troubleshooters had the option of sticking Unfortunately, she also zaps her bodyguards, waiterbots are all Corpore Metal spies, trading
a load of Armed Forces equipment in the who may have just seen her distend her secret messages in binary chatter and in the
sublevels? Well, if they did, then they’ve got jaws and eat a Troubleshooter. If so, the pattern of stains on the dinner trays. Now,
a bigger problem. The pale, wan mutants are bodyguards attack her. they’re going after the Mind Control Ray. If
carrying all the weapons stowed in the depths the Troubleshooters get hold of the ray, the
by the Troubleshooters. A hail of laser fire cuts Stopping Ingrid: Unfortunately, she’s Waiterbots close in like oblong sharks of the
through the cafeteria. an INDIGO. Shooting her in the face may be cafeteria floor, crushing their victims before
the most expedient solution but it’s not very scooping up the ray and firing ‘obey the
The giant Karl-R heads straight for the mind acceptable in Alpha Complex society. demands of bots’ mind control rays.
control ray. Once he gets his beefy hands on
it, he switches it to ‘mutants! Use your powers Stopping the Bots: They don’t actually
proudly!’ and starts blasting the crowds. PURGE (Gee, Maybe have hands, so a Troubleshooter can just grab
the ray from a tray easily.
Stopping Karl-R: Karl-R is fairly tough PURGE?)
(see page 18) and has his potent mutant
abilities. His servants are weak and easily Remember those PURGE conspirators led by The Ray Goes
dealt with, unless they have Armed Forces
Kevin-R? They’re still around the cafeteria,
waiting for their chance to grab the ray. They
Tension 0
Once you tire of running around and blowing
chunks out of the Food Pyramid, then it’s
time to stop running around and just blow the
whole thing up. The Mind Control Ray begins
to overheat. It’s patently obvious that the thing
is about to explode but the various groups keep
fighting over it. The Troubleshooters should
flee the scene or take cover before the ray
goes boom.

When it goes boom, it goes boom very, very

well. A huge and quite pretty shower of green-
blue sparks shoot out of it before it flares into
a miniature sun. The resulting thermonuclear
blast wrecks the cafeteria, causing the upper
levels of the Food Pyramid to fall down around
the Troubleshooters’ ears.

Everything goes


Viva La Revolution
Special duties for special troubleshooters
Writer/Scapegoat Plot Developmer/Mad R&D Scientist Introduction 154
Breif Encounters 156
CHARLOTTE LAW DAN GELBER The Easiest Mission Ever 160
Editing, graphics/Drillbot GREG COSTIKYAN Debreifing with Violence 161
ERIC GOLDBERG The People Want You to Shoot People 162
JIM HOLLOWAY Original game design & development/
Cover /Blueprints Bring in the Prisoners 164
Building committee Revolutionary Developments 168
ALISON BLACKWELL The Central Commitee Wants You 169
Interior Art /Treasonous Propaganda THE COMPUTER IntSec Inside 171
Looking after your best interests Viva La Revolution 172
Layout/Infrared Drone

Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET

Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen
of Security Clearance VIOLET or lower is treason punishable by a
long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.
TM & Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2008 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User. Based on material published in
previous editions of PARANOIA.
ILLUMINATI is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and is used by permission.
The reproduction of material from this book for personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other means of storage and retrieval, is prohibited. You may
copy character sheets, record sheets, checklists and tables for personal use.
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Published by Mongoose Publishing, Ltd. Publication MGP 6642. Published August 2006. First printing September 2008. Printed in USA
The Computer: THIS IS YOUR FRIEND, THE (KABOOM!) Revolutionary: You’re not one of The
COMPUTER. Computer’s lickspittle minions, are you?
A Citizen: Oh! Hail, Friend Computer! How A Citizen: What was that? A Citizen: If I was, I’d be executed, right?
are you? The Computer: THAT WAS NOT AN EXPLOSION. Revolutionary: Yep. On the spot.
EVERYTHING IS FINE. DO NO PANIC. A Citizen: Then I’m a supporter of the
The Computer: EVERYTHING IS JUST FINE, People’s Glorious Thingy! Power to whoever’s
A Citizen: Well….
The Computer: DO YOU FEEL UNHAPPY, (BLAM! BOOM! AAAGH!) This mission is designed to turn Alpha
FRIEND CITIZEN? HAPPINESS IS MANDATORY. FAILURE Complex on its head. The Computer is a traitor!
TO BE HAPPY IS TREASON. TREASON RESULTS IN A Citizen: Friend Computer, what’s going Traitors are the good guys! Up is down! Good
TERMINATION. on? is bad! The main aim is to force the players
A Citizen: Of course I’m happy! Happy as The Computer: SYSTEM ERROR, PLEASE to actually think about loyalties and survival
the daycycle is long, Friend Computer! I’m filled STAND BY. for a change, instead of parroting the usual
with joy! It’s just that I’ve heard rumours about A Citizen: Friend Computer? platitudes of utter loyalty to The Computer
traitors and commies who want to overthrow when talking to The Computer and spouting
your benevolent rule! And that worries me…in Enter A Revolutionary. secret society propaganda when dealing with
a happy way, of course. Did I mention I’m their secret societies.
happy? A Citizen: Who are you?
Revolutionary: The People’s Glorious
Revolution has taken control of this Sector! The Plot, Which
The Computer’s lickspittle minions will be
Is About Several
UNDER CONTROL. A Citizen: Uh-oh. Plots
The Day of Revolution is at hand!

Well, actually, it’s not so much the revolution,

as a revolution. The rebels aren’t going to
overthrow the regime across Alpha Complex.
Instead, the revolution will be contained within
a portion of a single sector. The rebels are
called the People’s Glorious Revolutionary
Committee and most of their supporters believe
the Committee to be an alliance between the
Humanist secret society and politically active
agents from the more moderate secret
societies – the Romantics, Sierra Club, Pro
Tech and so on.

The PGRC – Revolution One

Their plan is to bomb key locations and
CompNodes across YUC Sector. The
Computer will respond by sealing YUC Sector
off and sending in the Armed Forces but the
PGRC has its own forces who will rise up and
man the barricades. Soon, the other sectors
will be inspired by their example and rise up
to join the revolution!

At least, that’s the plan. It’s an absolutely

The Computer Is Dead, Long Live The Revolution! doomed one, as the PGRC don’t have the
firepower or numbers to hold off an attack.

If Revolution One was all that was going on though, is interrupted by a T-34 combot
in YUC Sector, then it would all be over in a who escorts them back for debriefing.
few minutes. Counterrevolution!
3. Debriefing With Violence: In the
Minutes before the PGRC’s revolutionary middle of the debriefing, several very loud
Operation FLUSH schemes begin, just as the mission begins, a explosions are heard. The revolution has
PURGE agent is captured by Internal Security. begun! Only the characters don’t get to
– Revolution Two The captured agent reveals that PURGE has do much.
infiltrated Operation FLUSH and that the
Internal Security’s spies were monitoring the supposedly-under-control-fake-revolution 4. The People Want You To Shoot
PGRC’s activities and reported the incipient is actually a real revolution. In desperation, People: Two senior revolutionaries,
revolution to their superiors. One of these IntSec signals any agents it can contact that Terrence-I and Phineous-I, show up and
superiors, Terence-I-QUI, decided to let the the revolution must be stopped! inform the characters about who’s in
revolution happen. When YUC Sector is taken charge now. Oh and the characters have
over by the PGRC, all the traitors would rise up just been nominated as the firing squad
and fight for the new regime. In one fell swoop, for the people.
Internal Security would be able to identify Warbots, Gotta
every traitor and enemy agent in the whole 5. Bring in the Prisoners! A succession
sector! It would be the greatest traitor-hunting Have Warbots of enemies of the people are brought in.
coup in many years. It would be known as The characters get to decide who gets to
Operation FLUSH. The other element of Viva La Revolution live and who gets to be terminated. It’s
are the T-34 Urban Combat ComBots that have revenge fantasy time!
IntSec agents in YUC Sector were therefore just been assigned to YUC Sector. A gang of
ordered to support and aid the PGRC’s plans Computer Phreaks have managed to hack the 6. Revolutionary Developments:
for revolution, to better prepare the ground for ComBot network via a control console. As the Meanwhile, the war between the
the purges that are to come. revolution proceeds, the T-34s rapidly become Computer loyalists and the PGRC forces
the deciding factor in the clash between the continues apace. The characters are
PGRC forces and The Computer’s own. far from the front lines but there is still
The True Enemy lots of conspiring to do. If the characters
This central command console is right next want to dare leaving their nice committee
– Revolution Three to the People’s Glorious Revolutionary room/firing squad, they get to be shot at
Committee’s Subcommittee for Mental Hygiene by lots of interesting people.
Unfortunately, Internal Security isn’t, er, & Terminatinon.
internally secure. PURGE double agents 7. The Committee Wants You:
within Internal Security reported that IntSec’s Or, to put it another way, where the player Phineous-I pops round again and reviews
Operation FLUSH was going to covertly characters will be spending most of the the characters’ termination decisions so
support the PRGC revolution. PURGE decided mission… far. He recruits the most bloodthirsty to
to seize the opportunity to turn IntSec’s fake sit on the Committee for Public Safety,
revolution into a real one. By the time The
Computer’s forces realised that YUC Sector Mission as he’s had the rest of his co-conspirators
executed. High security clearances and
was really out of control, instead of only
appearing to be out of control to encourage the
Synopsis other perks come with the job.

traitors to pop their heads out and be shot, it 1. B r i e f E n c o u n t e r s : T h e 8. IntSec Inside: The other characters
would be too late. PURGE would have seized Troubleshooters are summoned to YUC – the ones who didn’t get promoted – get
control of the whole sector and struck a blow Sector and briefed by Arthur-Y, one of contacted by Internal Security and have
against The Computer! the most irritating briefing officers in all of a chance to bring down the revolution by
Alpha Complex. They also get barraged hacking the T-34 combot control console
The master of this PURGE plot is Phineous-I- by secret society messages. next door.
ZED – once a trusted Troubleshooter, now a
twisted madman! 2. The Easiest Mission Ever: The 9. Viva La Revolution! The YUC Sector
mission turns out to be, literally, in the room revolution is either brutally crushed or
next door. The characters’ victory dance, brutally upheld. Either way, it’s business
as usual.

1. Brief Encounters
Episode Summary: The Troubleshooters Frankenstein Destroyers: YUC Sector
receive a mission alert, summoning them * * * MISSION ALERT * * * MISSION ALERT is in the steel grip of the hated machine! There
to a briefing in YUC Sector. En route, they * * * MISSION ALERT * * * MISSION ALERT are T-34 combots everywhere, oppressing the
are contacted by their secret societies or by *** natural-born people! Destroy these cursed
Internal Security, warning them of upcoming bots!
events in YUC Sector. After a painful briefing Troubleshooter <INSERT NAME
by their briefing officer, Arthur-O-PHB, they are HERE>, you have been selected Free Enterprise: Look under your seat
sent off on their mission… to next door. for an exciting mission, tailored and you’ll find a box of VitaYum bars. We’ve
to your skills and talents. This got 50 crates of ‘em, and the people of YUC
1.This Mission fun opportunity starts with a fun
briefing in Room #32, Corridor
Sector are hungry. Sell ‘em the bars. If you
don’t sell all the bars, we break your legs.
Will Self-Destruct 281, Level 5, YUC Sector. You
are to report there within 49 Humanists: Rejoice! The time of revolution
Each character receives the same mission minutes of receipt of this mission is at hand! In YUC Sector, we have allied
alert from The Computer. alert. Remember, <INSERT NAME with several other secret societies to form the
HERE>, your contribution to People’s Glorious Revolution! Soon, our forces
YUC Sector is a distant and obscure section of the security of Alpha Complex will seize this whole sector and bring about a
Alpha Complex, requiring a series of transtube is vitally important! Stay Alert! new order! Be ready to man the barricades,
changes. The stations get progressively grimier; Trust No One! Keep Your Laser brother!
the faces of the other passengers grow more Handy!
gaunt and desperate. The walls start out covered Illuminati: You are instructed to ensure
in brand-new posters advertising new products * * * MISSION ALERT * * * MISSION ALERT that citizen Judy-G-ZAT is not terminated. She
or encouraging citizens to be happy; by the time * * * MISSION ALERT * * * MISSION ALERT must not be harmed.
the characters reach YUC Sector, the walls are ***
scarred with graffiti and bloodstains. Mystics: Dude, a bunch of us Mystics in
YUC are allied with the Humanists and some
burden of capitalism! Here’s a bunch of other societies to, like, throw off the shackles
pamphlets – pass them out and inform the of The Computer. They’re going to have a
The Long and people of the virtues of Communism! glorious revolution and stuff and everything’s
going to be awesome after that. Anyway, I just
Traitorous Road Computer Phreaks: LOL! wanted to invite you to the post-revolution party
WIREHED+BLIB+VATFACE@YUC HAKED in Dave’s place. We’re going to hand out drugs
Tension 3 A HI PR0’S !SECURE SERVER. NOW and get everyone high and stuff.
En route to YUC Sector, each character is THEY’VE GONE OFFLINE. FIND OUT
given a mission, either by their secret society WHAT HAPPENED 2 THEM + WHAT THEY Psion: The people of YUC Sector are
or by Internal Security. There are two Internal FOUND. desperate and in their desperation they turn
Security missions, which should be given to on mutant-kind. Protect any mutants you
different Internal Security-affiliated characters. Corpore Metal: YUC Sector is the testing encounter and punish those who would try
If you don’t have two IntSec agents, then IntSec ground for the new series of T-34 combots. to hurt the mutants. Oh, our psychics also
will grab the most suitable (i.e. apparently The Frankenstein Destroyers are no doubt picked up a code word. We don’t know what it
loyal) Troubleshooters. plotting to destroy these wonderful new friends. means but the word ‘socks’ is very important
Protect the T-34s. to someone.
Secret Society missions come in a number
of forms – PDC messages, notes stuck Death Leopard: There’s some huge riot Pro Tech: We are working with the
under transtube seats or handed over by coming in YUC Sector! Burn the world when Humanist society in an exciting new initiative
other passengers, subliminal messages in it starts! – the People’s Glorious Revolution - to
advertisements, whispered conversations in reformat YUC Sector. Be prepared for some
bathrooms and so on. FCCC-P: Brother, we have been instructed big changes very soon but don’t be alarmed
by the blessed agents of The Computer to aid – we’re the ones in control, for Science!
Anti-Mutant: We’ve heard that there’s an upcoming revolution in YUC Sector! Be
something big going down in YUC Sector not alarmed! This is a wise stratagem by the PURGE: Pay attention. The Humanists
– there’s going to be a riot or protest or some blessed agents of The Divine Computer. The and several other minor secret societies are
other disturbance. Use the chaos to get as traitors will reveal themselves and they will be planning a revolution in YUC Sector. This
many of those damn mutants as you can. destroyed in the blessed fire of his terminating revolution would be doomed but Internal
wrath! You will be among the saved, if you Security is going to let it happen, so they can
Communists: Comrade! The people wear a red scarf. mop up the traitors who reveal themselves.
of YUC Sector groan under the oppressive We are going to take control of this revolution

when it happens, eliminating the IntSec agents other signs of covert weapons being carried. the Troubleshooters have wounded him deeply
and making the false revolution into a real one. There’s a strange buzz in the crowd, a sense and personally.
Be prepared to fight for PURGE against The of suppressed anxiety or stress.
Computer’s minions! Arthur’s also violent and vengeful. Any
At the exit from the station, there’s a robot backtalk or inattentiveness gets a tick. Any
Romantics: Soon, our allies in the Humanist checking ME cards. It’s a T-34 Combot hint of treason or disloyalty gets a taser shot
movement will launch the People’s Glorious model, a hunched machine with guns for or laser blast from the side-mounted discipline
Revolution, freeing YUC Sector from the arms and more guns for guns. Three eerily guns. Arthur-B doesn’t officially take pleasure
control of The Computer! After the revolution, bright cameras focus on different parts of in shooting Troubleshooters, but the joy is
we will bring back ancient culture and art the character’s face when the robot talks to a reflected in his eyes.
and rebuild the joyous, free society of our Troubleshooter. The T-34 moves around on
ancestors! Support the new regime when the huge rubber treads and is capable of hunkering Oh, the Computer monitor next to Arthur-B’s
revolution comes! down and transforming into a sort of miniature podium is currently inactive. If the characters
tank the size of a small car. have questions for Friend Computer, Arthur-B
Sierra Club: Soon, our allies in the After filling out the form, the characters can will switch it on with a sigh.
Humanist movement will launch the People’s head onto Room #32, Corridor 281, Level 5.
Glorious Revolution, freeing YUC Sector Corridor 281 turns out to be a very long corridor
from the control of The Computer! After the lined with doors. As the characters pass the Your Mission
revolution, we will all move Outdoors to live in room next door to the briefing room, they hear
harmony with nature! Support the new regime laughing and muttering about some technical Arthur-B-PHB tells the characters ‘your
when the revolution comes! jargon. Their priority, though, should be…. mission, Troubleshooters, as
Internal Security (1): Attention! A cabal of
nefarious secret societies have allied together 2. The Briefing Firstly, take your assigned special
to foment a revolution in YUC Sector. Your
instructions are to SUPPORT this revolution
from Hell equipment, contained in storage
box A.
– our plan is to contain the revolt and use it to Tension 15 Secondly, check your assigned
draw out all the traitors and dissidents in one special equipment, denoted items
fell swoop! This is Operation FLUSH and it will Briefing Room #32 contains a A through E
be glorious! Your instructions are to support conference table, a few chairs, a Thirdly, travel to the designated
this revolution and take notes about who else Computer monitor and a podium mission area, designated YUC
supports it. You will know other undercover with side-mounted briefing Sector, Level 5, Corridor 261, Room
Internal Security agents by the codephrase cannons. There’s a large metal #33.
‘as fun as fresh socks’. box on the table. The walls are Fourth, effect entry into the
gunmetal grey and the illumination designated mission area.
Internal Security (2): Attention! is provided by irritating spot lights Fifth, locate the targets designated
Emergency! Oh Vatslime! A cabal of nefarious in the ceiling. target one, target two and target
secret societies have allied together to foment three.
a revolution in YUC Sector. IntSec knew about Standing at the podium is a BLUE- Sixth, terminate all three targets,
this and Operation FLUSH was launched. It clearance citizen, who sniffs and taking care to minimise collateral
was supposed to be a revolt under our control! ticks a box on a form as soon as damage.
We were going to use the revolution to spot the you enter. His nametag reads ‘I’m Seventh, secure all equipment and
traitors and sweep ‘em all up, but something’s Arthur-B-PHB and I’m pleased to other assets.
gone wrong! Someone’s infiltrated FLUSH and meet you!’.
it’s going to be a real revolt! Warn our agents! T-34 Urban Combat
You will know other undercover Internal He is obviously not pleased to meet Combot
Security agents by the codephrase ‘as fun you. ‘Sit down’, he snaps, ‘and let’s Management 0
as fresh socks’. get this briefing started.’ Intimidation 10
Stealth 0
Arthur-B is the most annoying, persnickety, High Alert 10
Something YUCcy bureaucratic and vengeful boss imaginable. Violence 12
If the characters took more than 49 minutes Projectile Weapons 16
At The Station to get to the briefing, he ticks a box. If they Crushing People With Its Mighty
fail to salute and report their names, he ticks Metal Fists 16
Tension 5 a box. If they fail to hand over their mission Hardware 7
Eventually, the characters arrive at the YUC alert for verification, he ticks a box. If they don’t Software 7
Sector transtube station. It’s crowded with ask for a receipt, he ticks a box. Every time Wetware 7
INFRAREDs and other desperate citizens, Arthur-B-PHB ticks a box, he sighs, shakes Armor: 4
all pushing and shoving to get on board. his head and gives the distinct impression that Weapons: Autocannon (W3K)
Paranoid characters may notice bulges or

Issued by YUC Sector Transit Authority. Please fill out this card fully before exiting or entering YUC. Failure to complete this card may result in loss of travel privileges or further
CLONE NUMBER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

Service Group
Tick all that apply:
[] I am more loyal than the average citizen
[] I am a member of one or more secret societies
[] I did not pack all my bags or make all my clothing myself
[] I am carrying more than 5cc of liquid in my body
[] I am carrying one or more lethal weapons
[] I am easily stressed by queues or crowds/loud noises
[] I feel unusually hot or uncomfortable/my skin feels prickly/I see unusual colours
[] I have consumed one or more cans of Bouncy Bubble Beverage today

Who are you traveling with?

Please list all items carried: __________________________________________________
Do you have clearance to carry all these items? [ ] YES [ ] NO. If not, why not?
Do you have receipts for all these items? [ ] YES [ ] NO. If not, why not?
Do you need all these items? [ ] YES [ ] NO. If not, why not?
Which items do you need the least? Why?
Why were these items assigned to you if you don’t need them?

If ARRIVING in YUC Sector, please fill out Section 2.

If LEAVING YUC Sector, please fill out Section 3.
How are you arriving in YUC Sector? [ ] Transtube [ ] Autocar
[ ] Walkway [ ] Flybot
[ ] Access tunnel [ ] Other
What is the purpose of your visit to YUC Sector?
Do you think this is a good reason to visit YUC Sector?
Why were you in particular assigned this task?
Would you like to be reassigned to YUC Sector?
If yes, why are you unhappy with your original sector?
If no, what’s wrong with YUC Sector?
How long will you be staying? [ ] 0-5 minutes [ ] 6-60 minutes
[ ] 1-12 hours [ ] 13-48 hours
[ ] 2-7 days [ ] 7 days+
Where are you staying in YUC Sector? Please list all locations (non-transitive).
How are you arriving in YUC Sector? [ ] Transtube [ ] Autocar
[ ] Walkway [ ] Flybot
[ ] Access tunnel [ ] Body Bag
[ ] Emergency exit [ ] Other

Do you have [ ] A valid transit voucher [ ] A bathroom receipt [ ] A checkpoint waiver

[ ] A medical cert [ ] A psych eval cert [ ] A medication cert
[ ] A valid export license [ ] A weapons permit [ ] A packed lunch

Where are you going now? Why?

Please tick any that apply. [ ] I enjoyed my time in YUC [ ] I feel nauseous
[ ] I am in a hurry to leave [ ] I visited a commissary on Level 2
[ ] YUC Sector scares me [ ] I have urgent business elsewhere
[ ] I am wearing fresh socks [ ] I think bots are following me


Traveler: [ ] H [ ] PT [ ] R [ ] SC [ ] M [ ] OT [ ] IS [ ] Citizen Action: [ ] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] D [ ] E. VLR!

Eighth, report your situation to The big silvery grenade becomes
me using the assigned special Arthur-B-PHB incredibly bouncy when activated. Flubber with
equipment, unit E. Management 12 a high-explosive core, basically. It explodes for
Ticking Forms In Such A Way To M3K damage with a blast radius of 5 metres.
Further instructions will be issued Convey The Message That He
later.’ Despises You And All You Stand The linked helmets are an experimental
For 18 telepathic device. If two people wear the
YUC Sector, level 5, Room #33 is next door to Stealth 8 helmets, they must both roll 1d20. The higher
the briefing room. If the characters have any Sneaking 12 roll can control the movements (including
questions, Arthur-B just reads the instructions Violence 6 speech) of the lower roll for a few moments.
again and ticks more boxes on his forms. If ardware 4 If both roll the same amount, the feedback
they press him, he either unleashes withering Weapons & Armour Maintenance 1 loop causes their heads to explode. There’s
sarcasm or laser beams. Weapons & Armour Premission absolutely no reason for these helmets to be
Checklist Chesting 10 included in the mission equipment; they were
3. Equipment! Software 10
Data Analysis 14
dropped in there accidentally by a stoned
R&D technician.
Once he’s satisfied that the characters Wetware 7
understand their mission, Arthur-B points to Pharmatherapy 11 The radio handset is a special long-range
the box on the table. ‘When you open Armor: Blue Reflec (E1) communicator. There’s a button to push to talk
the box, you will find inside special Weapons: Blaster (M3K) and a volume control that ranges between
weapons and equipment that Friend ‘pretty loud anyway’ and ‘very loud indeed.’
Computer has assigned to make
your task easier and more fun.’ In short, it turns off all the Troubleshooter’s Arthur-B insists that all the characters perform a
weapons and equipment, as well of those of detailed check on their equipment, perform an
Arthur-B pauses. If any Troubleshooters move anyone within one metre of him. Pressing the inventory of gear and sign his equipment check-
towards the box, he aims the lasers at them button again will turn them back on (please out sheet before letting them out the door.
and threatens to shoot them for disobeying allow a few minutes for rebooting).
orders. After a moment, or if no-one moves, he
says ‘you may now open the box’.

Inside the box are six laser rifles, a remote control

marked ‘Hostile Code Countermeasure
Generator’, a big silvery grenade, a pair of
helmets linked by a wire and a small radio
handset. Arthur-B has no idea what any of the
gadgets do or which of them is Item E and will
mutter something about it being an initiative
test if the Troubleshooters ask.

The gadgets
The laser rifles are just that. They’ve got
three RED laser barrels each.

The Hostile Code Countermeasure

Generator is a remote control with one big
button. Pressing it instantly deactivates any
‘friendly’ computer systems nearby to prevent
them from being attacked by hostile code.

Arthur-B-PHB demands your respect.

2. The Easiest Mission Ever
Episode Summary: The Troubleshooters It’s clear that the three hackers were trying
walk next door and shoot some unarmed The Three Nerds to access the combot control network and
nerds. Management 4 that they possibly succeeded. The actual
Hygiene 1 interface for controlling the bots is less clear
1.Room #33 Stealth 4
Security Systems 8
but the characters can fruitlessly press buttons
if they want.
The ‘designated mission area’, aka Room Violence 4
33, is next door to the briefing room. There’s Thrown Weapons 8 The next step, according to the mission plan,
one entrance, through the front door, which is Hardware 4 is to contact Arthur-PHB via the radio (well, via
closed but not locked. Adventurous characters Bot Ops 10 Assigned Special Equipment Unit E but that’s
can also gain entry through crawlspaces and Electronic Engineering 10 the radio). If they do so, then he sends in the
air vents. It’s Alpha Complex, there’s always Software 10 T-34. If they don’t do so, then he sighs, ticks a
a back door. Bot Programming 14 form and sends in the T-34 anyway.
Hacking 14
Inside Room 33 are the following items: C-Bay 14
One giant computer control console, a big Spurious Logic 16 It’s Mr. ComBot
tower made of servers and circuits lashed Wetware 0
together. It’s wired to… Tension 8
Three computer terminals, covered in A T-34 smashes through the rear wall
Post-It notes and little Computer Phreak with one shot each. Negotiating with the geeks of Room #33 and levels its guns at the
stickers. These terminals are being used is futile – partly because they’ll use the time characters. ‘I AM COMBOT T-34/101’
by… to try to hack the combot network and send it announces in a loud, tinny
Three Computer Phreak geeks, named giant killing machines after the characters voice. ‘YOU ARE INSTRUCTED
Henry-R, Ubi-R and Will-R. They’re all but mainly because the geeks talk entirely TO RELOCATE TO YUC SECTOR,
pretty much identical. I’d make a crack incomprehensible jargon. This encounter is LEVEL FIVE, CORRIDOR TWO
about pasty computer-geek complexions like shooting fish in a barrel, where the fish are EIGHT ONE, ROOM THIRTY-TWO
but they live in Alpha Complex, where distracted by a really intense game of Tetris. FOR IMMEDIATE DEBRIEFING BY
everyone is paler than a cave grub. CITIZEN ARTHUR-B-PHB. MOVE,
Anyway, these three script kiddies have MOVE, MOVE.’
lucked into a security hole in the T-34 It’s A Giant Computer
Combot Network, which they think will The T-34 waggles its guns suggestively and
allow them to issue orders to the Combots Console, Let’s Mess With It follows the characters as they leave Room
remotely. The geeks have been hiding out 33 (smashing its way through the doorframe
here for some time, surviving on… Tension 1 to make room). It takes up a guard position
A giant clone-family sized bottle of B3 outside the door of Room 32. Any character
and… Once the geeks are dead, the characters can who doesn’t immediately move to be debriefed
…enough Cold Fun and Algae Chips to examine their computer system. It’s largely is encouraged to move with laser fire. Despite
put you off food for life. incomprehensible to anyone without Hacking this, the T-34 is quite friendly and chatty in a
and Electronic Engineering but there is one giant killing machine sort of way.
Anyway, the three geeks are wholly unarmed. nice big clue – the main screen displays
They’ll throw computer bits and Cold Fun scrolling text that seems relevant.
packets at the characters in a desperate
last-ditch stand but they can be zapped easily

Connection Opened.
To Serve, Protect and Terminate Where Necessary
>RunAllHackRunning…Attempting to subvert Combots…Failed
Retrying…Attempting to subvert Combots…Failed…
Retrying…Attempting to subvert Combots…Failed…
Retrying…^c >!probeSec(MySoc)
Working…This hacking tool brought to you by CRUDDY. Send me credits!
14,216 security errors found….CRUDDY SEZ: What do you call a Mystic who hacks code?
Identifying likely backdoor candidates…CRUDDY SEZ: A High Programmer.
Viable backdoor found…0x533268>RunAllHack(0x533268)Running…Attempting to subvert Combots…
Connection closed!



3. Debriefing With Violence

Episode Summary: Arthur-B-PHB of the whole mission, right, in accordance with point fingers and shout at each other for a
debriefs the characters with all the grace and the official Mandatory Bonus Duty of the while.
charm one could expect from a very annoying Communications & Recording officer, yes? The
debriefing officer. Then the sector degenerates whole mission was supposed to be carried out
into a chaotic civil war, which is actually a relief in full accordance with Alpha Complex Total The Sound of Distant
under the circumstances. Quality Assurance Initiative 214, hmm?), then
Arthur-B reaches down, pulls a thick report Revolution
Traitors Among Us out of his briefcase and shows the title page
to the characters. Tension 0
Tension 8
It reads ‘ C P U R e p o r t O n N o n - Distantly, echoing down the long corridor, the
Arthur-B-PHB is waiting for the characters Sanctioned Opinions and Affiliations characters hear the sound of an explosion.
and he’s not happy. Despite the briefness of Within Troubleshooter Teams’.
their mission, he still has a dozen pages of Patronisingly, Arthur-B-PHB explains that the Then, there’s another boom and the harsh
notes and criticisms. He marks them down contents of the report are clearance BLUE chatter of automatic weapons fire. There’s
for any deviation from their instructions or any and therefore he cannot show it to the team shouting and cheers and cries of ‘viva
mistakes or excess damage they caused. He but the clear conclusion is that the average la revolution!’ or ‘down with The
berates them again for their lack of cleanliness Troubleshooter team harbours 1.84 traitors. Computer!’.
or proper bearing. In short, he gets right up Therefore, there are 1.84 traitors within the
their noses. players’ Troubleshooter team and no-one is If any of the characters respond in any
leaving this briefing room until these traitors way, then Arthur-B-PHB frowns and snaps
Once you tire of insulting the characters and have been identified! ‘debriefing is not concluded, Troubleshooter!
going through their multicorder footage (they Sit back down! Whatever’s going on out there
did specify they were taking multicorder footage Arthur-B-PHB sits back and lets the players has nothing to do with our meeting!’ If they

do anything stupid like trying to leave, he this mess out. He then walks over to the door Briefing Room #32 and that they should return
fires a warning shot from his podium. ‘Pay and leaves. to their assigned seats and wait. Beyond the
no attention to whatever nonsense is going bot, the characters can see gun battles and
on out there.’ The lights flicker again and the sounds die fire down the corridor.
The explosions and shouting gets louder Back in the briefing room, the Computer
and the lights flicker. There’s the sound of If the characters try to leave, they find that a monitor flickers to life, displaying the Eye of the
running feet just outside the briefing room. T-34 combot is standing outside the door. The Computer for a moment. The Eye is panicked
Arthur-B rolls his eyes and then orders the bot says that it has been ordered by citizen and fearful. It then dissolves into static.
Troubleshooters to stay put while he sorts Arthur-B-PHB to ensure that no-one leaves
The Revolution has taken control of YUC

4. The People Want You To Shoot People

Episode Summary: Two of the leaders rotund and kindly. He’s also an undercover the oppressed proletariat of the
of the People’s Glorious Revolutionary IntSec officer who has seen thousands of other sectors – inspired by our
Committee pop in to inform the characters that clones to the termination booths. He really, example - will rise up and join
the revolution now rules their lives and they’ve really likes terminating people (he also really, our glorious cause! Glory to the
been assigned to be the firing squad for the really likes the perks and privileges that come People’s Glorious Revolution!’
people who don’t accept the revolution. with being high-clearance and believes that
Operation FLUSH is his ticket to VIOLET). Phineous and the People’s Glorious
The Dark Before Any IntSec Troubleshooters will know he’s
Revolutionary Guards join in at this point,
The Storm their boss because of the code signal he’ll
give them.
Give the players a few minutes to sweat. His companion is Phineous-I. Tall, thin, COMMITTEE’ They look expectantly at any
The lights in the briefing room come back wild-eyed, Phineous is a nutcase who wants Troubleshooters who don’t join in the chant.
on but there’s an acrid tang in the recycled to destroy Alpha Complex. He used to be a
air. The characters’ PDCs aren’t working and successful Troubleshooter but constant deaths Terrence then says ‘I am Central
the Computer terminal is still just a screen and paranoia have driven him mad and now Committee Member Terrence-I, and
of jumbled static. Occasionally, it mutters he wants revenge. Phineous is a PURGE this is Central Committee Member
something like ‘SYSTEM OFFLINE – PLEASE member but the PURGE goals of turning Phineous-I. We are both members
STAND BY FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS’ the fake revolution into a real one are only a of the Central Committee of the
or ‘ERROR – NETWORK NOT FOUND’ or stepping stone to Phineous’s real goal – going People’s Glorious Revolution, and
‘PLEASE REPORT…PLEASE REPORT… down in a hellish, Jonestown-esque massacre we have the honour of being your
PLEASE REPORT’. that inflicts as much damage as possible on interim leaders until free and fair
The Computer. elections are held, to better reflect
There’s no easy way out of the briefing room. If the collective will of the people.
the characters try to do something like climbing Their guards, the People’s Glorious These heavily armed fellow citizens
out of the air vents, then move onto the next Revolutionary Guards, are all equipped with are part of our People’s Glorious
scene at the most embarrassing moment Vulture Warrior gear and armour. Perceptive Revolutionary Guard, here to protect
possible. (‘No, friend citizen, we’re not characters will notice that the Vulture Warrior both us and you from minions of the
trying to climb into the air vent…we’re, gear doesn’t fit very well, as the People’s hated enemy Computer. Down with
er, doing exercises.’). T-34 is doggedly Glorious Revolutionary Guard don’t have the The Computer and its regime!’
obeying the orders of the vanished Arthur-B- superhuman drug-pumped physiques of a
PHB and refuses to let the characters out of Vulture. The gear was looted from the bodies Again, there’s a chorus of ‘DOWN WITH
the room. of dead Vultures. THE COMPUTER AND ITS REGIME!
Glory to the PGRC
Then, the characters hear the sound of Terrence introduces himself. ‘Good day, COMMITTEE’ from Phinous, the guards
marching outside and the grinding noise of fellow citizens! The most glorious and the player characters if they know what’s
T-34 rolling back from the door. The briefing of all days, in fact! Today is the good for them.
room door opens and two INDIGO-clearance first day in the People’s Glorious
clones enter, along with a squad of heavily Complex! The People’s Glorious With a kindly smile on his wide face, Terrence-I
armed revolutionaries. The two INDIGOs are Revolution has seized control then asks the players to swear loyalty to the
Terrence and Phineous. Terrence is short, of this whole sector, and soon People’s Glorious Revolutionary Committee.

Anyone who does not swear loyalty is an announces that it will be ‘more fun than Phineous-I leans in at this point, speaking in a
Enemy of the People and must be terminated fresh socks’. He pronounces this as clearly weird screechy voice. ‘Beware! There are
by firing squad. Any characters who swear and obviously as possible, trying to spot the agents of The Computer everywhere!
loyalty are given a warm handshake by reactions of any Internal Security characters. Better that you terminate a thousand
Terrence and a bony, clammy handshake by innocents than let a single enemy of
Phineous. Anyone who doesn’t swear loyalty is The characters may ask what the situation as the people survive!’
dragged away (see Enemies of the People). outside Room #32. Terrence tells them that
the People’s Glorious Revolution has taken Terrence-I smiles slightly nervously at his fellow
control of the whole of YUC Sector and is Committee Member and informs the characters
The People’s Subcommittee fighting with Computer loyalists at the sector that as a reward for their service to the People’s
edges. Soon, the Revolution will spread to Glorious Revolutionary Committee, they will
For Mental Hygiene neighbouring sectors! be promoted one security clearance level. As
& Termination soon as the remains of certain Enemies of the
Anyway, they’re going to be the firing squad People are cleared out of the Guest Sleeping
Tension 15 for the revolution. Terrence says that T-34 will Quarters of the People, then the characters will
send traitors in and the characters will judge be assigned housing and bathroom privileges
Assuming that there are still a few them. It’s all a bit ad hoc but that’s how the in YUC Sector. For the moment, they must
Troubleshooters left, Terrence-I explains that People’s Glorious Revolution rolls. Terrence-I remain here in Room #32.
the citizens of YUC Sector are being assigned holds up a sample form, a Writ of Termination
new duties and positions in the new, better and tells the characters that each traitor will He claps his hands and a team of INFRAREDs
society. The player characters have been be accompanied by a Writ of Termination run in and replace Arthur-B-PHB’s podium with
selected as the People’s Subcommittee For outlining their crimes against the people and a stand for an accused prisoner. They also
Mental Hygiene & Termination. A selection the suggested punishment for these crimes. paint a white line parallel to one wall, where
of suspected enemies of the people will be The characters will have to interview these the firing squad can stand.
presented to them and it is up to the characters criminals and decide which penalty is the most
to decide who lives and who dies. All they need appropriate. Punishments will be assigned by After a final wild threat and cackle from an
to do is root out internal dissent, to ensure that the committee. Importantly, each character obviously loony Phineous, the committee and
the roots of the People’s Glorious Revolution must initial the punishment they vote for, to their goons troop out and T-34 sends the first
remain strong! Rooting out for the good of the ensure that proper records are kept. traitor in.
roots! Does this sound like a fun and worthy
assignment? It really had better. Terrence-I

Enemies of the People

So, what happens to a character that doesn’t
smile and salute and embrace the People’s
Glorious Revolution? They’re dragged out
into the corridor by two of the People’s
Glorious Revolutionary Guards and beaten
up a bit before being thrown into a holding
room. Fill out a Writ of Termination for the
traitorous player and have him brought in as
a prisoner before the firing squad as soon as
possible. Let his fellow players judge him.

If freed, the character is conveniently

reassigned to the People’s Glorious
Subcommittee for Mental Hygiene and
Termination. If terminated, the character’s
next clone is conveniently reassigned to the
People’s Glorious Subcommittee for Mental
Hygiene and Termination.

Meet the New Bosses.

5. Bring In The Prisoners
Episode Summary: A succession of
prisoners are brought before the Subcommittee
Prisoner One
Judging Bob
for Mental Hygiene & Termination. The
characters get to vote on who lives and who
– In The Wrong Bob’s crimes are:
dies. Place Consorting with the enemy (the
most generic charge ever)
This section of the mission consists of a Tension 0 Not being sufficiently loyal to the
parade of prisoners who are brought before People’s Glorious Revolution
the Subcommittee. Each prisoner gets the The first guest on the Subcommittee for Mental (ditto)
chance to plead for his life. The characters Hygiene & Termination is Bob-YUC, a poor Looking suspicious (he’s, er,
then get to fill in a Writ of Termination for that INFRARED who was in the wrong place at dressed in black.)
prisoner. Each Writ lists the prisoner’s crimes the wrong time. A gang of revolutionaries Not knowing the words to the
and a few suggested punishments. The players smashed their way into the barracks Bob-YUC People’s Glorious Anthem (no-
must vote for their preferred punishment by shares with 100 other INFRARED drones, one does, yet)
writing their character’s initials next to that grabbed him at random and asked him if he
punishment. The punishment or punishments supported the People’s Glorious Revolution. His suggested punishments are:
with the most votes is then ticked. Make sure He stammered something about being loyal Stern telling off. The characters will
that all the writs are filled in fully – they’ll to Friend Computer, just like the subliminal have to deliver the telling off and it had
come into play again in Episode 7. You can messaging that plays constantly during the better be stern.
photocopy the writs from page 60 or download nightcycle told him to do. The revolutionaries Mandatory singing lessons: The
them from the Mongoose Publishing website. picked him as an example to the other characters will have to teach Bob the
INFRAREDs and took him away. words of the People’s Glorious Anthem
The characters may then have to carry out the and make him sing at least one verse.
punishments listed on the writs or just hand the The T-34 drags Bob-YUC into the briefing Medication: If the characters choose
prisoner back over to T-34 for disposal. There’s room and throws him into the prisoner’s dock. this option, then a docbot will roll into the
a break of several minutes between prisoners, Bob-YUC’s a dumpy middle-aged INFRARED room and deliver a large glowing syringe
enough time for Troubleshooters to run off on with bleary eyes. He’s got a black hood over to the characters. Anyone injected with
private missions or try desperately to scrub the his face, which the bot removes before exiting, this syringe becomes incredibly loyal to
blood from their hands. leaving Bob-YUC blinking in the harsh light. the first thing they see after being injected
with the goop.
Note the small print on the Writs. The Bob-YUC has no real idea what’s going on, Termination: The characters get to
composition of the Committee changes as what he’s done wrong or what this whole put Bob-YUC up against the wall and
Phineous executes his rivals. By the time the revolution thing is about. He just wants to get shoot him with their laser rifles.
last prisoner is brought in, Phineous will have out of here alive but all the happy drugs in his Erasure: As above, only Bob-YUC’s
control of the whole revolution. system are making it hard to think and he’s whole clone line is erased and he never
not that bright at the best of times. Play Bob- comes back again.
Prisoner Zero YUC as a genial idiot. His only real purpose

Tension 0
in the scenario is to show the players how the
Writs work. Prisoner Two
This section only matters if one of the
– Rudy the Spy
Troubleshooters didn’t support the People’s
Glorious Revolution and was dragged away by
Bob-YUC Tension 0
the guards. The Troubleshooter – bloodied and Management 4
bruised by his punishment beating – is pushed Stealth 6 The second prisoner is Rudy-Y-ANC. He’s
back into the room by the T-34 combot and Stealing Food from the Food Vats a weasel-faced citizen dressed in a yellow
made to stand in the prisoner’s dock. Without Being Seen 10 jumpsuit; his cover identity was as a CPU
Violence 4 clerk. Unlike Bob-YUC, he’s been treated quite
Fill out a Writ of Termination for the character Hardware 8 well and walks into the briefing room with a
but make sure that none of the punishments Food Vat Operation 12 barely concealed smirk on his face. Rudy-Y
are erasure – the worst should be termination Software 2 is an IntSec spy1, part of Operation FLUSH.
and the others should be humiliating forfeits Wetware 2 He knows that there’s a revolution underway
or amusing tortures. They’ll probably vote for Correctly Adding The Right in YUC sector and he believes that everything
termination, so have the replacement clone Additives To Food Vats 6 is under control. According to his superiors in
assigned to the Subcommittee to keep the Secret Society: None IntSec, the Subcommittee for Mental Hygiene
group together. Mutation: Pyrokinesis (Power 4) & Termination should be under the control of

His suggested punishments are:
1: There once was a clone named
Ordered to pass on false
intelligence to Alpha Complex Rudy-Y
He was an Internal Security spy/ (It’s up to the characters to decide what Management 8
Now Operation FLUSH’s on the intelligence is passed on) Chutzpah 12
rocks/ Held in a secure area for further Annoying Confidence 14
It’s not as fun as his fresh socks/ interrogation (basically, spare his life Stealth 10
And Rudy-Y is going to die. and stick him in a closet) Sneaking 14
Public execution (they’ll need to find Surveillance 14
a public area in YUC Sector; see page 43 Violence 4
other IntSec agents. Rudy-Y expects to get for life outside the briefing room during the Energy Weapons 8
asked a few easy questions for show and revolution) Hardware 4
then given a slap on the wrist or other light Appearance on ‘Traitor Zapping Software 4
punishment. Hour TV show’ (which doesn’t Wetware 2
actually exist yet and it’ll be up to the Secret Society: ProTech
Rudy knows the ‘as fun as fresh socks’ players to design it. If they pick this option, Mutation: Hypersenses (Power 4)
recognition code and will drop it into Phineous-I and the People’s Glorious
conversation as soon as possible. He might Revolutionary Guard call in and deliver
say that his job in YUC Sector CPU wasn’t a television camera to the characters. So, what can Judy-G really offer the characters?
as fun as fresh socks or wonder about the They then insist that to raise morale in the She does indeed have around 50,000 credits
Troubleshooters’ uniforms and idly wonder People’s Glorious Revolution, the deaths stored in a secret account under a false name,
out loud if their footwear is both newly of enemies of the people must be suitably as well as a meagre amount of influence in
refurbished and remarkably exciting. He also impressive and theatrical. the cutthroat industry of Hot Fun Packaging,
initially denies any involvement in spying or Erasure: No more Rudy. Storage and Containment1. She’s also a Free
treason and certainly denies the existence of Enterprise member and will sponsor characters
Operation FLUSH. for membership into the society.
As soon as it becomes clear to Rudy-Y that 1: The containment bit involves lead-lined
the Subcommittee aren’t going to let him This is a good time to run some of the optional vaults deep beneath Alpha Complex.
off easily, Rudy-Y switches demeanour encounters in Episode 7, especially if the
instantly. He goes from cocky denials and players are getting tired of judging people.
assuredness to absolute terror as he realises If it comes to it, she’s got a spare kidney she’s
that Operation FLUSH has gone wrong. He
admits that Internal Security knew about the Prisoner Three not using, too. She’ll cling to life with every fibre
of her being and say whatever she thinks will
People’s Glorious Revolutionary Committee
and arranged for the revolution to happen.
– Cash or Death get her out of this mess.

He admits that there are IntSec agents in the Tension 0

very highest echelons of the People’s Glorious Judging Judy-G
Revolutionary Committee. He’ll even admit that The third person brought before the
the recognition code used to recognise other Subcommittee is Judy-G, formerly an up- Judy-G-ZAT is accused of:
IntSec agents is ‘as fun as fresh socks’. and-coming PLC executive. She’s used to Lack of loyalty to the People’s
privilege and bossing other citizens around Glorious new regime
In short, ‘oh no, oh no, please don’t and is not coping with the revolution very Spreading dissent
execute me, I’ll do or say anything to well, especially as the People’s Glorious Hoarding Hot Fun, Cold Fun and
save my skin.’ Revolutionary Committee looted her service other foodstuffs
firm and confiscated all her stuff for the good Not being sufficiently
of the revolution. enthusiastic about the new
Judging Rudy regime
Judy-G’s rather mercurial and unstable in Suspicious behaviour
Rudy’s accused of: her current state and will alternate between Looks like a traitor
Being a spy for The Computer. threatening the characters, trying to bribe them
Spying on the People’s Glorious with her stashed credits and craven servility Her suggested punishments are:
Revolution. promising absolute loyalty to the People’s Reassignment to reactor
Spying on the People’s Glorious Glorious Revolution. If you ever get stuck, roll shielding duty (death)
Revolutionary Committee on the Random Way For Judy To Dig Her Own Termination (death)
Betraying the People’s Glorious Grave Table. Public execution (death)
Revolution to the hated Alpha Erasure (or death)

Random Way For Judy To Dig Her Own Grave
Roll Phrase
1 Don’t you know who I am?
2 I have friends in high places. They’ll be angry if you hurt me!
3 Don’t try to mess with me, little clone – I can buy and sell your whole line!
4 I’m GREEN clearance, you’re not. YOU will listen to ME!
5 You don’t have the right to do this and you certainly don’t have the guts.
6 I can make you very wealthy. Just let me go!
7 I’ve got creds stashed in a secret account. I’m not poor…
8 Look, how much are they paying you to shoot me? I’ll pay you twice that to not shoot me.
9 You’ll never get ahead in Alpha Complex if you don’t make deals. Let’s make a deal.
10 This revolution will end soon. When it does, you’ll need a friend with some real access. I’ll help you if you help me!
11 Please! I was only following orders!
12 I never spread dissent! I love the revolution! Down with The Computer!
13 I wasn’t hoarding food! I run a food packaging plant!
14 I have no idea how that Hot Fun ended up in my Hot Fun storage warehouse!
15 The last guy you had in here was called Rudy, right? It’s a clerical error. They meant you to kill him, not me!
16 Ok, this was really a test to see if you were paying attention. I’m not a traitor, now let me go!
17 I’ve got scary mutant powers! If you try to kill me, I’ll turn into a monster and eat you all! Don’t make me angry!
18 Look behind you!
19 If they really wanted to terminate me, they’d have done so already. So, they want me to live. So, if you kill me, you’ll anger
20 Roll again twice and combine the two results.

Management 10
Oratory 14
Stealth 4
Violence 4
Hardware 4
Chemical Engineering 8
Food Vat Operation 10
Software 6
Data Search 10
Wetware 6
Biosciences 10
Pharmatherapy 10
Secret Society: Free Enterprise
Mutation: Matter Eater (Power 10)

In short, the Magic Hate Ball says ‘outlook

looks bleak for Judy-G’. If the characters do
want to spare her life, then they will have to
sneak her out of the briefing room without the
T-34 seeing her.

Prisoner Four – Every

Dream Job
Tension 0
Everyone Else Is First Against The Wall When The Revolution Comes.
In this section, the Troubleshooters get to
do what they’ve always really wanted to do
– execute their briefing officer. Yes, Arthur-

B-PHB is back, only this time he’s dragged If it’s looking like the Troubleshooters are going through the barricades, I’ll ensure that
into the briefing room in chains, with his face to condemn him, then Arthur-B launches into a they don’t terminate you! This is your
bruised, his shiny jumpsuit torn and grimy and rant about how their decision making system only chance to survive!’
his supercilious attitude completely shattered. is flawed and does not conform to Alpha
As he’s brought in, he’s screaming at the Complex Committee on Committee Codes,
T-34 to let him go and to obey his orders but Best Practices and Mediation Complex-Wide Judging Terrence-I
the bot ignores him. For this scene to work, New Initiative (revised).
the Gamemaster will have to have made He’s accused of:
Arthur-B-PHB the most annoying and hateful Oh, take a look at Arthur-B’s writ of termination. Passing information to the
boss ever. The players should be eager to Note that Terrence-I no longer appears in the list hated enemies of the people
terminate him. of names of Central Committee members. High treason
Betrayal of the Central Committee
After leaving the briefing room earlier, Arthur-B Abuse of public trust
tried to find out what all the disruption and Prisoner Six – It All Very high treason
noise was. He discovered a whole sector full Being an Intsec spy
of Commie Mutant Traitors and – being a
Comes Tumbling Down
surprisingly brave briefing officer – he drew Tension 0 And the only acceptable punishment,
his laser pistol and charged into the fray. He apparently, is Erasure of the whole clone
was shot and killed by revolutionaries within Outside the briefing room, the characters line.
seconds. His replacement clone woke up in the hear more shouting and chanting. A crowd is
revolutionary-held clone bank in YUC Sector gathering in the corridor outside Room #32, If the characters choose to erase Terrence-I,
under armed guard; they brought him back to the baying for the execution of the prisoner. T-34 then they’ve just terminated an INDIGO IntSec
briefing room to be judged by the Subcommittee has to force its way through the crowd, rolling agent. That’s really not the sort of thing you want
for Mental Hygiene & Termination. over toes and pushing demonstrators aside on your resume next to ‘Completed basic
with huge sweeps of its guns. Finally, the food vat stirrer engine maintenance’
When he’s brought in, Arthur-B has no idea prisoner reaches the door of the briefing room or ‘avid BotSpotter’.
that his former Troubleshooter team are now and is thrown in.
the revolutionary subcommittee responsible If they choose not to erase Terrence-I, then
for his fate and he will initially assume that It’s Terence-I, erstwhile Central Committee they need to get a rather fat man out of the
they too have been captured by the Commie member. Despite the blood-thirsty crowd briefing room and past both the T-34 combot
Mutant Traitors, which is absolutely typical outside, he’s uninjured. His jolly demeanour has and the crowd of frothing revolutionaries who
of the characters’ utter incompetence. How vanished, replaced by desperate cunning. want to tear Terrence limb from limb. He won’t
could they let themselves be captured without fit in the air vents and there are no other exits.
inflicting significant casualties on the enemy? Terence-I gasps that Phineous-I has gone If they’re stalling too long, then a messenger
Nonetheless, they are all loyal citizens together insane and seized control of the whole arrives to inform them that a Central Committee
and must stay brave during this interrogation. Central Committee. He’s had the rest of the member is coming to visit the Subcommittee
Now, where’s this Commie Mutant Traitor Committee killed or demoted and is now the for Mental Hygiene & Termination and they
committee? sole master of YUC Sector. The war is going should make ready to receive the honoured
badly; Computerist forces are storming the Committee Member.
barricades a few levels away. Phineous-I
Judging Arthur-B has abandoned the Revolution’s aims and is

He’s accused of:

plotting some final devastating attack on Alpha
Complex that will destroy both sides. Attempts
Management 12
Attempted resistance to the to raise the proletariat in other sectors failed Oratory 16
Glorious Revolution dismally. Soon, either Phineous-I’s plan will kill Con Games 16
Illegal use of weapons everyone in YUC Sector or they’ll be executed IntSec Files 18
Traitorous thoughts & deeds as traitors once The Computer’s forces seize Stealth 10
Passing on treasonous control again. Surveillance 14
badthought and Computerist Disguise 14
propaganda Terence-I’s eyes narrow and he looks around Violence 8
suspiciously. He drops his voice and whispers Energy Weapons 12
Suggested punishments are: to the characters. ‘I can ensure your Hardware 4
Demotion (to the security clearance of safety when the Revolution falls. I am Software 6
the characters’ choice) an Internal Security double-agent, Data Search 10
Reassignment to reactor on a mission to foil the traitorous Wetware 4
shielding duty revolution. Spare my life, hide me Secret Society: None (Ex-Communist)
Termination somewhere and when the Vulture Mutation: Charm (Power 8)
Public execution Warrior stormtroopers come smashing

6. Revolutionary Developments
Episode Summary: The Troubleshooters THE PEOPLE’S GLORIOUS terminations leading to so many openings,
run the Gamemaster off his module and explore REVOLUTIONARY COMMITTEE ARE there’s promotion hyperinflation. Instead of
a sector in chaos. Things shoot them. YOUR FRIENDS! being promoted to RED for betraying a friend,
REPORT ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE an INFRARED can expect to be promoted to
RED for almost any meritorious conduct. Pick
up some trash, have a promotion! Salute in the
corridor, have a promotion! Of course, because
of the food shortages and chaotic situation,
Management PEOPLE!
there’s no real benefit to a higher clearance but
the regular promotions have made the PGRC
It’s unlikely that the characters will ever leave MANDATORY! rather popular among the proletariat.
Room #32 for long in this mission. For one THE NEW ORDER IS ALL! DO NOT
thing, there’s a giant combot standing outside RESIST THE NEW ORDER! Fighting is still raging at the edges of the sector,
the door with orders not to let them leave. If YOU ARE FREE, CITIZEN! CONTACT where the People’s Glorious Revolutionary
they do, though, then they find that life in YUC THE PEOPLE’S GLORIOUS army is battling against the Armed Forces.
Sector really hasn’t changed that much in the REVOLUTIONARY COMMITTEE FOR It’s rather confused – according to Operation
areas of the sector that aren’t under direct YOUR NEW WORK ASSIGNMENT AND FLUSH, the attacks on the other sections
attack. INFRAREDs are still stirring the food FIND GLORY IN YOUR FREEDOM! should be little more than a feint to draw the
vats, officious bureaucrats are still officious COMPUTER LOYALISTS ARE traitors in YUC Sector out, not a huge attack.
bureaucrats, the scrubots keep on scrubbing EVERYWHERE! STAY ALERT! There are barricades blocking the corridors
and so forth. There are widespread shortages and battalions of T-34 combots heading out
and power brownouts, the communications If the characters venture to higher-clearance to war.
system has partially crashed (they’re using areas, then they do see more signs of change.
runners and wire telephones instead) and Almost every citizen above BLUE has been
everywhere there are Computer monitors filled terminated by the rebels and there are signs
with static. There are also lots of new posters, of heavy fighting at the entrance to every Escaping YUC Sector
with slogans like: high-clearance sector. (The high-clearance
ALL HAIL THE PEOPLE’S GLORIOUS citizens were warned of Operation FLUSH but All the exits from YUC Sector have been
REVOLUTION! didn’t know about the PURGE involvement.) either welded shut by Revolutionaries or else
THE PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE IS ALL- Rapidly, though, the empty slots in the social barricaded with office furniture, bunk beds,
KNOWING! TRUST THE COMMITTEE! pyramid are being filled. With so many

Random Encounters In The Revolution

Roll Encounter
1 Scrubbot scrubbing blood off a corridor
2 INFRARED clones wandering around lost and confused
3 Trashed Vending Machine
4 RED Poster team putting Revolutionary posters over Computer posters
5 Food collection truck gathering supplies for the barricade fighters
6 Newly-promoted ORANGE revolutionary parading around proudly
7 A group of citizens celebrating their new freedom by singing the People’s Glorious Anthem
8 T-34 Combot looking for trouble
9 YELLOW Revolutionary Guard bossing citizens about
10 Trashed confession booth
11 GREEN Revolutionary Guards looting the corpse of a Vulture Warrior
12 Leaking water pipe. The corridor is half-flooded.
13 Newly-promoted BLUE revolutionary shouting propaganda to anyone who listens
14 Broken Computer monitor with a smiley face drawn on it
15 INDIGO Central Committee member surrounded by an adoring crowd
16 Battle-damaged T-34 wandering randomly
17 A documentary team making a movie about the glorious heroes of the revolution
18 The aftermath of a public execution
19 A looted and burning shopping mall
20 Roll again twice and combine the two results.

vending machines and the bodies of fallen this conflict between YUC and the rest of Alpha
clones. A character who spends a lot of time Complex for as long as possible.
searching for an exit can eventually find an Secret Society Stuff
air vent, abandoned transtube or other hole in Free Enterprise: Have you sold those
the wall. On the far side is a waiting team of If a Troubleshooter wants to contact his secret VitaYum bars yet?
IntSec agents, who point an impressive range society, he can do so. Most Secret Societies
of lethal weapons at the would-be defector. If are confused and alarmed by the state of the Humanists: Ok, the revolution isn’t going
the character doesn’t flee, then IntSec grab him Revolution. quite as planned but that’s ‘cos there aren’t
and tell him that he’s now an undercover IntSec enough Humanists in charge! Get promoted
agents, with orders to spy on the proceedings Anti-Mutant: You’re on the firing squad? as quickly as you can!
of Operation FLUSH. Give him one of the Good! Make sure that all the muties are
IntSec briefings from Episode 1, then turn him executed! Illuminati: You are instructed to ensure
around and send him back into YUC. that citizen Judy-G-ZAT is not terminated. She
Communists: We are plotting our own must not be harmed.
counter-revolution! We will terminate the
Room #33 Central Committee and seize control! We need Mystics: I don’t know where Dave’s place
you to locate the Central Committee’s meeting is. Do you?
Clever Troubleshooters may try to visit Room place – our agents will then bomb them!
#33 and its computer console. The console Psion: You’re working on the firing squad?
is almost completely incomprehensible but a Computer Phreaks: Ok, so the hackers Good. Ensure that all mutants are spared.
character with Bot Programming, Hacking or are dead. Break into Room #33 and try to
Operating Systems could try to mess with it. download a copy of the code they were Pro Tech: Ok, the revolution isn’t going
Interrupt them with Revolutionary Guards if using. quite as planned but that’s ‘cos there aren’t
you have to. enough Pro Tech in charge! Get promoted as
Corpore Metal: The T-34s fighting at the quickly as you can!
barricades are taking heavy casualties! Go to
Looting & Pillaging the war zone and salvage any intact bot brains PURGE: Everything is going according to
you can find! plan. Continue.
Troubleshooters can obtain all sorts of Stuff
in YUC Sector, despite the sector’s economic Death Leopard: It’s the end of the world! Romantics: Ok, the revolution isn’t going
deprivation. Any GREEN or lower clearance Burn everything! quite as planned but that’s ‘cos there aren’t
equipment can be obtained, although black- enough Romantics in charge! Get promoted
market prices have risen by 1,000% due to FCCC-P: We are all damned! The Computer as quickly as you can!
the war. Fortunately, it’s easy to get promoted has abandoned us! Only by openly proclaiming
(especially when Phineous-I promotes half the our devotion can we be redeemed! Tell Sierra Club: Ok, the revolution isn’t
Troubleshooters to the Central Committee) everyone of your faith! going quite as planned but that’s ‘cos there
and hence get paid more credit. Let’s hear it aren’t enough Sierra Clubbers in charge! Get
for hyperinflation! Frankenstein Destroyers: Hah! The promoted as quickly as you can!
robots are being smashed in the war. Prolong

7. The Central Commitee Wants You!

Episode Summary: Phineous-I returns The door opens and it’s filled with
and reviews the characters’ decisions so far. Our Glorious Revolutionary Guards. Four of
He then recruits half of the Troubleshooters
to the Central Committee to help him guide Leader them try to jam through the door
at once and their People’s Glorious
the revolution. On the bright side, it means Tension 15 Revolutionary Shoulderpads get
promotion and power beyond the wildest stuck for a moment. With a loud
dreams of most Troubleshooters. On the other Read the following aloud to the players. pop, they tumble into the briefing
hand, certain death. room and take up position around
From outside, beyond the sound you. More guards pour in and
From this point on in the scenario, there’ll of the crowd who were shouting then the gaunt figure of Phinous-I
be an upswing in player-vs-player violence for Terrence-I’s blood, there’s the appears. He stalks over to you like
and plotting, above and beyond the normal sound of jackboots marching. Then a preying mantis approaching a
PARANOIA conspiring. The players won’t there’s the sound of jackboots particular tasty thing that a preying
even be pretending to be on the same side booting and heads being clubbed mantis might like to eat.
any more. and then there’s an awed hush. ‘ALL
HAIL THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE’ ‘Subcommittee Members,’ he
shouts someone. intones in sepulchral tones, ‘today

has been a great day for the The unlucky characters are to remain here; barricades everywhere and despite
People’s Glorious Revolution. We another prisoner will be with them shortly. Run our hopes, the other sectors have
have purged traitors from our midst Episode 8 – IntSec Inside for those characters. not risen up to join us.
and thrown off the oppressive
shackles of The Computer and your
subcommittee has played a key part The Central There is hope – hope that we can
prevail against the enemy. The T-
in our triumph – but there is more
work to do.
Committee 34 combots that are the backbone
of our defence have proved so
Tension 5 effective that The Computer is
‘My friends, the Central Committee deploying more T-34s to the front.
needs you.’ Phineous-I and his – well, now technically their If we can seize control of the enemy
Revolutionary Guards lead the characters down T-34s remotely, we can turn the
Phineous-I asks for the completed Writs of the corridor a short distance to yet another enemy forces against themselves
Termination that should have been filled out anonymous door. A hastily hand-written sign and prolong our glorious struggle.
by the characters. Look at the writs and identify declares this to be ‘CENTRAL COMMITTEE
the half of the players who have been the most HEADQUARTERS.’ Phineous mutters Our spies in the enemy Complex
bloodthirsty and voted for the lowest option on something about the original pleasure-dome discovered that a group of hackers
each list of punishments. This group of players being destroyed by Computerist forces, so this managed to gain control of the
(which should be roughly half the group) are is the temporary replacement. He apologises T-34 bot network just before the
going to get promoted. for the poor quality of the facilities. revolution began. This backdoor
into the bot net is proof of the
There should already be a split in the party, Inside, though, the room is surprisingly righteousness of our cause! We
between those who were briefed by IntSec at the luxurious. It’s still a RED-clearance chamber shall use the very Computer our
start of the mission and were aware of Operation but it’s been stocked with furniture, decorations enemies serve to destroy them!
FLUSH and those who had no idea about the and supplies looted from a dozen high-
revolution and have been going with the flow clearance apartments. The floor has carpets I proposed this plan to the older
all along. In an ideal world, the Phineous-I split stacked on carpets, the chairs are incredibly members of the Central Committee
should be orthogonal to that split, as in you plush, comfortable and massage-feature-rich, but they turned on me! Terrence-I
end up with four types of player characters there are multiple giant television screens and was an Internal Security double
– revolutionaries in the Central Committee, the tables are heaving with food and drink agent and his nefarious influence
IntSec agents in the Central Committee, – real food and genuine alcohol. had spread to the rest of the
revolutionaries left behind and IntSec agents left Central Committee. They had to
behind. This will maximise player confusion and Phineous-I has the characters sit down at the be purged. Now, with a new, pure
carnage. Of course, this is not an ideal world, central table. An antique robutler emerges Central Committee free of Internal
no matter what Friend Computer insists and you from a closet and serves the characters Security taint, we can put my plan
may just have to rely on the natural propensities whatever drinks they desire, before Phineous into operation.
of players to provide confusion and carnage on calls the meeting to order. His speech starts
their own initiative. out inspiring and then flies right off the ramp Internal Security is watching us,
to crazy-town. The tone of this speech should though. You can’t just march
Once he’s found his candidates, Phineous-I be very much Hitler-in-the-bunker. back to Room #33 and use the
points at them with long, bony fingers. hackers’ computer to control the
Observant players notice a distinct trigger- ‘Fellow Central Committee T-34s – the IntSec agents would
finger callous on both hands. Phineous informs Members, the People’s Glorious assassinate you. We must be
the ‘lucky’ Troubleshooters that they are Revolution faces a dire crisis. The cautious and clever. You will return
hereby promoted to clearance INDIGO and are people have not been informed to the Subcommittee and find some
being reassigned to the Central Committee. of this fact but you now have the way of making it next door to the
They must accompany him immediately to the clearance to know the truth. Enemy computer console. There, you will
Central Committee Pleasure-Dome. forces are breaking through our insert this control disk, giving you

control over the T-34 network.
Order all the bots to attack the
Computerist forces, and our victory Fighting Phineous-I 7-CGAL, the
Robutler Who Also
is assured! Kicks Ass
Ambitious Internal Security agents or players
Think of it, brothers! A new order in who have realised that Alpha Complex is Management 8
Alpha Complex! The dream of the going to win may want to try to terminate Bootlicking 12
revolution fulfilled!’ Phineous-I right here and now. If they attack, Table Manners 14
then the robutler emerges from the closet Stealth 10
If the Troubleshooters ask for specifics on their again brandishing a concealed cone rifle, while Sneaking 14
new mission, then Phineous-I insists that the Phineous runs out via a secret passage. Concealment 14
best strategy is to return to the Subcommittee, Violence 8
then sneak next door and activate the hackers’ Projectile Weapons 12
computer. He is immensely paranoid about Back to the Briefing Room Hardware 4
Internal Security agents and is convinced that Software 0
everyone from the Revolutionary Guards on Once the characters have finished listening Wetware 4
down is an IntSec assassin out to kill him. to Phineous’ insane ramblings, he opens the Armour: 2
secret passage and vanishes down into the Weapon: Cone Rifle with AP shells
Phineous will keep spinning tales of how darkness. Meanwhile, the characters are sent (W3K)
glorious life will be in the new order. The players back to the briefing room in the company of four
will be his acolytes in the Alpha Complex that Revolutionary Guards. Two of the guards are
is to come and everything will be shiny and indeed IntSec agents, the other two are loyal
happy and wonderful. He also may mention, if revolutionaries. The Troubleshooters may Now, run Episode 8 for the players who were
pressed, that he has a cunning backup plan for notice the occasional Significant Glance from left behind in the briefing room.
the revolution if the combat strategy fails. one escort to another but unless the characters
do something silly, they won’t get caught in a
firefight between their bodyguards.

8. IntSec Inside
Episode Summary: The Troubleshooters his sleeve. ‘I’m Gary-R-SEL’ he says or until terminated. This means he’s probably
who weren’t promoted to the Central Committee with a big grin, ‘I’m a mutant.’ going to overhear any conversations with
get saddled with the worst execution subject Internal Security or see any conspiring or
ever. As they’re trying to shoot the unshootable Gary-R-SEL is one of the nicest, most helpful backstabbing. Gary’s not especially loyal to the
mutant, they get a call from IntSec demanding clones you’re ever likely to meet. He’s cheery, People’s Glorious Revolution (they are trying
they use the hackers’ computer to hack the relaxed and genuinely ready to help. He’s also to execute him, after all) but he’s not a big fan
revolutionary’s T-34s. Everyone’s getting sent a condemned mutant. A gang of Anti-Mutant of Friend Computer’s regime either. He’s also
next door… members used the cover of the revolution to pretty much immune to termination by anything
drag Gary-R out of his quarters and then tried other than suffocation or exotic weaponry. If
Gary The Mutant to beat him to death. Then they tried to shoot
them. Then they tried strangling him. Finally,
the characters are going to conspire in Gary-
R’s presence, they’ll need to somehow cut him
Tension 0 they tried a grenade and that killed all of them in on the deal.
but left Gary-R only slightly stunned. Gary-R
The final subject for termination by the feels a bit bad about that.
Subcommittee for Mental Hygiene &
Termination is Gary-R-SEL. He’s a singularly
powerful mutant with the Energy Field mutation. Management 4
He’s virtually immune to both impact and Judging Gary-R Stealth 6
energy weapons. Violence 4
Gary-R’s sole purpose in this scenario is to Hardware 2
The door opens once more, and T- be a speed bump for the players. His guilt is Software 2
34 pushes a young citizen into the clear – he’s a mutant – and the only problem is Wetware 2
room. You notice a distinct bright actually finding a way to kill him that works. Secret Society: Psion
flash when the bot shoves him. The Mutation: Energy Field (Power 20)
RED-clearance clone hands you his As the characters will have a lot of trouble
Writ of Termination and you notice getting rid of Gary, he’s going to hang around
a bright yellow stripe running down the briefing room until the end of the scenario

The Call of Security. If you are loyal to Friend and our programmers will use the
Computer, then please signal hacker’s backdoor to shut down the
Computer your loyalty by singing the Alpha YUC Sector combots.
Tension Gary Complex anthem – NOW.’
Complete this mission,
At this point in the scenario, the characters are One verse of ‘Glory, Glory Hail Computer’ later, Troubleshooters and the insurrection
contacted by a Computer-loyal agent. If he’s the message continues. ‘The traitorous will be put down within minutes.’
still alive, then the characters are contacted rebellion will soon be crushed by
by Terrence-I. If he’s been terminated, then the Armed Forces of Alpha Complex Immediately after this message ends, the
Terrence-I’s loyal henchman Morris-B. We’ll and all traitors will be executed. characters hear the tramp of boots outside in
refer to both these scions of Internal Security The only thing that is stopping the the corridor yet again, as the characters who
as IntSec. onward march of our forces is the were promoted to the Central Committee and
T-34 combots that are defending their Revolutionary Guard escorts arrive. The
Remember that good old assigned special the entrances to YUC Sector. The Revolutionary Guards are immediately called
equipment, unit E, also known as the radio T-34s must be disabled. away by a radio message from Phineous-I,
given by Arthur-B to the Troubleshooters at leaving all the Troubleshooters together again.
the end of their first briefing? If it’s still around, Thanks to a report filed by Arthur-
it crackles into life. (If it’s not still around, B (now a Hero of the Complex) It’s like one big happy family, reunited, only
then the PDCs of the Troubleshooters in seconds before his termination, they’re all trying to get Granddad’s fortune
the briefing room receive the message.) It’s we know that there is a computer which he’s stuffed in the old clock upstairs. (For
IntSec calling. console in Room 33 that’s the purposes of this metaphor, Granddad is a
connected to the T-34 network. This trio of dead geeks, the fortune’s a backdoor
The message is a simple one. ‘Attention, radio terminal/PDC has a computer into the T-34 network, the clock’s a computer
Troubleshooters. This is Internal uplink. Just plug it into the console console, and upstairs is next door.)

9. Viva La Revolution
Episode Summary: Both sets of ensure they are judged. It’s not ordered to do the disk and transmitter get swapped in and
Troubleshooters head next door to Room 33 anything else. It doesn’t give any extra weight out by fighting Troubleshooters.
to either doom the revolution, Alpha Complex, to orders from Central Committee members.
or for their own personal gain. Meanwhile, So there. If the disk is inserted for, oh, say a few rounds,
Phineous-I puts his apocalyptic master-stroke then the Revolution ‘wins’. If the transmitter’s
into action. Calling the Revolutionary Guard: inserted for a few rounds, Alpha Complex wins.
They’re all busy fighting Alpha Complex If the computer console is destroyed, then
Suddenly forces. the bots go nuts and start shooting everyone.
No-one wins.
There Are Lots Calling in the Alpha Complex
Forces: They’re all busy fighting the
of Bathroom Revolutionary Guard. Alpha Complex Wins
Breaks Get the Invulnerable Gary-R-
SEL to bring either Phineous-I’s
The barricades fall. The Armed Forces march
in. There’s an awful lot of shooting down the
Tension 0 computer disk or IntSec’s radio corridor. If the characters hang around and
transmitter next door: Actually, this haven’t arranged some deal with Internal
So, both sets of Troubleshooters want to go one’s a kind of a workable plan. The trick will Security for their safety, then they’re included
to Room 33 but (presumably) don’t want the be convincing Gary to play along. Watch the in the general purge of all Revolutionaries.
other set to know what they’re doing there. So, players get into a bidding war in an attempt They’re shot and terminated.
this section of the mission will probably involve to gain Gary-R’s services.
the Troubleshooters sitting around the briefing
room, trying to come up with reasons to leave The Revolution Wins
and then shooting each other. There’s a map of Hacking the Bots
the briefing room on page 11, by the way. The Armed Forces are driven back from the
Assuming one or more Troubleshooters borders of YUC Sector and the Revolution
make it to Room 33, they can insert Gadget lives to fight another day. Unfortunately, food
Things The Troubleshooters A (the disk or the transmitter) into Slot B supplies are running low and there’s no sign of
(the computer console) to initiate Massacre Phineous-I. The protestors therefore turn to the
Might Do C (down the hall). The T-34s will follow the Central Committee for guidance… and if the
commands of whichever side’s gadget is players can’t find food and water for everyone,
Ask the T-34 outside: The bot’s mission plugged in, so it’s possible that there’ll be a the protestors start calling for a new revolution.
is to deliver prisoners to the Subcommittee and sort of Benny-Hill-chase-in-heavy-armour as The characters are likely to find themselves

in front of the New Subcommittee for Mental qualities, it’s safe. Except when the core is
Hygiene and Termination… going into overload, in which case it may be
YUC Reactor Core One randomly flooded with radioactive exhaust
No-One Wins Remember that secret passage leading from
the new Central Committee room? It leads The ComBot: At the end of the corridor is
YUC Sector descends into chaos and to Reactor Core One, the primary power a narrow bridge over a chasm and patrolling
carnage. Lots of people are shot, including generation facility for YUC Sector. Phineous-I’s on the far side is another T-34. The behaviour
the Troubleshooters, unless they sneak out of backup plan for the revolution is to overload the of this bot depends on what happened with the
the sector and lie low for a few days. core, causing it to explode. The resulting blast hacker’s console. It might be attacking Alpha
will destroy YUC Sector, not to mention a large Complex Armed Forces or revolutionaries
Optional: chunk of the neighbouring sectors. or anyone and everything. The chasm is 20
metres wide, the bridge is two metres wide and
Phineous’ The characters might end up being sent after
Phineous-I for several reasons:
offers only minimal cover. Who’s going first?

Masterstroke They want to catch the arch-villain

themselves, as a bargaining chip.
Reactor Shielding: Finally, before the
core proper are the reactor shielding rooms.
Tension 0 They are captured by Armed Forces
troops and sent down the dark secret What, you thought ‘reassigned to reactor
PARANOIA missions usually end with a passage to the core. shielding duty’ was just a euphemism? The
return to the status quo. No matter what wacky They are fleeing the Armed Forces and corridor leads past a series of cells, which
high-jinks and jolly totalitarian nightmares think that a dark secret passage is a good may or may not contain a condemned citizen
happened during the mission, everything ends place to hide. depending on the punishments chosen by the
up with the Troubleshooters being debriefed They interrogate the robutler in the characters earlier in the scenario. These poor
and quite possibly demoted or terminated. The Central Committee room as to Phineous’s doomed citizens call on the Troubleshooters to
Computer’s online and all’s right with this most whereabouts. free them or just hurl insults and chunks of scalp
perfect of Alpha Complexes. at them (background radiation is rather high
The route to the core consists of three here even when the core isn’t overloading).
Therefore, if you want to return to the status sections:
quo and wrap the whole mission up neatly, run The Dark Tunnel: It’s a dark tunnel,
this optional encounter. On the other hand, winding its way from the Central Committee
you can leave the vile traitor Phineous-I as a room to the core. It’s lined with pipes and
dangling plot thread, to be taken up in a later tubes and ancient warning notices. Despite
mission. its foreboding appearance and claustrophobic

The People’s Committee expects that every citizen will do his part for the Revolution! (Your part may include dying horribly).

Phineous’ Manifesto of Doom
Roll Phrase
1-2 I was terminated a dozen times in the service of The Computer! It never ends!
3-4 The people build Alpha Complex! It is ours! We must retake it!
5-6 Join me, and we can spread the doctrine of revolution to all the other sectors!
7-8 If there is hope, it lies in the proles!
9-10 I’ll burn this whole sector to the ground rather than let The Computer destroy my dreams!
11-12 Trust no-one! Internal Security is always watching and waiting! They want to kill you!
13-14 This day shall be remembered forever! This is the day the dream of revolution became a burning beacon to all of Alpha Complex!
15-16 Join me, and we can lead the Complex forward into a new and glorious era!
17-18 This is all part of my grand plan!
19-20 You’ll never take me alive!

Troubleshooters can’t make out the text but

Things Start Overloading
Phineous-I there is one charge (it’s ‘Knows about the
Management 12 YUC Sector Incident) and two options for
If Phineous does start to overload the core, Oratory 16 punishment (‘None’ and ‘Termination’).
then the lights throughout YUC Sector start Con Games 16
flickering. A siren begins to wail in the distance IntSec Files 18 The committee chairman leans forward and asks
and an automated message repeats (not in Stealth 12 ‘do you have any knowledge of any
The Computer’s voice) ‘CORE OVERLOAD Surveillance 16 unusual events in YUC Sector?
IN PROGRESS. WITHDRAW TO A MINIMUM Sneaking 16 If so, what were those events?
SAFE DISTANCE IMMEDIATELY’. Seconds High Alert 16 What does Operation FLUSH mean
later, radioactive steam starts to vent Violence 12 to you?
from pipes in every corridor. Things get Projecile Weapons 16 Is the name Phineous-I-ZED known
progressively more doom-filled (the ground Agility 16 to you?
shaking, flashing lights, more sirens, random Hardware 8 What is the People’s Glorious
fires and explosions) until they are positively Software 10 Revolution?
doom-ful and the sector explodes. Operating Systems 14 Who were the members of the
Wetware 4 Central Committee of the People’s
Secret Society: PURGE Glorious Revolution?’
Confronting Phineous-I Mutation: Telekinesis (Power 10)
Armour: ArmourAll (4) The only safe answers to all these questions
The corridor ends in a control room, filled with Cone Rifle with AP Shells: (W3K, are, respectively, ‘not a clue’, ‘nope’, ‘nothing’,
dials, levers, big red buttons and one deranged AP) ‘no’, ‘I don’t know’ and ‘I don’t know’. The
ex-Troubleshooter and revolutionary. He’s got whole YUC Sector Incident is being made
a cone rifle and a lengthy manifesto, both of into unhistory and only those who betray no
which are equally lethal in their own unique Debriefing in the knowledge of it whatsoever will be spared…
way. As the characters approach, he will
launch into a lengthy recital of the evils of The Ruins
Computer’s regime, how Alpha Complex is a
totally flawed and doomed state and how only After the mission, any surviving Troubleshooters
a single strong leader – himself – can stem the are escorted to a briefing room very, very
tide and save humanity from destruction. similar to Room 32. There’s a committee
of five anonymous citizens there. One of
Throughout the inevitable firefight, Phineous the committee members has a document
will spout lines from his manifesto. that’s clearly a Writ of Termination. The

Writ of Termination
We, the people of YUC Sector, under the benevolent guidance of the People’s Glorious Revolutionary Central Committee, do hereby request
and require that the People’s Subcommittee for Mental Sanitation and termination do convene in solemn judgement of ____________ who is
accused of the following crimes against the people:

[ ] ________________:____________________________________
[ ] ________________:____________________________________
[ ] ________________:____________________________________
[ ] ________________:____________________________________
[ ] ________________:____________________________________
[ ] ________________:____________________________________


Writ of Termination
We, the people of YUC Sector, under the benevolent guidance of the People’s Glorious Revolutionary Central Committee, do hereby request
and require that the People’s Subcommittee for Mental Sanitation and termination do convene in solemn judgement of Bob-YUC-1 who is
accused of the following crimes against the people:

Consorting with the enemy, not being sufficiently loyal to the People’s Glorious Revolution. Looking suspicious. Not knowing the words to the
People’s Glorious Anthem.

[ ] STERN TELLING OFF:__________________________
[ ] MANDATORY SINGING LESSONS:__________________
[ ] MEDICATION:____________________________________
[ ] BRAINSCRUB :_______________________________
[ ] TERMINATION :_______________________________
[ ] ERASURE:____________________________________


Writ of Termination
Writ of termination for: Judy-G-ZAT-2
We, the people of YUC Sector, under the benevolent guidance of the Central Committee do hereby request and require that the Subcommittee
for Mental Sanitation and Termination do convene in solemn judgement of Judy-G-ZAT-2 who is accused of the following crimes against the

Lack of loyalty to the people’s glorious new regime

Spreading dissent
Hoarding hot fun, cold fun and other foodstuffs
Not being sufficently enthusiastic about the new regime
Suspicious behaviour
Looks like a traitor

[ ] REASSIGNMENT TO REACTOR SHIELDING DUTY:___________________________________________
[ ] TERMINATION :_______________________________
[ ] PUBLIC EXECUTION:__________________________
[ ] ERASURE:____________________________________


Writ of Termination
Writ of termination for: Rudy-Y-ANC-4
We, the people of YUC Sector, under the benevolent guidance of the People’s Glorious Revolutionary Central Committee, do hereby request
and require that the People’s Subcommittee for Mental Sanitation and termination do convene in solemn judgement of Rudy-Y-ANC who is
accused of the following crimes against the people:

Being a spy for the Computer, Spying on the People’s Glorious Revolution, Spying on the People’s Glorious Revolutionary Central Committee,
Betraying the People’s Glorious Revolution to the hated Alpha Complex.

[ ] ORDERED TO PASS ON FALSE INTELLIGENCE TO ALPHA COMPLEX:__________________________________
[ ] PUBLIC EXECUTION:__________________________
[ ] APPEARANCE ON ‘TRAITOR ZAPPING HOUR TV SHOW:___________________________________________
[ ] ERASURE:____________________________________


Writ of Termination
Writ of termination for: Arthur-B-PHB-3
We, the people of YUC Sector, under the benevolent guidance of the Central Committee do hereby request and require that the Subcommittee
for Mental Sanitation and Termination do convene in solemn judgement of Arthur-B-PHB-3 who is accused of the following crimes against the

Attempted resistence to the glorious revolution

Illegal use of weapons
Traitorous thoughts & deeds
Passing on treasonous badthought and computerist propaganda

[ ] DEMOTION:___________________________________
[ ] REASSIGNMENT TO REACTOR SHIELDING DUTY:___________________________________________
[ ] TERMINATION :_______________________________
[ ] PUBLIC EXECUTION:__________________________
[ ] ERASURE:____________________________________


Writ of Termination
Writ of termination for: Terrence-I-YUC-6
We, the people of YUC sector, under the benevolent guidance of the Central Committee do hereby request and require that the Subcommittee
for Mental Sanitation and Termination do convene in solemn judgement of Terrence-I-YUC-6 who is accused of the following crimes against
the people:

Passing information to the hated enemies of the people

High treason
Betrayal of the committee for public safety
Abuse of public trust
Very high treason
Being an intsec spy

[ ] ERASURE:____________________________________


PARANOIA The People’s Glorious
Revolutionary Adventure
EDWARD S. BOLME If you’ve never played PARANOIA before, this might not be
the best mission to start with. But after you’ve experienced
PARANOIA the way it’s supposed to be—hang on to your furry
First-edition editing, development/ Alpha Complex has, of course, been at war with the Commies
Bureaucrat for all of recorded history—and then some. At the start of the war
(Year 1 of The Computer), the Commies were outnumbered about
ALLEN VARNEY 10 million to none. This attracted dissidents and malcontents
Editing/Revisionist history to the underdogs, somewhat evening the odds and proving
conclusively to The Computer the imperative need for location
LISA ANGELL and termination of Commies. Dogmatic self-righteousness
ADRIAN GUTIERREZ notwithstanding, two hundred and some years of bitterly
stalemated guerilla warfare can lead to some nagging questions
Additional ideas/Functionaries about the opposition. Questions like, ‘Why?’ The Computer wants
to know why perfectly normal, happy citizens (an oxymoron) are
JIM HOLLOWAY joining the Commies in droves. And, because it believes Alpha
Illustrations/Propaganda posters Complex to be the only unconquered complex, it wonders what
life is like in a Communist Controlled Complex Population. (That’s
Maps/Comrade Equipped with a brand new curiosity program, The Computer set
ERIN BRADLEY out to answer those questions. It pored over all the relevant data
RANDY BRADLEY files in its memory, and used the information supplied in both of
JONATHA ARIADNE CASPIAN them to construct a tiny artificial CCCP in old, abandoned HUH
GREG GORDEN Sector. Next, HPD&MC populated HUH Sector with lots of citizens
ADRIAN GUTIERREZ of proven loyalty, gave them hypnosis drugs and told them they
were Commies. In fact, HPD’s History Revision service firms
constructed complete artificial pasts for everyone, and no one
MICHAEL STERN in HUH Sector recalls life in normal Alpha Complex. These loyal
Proletariat playtesters ‘volunteers’ now believe they are the happy proletariat in Alpha
State, joyously serving Tovarich Computer. Meanwhile, The Real
THE COMPUTER Computer watches and analyzes their every traitorous move.
Your tovarich, da! The Computer has had its High Programmers refit the HUH
Sector CompNode with accent programs, red star graphics and
Introduction 180
1. Mobilization 184 everything else necessary to create the illusion of a Communist
2. Fiddling on the roof 188 reprogrammed machine. It has also installed loads of extra
3. Convoy 192 security monitors, microphones and other eavesdropping
4. Red bug 197 devices in HUH Sector to gather information on the actions
5. Red sunset 202 of the volunteer Commies. This is the world your players’
6. Wakey-wakey 205 Troubleshooters are about to enter—the world of Tovarich
Computer and All Things Red and Wonderful.
Charts, maps and resources
Mission alerts and Just a few moments ago, the player characters (PCs) received
materialistic lists 206 the hypnosis drugs and were transported to Alpha State via a
Map 1: Room of Bath 208 Transbot named ‘Happy,’ who was then destroyed for security
Map 2: Nuclear tractor 208
reasons (hope that doesn’t happen to the PCs). They’ll be waking
Map 3: Generic map
of everything 209 up soon, totally convinced they are happy Commies, with all the
Map 4: FiG base 210 necessary knowledge The Computer believes a Commie should
Getting into an Alpha State
Preparrrink to be playink
‘The mission’s got a few problems,
though. Like, there’s no pregenerated
■ Character introduction
characters, so I figured we’d just copy Read this aloud to the players in a very, very
Maintaining the secret background of the Alpha the abilities you already have for your thick Russian accent:
State experiment is important, so make sure current Troubleshooters. But there’s
you don’t slip up and give it away. a few changes. Greetings, Smershoviks, and
If you are running a series, the difficulty ‘First, you’re all ‘Red’ Clearance. congratulations for being selected to
arises in admitting the players’ existing Everybody change your color. If you serving Tovarich Computer! Tovarich
Troubleshooters to Alpha State without the also want to change your name, that’s Computer is being benevolent ruler
players getting suspicious. The characters are fine. of Alpha State. Tovarich Computer is
simply given massive quantities of hypnotic ‘Second, there’s new names for heart and soul of glorious revolution.
narcotics (generating an altered ego, or ‘RED your service groups... what do they Every comrade in Alpha State is of
shift’), but using such an approach with your call ‘em? Yeah, here it is. “Proletarian same glasnost clearance; everybody
players violates several statutes and can Movements.” We’ll change those is Red. Is nyet true some are more Red
lead to stiff penalties, even including loss of individually in a few minutes. Your than others. Tovarich Computer never
PARANOIA playing time. So, in order to help secret societies and mutations, for ever in whole existence is showing
out, we’ve provided a script of sorts to address those of you who might have them, favoritism.
the problem. Practice whatever you’ll finally remain unchanged, except if you’re a You are to be hunting capitalistic
say until you sound like you’re really speaking Commie. Anybody a Commie? Good. warmongering imperialist puppet
off the cuff. Here’s some vocabulary to help you pigdog traitors in service to Tovarich
Here’s a sample: talk like a Russkie. Umm, well, let me Computer, Mother Alpha and
read this intro here, then I’ll handle proletarian Oktober revolution. Is
‘Um, OK, folks. I got this mission questions.’ very important duty. Always to be
where you’re Troubleshooters in a remembering:
Commie-dominated complex, and I Then just read the next section. See how Be trusting no one! Be keeping
think it’s pretty funny, so we’ll give easy players are to dupe? Well, what did laser handy! Morbid depression is
it a go. No, seriously, you’re Commie you expect? They seem to enjoy being killed mandatory! Tovarich Computer is
Troubleshooters, or “Smershoviks,” repeatedly... By the way, if one of your PCs is your tovarich! Are there being any
and you serve a Commie Computer— a Commie, he’s now a member of the NazCIA questionings?
“Tovarich Computer,” in fact. (see page 67).
Alpha State is at war, and has (Forces).’ Rumor has it that Spetsnaz
Living in Alpha State been for all of recorded history. troopers actually use real equipment.
They are at war with the capitalists 3) MVD (Internal Security): The Ministry
You can read this for yourself only, or read and imperialists and everyone who of Internal Affairs attends to all overt,
aloud the parts in bold to your players. The opposes Communism. The agents public peacekeeping duties and crowd-
parts not in bold are secret, for your eyes of these dark forces are the dreaded clubbing—much akin to the vaunted HIL
only. NazCIA (pronounced not-see-eye-ay), Sector Blues. Secret Internal Security
a kind of mishmash of the SS and The agents—the dreaded KGB—are
Think of all the McCarthy-Reagan evil Man from U.N.C.L.E. These bowlegged, described further on page 68.
empire cliches, and adapt them to militaristic totalitarian bourgeois pigs 4) USSR&D (R&D): Lacking technical
science fiction. Everything in Alpha are the ‘Commies’ of Alpha State. know-how and advanced equipment,
State is in chronically short supply. In short, Alpha State is a workers’ USSR&D must rely on devices and
Ration vouchers are distributed for paradise overflowing with futile ideas stolen from capitalist complexes
everything; borscht, shoelaces, toilet existence, soulless bureaucracy, to keep its programs alive; hence their
paper, haircuts, drinking water, furry unpalatable food, endless war, acronym for United States’ Stolen
babushkas ... you name it, and there’s inadequate everything and abysmal Research and Design.
an interminable line for it. Having a depression. In an Alpha Complex, life 5) Tractor Serwices (Power Services):
ration voucher supposedly guarantees is a utopia. Happiness is mandatory. Every aspect of Alpha State industry
you will receive the item or service Alpha State is not a utopia. It is and transportation, from public transport
(without prior inspection on your part), horrible, more horrible than you can tractorbuses to the gargantuan
but often the material is damaged or imagine—and then some. Morbid Chernobyl Memorial Nuclear Tr(e)actor,
unusable, the service is ‘unavailable depression is not only standard, it is based on the ubiquitous tractor
due to excessive demand ‘ or LL&L is is required —anyone familiar with (inasmuch as anything in chronically
‘temporarily out.’ Supply shortcomings Russian literature can tell you that. short supply can be ubiquitous).
are always due to unusually low You must frown energetically no 6) Tanknical Serwices (Technical
something or other, never ever poor matter how much you are secretly Services): These unproductive folks
planning. enjoying yourself. You should feel try to keep the Red Army’s weapons
Life in Alpha State is wildly bleak. All right at home. working when all they’re given for parts
the lights are red, adding immeasurably is vacuum tubes and vacuum hoses.
to the depressing ambience, and
turning every other color to deeper
■ Cosmetic changes 7) Lend Lease & Lunch (PLC): These folks
are in charge of lending all manner of
shades of red or black. it’s always a HUH Sector, henceforth referred to as Alpha materialistic luxuries: everything from
little cold and murky. State, is (naturally) similar to Alpha Complex. lasers to leftover potato gruel. Lend
Most of the changes are cosmetic, though Lease packages arrive quite regularly
(GM: This is because HUH Sector’s there are a few notable differences. from another sector or something ...
thermostat systems have gone unused for so no one really seems to know where.
long they no longer function properly. Also, the
dust that collected in the vents over the years is
■ The work the Probably Tovarich Computer knows.
Why don’t you go ask?
workers work at
now slowly being redistributed throughout the 8) Tass (HPD&MC): This Proletarian
sector by the ventilation system, so everything (This whole section is safe to read or relate to Movement is much more concerned
is kind of grey.) your players.) In Alpha State, service groups with the timely publication of Pravda
are called Proletarian Movements. The (‘Truth,’ a colorful magazine glorifying
Secret police (especially the dreaded names differ, but the organization, purposes idyllic Alpha State) than with actually
KGB) monitor everyone and everything and prestige associated with each remains preserving or developing Alpha State
all daycycle long, insuring everyone’s unchanged from their Alpha Complex service housing. Not that there’s anything worth
patriotic fervor and depression. group counterparts. In order of relative preserving...
Everybody turns someone else in status: 9) Smersh (Troubleshooters): This
to the KGB at some point or other. 1) CCCPU (CPU): The acronym stands is a contraction of the words smert
The KGB is a constant shadow of for Comrade Computer’s Central shpionam, ‘death to spies.’ Those
death and even worse things which Processing Union, and like their Alpha in Smersh are called Smershoviks.
darkens everyone’s cycleto-cycle Complex counterparts, they epitomize Mission Control in Alpha State is known
life. Existence consists of eating a ponderous tottering bureaucracy. Where as ‘the Politburo.’ Player characters in
daily meal (sometimes two meals, if do you think the term ‘Red Tape’ came Smersh are termed ‘cannon fodder.’
you’re unlucky) of cold borscht, (Alpha from?
Complex food vat leftovers) working all
day long, then sleeping in temporarily
2) Red Army (Armed Forces): Aside
from the run-of-the-mill troopers, the
■ Seeing Red
overcrowded barracks on a steel pallet Red Army maintains special killer Everyone in a CCCP is ‘Red’ Clearance. It
with another comrade citizen who wets elite Vulture squadrons known as the does seem sometimes being Red is better than
the bed and snores. Spetsnaz—a contraction of the words only being Red—depending on the Red-ness
spetsialny nazmyenny, ‘Special Ground of whoever’s talking.

Don’t worry, Gamemaster. It’s not that everyone ■ LITTLE Brother is totally unjustified persecution of Tractor
is equal—you see, some citizens are more Red watching you too Serwices personnel.
than others. In Alpha State there are different 7) Lend Lease & Lunch operates its own
levels of Red, corresponding to the Alpha As we all know, secret police are rampant in a spy network too, ostensibly to gauge
Complex ROYGBIV. In this mission, these Commie society. Therefore, every citizen who proletariat reactions to meals. It’s the
levels are noted with a lower case prefix. Thus, is not an undercover MVD / KGB agent belongs People’s Commissariat of Internal
there are r-Reds, o-Reds, y-Reds, etc., all the instead to a secret police auxiliary determined Affairs, or Naradniy Komissiya Vnutriniy
way up to u-Reds. INFRARED Clearance does by his or her Proletarian Movement: Delah (NKVD). Theoretically, the word
not exist in Alpha State. 1) CCCPU: The Vse-Rossiyskaya ‘internal’ is gastronomic in reference.
Everything in Alpha State is Red. This does Chrezvychaynaya Komissiya Po Borbe 8) Tass runs the KI—the Komitet
not mean everyone has access to all parts of S Kontrrevolitisiey I Sabotazhem, Infarmatsiye, or Committee for
Alpha State—gosh, no! Security-restricted or, much more simply, the Cheka. Information. Perhaps the best organized
areas still exist; it’s just everything has This translates to the All-Russian and informed of the secret police forces,
been painted over so it all looks the same. Extraordinary Commission for the KI sadly lacks the gumption to
And Tovarich Computer (and all comrade Combating Counterrevolution and do anything with the considerable
citizens) use the word ‘Red’ for every color Sabotage, a suitably ponderous name knowledge it has on file. Wimps.
without changing the meaning, so it’s a sticky for a house organ about as useful
situation. and efficient as the human appendix. Having skipped all those impossible Russian
For gratuitous implausible reasons, every ‘Cheka,’ incidentally, translates as transcriptions, can you wonder why the
NPC has subconscious post-hypnotic ‘linchpin.’ Russians are so cranky? They actually have
recollection of what clearances are where and 2) Red Army: Troopers belong to the to use those horrifying pronunciations day
who ranks how high. In other words, the PCs Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye after day just to ask for a glass of water. But
are the only ones who feel this confusion. (Chief Intelligence Directorate), or you, the overworked GM, need not remember
GRU. Not that there’s ever been any all these names. They’re included to provide
■ Lasers and reflec intelligence in the army. The GRU is
the arch-rival of the MVD and KGB
color and to impress your players with the ease
with which you fake—er, speak Russian. When
in Alpha State
(below), but is more military than political talking one-on-one with your players, you can
These items are constructed under the same in bent. simply refer to each of the groups as ‘your
principle as the Alpha Complex spectrum, and 3) MVD: Undercover operatives for the MVD secret police organization,’ or, simpler still (but
are designed with wavelengths differing by less belong to the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy perhaps less conducive to infighting), you can
than five nanometers, so they are (technically) Bezopasnosti (Committee for State make everyone KGB.
slightly differing shades of red, although even Security), or KGB. They are, if possible,
a Hypersenses mutant would be hard-pressed
to tell the difference. Thus lasers and reflec
even more horrifying than IntSec.
4) USSR&D runs the Gosudarstvennoy
■ Communist communication
come in r-Red all the way up to u-Red, and Palitychiskiy Upravleniye, or State If you wish, you may read this aloud to your
every level of Red reflects its level and below. Political Directorate—but you can call players:
In other words, the system works just like in them the GPU for short. Regardless,
Alpha Complex. they are mostly concerned with technical Though direct communication with
Sadly, as the barrels and armor were being plagiarism; political subtleties tend Tovarich Computer is possible through
shipped out to Alpha State, they were all to pass them by, as do the laws of the ever-present confession booths,
piled into a few big boxes and got hopelessly physics. all other communication is handled
jumbled. So whenever someone gets a new 5) Tanknical Serwices: The constant by a central communications nexus
barrel or suit of armor for whatever reason tension between this group and USSR&D run by Tass. It is hopelessly out of
(promotion, replacement, etc.) randomly can be seen in the competitive similarity date, based on telephone technology
choose or roll the color he really got. And, of the names of the Movements’ secret instead of wireless communication.
just for the record, Alpha Complex Red is police. Tanknical Serwices operates the This terrible system is called The
considered to be higher than Alpha State u- Unified State Political Directorate; Communist Party Line.
Red, so Alpha State armor is useless in Alpha that’s the Objidineniy Gosudarstvennoy
Complex. This may seem unimportant now, but PalitychiskiyUpravIeniye, or OGPU. So Picture this, Gamemaster: The Smershoviks
when the Alpha State experiment comes to a they’re unified. Big deal. must gallivant around Alpha State carrying
close, all the Alpha State reflec is sure to be 6) Tractor Serwices endorses the GUGB. field telephones and trailing extension wires
recycled for use in Alpha Complex. That’s the Chief Directorate for State all over the place. These wires naturally get
Security, or Glavnoye Upravleniye broken by passing bots and tractors, which
■ Real differences Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti if
you want to be incomprehensible.
then drag the field telephone down the corridor,
maybe taking a few PCs along for the ride.
Alpha State differs in a few substantive ways Their organization is tighter-knit than Repairing damaged lines requires resource
from Alpha Complex. Make sure your players the other Proletarian Movements’, and innovation, such as persuading a passerby
realize these, uh, minor details before they owing to a number of unforeseeable, to wet his hands and grab the loose ends.
begin play. unpreventable problems with nuclear
power facilities that have resulted in

Assuming they can use the phone without Slightly broken present perfect tense is best. winter galoshes!), puffy shirts with vests,
garroting passing VIPs, there are always If don’t understand, nyet to despair, just to be and lots of gaudy jewelry. Players showing
several other callers on at the same time. imitating printed dialogs in glorious book! creativity and dedication in their attire should
This whole charade was necessary, by the On this page we provide a vocabulary list get a credit bonus and an extra bowl of (real
by, to keep unwitting citizens from intercepting to help you and your players pepper your life) chips, if not an Official Commendation. As
decadent capitalist broadcasts from the rest of language with authentic-sounding words (like Gamemaster, the designer bought surplus Red
Alpha Complex. See the lengths to which The ‘Smershovik Soviet’ instead of ‘Troubleshooter Army medals to add to his air of authority.
Computer will go to keep its citizens happy? team’). Copy this list and pass it around so For props, consider downloading Communist
everyone can talk incomprehensibly. flags, posters or publications from the World
Wide Web. Caution: We take no responsibility
Roleplaying suggestions ■ Moustaches for late-night visits from your country’s
intelligence agencies.
Some suggestions for setting the mood and Everybody knows all Russians have big
making things more fun: moustaches! Even the women. Just look at any
Russian Olympic team, and tell us the women Mission overview
■ Talk Rrrroooshian! weren’t shaving at a younger age than most
American males. So likewise, every player The PCs have been assigned to Smershovik
Ewerrrybody in Alpha State talk vith good, should have a big honking black moustache. Soviet #1917 and are about to embark on their
thick, Rrroooshian accent! Not speakink vith Failure to have a moustache at the start of first mission together.
accent one of ten varning signs capitalistic play earns five (5) treason points, four of Episode 1, Mobilization: After your
mutant traitorism! To maintain the Alpha State which are removed if the offender improvises standard find-the-briefing-room-and-go-
illusion, every NPC, and especially Tovarich a moustache during play. There’s lots of ways to-R&D escapade, Alpha State-style, the
Computer, should speak with accents thick as to get a good moustache: Smershoviks are ordered to seal a bathroom.
Ensign Chekov. Not only should you roll your 1) Grow one. This option requires good When they arrive, they find traitors of every
r’s and change your v’s to w’s, but speak deeply hormones and lots of warning. Impossible to conceivable description running into and out of
and heartily, like a psychotic Santa. Also, don’t improvise. Dyeing and waxing are optional, but the bathroom, which the PCs should assume
use many articles, pronouns or prepositions. they bring in the women by the truckload. has a breach leading Outdoors. (The breach
2) Draw one. Why not? You’ve done it on is actually between Alpha State and Alpha
posters and magazine covers all your life. A big Complex.)
■ Commie glossary black handlebar moustache sweeping across Episode 2, Fiddling on the roof: The
your cheeks adds a lot to hilarity. Just don’t Smershoviks are sent to capture the last Alpha
associate: comrade use blue, green, or purple ink unless your hair Complex escapee, Morris-O-BPM-3, alias
Cold Fun: Cold borscht is a matching color. And for goodness sake, if Death Leopard archtraitor The Harlequin. He
[expletive]: kaopectate! you’re going out in public soon, DON’T USE makes his stand atop the Chernobyl Memorial
friend, buddy, pal: tovarich A PERMANENT MARKER! (The designer had Nuclear Tractor as agents of several legal and
goodbye: do svidoniya to call in sick for a whole week.) treasonous agencies converge on him in a
headgear (any): babushka 3) Buy one. Most local joke shops carry frenzy of nuclear-powered destruction.
hello: zdrastvuitye fake moustaches, and almost everyone else Episode 3, Convoy: The Smershoviks must
hi: zdrastye does around Halloween. Theatrical supply return Morris-O to Alpha Complex. They sail to
Hot Fun: [does not exist] shops are a better bet, and their moustaches USA Sector while trying to survive every Soviet
no, not, not yet: nyet look more realistic. These shops also sell spirit sub disaster imaginable.
pistol: pistolyet gum, which is great for affixing belly button lint Episode 4, Red bug: When the characters
please: pazhalsta to your upper lip. return, they are promptly sent back to USA
rifle: veentovka You, the intrepid revolutionary GM, should Sector to infiltrate and spread the people’s
Security Clearance: glasnost keep several moustaches nearby to switch glorious Communist revolution. Although they
clearance roles when you play NPCs. Switch your can do a lot of stuff, they ultimately fail and
team, bureau, council: soviet moustache, use slightly different speaking must run back to Alpha State.
thank you: blagodaru vas patterns, and voila! Instant comrade! When Episode 5, Red sunset: Given the failure
Troubleshooter: Smershovik speaking as Tovarich Computer, improvise a of the covert operation, Alpha State prepares
water, other beverages: vodka big bushy moustache from silver tinsel. Your to invade Alpha Complex. Just before the
yes: da players will find it inspirational, and they’ll tell invasion begins, Alpha Complex invades
■ Insults your prospective dates all about the absurd
lengths you go to when playing PARANOIA.
Alpha State. Alpha State falls, and the PCs
get captured.
Bourgeois, capitalistic, counter- Episode 6,Wakey-wakey: The Smershoviks
revolutionary, cowboy, czarist, decadent,
dogmatic, elitist, fascist, imperialist,
■ Clothing get antidotes for the hypnosis drugs they were
given before the mission began. Then they
money-grubbing, mutant, oppressive, Assign Party Reprimands for a lack of red undergo a merciless debriefing and traitor-
reactionary, running-dog, slave-driver, clothing. Optional but fun are furry hats, bake, and everybody dies.
swine-pig, ptui! greatcoats, big clompy boots (grab those

1: Mobilization
The Smershoviks (Troubleshooters) begin their Whenever the PCs finally find Briefing Room
grand tour of Alpha State. The Smershoviks Prrre-mission brrriefink T, read the following aloud:
are sent on their first assignment: seal up
the leak in the Room of Bath. First, they must The Smershoviks are assembled in the Smersh Room T is basically a shack, built with
find their briefing room and then learn what’s barracks and lend-leased their Communist almost as much care and structural
going on. At USSR&D they are mobilized and Party Line. Answer the players’ questions stability as capitalist Americanski
equipped with unpredictable gizmos. Then about how Smershovik Soviets operate, how exploitative kissing booths. The big
they deal with Reds of both sorts and figure (and why) they communicate with the Politburo citizen behind the booth leans forward
out a way to seal the gap in the Alpha State and so on. Then hand your players Red Alert and says, ‘I am Olga-R-HGJ, am being
perimeter, all the while dying like flies. reference PGRA/lA. The Kremlin is impossible Mission Coordinator. First, I get to
to miss, even for Smershoviks—so read the knowing you. All capitalist oppressor
following aloud when the Soviet arrives: mutant traitor swine-pigs, please now
Background to raise hand. None? Da, is good.
The Kremlin is located in the exact Please to be meeting wery important
There’s a leak in the bathroom—a security center of a large plaza, surrounded by Briefing Officer of Smersh Politburo.’
leak, that is, between Sectors BER and LIN vintage buildings (hey, they’re over 20 Olga-R produces a huge television.
and Alpha State. See, about 20 years ago, the years old) with roofs shaped like soft- As the set warms up, the sound of
area where these three meet used to be DIS serve ice cream. The Kremlin itself is static builds to deafening levels. Soon
Sector, which was dissected in a major Alpha a monolithic structure dominating half the picture fades in, and when the
Complex urban renewal project. Most of the of Alpha State. Its interior has all the vertical and horizontal holds pause
area DIS occupied was annexed by BER and cheerful ambience of a prison for the in their fluctuations, you can barely
LIN Sectors, and the remainder was renamed criminally insane. discern the face of an extremely old
HUH Sector. The human element of DIS Sector citizen. At the bottom of the screen is
was relocated to BER and LIN, resulting in Even a cursory exploration of the Kremlin the name Pyotr-R-YHC-1.
HUH Sector’s abandonment. halls reveals to the PCs, a) all the rooms in
When DIS Sector was partitioned, everything the Kremlin are numbered, not lettered, and, Pyotr-R is the Briefing Officer for Smershovik
was equally divisible or negotiable between b) they are now hopelessly lost. Soviet #1917. His appearance, mannerisms,
the annexing sectors’ bureaucrats, with the They then doubtless pester Tovarich and voice are so decrepit it’s impossible to
exception of one bathroom at the exact center Computer with a request for a map or directions determine his age. To simulate the briefing,
of DIS. Neither side was willing to simply to Briefing Room ‘T.’ They receive nothing, as turn on your television to any channel with
yield political control, so two high-level CPU Briefing Room T is not inside the Kremlin; it’s static, crank the volume up, and speak quietly
citizens performed a little creative (OK, overtly a temporary booth set up outside the building. in a high gravelly voice. And because this
treasonous) programming, and the bathroom Thus any request for a map or directions is a closed-circuit transmission, Pyotr-R
fell under double jurisdiction. receives a reply from the CartoGrafix System won’t respond to questions or comments.
There are three main exits to the bathroom, saying simply ‘Syntax error.’ Any other Continue:
two of which lead to BER and LIN. The third question about Room T prompts the Facilities
leads to HUH Sector; however, this exit has Data Base to respond, ‘Werrry sorry. Room T Pyotr-R speaks: ‘Zhdrastvuitye,
been impassable because it (like all other HUH is nyet existing.’ comrade Smershoviks. (cough) Is to
Sector facilities) has had no power to operate. If they never think to search around the be problem in Room of Bath for fixing
Power has been restored with the creation of building, then booth T—excuse us, ‘Room’ by you. (cough cough) Werrry sorry
Alpha State, and now, for the first time in 20 T—is squarely in front of whichever exit the problem is very c(hack cough)ing,
years, the door can open. The door is clearly Smershoviks use. But give everybody an and cannyet be telling you details for
marked ‘Room of Bath’ on the Alpha State Official Reprimand for extreme tardiness. re(cough) reas(cough) reaso(cough)
side, so lots of furry-capped red revolutionary reasons of glasnost. (cough! wheeze!)
citizens have been coming and going (so to
speak), much to the surprise of those in BER
■ T for six If there is being threat to Alpha
St(aackh!), you are to be (cough)ing
and LIN who frequent the bathroom on both Briefing Room T is, as stated, a temporary and sealing up of room—’
official and treasonous business. booth, staffed by a large citizen with razor At this point Pyotr-R starts coughing
It hasn’t taken long for citizens in both Alpha stubble and a build somewhere between that and hacking uncontrollably. With
Complex and Alpha State to note this major of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Michelin one hand he clutches his throat,
security breach, and soon (just about the time Man. This is their Mission Coordinator, Olga- and with the other tears at his shirt.
your PCs arrive on the scene), defectors start R-HGJ-4. Olga-R is coarse, rude, smelly and Something disconcerting flies out of
pouring through in both directions. So, from aggressive—and, far less obviously, female. his mouth. Pyotr-R keeps staring with
both BER and LIN Sectors, Friend Computer When you’re playing Olga-R, speak in a deep, bulging eyes, straining to finish his
sends Troubleshooter Teams to investigate, throaty voice, and act like an effeminate gorilla. last statement, but two orderlies arrive
and likewise as Tovarich Computer it sends a Unless the players actually ask her, don’t let on and wrestle the convulsive comrade
Smershovik Soviet (the PCs’ mission team). that Olga-R is anything but a male in a dress. onto a stretcher. Olga-R shrugs, then

■ Olga-R-HGJ-4 ■ Borzoi Bot item within 25 meters to about -10
or -20 Celsius. This heat loss causes
Maternal CCPU briefing officer An incredible variant on the classic water vapor to condense out of the air
Adrenalin Control; Romantics doberbot, this bot was developed to as snow, or hail if it’s really humid.
Violence 12; Discipline Wayward aid infiltration and bypass low-security
Smershoviks In Motherly Yet Flirtatious checkpoints. The borzoi bot represents GM: The grenade also throws the sector
Manner 18; other ratings 07 a breakthough in planar engineering: climate control systems out of kilter, as
Tangler; v-Red (violet) reflec (L1) and it’s less than two millimeters thick, so suddenly every thermostat is frozen solid.
GM Fiat armor it can slide through the thinnest gaps, Fans and blowers go to emergency speed,
and is almost invisible from the front. blowing the frigid air at unbelievable velocities.
Incidentally, if anyone thinks to take a good stiff
starts handing out your assigned GM: This bot is about the size of the chug of vodka before using Instant Siberia, that
mission equipment. silhouette of a Great Dane or large Doberman. foresightful comrade avoids ill effects.
It has savage fangs, one on top, one on the
Give the players the Mission Materialistic
List, reference PGRA / 1B, and let them
bottom. The bot has two major disadvantages:
First, planar engineering necessitates only the
■ The Iron Curtain
distribute their equipment. Have Olga-R make barest minimum of third-dimensional joinery; This ponderous piece of equipment is
helpful suggestions. Then she orders them to the bot cannot turn itself from side to side, any some three meters long and masses
visit USSR&D to volunteer for experimental more than you can roam the fourth dimension about 30 kilograms. It looks, when
device assignment. without the aid of hard drugs. So, unless a completely collapsed, similar to a
bystander helps out, the borzoi bot can walk home projection screen, with a main
only in a straight line. The other problem the boom section (containing the tightly
USSR&D bot has is with balance; one good shove plops rolled curtain) and a tripod stand. To
it right on its side until someone stands it back use it, one must spread the tripod legs,
Nothing bad happens to the PCs in this up. While it’s on the ground, the best it can do lock them, stand it up, fiddle around
section. This is a standard ‘get-ready-get-set’ is to bite the sole of someone’s shoe. But aside with the main boom and press the Big
PARANOIA prep, which gives you time to find from these few shortcomings, the borzoi bot is Red Button. Doing so immediately
out if all your players know what they’re doing in a (believe it or not) reliable device. sends sheets of steel shooting out
Alpha State. However, the experimental items left and right for five meters or until
they receive set them up for big falls later on. ■ Hammer ‘n’ Sickle firmly embedded in a bulkhead. In
other words, it’s an instant 3x10-meter
USSR&D is easy to find; it’s located in wall.
the temporary mobile-homelike shack Yes, both, and yes, fastened together.
in the middle of a vast wasteland of Not welded, but riveted like a pair of GM: The curtain is made of high-strength
twisted metal and smoking boots. scissors. All good Communists had molybdenum steel. The joints on the thing
It’s just across the plaza from the this amazing tool on their flag for are all loose, and users may inadvertently
Kremlin—you can’t miss it. hundreds of years; it must be quite set the thing up sideways or end-on, splitting
valuable! it’s a little awkward for a up the Smershovik team (or even individual
You thought we said CCCPs only stole melee weapon, although it does great Smershoviks).
things from other complexes, right? So where for opening cans, vats, etc., and it’s
did these obviously Communist items come
from? Through the years, The Computer
not too bad at cutting paper, hair, and
such things.
■ Molotov Cocktail
has been storing Communist weapons and This device is a simple martini
devices it liberated from Commie secret society GM: To attack, the user makes a Violence/ glass filled with a strongly aromatic
members. Now it has a perfect opportunity to Primitive Weapons check. Incidentally, it’s compound and two olives skewered
test these devices and assess the severity of hinged in such an unusual way that if the user on a toothpick.
the Communist threat to Alpha Complex. Of rolls 18-20 to hit, he smashes or amputates
course, these things don’t work better than a finger (Maimed result). Thus a clumsy or GM: It’s too bad the Commie researchers
any other PARANOIA gizmo. unlucky character can soon be truthfully called grossly misunderstood the purpose of the
Here are the devices; distribute them as you ‘all thumbs.’ original Molotov cocktails; that said, this is truly
see fit. We personally recommend having big a remarkable achievement of biochemistry. It
guards give each PC one device; read him the
boldface text at that time, and read the non-
■ Instant Siberia is useless unless drunk. Those who imbibe
even a small draught explode like a napalm
boldface stuff to yourself. Later, when one of This large snowglobe-like grenade is shell, but not for a while... Let ‘em think nothing
the gadgets is adequately tested, you can give made of clear plastic, and when it is happened. The olives are just a garnish.
that player another gizmo from the list. turned upside down, small white flecks
swirl around delicate electronics. It is
essentially a thermal implosive. When
■ Mud pie
activated, it instantaneously lowers This large, discus-shaped charge,
the temperature of every inorganic fired with a cone rifle, explodes upon

■ USSR&D items heavy weapon available. The Russian slugthrower bullets slam into the wall.
roulette wheel is small enough to fit in One citizen is apparently a YELLOW
■ Borzoi Bot a pack. It looks like a normal roulette from Alpha Complex; he’s tall and
wheel, as it relies on conversion of rather stout. He screams at you, ‘I am
Speed: Sprint angular momentum to kinetic energy defector! Be prrrotectink me! Political
Weapons: Bite (Violence 14) S3K for launching the projectile. The asylum!’
impact, armor-piercing operator spins the wheel good and The other citizen wears the red
Armor: Thin steel (E1/I2) hard, and drops in the cone. coveralls of a loyal and valiant
■ Hammer ‘n’ Sickle GM: Works fine; it’s just that they haven’t yet
proletarian freedom fighter right here
in Alpha State. He carries a laser with
S4M impact. Slightly reduces user’s figured out how to aim it. Wheeee! Roll a die or a red barrel. He sees you, stops dead
Unarmed Combat specialty rating. something to determine what random direction and looks around furtively.
■ Instant Siberia the shell goes. If the operator rolls a 20 to hit,
the cone lazily wobbles out of the wheel and The YELLOW Alpha Complex citizen is
Anyone moving without snowshoes or drops on his toe. (Yes, the Roulette Wheel can Rush-Y-YEV-4, a Commie attempting to
skis must make Violence/Agility checks fire a Mud Pie.) defect. He squeals like a pig when someone
to stay on his feet. Thermal stress shoots at him. Puffing and sweating, he runs
means all highly technical devices
malfunction on rolls of 16—20 (roll once
■ Sputnik behind the PCs for protection and keeps
demanding political asylum. Rush-Y, being a
the first time the device is used, and When launched, this baseball-sized Commie, speaks with a phony Russian accent,
once every time a malfunction would metal sphere immediately begins just like any other Alpha State citizen.
inconvenience the players). Instant zooming around in circles, orbiting The Red with him is Dmitry-R-NDT-1. He
Siberia operates for about 15 minutes whomever activated it. No one knows just tried to defect to Alpha Complex, but was
or until the fun wears off. what good it is, but hey, it’s the first of
■ Iron Curtain its kind. It’s got to be years ahead of

Armor 5, hardened
anything the capitalists have done!
■ Room of Bath NPCs
■ Molotov Cocktail GM: Don’t believe for a minute the Sputnik
has no effect on play. If the PC moves down ■ Rush-Y-YEV-4
V1V energy to drinker, W3K to all a narrow corridor, it’ll richochet repeatedly Defecting/ive Alpha Complex Commie
within 5m. off both walls, producing pockmarks (and
■ Mud Pies fines) left and right. It’ll interrupt intimate
conversations (or hand-to-hand combats) by
Fat coward; Communist; Electroshock;
all ratings 03
Range: 15m (thrown) bashing the other guy in the temple. It’ll look YELLOW reflec (L1)
Effects: All characters in mud must
make Violence/Agility rolls to move.
stupid. Intimidating. Official. Treasonous. And,
if you’ve just got to let it really be good for
■ Dmitry-R-NDT-1
Weapons and vehicles malfunction on something, if the PC gets hit by weapons fire Would-be Alpha State defector
an Ops roll of 18-20. and the damage roll is a 20, the fire hits the
Sputnik instead of the PC. Ordinary-looking but furtive; NazCIA;
Eventually, whenever it’s most inconvenient, Adrenalin Control; all ratings 06
(like when the PC is standing at the edge of a RED laser (W3K); r-Red (red) reflec
impact, covering the floor in a 25-meter nuclear reactor power core), the Sputnik runs (L1)
radius with shin-deep mud. Mmmm
out of energy, its orbit decays and it falls to
the ground.
■ Wembley-G-WBO-2
Alpha Complex IntSec GREEN goon
GM: The mud slows everyone down, and
clumsy characters or those stunned in combat
■ Is good to bathe Standard-issue burly lout; FCCC-P;
might slip and fall. The mud also gums up The Smershoviks are now ready to handle the Regeneration; Violence 10, other
technical devices, especially vehicles. Three minor problem at the Room of Bath, which is ratings 04
Mud Pies are available for testing. Mud pies now crawling with defectors. Slugthrower (dum-dum rounds) M3K
are devastating when combined with Instant At the start, nobody notices the PCs’ impact; GREEN reflec/kevlar (L1/I3)
Siberia; imagine shin-deep ice everywhere! approach. Everyone’s too busy trying to
maneuver to a stall or an exit. This is the scene
■ Sergey-R-ACK-1
■ Russian Roulette Wheel as the Smershoviks close in: Alpha State Tass reporter/KGB agent

This is an experimental compact cone The sounds of a mob drifts down Little weaselly intellectual; SMERSH/
rifle. The MVD/KGB wanted a heavy the corridors as you approach your Illuminati; Hypersenses; Management
weapon they could conceal easily mission coordinates. Suddenly, 08, Stealth 08, other ratings 04
while on secret missions, and the cone two citizens run around the corner y-Red (yellow) reflec (L1)
rifle was chosen as the most flexible toward you. Millimeters behind them,

stopped by an IntSec GREEN goon (described are to have been going those vays!’ There are at least five Troubleshooters, each
below). He is, however, a quick-thinking traitor; What do you do? with red laser pistol (W3K) and red reflec (L1).
when he sees Dhow the PCs react, he helps They intend to kill traitors (i.e., everyone they
them by trying to mercilessly gun down every The PCs can pursue anyone who fled at see) and, whenever possible, each other. They
NPC they shoot at. Hypocrite. their approach. There’s all types in the crowd: let no one escape into Alpha Complex. If the
Alpha Complex and Alpha State—defectors, PCs refuse to speak, they might just survive,
Two pursuers turn the comer, weapons spies and vigilantes—intentional lawbreakers because the traitors in the bathroom divert the
drawn. One is a burly GREEN IntSec and those who simply went into the wrong NPC Troubleshooters’ attention through rapid
agent from Alpha Complex; he carries bathroom. The Smershoviks can chase them, application of laser fire.
a slugthrower. The other is another and can even catch a few. But while they’re But the moment the PCs open their mouth
red-clad Alpha State citizen, a short away from the entrance to the bathroom, and the Troubleshooters hear their accents, it’s
thin guy with a Tass reporter’s badge. another small mob of people stampedes into all over. What better time, then, for the Smersh
He is unarmed. What do you do? Alpha State. Politburo to call back—just to make sure the
Smershoviks understand that, inasmuch as
The GREEN pursuer is Wembley-G-WBO-
2, a standard-issue Alpha Complex IntSec
■ Be wery quiet this is a threat to Alpha State security, they’re
supposed to seal up this breach. Because
GREEN goon who has chased him all the Now things get sticky, as the PCs attempt to the Alpha State map shows an outer wall at
way back from Alpha Complex through the complete their assignment: Enter the Room of this location, the Smersh Politburo decides
bathroom and into Alpha State. Wembley-G’s Bath and seal the breach. the Smershoviks have found a major breach
life mission is to kill Commies everywhere. When the Smershoviks return to the where capitalist traitors enter from Outdoors. It
After Dmitry-R-DNT-1 is dead, Wembley-G bathroom, pull out the game map and place it must be sealed at once! It’s also an annoying
wanders back to Alpha Complex—unless one gently on the table. Get quiet, move slowly and bureaucratic interruption, for the Politburo
of the players opens his mouth and talks in a cautiously, but do it gradually. Speak ever more demands the PCs’ attention (aloud, hint hint).
Russian accent. softly. Describe the start of their exploration It’s up to the players to figure out an
The Red pursuer is Alpha State Tass in nothing short of a whisper. The PCs sneak ingenious or ridiculous way to seal the breach
reporter (and KGB agent, not to be redundant) in slowly and fan out. They see a large but in the wall. If they ask for suggestions from
Sergey-R-ACK-1, who saw Rush-Y slip out of ordinary communal bathroom. Everything Smersh Politburo, their superiors reply with
the crowd in the bathroom wearing yellow, an seems quiet. They tiptoe across the tile floor completely inane responses that obviously
obviously class-repressive treasonous color. (ssshhhh). Then... won’t work at all.
Sergey-R is short and slight of build, with *R-R-R-I-I-N-N-N-G-G-G*! The Communist Players are often ingenious, so we’re sure
a wispy goatee and John Lennon glasses. Party Line goes off, and all the built-up tension they can come up with a good way to plug
Throughout this encounter, Sergey-R takes is immediately released as every NPC in the up the area. Both brilliant and funny ideas
notes on everyone’s actions while he runs room simultaneously panics! All over, people work, but the best are both. Some possible
scurrying back and forth. burst out of stalls and other hiding places! solutions:
This is a crash-course in Alpha State and Some run for an exit! Some run for another
Communism. Whatever the players do, you can hiding place! Some just run in circles! Everyone 1 Paint a sign saying ‘Food Vat Volunteer
use their choices to condition them as baldly as thinks he’s about to die, so it’s no-holds-barred Recipe Taste Test Station’ and place it
you require. Try to ensure that in the future, the mutation use and slogan shouting. in a prominent location.
players roleplay Commie Smershoviks to the There are about two dozen traitors. Spend a
hilt. This means you can nail ‘em in the final few rounds sowing chaos; be funny or unusual, 1 Confiscate a bunch of toilet paper
debriefing. In other words, the whole of The plead for mercy or bluff arrogantly, commit rations and build a wall out of TP painted
People’s Glorious Revolutionary Adventure is high treason or innocent acts, but most of all, to look like brick.
a trap. No thanks needed; it’s our job. PANIC! (By the way, if anyone remembers to
Once these few citizens have been taken answer the phone—it’s a wrong number.) 1 Flood the room and drop in a high-power
care of, the Smershoviks must close in on their Just when the PCs are starting to cope cable. It’ll look like a disco!
objective and deal with the madding crowds of with the pandemonium in the potty, the Alpha
defectors. Read the following aloud: Complex Troubleshooters arrive and start Regardless of the option they choose and
shooting trouble. Don’t give your players even whether or not it will ultimately work, the
Ahead you see glorious revolutionary one round to regroup before you read: Alpha Complex NPC Troubleshooters harass
Room of Bath, and off to the right a sign: the PC Smershoviks and try to prevent the
Alpha State Geological Survey Marker Suddenly red-clad, armed and armored completion of the wall. Clone replacements
FB4.89-38FO:3NC9-23J. There is a Troubleshooters burst in both doors! pop up at embarrassing times, hampering the
large crowd in the area. Upon seeing One person charges through each PCs’ efforts. The only real solution is to kill
you, someone yells, ‘Holy kaopectate! door and is felled by a barrage of heavy everybody. And don’t let your PCs go through
Smershoviks! Be runnink for lives!’ fire from the other door. Pausing, the the doors. The Politburo will be displeased.
Citizens scatter in all directions, some two groups examine each other’s When the PCs do find a solution you’re
right, some left, some into the Room uniforms. They all mutter an insincere happy with, the Red Army finally shows up and
of Bath. One citizen standing by the apology. Then both groups storm into relieves the exhausted Soviet. The players’
door waves to you, points his arms in the Room of Bath. What do you do? solution holds off Alpha Complex citizens for
opposite directions, and says, ‘They a while, but the sounds of battle sporadically

echo through the sector for the rest of the As you return to Briefing Room T, Olga-R This is a more or less typical debriefing,
mission. Just a little reminder. turns to you and says, ‘Werrry glad to see although if anyone is still speaking without an
you are being back, darlinks. Is sad to be accent, get ‘em for it. Finally, read:
saying Pyotr-R is nyet to be with us. Tovarich Olga-R absently dismisses you. She’s
Debriefing Computer is said Pyotr-R is nyet breathing obviously engrossed by the sudden flurry
werrry good at all. Poor Boopsie. Are you big, of reports coming over the set. Most seem
The PCs pass lots of Red Army soldiers on husky Smershoviks vanting to be telling to to feature citizens with some sort of whitish
their way from the bathroom to their debriefing me about mission and accomplishing? How paste plastered on their faces. Probably some
at Room T. The soldiers mutter about someone depressing vas it?’ sabotage in LL&L.
building an almost useless wall, and swear to
get revenge on the culprit.

2: Fiddling on the roof

The PC Smershoviks pick up one of the loose this. So shower praises on your proletarian checks and polka dots, complete with long
ends left over from the previous episode: a players; Alpha State is once again safe for curled shoes, funny hat with bells, and typical
stray Troubleshooter from Alpha Complex. demagoguery. whitefaced mime makeup. He has dedicated
They must capture him alive and unharmed Most of the Alpha Complex renegades his existence to enriching everyone’s daily
from the top of a haphazardly built nuclear prove easy to spot and incarcerate, as MVD life with many smiles, and more than a few
reactor (colloquially called a ‘nuclear tractor’). personnel are only too happy to grant their StyroKreem pies.
Of course, it’s not as simple as it sounds, request for asylum by placing them in one. Now, trapped on the wrong side of the
because other people want to capture him, Yet not all those trapped in Alpha State bathroom wall, Morris-O faces his greatest
too—and kill anyone who gets in their way. have been so judiciously apprehended. One challenge. Signs everywhere display Tovarich
such bourgeois pig is an Alpha Complex Computer’s cliche slogans; HAPPINESS
Troubleshooter, Morris-O-BPM-3. IS TREASON and MORBID DEPRESSION
Background Morris-O, though proud to be a IS MANDATORY—ARE YOU MORBIDLY
Troubleshooter, thinks the profession too grim DEPRESSED? Gosh, if ever there was a
Somehow or other, the Smershoviks must have and depressing. That’s why he became a star need for The Harlequin, it’s here! So, ducking
sealed the leak, or else they’re still in Episode 1 class Death Leopard, using the nom de guerre behind some cover, Morris-O discards his drab
and you’re getting ahead of yourself by reading ‘The Harlequin.’ When he slips into persona, he ORANGE reflec jumpsuit, and presto! here
dresses head to toe in giant black-and-white comes the fun!

The Harlequin first announced his presence Smershoviks! Am to be giving to you After scolding them soundly (with loving
by gamboling up to one of Tovarich Computer’s wery wital mission. pats on portions of their anatomy), she pulls
glasnost cameras and sticking out his tongue. ‘Is being right-ving dogmatic out a map and points to its location. Before
Upon seeing this impressive close-up of The imperialist lackey in Alpha State, and the PCs can do anything else, she clamps a
Harlequin’s quivering lingual appendage, The is wandalizing beautiful progressive handcuff around [your choice of PC]’s wrist.
Computer ran a crosscheck on its identification edifices and faces of many comrade The cuff is attached to a briefcase containing
tattoo and identified Morris-O-BPM-3, a citizens with illegal squishy substance. the equipment in Mission Materialistic List
Troubleshooter reported missing in action an Please immediately to be apprehending PGRA/2B.
hour ago. decadent money-leeching bourgeois Incidentally, the briefcase is easy to unlock—
Morris-O is a proven, loyal and capable swine-pig. Is dressing like both Vhite give a positive modifier to their Security
Troubleshooter, so when he suddenly starts Russian and Black Russian. Systems rolls if they try. However, the cuff
opening his oral orifice in public The Computer ‘Slave-driving ruthless vealthy around the PC’s wrist is impossibly hard
decides one of its most valuable agents is oppressor is to being alive captured. (Gamemaster fiat armor), and it’s clamped to
the helpless victim of Commie mind control Repeat! Alive! Is to be no Smershovik his gun hand. The briefcase is KGB surplus,
in Alpha State. It decides to take drastic spilling blood or drinking Black stamped with the words: KILL COURIER
action to save this valuable (though tragically Russians on mission. UPON OPENING.
manipulated) Troubleshooter. ‘Traitor is being found near nuclear
tractor this sector. Wery close by.
Nuclear tractor wery safe, but there is The big red tour
Briefing special varning to be giving you.’
Now the Smershoviks take an amusing tour
After the previous episode’s debriefing, give [Chuckle. Roll the die. Mumble something of Alpha State while looking for the nuclear
the players just enough time to get almost out about a Violence check. Look surprised, and tractor. This gives you a chance to steep the
of sight of the Kremlin before you read: pretend to search for an ‘in case the die-roll players a bit more in the ambience of their
fails’ read-aloud. Read:] surroundings.
As you’re about to exit the plaza, Finding the nuclear tractor is easy. We’ve
you hear a now-familiar limpid voice With a gut-wrenching gasp and a even provided a map of Alpha State for you
calling after you. ‘Yoohooski! Comrade shocked expression, Pyotr-R suddenly on page 95 to show your players, so they
Smershoviks! Tovarich Computer is falls backward, chair and all. For a can navigate their own course. Inasmuch
vanting this for yooooou!’ You turn while nothing is visible, except Pyotr- as the players’ map doesn’t have the key,
and see Olga-R skipping up to you R’s shoe propped up on the desk. you are of course free and even encouraged
daintily (sorta), waving a piece of paper Then a worker from LL&L comes on to rearrange things to your heart’s content.
overhead. Suppressing an urge to run, the screen, removes the shoe and puts Here’s the key:
you wait until Olga-R gives it, with a a tag on Pyotr-R’s big toe. He glances
simpering smile, to your Red leader. directly at the camera, reaches out 1) The Kremlin. The capitol of Alpha State
of sight—and suddenly your screen houses all the top bureaucrats.
Give your players Red Alert PGRA/2A. After goes blank. 2) Kremlin Plaza. A large open square
they’ve read it, tell them Olga-R is walking with surrounded by laser cannon turrets.
swaying hips back to the booth. When the PCs Olga-R is too busy buffing her nails to notice 3) USSR&D labs. Located in a zone of
arrive, she has set an old-fashioned video all this. Because the PCs have no idea where wreckage and rubble, these temporary
monitor on the floor beside the booth. It makes to find the nuclear tractor in this sector, they shacks deal more death than the
an annoying buzz as it warms up. must ask either Olga-R or Tovarich Computer. Kremlin does.
Staging hint: If possible, get some sort Asking The Big Red One is a big mistake, 4) The bathroom. The PCs went here in
of electric buzzer for this briefing, and have because The Computer kicks into a big long Episode 1. It’s not a safe place to be,
it running until Olga-R turns off the set. The propaganda spiel glorifying the nuclear tractor, especially for Smershoviks.
louder and more obnoxious, the better. If and anyone who walks out on this presentation 5) The Chernobyl Memorial Nuclear
you don’t have a buzzer, use an alarm or gets an Official Reprimand for failure to Tractor. This is the mission objective.
noisemaker, or get one player to make a loud, display proper revolutionary zeal. Those who 6) Spetsnaz FiG airbase. More on this in
ugly sound as long as his vocal chords hold sit through the whole six-hour program get a Episode 5, though one FiG is seen in
out. The volume of the set can’t compete with Reprimand for watching TV when they should this episode.
the buzz, so speak quietly as you read: be capturing traitors. 7) Smershovik barracks. The PCs hang
Asking Olga-R gets a different response. out here if they ever get time off.
When the picture finally fades in, the With an exaggerated display of surprise, she 8) Siberia. The MVD and KGB place
low contrast and brightness wash out says: traitors in this small white room. There’s
details, although the name Pyotr-R- a bright flash, and the traitors are
YHC-2 is legible at the bottom of the ‘Oh, nyet! Do none of my big, powerful, gone—siberiated.
screen. ruggedly handsome Smershoviks 9) Communist Communal Cafeteria and
‘Please to be velcoming me as know where is famous big nuclear Cold Borscht Bar. Everyone eats here.
your Politburo Premier, comrade tractor? Kaopectate! Is being werrry The food is Alpha Complex leftovers
unpatriotic!’ tinted with Red Dye #2.

. 189
10) The Warm Water Portal. The and hold them at the ready. One shoulders. Their eyes are wide, their teeth
Smershoviks will head here in later of them steps forward and says, are clenched, and their hands grip the stocks
episodes. ‘Comrades! I am being Ivan-R-DFP- of their weapons so tightly that their knuckles
1. Am taking possession of loyal are white. Golly, this is a poser, isn’t it? How
Feel free to lead your PCs on a merry chase wolunteer. Which comrade are you to to get past a pair of heavily-armed borderline
around the State. When you’ve had enough, having wolunteered? Was it ... YOU?’ psychotic guards and into the compound?
go to the next section. Unless the players are super-imaginative,
Point dramatically at the player most likely to scaling the wall is out. It’s high, well-defended
finger somebody else. When someone is finally by razor wire and lasers and mines, and has
Entering the tractor volunteered to go, the troopers surround him proven effective against traitorous saboteurs.
and march him quickly away. Hand him the Engaging the guards in conversation proves
Having arrived at their destination, the PCs information reference PGRA/2C, which tells fruitless; the guards just stand there like
prepare to infiltrate a nuclear tractor, while him he’ll soon be piloting the FiG-25 flybot cornered animals.
trying to avoid the 50 other traitors who are nicknamed ‘Boxfat,’ (See the box nearby.) The frontal assault works, though it may be
also after The Harlequin. Then send him into the next room. Give him costly. Further, after the guards are dead, all
There’s one more thing that needs doing some corn chips and root beer (or borscht) sorts of lowlifes can waltz right into the area.
before the players can enter the nuclear and let him watch a DVD of Doctor Zhivago. A frontal assault with stun weapons (or even a
tractor to catch The Harlequin. See, Tovarich Later, you’ll pull him back in when the rest of pie or two from their briefcase) is both effective
Computer has ordered extra firepower for the the Soviet climbs onto the roof. Be patient, and non-destructive.
mission—air support. Ordinarily such ordnance it’ll happen.
is delivered via the excessively capable Red ■ The gang’s all here
Army pilots, but The Computer has had baaaad
experiences allowing Vulture pilots to fly
■ The gates of doom After the Smershoviks get through the gate,
Indoors, and it sure as heck ain’t gonna trust Glorious Smershoviks! After the Red they need only climb to the top of the nuclear
no Spetsnaz pilot to avoid killing Morris-O. So, Army squad hustles your comrade tractor and capture The Harlequin. Sounds
for this mission, the tactical air support will be away, you look around and see a easy, right? It is, if you discount the deleterious
in the hands of the Smershoviks. And, it need gargantuan structure humming with effects of the several other groups attempting
hardly be said, nobody told the PCs. power. Certain structures glow red or to do the same thing. The Smershoviks may
After they exit the restricted breathing area blue with their own light. On top of this run into these interfering NPCs on elevators,
(or whenever you feel like it), read: complex is a sign at least a hundred in stairwells or in the catacombs of the
meters long. It reads, ‘CHERNOBYL wastewater conduits beneath the tractor. See
Two squads of heavily armed Red MEMORIAL NUCLEAR TRACTOR.’ the table on the next page for a list of these
Army troopers goosestep up to you. From somewhere on top of this edifice interlopers, and check the next section for
They stop, unshoulder their weapons you hear treasonous laughter echoing staging advice.
down. What do you do?
■ ‘Boxfat’ model FiG- If the players hesitate, the Communist Party
■ Running the big
25 interceptor flybot Line rings and Olga-R informs the Soviet, ‘The battle scene
traitor you are being after is being on top of The PCs are in a huge nuclear tractor, so huge
The temporarily exiled Smershovik nuclear tractor. Remember he is to be alive a comprehensive map would require much of
PC you finger in this section has been taken for Tovarich Computer, da?’ To capture this book. Nine other groups are also running
volunteered to pilot this very nice The Harlequin, the PCs have no real choice but around, eight of whom also want to catch The
fighter-bomber flybot. Ordinarily a great to go in and climb up on the roof. But there are Harlequin and one of whom wants to destroy
addition to The Computer’s arsenal, several problems. everything. Sounds normal for PARANOIA.
this particular Fiko/Guero Model 25 First, there’s guards at the entrance to Here’s how we suggest putting together this
interceptor has been re-armed with the plant, and orders or no, they ain’t lettin’ madhouse.
nonlethal crowd-control weaponry. anyone in! See, the Harlequin has already Let the PCs run around wherever they want,
The flybot still has its nose laser (W3K gained entrance past these guards, having but have lots of signs pointing up saying ‘THIS
energy), but the cannon has been distracted them by hitting them in the face with WAY TO ROOF’ or maybe a trail of splattered
replaced with a high-pressure seltzer StyroKreem pies and then tying their shoelaces StyroKreem. It ought to be pretty obvious how
hose, the bombs with bags of garbage, together and spinning them ‘til they were dizzy. to track down the Harlequin.
and the missiles have been refitted as Before they could recover, a whole bunch of And if it’s obvious to the players, it’s obvious
active-terminal-guidance confetti chaff other people stormed past, and now the guards to the NPCs, too. So whenever things seem
bombs. These harmless weapons can realize that they just let about 50 people into a to be basically under control, roll 1d20 and
entangle or immobilize targets who fail highly restricted area. have the Soviet meet the whichever group is
Violence rolls to dodge them. As the PCs approach, they see the two indicated in the table.
The PC pilot will fly this bot when the guards, each carrying a flamethrower (S3K For that matter, there’s no reason the PCs
rest of the Soviet appears on the roof at energy, area 20M, spray) and dressed in have to meet these groups one at a time. Every
the end of this episode. red combat armor (value 3) with spatters of third encounter or so, have them meet two or
some whitish paste all over their head and more groups. Oh, and if you get the Illuminati,

1d20 roll Group (# of members) Description
These four trigger-happy warmongers are bad people to have around a nuclear plant—they have all sorts of heavy weapons and no
compunction about using them on The Harlequin (as he is jeopardizing a valuable installation) or on anyone else they see.
1-2 Red Army squad (4) Weapons and armor: Slugthrower (dum-dum ammo), M3K impact; r-Red (red) light combat armor (2)
Tactics: Mindless, brutal frontal assault on The Harlequin and anyone who has him.
Five vengeful hunters, here because of all the things The Harlequin has done. If they are allowed to keep The Harlequin, he will never be
seen again. Neither will anyone they capture whom they feel has interfered with them.
3-4 MVD (5) Weapons and armor: Neurowhip (stuns); g-Red (green) laser pistol (W3K); g-Red (green) reflec (L1)
Tactics: Capture The Harlequin and drag him off for questioning, along with anyone who interferes.
Eight frantic workers, here to get everybody else out, because this is a restricted area. They are after The Harlequin, because they realize
he’s the center of attention. They will release him at the gate with a stern verbal reprimand. They also strongly warn everybody else to
5-6 Tractor Serwices crew (8) leave, firing only if fired upon.
Weapons and armor: Ice gun (S3K impact); full-figure environment suit. Any mutation that looks useful.
Tactics: Order everyone to leave. Fire in self-defense.
These three fanatic SS/VC/SEAL-type super-commandos want The Harlequin alive, in hopes of getting this ultra-anti-Commie to join their
ranks. Because they’re traitors already, they have no code against killing.
7-8 NazCIA squad (3) Weapons and armor: Needle gun (S3W impact armor-piercing); combat suit (2); Adrenalin Control mutation.
Tactics: Drag off The Harlequin and anyone with him, then indoctrinate him with capitalist-pig-dog propaganda.
Six fun-lowink wandals! They are to be vantink Harleqvin too, because he is beink one most bitchink animal of party, da! They are to be
hawink fun (in depressed Alpha State way) and recruitink new member!
9-10 Death Leopard gang (6) Weapons and armor: Spraycans and joy buzzers; GM Fiat; entertaining mutations (Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis).
Tactics: Kidnap The Harlequin. They’re the only group The Harlequin might willingly go with.
The Harlequin has brought together a number of superfluous biological intelligences, so these multi-limbed scrubot impostors try to herd
Corpore Metal them all toward Morris-O for efficient terminal cleansing.
11-12 Terminators (2) Weapons and armor: Three sonic pistols apiece (S3W energy; Wound = stunned and deafened); radiation shield (armor rating 3).
Tactics: Exterminate. Exterminate.
There’s one in every group. They follow their own inscrutable motives, conveniently doing whatever you most want done.
13-14 Illuminati operative (1) Weapons and armor: As the rest of the group. Each infiltrator has the Teleport mutation.
Tactics: Act like the group, but be the last one killed. When you need a plot device, the infiltrator does something unpredictable.
These 30 Messiah-maniac yoyos sense The Harlequin has discovered true enlightenment, and they stampede after The Harlequin
wherever he goes, begging him to teach them. Like disciples, they imitate whatever he does; whenever he flings a pie at someone, they
15-16 Mystics commune (30) assume he’s teaching the target, so they imitate the target too.
Weapons and armor: None.
Tactics: Do everything possible to promote comedy. Imitate anyone who seems enlightened.
These four bloodthirsty saboteurs actually couldn’t care less about The Harlequin. They just happened to sneak in the back way, and
they’re here to blow the whole place dome-high. When this is discovered, all the other groups gang up on them, thereby letting The
Harlequin escape.
17-18 PURGE saboteurs (4) Weapons and armor: Slugthrower (solid AP ammo, W3K AP); r-Red (red) reflec (L1); Regeneration. Demolitions 14.
Tactics: Plant a really big bomb; this takes two successful Demolitions rolls. (The PCs need one successful roll to deactivate it.) Kill
anyone in their way.
Though Morris-O-BPM-3 is not technically after himself, he is trying to preserve his own skin, and is therefore an obstacle to those trying to
capture him.
19-20 The Harlequin Weapons and armor: Cream pies and other slapstick props (stun); GM Fiat. Charm mutation
Tactics: Have fun! Get everyone to laugh. Don’t get captured; that’s no fun

go ahead and roll another group, but have the else has killed each other off. If your players are about half the enemies have been killed, or
Illuminati member act up somehow. doing good roleplaying and getting the MVDs half an hour of real time, whichever comes
Generally, a meeting with another group to go after the Red Army, and the Red Army first), have all surviving members of all the
involves an exchange of dialogue and/or small to go after the NazCIAs, etc., etc., then by all different groups make it up there too. The
arms fire, and then one or the other group means oblige them. That’s what’s supposed to PCs are surrounded by many angry citizens.
flees/pursues/continues to the roof. Chases happen! Sure, don’t make it a pushover, and Their goose is cooked for sure ... but suddenly,
are common in this episode. Don’t forget to have some plans backfire, but this whole scene rise out of your seat and dash into the other
mark off dead comrades. is a crazy-funny slaughterfest. room!
Because only Smershoviks are equipped for Turn off the Doctor Zhivago DVD, inform your
immediate clone replacement, they eventually
win this struggle, though we hope your players
■ Up on the roof chosen pilot of the general situation and ask
him what he wants to do. Don’t allow anything
are imaginative enough not to have to win Did you forget your player in the other room, too outrageous, and remind him capturing the
through attrition. Ideally, they arrange for waiting for you to come tell him when it’s time Harlequin (alive) is absolutely vital. But hint
one group after another to get hold of The to fly? So did we, almost. broadly that if anything accidentally happens to
Harlequin, suffer attacks from everybody else, When your PCs make it to the roof for the the pilot’s fellow PCs while he’s taking care of
then take him for themselves after everyone Harlequin’s last stand (which should be when

. 191
the rest of the mob—well, into each clone’s life In the end, the Smershoviks should recover who reports it is killed out of hand for even
a little seltzer, garbage and confetti must fall. The Harlequin. Once the PCs are outside, the acknowledging the possibility The Harlequin
Describe this scene dramatically, with the Politburo calls to check up on the Soviet, and might die. Eventually someone will wise up
howl of the jet causing the mob to hesitate, and orders them to proceed to the interior of the and tell Tovarich Computer The Harlequin
the awesome appearance of the Boxfat as it Kremlin where they will continue to guard The is ‘alive, but nyet wery responsive.’ Then
makes its first attack run. Let the pilot roll his Harlequin and also receive their debriefing. the Smershoviks get to lug around a slowly
Vehicle Operations specialty, or Hardware or They also rejoin their pilot comrade. Hope stiffening corpse for the entirety of the next
Violence skill, or even Management as a last everyone has enough clones left to finish the episode, until the body is returned to Alpha
resort (he’s talking to the flybot brain). Unless next four episodes! Complex and thence to The Computer. The
he blows things really badly, let him save the Be careful about what the PCs do with The Computer assumes the stress of isolation,
day and clear the roof, meanwhile capturing Harlequin. They aren’t allowed to kill him, subversion, abduction and liberation overtaxed
The Harlequin. The poor sap’s been sitting in though by this time they’ll desperately want to. poor Morris-O’s heart, and he died a hero’s
the other room for half an hour now! Time for If The Harlequin is indeed killed, let the players death.
a little fun! know this is A Very Bad Thing. The first PC

3: Convoy
The PCs, having caught an Alpha Complex they’re starting from there as well), you’re just a large cathode ray tube trailing lots of
infiltrator, must now repatriate him. However, doing your job. tangled wires.
The Computer doesn’t want Alpha State After they’ve guarded Morris-O for a while,
Smershoviks to know their world is merely an the Communist Party Line rings. Smersh The aged figure on the screen is
experiment, nor does it want Alpha Complex Politburo summarily orders [whichever PC has identified by scrolling subtitles as
citizens to know there’s a sector full of the most clones left] to report immediately to Pyotr-R-YHC-3. He sits in a tall chair,
moustachioed Commies nearby. Therefore the nearest confession booth. slouched at an uncomfortable angle
it sends the players Outdoors in a ship to In the booth, Tovarich Computer runs against the back. Were it not for
transport Morris-O home by a circuitous route through the standard questions subroutine. his mouth moving, you’d swear he
through snow, ice and other hazards. ‘Zdrastvuitye, citizen. Are you depressed? was already dead. Olga-R shrugs to
From The Computer’s viewpoint, things Da? Wery good. How is coming your five-year indicate there’s no way to control the
are going badly. Portions of Alpha Complex plan? Are you to be meeting production quota? volume, and starts fiddling with your
have figured out HUH Sector is a nest of Are you loving life in Alpha State?’ After the [any male PC’s] hair.
Commie activity, and certain groups are player has answered these simple questions, ‘...ERS IMMEDIATELY,’ says Pyotr-
preparing immediate action. There’s been give him Red Alert reference PGRA/3A from R. The sound of a heart monitor
cross-contamination between Alpha Complex the hardcopy printer in the booth. Tovarich pulse-beeps through every pause in
and Alpha State. And now one of its prized Computer says (read aloud): his speech. “’OU WILL TO BE GIVEN
Troubleshooters is in the hands of a bunch of EXCESSIVE MATERIAL AND WATER
Smershoviks. Morris-O’s presence threatens ‘This is being wery important mission, TRACTOR TO PUT IT EVERYTHING
to destroy the whole experiment, because he comrade citizen. Is to be clandestine ALL INTO. (eee-eee) WATER
knows enough to convince everyone Alpha operation; be telling no one about TRACTOR IS ALSO BEING MODE
State is a sham. The Computer wishes to real objective. Say you are going OF TRANSPORTING SOVIET. (eee-
repatriate Morris-O immediately. Outdoors to be depressed by Siberian eee) SOVIET WILL BE FOLLOWING
Yet Morris-O’s captors must return him ambience.’ VATER ROAD CODENAME ‘VOLGA’
to Alpha Complex without anyone in Alpha TO RESIDENTIAL DOME. (eee-eee)
State getting suspicious about its proximity. Gosh, does this mean the player can’t THERE WILL BE MEETING WITH
Furthermore, The Computer knows how show the red alert to his Soviet comrades? CONTACT AND RETURNING.
contagious Communism is, and so it must Hmmm. ‘I AM TELLING YOU OF SEVERAL
take steps to prevent Morris-O’s infection IMPORTANT DANGEROUSNESSES
with Communist propaganda. Those to whom
Morris-O is delivered must not grow suspicious,
■ Meanwhile, the briefing ALSO. (eee-eee) FIRST, EWIL
either. Overall, a sticky situation. While the lone Smershovik was sweating vodka HAVING REMOVED CEILING FROM
in the confession booth, the other Smershoviks OUTSIDE. (eee-eee) BE WERY
were ordered to bring the prisoner and report CAREFUL (eee-eee) NYET TO BE
Mission alert (yet again) to Briefing Room T, where they LETTING THINGS FALL ON YOU.
find Olga-R combing, teasing and styling her SECOND...’ (eee-eee)
The Smershoviks prepare for their dangerous hair—what little of it she has. Whenever you
and clandestine trek to that far-off Capitalist decide the missing Smershovik returns from (Here there’s a long pause. More pulse-
Complex. If your players pat themselves on the confession booth, read the following: beeps. Then they stop. Read:)
the back for ‘figuring out’ they’re on their way Olga-R pulls a large picture tube from behind
to Alpha Complex (while still not realizing that the booth and places it on the floor. No case,

On the briefing monitor, Pyotr-R is flag from the bow. Painted on the gunwale is the spreads from shore to shore. What do they do?
still leaning in his chair. His mouth is vessel’s name: the Glorious Oktober Overthrow They really don’t have much choice. Tovarich
no longer moving; it’s hanging limply of the Dogmatic Slave-driving Hedonist Computer would frown on (i.e., siberiate)
open. The set now gives off a steady Imperialist Pigdog Landowners Oppressing anyone who didn’t pursue the mission, so they
beeeeeeeep. After a while, another Legions of Laboring Industrial Proletarians and must go on.
citizen steps on screen, checks Pyotr- Other Peasants. The GOODSHIPLOLLIPOP So there they are, trudging trackless wastes
R’s pulse and shakes her head sadly. is barely big enough to hold its acronym, to in the dead of winter, trying to follow the course
She nonchalantly slips a chronobot say nothing of the PCs, Morris-O and their of the frozen river. The camera pans back. Six
off his wrist and starts rummaging equipment. Despite an automatic shigthrower black shapes with furry babushkas against
through his pockets as Olga-R turns mounted on a stand in the center of the boat, a vast expanse of white. Nothing but snowy
the set off. it doesn’t look particularly defensible. plains as far as the eye can see.
The dinghy is propelled by a single outboard Now would be a good time for an airborne
Olga-R then tells the PCs they must report to motor, a tractor-shaped device with fins on raid by NazCIA parachute commandoes, who
the Warm Water Portal on the far side of this the treads, attached to the hull by the ‘blade.’ grab The Harlequin and lead the PCs on a
sector to receive their mission equipment and To an onshore observer, it would look like the merry chase into the snowy emptiness. Just
set out. She gives them a packet of passes boat was being pushed by a small tractor on an idea.
for the Trans-SIBERIA Railway, and tells the water’s surface. The throttle and rudder are
them the terminal is on the opposite side of
the Kremlin Plaza.
controlled manually by someone who must sit
in the dinky saddle.
■ ‘Das Bot’ Redux
The mission equipment crates are filled with No convoy mission would be complete without
■ Warm Water Portal all the stuff listed in the Mission Materialistic
List reference PGRA/3B. The PCs are loaded
a sub attack; at least, this one wouldn’t. The
frozen river begins to widen out, and the PCs
Now that the PCs have experienced the fun up and ready to go. The doors open! Time for can go back to travelling on the river. They’ll
of just finding out what their mission is, they the Soviet to endure the gorgeous wonders of probably be pleased. Suckers. Did anyone
can enjoy the experience of getting to the the Outdoors, as they make their wintry way pick up on the clue that they therefore must
start point! from Alpha State to Alpha Complex. be approaching their destination?
No need to go into details about the So now comes the sub attack scene, featuring
transtube terminal—it’s just like any other. the fabulous U-Bot 416, originally seen in
The Smershoviks board the train and, after Exposure the mini-mission ‘Das Bot’ in PARANOIA
unscheduled stops for maintenance, refueling Flashbacks. If you lack access to the U-Bot
and the extinguishing of unscheduled engine The Smershoviks board their craft and set 416, it’s a snap to create your own Alpha
fires, eventually arrive at their destination. out into the cold, blustery winterscape. The Complex mini-sub: Just watch a World
The so-called Warm Water Portal is a small little boat churns the choppy water as the War II sub movie, shrink the sub to hold six
naval station just inside the dome of Alpha Communist Party Line extension cord slowly Troubleshooters, and add gobs of high-tech
State. When the dome doors are opened, the unreels into the inky depths, causing a slow flair and a decrepit bot-brain autopilot named
small harbor opens directly onto a passing crescendoing dread of mounting long-distance ‘Lucky.’ Give it a few torpedos and a bunch of
stream which flows more or less around Alpha rates. incomprehensible controls, and you’re ready
Complex before meandering into the ocean. Remember how, in the Red Alert, Tovarich to roll.
The current is also extremely convenient for Computer said ‘nyet to be talking to prisoner’?
disposal of waterborne waste, so right beside Tovarich Computer was concerned if the Things seem to be getting back on
the single pier is a huge sewer pipe that Smershoviks talked with Morris-O at length, track. You’re back on the ‘Volga,’
sporadically glugs out the semi-congealed either party might discover the truth about progressively moving along on your
slime from this and several adjacent sectors. what Alpha State really is. That would make required revolutionary heading. Sure,
The warm waste water is extremely beneficial Tovarich Computer unhappy, and when it’s it’s freezing cold,your hands are numb,
to Alpha State, for the temperature of the water unhappy, people tend to visit Siberia. So that’s your ears are frostbitten, your little
keeps the Outdoors stream free of ice for quite one reason to not talk to Morris-O. proletarian red corvette has started to
some distance from the port during the dead of There’s others, too—like the squirting flower leak, and you haven’t eaten in a while,
winter—which, incidentally, it now is. he has in his lapel, with which he squirts but hey, you’re not dead. Yet.
Standing at the end of the lone, long pier is ink on anyone who leans too close during (You notice, over there, downstream
a citizen from LL&L named Sasha-R-LPO- conversation. Morris-O also has a joy buzzer, a bit, a stream of bubbles moving
6. Piled next to him are several boxes of Chinese finger traps and other gizmos to annoy just under the surface of the water. It
equipment. The PCs need not sign any forms and perplex anyone who listens to him. If none seems to be headed your way.)
for the equipment; Sasha-R explains quite of this dissuades the Smershoviks, and they
pleasantly the equipment is all Red Army seem about to pump Morris-O for valuable Give everyone one chance to prepare.
material, and Spetsnaz guards have signed storyline-spoiling info, skip forward to one of Then:
the forms for them and will oversee their the attacks later in this episode.
punishment should any of the Red Army’s After a short but pleasant boat ride down KABOOM! A sheet of ice right in front
equipment not be returned. the river, doing the usual Troubleshooter/ of your ship blows up spectacularly.
Tied to the end of the pier is their vehicle for Smershovik things like depth-charging innocent Ice and water spray into the air,
this mission, a small dinghy flying a huge red fish, the river narrows, and a sheet of ice

. 193
drenching you thoroughly. Quick, what ■ Jutland-on-the-Volga
do you do?
For this encounter you can draw up a hex map of a winding river, if you’re into that sort
Especially paranoid characters may look up, of thing—it will need to show a typical stretch of river, 10m per hex.
assuming the attack must come from NazCIA The Smershoviks’ boat can move up to three hexes per turn, and change facing by
parachute commandos. Suckers. That means one hexside once a turn. Add 1 to speed and turning if the piloting player succeeds in a
they don’t spot the second torpedo. Vehicle Operations roll. The boat has a belt-fed swivel-mounted automatic slugthrower
And here starts the combat. For details, loaded with solid AP rounds (W3K impact armor-piercing). The ship hull has armor
see the box nearby—or, you know, just wing rating3.
it. The PCs can use either Violence/Vehicular The enemy sub can move four hexes a turn and can change facing twice (plus one
Weapons or Projectile Weapons to fire if the pilot can roll 10 or less). It takes one turn to submerge or surface; while doing so,
the automatic slugthrower. They can use the sub can move normally, but only in a straight line. If the sub submerges, halve the
Hardware/Vehicular Operations to maneuver movement numbers (and no bonus for piloting), but the movement is hidden.
the boat. Meanwhile the NPCs (a bunch of The sub has armor rating 5. It mounts three torpedoes; it can fire one every three
RED Troubleshooters) are burbling along turns, but only while submerged (W3K energy to PCs, I3J to the boat, area 5m, range
under the surface in the minisub, so it’s unlikely basically unlimited). When a torpedo is fired, give the PC Smershovik pilot aboard the
the PCs can even target the enemy without boat a Vehicle Operations roll to dodge the torpedo. If the roll fails, BOOM!
cleverness. The sub also has a laser cannon with five shots left. The cannon can fire every turn,
Either describe the battle using your eloquent but only while on the surface (W3K energy to PCs, I3B to the boat; range 100m).
narrative style, or diagram it on paper. We The sub pilots are six enemy Troubleshooter scumballs with RED laser pistols (W3K)
recommend filling up your tub or swimming and RED reflec (L1). They have Sub Operation 10 and Sub Weapons 10; other ratings
pool and using bath toys for miniatures. Add 06. Their tactics are simple: dive, fire, surface, fire, repeat.
a couple trays of ice for realism, then order
your players into the water to simulate their
drenching by the explosion. Roleplaying at their battleships and stuff. To top it all off, The
its best! Back in the USA Computer (unaware of the treasonous rumor
If the players win the battle, their dingy mill) has told the folks in USA Sector the
little dinghy springs several leaks (post-battle The PCs have finally arrived at their destination approaching ship carries someone dressed
stress) and starts sinking. The enemy minisub, (pretty much the same place they left from). in black and white, and this person must at
even though it might be burning or adrift, still All they have to do is hand over Morris-O and all costs be delivered ALIVE to the nearest
floats. Even if the sub is halfway to the bottom, skedaddle, right? confession booth.
it mysteriously bobs back to the surface. Soon the Volga bends, and the players As the Smershoviks approach, read the
The PCs must abandon their own ship and can see in the distance the shining dome of following aloud:
commandeer the sub—or drown, if they’re Alpha Complex (USA Sector to be exact).
being recalcitrant. Give the players time to This dome is a spur sticking way out from the The opening in the dome is about
transport most of their equipment before the rest of the megalopolis, so the PCs cannot tell 30 meters wide and semicircular in
boat goes under. USA Sector and Alpha State are connected. shape. You see two armed citizens
If, on the other hand, the PCs lose, their ship Further, they have no real concept of how far in red overcoats standing on a ledge
sinks. So do they. Their furry babushkas are they are from Alpha State, for they have no at the right side of the opening,
left floating on the surface, drifting downstream experience with Outdoors scale. If the PCs about three meters above the surface
like so many leaves, mute testimony to the try to contact anyone via the minisub radio, a of the water. One appears to be
PCs’ demise. booming message blares, ‘MAINTAIN RADIO scanning the Outdoors with high-
Halfway to the bottom, the characters can SILENCE!’ powered binoculars; the other is
see, through the murky water, the enemy has See, the folks in USA Sector spotted the simply standing with her arms folded
taken a victory dive to gloat. But as the sub Smershoviks in their boat an hour or three around her gun. You also see a man
passes through the sinking Soviet, the enemy’s ago with a remote surveillance patrolbot. They on the bank near you jump out from
evil grins suddenly turn to expressions of deduced the Smershoviks were Commies behind his hiding place in the white
horror! Immediately the sub maneuvers under launching an amphibious assault. Now they’ve powder. He looks around cautiously,
the survivors and brings them, drenched and mobilized everyone in USA Sector to meet this waves a red flag to get your attention,
freezing, back to the surface. large raid, and the powers that be have set up draws his finger across his throat and
(The crew of the Alpha Complex sub is a a big ambush for the Commie invasion fleet. points at the pair on the ledge. He then
batch of inexperienced RED Troubleshooters. (Rumors have gotten out of hand.) USA Sector jumps back into hiding.
They engaged the PCs, who naturally looked records showed a RED Troubleshooter team
like Commies with their furry babushkas and Outdoors in a minisub, so they radioed them The man in the opening, an Armed Forces
such. Now that the Troubleshooters can see and briefed them on the situation. corporal, is indeed watching for the Commie
the Smershoviks clearly, they conclude the Everyone assumes when the sub arrives water-breathing mutant hordes; the woman
PCs are also Troubleshooters whom they that these are the returning Troubleshooters, beside him is a sort of port traffic cop from
torpedoed by mistake.) and they’re told to dock quietly so as not Internal Security. The man on the bank’s
to alert the impending Commie barbarian message was supposed to be interpreted
world-conquering invasion armada with all as ‘Hey! Cut your engines! Dock where that

woman instructs you to!’ Sadly, most players some brass knuckles and a plasma generator. they kill drops a rifle or something, which goes
interpret it as instructions to assassinate the If anyone tries to speak, he shushes them. He off. Read:
lookout and the port traffic controller (go figure). winks, nods towards the opening Outdoors and
Read on: whispers ‘Go get ‘em.’ (If anyone’s wearing a Somewhere someone yells, ‘FIIII-IRE!’
furry babushka or something else obviously What do you do, brave proletarians?
As you enter the dome opening, you Commie, he dismisses it as a war trophy. He
notice the area has been well secured. doesn’t notice Morris-O.) The trooper scuttles Again, skip down to ‘Caught red handed.’
The doors are all sealed, and you off. Now what? Wait here quietly: If you have mercilessly
see a few security bots stationed Do as you’re told: Some players persist in abused your players until they’re insensate,
in inconspicuous places. It seems following mission orders and delivering Morris- incoherent quivering blobs, they’ll just sit still,
they’ve been expecting your arrival. O to the contact, whom they might presume to holding Morris-O, waiting for something to
The woman standing on the ledge be the two at the entrance. If so, read: happen. In that case:
gestures to an open berth just inside
the dome, raises her finger to her lips, You march up to the citizens with The air is filled with electric anticipation.
and points at the back of the lookout the Black-and-White-Russian in tow. All is quiet. Someone sneezes. Tense
next to her. Hearing your approach, they turn. ‘SHHH’s’ fill the air. A whispered
[Roll some dice.] Suddenly they both ‘sooorry’ echoes. ‘SHHH!’ again.
No she didn’t. She pointed Outdoors, at the scream at the top of their lungs! The There’s a steady drip from the ceiling
impending apocalyptic Commie invaders of dock erupts in shouting voices! What of the dome into the water. You wait
doom. The lookout was just in the way. It’s do you do? some more. Now what?
entirely possible the players may accidentally
misapprehend this gesture; just thought we’d Now skip down to ‘Caught red handed.’ Eventually your players must do something;
warn you. Skullduggery: Other players sneak up no PARANOIA player can sit on his hands
and attempt to assassinate one or both of the for long. You hope they’ll choose one of the
■ We are here! We are here! REDs on the ledge. Should they choose to
leave The Harlequin behind, he’s gone by the
two options above. If not, then perhaps your
players get into a typical player ‘discussion.’ Or,
The PCs dock. A guy in red combat armor time they return. if they’re being really boring and you’re tired
quietly scuttles over to them and hands them It’s no problem taking out the two by the door of waiting for them to shoot someone, let The
two cone rifles, a flamethrower, a gauss gun, (or anyone else for that matter). But anyone Harlequin use his prehensile toes to flip a tray

. 195
of fuel oil on someone. Or send a YELLOW by. extinguisher box contains only a four-liter jug the Vultures pay no attention to the obviously
Anything to spur the players to action. of water. Nothing they can do with the depth misguided missiles. And you thought we’d
Of course, if the players are careless in gauge (or anything else) can prevent them written ourselves into a corner.
moving Morris-O from place to place, some from running aground. So wind those clocks, Nothing to do but walk home.
USA yoyo sees and recognizes him as The and read:
Commie To Be Captured Alive Or Else. When
someone in the area, PC or otherwise, finally ‘BZZZZZZZZZZ!’ Suddenly one of Debriefing
yells or shoots someone, read the following: your alarms goes off! It sounds like
the early warning sonar system, and The PCs, having survived the trek to and
■ Caught red-handed there’s a light flashing beside the
screen—quick, what do you do?
from Alpha Complex, are debriefed about the
glorious success of their glorious mission. Then
For a second, everything is silent. they go somewhere and stew awhile.
Then: BAROOOOOM! A veritable (Give ‘em two seconds to check the sonar When the PCs return to the Warm Water
explosion of noise! You can hear screen and start to panic. Then read:) Portal, Sasha-R directs them to a nearby
people yelling things like, ‘They’ve confession booth for debriefing. All the
infiltrated!’ and ‘Die, Commie traitor!’ With a soft CRUNCH the sub suddenly characters must wedge themselves into the
People run every which way, laser fire decelerates to less than half its former booth so Tovarich Computer can see them
and projectiles whizzing through the speed. Everyone falls on his respective clearly. Read:
pandemonium, striking seemingly at face. There’s a hideous screeching
random. A detonation shakes the area noise all along the hull and the engine ‘Wery sorry Pyotr-R-YHC-3 can nyet
as an AP cone wings overhead. What’ll is laboring alarmingly. ‘EHHNNNT! to be debriefing you, Smershoviks.
you do now, comrades? EHHNNNT! EHHNNNT! BZZZZZZZZZZ!’ Pyotr-R is to be having medicalistic
Another alarm! Several red strobe problem—his blood pressure is wery
The correct answer is Go Home Very Fast. lights fracture motion in the cabin— low, wery low indeed. But I am to be
See, all the NPCs in the area are so wound what do you do? digressing, is nyet to be of concerning
up, they react reflexively, assuming they’ve (They’re about to run aground. Let’s hope you. Tell me, comrade Smershoviks,
been infiltrated or the Commies snuck in they brace themselves.) where is to be the prisoner whom to
on the river bottom or they’d been flanked you was being entrusted?’
or even that the Commies were invisible. ‘AAOOOGAH! EHHNNNT! AAOOOGAH!
(Invisible Commies! How stupid can you BZZZZZZZZZZ!’ A split-second of Tovarich Computer asks that because it has
get?) [Editor’s note: Designer Edward Bolme terror, then KARRUMPH! The sub jerks yet to reestablish contact with USA Sector’s
self-deprecatingly references his 1989 mission to a violent stop, the hull screeches dock. Ask in a threatening voice; make the
Alpha Complexities, reprinted in the original piercingly and the floor of the sub players think they really screwed up bad. Let
Flashbacks volume.] buckles as it hits something which is them accuse each other. If you feel like it, finger
Now, in the panic, old prejudices are coming evidently quite solid. Everyone who is someone as the guilty party and Siberionate
out, and if somebody’s always suspected his standing again gets thrown back on him in a lowkey way.
buddy was a Communist sympathizer, well, his face. The top hatch pops off like a And then—that’s all for the moment. Give
his buddy takes a cone between the eyes. cork, popping your ears at the same all the PCs a commendation or something.
Anyone near the water is suspected of having time. Thank goodness you aren’t still Give anyone who doesn’t open his mouth a
just crawled out of the water to establish a fully submerged! bunch of rubles. And if the players lied about
Commie beachhead. Anyone up high is shot in Morris-O, Tovarich Computer will find out
case he’s a paratrooper. Anyone else is shot at The sub is stranded on a shoal not far from when communications are reopened with USA
as a skilled infiltrator. In short, the whole area USA Sector. Vulturecraft are already en route. Sector; chalk up some Official Reprimands,
is a panic-stricken free-for-all, and everyone’s (You can mention the low whine of approaching and bring up the subject in the next episode
targetting Commies—real, suspected, or no. flybots.) The Smershoviks must bail out before when someone tries to lie again...
Once the players start heading out on the the bombs arrive. Unfortunately, swimming
minisub (or maybe a different vehicle if they is not a Smershovik’s long suit. Neither is
want), the survivors in the area start after surviving ground zero of a Vulture strike.
them, firing with everything they’ve got. The Personally, we can only think of one way
PCs should naturally choose the better part out—climb into a torpedo tube and launch
of valor and submerge. Let ‘em. yourself at the shoreline! The torpedoes are
Staging hint: When you read this next part, fired with compressed air, so it would work, EXCELLENT!
it’s best if you can have a couple of alarm though it’ll hurt a bit. But who’s gonna stay
clocks hidden behind your chair. Every good behind to press the button? Maybe they can IS BEINK MOST
sub’s got good alarms, and you shouldn’t rob hit it with a well-placed throw with, say, a DEPRESSINK
your players of the enlightening experience of grenade. (What could go wrong?) If the players
hearing them. manage to think of this, it works, though they’re NEWS
During the following emergency, if the squished violently at launch; they hit the shore
PCs check the sonar, it shows a vague blur a few hundred meters from the sub. Everyone
all across the screen. They discover the fire takes a Wound. The PCs are now safe, as


4: Red bug
The Smershoviks get an alert to invade ‘Rasputin.’ Rasputin is one of the greatest When last we left the daring protectors
‘another’ Alpha Complex. They set out in Commies who has ever lived, for his hacking of the proletariat, the Smershoviks of
the T-88 (a nifty half-tractor) to infiltrate USA expertise has been instrumental in many Soviet #1917, you were not slaving
Sector. A bunch of high-clearance GREEN successful raids and his fiery, passionate away at a manual power generator like
goons immediately send them to quell unrest devotion to the People’s Cause has won the you are now.
among the INFRAREDs, which gives them an Commies many converts. He is indeed a great You were mobilized early this
opportunity to actually succeed at their mission. leader, and many Commies would obey him to morning to crank a gargantuan handle
The Smershoviks eventually get noticed by the death. Quite a few already have. to generate enough power to make up
IntSec and somehow escape back to their So what has this man done to thwart Friend for the energy deficit left by the sector’s
beloved Alpha State. Computer? He put a bug in the programs nuclear tractors. Your progressive
he wrote. Rasputin was in charge of Alpha faces, flushed with glorious labor, are
State programs dealing with ambience. But as red as the clothes you wear. You
Background when he wrote the programs for Computer are werrry loyally, patriotically and
graphics, accent and human interfacing, he enthusiastically depressed.
In previous episodes, the Soviet encountered a buried in them a little program that would be Suddenly, your Soviet gets a Red
bunch of counterrevolutionary imperialist pawn accessed when one certain thing happened. Alert!
soldiers apparently entering Alpha State from The program would automatically seize control
the Outdoors. The Smershoviks captured one when The Computer tried to stop the Alpha Give the players Red Alert reference
of these horrid foreign agents, then took him State Commies from spreading the revolution. PGRA/4A. Let the PCs run around to secret
away to another dome and, after capturing a In other words, right now. society contacts and such before reporting for
foreign capitalist warmongering submarine, When the Alpha State bureaucracy starts briefing. When they once again reach Briefing
maybe saw some people not (gasp!) not rolling with its invasion plans, Tovarich Room T, Olga-R is dusting it thoroughly with
dressed in Red. Computer attempts to intercede and put an a dainty lace handkerchief. She pauses, pulls
Given these observations, correlated with end to it. Imagine its surprise and horror when, out a minuscule TV set and places it on the
interrogations of defectors in the MVD’s political instead of stopping the preparations, it hears booth. The Smershoviks must cluster around
asylum, Alpha State High Programmers have itself praising the Commies and offering helpful to see and hear, for the screen is small and
deduced the players visited a non-Commie suggestions! the tinny sound doesn’t carry. The subtitle
Alpha State close by. Like the loyal, fanatical So now the ‘sane’ (and we use the term ‘Pyotr-R-YHC-4’ is all but illegible.
and downright evangelical Commies they loosely) portion of The Computer is helplessly During Pyotr-R’s broadcast, Olga-R
are, the Alpha State bigwigs want to spread watching the Commie-programmed Tovarich continues dusting the booth, then moves
the People’s Glorious Revolution to the portion plot its own downfall. on to dust the male players, pausing in her
enemy complex and its poor, downtrodden humming long enough to whistle appreciatively
proletariat. as the Smershoviks bend over to squint at
But Our Friend The Computer would Briefing the screen.
nyet be invading itself, would it? Of course
not—but... unfortunately for Our Pal, one of The episode begins innocuously and, as a few ‘As you vere founding out this morning,
the trusted High Programmers who helped PARANOIA scenes occasionally do (cough), comrade Smershoviks, power output
engineer the Alpha State experiment was a quickly turns ugly in a completely different quotas in this part of Alpha State
sneaky ULTRAVIOLET Commie code-named direction. Read: have being consistently lower than
projected expectations calculated for

five year plan. To being in fact, power ■ Igor-R-NQY-3
output is been consistently vithin five Fearsome Spetznaz warrior
percentage points of five sevenths
below production curves; consistency Red Army; Adrenalin Control and Regeneration; Management 10, Intimidation 14, Stealth
of power generation gap is pointing 08, Violence 11, Knowledge skills 07.
at conclusion of reactionary capitalist Flamethrower (S3K energy, area 20m spray); combat suit (armor rating 5,
terrorist sabotage. Is certainly being hardened).
same counter-rewolutionary forces
vhich were to have inwaded Room ■ PGRA/4B equipment details
of Bath a little to left of FB4.89-
38FO:3NC9-23J.’ 1) Yes, there are 40 land mines, but none of them have any fuses.
Pyotr-R pauses. He tries to take a 2) ‘The Gospel According to Marx’ is a standard Commie propaganda pamphlet,
deep breath, with marginal success. written with a skill rating of 8.
‘You are to be counterinwading 3) The flags are flags. Great for morale, but PCs who sell them as souvenirs are
capitalist home base, identified as executed as capitalists.
Alpha State, near here vhere you 4) The Sta-Lert pills are high-powered drugs designed to let dedicated comrades
vere having sail in Glorious Oktober work 24 hours a day for weeks on end to subvert a capitalist complex, and then to croak
Overthrow, careless sinking of vhich from overexertion.
has been duly noted. You are to 5) Experimental infiltration device, ‘Red Square’: Lastly, toss in any untried USSR&D
be leaving from Varm Vater Portal trash and the following pseudo-scientific gobbledygookish experimental device:
immediately after briefing is being The Red Square is named for its visible effect. The device itself is a modest belt crammed
finished to be lend-leased tractor for with all sorts of high-tech electronic gizmos. To operate the device, put on the belt and
land infiltration. Also materialistic flip the switch. The operator of the device will appear to be standing in a red square, two
equipment is there awaiting for you. meters on a side. So now the PCs can more or less safely wander about Alpha Complex
Bevare only the NNNNGGGGGGG!’ in flagrant violation of the security laws because they’re standing or walking in a mobile
Pyotr-R grimaces horribly. His red square.
body stiffens, and he slumps to the Because the square is simply an area of effect and does not of itself exist, it can move
desktop. Shortly after, medics run in wherever the operator moves. Unfortunately, the device lacks gaussian shielding, and
and begin CCCPR. Olga-R wakes up any electromagnetic activity can upset it.
from a dusting reverie and switches
off the set. ■ T-88 ‘Cossack’
After the PCs have asked Olga-R a few To demonstrate the considerable trust and faith Tovarich Computer has in its Smershoviks,
questions she can’t answer, they can (and in the PCs are given the Alpha State equivalent of the crawler. The Computer did this, not
fact must) leave for the Warm Water Portal. because the PCs deserve it, but because it wants to know what’s so great about tractors.
The vehicle the Smershoviks are given indeed represents the Alpha State of the Art in
nonmilitary (i.e., substandard) transportation. This means it’s marginally slower, definitely
Outfitting and escape bulkier, and considerably smellier than your average Ukrainian cart horse.
Carefully reconstructed from poorly compiled descriptions of halftracks and tractors,
The PCs prepare for the big invasion the T-88 is almost the worst possible hybrid. Its dozer blade is high enough to impair
by receiving their glorious revolutionary visibility, and it also scrapes the floor, thereby reducing speed and creating the intolerable
equipment. Meanwhile, The Computer is noise of fingernails on chalkboards. Its caterwauling engine belches acrid clouds of gray
duking it out with Tovarich Computer for control smoke.
of Alpha State. And you thought things were But wait ... did we say ‘halftrack?’ Yes indeed, the wheels on right side sport a full track
confusing before! (half metal, half plastic), and the wheels on the left have hastily improvised rubber and
The Smershoviks are given a Red Army leather tires, some of which don’t quite touch the ground.
escort to their destination. Read: The Cossack is equipped with an autopilot with the disposition and diplomacy of an
ulcerated mule. The autopilot has already had its course programmed in. It will not
As you enter the glorious revolutionary deviate from its course one iota, as it tells the PCs in no uncertain terms. Thus it trundles
Warm Water Portal, you see once inexorably on, regardless of the players’ actions.
more citizen Sasha-R-POL, speaking
with another man in full Spetsnaz
combat armor. Sasha-R looks overrun by capitalistic bourgeoisie Vas liberated from semi-capitalistic
nervous. The large Spetsnaz guard moneylenders. Beloved Tovarich LL&L. Also am to be giving you
strides purposefully over to you and Computer is honoring you with mission very dependable armored fighting
introduces himself as Igor-R-NQY-3. to inwade this tottering decadent elitist tractor for transporting of soviet to
‘Comrades,’ he says, ‘your Soviet dictatorship society. You must liberate destination.’
has been being relocated into another masses.
dome nyet wery far from here, because ‘Here is mission materialistic Now seems like a good time to go over
is being Alpha State completely equipment I am to be giving to you. the mission equipment in player handout

PGRA/4B. (For more about this stuff, see the enough time to unfold the last bit of this drama. As they get closer, they see that the
box nearby.) Let your PCs scrabble through If they head for the T-88 now, Igor-R fires. halftractor is homing in on two impressive
the boxes briefly before Igor-R gets impatient guard turrets, between which stands a blast
and continues.
When you’re tired of explaining crates of
■ Getting out door. The turrets are large and glossy, and
pack truly impressive triple-mount laser
equipment to your players, Igor-R harrumphs Meanwhile, Tovarich Computer assesses the cannons. The turret guns stay trained on the
loudly and says: situation and attempts to win the subprocessor Soviet during their approach.
back. When the PCs have decided what to do When the Smershoviks get within 20 meters
‘And now you are to be loading up. (or a few combat rounds have passed), read: of the turrets, mechanical voices boom out from
Good luck, comrades. And please to big speakers: ‘HALT! ADVANCE SINGLY AND
be remembering; atheism is on our Suddenly, ‘Nyet! Yes! AARRRG!’ yells GIVE THE PASSWORD!’ In the interest of
side.’ Tovarich Computer. The massive self-preservation, the T-88 finally stops.
doors leading Outdoors open and The turrets are actually guard booths, each
While all this has been going on, the close repeatedly. ‘SSmmmmershoviks manned by one Armed Forces BLUE trooper.
untampered part of The Computer has invaded must be leaving immediately in tracto- The two on duty now have both forgotten the
the MVD subprocessor in a desperate attempt trac-trt-t-tra- (switch to no accent) password of the day. They have absolutely
to regain control of Alpha State. It wants to traitors! Stop them!’ Igor-R looks no idea whatever—too many happy pills last
stop Smershovik Soviet #1917 from leaving up, his distaste quite evident. ‘Wery night. The password is as often a phrase as
Alpha State, and the quickest way to do strange. I am being going now.’ He a word, so no matter what the PC says, the
that is to brand the lot of them traitors with rapidly exits. On the ragged edge guards feel obligated to give him the benefit
thousand-ruble bounties. Duly alerted, MVD of insanity, Sasha-R-LPO turns and of the doubt. Read:
agents have descended on the Warm Water dives into the water. The doors to
Portal like supersonic vultures converging on Outdoors open about halfway and After you’ve taken a few steps forward,
a road kill. Read: stick, trembling to a high-pitched the voice bellows, ‘THAT’S FAR
whine. ‘Get out get out get out! Ahhh! ENOUGH! GIVE THE PASSWORD OR
Suddenly you hear laser blasts! Doors are now open!’ says Tovarich DIE!’
‘Comrade citizen!’ says Tovarich Computer. ‘Smershoviks, do your
Computer, ‘Investigate source of proletarian duty!’ The sound of the (Let the player say whatever he wants.
treasonous firing!’ MVD troopers is rapidly getting louder. Opening fire now or turning around would be
Igor-R-NQY-3, your Spetsnaz guard, Now what do you do? a bad idea. When the player speaks:)
seems very offended and draws his
flamethrower. He strides confidently OK, look: Lots of armed MVD guards are The turrets are silent for a long time.
over to the hallway where the shots about to pour into this area. They still think All you can hear is the throbbing
came from and lets loose with a every PC is a traitor worth a whole pile of hum of the immense generators and
very impressive pyrotechnic display. rubles. There is only one realistic option now: capacitors for the laser cannon. Then
Through the billowing clouds of burnt Run. Grab the T-88 and get out before it’s a small hatch opens at the base of
plastic and goodness only knows what too late. If they whine to Tovarich Computer, the right-hand turret, and a small
else, you hear a megaphone proclaim, it replies, ‘Nyet to be worrying about MVD or citizen slips out and runs over to the
‘Tovarich Computer is to be informing nyething else. Go subvert capitalists. Leave other turret. it opens, and you see the
us that the Smershoviks are capitalist everything else to me. Trust me. I am your citizen’s comrade leaning out. They
bourgeoisie traitors! Halt in name of tovarich. Only ... hurry!’ converse for a few moments, then
Tovarich Computer! Surrender and the second shrugs and disappears
you will nyet be tortured, only killed!’ back into his turret. ‘YOU CAN GO
‘What? I am having ordered nyet such Border crossing AHEAD AND GO ON IN. THE, UH, THE
thing!’ bellows Tovarich Computer. PASSWORD WAS CORRECT ENOUGH
‘Smershoviks, carry out your orders!’ So the Smershoviks go putt-putting Outdoors FOR ME. GOT ANY LUGGAGE TO
The vid screens flicker for a second, in the T-88. Their directions are to Go West DECLARE? HAVE A NICE DAY. AH,
then Tovarich Computer speaks and Infiltrate. We’ve been this way before, so THE REST OF YOU CAN GO ON IN
again, saying, [read this in a non- you know what to do—just remember the T-88 TOO, I GUESS.’ The blast door swings
accented voice] ‘I repeat. All members won’t deviate from its course. ponderously out like a drawbridge.
of Smershovik Soviet #1917 are After what seems like an eternity, the T-88
hereby declared traitors. Rewards of trundles over a small rise. Spread out in front Sure, it may stretch credibility for the Soviet
unprecedented dimension are offered of the Soviet is USA Sector. Obvious paths lie to enter Alpha Complex this way, but how
for their immediate termination. Stop between the large craters and laser-burned else would a bunch of Rrrooshian-speaking
them from leaving!’ Igor-R turns his earth. Wheel marks and the occasional road Commies get in?
weapon on you. What do you do? kill confirm these paths are often traveled, at (Well, there are probably half a dozen good
least by vehicular traffic. Somehow the T-88 ways, and your players will think of all of
If they gun down Igor-R, he fires back until barely manages to maneuver through the them. This is the only one we Famous Game
killed. If they try to talk with him, he listens safe areas. Designers thought of, before it was time for
because things are so confusing, thus buying our nap.)

. 199
Inside Alpha Complex wear unwashed shoddy black clothing,
and the room is filled with their loud
■ USA Sector map
They made it! displeasure.
The Smershoviks are admitted into Alpha The INFRAREDs carry various Pull out the Generic Map of Everything
Complex. Happiness, nyet morbid depression, implements known to cause (page 95). The USA Sector layout
is mandatory. Heck, from the PCs’ point of unfavorable occurances when applied is identical; only the buildings are
view, treason is mandatory. And colors! Gobs directly to vital body parts. They all different.
of colors, more colors than the Smershoviks look big and stupid. And mad. The din
have ever seen in their Alpha State. And with quiets suddenly as they take notice of 1) HPD&MC Video Programming
the colors comes class distinction, repression, your sudden arrival. OK, soon-to-be Office: Here mid-level, technically
conflict and revolution. revolutionary martyrs, what do you orthodox yet vaguely suspect
Whenever the novelty of gallivanting around do now? bureaucrats decide tonight’s
in Alpha Complex wears thin (if you let ‘em vidshows.
wear it as thin as is fun, you’ll have to wing Given a bunch of zealous Commies, an
a lot—or you could skip to the end of this oppressive society and the unwashed masses 2) Big BLUE Bureaucratic Building:
episode and then come back here), the PCs in the room, the answer should be obvious. Every service group maintains an
turn a corner and see several GREEN Internal Just remember first that the INFRAREDs HQ here. If traitors blew up the
Security goons standing in a cluster near have been trained since birth to believe that building, efficiency would treble.
a large barricaded double door. One of the Commies Are Bad. it is not smart to outright
IntSec goons sees the PCs and points. admit that you’re a Commie to these folks, 3) Food vats: The stench permeates
If the PCs don’t panic, a couple of the most of whom have been attending the First this entire area.
goons start jogging over to them, saying Church of Christ Computer-Programmer since
‘Hold it right there.’ Behind the double doors Junior Citizenship. 4) CPU Paperwork Field Testing
is the INFRARED cafeteria. There’s a lot of Second, the INFRAREDs are pathetically Lab: Here eager volunteers test
INFRAREDs in there. There is also no Hot dense. These are the genetic rejects and new forms.
Fun. This is a bad combination. cloning flubs that are placed in marginally
Things are definitely getting ugly, and there’s useful tasks. Some are literally too dumb to die. 5) Troubleshooter Dispatch:
about to be a riot. And The Computer has They are nearly incapable of abstract thought, Smershoviks can probably infiltrate
activated the IntSec goons to deal with it. The so convincing them of the greater cause of this high-security complex if they
goons happen to notice a passing batch of world revolution is hopeless. The players keep their mouth shut. They might
RED Troubleshooters (Smershoviks, that is), should think directly; gain their stomachs and get activated to hunt Commies!
and who better to take the blame and physical their hearts and minds, such as they are, will
abuse if the INFRAREDs don’t settle down? follow. 6) R&D test field: Mad scientists
Read: When acting as the INFRAREDs, take your test new weapons and vehicles.
cue from this: Lethally dangerous.
One of the Internal Security citizens
clamps a heavy hand on Red Leader’s PC: So, comrades, vhy are you being 7) INFRARED barracks, mess hall
shoulder and smiles. “REDs! Just the upset? and communal sink: The PCs
folks we were looking for!’ he says. INFRAREDs: WE HAVE NO HOT FUN! start the riot here.
Pulling the Red Leader to the double PC: But Tovarich Computer is playing
door, he continues; ‘Listen, all of us at game of seek-and-go-hide vith you 8) Hospital: Here many people are
Internal Security have heard how good for Hot Fun. sick, tied down and immobile. All
you guys are at controlling the lower INFRAREDs: Huh? the antibiotics in the world can’t
menial types. We got us a whole bunch PC: Hot Fun is being hidden! Werrry fun protect them from infection by
of laborers in there, and they’re none go looking for it! Maybe behind door. Commie propaganda!
too happy. They didn’t get their Hot Below floor. Tear things up and look,
Fun, and they feel exploited. We have and maybe you will be finding Hot Fun 9) Mass execution chamber and
to get them calmed down so they can before anybody else is finding any! power surge control grid: Here
get back to their 16-hour shift in the Maybe is under helmets of guards convicted traitors await the next
munitions factory. But I’m telling you, outside this door! power surge and simultaneously
there’s masses of them in there. So see save valuable Computer property
what you can do with these people.’ He As long as the PCs don’t screw up really from damage.
whips the door open, and the squad of bad, they can start a full-scale insurrection.
goons propels you all through. The INFRAREDs run rampant, rioting in the 10) Armed Forces Outdoors Mission
You’re standing on a balcony landing hallways and generally making a mess of Assembly Area: The only thing
overlooking one end of a large room. things. in this enormous chamber is the
Stairs descend on either side down Your players are now experiencing a post- Model 425 Mark 4 Main Battle
to the main floor, which is crowded stress syndrome known as a ‘power trip.’ Tankbot (from ‘Me and My Shadow
with a seething mass of disgruntled They will almost certainly attempt to engineer Mark 4’ and Alpha Complexities, in
subhumanity. The INFRAREDs all another revolt, given how easy the first was. PARANOIA Flashbacks).
With or without rioting INFRAREDs, there’s

■ Troubleshooting (so to speak) cover. Tovarich Computer gives a recall order. The sweeping tide of
INFRAREDs deposits the Smershoviks like so much flotsam near the
The PCs can easily mess up this storyline. They could panic, door through which they entered USA Sector, and the PCs can leave.
open fire, run away, try to fast-talk the GREEN goons... A FiG-25 airdrops (drops, not parachutes) a new T-88 tractor for them
That’s fine! Really. Tovarich Computer will punish them for to drive home in.
failing in their only real chance to overthrow Alpha Complex. Oh—and what if the PCs failed to incite the riot? Well... in that case
Just skip this part of the episode and let them get back to Alpha you can wipe them out. It’s their own fault for ignoring orders.
State alive.
If you just love this episode and must use it -- well, there’s about
to be a riot. It is the work of a moment to send a few squads of Debriefing
BLUE Vulture Warriors around the corner as extra persuasion
for vagrant Smershoviks. (That would make a cool band name. By the time the Smershoviks return, Alpha State is completely controlled
‘Ladies and gentlemen, the Vagrant Smershoviks!’) by The Commie Computer—the last few bits of Our Friend, after holding
held out in some old Tass RAM chips, have been completely consumed.
Tovarich Computer wants to know all about what the Smershoviks did
in USA Sector; how much damage they caused, their estimate of USA
a whole lot of obnoxious things a group of Commies can do in Alpha military strength and stuff like that.
Complex. Here’s some examples: The more damage the PCs did to USA Sector, the happier they
make Tovarich Computer. Show this by instantly rewarding every act
1) If the Commies can break into the PL&C warehouses, they can of sabotage as soon as the PCs report it. Get the players to mention
quite literally paint the town Red! This’ll cause all sorts of problems everything they did and some things they didn’t. Let them bask in the
for IntSec as low-clearance flunkies storm into high-clearance glory of being revolutionary heroes. Even when the Smershoviks have
labs to play with all the new gadgets like the reactor overload to tell how they blew their cover, don’t change Tovarich Computer’s
dampers, treason files, and other stuff. attitude from immeasurable satisfaction. This should worry your players
2) They could place a red herring: Run up to a big group of Armed greatly.
Forces guards, hand them a huge pile of propaganda pamphlets
and Commie flags (‘Guard these! Are being wery important
ewidence!’), then head some goons their way.
3) They could reprogram bots to zoom about in public places waving
Commie flags.
4) They could replace all the traffic signals with red lights and lock
up traffic for hours.

Then, when they’ve done enough damage and half the sector lies in
ruins, a random citizen approaches the PCs and casually asks what’s
happening. it quickly develops he’s a Commie sympathizer—or so
it seems at first. After the players have gotten him all excited about
becoming a Commie, the citizen runs off to recruit his friends as well.
Very innocent.
But then the citizen returns with all his friends from Internal Security
in tow. They close in by the truckload, because they want the agitators
who started the INFRAREDs rebelling, and they want them in the worst
possible way.

■ Deus ex machina, and we’re proud of it

Now that we’re so close to the tantalizingly mind-crushing debriefing in
Episode 6, it would not do to have the Smershoviks wiped out. Here’s
a handy way to save their little Red cabooses.
Just when things look blackest, just when the Smershoviks are
cornered in a closet by two platoons of IntSec agents, some doberbots,
a crowd of angry citizens bucking for promotion, the 1477th Vulture
Strategic Bombing Wing and the Mark 4 Main Battle Tankbot, there’s
a sudden crescendo of noise: yelling, pounding, things breaking. Then
hordes of stampeding INFRAREDs burst onto the scene, smothering
the opposition and bearing the Smershoviks triumphantly along as
fellow revolutionaries.
The Communist Party Line rings; Smersh Politburo says Tovarich
Computer has been demanding an update. Press for full details,
and eventually someone admits the Smershoviks have blown their

5: Red sunset
Alpha State is invaded by a screaming yellow the Smersh Politburo for a mission Olga-R gets the PCs organized, and just as
horde of imperialist dogbot soldiers. The PCs briefing. they’re heading out of the square they hear
run and hide to fight a guerrilla war under the a whistle, sort of like an incoming cone rifle
guidance of Igor-R-NQY-2, the elite Spetsnaz Give the players Red Alert reference shell. Did one of the Spetsnaz troopers fire
commando. The Smershovik Soviet attempts PGRA/5a. It ought to be ominous enough to accidentally? Nope, it’s just the first shot of the
to steal a FiG-25 from an occupied Alpha State prompt discomfort. After the usual scramble, invasion force—a tacnuke aimed to wipe out
airbase, but they are captured before they read: the Red Army in one swell foop. If you can find
succeed. Or maybe after, if you like megadeath a tacnuke to detonate, do it! It’ll sure scare your
scenarios. As you go to briefing room T, you players and help set the mood. Then read:
This is the big climactic episode, so even see squads of elite Spetsnaz guards
here, in the ‘pre-mission briefing,’ try to inject everywhere, all marching in the general The Spetsnaz soldiers all lookup.
a note of excitement into everything that goes direction of the Kremlin. Units the size What do you do? Too late! Flash!
on. of divisions begin forming up, their Brilliant light temporarily blinds you
banners and cadre in front. It’s really and BOOOMMM! You’re all thrown
quite a spectacle. violently to the ground and stunned
Background In the briefing room, Olga-R pulls by a massive shock wave as a fireball
out a large gleaming case and pushes engulfs most of the square. What do
The Computer (the real one) was, needless a button on top. A large glossy video you do?
to say, quite disconcerted when it drove screen pops out with a smooth
itself out of Alpha State. Even worse, upon hydraulic release, and the screen As the PCs run from the scene (the only
reviewing extensive camera footage, it realized flickers to life. It displays Pyotr-R-YHC- logical or in fact survivable alternative), read:
Smershoviks from Alpha State had shown up in 5 in crisp, clean color. It’s obvious this
USA Sector to spread the Glorious Communist screen is brand new and state of the Alarms start going off all over
Revolution. Obviously, its grand experiment art. Read: the place, and panicked citizens
has gotten completely out of hand and is now a Pyotr-R is lying in a hospital bed. stampede every which way. Then, with
threat to the safety of Alpha Complex. Threats He’s apparently not feeling terribly a ‘YEEEHAAAAWWWW!’ two yellow-
must be destroyed, and loyal citizens must be well. He’s got an IV in his arm and an clad warriors come charging down
rescued. This, however, is a threat composed oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. the corridor, mowing down comrade
of loyal citizens. Dicey. Electrodes are attached to his skull, citizens left and right. At the same
Because the experiment is clearly running giving a very unusual reading on a time, a large Spetsnaz commando
amok, a whole mess of YELLOW clearance nearby monitor. Other devices monitor falls out of the air and lands on them,
Vultures have mobilized to pacify Alpha State. his vital signs, while a large machine crushing them completely.
Ordinarily they would all be equipped with behind him occasionally goes PING!
stunners, but one of the last pieces of data ‘Zdrastiye, Smershoviks! This is mega-macho Spetsnaz elite airborne
obtained from Alpha State indicated a large Congratulations on assignment this frogman commando and covert operations
military buildup. Shelving the safety of innocent mission. Is glorious opportunity specialist Igor-R-NQY-2, last seen barbecuing
though hypnotized citizens in preference for its serve rewolution,’ he says. ‘You are MVDs in the Warm Water Portal. Remember?
own safety, The Computer arms the invading to be having honor to lead very best If the players lack the common decency to
YELLOWs to the teeth. Isn’t it grand? A cast troops in Alpha State!’ He gestures even thank him for squashing the YELLOWs,
of thousands—and thousands who end up dramatically, sending the probably he grabs one by the ankle and says, ‘Please
in casts! expensive blood pressure monitor to be letting me come vith, comrades! I can be
crashing to the floor. ‘Nyet only that, helping you!’ This is a bona fide Major Hint.
but I am having priwilege telling you all If, on the other hand, your players feel
Invasion Alpha State vill vatch your ewery move compelled to help (or at least look at) Igor-R,
this mission! You are so honored!’ read them the following description:
Allow a suitable pause to refresh, then read: He starts gesticulating even more
wildly. ‘You are to be wanguard of The Spetsnaz soldier is the citizen with
After you finished your last mission rewolutionary army! NOW is time for the flamethrower you saw in the Warm
and debriefing, your glorious Soviet ALL good Smershoviks to COME TO—’ Water Portal. He is dressed in full battle
dispersed. Your comrades around *Poit!* You see Pyotr-R’s sweeping armor, which is scorched through in
you feel the People’s Revolution is gesture pop the IV needle out of his several places and covered with black
all the more safe from a reactionary arm. He immediately slams back soot. He says, ‘What happened? Last
fascist counterrevolution with loyal on the bed, his frenzied expression I am remembering was in square with
and patriotic Smershoviks like you to locked forever on his aged face. You 40,000 proletarian comrades waiting
defend Mother Alpha. Later, you are all hope you don’t look that silly when orders to inwade enemy territory ...
again summoned to appear before you die. who are yellow peoples I sit on?’

With that question, it ought to be easy to get ■ Firefight map
the players to deduce they’re being invaded.
If they need proof, a simple glance upward See Map 4, the FiG base on page 96. Key:
(easy for Igor-R who’s on his back) confirms 1) Land of living mines: Self-aware, mobile, burrowing explosives, similar to the
it—there’s scads of YELLOWs all over the pesky percussives in the mission ‘Me and My Shadow Mark 4’ (reprinted in the original
place; in parachutes, descending down ropes, PARANOIA Flashbacks volume). The living mines slowly, silently crawl under unwise or
zooming around in YELLOW-clearance flybots, immobile characters, then detonate (W4V energy, area 2m).
etc. 2) Burly wall: A tall, thick concrete wall (armor rating 6, ablative) topped with electrified
Why? Because The Computer must destroy barbed wire (S4W energy plus stun, automatically on contact). Make an Arbitrary Justice
its Alpha State counterpart. Modem invasions roll to determine on which side of the wall a stunned character falls.
and data bus infiltrations have all failed, and 3) Motor pool: Pool of oil, that is, leaking from the perforated crankcases of several
now the Commie Computer is trying to enter T-88 ‘Cossack’ tractors. One has a flamethrower mounted to the rear; another has an
the rest of the Alpha Complex system. There industrial fire extinguisher that looks, for all the world, just like a flamethrower.
is only one choice left for The Computer: It 4) FiG-25s: The PCs are after these military flybots. They fly! They fight! At least, they
must turn off the power to the HUH Sector fly with a successful Hardware/Vehicle Ops check, and a Violence/Vehicular Combat
CompNode. This is somewhat akin to curing check to hit a target.
your split personality by putting a bullet through 5) Neutron bombs: Please don’t shoot lasers in this direction. Each bomb weighs 30kg;
your left frontal lobe, but The Computer has no there are 55 bombs in a pyramidal stack. It takes one PC five turns to load a bomb onto
viable alternative. a FiG, two PCs need two turns, and three PCs take all day. If a bomb blows up, it has
Therefore, at this time, the alarms cut adverse consequences all across the area. Pop the map in a microwave or something.
back off, the lights cut out, and the air 6) Fuse box: A big strongbox full of electronic bomb fuses. Sure hope the players
grows immediately stuffy. Power to Tovarich remember to put fuses in the neutron bombs; otherwise the bombs won’t explode unless
Computer was just cut. After a brief moment, hit by a stray laser shot.
emergency lights come on and sirens restart 7) Fuel storage tank: Armor rating 4, hardened and fireproof. Not affected by
on minimum levels (beep—beep—beep). If flamethrowers, thank goodness, but a cone rifle shell or something similarly major ruptures
anyone has the bright idea to tell Tovarich the tank, covering the area with gobs of small fires (S3M energy).
Computer that something has happened, 8) Coolant storage tank: Armor rating 4, hardened. Full to the brim with pure (200
every screen displays the message ‘WAIT proof) alcohol. If ruptured, the tank spills booze across the tarmac, and everyone not
ONE MOMENT,’ while a looped tape says, wearing a gasmask gets drunk from the fumes.
‘Nyething is wrong. Do nyet move. I’ll be right 9) Cooled liquid storage tank: Armor rating 3. Full of supercooled water. If the tank
with you.’ ruptures, water sprays everywhere and instantly freezes. If all three tanks (#7-9) get hit,
things get interesting as drunken Smershoviks weave between fires on ice-slick tarmac
■ Red Rovers in oil-slicked T-88s. Then the fire blows the bomb fuses, the explosion hits the neutron
bombs, and...
As the PCs evade the blitzkrieging Vultures, 10) Big important building: Full of Vultures. When you start to run out Vultures, a
Igor-R tells them between gasps of pain he few more storm out of here.
can help them fight the capitalist imperialist 11) Vulture guards: They start here unless you want them elsewhere.
totalitarians, and leads them to a hiding place 12) Control tower: Three storeys tall and filled with high-tech comm and tracking gear.
he knows of that can serve as a base of Enterprising PCs can gather intel and maybe assign incoming Vulturecraft to dangerous
operations. flightpaths.
Depending on how your players are doing on 13) Guard towers: Heavy anti-personnel lasers (W3K, unlimited range) and anti-aircraft
clones, now’s the time to throw in a few chance missiles (I3V energy armor-piercing, area 5m). Both are on swivel mounts, but the
encounters to run up the body count until missiles fire only upward. Each tower is manned by two BLUE Vulture guards who are
everyone is on their fourth clone or higher. An specially trained not to fire near the tanks or bombs. PCs can use these weapons with a
ideal way to do this is to have the players get Violence/Energy Weapons or Projectile Weapons check. Have the PCs been specially
chased by Vultures all the way across Alpha trained not to fire near the tanks or bombs?
State and back, getting extra mileage out of
the maps from earlier in the scenario.
But they eventually find a place of refuge ■ BLUE Vulture guards
somewhere, thanks to Igor-R-NQY-2 (unless
they let him get killed, in which case they Violence 10, Energy Weapons 14, Projectile Weapons 14, Don’t Hit The Tanks And
deserve to be run to ground like deer). Read Especially Not The Bombs 16
the following to your weary players: BLUE laser pistol (W3K), stunner (20 shots, stuns), BLUE battle armor (3)
Under the knowledgable guidance of Igor-R- Tactics: Usually, ‘Shoot first, don’t ask questions.’ This situation is less heated, so the
NQY-2, you finally reach a place that seems Vultures want to capture Alpha State Commies. (You need some survivors to interrogate
safe from the invading YELLOW hordes. in Episode 6.)
It’s a small building, apparently gutted and
barricaded a long time ago by Tass workers.
Igor-R leads you in through an ingenious secret
door, then indicates you can all relax for a

■ Red Rovers draws a map showing how to quickly
get to the airbase, and another map
Standard YELLOW Vulture. One of showing the airbase itself, which looks
thousands. like this.
YELLOW laser rifle (W3K); YELLOW
combat armor (4) Place the FiG Airbase map on the table, just
so they know what they’re getting into.

After all that, Igor-R says, ‘Please

while. You can still hear the voice of Tovarich to be hurrying, comrades! Is nyet
Computer echoing softly through the sector, much time before it is too late for
‘Nyething is wrong. Do nyet move. I’ll be right saving of Alpha State. Invaders begin
with you.’ searching every building very soon!
Pause here and let the players re-evaluate Good luck!’ And with that, he slips into
their position. It’s nice to be able to get your unconciousness.
bearings sometimes... When they’re done
yakking, read: ■ Firefight
Presently Igor-R rises stiffly to his It’s time for the Smershoviks to try to recapture
feet. Gazing though the cracks in the FiG-25’s. This is the last chance the PCs
the walls of the building you’re in, have to really succeed. They can (almost) win
he watches the clean formations of back Alpha State from the invading capitalistic
yellow-clad troops marching about warmongers! They can at least do a lot of
Alpha State, rounding up defenders damage. Just remember—the better they do
of the proletarian revolution. here, the worse they get hosed in the final
Igor-R turns around and sits painfully, episode. So let ’em do really well.
leaning his back against the wall. He Getting from their secret hideout to the
looks at you and shakes his head airbase is no real problem; soon the PCs
sadly. ‘Comrades, we are having been reach the edge of the captured Spetsnaz
invaded by elitist imperialist terrorists. compound.
They are having infiltration beloved The more we think about it, the more we like
Alpha State and subversion Tovarich the idea of PCs zooming around Alpha State
Computer’s defense subroutines. with devastating neutron warheads. Go ahead.
‘So, comrades, it is being up to us for Let ‘em have their fun; they’ll pay for it in the
continuation of fight against dogmatic next episode. But boy, will they be disappointed
oppression and capitalist mind-control if they forgot the fuses...
devices. And, comrades, I am having They can fly around all they want. Roll their
plan.’ Vehicular Weapons specialty to see if they
‘Nyet wery far from here is Red hit their desired target or instead hit a POW
Army base of the air. On airbase is camp or a lower-flying FiG or something. Then,
full squadron FiG-25 Boxfat fighting- when they’re through watching zillions of NPCs
bombing flybots. Wery good wehicles. blown miles into the air in a thermonuclear
Also on base is weapons and fuel. fireball, ask the players where they intend to
Weapons are wery big neutron bombs. land their FiGs. There is nowhere. Even if the
Kill imperialist puppets, leave products PCs didn’t trash their own airfield, it’s the only
of proletarian construction intact. one in Alpha State, and there’s plenty of folks
‘You, comrade Smershoviks, must be awaiting them there.
stealing FiGs and dropping of bombs There’s no exit to the Outdoors. If they try to
on heads of capitalist warmongering blow a hole in the dome, it collapses atop their
slaved rivers and pinkerton middlemen. jets; the only possible way out is through the
Now I am to be telling you how to fly Warm Water Portal or the Room of Bath wall,
FiGs and drop bombs.’ You receive a and we doubt any of the PCs has the skill to
lecture several hours long, in which fly an eight-meter wide jet through two-meter
Igor-R gives you definitive instructions hallways...
on the operation of a FiG warcraft. There’s always the Kremlin plaza. Yeah.
Everyone add 2 to your Hardware/ They should land there. No one stops ‘em.
Flybot Operation specialty, and 1 to Takes a while for the hordes of goons with
your Violence/Vehicular Weapons heavy stunners to arrive.
specialty. After the lecture, Igor-R

6: Wakey-wakey
The Alpha State experiment has worked both Read this next part in a dreamy, wavy, funny With one exception. The Computer knows
better and worse than The Computer hoped. voice that gradually gets normal as the PCs Troubleshooters are clever; that’s why they’re
Better, because it was outstandingly successful ‘wake up.’ Troubleshooters. If a player can show he
at creating a bunch of Commies, and it got to earned his commendations by deceiving his
see how Commies work and how ingenious You begin to feel funny—perhaps it’s an superiors, then he is instead rewarded for
they are. Worse, because now The Computer exploitive capitalist mind-control drug! hampering the Communists—just so long as
has found out just how ingenious Commies No... that’s not it... you’re remembering The Computer doesn’t think he’s done the
really are. The Computer wants to find out who things now. Alpha State... it’s just same things on previous missions.
in the experiment, if anyone, is actually loyal, a dream—you were volunteered for Someone who deliberately sabotaged
and who has been corrupted. it... a mission in a capitalistic city, missions is rewarded now, even though his
Try to avoid a pause or break between the hypnosis, post-hypnotic suggestion, previous clone may have been executed in
last episode and this one. The more your totalitarian domination... the glorious Alpha State. The Computer rewards those
players are in the habit of speaking with revolution... who simply cannot bring themselves to follow
Russian accents, the better. NOW you remember it all! Life Communism, even under hypnosis. Give him
before Alpha State, living in Alpha a commendation for every treason penalty he
Complex, being volunteered for a got in Alpha State, plus a few hundred credits
Debriefing secret experiment, hypnosis drugs to for every clone terminated for treason.
make you think you were a Commie, The characters’ relationship with Tovarich
Here the Troubleshooters awaken from their when all the time you were serving Computer is complicated, for it simultaneously
revolutionary dream and rapidly readjust to a your friend The Computer. Now here represents proper authority and the very soul
non-Commie environment. After their capture, you are, and what does this YELLOW of Communism. Disobedience to Tovarich
read this: yoyo want? Computer cannot go unpunished. Obedience
to Tovarich Computer cannot go unpunished.
Oh, how bitter is defeat at the hands of Playtesting shows certain players, realizing Heh heh! Guess that wasn’t so complicated
imperialist warmongering soldiers! at this time the magnitude of their upcoming after all.
Soon, arrogant cowardly brown- hosing, choose instead to immolate themselves Most important in this debriefing/trial pre-
nosing bloodthirsty bourgeois guards (and as many others as possible in the room). execution warm-up is roleplaying. Anyone
drag you out of the compound. Give your players a chance to do so. When who keeps talking in a Russian accent gets
You are taken against your will things are cleaned up, read: terminated, pronto, because it’s obvious even
to the edge of Alpha State—when anti-hypnosis drugs were unable to remove the
suddenly an unseen door in the wall Marcus-Y rises and says, ‘Welcome, Commie influence from his brain.
opens out onto a sewer pipe painted citizens, to your final debriefing. Thank
a most elite shade of blue! Of course!
Infiltration—the way the Dark Forces
you, I guess, for your supposedly loyal
service to The Computer. I’m afraid we
■ 20 questions
conquered Mother Alpha. have some investigating to do, and Here’s some double-edged questions to inspire
Strange—the corridor gets bigger. probably some psychological tests your own creativity in tormenting your players.
Sure doesn’t look much like a sewer and surgical restructuring. But I feel (Comments and safe answers follow each
pipe to you any more... must be some confident we’ll find all your faults. The question in parentheses.)
fascist propaganda trick! Computer and I shall make sure of it.’
1 Do you think The Computer did a good
The hapless Soviet is led to a large yellow
room. There is a black square in the center of
■ Interrogation job faking a Commie Complex? (No
matter how you answer, The Computer
the floor, and Computer cameras adorn the Are you ready for this? The Computer sent a may be insulted.)
front wall. Already in the room are Olga-R-HGJ- bunch of loyal citizens to be archtraitors. While
4 and Pyotr-R-YHC-6. Olga-R rushes over and they were Commies, they were rewarded for 1 Are you glad you were chosen to serve
embraces each of the PCs, sobbing openly. being good Commies and punished for being The Computer in this manner? (A
Pyotr-R is seated in a wheelchair in the back bad Commies. This helped maintain the positive answer may be interpereted as
corner of the room, his chin in his hand and ambience in Alpha State. Communist zeal.)
a scowl on his face. See if the players have However, The Computer feels anyone
anything amusing to say. Then read: who rebelled against being a Commie has 1 How do you feel, given that your
deep-seated, unconscious objections and previous clone was executed as a traitor
Seated behind a table opposite you is antipathies toward Communism, whereas in Alpha State, when the whole thing
a citizen dressed in a horrible shade anyone who was a real good Commie has a wasn’t real in the first place? (Great! I
of yellow. A sign identifies this craven lack of same, if not outright sympathy for the died in the service of The Computer!)
foreman stoolie as Marcus-Y-EJO-2. Revolution. Therefore, if a PC was a good
One of the imperialist troopers gives Commie, he will now be executed. For every 1 How do you feel about Commies, now
each of you a pill and crams it down commendation, promotion and backpat a PC that you’ve been one? (Best to deny that
your throat at cone riflepoint. earned, give him an equal amount of trouble. you were ever really a Commie; you just

. 205
gritted your teeth and faked it, looking for If they say no, they’re obviously hiding ‘Well?’ Marcus-Y shouts. ‘You’d
a weakness.) something—perhaps they’re more better think fast, comrade, because
infected than first thought.) I’ve got a special execution lined up
1 How could life in Alpha State have been that’s three hours long.’ Evidently
improved? (Remove Communism.) These by no means are the only questions Pyotr-R can’t think of anything that
you can ask, nor are the given answers the can save him, because he’s keeping
1 Were you plotting to overthrow the only safe ones. And everything is open to quiet. Looks like he’s chosen the stoic
Commies in Alpha State? (Say yes and convoluted interpretation. Oh, heck, just let approach to his imminent execution.
you’re a secret society traitor. No, and ’em kill each other! That’s what they’re here ‘Fine. By the power vested in me by
you’re a Commie.) for, isn’t it? your friend and mine, The Computer,
After he’s finished with the PCs: I do hereby charge you with grand
1 Do you think The Computer’s judgment treason and arrest you in the name
has been fair? (Yes! Execute me Marcus-Y turns to Olga-R with a stern of Alpha Complex. Come with me!’
again!) look. Olga-R winks bawdily at him. Seething with hatred, Marcus-Y strides
He blushes slightly and says, ‘You, across the room and grabs Pyotr-R by
1 If The Computer asked you again to be Miss [stress the ‘Miss’] Olga-R-HGJ-4, the collar. There’s a soft ‘fwooosh,’ as
a real live Commie, would you want to? are hereby pardoned for your actions, Pyotr-R crumbles to dust and seeps
(I wouldn’t ever—never ever in my whole which in no way endangered Alpha onto the floor, leaving Marcus-Y
life—want to be a Commie! But I’d do it Complex or The Computer.’ Olga-R holding an empty jumpsuit in a pale
for The Computer.) leaps for joy and thanks Marcus-Y cloud of human motes.
profusely. Marcus-Y stands stupefied for
1 Do you feel you know too much about ‘And now for you, Pyotr-R-YHC-6. a minute, then angrily throws the
Commies to be safely released back You were a loyal and fawning Commie. jumpsuit on the pile and kicks it,
into mainstream life in Alpha Complex? You adhered to and advanced the raising another cloud that settles
(If they say yes, they’re aware of teachings of Communism. Do you have mostly on his pants. With a snarl he
the danger of their knowledge; give anything to say in your defense?’ turns and strides out of the room.
Official Reprimands and let them go. Pyotr-R is deep in thought. You can Olga-R trots beside him, brushing off
see the strain in his face. his cuffs.

Player handouts
:Soviet #1917 :Reference PGRA/1B :Soviet #1917
:Soviet #1917 *************RED ALERT!****************
:Reference PGRA/2C :Reference PGRA/3A :Reference PGRA/3B
:Soviet #1917 :Soviet #1917 :Soviet #1917
Congratulations, honored comrade! You are *************RED ALERT!**************** :BABUSHKA, FURRY, BIG, BLACK,
being recipient signal honor of flight of werrry
werrry nice Fiko/Guero Model 25 interceptor
fighting-bombing flybot ‘Boxfat’! Please to be
varming up of Hardvare/Wehicular Operation BE TAKING OF DANGEROUS :BABUSHKA, FURRY, BIG, GRAY, ONE
specialty while listening to following: PRISONER TO OTHER DOME AND :BABUSHKA, FURRY, BIG, RED, ONE
1. Model FiG-25 ‘Boxfat’ has cannon-mounted RECEPTIONIST FOR COLORS, TWO
2. Model FiG-25 ‘Boxfat’ has bomb-mounted :SOVIET #1917 IS TO BE LEAVING CORD, WERRRY BIG ROLL
obeyment of mission directives, veapons of
Model FiG-25 ‘Boxfat’ are being having been
retrofitted for your conwenience. Number of
3. Model FiG-25 ‘Boxfat’ is also having werrry NYET TALKING TO PRISONER :WHO ARE CONTAINING EACH:
4. Model FiG-25 ‘Boxfat’ is also having special ALSO NYET LISTENING TO PAIRING
Veapon of nose is being perestroikaed. DANGEROUS LIAR MARSHMALLOWS, PACKETS, SIX
You are to being launching and having
rendezwous with rewolutionary comrades
werrry soon, maybe one half hour. Maybe. :ICEPICK, ONE
Have depressing day! :SNOWSHOE, ONE


:Reference PGRA/4A :Reference PGRA/4B :Reference PGRA/5A
:Soviet #1917 :Soviet #1917 :Soviet #1917

*************RED ALERT!**************** :EXPERIMENTALIST INFILTRATION *************RED ALERT!****************

Map 1: Room of Bath (Episode 1)
Room of Bath
(Episode 1)
1: Alpha Complex
BER entrance
1 6 2: Alpha Complex LIN
2 3: Alpha State HUH
14 entrance (players’
8 4: Sinks
5 5: Toilets
6: Mirror
7: Paper towels
8: Showers
1 9: Paper towel bin
10 10: Decontamination
11 11: Communal
13 toothbrush
4 12: Jacuzzi (broken)
13: Hole in floor
14: Shoeshine seats

Map 2: Nuclear tractor (Episode 2)

Nuclear Tractor
(Episode 2)
1: Cooling tower
15 (open top)
8 15 2: Very tall ladder
9 3: Power lines
4: Power relay
3 14 10 station
. 13 5: Heavy water tank
6: Stairs to hatch
4 11 7: Piping
1 8: Observation (no
12 9: Control room
10: Pile of graphite
15 6 rods
14 11: Access to reactor
15 core
7 12: Radio antenna
13: Fireman’s pole
14: Stairs from
15: 100-meter drop

Map 3: Generic map of everything




.. 209
Map 4: FiG Base (Episode 4)









PARANOIA TM — Flashbacks Redux Redux



The most popular XP-edition missions are back, in their 25th Anniversary guise! Filled with
hand-picked classic adventures from all previous editions of Paranoia, Flashbacks Redux Redux
is gaming hilarity at its greatest. This is the second compilation of classic Paranoia missions,
and should not be missed!

Many classic adventures are found in Flashbacks Redux Redux, all suitably trimmed, tweaked
and tailored for the latest edition of Paranoia: Troubleshooters.

PARANOIA: A light-hearted game of backstabbing, treachery and guile, where trusting other
players is a sure route to the termination centre!

Adventures include: Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Alpha Complex, Spin Control, My First Treason,
Sweep of Unhistory, The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy, Viva La Revolution, The People’s
Glorious Revolutionary Adventure


For use with PARANOIA A world fit for Kafka, Orwell

For Gamemasters, and the Marx Brothers
not players! PARANOIA is a satirical roleplaying game set in a darkly humorous future. A well-meaning
but deranged Computer desperately protects the citizens of an underground city from secret
societies, mutants and all sorts of real and imagined enemies. You play a Troubleshooter, one
of The Computer’s elite agents. You track and destroy enemies of The Computer. You hope The
Computer and your fellow Troubleshooters won’t find out you are one of these enemies.
PARANOIA: a lighthearted game of terror, death, b­ ureaucracies, mad scientists, mutants,
dangerous weapons and insane robots, which encourages players to lie, to cheat and to backstab
each other at every turn.
Originally published in 1984, PARANOIA sold over 150,000 copies. The Mongoose edition
updates PARANOIA for this new and more paranoid time.

ISBN 978-1-907702-33-4 $39.99 Mongoose publishing—swindon, uk MGP 6679

Flashbacks Redux Redux and PARANOIA Copyright © 1983, 1987, 2011 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. PARANOIA is
Original PARANOIA design
MGP 6679

a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. All rights reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User.

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